Best UFO Info and Research Resources
page had grown too big for a monolithic document and as of 1-May-2007 it has
been split into over 30 pages. It is no longer updated and some of its 488
external links have become obsolete.
This page is a collection of selected UFO resources: real UFO picture and
video galleries, video documentaries, technical data, scientific studies, books,
portals, newsfeeds, blogs and forums. In short, by combining info from many
diverse sources, our goal is to offer a "starting point" for in-depth info and
gems of real value in a labyrinth of (often false) information published on the
fascinating subject of UFOs.
Disclosure: The opinion of the author (who
started as an agnostic in Aug-2006) can best be described as "the core
hypothesis", i.e. there is a core of authentic anomalous UFO events, for which
the most likely hypothesis is that they indicate presence on Earth of
technically advanced visitors, origin (extraterrestrial, interdimensional, etc)
and motives unknown. This cannot be stated as absolute fact, but the evidence is
PS: This page is strictly non-commercial, its sole purpose is
Executive Summary on UFOs

RCAF pilot Childerhose Canada 1956 UFO Photo over
the Canadian Rockies near Ft. MacCleod, Alberta, by Canadian Air
Force pilot R. J. Childerhose
A Royal Canadian Air Force pilot while flying in a 4 plane
formation at an altitude of about 11 km on 27-Aug-1958, saw and
photographed a bright disc, that was remaining stationary between
the clouds.
From a letter to Philip Klass: "I had the object in good view for
upwards of 45 seconds. It was stationary, with sharply defined
edges. Looked like a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal. The
light emitted was much brighter than the existing sunlight and
overexposed the film causing blurred edges in the picture... It
neither moved nor changed shape while I had it in sight."
From a letter to Dr. James McDonald: "...the photo of the bright
object doesn't represent quite what appeared to the naked eye. When
I first saw the object it appeared as a very bright, clearly
defined discoid, like a silver dollar lying on its side. The
photo makes it look like a blob of light, the result of light
intensity. It appeared much brighter than that (sic) of the sun
which, of course, was setting behind the clouds up ahead. What
appears in the Kodachrome slide is a disappointment, really." "It
was in good view for some minutes because I looked at it trying to
figure out what I was seeing and I called the attention of the
formation to it before remembering that I had a camera in my leg
Related: There are many reports of brightly luminous UFOs in
flight appearing as "blobs of light" in photos, due to camera film
over-exposure, e.g. USCG
1952, Zurich
Airport and San Jacinto
1988. Also, the World War II "foo
fighters" more were
luminous objects that would pace aircraft over battle-zones.
Considering this, one can imagine why the vast majority of UFO
reports are of strange "lights in the sky", moving erratically
zig-zagging etc. | |

The 1958 Trindade Island Brazil UFO was
photographed while seen by more qualified observers than any other
When ufologists and skeptics can't find strings, shadows or signs
that a UFO photo is faked, they question the credibility of the
photographer and witnesses. Trained observers -including pilots,
ship captains etc- are generally considered good witnesses. It is
the credibility of the 47 crew members on the deck of the Brazilian
Navy ship "Almirante Saldanha" that makes the Trindade, Brazil UFO
photos so interesting.
As part of its contribution to the 1957-58 International
Geophysical Year, the Brazilian Navy set up a weather station on the
small rocky island of Trindade, in the south Atlantic Ocean.
Observers began spotting unusual aerial activity visually and on
radar. At noon on 16-Jan-1958, the UFO shown here appeared for a few
seconds within view of the ship's company. The incident was not
isolated, but at least five other sightings had occurred in the
island or near the water during the end of 1957 and in January 1958.
The crew onboard saw a grey object approach the island, fly
behind a mountain peak and then do a acute-angle turn around and
head back the way it came, disappearing at high speed over the
horizon. Among those present was civilian photographer Almiro
Barauna, who snapped a series of 6 photos in intervals of 14
seconds, of which 4 showed the UFO. After the ship returned to port,
the photos, which had been developed on board in a makeshift
darkroom, were turned over to the Brazilian Navy Ministry. Analysts
determined the photos to be authentic and concluded they showed a
diskoid object moving at 900-1000Km/hr.
According to Capt. Viegas, the object was like a flattened sphere
encircled at the equator by a large ring or platform. In Barauna's
words, " made no noise, although with the shouting of the
people on the deck and the noise of the sea, I cannot be certain. It
had a metallic look, of an ash color, and has like a condensation of
a green vapor around the perimeter, particularly in the advancing
edge. Its motion was undulating, like the flight of a bat."
Today it is thought that the glowing "halo" around UFOs -which is
also why they often appear as a "blob"/ball of light at night with
changing neon-like colors white / blue / yellow / red and "blurred"
/ fuzzy in photos- is due to the ionised air "plasma sheath" related
to the flying saucers' flight mechanism. The absorption
characteristics of the plasma can also partly account for the
daytime hazy or smoky appearance of the atmosphere around the UFO.
When the surrounding illumination is brighter than the plasma, the
plasma absorption may be greater than its emission, making it look
darker or hazy. Read info on UFO
illumination and performance.
The photos were later released to the Press by the President of
Brazil, Mr Joscelino Kubitschek. [full story, all 4 Trindade
UFO photos, more,
more2, more3]
Note: These photos are poor quality, overexposed and BW; there
are many photos of multi-witness and well documented sighting
stories over the past ~60 years. But I present this as a classic
case, because it has 3 attributes: multiple witnesses, authenticity
verified by Brazilian authorities and photos taken at a time when we
can in retrospect be reasonably sure that no government had anything
remotely similar. [Collections
of UFO cases] | |
Definition of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects):
"A UFO is the reported sighting of an object or light seen in
the sky or on land, whose appearance, trajectory, motions, lights and colors
do not have an obvious conventional or natural explanation, and which cannot
be explained, not only by the original witness, but by scientists or technical
experts who try to make a common sense identification after examining the
evidence." -- Center for UFO Studies
In popular culture the
terms UFO and "flying saucer" are used alternatively and are both synonymous
with extra-terrestrial (alien) craft.
If the only strange things seen in the sky were a few oddly moving lights at
night, or some specks glinting in the sun, there would be no UFO issue. But
there have been many close range observations of these strange objects.
Often by multiple witnesses and sometimes with radar confirmation. In addition,
physical traces of various kinds have been left behind, and witnesses have
experienced physical and medical effects.
"The type of UFO reports that are most intriguing are
close-range sightings of machine-like objects of unconventional nature and
unconventional performance characteristics, seen at low altitudes, and
sometimes even on the ground. The general public is entirely unaware of
the large number of such reports that are coming from credible witnesses...
When one starts searching for such cases, their number are quite astonishing.
Also, such sightings appear to be occurring all over the globe."
Prof. James E. McDonald (past head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at
the University of Arizona), "Are UFOs Extraterrestrial Surveillance Craft?",
talk given at AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics),
According to multiple surveys over the last several decades and from
different countries: ~7% of people have seen a UFO. Over 150.000 UFO sightings
have been documented in the last 60 years and recorded in various databases, but
the total number of UFO sightings is estimated to be in the millions. There are
several thousand sightings reported each year, yet surveys show that only a
small percentage (~10%) of those who see a UFO report the sighting.
Of all of the reported sightings, a "core" between 5% and 25% (depending on
the sample) remain unidentifiable to expert examination. These are the real UFOs
i.e. inexplicable "high quality and strangeness" cases (the rest probably being
misinterpreted astronomic or meteorological phenomena, optical illusions,
balloons, aircraft, birds etc). Deliberate fraudulent reports / hoaxes are
relatively few, under 5%.
Although the term "flying saucer" infers a disk-like craft (which is a common
type seen near the ground, thought to be "earth excursion vehicles"), most UFOs
observed in daylight, when the shape and details can be seen, are described as
having simple symmetrical geometric shapes: disk/saucer, sphere/round,
egg/oval/elliptical, cigar/cylinder, conical/ice-cream cone, triangular/pyramid,
fireball/"orbs" and variety of sizes (more info later).
Dr. J. Allen Hynek (past Chairman of the Astronomy Department of Northwestern
University) served as the scientific consultant to US Air Force's official
(public?) UFO investigation Project "Blue Book". He did field-investigations and
talked to claimed UFO eye-witnesses for 21 years (between 1948-1969). Initially
a skeptic who tried to "explain away" the phenomenon, later became convinced of
the UFO reality. He presented his views at the United Nations, on 27-Nov-1978:
"Mr. Chairman (of the United Nations), we are dealing here with
an unexplained phenomenon which has been reported so far from 133 nations, and
which has aroused the concern, and often the fear, of significant fractions of
their population.
Mr. Chairman, I have not always held the
opinion that UFOs were worthy of serious scientific study. I began my work as
Scientific Consultant to the U.S. Air Force as an open skeptic, in the firm
belief that we were dealing with a mental aberration and a public nuisance.
Only in the face of stubborn facts and data similar to those studied by the
French commission... have I been forced to change my opinion.
conclusion, Mr. Chairman, let me once again clearly state that it is my
considered opinion, as a scientist who has devoted many years to its study,
that the UFO phenomenon is real and not the creation of disturbed minds,
and that it has both grave and important implications for science and for the
political and social well-being of the peoples of this Earth." [full text of speech] -- Dr. J
Allen Hynek
The UFO subject is huge, there is a lot of good stuff, but also a lot of
nonsense out there, as well as deliberate disinformation. If you are new to the
subject and have very little time (~20hrs) to devote to it, a few classic items
you want to read/view (you need fast Internet to watch the videos online) are:
- Out Of The Blue: The definitive investigation of the UFO phenomenon
(watch online GoogleVideo or YouTube) video
documentary (2003), 1hr30min 353MB (GoogleVideo). Best "general background"
UFO documentary I've seen sofar (and I've watched quite a few). Interviews
with former astronauts and military pilots (Gordon Cooper and Dr Edgar
Mitchell from USA and Popovich from Russia), radar operators and scientists.
UFO initiatives by former US presidents Carter, Ford and Clinton etc. Briefly
covers classic UFO incidents in US, Russia, Britain, France, Iran etc and
studies like the French COMETA Report. (can't purchase directly, or
original stock of it has been sold-out!)
- Prof. James E. McDonald's presentation
about the UFO issue, before the Committee on Science and Astronautics of US
Congress July-1968 (alternate source) The
hypotheses of UFOs issue. Why don't pilots see UFOs? Why are UFOs only seen by
lone individuals? Why no multiple-witness sightings? Why don't astronomers
ever see UFOs? Why aren't UFOs ever tracked by radar? Why aren't there
numerous photos of UFOs if they really exist? Shouldn't they produce physical
effects? etc debunking popular UFO myths with examples from
personally investigated cases. A bit more technical, his paper at the Canadian
Aeronautics and Space Institute Astronautics Symposium, Montreal, Canada,
- The Disclosure Project Witness Testimony (2001) Googlevideo (2hrs),
1 of 2 (59min 230MB) and part 2
of 2 (1hr 240MB). Two hours long video distillation from 400hrs of raw
video footage of dozens of retired USA intelligence, government and military
persons testimonies on the subject of UFO and US government coverup. Quick text summary
(.html) of such testimonies given in 1999-2000.
