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ParaNet's roots are with a bulletin board system (BBS) called "The Other Side" created by former Director of ParaNet Jim Speiser, who was Director of ParaNet from 1986-88. In 1988, Jim turned over the directorship of ParaNet to Michael Corbin, who further developed the ParaNet-MICAP Bulletin Board Service (BBS). The ParaNet-MICAP BBS ran from 1989-1995. Ahead of its time, the BBS was unique in terms of its ability to link researchers (and skeptics) in the field to those investigators interested in paranormal, anomalous and unexplained activities. There is much historically valuable information buried within the files listed below that may possibly lend insight into the same questions that plague researchers today: UFOs, cattle mutilations, crop circles, conspiracy theory, and other phenomena.
In providing opening our files to the public at large, we at ParaNet share Albert Einstein's thought that
It is of great importance that the general public be given an opportunity to experience - consciously and intelligently - the effects and results of scientific research. It is not sufficient that each result be taken up, elaborated, and applied by a few specialists in their field. Restricting the body of knowledge to a small group deadens the philosophical spirit of a people and leads to spiritual poverty.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z warning: we have added links to this page only to the letter C. We will add more links to our files in the next few weeks. |
0749.TXT [00] Newsclip on Roswell, 7/49. 1089IUR.EDI [00] IUR Editorial on MJ-12/Roswell 1117NAP.TXT [02] Interview: George Knapp re:Lazar/Area51 1122LACO.TXT [02] Notes on Lazar's KVEG radio co. 11/22/89 115.TXT [00] File on Bob Lazar/Element 115 1209LAZ.TXT [02] KLAS interview w/Lazar 12/9/89. Text 1214HARD.TXT [02] 12/14/89 Radio/Harder/Area51/Lazar 1220LAZ.TXT [03] KVEG/Lazar Transcript 12/20/89. Best Yet 1796UFO.TXT [00] 1796 UFO Sighting 2020.TXT [01] 2020 meeting at Berkeley 6/20/92 3-19DISC.TXT [00] CIS messages on Discovery/Aliens 3STAR.INT [02] Interview with 3 star General on UFOs. 61MONTH.TXT [00] 61 Month cycle for UFO Waves Theory. A-12.ART [00] Article on the A-12 / Stealth AAAS.DOC [01] AAS Summary Report on the UFO phenomenon AAVFAQ1.TXT [02] UFO "Frequently Asked Questions, Pt. 1" AAVFAQ2.TXT [02] UFO "Frequently Asked Questions, Pt. 2" AAVFAQ3.TXT [02] UFO "Frequently Asked Questions, Pt. 3" ABDUCT.AUS [02] A compilation of abduction cases in Australia. ABDUCT_2.AUS [01] The abduction phenomenon in Australia ABMATTER.TXT [01] The non-physical reality of UFOs. ABUPD.TXT [02] HUFON Abduction research update. ADS.TXT [01] Alien theme in advertising. Why? AF10-704.TXT Alleged Government Document on Military Deception Program AFTHES1.TXT [01] Thesis titled "UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life" su AFTHES2.TXT [01] Thesis titled "The UFO Problem: Time for a Reasse AFU.TXT [01] Introduction to Space Science, USAF Dept. of Phys ALAOBJ.TXT [00] Birmingham, AL fireball sighting. ALIEN.TXT [00] Variety of alien species from reports. ALT3.TXT [00] Robert Sheaffer on Alternative 3. ALTERN3.TXT [02] Expanded version of Sheaffer on Alt3 ANTISEM.TXT [00] Omni article 7/93 on UFOs and Anti-semitism APINDEX.TXT [00] AP articles on UFO Sightings w/Articles APOLLO.TXT [01] Did Apollo 11 encounter UFOs on moon in 69? AQUARIUM.TXT [00] Dan Smith on Aquarium Conspiracy. AQUARIUS.TWO [00] Further notes on Moore/Aquarius letter AQUARIUS.TXT [00] Special Aquarius Designations. ARCHIVES.TXT [00] List of Canadian Govt. Archives AREA51-2.TXT [00] Part 2 Lazar Transcript on KLAS 11/13/89 AREA51-3.TXT [00] Part 3 Lazar Transcript on KLAS 11/13/89 AREA51.TXT [00] Part 1 Lazar Transcript on KLAS 11/13/89 ARMEN.TXT [01] Armen Victorian review of Alien Liaison ARTICLE.TXT [00] Rocky Mtn. News Article on "Out There". ARTICLE1.TXT [01] File on Colorado UFO Sighting. ARTICLES.TXT Various UFO Articles ASTRONAU.TXT [00] UFO sightings by astronauts. ATF.TXT [00] Advanced Tactical Fighter or UFO? AUG_89.TXT [00] Research Digest for Aug. 89/Australia AUSSIE.TXT [00] On Australian close encounters. AUS_GOV.TXT [00] A briefing on Australian govt and UFOs AZMUTES.TXT [00] File on Arizona and Alabama mutilations.
