May ray
five elements -Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (or space)
- become purified. May I become the light (or the Divine
Principle of life and intelligence), free from impurity and
evil. To this end, I offer this oblation into the consecrated
Fire. YAJURVEDA Taittiriya Aranyaka
The ancient vedic worship
ofpancha bhutha-s (five elements) is a tribute to Mother
Nature which consists of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Sky.
These elements complement each other to create a harmonious
world which is millions of years old. They benefit all the
living beings and contribute to each other in a cyclical
process which constitutes the harmonious flow of our past,
present and future.
The judicious use of
these natural elements by humankind makes our environment a
living paradise. The abuse of our environment brings disaster
to the individual and mankind.
Of all the
lives on this earth, Mother Nature has endowed man with all
the intelligence and evolutionary advantages and entrusted him
with the responsibility of upholding and protecting this
world. Western mythology personifying man as Atlas holding the
world on his back is a typical symbolic expression. Let us
protect the earth to protect ourselves. Editorial C. V. AGARWAL SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE PRESENT STATE OF THE
this gate of hell, destructive of the self lust, hate and
greed; therefore let man renounce these three.'
Bhagavadgita, XVI. 21
Modern scientists
propound several astounding concepts which their predecessors
a century ago would have considered fanciful, baseless
speculations of philosophers. Some of these are: The universe
is expanding limitlessly; there is a law of gravitation which
brings every object near to every other, promoting balance and
stability; every object is in constant motion, nothing is
fixed and permanent, that is, the law of impermanence
Concepts like these have
profound implications, and one who broods over them,
assimilates them and lives by them, becomes transformed and
even enlightened. The consciousness of such a person goes on
expanding limitlessly. However, such principles have not
.reached the masses and few among those who have heard of them
have gone deep into their import.
The present scientific
terminology is new, as it should be, due to changing times,
but thoughtful people realize, that the principles mentioned
have been known to wise, enlightened ones, sages and seers
from times immemorial. The masses seem to have forgotten them,
brushed them aside, or ignored them. This has led people to
embrace 'lust, hate and greed' which lead them to the 'gate of
hell', as the Bhagavadgita puts it. In other words,
these three, which sway the masses these days, are at the root
of the suffering, misery, violence, and terrorism dominating
the world in the present era.
Material objects are
limited, and must be so, but craving for them is unlimited.
Hence the competition, envy, jealousy, and ceaseless effort to
possess them and without the least consideration for the
genuine needs of others. The ensuing deprivation leads to the
suffering of the deprived and the resultant struggle for
acquisitions creates constant anxiety and unhappiness.
The root cause of all
this is ignorance, that is, overlooking the facts of life. In
its constant movement, the mind rushes faster and faster,
hither and thither without stopping to 'observe'.
Let us ask what we want?
Is it not happiness though a few seek bliss? But
unfortunately pleasure is mistaken for happiness, which means
that certain vibrations in the sense organs lasting only a few
minutes, are sought after. As pleasure lasts only 2 Wake Up
India .
a short while, the
struggle becomes more intense and even aggressive. One goes on
to grab, whether it be material objects, power, position,
status, name or fame. One fails to think what one will do with
that which has been acquired by a long, bitter, unhappy
struggle. Or how long will it last? Newspaper reports are full
of stories of vast properties unaccounted for, bank lockers
are full of jewellery and crores of cash, which none can use
or even glimpse. Much of this is accumulated by cheating and
depriving others of their lawful due. Lust begets hate. Such
people are in the limelight, others try to follow in their
Fortunately, a large
number of people do not indulge in such deeds and there are
certainly persons with strict morals and high principles. Such
people spread the message of the unifying power of love
perhaps not universal love which draws all closer, like the
gravitational field. Such people, though not in the news, need
the support and encouragement of all who really want peace,
harmony and happiness.
Are there guidelines or
principles explored in simple language for the common man to
consider? All the great teachers have given such guidelines
according to the needs and understanding of those who come to
listen and learn. In India the most widely known are the Five
Precepts, the Pancasila of the Buddha and the Five
Yamas, vows of self-restraint, enunciated in a slightly
different form by Patanjali. They both begin with Ahimsa which
does not mean merely not killing, which is undoubtedly much
needed at the present time, but abstaining from inflicting any
injury, suffering or pain on any living creature by thought,
word or deed. Such an attitude cannot be imposed by a rule of
conduct but arises from love, from a glimpse of the essential
unity of all.
In the words of Dr I. K.
Taimni, 'Hatred, dishonesty, deception, sensuality,
and possessiveness are some of the common and ingrained
vices of the human race, which have surfaced in this Dark
Age, Kali Yuga.' We need to be aware of these in
ourselves, then proceed to make others aware. Such action
is essential for all who call for India to wake up.
This is not the place to
expound the precepts in detail. It is obvious that we must not
take property, money or goods not belonging to us and also
abstain from appropriating intangible things, such as credit
or privileges which are not our rightful due. Colonel H. S.
Olcott's life is a noble example of this, for he took no
credit for anything he did, let alone for what he did not do.
The precepts do not speak
of giving up all pleasurable experiences such as eating tasty
food or listening to music, but what needs to be avoided, is
the craving for the repetition of pleasurable sensations which
causes the mind to rush after them with resultant ill effects.
