submitted by Geert Jan Kraan
New Science
- AI Magazine
- ANAMRA - Technology of Nature
- Center eleven - study and research on
- Views of the Solar
- Science Magazine
- Nature - International weekly journal of science
- David Bohm tirbute to Quantum mechanics,
information and consciousness - dialogues
- The Institute For New Energy: Advanced Physics and
- The New Science Network
- The Institute For New Energy: Advanced Physics and
- BlackLight Power - Grand Unified Theory of
Classical Quantum Mechanics
- The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman:
Contents-Master Index
- EARTH Prophecy -- Scientific Prophecy
- EARTH Prophecy -- Science and the Future
- Moorish Observatory - self organizing textures
of human space-time experience
- Ernst & Young, LLP - Center For Business
Innovation - Research Initiatives - Knowledge Management
- KeelyNet - Free Energy - Gravity Control - Electronic
- AMARGILAND - Radionic
- Radionic Photography is a very rare and suppressed technology. This
type of
photography involves the combination of photography with
technology. This can become a very powerful tool
once fully understood and applied.
Via the radionic component of this
science, one is able to take REAL photographs of
things, places,
people, substances, energies, events (past and present), etc. But what
unique about this technology is the fact that it is done remotely;
meaning that the goal
to be photographed does not have to be anywhere
near the radionic camera. Thus, a
photograph can be made of a person
(for example) when the person is hundreds of
miles away from the
radionic camera (via a witness of the person). Not only can this
of camera be used to photograph people and places remotely, but this
can also photograph energy patterns, dimensional realms and
even thoughts!! For
example, by simply tuning into the cruxifiction of
Christ, one can obtain a photograph of
the event.... or even a
photograph of the thoughts of Christ or others during this event.
In a
way, radionic cameras are implementing a form of remote viewing; with
mechanisms being able to grab any pattern or knowledge found within
the Collective
Consciousness. But please note that the mechanisms of
these cameras include, most
importantly, the mind mechanism of the
person using the camera.
- The Millennium Frontier - future science,
future technologies, free energy, space flight, antigravity, biological
experiments, human cloning, ufo, extraterestrial life, government
brainwashing . . . and more
- THE NEW PHYSICS - Zero Point Physics, Vacuum Energy, Scalar
- De Negen Planeten - Een multimediaronde van
het Zonnestelsel
- Forbidden Science
- The Borderlands Of Science -
Info Sources: Organisations
- Association for Scientific
Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP)
- Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF)
- International Association For New Science (IANS)
- International Fortean Organization
- International Tesla Society (I.T.S.)
- Tesla Incorporated
- University of Science and Philosophy
- Mike Levin's
Parapsychology/Fringe Science Page
- Journal of Borderland
- Planetary Systems
- Space Commune!
- The Venus Project
- Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - John W. Keely, bio, work,
inventions, Musical Dynasphere, science and physics by Dale Pond
- The Science and Philosophy home page at the University of
Science and Philosophy (Science/Philosophy)
- A World Home-Study University for Self
Transcendency to teach
Walter and Lao
Russell’s new knowledge of the nature of
Man and his
Universe through Universal
Law, Natural Science and
- Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic
- of Quasars & Quanta
- In these pages you can explore some of the most exciting things
learned in the fields of physics and cosmology. At the same time,
you will
find yourself exposed to the emergence of a new
understanding of the Universe, one which reaffirms the
most ancient
understanding, representing a very important step in the
evolution of
human awareness.
- The Godbox Holoform
- New Science, advanced radionic / psychotronic
computer system for electronic homeopathy
- The Resonance Project (TRP): Home
- The Apocalyptic Files - The Ultimate Goal of
Theoretical Physics and the Prophesies of the Book of Revelation
- Center for Frontier Sciences - Temple University
- Rupert Sheldrake Home Page
- Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research -
Study of Consciousness-Related Physical Phenomena
- Institute for Frontier Science - HealthWorld
- The Institute for Frontier Science (IFS) is a nonprofit corporation
founded in 1996 to foster and maintain research, education, and
information exchange at the frontiers of science, technology, wellness and
healthcare, consciousness, and the mind-body-spirit. As an
independent organization, IFS was established to explore novel scientific
discoveries and ideas that are often
considered unconventional.