Briefing Document - The best available evidence by Don Berliner (1995).
Financed by Laurance Rockefeller, roughly 1,000 copies of this 168-page
document were delivered in 1995 to President Clinton, U.S. Congress, Heads of
State and other potentially influencial people around the world (also
available as mass paperback edition from Amazon)
- French COMETA Report "UFOs and Defense: What should we prepare
for?" (1999) originally 90pages, translated into English without the
images Part 1 (.pdf
750KB) and Part 2 (.pdf
2MB). A study by top French military officers and scientists/engineers.
The report is prefaced by General Bernard Norlain of the Air Force, former
Director of IHEDN, and it begins with a preamble by Andre Lebeau, former
President of the National Center for Space Studies (Centre National d'Etudes
Spatiales), or CNES, the French equivalent of NASA. It is well known that
France created an official organization for the study of UFOs under CNES,
first called GEPAN in 1977 and later SEPRA in 1988 -see From GEPAN to
SEPRA: Official UFO studies in France (.PDF 105K)-. In Mar-2007, at,
CNES published parts of the French UFO sighting database with more than
100,000 pages of witness testimony, photographs, film footage and audiotapes
of officially investigated cases, collected since 1954.
- The 1955 book "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (full text e-book, ISBN: 096653123X) by
Edward J. Ruppelt (head of the United States Air Force's Project Blue Book
between 1951-1953 and later research engineer at Northrop Aircraft Company).
Until you have read at least the last 2 chapters (Ch.16: The Hierarchy
Ponders, Ch.17:
What Are UFO's?), stop talking about UFOs.
- Paul R. Hill's (aeronautical engineer and Chief Scientist-Manager at
NASA's Langley Research Center who privately acted as an informal citizens'
clearinghouse of UFO-related data for over 2 decades) excellent book
"Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis" Amazon
src (written in the 1970s, published 1995) explains many things about the
probable science/physics behind UFOs. If you only buy ONE book about UFOs,
this should be it. Book reviews by Dr.Hal Puthoff and
H.Ellis Ensle. It
attempts to explain the apparently reactionless propulsion, lack of sonic
boom, lack of overheating at high velocities, high accelerations, lack of
stress under high acceleration, etc. His book is not pseudo-science. The
speculation that he does make is minimal, but required, to conform to the
- Hypothesising that UFOs are ET vehicles, the next obvious question is "If
extraterrestrials have already come to Earth, why don't they make themselves
known?" (i.e. the famous "UFOs Land on White House lawn" scenario). Jim
Deardorff (professor emeritus of atmospheric sciences at Oregon State
University) offered the "leaky
embargo" hypothesis in 1997, which argues that the aliens in charge are
more ethical than we and wish to let us gradually know of their existence and
presence, while providing "deniability" to those who can't yet handle that
fact. A gradual acclimation will avoid threatening the governmental,
financial, cultural and religious foundations on which we depend.
contrast to the "benevolent alien" approach, other researchers, particularly
those studying the "alien abductions" phenomenon such as Dr. David M Jacobs
(history professor), describe a rather disturbing situation where we humans
are "victims of a widespread program of physiological exploitation, with
breeding and hybridization programs".
- Symposium
on UFOs (1968) Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics
of US Congress 29-Jul-1968, with all the "heavy-weight" scientists (Hynek,
McDonald, Carl Sagan, Menzel etc) of that time expressing their views.
- Stanton T. Friedman's (nuclear physicist and veteran UFO researcher /
lecturer / ETH evangelist for the past 30+yr) paper The Case for the
Extraterrestrial Origin of Flying Saucers (.PDF 57KB) (1995), his statement before the
Committee on Science and Astronautics of US Congress July-1968.
- From a "conspiratorial" viewpoint, read the (disputed authenticity, leaked
anonymously in 1985 and 1994) Majestic-12
docs 1948-1959. For those who don't know the background, it's claimed that
in the aftermath of the crash of an extraterrestrial craft in 1947, near
Roswell in New Mexico, USA, a small group known as Majestic-12 (or MJ-12) was
set up to study the craft and the alien bodies. Stanton Friedman has published
a book on the subject. The investigation team includes Robert M. Wood, Ph.D.
(BS in Aeronautical Engineering from Colorado and a Ph.D. in physics from
Cornell, a 43-year career at McDonnell Douglas managing research and
development projects and over thirty years of investigation into UFOs) who
began reconstructing the (MAJIC) Special Operations Manual SOM1-01 (see
extra-terrestrial UFO-nauts section later in this page) in 1995.
- A lot of what appears about UFOs on "big" media is misinformation. On the
subject of media (TV, newspapers etc) coverage of the UFO subject, a good
perspective is offered in journalist's Terry Hansen's The Missing Times: News Media
Complicity in the UFO Cover-up and Dolan's Getting
Inside Your Head: Media, Mind Control, and Marginalization of UFOs.
Furthermore, astrophysicist R.Haisch's Review of "SEEING IS
BELIEVING: THE TRUTH ABOUT UFOs" by Peter Jennings, ABC-TV, 24-Feb-2005 by
R.Haisch (.pdf 84KB) explains how, in the desire to appear "balanced",
substantive witness reports are often countered by unsubstantiated
pronouncements of "experts" who sound authoritative but do not necessarily
know a great deal about the subject.
- If you enjoy shifting through "raw data" and scientific analysis you can
read: USAF's Project Blue Book - Special Report 14 (1955) (PDF
9.6MB) a quantitative cross-analysis of 3201 UFO sightings recorded between
1947 and 1953 performed by Battelle Memorial Institute under contract to USAF.
Skipping over the initial misleading one-page summary and reading the actual
data, reveals that 21.5% of the cases were "unknowns" (i.e. inexplicable,
despite good data), that these unknowns shared no similarities with the
identified cases (so that one could presume they were misidentifications of
mundane objects) and that the better the quality (more and better qualified
witnesses) the more probable for a case to classify as unknown! Also note
General Bollender's 1969 memo that "reports of UFOs which could affect
national security are not part of the Blue Book system" and Hynek felt
"used and abused" when even after having consulted for USAF for so many years,
"all the hardcore UFO cases, with pilot-UFO close encounters so close they
could read writing on them, were going upstairs". And all Hynek was left
with were reports of nocturnal lights.
It was speculated for years that
there was a secret UFO investigation that wasn't part of Blue Book. Now it's
fact. In 1953 US Air Force issued Regulation 200-2, which instructed Air Force
officers not to discuss UFO reports that were unsolved, and to classify the
reports at restricted level. By December 1953, the Joint Chiefs of Staff
issued a Navy-Air Force publication 146 (JANAP 146) which made the
unauthorized release of UFO reports a crime under the Espionage Act,
punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Thereafter, UFO
sighting reports would be investigated by the 4602 AISS. When they completed
their investigation, the results were forwarded to ATIC at Wright-Patterson
and BlueBook didn't receive those reports. So after 1953, US Air Force's
Project Blue Book, ostensibly engaged in studying UFO reports, was in fact a
public relations scheme whose main purpose was to convince the public that
UFOs were all misidentifications of conventional objects. Finally, the "Condon
Report" in 1969 was the excuse to close down BlueBook.
There have also been many notable persons -usually in advanced years, after
retirement- to have publicly stated that UFO evidence is being suppressed. These
have included Senator Barry Goldwater (US Senator and Republican candidate for
President in 1964, US Air Force Brig.General, who was denied access the "Blue
Room" at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base -where UFO/ET info is allegedly
stored-), Admiral Lord Hill-Norton (former NATO head and chief of the British
Defence Staff), Brigadier-General Arthur Exon (former commanding officer of
Wright-Patterson AFB), Vice-Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (first CIA
director), astronauts Gordon Cooper and Dr.Edgar Mitchell, US General Curtis E.
LeMay (head of the Strategic Air Command in the 1960's), former Canadian Defence
Minister Paul Hellyer, the authors of the 1999 French COMETA Report (top French
Generals and scientists), the 2001 Disclosure Project top-secret
military/intelligence/government witnesses testifying on the subject of UFO/ET
and many others.
To quote Dr. James MacDonald, past head of the Institute of Atmospheric
Physics at the University of Arizona, "If you are not interested or concerned
about the UFO matter, you are simply uninformed." General Arthur Exon stated:
"Everyone from the White House on down knew that what we had found was not of
this world within 24 hours of our finding it". On 25-Sep-2005, in a startling
speech at the University of Toronto that caught the attention of mainstream
newspapers and magazines, Paul Hellyer, Canada's Defence Minister from 1963-67,
publicly stated: "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."
"We are in the curious situation today that our best modern physics and
astrophysics theories predict that we should be experiencing extraterrestrial
visitation, yet any possible evidence of such lurking in the UFO phenomenon is
scoffed at within our scientific community," contends astrophysicist Dr.Haisch.
"You simply cannot dismiss the possibility that some of these UFO sightings are
actually sightings from some object created by an advanced civilization, a
civilization far out in space, a civilization perhaps millions of years ahead of
us in technology. You simply cannot discount that possibility." Physicist Dr.
Michio Kaku (NYU Professor and one of the String Theory originators).
Introductory and General
background (start here)
Info and links to sites/articles which I think will
be helpful to any serious student of the subject (of UFOs), basically the
UFO-sites I've bookmarked for myself. Bold means "highly recommended"
Quick Technical Overview: What
we think we know about UFO's
Information about UFO's from thousands of eye
witnesses reports and physical evidence such as landing marks, photos, videos
and radar data, has been compiled over the last 60 years. Such descriptions
have been put in official documents as early as 1947. On 28-Oct-1947 General
(USAF) George Schulgen, then Asst. Chief of Staff for Air Intelligence, issued
a classified draft order (portions reprinted below) for American intelligence
operatives throughout the world directing them to gather all potentially
relevent information about "flying saucers":
"An alleged "Flying Saucer" type aircraft or object in
flight, approximating the shape of a disc, has been reported by many
observers from widely scattered places, such as the United States, Alaska,
Canada, Hungary, the Island of Guam, and Japan. This object has been
reported by many competent observers, including USAF rated officers.
Sightings have been made from the ground as well as from the air.
Commonly reported features that are very significant and which
may aid in the investigation are as follows:
- Relatively flat bottom with extreme light-reflecting ability.
- Absence of sound except for an occasional roar when operating under
super performance conditions.
- Extreme maneuverability and apparent ability to almost hover.
- A plan form approximating that of an oval or disc with a dome shape on
the top surface.
- The absence of an exhaust trail except in a few instances when it was
reported to have a bluish color, like a Diesel exhaust...
The first sightings in the U.S. were reported around the middle of
May. The last reported sighting took place in Toronto, Canada, 14 September.
The greatest activity in the U.S. was during the last week of June and the
first week of July..."
