La Web | Resultados 1 - 100 de aproximadamente 75.800 de UFO Debunkers. (0,32 segundos) |
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Consider: for the believers, they only have to
get it right once. Every other incident in history can be a fraud or
mistake. For the debunkers, well. ... - 45k - |
I will live with these images for the rest of my
life, and I say the UFO debunkers that don’t believe do not have
open minds or are working on the big ... [ Más resultados de ] |
"Debunkers" seek out the media and
"exposure" for themselves, whenever there seems to be a "hot" UFO
sighting, and or video. It's a fact. ... - 11k - |
UFO debunkers. UFO debunkers are
mostly associated with CSICOP and other groups of self-appointed cultural
"police" who seek to protect an "innocent" and ... - 15k - |
Oregon MUFON believes that UFO
information coming from debunkers and extreme skeptics is not
helpful in understanding UFOs. In fact, it is particularly
... - 11k - [ Más resultados de ] |
Leading scientists from the United States,
Japan, England and Germany made a special appeal today for "the last few
UFO debunkers" to, "come out of the ... - 3k - |
Nobel Prize Winners Nobel Prize Winners Ask 'The
Remaining' UFO Debunkers to Get Lost. Evidence that even Nobel
Prize Winners can be goddamned stupid. ... - 6k - |
You mean, like the UFO debunkers
explaining things that didn't add up when ... Seems the UFO
debunkers just can't accept reality even if its handed to them
... |
The UFO debunkers were so busy finding
ways to debunk the evidence that they didn't learn anything of value. One
of the first order of their business is to ... [ Más resultados de ] |
Column Jan Blei: Aflevering 105. Column
UFOPlaza. Dagboek van een “Skywatcher” Aflevering 105: Philip J. Corso;
dood voor UFO debunkers. ... |
Philip J. Corso; dood voor UFO debunkers.
... een einde kan maken aan deze desinformatie is dat er een
UFO ergens neerstort en de overheid te laat is. ... - [ Más resultados de ] |
Do UFO debunkers belong to these cults?;
5) For every 100 UFO sightings, they can explain away 101 6) They
are VERY fond of Venus, and invoke it whenever ... - 82k - |
Zero Tolerance for UFO Debunkers// This
is Your Final Warning!! 15 new of 15 - Sep 29 ... Question of the
Year: Are UFO Debunkers inherently evil? ... - 57k - |
Fake UFO Debunkers Ridiculed//Expose:
Govt. Intel. Agents Monitor the Internet! ...Actually, the people who do
the most "damage" to the reasonable and ... - 56k - |
'Intel' Agents Monitor Usenet Re: Fake UFO
Debunkers Ridiculed//Expose: Govt. Intel. Agents Monitor the Internet!
Hagar, Sun, 19 Nov 2006, 10:45 am ... - 12k - |
Some UFO debunkers indicate that
witnesses are uneducated and are unable to differentiate a meteor and an
unidentified flying object which would not be a ... - 10k - |
UFOS at close sight: US firemen guide of
UFO disaster control. ... This is for the benefit of all the
UFO debunkers out there who can't figure out how to
... - 6k - [ Más resultados de ] |
He also used his scientific expertise to
critique the beliefs of UFO "debunkers", such as Dr. Donald
Menzel, a Harvard University astronomer and fierce UFO
... |
In "The World Of Flying Saucers", his second
UFO book, Menzel does create the "blueprint" which would be
followed by nearly all UFO debunkers, ... [ Más resultados de ] |
"Now there are several so-called UFO
bulletins which have become the spokesmen for these UFO debunkers,
Indeed, they prefer dishonesty and insults to bona ... - 30k - |
In fact, scientific methods have been used to
verify and validate UFO case files in the past and proved that the
UFO debunkers were wrong in their ... |
Mr. Printy's remark is typical of UFO
debunkers and was brought up during a debate with a Roswell skeptic on
another message board regarding that witness ... [ Más resultados de ] |
The Debunkers vs. the UFO Menace;
or, Is Ufology Tantamount to Communism? by Jerome Clark (written in 1992).