- The Science of the
- The Quest for Free Energy -
Paranormal Phenomena/The Unexplained - 09/07/98
- International Space University
- The Planetary Society
- YGGDRASIL: The Journal of
- A Journal of Paraphysics: This journal is dedicated to both the
explanation of paranormal phenomena within the context of physics and
extending the science of physics into areas of study which are normally
considered beyond the scope of physics.
This journal will offer
a forum where refereed papers can be presented
without prior prejudice
toward either their content or subject matter. The
material presented
will span all levels of knowledge. Knowledge cannot be
reserved for
those who are highly educated, but is the right of all who
search it
out. It is hoped that this journal will prove interesting to
self-educated reader as well as the professional scientist. The
ideas and
content of the articles will be stressed rather than the
language of presentation, as long as the proper norms of
presentation are
preserved. The journal will also offer a forum where
issues concerning the
conceptual bases of physics and the validity of
advances in the science of
physics into the paranormal and elsewhere
can be openly discussed. As an
electronic journal, the editors have far
more latitude for the presentation of ideas than would normally occur in a
hardcopy journal and this latitude will be utilized whenever necessary.
- P&P - Physics and
- DMILS: Direct Mental
Interactions with Living Systems
- Mind-Matter Unification
Project - Cavendish Lab, Cambridge, UK
- The RetroPsychoKinesis Project - University of
Kent at Canterbury, UK
- Society for Scientific Exploration
- Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
- The Center for Frontier
- Physics of Consciousness Research Group
- The Institute for New Energy
- Obscure Research Laboratory
- The Intuition Network - incl paraphysical
- !!!New and Alternative
Theories of Physics
- Modern Physics Letters A
(MPLA) - journal
- This letters journal, launched in 1986, consists of research
covering current research developments in Gravitation,
Cosmology, Nuclear
Physics, and Particles and Fields. A Brief Review
section has also been
initiated with the purpose of publishing short
reports on the latest
experimental findings and urgent new theoretical
- Modern Physics Letters B
(MPLB) - journal
- MPLB opens a channel for the fast circulation of important and useful
research findings in Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics,
Applied Physics and High-Tc Superconductivity. It provides a convenient
for researchers all over the world to exchange information with
others in similar fields of interest. A section consisting of brief
reviews is included.
- SpiritWeb - Light
- Press 1 Space News and
- HotAIR - international science humor magazine
- MIT Technology Review (magazine)
- CNN - Science - Technology
- Infinite Energy Magazine Online - Cold Fusion
and New Energy Technology
- Institute for New Energy - links
- Welcome to the Viktor
Schaubergers Vortex World !
- Whirlpower
- SpaceViews - space exploration
- The Galactic Core (THE ONLINE GUIDE TO
- Distant Star, The Electronic Magazine of the
First Millennial Foundation (space colonization)
- Standing Wave Compression; Transformation of
Physical Dimensions; Rhythmodynamics
- NASA Science News
- Contd - art, culture, technology
- ScienceDaily Magazine -- Home Page
- THE MILLENNIUM GROUP - 'science in the service
of humanity'
- The Millennium Group is organized to create an unbiased outlet for
scientific research and critical thinking. Our goal is Truth, however we
do acknowledge the difficulties in attaining such a lofty destination.
respect tradition only as much as it assists us in our quest and
does not hinder the journey toward our chosen goal. We believe that the
right to curiosity and the knowledge it produces cannot be compromised by
personal agendas or secret combinations. We stand for team work, honesty,
integrity, critical review, and pure democratic convention. We place value
in the information itself, not in the acclamations given to the source of
such information. Finally, we believe in the power of open honest
- Orbitally Rearranged
Monoatomic Elements (ORMUS) - David Hudson
- High-Spin Monatomic Research - David Hudson etc.
- Planetary Mysteries - "Where Science and Art
- The Silent Universe - World
Space Administration's Interstellar Explorer Project
- Scott Robert Ladd's ALife
- Solar System Simulator
- The Academy For Future Science is a non-profit, philosophical
corporation that examines the roots of consciousness from the standpoint
of new scientific ideas for the future. An association of scholars,
professionals, and people from all walks of life, working in their
individual areas of expertise in
order to network learning techniques,
AFFS provides advanced education for new energy services that are now
being tested on a worldwide level.