-- Brig.Gen. Schulgen "Intelligence
Requirements on Flying Saucer Type Aircraft" 28-Oct-1947, a/k/a Schulgen memo
[must-read!], obtained under FOIA from the US National Archives in 1985.
What's remarkable about this order is that it goes into very specific
details about saucer construction.
Based on 60yrs of observations and data, UFO investigators have been able
to arrive at several conclusions and theories, as presented in books and
scientific papers, summarized below:

The Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island BC, Canada 1981
UFO photographed by chance by Mrs. Hannah McRoberts, as a
typical domed disk (few details, blurry, due to distance) [full
size photo and story, more]
Since the first test of an UFO photo authenticity is the good
reputation of the photographer, and she happened to be the niece
of one of Canada's leading nuclear engineers, APRO, Dr.Harder and
Dr.Haines (a retired NASA scientist, who in 2000 established
NARCAP) took an interest in the photo.
An analysis
is published in the scientific report of the Sturrock
Panel 1997.
PS: This domed disk reminds me of one of the Herrmann,
Charleston USA, 1980 UFO photo (FWIW: Herrmann said he was
"abducted" 4 times between 1978 and 1983, had encounters with "Men
in black" and published a book with Wendelle Stevens. On
10-Nov-1981 he was fired from his position as a Children's Church
Teacher, kicked out of his church and reportedly someone tried to
burn his house down. In later interviews, he wanted nothing to do
with UFOs anymore, which he considered "satanic").
| |

Costa Rica 1971: A large disk / shallow cone was
auto-photographed in 1971 by a Costan Rican government mapping
plane during an aerial mapping mission.
People have seen objects emerge from the lake in subsequent
For an in-depth analysis of this photograph, see "Photo
Analyses of an Aerial Disc Over Costa Rica" by Dr.Richard
Haines and Dr.Jacques Vallee.
Two similar UFOs, described as huge 600-700ft conical hats,
were reported in a multiple witness sighting by US Navy aircraft
in Sep-1950 over Korea [more].
| |

Grangemouth, Scotland UK 1991 UFO Photo at
Polmont Reservoir, (near Bonnybridge).
The photograph shows the underside of a disk-shaped UFO, with a
noticeable luminous "corona discharge" at the bottom and outer
rim. [full
story and photo]
Some UFO investigators speculated that the neon-light-like
glowing areas at its base reveal the position of its 3 propulsion
units, placed at exactly 120° apart, to direct the thrust
("thrust-vector control"). |

| |
- Shapes/Types: Most UFOs are symmetrical objects with spherical (e.g. San Jacinto, CA 1988
"very bright sphere, much like a large reflective mirrored ball -like ball
bearing- with a distorted area opposite from its direction of travel", more), lenticular disk
(e.g. like two metal soup bowls glued together rim to rim), flat bottomed
disk (e.g. photos by Trent, Heflin
(.pdf), Kosina, France 1980, Nagora photo1, photo2), disk with dome,
elliptical (oval, egg), conical (e.g. Yacanto Argentina
1960), cylindrical or triangular shapes. Some
UFOs have a equatorial ring and are referred to as having a "saturn" shape
(e.g. Trindade island 1958 UFO).
- Sizes: Range from 0.6m orbs/spheres (almost certainly pre-programmed or
remote-controlled sensing devices) to over 600m for the motherships. The
disks range 3-300m in diameter, typically 9m (30ft). Spheres and saturn-like
objects (sphere with a "ring" at the equator) are in 2-15m range. Triangles
3m-300m per side (although some of those sightings in the 1990s may have
been of the rumored TR-3B ASTRA 600ft / 180m wide US black-project craft).
Oval/ellipsoidal craft 6m axial, 3m cross diameter. Conical "coolie hat"
types about 200 meters(e.g. Costa Rica 1971, Korea 1950). There is also a
"dirigible" version of 100m. For reference, a Boeing 747 "Jumbo jet", one of
the largest passenger aircraft, has a length of 70m (230ft) and wingspan of
60m (195ft).
- Merging: spheres and saucers leave and enter large cylinders, dirigibles
and cones, i.e. smaller round-/discoid-/egg-shaped craft (thought to be
"scout ships" / "earth excursion vehicles", as they are typically seen near
the ground) are dispatched from larger cigar-/cylinder-/conical shaped
"mother ships" (which typically stay at high altitudes), comparable to our
"aircraft carrier paradigm", dispatching various aircraft, helicopters or
- Wobble: while hovering, many round craft exhibit a "wobble" (about 30°,
±15° from centerline), a rocking motion, like a gyroscope or a top (other
expressions used by witnesses: "like a boat at anchor on water" or "tipping
right and left").
- Rotation/Spin: Typically anti-clockwise. Often observed to have rotary
components on the underside or around the perimeter of the craft, like a
rotating ring at the circumference. The rim is described as rotating
independently from the central part or cupola, which remains stationary.
Occasionally the two parts rotate in opposite directions.
- Jitter: at times they vibrate heavily. UFO motion is jerky and jittery
at low speed. This could be an optical effect rather than a real jitter.
- Radiation: UFOs radiate intense microwaves and an incredibly strong
magnetic field (these are NOT healthy), probably related to their flight
mechanism. EM effects observed: often electrical circuitry and radio
communications are interrupted, batteries are burned out, gasoline engines stop,
compass swinging wildly. Absense of heat near a UFO only mild sensation of
warmth, so not much infra-red radiation. The surfaces of the UFO are not
very hot, nothing is at a red heat.
UFOs often emit visible
light when airborne (occasionally very bright, eye witnesses describe it
as "dazzling" or "blinding" or "bright as a magnesium flare" or "it lit up
the entire landscape" etc); emit invisible electromagnetic energy at the
high frequency end of the spectrum, including UV and soft X-rays, as shown
by the many cases of skinburn
and eye irritation. Occasionally UFOs emit harder radiation like mild
gamma rays, which have led to symptoms of radiation sickness in witnesses
who have closely approached the objects. (e.g. Michalak, Falcon Lake,
Canada 1967 CE2 and medical effects, more). However,
lasting radioactivity, which would indicate the presence of radiation beyond
the gamma band, has rarely been found at landing sites.
- A "corona", i.e. a luminous plasma (ionised air) is produced around
specific areas of the UFO, probably created by the intense EM radiation
(radiant ionisation).
- UFO illumination and colors: Visible colors come from the ionized
atmosphere surrounding the UFO, not from the UFO itself, except by
reflection from the UFO's surface. The silvery grey with an aureole of dark
red is seen at "low energy" mode of operation, when the object is stationary
or traveling very slowly. Then comes the vivid red. The intense ultraviolet
that gives the skin burns, when the telltale strong blue of nitrogen
ionization is present. At higher accelerations the white, blue and purple
- In daylight: "metallic" brightly polished silver to dull aluminum.
Flat-bottoms are darker underneath in a central circular area or in
annular ring near the rim.
- At night:
- Illumination: Halos, neon-like, solid color luminosity emanating
from an envelope of air around the metallic hard surfaces. Solid color
in red, orange, amber, yellow, blue, blue-violet, brilliant white singly
and in combinations. Though sometimes described as "flames", close
observations have shown that this luminosity does not have a high
temperature, and it probably represents an ionization of the local
atmosphere similar to what occurs in a neon light. In saucers and
saturns the halo concentrates near the "ring" rim more intensely below
than above it. Usually emits luminosity in a shape which depends on its
current maneuver, such as an ice cream cone halo underneath the saucer.
The big cylindrical mother ships sometimes have great white cloud.
- Running lights in many patterns: blinking, theater marquee, Xmas
Note: It has been noticed in UFO sightings that the
object when stationary gives out less light than when in motion. This
rule, of course, is not invariable. UFOs emanating no light at all have
been seen moving at high speed, while others glowing brightly have been
seen to hover and even to land.
- Flight Characteristics: UFOs can travel through air, underwater (a/k/a USOs,
unidentified submerged objects) and in the vacuum of space (10m disks
observed as high as 200 miles from surface of Earth, so they are
- Maneuvers: Hovering at any altitude is common. UFOs hover close to the
ground for long times instead of landing. UFOs tilt to perform all
maneuvers: they sit level to hover, tilt forward to move forward, tilt
backward to stop, bank to turn. The different maneuvers include:
- acute-angle turn with rapid stop at the vertex
- sudden reversal of direction
- bank and turn - exactly like conventional aircraft
- high-angle (typically 45°), high acceleration ("like a bullet")
departures on ballistic-arc trajectories
- falling leaf or UFO-rock like a coin falling in water (where the
object swings like a pendulum from side to side while descending; this
maneuver to lose altitude was first used in human flight by Paul Hill, the
NASA engineer who invented the flying platform and wrote one of the most
interesting books about UFOs)
- silver-dollar wobble - like a coin with a slow spin on a flat surface.
This maneuver is consistently observed at the end of a rapid descent as
the UFO initiates hovering
- Landing: UFOs do a belly-landing or othertimes simply hover at a very
low altitude, producing swirled down grass rings / nest-like imprints
("saucer nests"), annular rings of heat-damaged soil with chemical and
physical alterations, subsoil burning of plant roots and unusual effects on
the exposed plants (such as changes in the chlorophyll). In other cases,
they extend retractable landing gear of some sort, usually legs with
footpads. It is these landing gear which have left marks on the ground
amenable to pressure analysis, and from which we have been able to estimate
the probable weight and density of some UFOs.

Above: Example of a "ring" of scorched ground from a
UFO landing trace case. Over 2500 such cases of damage to the soil and
plants where a UFO landed have been documented since 1969 by Center
for Physical Trace Research. A formally investigated case was at Trans en Provence,
France, 1981, but such cases go far back, e.g. grass roots charred
and skinburn of a Florida scoutmaster in 1952 is documented in Ruppelt's book
Below: Example of "saucer nest" of swirled grass where a UFO
landed (Tully Australia 1966, details)

- UFOs observed near or on the ground consistently fall in these groups:
- Smaller hemispherical (= dome, helmet, mushroom) / spherical / conical
objects, from 1.2-4m (4ft-12ft) in diameter, sometimes with external
"vents" or "extensions". They rarely touch the ground but remain
stationary 1-5ft above ground surface. Generally leave behind circular
areas which are depressed, burnt or dehydrated.[example]
- Small egg-shaped objects 2-2.5m (6-8ft) long [drawing or see photo from Dec-2006 MA, USA
case], which fly with the long axis vertical. An elongated cylinder
without external appendages, that flies in the direction of its axis.
- Oval/Egg-Shaped Objects, 5-6m (16-20ft) [drawing] in
length with visible landing legs, generally four, on occasion six. These
make ground contact, leaving burnt areas, imprints, some tree damage.
Small humanoid beings are often reported. Weight: 30 tons for an oval
craft 6 meters axial, 3 meters cross diameter. This is
965kg/m3, which is like our modern nuclear submarines, but is
more than our jet airplanes.
- Typical Flying Saucer, 3m - 12m (avg 9m/30ft) in diameter. They land,
leaving burnt or depressed areas with an irregular configuration. Larger
disks typically have retractable landing gear, three legs in equilateral
triangle of 6m sides, with rectangle or 15x30cm footpads with X-print, for
a 12 meter disk.