BALLUFO.TXT [00] File on ball lightning and UFO skepticism. BASEMENT.TXT [00] Aliens in the basement at Wright-Pat? Hangar 18 BAZAN.TXT [00] Personal UFO Sighting Report BBUNKNOW.TXT [00] Complete list of Blue Book Unknown Cases BELGIAN.TXT [00] Belgium Military Briefing on UFO BELGIUM.TXT [00] Was Belgium UFO an aircraft? BELGIUM1.TXT [00] Antonio Huneuus on Belgium UFO. BELMATCH.TXT [00] Paris Match Article on Belgium UFO BENTWAT.TXT [00] File on Bentwaters AFB incident 1980. BENTWAT1.TXT Article on Bentwaters AFB Incident. BERLIN.TXT [02] Report on Berlin UFO Conference 1992. BIBLIO.TXT [00] Updated UFO Bibliography w/Annotations. BIBLIO1.TXT [00] List of UFO Books for the novice BLKHELO.TXT [00] Black helicopters in Sedona, AZ BLUHYNEK.TXT J. Allen Hynek on Project Blue Book. BOOKLIST.TXT [00] CUFON suggested reading list. Good. BOWART.TXT Letter from Walter Bowart on bizarre testing. BREEZE.TXT [00] Personal investigation and observations BRISBANE.TXT [00] 1992 conference in Brisbane, NSW, Aust. BRITUFO.TXT [00] Status of British UFOlogy/Steve Gamble
CANSURV.TXT Report on Canadian UFOlogy. CARP.TXT [00] A CARP.UFO Update CARP1.TXT [00] Unverified Crash/Retrieval Report CAUSE.TXT [01] CAUS drops bomb on William Moore CAUTION.TXT [01] Hypothesis on alien motivations. CCUPD.TXT [00] June 93 crop circles update. CHALMERS.ART [01] Psychic Warfare and UFOs. Paris Match. CHASUFO.TXT [00] Eerie UFO sighted in Charleston, S.C. CHASUFO2.TXT [00] UFO in Charleston, S.C. -- Explained CHINAUFO.TXT [00] 1992 sighting over Beijing China. CHIP.UFO [00] CHRONO.UFO [00] Chronocentricity re:UFOs /User Upload CIAUFO.TXT [01] UFOs and CIA = DISINFORMATION? CIAUFO1.TXT [00] Christian Science Monitor article on CIA. CIN.TXT [01] 10/91 conference on underground bases. CIRCLES.MSG [01] Are crop circles saucer "nests"? CIRCLES.TXT [01] Crop circle theory. Private. CIRVIS.TXT [00] FOIA document concerning CIRVIS reporting. CISLIST.UFO [01] Reports containing ParaNet ratings. CISU.TXT [01] CISU-Italian Center for UFO Studies Case Files. CLARK.REP [00] Rebuttal to Smith.TXT - Jerry Clark CUFOS CLASSIC.UFO [00] Article on Air Force procedure. CLOSE84.TXT [00] Close Encounter on I-84 by Phil Imbrogno CLOUD.UFO [00] UFO Report from AP 8/13/86 CMARK.TXT [00] Personal sighting report. CO9990.TXT [00] CI$ Conference/Rex and Carol Salisberry COMMENT2.UFO [00] User comment on UFOs CONFIRM.TXT [01] Paper linking UFOs, NSA, CIA, IAC and thru the NS CONTACT2.TXT [01] Billy Meier/Semjase/Beamships UFO COOPCORB.TXT [01] Bill Cooper's open letters to Corbin/Knapp/Lazar COOPENGL.TXT [00] Bill English on Bill Cooper COOPER.ANY [00] Analysis of Bill Cooper's ravings. COOPER.TXT [00] Don Mason responds to Cooper. COOPFLY.TXT [00] Flyer on alien/government