- NEXUS Magazine - alternative science
- NEXUS is an international bi-monthly alternative news magazine,
covering the fields of - Health Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's
Ancient Past; UFOs & the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups
- "Science Without Bounds" -
- Sumeria/Physics
- The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT
- Breakthrough! - scitech ezine
- MIT's Laboratory for
Advanced Technology in the Humanities (LATH)
- Discover Magazine -
populaire scitech (breed)
- Earth Core Spins Faster Than
- The Technological Sphere!! (breed)
- General Technology and Policy , Biotechnology, Nanotechnology
Technology and Colonization ,Complex Systems ,Advanced Computing ,
Information Management , Megascale Engineering
Space Time Engineering
, Miscellanous Technology
- Essential Media Counterculture Book
- The FringeWare Store - Recommended Reading
& Upcoming Events
- New Scientist Planet Science: The Last Word Science Questions
and Answers
- This archive contains over 450 questions on scientific phenomena,
answers provided by our readers.
- The Institute for Frontier
Science: Frontier Sciences Electronic Journal - HealthWorld Online
- Scientific & Medical Network - "Promoting
open exploration in science and human experience"
- Neural Networks That
Autonomously Create and Discover
- PC AI magazine - Artificial Intelligence
- Horizon Technology - Tomorrow's Technology
- MIT Media Laboratory
Projects Index >> cyberculture
- The Institute For New Energy: Advanced Physics and
- Society for Scientific Exploration - fringes of science
- Journal of Scientific Exploration
- Borderlands Sciences Research Foundation
- Borderland Sciences Research Foundation was founded by Meade Layne in
1945 for the purpose of investigating into realms normally beyond the
range of basic human perception and physical measurement. Today,
Sciences continues to be the premier information resource
for discerning scholars and advanced researchers across the globe.
- NASA's Origins Program
- AI-Wars Nederland
- Switch (Journal focussing on art/cultural and
technology issues)
- links uit Newsweek
Magazine's Cyberscope
- Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - folder van
- Massachussetts Institute of Technology
- UNC-CH Telepresence Research
- Telepresence and Links
- CNET TV - The New Edge
- Exopa Terra - E-journal of Technology and Society
- Human Interface Technology Lab Home Page
- Internet Resources in
Virtual Reality
- Computer-Assisted Virtual
Environment (SARA)
- Delft University of Technology
- TUD's Home page
- Fractal Shape Changing Robots
- Leonard McMillan's Home
- McMillan's (Robotics-researcher) Home page
- Principia Cybernetica Project
- PCP at the VUB
- Robotic Tele-Excavation at USC
- Remote Control for Robotics
- Robotics and
Neurocomputing UVA
- Robotics and Neural Networks in Amsterdam
- Solarbotics Related sites of Interest
- Survival Research Labs
- Mark Pauline's pages
- Tele-Garden
- Interactive WEB-project
- NASA-JSC Area Nanotechnology Study Group
Molecular Nano Technology
- Foresight Institute
- Nanotechnology
(Mechanical Engineering)
- The 'Official'
Nanotechnology FTP Site
- Computational
- Sean Morgan's Nanotechnology Pages
- Index Librorum Liberorum: Contents of
- Nanotech
- NanoCon Proceedings
- Cornell Science &
Technology Magazine
- The Overtool: A Proposed
Universal Assembler
- Richard E. Smalley Home Page
- Computational Molecular
Nanotechnology at NASA Ames Research Center
- Institute of
Atomic-Scale Engineering
- nano musings
- Web Publishing and Molecular
- NRG (Center for Solid
State Electronics Research)
- Construct's 3d Nanotech
work in progress
- Proximal Probes and
- Notre Dame
Microelectronics Lab
- Nanoelectronics &
- NanoNews
- Sean Morgans - New on
the Nanotech Pages
- Brad Hein's
Nanotechnology Page
- Small is Beautiful: a
collection of nanotechnology links
- Nanotechnology
(Mechanical Engineering)
- Small world (by
- Nano News - Archives
- NanoComputer Dream
- Molecular
- Shape Changing Robots
And Nano Technology
- The NAS Computational
Molecular Nanotechnology Group
- IMM's Web site
- Molecular Dynamics
Simulations of Carbon Nanotube Based Gears
- NanoCAD, a freeware nanotech design system
in Java (including source code)
- From Neurons to