(ref: CPTR's 30yr of physical trace case reports)
- Wakes: dirigibles and cylinders have plume-like wakes when accelerating
rapidly or moving at high speeds. These wakes are gray to straw-colored in
daylight, flame-colored at night. UFOs can move slow at 100 mph without
generating a wake.
- Speed: Up to 9000mph [4Km/s, Mach 12] (from military radar observations)
in the Earth's atmosphere, as well as being able to hover motionless in the
- Acceleration: Can accomplish 100g (Note this 100g figure is what is seen
by external observers. The ship itself and its occupants may be in the local
inertial frame LIF motion of "free-float" i.e. zero g just like our
astronauts orbiting the Earth with rockets switched off and no spinning of
the craft). The dazzling maneuver performance of UFO scout ships seems to
result from their being over-designed for the investigation of planet Earth.
If the UFO mission is stellar and planetary exploration, the high-g
capability they demonstrate would enable them to explore giant planets with
gravity on the order of 100 times Earth gravity. Exploring Earth is UFO
- Sound: hum, buzz, whine at close quarters (most UFO "sounds" heard by
humans are believed to be due to the pulsed microwave frequency energy
stimulating the auditory nerve, not pressure of sound waves to the eardrum).
Sound rises in both pitch and intensity seconds before and during take-off.
Steady motion either a light swish-of-air sound or running absolutely
silent. Operation is almost completely silent compared to conventional jets
and rocket engines. No shock waves or 'sonic boom' are produced even when
the UFOs are traveling several times the speed of sound. One theory for this
is manipulation of the acceleration-type force field, resulting in a
constant-pressure, compression-free zone without shockwave in which the
vehicle is surrounded by a subsonic flow-pattern of streamlines and subsonic
velocity ratios; another theory is using a magnetic field to part the
ionised air (plasma) around the UFO.
- Propulsion: Paul Hill speculated that the method of propulsion utilizes
a force field that works on metals as well as non-metals. This field is a
non-shieldable field much like gravity but can be repulsive as well as
attractive. These fields bend and break tree branches, bump or slow
automobiles spinning them out of control or tipping them over, stop people
by force or knock them down. There is no jet propulsion. There is no
ejection of propellant of any kind.
- Disappearance: Rarely mentioned, this is probably the most disputed
aspect of reported UFO behaviour. Most UFO researchers assume that UFOs
accelerate out of the picture so quickly, that witnesses fail to notice.
However, there are some few cases where "disappearance" or "invisibility" is
more strongly suggested.
IMHO the fact that many of these observations, reported quite consistently
for 60 years, do not conform to known physics is not the problem as skeptics
suggest. Many have been suckered into this argument, that the observations
have to comply with accepted physics before they can be accepted. This is
untenable. If that had always been the criterion then physics would not have
advanced one iota. The observations must be validated using other criteria,
after which the physics must conform to these new observations, not vice
References: Books by P.Hill, J.Vallee, J.McCampell, UFO illumination and
performance, UFOlogy
Chapter 2: The Vehicles, Typology of vehicles, NUFORC reports by
Shape, Summary
of UFO key points, Physical effects of UFOs upon
people (.PDF), Odors from
UFOs (.PDF), Landing
trace cases, Interim Report 2004, analysis
of UFO luminosity and other links of this page.
How and Where to Report A
You can file a UFO sighting report with MUFON (Mutual UFO Network)
and/or NUFORC Hotline (USA National
UFO Reporting Center, but accepts international reports too), in addition to
your country-specific UFO reporting centers (if any).
Other places which welcome direct UFO reporting for publication on the Web,
are the UFO portals (such as HBCC, and UFO-Casebook) and RENSE
radio show.
- Focused on documenting UFO history
biggest portal on UFOs, with texts covering many aspects of the UFO
phenomenon, featuring a database of ~400 UFO
photos and sightings.
HUGE amount of information, easy to navigate and good search facility.
Hundreds of case files e.g. recent 8-Jan-2006
in Zdany, Poland (with car-engine stalling) or classic ones Rex Heflin, California
USA on 3-Aug-1965 and PanAmerican DC-4
14-Jul-1952 and CE3 cases.
- excellent
portal in English and French language (8500 pages and 3700 images) with
in-depth analysis, but not so easy to navigate and find info. Scientists
taking position: Dr J. Allen
Hynek, Prof.
McDonald. Astronauts like Gordon Cooper. Its unique
focus is URECAT, an elaborate UFO-occupant encounter a/k/a CE3 (close encounter
of the 3rd kind, i.e. UFO-occupant sightings) catalogue e.g. Filiberto Caponi CE3 (Italy,
1993), Varginha, Brazil
Apr-1997, as well as classic sightings e.g. RB-47 4-way confirmation
- NICAP (National Investigations
Committee on Aerial Phenomena) - By late 1969 NICAP was destroyed as an
effective UFO research organisation, through infiltration by the CIA and
FBI. Its extensive library is now online and updated and includes
case-files, as well as papers such as UFO interference with
vehicles, UFO sightings at
ICBM sites and nuclear Weapons Storage Areas etc
- PROJECT 1947 is a world-wide
effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Research for
the project has yielded many early-era UFO reports via the FOIA, newspaper
articles and contemporary accounts.
- UFO*BC focusing on the Canadian
British Columbia UFO cases. Includes elaborate case-files.
- Focused on news-as-it-happens updates (as
well as case histories)
Civilian UFO
organisations have always operated on a shoestring budget with all-volunteer
resources, yet many of them managed to do remarkable work over the past 50yr.

The Zdany, Poland 8-Jan-2006 UFO Photos as an example
of "flattened sphere with ring at the equator"
Reportedly the object immobilized two cars, and was moving extremely
swiftly and without noise. A series of photographs taken, read more in
UFO photos and story. Some of the best recent UFO photos.
Note: This object very much reminds me in shape -but not size- of the
Japan Airlines
JAL1628 1986 UFO (big doc!) (more compact
version). |
- UFO reporting, documentation and study
- Mutual UFO Network - MUFON - The
world's largest civilian UFO research organisation, MUFON describes its
mission as "the systematic collection and analysis of UFO data, with the
ultimate goal of learning the origin and nature of the UFO phenomenon." With
news, weekly database reports (giving comparative tables of UFO reports),
links to MUFON's regional sites, and a UFO Investigator's Manual. Also hosts
the Bob Pratt
archives. Note that MUFON is decentralised and I've found out that the
regional MUFON Website are often more info-rich and usable than the main
- National UFO Reporting Center by
Peter Davenport, operates a 24/7 phone hotline accepting UFO-sighting
reports for USA (since no "official" US government agency accepts UFO
reports after USAF's Blue Book closed down in 1969). NUFORC's case briefs
- CUFOS Hynek, past Chairman of the
Astronomy department at Northwestern University and scientific consultant of
USAF Project Blue Book, thought the UFO phenomenon had been the subject of
misconceptions, misinformation, and an unscientific approach. To help
rectify the situation Hynek and a group of selected scientists established
the Center for UFO Studies "for those who wish to see positive scientific
action taken to end a quarter of a century of misrepresentation and
buffoonery". IUR, CUFOS' quarterly magazine, consistently publishes
important and interesting articles and commentary. In addition, there's the
Center's Journal of UFO Studies, ufology's only peer-reviewed journal,
presenting the results of work by top people in the field.
- BUFORA - British UFO Research
Association Founded in the 1960s, BUFORA describes its main aim as being
"to encourage, promote and conduct unbiased scientific research of UFO
phenomena throughout the UK." The site includes articles, events, a
downloadable UFO sighting report form, and publications such as an introductory
guide to UFOs (.pdf 450KB)
- Computer UFO Network in
USA. Read the Malmstrom AFB/nuclear
ICBM UFO Incident
- FUFOR The Fund for UFO Research, is
a non-profit, tax-exempt educational organization. Classic UFO Cases
- Political activism, disclosure, exopolitics
- Coalition for Freedom of
Information (CFI) a lobbying effort
- The Disclosure Project
is pushing for full disclosure and open Congressional hearings on the UFO/ET
presence, including testimony of military/government persons, witnesses to
UFO events and projects, with release from security oaths. I find Dr Steven
Greer a bit weird, but many of the project's witness testimonies (see videos
section later in this document) extremely compelling. See 6mo summary.
- Paradigm
Research Group a political activism organisation describes its mission
as "dedicated to ending the government imposed truth embargo regarding an
extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race."
UFO TV documentaries / Videos
Bold = good i.e. highly recommended to watch
- Out Of The Blue: The definitive investigation of the UFO phenomenon
(watch online GoogleVideo or YouTube) video
documentary (2003), 1hr30min 353MB (GoogleVideo). (best "general background"
UFO documentary I've seen sofar). Interviews with former astronauts (Gordon
Cooper and Dr Edgar Mitchell), military pilots, radar operators, scientists.
UFO initiatives by former US presidents Carter, Ford and Clinton etc. Briefly
covers classic UFO incidents in US, Russia, Britain, France, Iran etc and
studies like the French COMETA Report. (can't purchase directly, or
original stock of it has been sold-out!)
- Compilation
of UFO Video Footage and Testimony privately-(home)-produced. No
speaking at all, just 60 minutes of raw UFO footage (from a selection of over
200 clips) and 35 minutes of witness testimony. With 80's music in the
background - Google Video (1hr 35min 329MB). Same in more
(2hr28min) of the same (but other is better).
- The Disclosure Project Witness Testimony (2001) Googlevideo (2hrs),
1 of 2 (59min 230MB) and part 2
of 2 (1hr 240MB). Two hours long video distillation from 400hrs of raw
video footage of dozens of retired USA intelligence, government and military
persons testimonies on the subject of UFO and US government coverup. Quick text summary
(.html) sample of such testimonies given in 1999-2000.
Also "The
Disclosure Project 9-May-2001 National Press Club Conference" video
(1hr56min), viewable online at GoogleVideo
/ YouTube or
downloadable from npcc_full.wmv (70MB
Windows Media Player) where 21 former US military and government witnesses
came forward to testify on the subject of UFOs; to serve as catalyst for
support of "full, open Congressional hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial
presence subject, including witness testimony with release from security
oaths" (NOTE: the NPCC video starts a bit "slow"/boring, you may want to
fast-forward/skip the first 15min and go directly to Callahan-FAA-JAL1628
Invasion - Rendlesham.wmv about the classic case of UFOs visiting the
nuclear-armed US military base at Bentwaters (Rendlesham forest) Suffolk, UK.
UFO activity for several nights, then UFO landing near the base on
27-Dec-1980. The UFO(s) seen at close-range by base personell (base deputy
commander, 4 airmen) and even touched by security police officer: a smallish
UFO 3m (9ft) per side, 2.5m (8ft) high; craft skin smooth like black
glass; "hieroglyphic"
symbols engraved on left front (see Penniston testimony at 27'-33').