On August 23, 1983, an administrator at the ... - 14k - |
The Debunkers vs. the UFO Menace;
or, Is Ufology Tantamount to Communism? Part 2 by Jerome Clark (written in
1992). In 1986 Omni editor Dick Teresi asked if ... - 12k - [ Más resultados de ] |
On Richard Dolan, Worker Bees and Owners, UFO
debunkers. . . I had written a brilliant piece and come back to my
computer to find it gone. ... |
Stanton Friedman: 'The UFO Challenge ...
Flying saucers are real, the debunker's tactics, and the problem with the
media.' - 15k - |
Re: Fake UFO Debunkers Ridiculed//Expose:
Govt. Inte... www.infowars... Sun, 20:46. | # MAFIA global CFR PAPI EBREI
AVVELENATI star holy war Putin boss NAR. ... - 47k - |
Fake UFO Debunkers Ridiculed//Expose:
Govt. Intel. Agents Monitor t... Sir Arthur C... Sun, 08:39 . - # #1
Reason Why US Govt. 'Intel' Agents Monitor Usenet ... - 44k - |
19 Nov 2006 19:56:35 GMT, Re: Fake UFO
Debunkers Ridiculed//Expose: Govt. ... 12 Oct 2006 22:47:39
GMT, Re: Question of the Year: Are UFO Debunkers inhere.
... - 91k - |
Chris is an avid videographer and is very
interested in UFO's per his ... into a UFO cult
"goddess" and she will be ridiculed and scorned by UFO debunkers.
... - 13k - 22 Nov 2006 - |
A look at some of the best known UFO
skeptics & debunkers. - 19k - |
By the same token if the proportion of "lying
weasels" among ufologists is as high as it evidently is among UFO
debunkers, then the number of truthful ... |
Of course psychologists (not to mention UFO
debunkers) have also pointed out that the behavior of claimants who
appear to be insincere and unmoved by their ... [ Más resultados de ] |
The UFO debunkers will hate it because it
tells the story of an actual Alien incident including the recovery of at
least one semi-telepathic crash survivor. ... |
It's called "balance", which is something that
many UFO debunkers and ... Why is it so troubling to
debunkers that a UFO case may not have a prosaic,
... [ Más resultados de ] |
First of all, the consistent appearance of this
unexpected detail virtually destroys a basic argument invented by UFO
debunkers. ... - 13k - |
Date: Fri Jun 24 1994 00:00:00 From: Sheppard
Gordon Subj: Debunkers Gather DEBUNKERS GATHER ON
... - 6k - |
TIMES, St. Petersburg, FL - July 8, 1990
pensacola DEBUNKERS vs BELIVERS Tales of another world are not
alien to the national UFO convention. by Chris Lavin
... - 11k - [ Más resultados de ] |
She was also apparently running a Yahoo
discussion list called "Debunking UFO Debunkers". It was
terminated about the same time I put this review up so the
... - 36k - |
After decades of dealing with debunkers'
attacks upon anyone reporting UFO abductions, I am still amazed at
the ill-informed and often cruel nature of these ... - 20k - |
UFO Debunkers Have To Get It Right Every
Time · Kal Korff's Hungarian UFO Photographs! Document Shows 'NSA
Code-Breaking Of Alien Codex And...' ... - 172k - [ Más resultados de ] |
All UFO debunkers are the same lunatic,
thrashing around and foaming at the mouth - your problems are of a
Freudian sexual nature, as you well know. ... |
Question of the Year: Are UFO Debunkers
inherently evil? How is it even plausible for anyone further to assert:
indeed One, irrevocably 'd been crucified ... - 82k - |
MJ-12/NASA has shills on the Usenet/Some are
posing as "UFO Debunkers!" Nobel Prize Winners Ask The Remaining
UFO Debunkers to "Come Out Of The ... - 14k - [ Más resultados de ] |
UFO debunkers are absolutly without a
doubt some of the arrogant people who ever walked the face of the earth.