- NanoComputer Dream
- Molecular Realities
- Nanozine
- Nanotechnology Papers and sci.nanotech
Nanocomputer Dream Team
- Xerox - Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology
- Foresight Institute Home page
- Nanotechnology PARC
- Palo Alto Research and Links
- Nanotechnology RICE
- RICE-Insititute
- The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) -- The
Gateway to Biotechnology
- Institute For Biotechnology Information
- National Biotech Register
- The Biotechnology Information Center
- BioTech's life science
- BioChemNet
- Access Excellence
- Roslin Institute Online
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
- Bioscience Network
- Time Online's Cloning
- Cloning Research Abstracts
Selected from the CAB ABSTRACTS Database
- The Cloning of a Sheep
Called Dolly
- Cloning: A Special
- A Clone in Sheep's
- National Center for Biotechnology
Information (US)
- BioSpace
- The Missyplicity Project
- Fractal shape changing robots
- Robotics Research at the Johns Hopkins
- Arrick Robotics
- Interfacing Reality
- NOMAD Project
- BioRobotics Lab
- Hans Moravec's Homepage
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- NASA Space Telerobotics
Research Program
- Xavier- an Internet-guided mobile robot
- Carnegie Science Center's Online
- Australia's Telerobot on the Web
- Robotics Frequently Asked Questions List
- Humanoid Interaction
- Honeybee Robotics
- Mondo-tronics' Robot Store
- Dallas Personal Robotics Group
- Real World Interface, Inc. (RWII)
- HelpMate Robotics, Inc.
- Elekit Co.
- California Cybernetics Company
- Robotics in Japan -- a
collection of groups and projects
- IS Robotics, Inc.
- Various Motion Control and Robotics
Neural Nets / Artificial Intelligence / Augmented
- ALife Garden
- Cellular Automata Loops
(Java Applet)
- Live Alife Page [framed]
- Sea Monkey Artificial Life
- Technosphere
- TechnoSphere's Homepage: V2-Beastie ID 1012
- Thomas Ray
- Ray's home on the Web
- Tierra
- Thomas Ray's Tierra on the Web
- Neural Networks at Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
- Shareware and Freeware
Neural Network Software
- Agorics, Inc. Home
- MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Home Page
- Principia Cybernetica Web
- NEuroNet
- ele.tue.nl/neural/neural_FAQ.html
- Neural Network FAQ, part 1 of 7:
- An Introduction to Neural
- Atree 3.0 Educational Kit
User Guide
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial
- Thoughts on Artificial
- Cycorp, Inc. (CYC)
- Artificial Intelligence Page
- Artificial Intelligence Archives for News
Groups and Mailing Lists
- Artificial Intelligence FAQs
- Artificial Intelligence Personal Home
- European Coordinating Committee for Artificial
- Artificial Intelligence
Societies and Organizations Directory
- Artificial Intelligence,
Cognitive Science and Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence Resources
- The American Association
for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
- CMU Artificial
Intelligence Repository
- The Cognitive Science Society, Inc.
- Evolution, Complexity and
- The Brain Project
- Artificial Life Online
- Introduction to Neural
- SRI International's Artificial Intelligence Center
Emerging Technologies Research Group
- Toekomstbeeld van Techniek
- New Scientist Planet
Science: Hot Spots
- Technology Futures
- FutureAlert - Providing
information about tommorrows technology today
- Technology Directions of the
21st Century (NASA)
- Technology Foresight Programme (UK Office of
Science & Technology)
- SpaceCast 2020 (USAF)
- Coca Cola City
- tech90s: technology in the 1990s
- HTI Home Toys - Home Automation Source
- BT Technology Calendar -
- CEO Summit (future of
- Nanogear images, NASA Ames
Public Affairs News Release & Pictures
- Origin MediaLab - 'future in technology'
- Vision of the Future Forum
- Street Tech ('hardware beyond the hype'; van Wired)
- wetWare, Inc. - Human technology on the cutting-edge
- CMP's TechWeb - The Technology News Site
- Nature
- Scientific American
- Science
- AgBiotech News and
- Technological Forecasting
and Social Change
- New Scientist Planet Science - News, jobs and
more from the leading weekly magazine
- FREAK TECHNOLOGY: A free e-zine on
revolutionary news in software, hardware, communication, materials,
production and more.