Documentary by SciFi channel (220 MB) 1hr30min (2003)
- US Navy Pilot Graham Bethune describes the encounter with a huge
300ft discoid UFO in 1951 on the way back from a classified mission to
Iceland: "We had 31 people on board and a psychiatrist, we all witnessed it".
Googlevideo 2001 Fastwalkers Youtube 2006
(3min). [story and
drawings, more]
- Pilot UFO
sightings (44min) some interesting stuff of classic and lesser known pilot
UFO cases, incl. commentary by Dr.R.Haines. Its weakness is the not so
accurate video re-creations of cases. You'll need some background in this
subject to appreciate this video, some people will find it boring. Or you can
skip to 34'15" to 36'10" to hear retired NASA scientist Dr.Haines summarize.
- Rex Heflin (4min)
interview about his famous 1965 UFO photos
- The
Roswell Incident a documentary about the crash of a UFO in Roswell New
Mexico in July-1947. Many interesting witness testimonies (Marcel Jr, Glenn
Dennis the town's mortician) and some testimonies which have later been
discounted (Frank Kaufman's and hoaxer Ray Santilli). At the end, includes
complete footage of the fake Ray Santilli "Roswell Alien Autopsy"
black-and-white video. (GoogleVideo 1hr4min 223MB)
- Kecksburg
Exposed.wmv "the new Roswell", UFO crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania on
9-Dec-1965, documentary by SciFi channel (221 MB 1hr30min)
- Fastwalkers
- Ufo and Alien Disclosure 2006 (Dec-2006) 1hr37min. Documentary
consisting entirely of interviews with UFO researchers, whistle-blowers,
witnesses etc. Several interesting testimonies, others questionable and with
inaccuracies (e.g. a testimony claiming $1.7trillion/yr US black-budget?!) and
some pretty "far out stuff" which I don't know what to make of... Other
sources: buy DVD, or
- The Best Evidence Ever caught on tape Part 2 documentary. Various (not
particularly close-up / great detail) video footage of the 1990s from US,
NASA, Mexico, China, Germany, Israel etc. Technical commentary by Bruce
Maccabee and a FX guy. (174MB 44min)
- NBC's "Unsolved Mysteries: UFOs" Vol 1-4 4xDVDs(Amazon
or get from ED2K P2P). Slightly "sensationalistic" and some cases have later
been considered untrue, but overall decent. Covers UFO sightings, alien
abduction cases, crop circles etc. Features UFO segments, complete with
re-creations of each incident by actors, interviews with the witnesses and/or
abductees and UFO researchers, and occasional interviews with UFO skeptics.
Overall a nicely put together and professionaly produced collection.
- ABC's Special - "Peter Jennings Reporting - UFOs: Seeing is believing"
Feb-2005 (ED2K
P2P 1hr27min 215MB). Mediocre, not too bad for a mainstream media
production, but criticized: Friedman, Dolan
and Haisch on ABC's UFO
Special (.PDF). Dolan called it "spinning and deceiving" stuff (rightfully
IMO, considering the treatment of Roswell and Friedman, although the first
~40minutes were OK). Others are more positive, e.g. Twitchell. Overall
mediocre, your time would be better spent watching other videos in this list.
- Hon. Paul
Hellyer At Exopolitics Conference (Toronto, 25-Sep-2005) Paul Hellyer,
former Canadian Defense Minister (period 1963-1967) endorses the validity of
LtCol Philip J Corso's Book "They Day After Roswell", which states that an
extraterrestrial "flying saucer" crashed in 1947 in New Mexico and that in the
early 1960s he, Corso, distributed debris to US companies for
reverse-engineering. (GoogleVideo 31min 109MB). Personally I find it hard to
believe all of Col.Corso's claims.
- Apollo 11 "UFO" - Buzz Aldrin, GoogleVideo
or YouTube 4min. Buzz
Aldrin talks about the UFO which the Apollo 11 crew saw on their way to the
- Roswell debris
tested comments by Dr Leir MD and Jesse Marcel Jr, a medical doctor/flight
surgeon in reserve who served 1yr in Iraq in 2005 despite being 67yr old (son
of Jesse Marcel Sr, the Intelligence Officer of the Roswell AirForce Base, who
examined the debris field in July-1947)
- UFOs: 50
years of denial? (1997) video documentary, by the same people who later
produced the state-of-the-art UFO documentary "Out of the Blue" in 2003, so
basically superceded by it. Brief and concise introduction. Some new sighting
stories, eye-witness testimonies etc. Features astronaut Dr.Mitchell,
LtCol.Corso, Marcel on Roswell UFO crash and Robert Dean on the SHAPE/NATO
Assessment on UFOs/ETs. Attempts to answer the question of how religion(s) and
such beliefs would be affected if the existance of extra-terrestrial
visitation (ETV) is acknowledged by officialdom. 171MB 44min ED2K
P2P src
- UFO - Silently breaks
up in several parts Silently breaks up in several parts (reminded me of
Colonel Halt's description of Rendlesham incident "like dripping molten
metal") 2.5min
- Lt
Col Wendelle C Stevens, US Air Force (Ret) video interview (7min, 18MB) more about USAF
monitoring operations of UFOs over the Arctic in 1947-1949 using B-29s
specially equipped with photo and video equipment, as well as radiation
detectors, magnetic detectors, and RF emission scanners. (Video is very poor
quality). Earlier video
interview by the same. Makes some extraordinary statements, that their
project photographed 2-3 UFOs every month in the Arctic, while he was there.
More in his interview (2003)
.html with "far-out" stuff...
- British
UFO Files (GoogleVideo 47min 356MB), a so-so documentary. If you can
overcome the hurdle of the sensationalistic spooky music and narration in the
beginning, it offers several interesting bits of info lateron, e.g. a 1952
sighting when 2 British pilots saw 3 flying saucers in formation with ground
radar confirmation (on the 15'-21'). Physical landing trace case in 1952 with
round scorch-marks left in the ground. And ofcourse the classic
Bentwaters-Rendlesham case of 1980.
- UFO at Voronezh, SE
Russia, 27-Sep-1989 landed, occupants reportedly seen by tens of
witnesses; this story has been put in doubt by Boris Shurinov in his book "Les
Ovnis en Russie".
- "UFO
The Greatest Story Ever Denied" (1hr34min) or buy DVD from official website. A lot of duplication
as it includes in verbatim many testimonies from DisclosureProject (see
above), but also some unique/interesting bits and pieces.
- NBC's "Confirmation: The Hard Evidence of Aliens Among Us?" (1999). So-so,
spooky music and voice, with a few interesting bits and pieces. 1hr30min 850MB
- Billion
Dollar Secret.wmv mediocre documentary about US's "black-projects" taking
about $40bn/year. The most interesting part is on 25th min interview with
researcher Boyd Bushman about anti-gravity research in USA. Covers
black-project planes like the alleged "Aurora" etc. Tackles the UFO issue in
connection with US military black projects (wrongly IMHO). Discovery Channel
by Nick Cook, the Aviation Editor of Janes Weekly (Defense industry magazine)
(116 MB 46min)
- UFOs
The Secret Evidence (Oct-2005) another mediocre production with Nick Cook.
It seems to imply that many UFO sightings were secret US military aircraft,
like U2 (!!!) and CIA kept the "myth" going as a disinformation campaign as a
smokescreen for the Soviets. His reasoning suggests that US government
encouraged a "UFO craze" in US, among its citizens, but targeting Russians so
they "wouldn't see classified US technology but a vehicle of outer space"
(referring to the U2 times! how anyone could mistake a U2/SR71 or even
F117/B2/etc for a flying saucer is beyond me!). Facts and animations are often
totally wrong e.g. in the Zamora case it depicts a flying saucer instead of
the ovoid (egg-shaped) craft it actually was (on the other hand e.g. Unsolved
Mysteries mentioned earlier had a remarkably accurate re-creation). Still the
video has a handful of interesting parts, bits of info here and there and a
short interview with abductee Travis Walton. My conclusion is "to a kid with a
hammer everything looks like a nail". (1hr41min 352MB)
a collection of short-medium duration UFO video footage, some
interesting/authentic, some probably not
UFO video footage

Trent Photos - McMinnville, Oregon USA (11 May 1950). Witness saw a
metallic-looking, disk-shaped UFO. She called her husband, they located
their camera, and he took 2 photographs of the object before it
disappeared in the distance. "The object was coming in toward us and
seemed to be tipped up a little bit. It was very bright-almost
silvery-and there was no noise or smoke". The University of Colorado
UFO study (a/k/a Condon Report) (1968) conclusion was "This is one of
the few UFO reports in which all factors investigated, geometric,
psychological, and physical appear to be consistent with the assertion
that an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disk-shaped,
tens of meters in diameter, and evidently artificial, flew within sight
of two witnesses." [full study, photos
and story]
Note: Again, this is one of the classics, taken in a time when 1/
no computer-aided image-editing was possible, 2/ we can be reasonably
sure no earth government had such a craft and 3/ investigated in the
officially sanctioned Condon study. panorama of
Trent's UFO photos. |
Various UFO video
footage. With modern computer-aided video editing capabilities it's impossible
to be absolutely certain of the authenticity of ANY video/photo, unless one
shoots it himself and participates in its development. Having said that, the
following videos do check well with hundreds of witness descriptions:
- Classic disc ("flying saucer", Hynek "Daylight Disks" a/k/a DD)
- Cylinder
- Spherical/Drum/Egg-shaped/Ovoid
- Orbs/Spheres of light (Hynek "nocturnal lights" a/k/a NL)
- Many more UFO videos (not all necessarily genuine) can be found at GoogleVideo and YouTube
- More UFO
videos for free download
Documents, books, interviews,
- Freely downloadable
- French COMETA Report "UFOs and Defense: What should we prepare
for?" (1999) Part 1
(.pdf 750KB) and Part 2
(.pdf 2MB). A study, not an "officially-endorsed" one, but signed by top
French military officers and scientists, such as Prof.LeBeau former
President of CNES (French NASA). (translated in English). See response
SECURITY journalist's Leslie Kean's article on the 3-year French COMETA
study on UFO/ET
- Disputed authenticity Majestic 12 Documents a
purported super-secret group formed in USA during late 1940s to handle the
UFO issue. The incredible history of the establishment in 1947 by President
Truman of a truly all-star cast to deal with the saucers and its non-human
inhabitants. The first four Directors of Central Intelligence, the first
Secretary of Defense, and several outstanding scientists and military
leaders were part of the team. Particularly interesting, but again of
disputed authenticity, is the "Special Operations Manual" SOM1-01:
Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal, part1 (pdf, 2.7MB) and
part2 (pdf, 2.8MB).
- Full-text of The
Report on Unidentified Flying Objects book written in the 1955 by
Edward J. Ruppelt, former head of the United States Air Force Project Blue
Book during 1951-1953. Alternate sources: mirror1 or mirror2
- USAF Project Blue Book
Archive downloadable .PDFs of over 12.000 UFO reports submitted between
1947-1969, of which over 1.500 were listed as "unknown". Declassified, but
the BlueBook system excluded any "UFO sightings which affect national
security" (e.g. UFO visits to nuclear ICBM facilities) anyway! Particularly
interesting the the Blue Book Special Report 14 (1955).