They act like they have some divine pipeline ... |
What's especially interesting about them is that
Moseley can, as it were, reach the parts that professional UFO
debunkers like Phil Klass cannot reach. ... - 16k - |
Psycho-Social explanations · Folkloristic
Ufology. Debunkers. The debunkers · Sceptics · Explanations
home · UFO home. © 2006 by Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews. - 5k - |
In a sense, furious UFO debunkers like
Philip Klass and the late Carl Sagan (or Donald Menzel in the 1950s) are
closer to zealous UFO believers and gung-ho ... - 14k - |
back issues of the magazine UFO, a copy
of the Encyclopedia of Personal ... featuring the arguments of both
U.F.O. debunkers and the true believers, ... - 7k - |
This could have been the book that made a
convincing case for UFO debunkers, but it falls short. Based mostly
on reprints of articles from the Skeptical ... - 60k - |
Talk about Re: Excellent Pro-UFO article
in Major Newspaper!!//Debunkers run for cover! |
HAVE to share with you a wonderful piece that appeared on Jeff Rense
Sightings page. I always love it when someone ... - 20k - |
Citaten van debunkers:. Marcel Hulspas
(Neerlands meest gedreven scepticus) ziet in veel getuigenissen over
UFO’s een geruchtenmachine van wat hij het ... - 38k - |
Een fascinerende andere invalshoek op het
UFO-fenomeen. HOE DEBUNKERS TE WERK GAAN april 2004
Kortgeleden heb ik weer eens een documentaire opgenomen,
... - 201k - |
The reason Vallee has irked so many ardent
UFO believers for decades is that he ... a huge amount of
respect over the years, even from UFO debunkers.
... |
The literature varies from naive believers to
fanatic debunkers. This list, however, features the people in the
middle: the UFO researchers. ... - 24k - |
Meanwhile the uninformed UFO debunkers of
the establishment of the day are busily denouncing antigravity and extra
terrestrial technology, or alien life ... - 58k - |
To their credit, the producers subject their
"evidence" to criticism by dispassionate experts, including professional
UFO debunkers, astronauts, ... - 31k - |
Debunkers are scientific skeptics who
attempt to disprove and pursue what ... could safely be described
as "anti UFO") assembled by the Condon Committee.
... - 23k - |
Errol Bruce-Knapp - Moderator UFO UpDates
- Toronto and host of 'Strange Days. ... [edit] Debunkers.
Philip J. Klass (deceased) (Aviation writer, UFO
... - 28k - |
UFO expert Bob Barry wrote that Aldrin
observed the UFOs directly, ... As expected, the phony Apollo 11
UFO stories continue to be recirculated and ... - 55k - |
The giant hall of the Institute of High
Temperatures was filled by hundreds of UFO debunkers. Exactly at
midnight the light was turned off, and the crowd ... - 11k - |
Articles, Galleries, Images, Videos, Reports,
Books devoted to UFO. Also a big collection of ghost
stories. - 12k - |
This is inevitable, as Klass’ self-stated maxim
is that all UFO reports can be ... Along with
faux-debunkers, believers are the most significant fetter to
... - 8k - |
UFO debunkers love it when they can
pinpoint a hoaxer or prank responsible for fanning the flames of
ufological controversy. UFO Watchdog goes a step beyond
... - 25k - |
Belief in the effectiveness of polygraph extends
not just to UFO debunkers but to UFO witnesses as well. In
my own investigation of close encounters of the ... - 59k - |
It has a beautiful photo of Earth and Space...