- Institute for Prospective Technological
Studies Reports
- International Technology Assessment
- Nanotech Update
- Technology in Society
- Journal of Artificial
- CMPnet -- The Technology Network
- National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of
Engineering/Institute of Medicine/National Research Council
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- National Science Foundation
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
- Discovery Channel
- Artificial Life Online - Santa Fe Institute
- ETC-Lab Augmented and Virtual Reality Home
- e-zine-list - Keyword:
- e-zine-list - Keyword:
- e-zine-list - Keyword:
- e-zine-list - Keyword:
- e-zine-list - Keyword:
technology news
- Augmented Reality - NSF/ARPA Science and
Technology Center for Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization
- Welcome to the Home Page for the Learning On Line
- American Association for Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence
research links!!
- Sun SITE - Sun Software, Information and
Technology Exchange
- Sun SITE(TM) (Sun Software, Information and Technology Exchange) is a
Sun Microsystems sponsored program at leading universities around the
world. The Sun SITE goals are to: Provide easy, global access to
free software and tools Act as a repository for key Sun, local, and
government information Promote development and research of new Internet
Launch hot new Internet-based applications
- Intelligent Information
Filters and Enhanced Reality by Alexander Chislenko V.0.84-3
- Human-Computer Interaction
Resources on the Net!!!
- Augmented Reality -
University of Rochester Department of Computer Science
- Telepresence Research, Inc. Home Page
- Telepresence - Strathclyde
Transparent Telepresence Group
- Directory of Cold-fusion
- CMP's TechWeb - The Technology Super Site
- Institute of Future Technology
- Institute for Prospective Technological
Studies Reports
- Strange Magazine Web Site
- Weird Science (Bill Beaty's Homepages)
- Fusion FAQ Homepage
- Superconductors and Gravity
- Leading Edge International Research Group
- Biological and Bioactive Holoforms
- Frontier Research Seminars
- GodBox betatesters page
- The Global Agenda - use of
environmental catastrophes to gain power
- earthsystems.org: Educating the Earth
- Artoworld - Art, Phi Geometry,
Harmonics, Fractals and Magic Squares
- !!Project Equinox 2000 - Giza, the Pyramids, the
Sphinx and the New Millennium
- With the millennium fast approaching, author and pyramid researcher
Robert Bauval is bringing together twelve prominent authors and researchers
around the world to perform a journey and global ritual. This
journey will symbolically represent the departure of the Hermetic Tradition
for Egypt, its
subsequent spread around the world, and now its return
back into Egypt.
The authors include: Graham Hancock *, John Anthony
West, Robert Bauval, Colin Wilson, Andrew Collins, Michael Baigent, Robert
Lomas, Christopher Knight, Paul William Roberts, John Lash, Rand Flem-Ath
and Dr. Edmund
- State of the World Forum
- !! Laura Lee Show - Guests Links & Topic
- Het.Geneeswijzen.net
- School for Research in Yoga and Ayurveda
- Truth Seeker Journal
- The Truth Seeker focuses on matters concerning political religious
as well as intellectual liberation and civil liberties.
- !!! The New Millenia - create a coordinated frequency of Light
for all global meditations and actions
- http://www.archangel-michael.org/
- The Ancient Civilizations IQ Test
- The New Age IQ Test
- Crystalline Light Body
- World Transformation / New Civilization Network
- Communicating Science News (by the National Association of
Science Writers)
- EurekAlert! - global gateway to science, medicine and
technology news
- Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research
- Agora Arising Universal Ministry (AAUM)
- Agora Arising Universal Ministry (AAUM) is a non-profit,
non-denominational Spiritual Organization dedicated to assisting others in
healing themselves and their lives and in raising the Vibration of the Whole
through Enlightenment.