collusion/Cooper COOPRAVE.TXT [00] The UFO Conspiracy - Cooper's Interpretation. COPTER.TXT [00] File on Alabama Copters/Mutes 1993. CORDER.TXT [01] Dr. Scott Corder makes predictions. COVERUP.UFO [00] AP report 3/17/87 CRASHRET.TXT [01] Alleged crash retrieval reports. CRBIBL.TXT [00] Bibliography on crop circles publications. CRCLES.TXT [00] Recent crop circle cases from around the world. CROP.DOC [00] Radio transcript on crop circles. CROP.TXT [01] HUFON/Bill Eatwell-Field of Schemes/Circles. CROPS.TXT [01] Is cereology dead? Crop Circles CROPTXT.TXT [01] Interview with Gerald Hawkins/Crop Circles. CUFOSPR.DOC [00] Info on Journal of UFO Studies from CUFOS CYBORG.UFO [02] Are aliens man-made cyborgs? CYDONIA.TXT [00] The message of Mars? CYDONIA2.TXT [00] Technical paper on "The Message of Mars"
DAME1.TXT [01] Telephone conversation between Smith/Dames/PSITECH DAMES.TXT [01] Interview/Notes w/ Dames/Remote Viewing/PSITECH DATELINE.TXT [00] Transcript of Dateline/UFO hackers. DISC.TXT [00] Story about disks which explain... DOTY.TXT [00] March 89 statement by Doty DOUBLE.TXT [00] Gulf Breeze Update from John Hicks DREAM390.UFO [02] ParaNet Subscriber's Views on Lazar/A51 DULCEDOC.REP [01] Phoenix Project-Findings on Dulce Base DUST_OZ.TXT [00] A report by Bob Fletcher on Aus. UFO. EARTHLTS.TXT [00] Earthlights Phenomena: Related to UFOs? EASTLAKE.TXT [02] Eastlake, Ohio UFO Report. EDWARDS.UFO [00] 1988-Giant Box-shaped UFO over Calif. ELFWARS.ASC [01] More from the Phoenix Foundation. EM.TXT [00] UFOs & Electromagnetic Effects. ENGINT.TXT [00] Bill English on KOA Radio in 1992. ENGLISH1.RPT [01] Analysis on Bill English's claims. ETHICS.TXT [00] Ethics Questionaire by Sally Sheridan ETMSG.TXT [00] 10/10/92 conference on ETs. ETOBSERV.TXT [00] Report to the Galactic Council Article. ETSEARCH.TXT [00] Hoagland: Implications of the Disc. of ET life FATEKLAS.TXT [01] Klass rebuffs CSICOP. FAXFONE.TXT [01] Media FAX numbers. FEDWARDS.UFO [00] Frank Edwards on Space program & UFOs FEINMARS.UFO [00] Article on Mars -- Investment Opps. FETUS.UFO [03] Specimen studied as possible alien fetus FIFFE01.UFO [00] Transcript of Fyffe, AL sighting FINLAND.UFO [01] Numerous sightings over Finland. 1992 FIREBALL.TXT [01] Huge Fireball Rumbles Over Europe 1992. FIVE.TXT [01] ParaNet: The First Five Years. FOIA.REQ [01] FOIA Request Information FUTURE.STR [01] ParaNet: The Next Generation GB.TXT [01] John Hicks Updates Gulf Breeze GB6.TXT [00] Gulf Breeze 6 article. GBDON.TXT [00] Don Allen's Gulf Breeze Report. GBREEZE.TXT [00] MUFON report on Gulf Breeze. GBREFUTE.TXT [00] Maccabee Refutes latest photo controv. GBREPORT.UFO [01] Rex and Carol Salisberry on Gulf Breeze GBUPD.TXT [00] Historical file on Gulf Breeze. GBWATER.TXT [00] Gulf