- e-Book UFOLOGY I - A
Major Breakthrough in the Scientific Understanding of Unidentified Flying
Objects by James M. McCampbell (1973,1976). There is also "UFOLOGY II:
Some final answers" published in 1998.
archives of over 440.000 declassified US government documents
Library collection of UFO-related files coming from official sources,
released through the freedom of information laws.
- Internet Sacred Text
Archive (some good, many junk/hoaxes/urban legends etc) documents about
UFOs, posted long ago on a pre-Internet bulletin boards
- Freely downloadable from Edonkey2000 P2P network (if you're a total
newbie, use the free Emule sw client)
- For buy
Notable / Miscellaneous /
Personal sites with original research
scientific study of UFOs, by Mark Cashman Director of MUFON CT, has some
unique material. Includes a Summary Of The
UFO Phenomenon much like this document, a Critique
of the Paranormal UFO Theories of Vallee and Keel and Collections Of UFO
- Towards a Typology of
advanced unidentified vehicles by John Watson
- Stanton T. Friedman a
nuclear physicist and Roswell investigator / veteran UFO lecturer / ETH
evangelist. Articles: The UFO Challenge, UFOs: Challenge to
SETI. His video lecture "Flying saucers are real" (2 DVDs, Vol.I and
Vol.II 1993) on the UFO subject (somewhat poor video quality by today's
standards). Listen to the "debate" UFOlogy and SETI with SETI's Dr. Seth
Shostak on Coast2Coast radio on 21-Jul-2004 (ED2K link here).
There are many more radio interview MP3 files of Friedman in ED2K P2P net,
generally interesting (but obviously overlapping info). He has also
co-authored 2 books "Crash at Corona" about the Roswell crash and "Top Secret
- Popular
Mechanics: The 6 UFO Sightings THEY can't explain cases which continue to
defy prosaic explanations (1998)
- concentrates
in UFO water activity and physical influences on boats and water
Chris Rutkowski and Geoff
- analysis of Bible and
UFO connection
- select cases and
moments from UFO history by Jerry Cohen, who saw one hover near his home in
- Dr. James Deardorff personal
research site on "Talmud Jmmanuel", presenting his case about Jesus Christ as
a real historical person and ET contactee and UFO-biblical connections. He
also embraces the Billy Meier contactee case.
- Dr. Bruce
Cornet 3 Volume study of Black Triangles and other UFO activity
- ad-hoc guide to
UFO shapes (e.g. disc, cigar, cone, triangle) and configurations, with photos
and sighting stories
- Nick Pope used
to run the British Government's UFO project at the Ministry of Defence.
- Claude Poher, PhD in 1977 created
and headed GEPAN, the official French UFO project at CNES.
- The Why? Files (UK), a bit
confusing to navigate in the site and find info, but offers a very good
collection of up-to-date material, photos, videos and stories, particularly on
"black triangles".
- Richard Hall's The
science of UFOs: Facts vs Stereotypes, UFOS: THE REAL QUESTION
Statement by Richard Hall, Assistant Director of NICAP, for the Colorado UFO
Project (a/k/a "Condon Report")
- Joe Ritrovato UFO
Evidence from around the world photos and stories
- H.Ellis
Ensle articles on the subject of UFOs
- David
Sadler - If the Disc is ours a collection of stuff, needs cleanup
by Clark McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, Kennedy Space Center,
Florida (1958-1992). His stories about UFOs, which he has studied for 50+
- by
Matthew Hurley. An interesting compilation of around 60 paintings and
sculptures, from prehistoric to medieval times, which could be interpreted as
depicting UFO and spacemen-type images. The site also includes UFO photographs
from before 1947 (when the UFO phenomenon is often described as having begun)
and some probably hoaxed and misunderstood images.
- "tin foil hat" Wiki,
sponsored by "Above Top Secret" to consolidate info from thousands of posts.
Educators classes offered at educational institutions around the world
- Introduction: Flying
Saucers as a Manifestation of Intelligence by Mac Tonnies with many good
links and commentary, similar info with this page (2003)
- UFOs: The
Psychic Dimension by David Pratt (Oct-2002)
- A UFO and alien
photos collection with comments, some believed authentic, others hoax.
- Articles & Essays by Richard
Directories of UFO
There are literally thousands of UFO sites around the world. There
are also many great sites and blogs, which cover UFO issues, but not
exclusively focused on the subject (understandably), but cover many other
subjects. Anyway, it'd be impossible to list them all here, so here are some
- UFOSeek Directory, community and
news with over 55.000 UFO-related websites(!)
Radio broadcasts which
regularly cover the subject of UFOs/ET etc
Guest quality varies widely,
from some of the best scientists and most informed UFOlogists, to some of the
craziest people you'll ever hear.
- Jeff
- Coast
to Coast
Scientific in-depth
- good
collection of scientific information and info on UFOs, by Haisch, a
professional astronomer
- Extraterrestrial
Visitation: The Speed-of-Light-Limit Argument
- Are UFOs US gov
"black-budget projects"?
- Inflation-Theory
Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation (.PDF) or in .html
- Dr. Bruce Maccabee Website a
Research Physicist at the Naval Surface Weapons Center in Silver Spring,
Maryland since 1972 and veteran UFO researcher.
- Acceleration,
Abstract: "Visual and photographic sighting of UFOs carrying out
"impossible" high speed maneuvers are presented for study. For the first
time we are able to quantify the amazing acceleration of these craft."
- Still In
Default (.pdf), Abstract: "For nearly 40 years [more than 50] years, the
science establishment has ignores the UFO problem, relating it to the domain
of "true believers and mental incompetents" (a.k.a. "kook and nuts"
[according to the former editor of Applied Optics magazine]). Scientists
have participated in a "self-cover-up" by refusing to look at the credible
and well reported data."
- Prof. James E. McDonald
- NIDS UFO papers
assorted material. NIDS is a private organization, which was set up in 1995 by
a rich businessman from Las Vegas, Robert Bigelow, who happened to be
interested in UFOs and related phenomena.
- Symposium on UFOs
(1968) Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics of US
Congress 29-Jul-1968, with all the "heavy-weight" scientists of that time.
Artist drawn chart of UFO shapes
submitted. This happened before the cover-up "Condon Report" conclusions were
used to discontinue "official" UFO sighting reports (i.e Blue Book) and block
further examination of the subject of UFOs for the next 35yr until today.
UFO databases and tools
- Ufomatics open source software
tools for ufology
Civilian initiatives for
collecting and evaluating UFO/UAP data
Data collection
- Project Hessdalen
in Norway, a scientific investigation of UAP by teams from Norway and Italy,
using CCD cameras, magnetometers etc. See also Italian Committee for Project Hessdalen
- Physics from UFO
Data by Massimo Teodorani, Ph.D. - Astronomer. Proposed use of small
telescopes connected to CCD detectors, spectrographs and photon-counting
photometers to acquire data.
- OrbWatch monitoring
the anomalous phenomena in the area of the western end of Lake Ontario,
Southern Ontario, Canada. Has some excellent scientific material.
- Passive radar UFO
detection proposal (.PDF) At the MUFON symposium in Denver, Peter
Davenport presented his proposal for detecting UFO's in the near-Earth
environment, using "passive" radar.
Data evaluation
- Roy Dutton formulated A
Testable Astronautical Theory for UFO Events (March 2003), March
2001 which asserts that planet Earth is subject to regular, automated
surveillance by ET craft, along certain "tracks"/paths. His other work
includes Search
for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Intelligence in the Solar System and Global UFO activity - A
study of tactical techniques A
Testable Astronautical Theory for UFO Events (March 2003) by T. R. Dutton
CEng., MIMechE., MRAeS.
UFO physics/science/technology
(propulsion etc) i.e. Electrogravitics / EAD/EMD and MagnetoHydroDynamics,
UFO Propulsion and Energy generation: One can look into
Electrogravitics, Field Resonance Propulsion, Field Dependant Propulsion,
MagnetoAeroDynamics, Zero Point Energy / ZPF and articles by Haisch, Puthoff,
Rueda, et al. Also
attempts to explain probable UFO physics by Paul R. Hill and Leonard G. Cramp
(see Books section earlier).
- Extract from
Paul Hill's book "Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific
There also are publications by Haisch, Jack Sarfatti, Hal Puthoff, Paul E.
Potter and others. Some seem "far out" to me, but judge for youself:
- HOLT, A. C. (NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Tex.) AIAA-1980-1233
SAE, and ASME, Joint Propulsion Conference, 16th, Hartford, Conn., June
30-July 2, 1980, AIAA 8 p.
- NASA -
Warp Drive, When? FAQ
- NASA Break Through Propulsion
-'s UFO physics and UFO
back-engineered page
- Faster
Than Light Physics Advanced Gravity edited by Eduardo Valencia
- JP
Petit (French) homepage about MagnetoHydroDynamics
Electrogravitics Research and Experiments
- UFO Propagation - by
Paul E Potter MHD, Fluid Dynamics, ElectroChemistry, Vortical Implosion,
ElectroKinetics, Plasma propulsion
- Perhaps the speed of light isn't the limit anymore, see The speed of
gravity: Repeal of the speed limit 'Experimental Repeal of the Speed Limit
for Gravitational, Electrodynamic, and Quantum Field Interactions', T. Van
Flandern and J.P. Vigier, Found.Phys. 32(#7), 1031-1068 (2002)
- Demonstration of a
working invisibility cloak by scientists at Duke University's Pratt School
of Engineering
Onion drive system by Paul E Potter
- UFOs and the
new physics by physicist Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D.