- ORMUS Related Scientific
- nyu center for advanced technology
- New Age Television Home Page
- The Alternative Medicine Homepage
- Alternative & Holistic
- Healing Heart Center
- Alchemical Medicine Research and Teaching
Association (AMR'TA) - healing arts
- Great Bear Astrological Center (WTPE) - Welcome
To Planet Earth magazine
- Steps of Zion Ministry - A Project of the
Universal Life Trust
- National Council for Geocosmic Research - Exploring the
interaction between man and cosmosNational Council for Geocosmic Research -
Exploring the interaction between man and cosmos
- Esoteric Source Providers
- International Institute of Forecasters - Business
- International Journal of Forecasting
- The Future Project - online collaborative
- Global Change - A review of climate change and
ozone depletion
- Theosofische Vereniging NL
- EarthStar Power Points Maps, Rosetta's maps
- The EarthStar Globe. Earth's natural geometry and map of megaliths,The
pyramids in Egypt, China, and Mexico; the Bermuda Triangle, Easter Island,
and the Galapagos Islands are among the sites that share a geometric
- Four Ahau Press - cosmology of
indigenous mesoamerican cultures (incl. maya calendar)
- The Enterprise Mission - Richard Hoagland -
ET/ancient civalizations, conspiracy theory
- WorldPuja - spiritual news network
- SpiritWeb - Audio/Video
Archive - Art Bell Show Sightings Radio Show Newage Music Spiritual Spectrum
SpiritWeb-TV Suma Ching Hai Bridging Heaven & Earth Misc
- Journal of Sound and Vibration
- Issue Action News
- Sound Healing
- Sound and Healing Sites - Barbara Hero
- !!!! Tools For Exploration - Alternative Therapies - Smart
Nutrients+ | Light & Sound | Tapes & Cds
- Explore Publications - alternative physics and
- Explore Publications is devoted to putting in front of the
discriminating public,
quality reliable information from the
cutting edge of Alternative and Holistic Medicine, Nutritional Therapies,
Energy Medicine, Homeopathy and Physics. Explore Magazine is published for
the Medical Profession, Scientists, and other serious researchers who are
interested in these areas. This site gives a glimpse into the
magazine's contents on an ongoing basis.
- Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR)
- Ian Goddard’s ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN Journal
- nature's underlying structural
elements along with their most prominent compounds and ensuing geodesic
- Son of Ether Page
- Paradigma Online - Journal of
Progressive Sciences
- Paradigma, The Journal of
Etheric Science
- Tony Smith - Schumann Resonances, Geomagnetic
Reversals, and Human Brain States
- Ashtar Command
- Campaign for the Earth Home
- Linkages - A Multimedia Resource for Environment &
Development Policy Makers
- Leading Edge Research Group: The What's What
Concept Guidebook
- The New Evolution Centre is a paradigm-changing cooperative which began
in 1996, under the direction of Theodore D. Hall, Ph.D., prime mover behind
the 1989 work Blueprint for the Future, which delineated the teachings put
forth by Bashar. In 1995, Dr. Hall released a compact distillation of years
of sociocultural research called Avoiding Extinction, a prelude to his
superlative work, the 450-page book called The Ark: Surviving the Flood of
Disinformation, which was finally released in 1997, published by
Edge Research Group.
- After-Death Communication - www.After-Death.Com
- ECHELON: America's Secret Global Surveillance
Network -- Patrick S. Poole
- SCIENCE-WEEK - A Weekly Email Digest of the News of Science
- PlanetDiary
- Brought to the Web by global educational publisher Addison Wesley
the PlanetDiary site provides weekly coverage of "the events and
that affect Earth and its residents." Each week, PlantDiary
astronomical, biological, environmental, geological, and
news from around the globe. An especially useful highlight
of the Website
is the Phenomena Backgrounders section. The pages within
this section
explain the science surrounding each event, provide links to
local and
up-to-the-minute information, and suggest online (and hands-on)
In addition, the Phenomena Backgrounders section is an
excellent resource
for research projects or for tracking weekly weather
and geological
activity. Other sections at the site include Current
Phenomena (for the
latest geological, environmental, and meteorological
news), Calender (for
upcoming events), and Universal Measurements (for
tips on converting times
and distances).
- Discovery Online, Earth Alert
- The Week of November 9-November 13, 1998
- Lee Chin's bookmarks
- !!!!WeatherNet: WeatherSites -
huge listing
- Vatican Observatory - astronomical research
- The American Association for the Advancement of Science
- US Office of Scientific and Technical
Information (OSTI) - Energy Science and Technology
- New and Alternative Theories
of Physics
- The Institute For New Energy: Advanced Physics and
- Nikola Tesla Page, Tesla Coils
(Bill Beaty's Homepage)
- Nikola Tesla Page, Tesla Coils
(Bill Beaty's Homepage)
- the science behind the x-files//[scixf 2.0]
- Nikola Tesla Museum - Belgrade - Museum
- Quantum Metaphysics by Joachim
E. Wolf
- Society for Scientific Exploration - fringes of science
- Scientific American
- Scientific American Editors'
Selections from the Web
- International Association for New Science
- Future Harmonix Magazine
- Future Harmonix - music, technology, and group
- U.S. Psychotronics Association (USPA)
- Oughten House Publications
- Hay House Publications - spiritual and related
- The Official Homepage of Dr. Richard J.