Breeze water sample report GGREEN.TXT [00] Georg Green. A HUFON report on Phoenix GILBERT.TXT [00] 1987 UFO Report. GILLEUFO.ASC [00] File on Dulce, NM sighting of 10/88 GILSTRAP.TXT [01] UFOs and religion. GOVBOOK.TXT [00] UFO Booklist from Federal government. GRAVITY.TXT [02] Text about gravity and anti-gravity GRUDGE13.UFO [00] Bill English on Grudge 13 Report. GUARD.TXT [00] File on the "Guardian" UFO case. GUARDIAN.TXT [00] Rutkowski on "real" Guardian story. GULFBREZ.TXT [00] Article on Steve Greer/CSETI HANG18.TXT [00] Letters from Goldwater re: Hangar 18 HARDER.TXT [00] James Harder on ETs and Media. HASTINGS.TXT [01] Robert Hastings on MJ-12/William Moore HATONN.TXT [00] Hatonn responds to Don Ecker/UFO Magazine. HILL.LTR [00] Barbara Becker with Betty Hill/Abduction HILL.TXT [00] Excerpt from The UFO Verdict on Betty Hill. HOAGLAND.CO [00] CIS conference with R. Hoagland HOAGLAND.TXT [00] Mars Face vs. ET Hypothesis/Hoagland HOPKINS.LTR [00] A personal abduction experience HOPKINS.REP [00] ParaNet Alpha's questions to Hopkins (Reply) HOWE.REV [00] 4/25/92 Whole Life Expo review of Linda Howe. HOWE.TXT [00] Excerpts from 10/92 MUFON Journal on cattle mutilations. HUFF.REP [03] Gene Huff on Robert Lazar HUM.TXT [00] File on Taos Hum HUMMUTE.TXT [00] Possible human mutilations by UFOs HYINT.TXT [00] Dennis Stacy interview w/ Hynek in 1985. HYNEK.TXT [00] Omni interview with the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek IFO.TXT [00] CUFON's IFO List. IFO_LIST.TXT [00] List of things often misidentified as UFOs. IMPLANT.REP [00] Reply to Inside UFO article INTRUDE.REV [00] Intruders review INTRUDE.TXT [00] Opinions on TV's "Intruders" movie. INTRUDER.TXT [03] Statistics on abductions may be wrong. JAPAN.UFO [00] UFO party active in Japan JASON60.TXT [00] Members of the alleged Jason Society JUL0347.ASC [01] 7/3/47 article from Las Vegas on UFOs. JUL_89.DIG [00] Research Digest for Jul. 89/Australia K2RPT.REP [00] Phoenix Project-North CA Alien Base K2VALID.TXT [01] Report on K2 claims/Phoenix Project KECKBURG.UFO [00] A refutation on Kecksburg UFO/T. Crain KECKBURG.UPD [01] ParaNet subscriber on Kecksburg UFO KECKSBRG.REP [00] Stan Gordon on Kecksburg UFO KEEL.TXT [00] Anecdotal information on John Keel. KFYI-GB.DOC [00] ParaNet on Gulf Breeze KINDER.TXT [00] Open letter from Gary Kinder/Light Years/Meier KINGSTON.TXT [00] File on UFOs in Kingston, Ontario KIRTLAND.TXT [01] Underground testing at Kirtland AFB? KLASS.TXT [01] ParaNet/MICAP press release on Klass KNOWLES.UFO [00] 1988 Mundrabilla UFO Incident. Report LAIBOW.TXT [00] Rima S. Laibow on abductions. LAND.TXT [00] 5/93 article on aliens landing. What would we do? LASER.TXT [01] CIUFOR Lasar Project LAWSON.TXT [03] Hypnosis of Imaginary