plus lots of fun talk between UFO debunkers and UFO
researchers ......... With sound effects. ... - 98k - |
Editorial: Skeptics or Debunkers? By Don
Ecker, Director of Research From The Desk of UFO MAGAZINE · Don
Ecker and Gordon Cooper Dateline: October 7, 2000 ... - 30k - |
Sightings with many witnesses have perplexed
researchers and debunkers alike. ... If the data is amassed
correctly, mass UFO sightings can be an undeniable
... - 19k - |
This list is a quick guide to the best of the
wide range of UFO books. The literature varies from naive believers
to fanatic debunkers. ... - 25k - |
UFO debunkers point to this military
installation as proof that all UFOs are merely Top Secret military
projects, involving technologies that the government ... - 23k - |
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PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión
en HTML recognized UFO "debunkers." In 1976 Klass was a founding member of the Committee for the. Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) ... - |
(The Air Force also reviewed the writings of
prominent UFO debunkers.) Weaver's report says there was a cover-up
at Roswell, only not the "flying saucer" ... - 12k - |
UFO Wisconsin UFO Education page
featuring UFO information and ufo research, ... It is
openly apparent that believers and debunkers create false tensions
in ... - 12k - |
The second category of books is by UFO
debunkers, who believe the reports of alien craft are either mistakes
or hoaxes. Kevin Randle and Russ Estes try to ... |
This explanation, while reported skeptically by
the media, was embraced by UFO debunkers. However, Blue Book
investigators determined that each night of the ... |
The first debunker I met after that was the
grand-daddy of all UFO debunkers, Philip J. Klass, the man who
thinks he has proven that no one has ever REALLY ... - 22k - [ Más resultados de ] |
Question of the Year: Are UFO Debunkers
inherently evil? ... UFO Debunkers usually act like they are
a bunch of mean-spirited screwballs, but that can be ... - 57k - |
WANTED: Credible UFO Debunkers! To those
concerned: Please, please, please send us some credible UFO
debunkers. We have never asked and will never ask for
... [ Más resultados de ] |
some swamp gas. Multiple witnesses to this event
easily mistook these dummies/balloons for a lightbulb. In the meantime,
UFO debunkers are left in the dark. ... |
It has a nice photo of Earth and Space... plus
some fun chat between UFO debunkers and UFO researchers that
will give you a smile :-) ... [ Más resultados de ] |
UFO debunkers and UFO researchers.
The file is also available from here... Or... view the Flash file
here... ... - 10k - |
Harvard psychiatrist John Mack says UFO
abductees should avoid debunkers like the plague. "It's fine to
study abductees and present a skeptical point of ... |
Even this classic case has been attacked by the
UFO debunkers, one even suggesting that KenArnold saw a formation
flight of pelicans! ... - 18k - |
... that perennial favourite of UFO
debunkers: ignis fatuus or swamp gas, and claims of damage caused by
the passage of ball lightning or its explosive ... - 9k - |
1. How I got involved in the field of UFOs. 2. A
time when UFO debunkers were ridiculed. 3. Is there a media
UFO conspiracy? 4. What should happen next? 1. ... - 17k - |
Aliens are not murderers because they even let
silly good 'UFO debunkers' similar to 'Peto Cheapest' and 'Evol
Micheol Dovis' stay alive! ... |
Klass, Philip, Philip Klass is most known as one
of the leading UFO debunkers. Klass is the Former senior avionics
editor of 'Aviation Week and Space ... - 43k - |
He was one of the most ferocious
UFO-debunkers in the history of modern skepticism. Phil was
a colleague of my Dad's through CSICOP. ... |
The fundamental problem with Jerome Clark's
"UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the ... offhand dismissal of
debunkers (the term "debunkers" being shorthand for
... |
This person is usually a member of a local
debunkers’ group modeled by the national example of CSICOP. In the
past, Phillip Klass has been the chief UFO ... - 19k - |
The 1962 crash of something in Nevada was
tracked by radar according to arch-UFO debunkers, the U.S.
Air Force Project Blue Book (Clark 1998:119-141). ... - 9k - |
In fact, UFO debunkers (those with a
hidden agenda to discredit all UFO information), often accuse
anyone who has an interest in UFOs of being a member of a
... - 13k - |
This "theory" has mainly been advanced as an
alternative explanation by "UFO debunkers" who use this as a
theory to discount witness testimony of radar ... - 7k - |
UFO debunkers maintain that the accident
was caused by a non-functioning oxygen mask, while ufologists cite the
hundreds of mysterious small holes allegedly ... - 22k - |
Crudely simplified, he was the first scientist
to suggest that UFO ... has commanded a huge amount of
respect over the years, even from UFO debunkers.
... - 92k - |
Jacobs, David. The Debunkers.
“Proceedings of the First International UFO Congress”, Curtis
Fuller (ed), Warner, 1980, p. 136. Brookesmith, Peter. ... |
Sir Eric, the architect of the 1st World
UFO Congress in Acapulco in 1975, ... "so vehemently upheld
by UFO debunkers is itself part of a massive cover-up.
... - 74k - |
They have shown great courage and composure
under public attack by several UFO debunkers. We wish them
the best of luck in all of their endeavors, ... - 4k - |
And I gradually found some books like Martin
Gardner's Fads and Fallacies, and I saw UFO debunkers on the
Tomorrow Show and began to realize that you don't ... |
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