- Doc Hambone's Guide to the
Insane and Enlightened - Hundreds of addresses and links to alternative and
fringe media
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
- Encyclopedia of Skepticism and
the Paranormal
- Skeptic Annotated
- New York Area Skeptics
- Skeptic Society
- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims Of the
Paranormal (CSICOP)
- Robert Sheaffer's Skeptical Home Page
- The Skeptic Tank
- Worldwide skeptic archive
- The Skeptic
- San Diego Association for Rational Inquiry
- The Connecticut Skeptical
- UFOs and Aliens
- Foundation for Meditation and Spiritual Unfoldment
- Institute For Advanced Metaphysical Studies
- Paraweb
- New Medicine
- The Foundation for Shamanic Studies - Shamanic Resources,
Courses, Workshops
- The Paradigm Clock - The official website of the Paradigm
Research Group
- New Earth News - OCTOBER 1998 Homepage
- The Pearl of Wisdom
- Bohm Compton Radius Vortex Sidharth Sarfatti
- ORMUS Related Scientific
- Leading Edge Research - Quantum Physics, Space,
Time and Dimensional Links!!!!
- Leading Edge Research - The New Evolution Centre
- by Bashar & Theodore D. Hall
- Zero Point Physics, Vacuum Energy, Scalar Physics
- ALPHAOMEGA - Publication for the Expansion of Consciousness
- The Self-Mastery Earth Institute Homepage
- LightWave Magazine
- Ritual of the Portal for
Planetary Ascension
- Vereniging de Nieuwe Mens (test)
- SOTHIS Seminars and Earthgate Project (Saskia
- The Treasure Chest: Transformation of Consciousness, Heightened
Awareness, Merkaba, Deliberate Creating, Near Death Experience, Time Travel
and UFO, Superconscious, Higher Self, Hidden Truth, Inner Guidance, Light
Body, Venusian Science, Vernon Howard, Alchemy, Invisibilty, Native American
Spirituality, Quantum Field, Mind Power, False Self - Ego, Pleiades
Teachings, Altered DNA, The Middle Way (Ron Voreis)
- Life Forces Research
- Our Pristine Planet-dolphins,clustered
water,environmental care,photon
- Spiritual-Endeavors www - nonprofit educational
organization promoting Spiritual, Holistic, and Environmental awareness
- Spiritual, Holistic,
Environmental Events - Free World Wide Calendar
- Mystic Planet and New Age Directory of Planet Earth
- International Light Workers Directory - World
Light Center
- Holistic Medicine Web Page
- Andrew Collins - alternative archaeology
- Healing Arts Report - A Guide to Holistic Health
and Integrative Medicine
- Wired Collections: Space
- The Center for Strategic & International Studies
- Anarchy - Mid Atlantic Infoshop
- Max Planck Institute for the
Study of Societies
- !!!!!Which World: Scenarios
for the 21st Century, by Allen Hammond
- Which World Resource Library
-- Trends: Demographic Resources
- Which World Resource Library
-- Other Sustainable Development Sites
- Which World Resource Library
-- Other Data Collection Sites
- Which World Resource Library
-- Other Educational Sites
- Which World Resource Library
-- Regions: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Which World Resource Library
-- Regions: Russia
- Which World Resource Library
-- Regions: North Africa/Middle East
- Which World Resource Library
-- Regions: North America/Japan/Europe
- Which World Resource Library
-- Regions: Latin America
- Which World Resource Library
-- Regions: India
- Which World Resource Library
-- Regions: China
- Which World Resource Library
-- Trends: Social and Political Resources
- Which World Resource Library
-- Trends: Environmental Resources
- Which World Resource Library
-- Trends: Economics Resources
- WebSitez - keyword "trend"
- Earth Changes - links to Maps of the
- International Guild of Advanced Sciences
- International Guild of Occult Sciences
- The Techno Shaman - occult journal of
- Atlapedia - full color physical and political maps and key
facts and statistics on countries of countries
- A Course in Miracles® - ACIM
- University Of Melchizedek Home Page
- Welcome to Vibrani's One Source, also known as Ur. This site is
dedicated to the One Primal Source of All That Is - perfection of love,
harmony and beauty - united with all. Vibrani's focus is the evolution
of consciousness and personal transformation through communication,
self-empowerment, integration, healing, compassion with action,
responsibility, always respecting autonomy. In Vibrani's One Source (which
is up-dated daily), you will find a variety of Articles on many subjects,
Channelings, Poetry, books and cd for sale, links to my favorite sites,
human rights issues, global meditations, up-coming events, sharing and
outreach, including specific information related to Sufism, Ancient Egypt
and American Indians.