UFO Abductees Study. LAZ1121.UFO [02] Goodman/Lazar Conf. 11/21/89 LAZAR.MON [03] 1982 Article re:Lazar/Los Alamos employ LAZAR.SCR [04] Lazar's Transcript on Inside Report LAZAR.TXT [00] Article on Lazar's prostitution conviction. LAZAR1.DOC [04] News clip re: Lazar and prostitution LAZAR10.TXT [01] Strange Summary Report on Lazar LAZARUFO.REP [03] Lazar's "Inside Report" Interview 6/1/90 LEAH.TXT [00] Abduction experience of Leah Haley. LIEGE.TXT [01] Scientists at Liege University on Belgium UFO. LINDA.TXT [01] Report on Linda Napolitano case. LIUFON.TXT [01] Report from LIUFON on alleged NY crash 11/24/92. LOUISUFO.TXT [01] Louisville, KY sightings 3/4/93. LOUISVIL.TXT [01] Additional on Louisville, KY UFO sightings. 3/4/9 LYDIA.ABD [01] Jim Speiser/ParaNet Abduction Report MACLEOD.DOC [00] Oddysey article by Mike MacLeod - Oddysey MAGNET.TXT [00] Personal theory on UFO propulsion - magnetism. MAJI.TXT [01] "MAJI" acronym found in US files. MANBIO.TXT [00] Biographies on scientists at Liege University/Belgium. MANSFELD.MSG [00] Story about alien contact. MARFA.LTS [00] Article on Marfa Lights. MARSFACE.GIF [01] GIF file of Martian Face. MATHIAS.RES [02] Second ParaNet Response to Phoenix Proj. MATRIX3.TXT [00] Valerian reviews Matrix III. MCCANN.RES [01] Discrepancies in the Lear text MCDON2.TXT [00] "Science in Default: 22 Years of Inadequate UFO Investigation MCDON3.TXT [00] Statement of Unidentified Flying Objects to House Committee o MENGER [00] Research file on Howard Menger METEOR.TXT [00] House hit by meteor in Pennsylvania. MEXICO.TXT [00] HUFON report on Mexico sightings. MIBS.TXT [01] Discussion on MIBS. MIBS_HST.TXT [03] History of the Men In Black MICHUFO.TXT [00] UFOs in Michigan. MILLER.MSG [02] File on Richard Miller/Phoenix Project MISC.TXT [00] Why government might hide UFO information. MISIDENT.TXT [00] Misidentification of UFOs. Australian Bureau MIT.TXT [01] Discussion on MIT conference/abductions. MJ12FAQ.TXT [00] FAQ on MJ-12. MJ12HEAD.TXT [01] Biographies of alleged MJ-12 members. MOORELET.TXT [00] Moore defends his position on UFOs MRED.RES [00] Ed Walters response on Gulf Breeze MUFON-NC.TXT [00] North Carolina UFOS MUGGER.DOC [00] Second MJ-12 document received from Cooper MUTEALA.TXT [00] Article from 3/4/93 concerning Alabama mutilations. MUTES.TXT [00] Mutilation reports from Idaho MUTESAZ.TXT [00] Cattle Mutilations in Arizona. MUTILATE.TXT [00] Mutilation reports from Idaho NAPOL.TXT [00] Hansen and Clark on Linda Napolitano NASA.UFO [01] NASA employee on UFOs around launches. NASAVID.TXT [00] Discussion on NASA video & STS-48. NAVY.TXT [00] FOIA document concerning JANAP and Navy NCUFO.TXT [00] North Carolina UFO sighting NEFF.TXT [00] Personal UFO account. NEGATIV.TXT [00] Skep