- Flying Saucers
Explained by John Walker 31-Aug-1997, FWIW offers some rather far-fetched
theories (in my opinion UFOs are "nuts-and-bolts" advanced machines)
- Figures
from "Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems" monograph by Dr Jan Pajak
(1990, ISBN 0-9597698-9-7)
- Qualight Systems LLC library with
texts on electrogravitics, electrokinetics, electrohydrodynamics etc, based on
work by scientist Thomas Townsend Brown
General Literature about ETI /
ETV (publications in journals etc)
- Dyson, Freeman J. (1960) Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared
Radiation Abstract
- Hart, Michael H. (1975) Explanation for the Absence of Extraterrestrials
on Earth Abstract
- Dyson, Freeman J. (1979) Time without end: Physics and biology in an open
universe Abstract
- Tipler, F. J. (1980) Extraterrestrial intelligent beings do not exist Abstract
- Brin, G. D. (1983) The Great Silence - the Controversy Concerning
Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life Abstract
- Drake, F. D. (1985) A comparative analysis of space colonization
enterprises Abstract
- Papagiannis, M. D. (1985) An infrared search in our solar system as part
of a more flexible search strategy Abstract
- Wesson, Paul S. (1990) Cosmology, extraterrestrial intelligence, and a
resolution of the Fermi-Hart paradox Abstract
- Scheffer, Louis K. (1994) Machine Intelligence, the Cost of Interstellar
Travel and Fermi's Paradox Abstract
- Falk, D. (1995) Brain Evolution in Dolphins, Humans and Other Mammals:
Implications for ETI Abstracts
- Oro, J. (1995) The Chemical and Biological Basis of Intelligent
Terrestrial Life from an Evolutionary Perspective Abstract
- Arkhipov, A. (1995) A Search for Alien Artifacts on the Moon Abstract
- Ashkenazi, M. (1995) Will ETI Be Space Explorers? Some Cultural
Considerations Abstract
- Klein, H.; Farmer, J. (1995) Status of the Search for Life on Mars Abstract
- Steel, D. (1995) SETA and 1991 VG Abstract
- Weiler, H. (1996) The probability of 1991 VG Abstract
- Steel, D. (1998) The Fermi paradox and 1991 VG Abstract
- Livio, Mariov (1999) How Rare Are Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and When
Did They Emerge? Abstract
- James Annis (1999) An Astrophysical Explanation for the Great Silence Abstract Paper
- Vladimir A. Lefebvre, Yuri N. Efremov (2000) Cosmic Intelligence and Black
Holes Abstract Paper
- Musso, Paolo (2001) On the last terms of Drake Equation: the problem of
energy sources and the "Rare Earth Hypothesis" Abstract
- Godfrey Louis, A. Santhosh Kumar (2003) Cometary panspermia explains the
red rain of Kerala Abstract Paper
- Horvath J. E. (2003) On gamma-ray bursts and their biological effects :a
case for an extrinsic trigger of the Cambrian explosion ? Abstract Paper
- Beatriz Gato-Rivera (2003) Brane Worlds, the Subanthropic Principle and
the Undetectability Conjecture Abstract Paper
- Hoyle, F.; Whickramasinghe, C. (2003) Astronomy or biology? Abstract
(government-sponsored) studies
- USAF's project Blue Book Special Report 14 1955 (PDF
9.6MB) with quantitative scientific cross-analysis of over 3200 UFO sightings
- Scientific Study of
Unidentified Flying Objects (1968) (a/k/a "Condon_Report"), Dr. Edward U.
Condon, Scientific Director. A 2-yr study by the University of Colorado,
sponsored by USAF and CIA. The body of the study contains useful data, but the
conclusion written by Dr.Condon himself can only be viewed as a shameless
cover-up. Its credibility was diminished when it was discovered that its
conclusions had been reached before any research was actually done (the
surprising thing was that this had actually been put on paper as an official
memo). In contrast to the negative attitude of the study director, Dr. Edward
U. Condon, the body of the final report showed that about 30% of the cases
studied were left without explanation. Its "conclusions" are still used as an
excuse to block re-opening and public scientific investigation of the UFO
phenomenon, since 1969!
- UK
Ministry of Defence Study on UFOs (2000) (UAPs), released in May-2006
under FOI act. more.
release: "UFOs are real!" ... but "There is no evidence that (they are)
"solid" objects which could cause a collision hazard", but instead ... balls
of plasma (charged boyand gaseous mass)... A critique (lengthy one) of the
CONDIGN Report can be found here
- From
GEPAN to SERPA: Official UFO Studies in France (.PDF 105KB) by Gildas
Notable scientists position on
Dr. Peter A. Sturrock, Professor of Space Science and Astrophysics
and Deputy Director of the Center for Space Sciences and Astrophysics at
Stanford University; Director of the Skylab Workshop on Solar Flares in 1977
"The definitive resolution of the UFO enigma will not come
about unless and until the problem is subjected to open and extensive
scientific study by the normal procedures of established science. This
requires a change in attitude primarily on the part of scientists and
administrators in universities." (Sturrock, Peter A., Report on a Survey
of the American Astronomical Society concerning the UFO Phenomenon, Stanford
University Report SUIPR 68IR, 1977.)
"Although... the scientific community has tended to minimize
the significance of the UFO phenomenon, certain individual scientists have
argued that the phenomenon is both real and significant. Such views have
been presented in the Hearings of the House Committee on Science and
Astronautics [and elsewhere]. It is also notable that one major national
scientific society, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
set up a subcommittee in 1967 to 'gain a fresh and objective perspective on
the UFO phenomenon.'
In their public statements (but not necessarily in their private
statements), scientists express a generally negative attitude towards the
UFO problem, and it is interesting to try to understand this attitude. Most
scientists have never had the occasion to confront evidence concerning the
UFO phenomenon. To a scientist, the main source of hard information (other
than his own experiments' observations) is provided by the scientific
journals. With rare exceptions, scientific journals do not publish reports
of UFO observations. The decision not to publish is made by the editor
acting on the advice of reviewers. This process is self-reinforcing: the
apparent lack of data confirms the view that there is nothing to the UFO
phenomenon, and this view works against the presentation of relevant
data." (Sturrock, Peter A., "An Analysis of the Condon Report on the
Colorado UFO Project," Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 1, No. 1,
Recently, Dr. Sturrock reported that the journal
SCIENCE has agreed to publish "well penned" papers on UFOs.
Abduction phenomenon
I really am an agnostic about this issue, probably because I really don't
want to believe it wrt the supposed genetic experiments. I find it very hard to
believe theories of aliens needing our DNA or a program such as described in
David Jacobs book "The
Threat: Secret Alien Agenda" as a sufficiently developed civilization will
have conquered biochemistry. But then again the number of "alien abduction"
reports is so high and the independent descriptions of the experience so
similar, that it makes it difficult to ignore as a psychological issue.
Skeptical psychologists quoted in the media attribute it to sleep disorders and
questionable use of hypnosis, but apparently they haven't done their homework.
Do an Internet search on the work of the following people:
- Dr. John Mack
psychiatrist, Harvard professor (passed away in 2005) investigated over 100
abductees. PBS
- Budd Hopkins,
investigating the issue since 1975 and has worked with 100s of abductees
- David M Jacobs, PhD history
professor, wrote the book "The threat". I found his book's theories hard to
- Abduction
Information Center by John Velez
- Whitley Strieber
- Questionable book "Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny" by Dan Sherman,
gives another perspective about the possible explanation behind abductions
- Thomas E.
Bullard interview
- Al
- Dr. Susan A Clancy, psychologist, studied the abduction phenomenon and is
a skeptic. Criticized by B. Hopkins and
also S.Friedman who thinks she did a lousy job and if his critique of
how she conducted her research and managed to get all the case facts wrong in
her book is accurate, I'm inclined to agree. (so perhaps not the brightest
bulb, but at least judging from Jennings ABC she is an attractive woman :-)
- Carl Sagan on
alien abductions
And on the following cases of multi-witness, abductions (none of which were
abducted while asleep btw):
- Allagash case
- Travis Walton website
- Betty and Barney Hill
In Biological
Evidence Of An Alien Entity and DNA
Technique For Assessing Claims Of Alien Abduction alleged alien biological
evidence is analyzed. A more complete version of the story here.
A relevant case of human-alien interaction was of Antonio
Villas Boa in Brazil.
Crop circles / glyphs
I'm an agnostic about crop-circles/glyphs. Although many have probably been
man-made, there is a variety of them where the combination of glyph
sophistication and effects to the soil suggest they were created by something
else than "sticks and ropes". But not necessarily ET-made, read Vallee on crop-circles.
Crop circles - A beginner's
BLT Research Team
on Crabwood 2002 crop formation by Vojtech Petracek Univ. Heidelberg,
Crabwood Farm House crop
circle by Martin Noakes
There is still no good evidence to link UFOs with the modern deluge of
crop circles.
Probable or confirmed fakes /
hoaxes / myths / misconceptions which gained wide publicity
Ray Santilli fake "Roswell
Alien Autopsy film" and "Roswell crash wreckage" videos aired in 1995, are a
confirmed hoax (see Eamonn
investigates "Alien Autopsy" 2002 TV documentary or quick
summary of Eamonn on Santilli hoax and comments
by Philip Mantle). Note that the "Roswell UFO crash" incident in 1947 was
almost certainly NOT a "Mogul baloon" as claimed by officialdom, but the
Santilli autopsy film hoax was an attempt to "exploit", to capitalise on the
public's interest in it. Only "consolation" would be, as Stanton Friedman -who
correctly refused to accept it as authentic from the beginning- put it: "Because
of that footage that has been shown in 32 countries there has been a great deal
of public discussions about UFOs that would otherwise not have occurred."
Bob Lazar (see discussions at Lazar corner) discs at
S4/Area51, Ununpentium-115 superheavy element, gravity waves type A and type B.
IMHO I could believe that Lazar has worked at S4/Area51 and even has seen flying
saucers, but his "flying saucer physics" with gravitational waves I find
impossible to believe. Bob Lazar critiqued by David Morgan and Friedman which IMO are
right on. Either Lazar is 1/ a very skilled salesman or 2/ part in US gov
disinformation campaign or 3/ he had his mind manipulated in some manner and
false memories have been implanted (Lazar remembers having had to drink liquids
and to submit to sessions of hypnosis when he was working at Groom Lake). A
newer, less lame IMHO video
of Bob Lazar.
Some of LtCol. Philip J. Corso's claims in his book "The Day after Roswell",
although SOME of it could possibly be true. I am inclined to think he overstated
his role. Read Friedman's
opinion of Corso. On the other hand, former Canadian Minister of Defense
(1963-1967) Paul Hellyer endorses the validity of Corso's statements, having
verified them with a US General who told him "everything (Corso said) is true
and then some".
"The secret KGB UFO Files" TV documentary by TNT with Roger Moore (James
Bond 007) hosting, is a confirmed hoax Shurinov critique, Alex Hefman on TNT KGB
UFO Files hoax
SERPO Project about a supposed Zeta-Reticuli exchange program
NAZI flying
saucers (and NAZI bases in Antarctica and on the Moon)
Video footage of UFO "buzzing" helicopter near WTC (*not* the case on 9/11),
it was simply a computer-graphics clip for Sci-Fi channel!
Avrocar and its descendants "military flying saucers" or "real world flying
saucers" being responsible for UFO sightings, see fake flying
There are many more "stories"/hoaxes/etc by the fringe element in
UFOlogy, which unfortunately serves to murky the waters and possibly discredit
the entire subject in the mind of the general public who can't easily tell
between fact and fiction.
Skeptics and Prozac
"Don't believe believers, and be skeptical of skeptics." In
many cases of "UFO skeptics" (i.e. people who dismiss the phenomenon, not just
refute specific cases), I've concluded that they have never bothered to check
the data and/or have an axe to grind (the classic dilemma "your soul or your
job"). Many of the "prosaic explanations" seem to be Prozac induced. Anyway,
there are a handful of dedicated skeptical researchers who are knowledgeable and
occasionally provide a contribution to the field. In the U.S., skeptics have
their own publishing house called Prometheus Press (as a Greek, I find their use
of Prometheus name in such context ironic) that publishes anti-UFO books,
controlled by the same people who put out the Skeptical Inquirer Magazine.