- World Bank
- Lucis Trust (founded by Alice and Foster Bailey) - Esoteric
Training, World Service through Right Human Relations, Right Human
Relations, Meditation, and Dynamic Goodwill.
- Triangles: Network of Light
and Love. World Service through Prayer and Meditation with the Great
- Planetwork Press
- We publish books and educational tools related to: The Seven Rays,
The Great
Invocation, Esoteric Numerology , Esoteric Astrology , The
Ageless Wisdom
Esoteric Psychology
- Planetwork Press - Seven Ray
Energy Cards
- Planetwork Press - Seven Ray
Energy Journal
- Millennium Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine
- EARTH Prophecy -- Bible Prophecy
- My Close Encounters - spiritual quest into the realm of ET
- This book will explain itself - it has been written from the Christian
perspective and inspired to be written under the will of God.
- Unknown Magazine
- The Division of Consciousness: The Secret
Afterlife of the Human Psyche, a new book on Christianity's Lost Doctrine of
a Divided Afterlife, as Found in the Lost Gospels of Nag Hammadi Egypt,
which Integrates & Reconciles Science with Religion and Christianity
with Reincarnation, explaining Life After Death Theologies around the World,
including Near-Death Experiences, Past-Life Regression, Ghosts, Apparitions,
Souls, Spirits, and Nostradamus' Prophecies, by Peter Novak
- !!!Dr. Odenwald's ASK THE
ASTRONOMER page: Cosmology and the Big Bang
- !!!Dr. Odenwald's ASK THE
- Dr. Odenwald's ASK THE
ASTRONOMER page : Astronomy and Religion
- Dr. Odenwald's ASK THE
ASTRONOMER page: Software
- The Golden Key
- !!!HyperHealth CD Rom
- Have you have ever wished for an in-depth reference guide about foods,
herbs, supplements, and natural therapies? Hyperhealth is the one! It is the
world's first and most comprehensive encyc-lopedia of natural health on
CD-ROM. Science and Nature Are Merging Researchers around the globe are
un-ravelling the amazing health secrets of natural remedies. Not a day goes
by with-out new
discoveries emerging about the ways that nutritional
supplements, herbs and foods that can benefit your health. ---Hyperhealth
shows you how! Retard the aging process Prevent Disease , Lift your Energy
Levels , Sleep better , Protect your hair , Extend your Lifespan , Improve
your Memory, Build your Muscles ,
Boost your Sex Life , Save your Skin ,
Eliminate Toxins , Reduce Wrinkles ,
Stimulate Immunity , Increase your
Intelligence , Lose Weight , Fight Fatigue
- The Skeptics Society
- Future Future Culture
- John Templeton Foundation - science and religion
- The Center for Theology & the Natural Sciences (CTNS)
- Chicago Center on Religion and
- ESSSAT (European Society for
the Study of Science and Theology)
- Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
- AAAS Program of Dialogue Between Science &
PAGE: www.science-spirit.org
- META: Science and Religion Listserv
- ORIGIN: The Meeting Place of Religions
- Psycoloquy
- Shambhala Sun
- Inspired by Buddhism and the world's great contemplative traditions, the
Shambhala Sun magazine brings compassion and insight to the arts,
relationships, social issues, livelihood, and all aspects of
life in the modern world.
- Global Visions Directory - Guide to People,
Projects, Organizations Events for a Better World
- Kryon Family Room
- Kirael's Inward Portal
- Tong's Inscription Artwork
- Astrology - Welcome from The Mining Co.
- Astrology -- The Zodiac Master
- ABCNEWS.com: Country
- Osho Multiversity - Academy of
Healing Arts
- The Skeptics Society
- Finland's Center of Circles Information - crop
- WWF Glo