Inquirer: Proving Negatives and the Paranormal NELLESE.TXT [00] Personal Sighting report. NELLIS.FRE [00] Nellis AFB Frequencies and Others NELLIS.UFO [01] Secrets of Dreamland. Interesting! NEOK.UFO [00] Oklahoma investigation and report 10/89 NEWS51.UFO [00] NICAP.TXT [00] NICAP newsletters reprint. NOMEM.LAZ [02] Goodman/Lazar comments 12/20/89 NOV_89.DIG [00] Research Digest for Nov. 89/Australia NSDD145.DOC [02] National Security Defense Directive 145 NYABDUCT.TXT [01] Report on Hopkins NY Abduction Case 1992. NZLIGHT.TXT [00] New Zealand Lights Report. OBJECT.TXT [03] Mysterious Object Around Earth. OCT_89.DIG [00] Research Digest for Oct. 89/Australia ODDAIR.UFO [00] Strange objects seen over Edwards AFB OGDEN1.GIF [01] GIF file of mysterious Ogden object OGDEN2.GIF [00] GIF file of mysterious Ogden object. ONTHIST.UFO [01] Neil Palumbo on UFOs under Lake Ontario. ORANGCO.TXT [00] John Burke on Ellen Crystal/NY UFOs OWENS [00] A discussion with UFOlogist Ted Owens OZ1992.TXT [00] 1992 Australian (UFORA) report. OZCIRCLS.TXT [01] Keith Basterfield recaps Oz crop circles cases. OZTRAIN.AUS [00] Australian UFO sighting report PARAENGL.TXT [00] Bill English on paranormal and UFOs. PARANOIA.TXT [00] International UFO Reporter on paranoia PENTACLE.TXT [00] Complete Pentacle memo (Robertson). PETIT.REB [00] James Roger Black rebuts Petit on UFOs PETIT.TXT [00] Discussion on Jean Petit's background. PETIT.UFO [00] Int. w/Jean-Pierre Petit-Paris Match Mag PHOBOS2.TXT [01] On Phobos 2 photo. No anomaly. PHOENIX.INV [02] ParaNet's Findings on the Phoenix Proj. PHOENIX.REP [00] Complete Report on the Phoenix Project. PHOENIX.TXT [00] Excerpt from Phoenix Journals/Channelers PHX2.TXT [00] Analysis of Phoenix Project claims-Pt. 2 PHX3.TXT [00] Additional analysis on Phoenix Project. PIRIREIS.TXT [00] Keyhoe on OOPART Map found POL_LTR.TXT [00] Complete text of the Air Force Information Policy Letter cite POTASS.TXT [00] UFO Magazine article on Australian dust from UFO PRESSKIT.TXT [00] Press conference, National Press Club, July 25, 1987, Project PROJBETA.UFO [00] Bennewitz File. PROPEL.TXT [00] Discussion on UFO propulsion. PROPER_C.TXT [01] Rules for proper criticism. PSITECH.TXT [01] A brochure on PSITECH/Remote Viewing. PSURVEY.TXT [00] Discussion of Instrumentation of UFOs. RAINBOW.DEC [00] Human Destiny in the Cosmos. RATING.TXT [01] New Vallee/ParaNet/MICAP rating system! REALITY.TXT [00] The Nature of Reality REGANUFO.TXT [00] RESEARCH.TXT [00] A research guide. Austalian Bureau RESPONSE.TXT [00] Inside UFOlogy response from Dr. Andrews REVIEW.TXT [00] Comments on The UFO Abductors Book ROBERTSO.TXT [00] Complete Robertson Panel Report. ROSCRASH.UFO [01] Another witness to Roswell confirms ETs ROSDEATH.TXT [02] Rash of Murders Baffles Roswell ROSENBER.TXT [00] Personal sighting report. ROSFBI.TXT [00] FBI teletype on Roswell crash. 