UFO's are showing up over more and more cities, Reno, Mexico city, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Paris, and over many countries: Mexico, England, Canada, Brazil, United States, Israel, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, Japan, China, etc. according to UFO ROUND UP Database and web site...They seem to be appearing for longer periods of time and flaps are more frequent. As researcher Lee Elders puts it "They seem to be on a world tour".
The question is why?..Perhaps the following article will give some reasons and a warning about what appears to be a "Control System," as Dr. Jacques Vallee calls it. The UFO phenomenon may be preparing the human race for further contact and a New Order on this planet.
More recently, according to USA Today and other newspapers, Henry Kissinger, in an address to the Bilderbergers meeting at Evian, France on 21 May 1992, stated, "Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all the peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing that every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."
It seems evident to me that some of our leaders know a lot that many people are not ready to hear. Perhaps our alien visitors can decide who is ready for the truth and who is not. Perhaps it is a matter of individual choice.
Millions of people in many parts of the world are having sightings and sometimes encountering UFO entities in one way or another. They have had what is called a "Close Encounter of the Third or Fourth Kind", a term used by ufologist J. Allen Hynek. There is also growing public interest in this phenomenon due to media attention. Some Contactees and Abductees ...as well as some claiming to be channelling ET's or establishing contact through remote viewing are being revealed the following kinds of information:
"In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the abduction experience isn't limited to uniform pattern of events. This phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of cross-breeding experiments or scientific research into the human physiology.......
Before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of the alien
interaction, we should ask, do enlightened beings need to use the cover of night
to perform good deeds? Do they need to paralyse us and render us helpless to
resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do they need to manipulate our
children's genitals and probe our rectums? Are fear, pain, and deception
consistent with high spiritual motives?"
......Dr. Karla Turner.
While there seems to be evidence for UFO related activities as mentioned above, perhaps there are other possible explanations. There seem to be, from reports and research, components which parallel paranormal, psychic, and spiritualistic manifestations, etc.5,6. Many UFO abductees, contactees and researchers, for instance, believe there is an interdimensional or multidimensional quality to the UFO phenomena and related experiences. Although the UFO phenomenon may appear real enough, it also could be a holographic illusion or a transmorification of matter and energy. Perhaps certain intelligences have the power to shape matter and spirit. Some ufos and their occupants seem to have an ability to shape shift and appear and disappear.5,6
Dr. J. Allen Hynek suggested the phenomenon appears to be more psychic than extra-terrestrial and perhaps comes from a parallel world. This also seems to be Dr. Jacques Vallee's explanation.6,9
Dr. Vallee also notes that there are authoritarian overtones to some of the messages given to contactees8 ie. democracy is obsolete, elections should be done away with4, racist ideologies are encouraged - some have more alien DNA etc., a New World Order is needed and will be set up with alien help. He also believes that some kind of control system is being set up by the UFO phenomenon which challenges our traditions and human beliefs systems.6,8 Many abductees report implants and feel they are being manipulated for some unknown purpose that's yet to be revealed.
Much of the messages given to abductees and contactees seem to be New Age in philosophical orientation and language: there are no moral absolutes, reincarnation is taught, monastic beliefs such as a vague "kinship with the Cosmos and it's oneness with the Universe or the Universe as a supreme being" are common, we are being told that "we stand on the precipice of a quantum leap forward on both a biological and spiritual level." Man is or is becoming God...etc. 3,13
If man is one with the cosmos or some impersonal concept of God there cannot be a basis for truth or ethics. The impersonal, as such, is silent about such things. There is no basis for saying anything is right or wrong if all is one with God. What you are left with is total relativism or the arbitrary absolutes of the controllers who ever they may be. "If All is One , good and evil are reconciled, then one can can do nothing bad; thus Manson was only acting logically....the fact that Manson's followers knew him as both Satan and Christ highlights the collapse of distinctions between good and evil under moral relativity".13
As well, finite alien creators cannot provide sufficient absolutes. You have the same problems as pagan polytheism - the gods are too small to account for the creation of the universe and not good enough to provide a basis of morals and truth. Is abducting and raping women okay if extra-terrestrials do it? Also, why all the authoritarian overtones to some of the messages? Do they really have our best interest in mind or is there evidence of some kind of control system?
There are several alien types taking credit for the creation of man and now some contactees like Rael and Benjamine Cream are claiming to be prophets of some messianic authority. In fact Rael is claiming to be the new final prophet and chosen "Messiah" of this age...chosen by a group of extra-terrestrials who call themselves the Elohim who told Rael that they created the human race through genetic engineering. Rael has over 35,000 followers world wide who call themselves Raelians...and they wish with the Elohim's help, to usher in a world government ruled by an authoritarian elite. 4
Cream is promoting another "messiah" he calls "Maytrea". Full page ads in newspapers around the world have announced that this world teacher is in the world to-day. Cream is also convinced that the intelligences behind the crop circle phenomena are paving the way for the soon unveiling of his messiah who will usher in a New World Order and a New Age.
Skye Ambrose, a famous abductee who was "born again" as she said, as a result of her encounter with a strange "grey" type of alien with bright sparkling eyes, predicted at a recent UFO conference in Bellevue, Washington; that "evolution was entering a "peak cycle" that will create a New Order on the planet.
Polarization is occurring on this planet to separate those who will accept the message and evolve toward Unity and Oneness and self-realized Godhood and those who will not not."