- "Misperception/Hoax/Hallucination (MHH) hypothesis", i.e. all reports of
UFOs are actually misidendifications of known or unknown natural phenomena or
man-made craft or witnesses are lying, in those cases where observation
conditions rule out misidentification. Afterall, if we got visited by aliens,
they would have held a press conference and ask to speak to THEM, wouldn't
- Alan Hale: An
Astronomer's Personal Statement on UFOs summarizes nicely the usual
arguments for physical evidence
- UFOs: A Skeptical
View by Tim Printy, lots of content but quite a bit of fact-twisting
IMHO. At least he goes into case-specifics, like the case of supposed
interception by a disk-shaped UFO of a dummy ICBM warhead fired from
Vandenberg Air Force Base in 1964. Has links to several other skeptical
- Royston
Paynter's Scientific skepticism, UFOs and the flying saucer myth offers
a "UFO Skeptic's Toolkit" (outdated and many external links don't work).
Many articles do "research by proclamation", some are legit, but quite a few
are mostly junk...
- CSICOP - Committee for the Scientific
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, a hardline debunking group.
Their UFO critique was headed by Phil Klass, who had a habit of
unnecessarily insulting or ridiculing witnesses. My impression was their
"investigators" operate on the close-minded premise "it can't be, therefore
it isn't", not to mention that they typically have no knowledge of the
subject. But, judge for yourself...
- Phil Plait's "Bad Astronomy" very
bad Astronomy indeed ...
- National Capital Area Skeptics has
done some great work in compiling its library and makes it available over
the WWW
- James Oberg, see Failure
Of The 'Science' Of Obergian Debunking
- SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) people: astronomers Dr.
Seth Shostak, Dr. Jill Tarter (who naively described in Peter Jenning's show
that she mistook the Moon for a UFO!) etc. The point is, we really don't
know what physics an advanced civilization might use... quantum
entanglement, gravity waves or who knows what... Anyway, even if radio
SETI is not looking at the right place, still radio telescopes are a window
to the universe.
- "Psycho-Social Hypothesis (PSH)" i.e. "people's need to believe in XYZ,
and they make things up" theorists can be quite enjoyable, typically social
scientists engaging in extensive literal excercises, trying to put UFOs with
mermaids, monsters and fairies. But read Jerome
Clark's take on Psychosocialbabble and more
on PSH, before taking PSH too seriously:
Comic relief: Ufostupidity by
"debunkers" (pseudo-skeptics a/k/a "Flat Earth Society" members)
There is
a real difference between being a "skeptic" (in which you approach UFOs with
an objective "open-mind" and regard ALL beliefs about UFOs skeptically,
including your own) and a "debunker" (in which you approach UFOs with a
completely closed mind that examines every case with a prearranged agenda
designed to "prove" that every UFO case is explainable, and you simply ignore
or twist the actual evidence to prove your point).
I find particularly amusing the lunatic fringe among them (skepticultists,
skeptopaths) whose claims are, evidently, on a par with geocentricism and the
flat Earth ideas. Yet these people are quoted in the Media which want to
appear "balanced". More about the tactics of "debunkers" in Zen . . .
And the Art of Debunkery. Here are a few examples which combine ignorance
with strong bias:
Science on UFOs: Why I believe UFOs are bunk, by Science Editor David
Whitehouse, PhD (in radio-astronomy)
- The Skeptic's Dictionary on
UFOs/ETs by Robert Todd Carroll, PhD (in Philosophy whose doctoral
dissertation was titled "The Common-sense Philosophy of Religion of Bishop
Edward Stillingfleet, 1635-1699")
- Michael Shermer, PhD (in History of Science), publisher of SKEPTIC
Magazine, is a professional skeptic/debunker about all sorts of different
subjects (I guess we all have to make a living somehow :-). Witty and
amusing e.g. in his video,
but he obviously knows nothing about UFOs.
The UFO Debunker's page
- The Klass Files
by Phil Klass, really funny stuff. Read Klass vs UFOs. IMHO, Klass not
only offered weak arguments, but also didn't have much class, as he
systematically practiced character assassination (see new
Klass letter found) and twisted and bended facts to suit his purpose.
Even the FBI
disliked Klass. As far as I can tell, he was either 1/ an old man
looking for the attention in controversy or 2/ thinking he was performing
what he perceived to be his "patriotic duty" by trying to "debunk"
something, which according to officially sanctioned "reality" shouldn't
- James McGaha offering his
absurd "explanations" for incidents like Rendlesham forest and his statement
"clearly UFOlogy is a mythology, that's based on supersticion, wrapped
inside a fairy-tale, telling a story that simply isn't true" in Jenning's
ABC UFO Special
- Penn
and Teller: Bullshit! Alien Abductions (unavailable, removed?) video
(30min, 120MB AVI), in many ways quite funny (I've listened to it many
times). Totally biased with zero informational value, but funny nonetheless.
They went to the 4th annual Bay Area UFO Convention, taking "interviews" of
poor nutcases and the fringe element in Ufology. This video is so blatant
that it might well be part of a paid disinformation campaign; it tries to
ridicule and discredit the whole UFO and alien abduction phenomena in the
minds of the general audience who doesn't know better. Anyway at least the
two comedians don't pretend to be knowledgeable on the subject of UFOs or
alien abductions, or un-biased or "scientific".
Contrary to some, I
don't believe that most "debunkers" are paid by a US government disinformation
campaign, IMO they're mostly "useful idiots". "Debunking" in this translation
means the purposeful exhortation of fallacious textures, ideals and beliefs to
subvert the general populous.
Purported extraterrestrial /
alien UFO-nauts / UFO occupants - entities / greys anatomy details (with
Probably the most intriguing aspect of UFOnaut reports is that many
are reported as humanoid or even human in appearance! Occupant Sightings by Richard
Hall, Humanoid Sighting Reports
by Albert Rosales and The
humanoids (forget about the "metaphysical" points in Humphrey's preface
IMHO) by Charles Bowen, cover the subject of landed UFOs and their occupants.
Jacques Vallee presents 200 cases, all from 1954, mostly from France. Gordon
Creighton describes 65 cases in detail, all from South America, ranging in time
from 1947 to 1965. Coral Lorenzen has 28 cases, mostly from the 1960s and the
United States.
Examples of stories of human-looking UFO aviators: Canada 1970 (notice
the "head encased in close-fitting dark material" comment), now look at the Templeton, Solway Firth
"spaceman" photo, England 1964, Reverand Gill, Papua New
Guinea 1959, Wisconsin, USA 1961,
According to Robert Dean, retired Army master sergeant (extract from OMNI mag
Apr-1994 article) a 3yr investigation of UFOs/ETs by NATO between 1961-1964
resulted in a "COSMIC TOP SECRET"-classified Report "Assessment: An Evaluation
of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe" stated that
"the planet Earth and human race had been the subject of a
detailed survey of some kind by several different extra-terrestrial
civilizations, four of which they had identified visually. One race looked
almost indistinguishable from us (also referred to as "Nordics", because they
resemble northern Europeans, blonde hair, blue eyes etc). Another resembled
humans in height, stature, and structure, but with a very gray, pasty skin
tone. The third race is now popularly known as the greys (see EBE-Type-II
below), and the fourth was described as reptilian, with vertical pupils and
lizard-like skin (see EBE-Type-I below)" more
If UFOnauts are
indeed basically human or humanoid as some assert, then this raises all sorts of
questions about "panspermia" or "Cosmic Ancestry", "paleocontact" or "ancient
astronaut" hypothesis (i.e. we are the descendants of "their" colonists on this
planet, have played a role in genetically engineering the human race, or even
their creation i.e. they seeded life on Earth).
Another hypothesis that could explain human-looking UFOnauts, is of
"lost/ancient Earth civilizations", i.e. an earlier human civilization arose,
leapt into space to escape the Earthly upheavals of their time (or found some
better refuge on Earth itself), and all previous signs of their presence on our
planet were afterwards erased and forgotten.
The MAJ12 SOM1-01 document doesn't seem convincing to me (unlike some other
MAJ12 documents). On the other hand, Dr.Wood has studied this one extensively
and his site rates it with their highest rating of confidence for authenticity.
I started to prepare the current document as a list of Links, as a "UFO
Primer" to help members of local group here in Greece find their way in a field
which contains a lot of disinformation. But I've only looked into the UFO
subject for a few months, since Aug-2006. So, although the data presented here
have been checked to the best of my ability, there might still be errors or
inaccuracies. I know the "recommended books" section is minimal and needs to be
expanded (although my focus was on free material readily available over the
Internet, just a click away). I'd welcome any corrections or suggestions you
have to offer. This is still work in progress.
Personally, although I've never seen one myself (but know of 2 people who
each saw a UFO in very close range of a few meters), I am convinced that UFOs
are just as real and tangible as e.g. the B2 stealth bomber (although neither
one's pieces are available for study). Thousands of people have seen UFOs, many
under circumstances which virtually preclude misinterpretation and some of these
sightings have been coordinated with radar fixes. Photographs have been taken
and physical evidence has been accumulated.
Don't fall for the propaganda, portraying UFO facts as "conspiracy theories".
Sometimes naive people ask "If this UFO subject were for real, wouldn't you
expect all the scientists to jump all over it?", meaning the public scientific
research by ACADEMIC scientists. The answer is a loud NO; there already are
thousands of scientists WORKING UNDER SECURITY to do it (e.g. just in the 3
nuclear weapon labs in USA there are over 25,000 employees of which 10,000 are
scientists, with budgets higher than the entire NSF and some of them undoubtedly
work on UFOs).
Anyway IMHO academics have failed the public (with notable exceptions such as
James MacDonald, Hynek, Sturrock), in that preciously few had the courage to
publicly advocate the study of UFOs, fearing it'll jeopardize their funding and
careers. For most people, it's "your soul or your job" and we've all witnessed
what most academics answer to that. But it's hardly surprising, if one studies
the history and sociology of science.
Even if the best evidence (UFO wreckage and bodies) have been secreted away
by the governments as many believe, Science is more than examination of an
artifact that one can touch and performing reproducible controllable
experiments. The evaluation of sudden unexpected events cannot exclude science
even if they can't be rerun again, e.g. the Columbia accident. There are over
3000 physical trace cases in 70 countries, of UFOs landing and affecting soil
and flora. The observations of color and changes in color with velocity, the
analysis of photographs, triangulation of multiple observations from different
directions (see Martin Jasek's excellent work on huge UFOs), frame by frame
analysis of motion picture footage, review of EM signals, evaluation of stealth
characteristics, evaluation of effects on vehicles and aircraft instrumentation.
All this and a host more provide plenty of opportunity for the use of chemistry
and physics.
As a closing remark, to paraphrase the Introduction to the Condon Report:
"Anyone who honestly studies the UFO phenomenon as a healthy agnostic will, I
believe, come out with a new perspective on human values and limitations." Or
read Hans Christian Andersen's tale "The emperor's new
I hope this document will be useful to you.
Dimitris Hatzopoulos
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