1947. ROSLADD.TXT [00] FBI memo on Roswell. ROSREV.TXT [01] Black/Corbin review UFO Crash/Roswell ROSTEST.TXT [00] Roswell witness testimony from Friedman. ROSTIME.TXT [00] Roswell time table. ROSWELL.DEB [00] Debate on Internet regarding Roswell. ROSWELL.TXT [01] More Roswell crash analysis ROSWELL.UPD [01] A startling revelation on Roswell to come! RUBY.UFO [01] Alleged photo of alien taken in Arizona RUSSIAN.NEW [01] Russians worried UFOs could trigger Star Wars! RUSSSDI.TXT [00] Russia's Star Wars Systems. SAGAN.TXT [01] UFO Evidence vs. Carl Sagan SARBACH.TXT [01] Interview w/Friedman and Sarbacher SATANISM.TXT [01] Induced visualization under hypnosis. SATRESO.ART [00] On satellite resolution. SCHEUSSL.TXT [01] United Nations and the UFO mystery. SCIENCE.TXT [00] Discussion of science and UFOs. SCIUFO.TXT [00] Forest Crawford on Science and UFOlogy SDI22.TXT [05] Mysterious deaths of 22 SDI scientists. SECRET.TXT [00] National security statistics. SEP_89.DIG [00] Research Digest Sep. 89/Australia SETI.TXT [01] The Search for ET -- SETI Research SETI1012.TXT [00] Announcement on SETI/HRMS project. SETIUPD.TXT [02] "Is Anybody Out There?" - SETI Update! SETI_LAW.TXT [01] SETI information. Reprint from magazine. SFEMEIER.UFO [00] San Francisco Examiner article on the Plieadeans SGJ6-3.TXT [01] Swamp Gas Journal vol. 6 No. 3 SHRIEK.TXT [00] Shriek of the Loonys. SIEGE.UPD [01] Update on Hudson Valley by Phil Imbrogno SIRENS.UFO [00] Sirens in Dallas triggered by fireball SKEPREP.UFO [00] ParaNet member reply to Skeptical Inq. SKEPTIC.CO [00] CIS conference: Speiser vs. Skeptics Text SLEEP.TXT [01] Discussion on sleep paralysis (abduction). SMITH.REP [00] Dr. Smith's rebuttal to Clark and others SMITH.TXT [00] Dr. Willy Smith blasts the UFO community SPACE [00] A contribution by Floyd Petri SPITZ.TXT [00] Article on the Spitzbergen UFO. SPOOK.BIB [01] Bibliography of intelligence agencies SPRINKLE.UFO [00] Psychotherapeutic services for abductees SPY.TXT [01] A profile on the CIA SR-71.TXT [00] SR-71 or UFO? SRFRM.TXT [00] Details on SR-71 aircraft. STEINMAN.REP [00] Steinman replies further. STEINMAN.TXT [00] A declaration by William Steinman STEVENS.TXT [00] Viewpoints from a conferencee. STONEHEG.TXT [00] Interesting article on Stonehenge STRING.CO [00] Len Stringfield CI$ Conference STRING.TXT [01] Len Stringfield on ET contact w/discussion. STS48.TXT [01] HUFON report on Shuttle video. STS48ART.TXT [00] HUFON report on Shuttle video. STUMPS.UFO [00] Lighthearted UFO story. SWAMP.TXT [00] Swamp Gas Joural, Vol. 6, No. 2 SWAN.TXT [01] Conversation with Swan re: Cooper TABAROB.UFO [02] Robertson Panel's