Many alien prophesies to contactees of the 50's or to-day have failed to come true or appear to be outright lies.14
Many contactees and abductees to-day are again delivering warnings of coming earth changes and disasters along with promises of help from aliens...they feel chosen to deliver a message to mankind ...the prophesies may be creating a false hope and dependency in their abductors who they know little about.
So what are we dealing with? New Age aliens with some promise of a golden age or some unimaginable deception to enslave undiscerning minds. The evidence seems to point to the latter. There have been many false messianic claims and those foolish enough to repeat history by following the voices of deceiving entities have been warned to "beware of false prophets and Christs who come disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves ".10 We should be reminded of the likes of Adolf Hitler who not long ago promised a New Age to unsuspecting Germans.
Whitley Strieber, in a recent issue of the monthly MUFON Journal, Sept. 93, states, "I've come away from this experience convinced of one thing: if there aren't demons out there, there might as well be, because these guys are indistinguishable from demons. Indistinguishable. To see them, to look into their eyes, is to be less - forever.......". Strieber seems to swing from horror to naive trust.. you see this in his books and statements to the public. Perhaps, he is not so sure of the visitor's intentions.
Perhaps we should heed the old warning; 'If, anyone says to you then, "Look, here is the Christ" or, "He is there", do not believe it; for false Christ and false prophets will arise and produce great signs and portents, enough to deceive even the chosen , if that were possible."11
Some UFO researchers suggest that perhaps the so called 'aliens' aren't much of a threat, after all if they have been around for this long and have not taken over then why should we be concerned. However, if they are not what they appear to be, and the phenomenon has other potentials and realities which include: deception, false messianic claims, dangerous ideologies, the formation of cults, etc., then for historical, social and political reasons we should not abandon our need for discernment and caution.
Here are some great UFO quotes that shed light on the deceptive nature of the "alien" presence.
"But the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial
visitors. It actually moulds itself in order to fit a given culture."
Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p. 10
"Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in
absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of
-Dr. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, p. 20
"We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon which is
largely indigenous to planet earth."
-Brad Steiger, [cited in] Blue Book
Files Released in Canadian UFO Report, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1977, p. 20
"We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises
itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us."
McKenna [from a lecture]
"One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are
interstellar spaceships."
-Arthur C. Clarke, New York Times Book Review,
"There seems to be no evidence yet that any of these craft or beings
originate from outer space."
-Gordon Creighton, Official 1992 Flying Saucer
Review Policy Statement
"A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with
mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy,
automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist
[ghost] manifestation and 'possession.' Many of the UFO reports now being
published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly
similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena."
-Lynn E. Catoe, UFOs
and Related Subjects: USGPO, 1969; prepared under AFOSR Project Order 67-0002
and 68-0003
"UFO behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it... the
modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical."
Pierre Guerin, FSR Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 13-14
"The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of
the age-old demonological phenomenon..."
-John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation
Trojan Horse, p. 299
"Studies of flying saucer cults repeatedly show that they are part of a
larger occult social world."
-Stupple & McNeece, 1979 MUFON UFO Symposium
Proceedings, p.49
"The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often
accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval
tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or
technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels
that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged
scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks."
-Dr. Jacques
Vallee, Confrontations, p. 13
"The symbolic display seen by the abductees is identical to the type of
initiation ritual or astral voyage that is embedded in the [occult] traditions
of every culture...the structure of abduction stories is identical to that of
occult initiation rituals...the UFO beings of today belong to the same class of
manifestation as the [occult] entities that were described in centuries
-Dr. Jacques Vallee citing the extensive research of Bertrand Meheust
[Science-Fiction et Soucoupes Volantes (Paris, 1978); Soucoupes Volantes et
Folklore (Paris, 1985)], in Confrontations, p. 146, 159-161
"[The occultist] is brought into intelligent communication with the spirits
of the air, and can receive any knowledge which they possess, or any false
impression they choose to impart...the demons seem permitted to do various
wonders at their request."
-G.H. Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages and Their
Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy (1876), p. 254
"These entities are clever enough to make Strieber think they care about him.
Yet his torment by them never ceases. Whatever his relationship to the entities,
and he increasingly concludes that their involvement with him is something
'good,' he also remains terrified of them and uncertain as to what they
-John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p.
"I became entirely given over to extreme dread. The fear was so powerful that
it seemed to make my personality completely evaporate... 'Whitley' ceased to
exist. What was left was a body and a state of raw fear so great that it swept
about me like a thick, suffocating curtain, turning paralysis into a condition
that seemed close to death...I died and a wild animal appeared in my
-Whitley Strieber, Communion, p. 25-26
"Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more
than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever
part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than
death, I suspected... so far the word demon had never been spoken among the
scientists and doctors who were working with me...Alone at night I worried about
the legendary cunning of demons ...At the very least I was going stark, raving
-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 44-45
"I wondered if I might not be in the grip of demons, if they were not making
me suffer for their own purposes, or simply for their enjoyment."
Strieber, Transformation, p. 172
"I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to
be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn't move, couldn't
cry out, couldn't get away. I'd lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies.
Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister.
Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't
get away."
-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 181
"Why were my visitors so secretive, hiding themselves behind my
consciousness. I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me
to know why...What if they were dangerous? Then I was terribly dangerous because
I was playing a role in acclimatizing people to them."
-Whitley Strieber,
Transformation, p. 96