Tab A Briefing Document under FO TAFF.TXT [00] Screen writer Barry Taff on UFO Coverup Live TIBET.UFO [01] Tibetan Shambhala and MJ-12/Sally Sheridan TIMETRAV.TXT [01] Time Travel: A New Hypothesis TODDLET1.TXT [00] Letter from Robert Todd to Grant Cameron 1989 TUNGUSK.TXT [01] Tunguska Explosion background. TUNGUSKA.TXT [01] Discussion on Tunguska Explosion. TWINING.TXT [01] Twining/Schulgen Memo on UFOs. UFOBASE.UFO [00] UFO base under Lake Ontario? UFOCLIP.TXT [00] Newsclipping on Soviet UFO crash. UFOCOVUP.LIV [00] Selected excerpts from UFO CoverUp Live? UFOFBI.TXT [01] Hoover Memo on UFOs. UFOQUEST.QST [00] ParaNet UFO Survey. Complete it and upload! UFOSAGAN.TXT [03] UFO Evidence vs. Carl Sagan UFOSTORY.TXT [00] Article on Eastern US sightings. UGBASES.GIF [07] Underground Bases GIF re: UGBASES.TXT UGBASES.TXT [05] Underground Bases Report ULTSEC.TXT [01] The Ultimate Secret as seen by the Phoenix Projec UMMO.TXT [01] Article on UMMO group. UMMO92.TXT [02] UFOs: Politics and Deception (UMMO) UNDERGND.TXT [01] Underground bases/Vallee on Cooper UNLETTER.TXT [00] An open letter to the UN re: UFOs. UNUFO.TXT [00] UFOs, the UN and GA33/426 John Scheussler UNUFO1.TXT [00] United Nations and Aliens. USAFBOOK.TXT [00] Complete version of USAF textbook on UFOs. USAFTXT.FIL [00] Chapter from USAF training manual on UFOs. VALLEE.DEB [01] Vallee responds on Revelations VALLEE.INT [00] Interview with Jacques Vallee. VALLEE.TXT [01] Thad Floryan on Jacques Vallee. VANHORN.TXT [00] Misperceptions and UFOs: a personal mis-sighting. VESCO.TXT [01] Nazis and UFOs. Very interesting. WALKER1.TXT [00] Bibliography on Eric Arthur Walker (The Old Man) WALTERS.PHO [00] Ed Walter's statement on Gulf Breeze WALTON.TXT [00] Robert Sheaffer on Travis Walton (his background.) WARNER.TXT [00] Personal UFO experience. WARNINGS.UFO [00] Precautions dealing with UFO investigation WASH.MSS [00] Theme on brainwashing WATCH.TXT [00] Watch the Skies: Article from Baltimore, MD WHISTLE.TXT [00] Articles by Don Ecker on Cooper. WHY_WW2.DOC [00] File re: Fenwick.txt and Hitler WINGFLD.TXT [01] Article on crop circles/Wingfield WINGPT1.UFO [00] Westchester Wing-Hudson Valley/R. Perry Collins WINGPT2.UFO [00] Part II - R. Perry Collins -- Good articles WOODBRDG.TXT [01] Witness to paranormal activity at Bentwaters AFB. WPAT.TXT [00] Notes on Wright Patterson WRIGHT.REP [00] Dan Wright's rebuttal to Dr. Smith WSMITH.HOX [00] Ed Walters responds to Smith WSSLET1.TXT [00] Steinman reply to Friedman WSSLET2.TXT [00] Letter from Steinman to Friedman WWII.TXT [01] History of UFOs in World War II. WYTHE.UFO [00] Interview with Danny Gordon ZETARETI.UFO [00] Hill Star Map/Zeta Reticuli
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Revised: June 18,