One needs to develop an
attitude of non-possessiveness. It is not the quantity of
things with which one is surrounded but the attitude towards
them which matters. TJiere are many examples. April - June
2002 Editorial
Without dwelling on the
philosophical aspects, everyday observation of the world
reveals the impermanence of all that exists. Those in power
rise and fall as do riches and a superfluity of useless things
such as a hundred pairs of shoes. Such accumulation involves
a struggle to acquire and anxiety to keep them, not to speak
of psychological factors like competition and envy which
deprive one of happiness, may be requiring tranquillizers and
sleeping pills. Should not all thinking persons spend a few
minutes a day renouncing non-necessities? If some start the
day with such an attitude and practise it gradually and
selflessly, the message will spread fast and there will be a
marked reduction in evil, such as violence, terrorism,
corruption, hatred and competitiveness.
A story about the last
moments of Alexander the Great brings home the fate of
accumulations obtained by a great struggle. When he was lying
on his deathbed, tens of thousands of Greeks gathered round
the palace, weeping, lamenting and crying: 'Who will now
protect us?' Alexander summoned his trusty generals and,
praising their obedience to his commands even at the risk of
their lives, asked if they would fulfil his last wish. They
nodded, but began to tremble, wondering what ambitious
assignment Alexander had for them on his deathbed. Alexander
said that when his funeral procession was taken out, his hands
should be kept out of the shroud for the people to see his
palms. The generals were astonished and said, 'Sire, this is
not done, the people will blame us for negligence'. Alexander
smiled for the last time and replied,' I want people to see
that this greatest of conquerors is taking nothing with him.'
This teaches us a great lesson.
A poet puts it thus: He
asks a new-born baby, 'You come straight from God. What
message do you hold in your closed fists?' The baby closes his
eyes and lips as peace and happiness radiate from his face. O
 When a smorgasbord of information and
entertainment lies at the touch of a finger, how long can we
concentrate on any one train of thought? Can we allow
ourselves the time to reflect, or resolve an emotional
conflict? Both the speed of the internet, and the wealth of
information it offers, militate against certain thought
processes. We become good at multi-tasking and skim-reading,
but less good at the kind of reflection and contemplation
which is essential for true originality and emotional wisdom.
Madeleine Bunting The Guardian
Trial of Political Bosses DAVID ANNOUSSAMY
A Minister made a
startling statement one day in public: 'However I try, it is
impossible for me to avoid corruption, I am driven to it from
all sides.' This is an indication of the level the cancer has
reached. Whether it is suffered or greedily desired
corruption, it has to be curbed effectively if the nation is
to progress. Soon after assumption of office the new Prime
Minister declared such a task to be one of his main
priorities. Suggestions have to be made to him from all sides
to combat this complex social evil.
Some time ago, a brake
was put, even preliminary to the prosecution itself, with the
investigation machinery being kept under the control of the
Executive. In this way, political bosses had created for
themselves a haven of impunity. A Prime Minister could even
say challengingly, 'Let the law take its own course.'
The response to the
problem from the political fold has been to float a bill .on
Lokpal. The idea has been in the air since 1964, but the
institution never saw the light of day even though government
after government has given assurances on the matter. Even
assuming that the Act comes into existence, and the Lokpal is
given vast powers of investigation, that will solve only the
problem of the initiation of prosecution. This has been
already taken care of to a large extent by the Supreme
Court stepping in to free
the CBI from the fetters of the Executive.
A free investigation has
revealed corruption of Himalayan dimensions. Lakhs became
outdated long ago, crores are no longer sufficient. We have to
revive the old multiples of the crdre, namely the padan
and the neel. But before charges can be framed or
thereafter, matters are stayed by the accused persons filing
petition after petition before the High Court or the Supreme
Court on one ground or another. We no longer hear about cases
which created much sensation when detected.
The Supreme Court, which
received great applause for freeing the investigation from
political clout is helpless in ensuring the regular course of
trial in corruption cases. Accused persons are bent upon
protracting the proceedings in the fond hope of stifling them
upon their return to power. Otherwise, prosecution will abate
only after their death.
However, their offences,
very often of enormous nature, cannot be left unpunished. In
all countries, at all times, special ways and means to
prosecute politicians have been devised. They cannot complain
of discrimination, after having enjoyed special treatment in
all aspects of life as WIPs. In Iridia, where trie WIP culture
is high, the effectiveness Trial of Political Bosses of their
prosecution is incredibly low.
The whole process needs
to be revamped. It is therefore imperative for all those
interested in good governance to start thinking on the matter.
In this exercise, it may be useful to have a glance at what
has been attempted successfully in other countries.
Pending the elaboration
of a special mode of prosecution of political bosses, some
steps may be taken urgently to give teeth to prosecution
within the existing legal framework. For that purpose, we have
to bear in mind that in criminal matters, rapidity of
proceedings and certainty of punishment are as important as
the severity of punishment. To reach this goal, the following
steps may be considered:
a) Petitions for stay of
proceedings should be carefully monitored by High Courts. No
stay for more than two weeks should be permitted, except when
the right of the defence would be impaired in such a way as to
render the proceedings void. For other irregularities, no stay
should be granted. No second petition to be entertained in
respect of matters which were within the knowledge of the
accused or which could have been within his knowledge with the
exercise of reasonable diligence at the time of the first
b) More analytical
reporting by the investigating agency will greatly facilitate
and speed up the trial. The investigating agency usually
presents in bulk before the court the voluminous materials
collected by it. This creates a reaction of self-defence in
the mind of the judge, faced with the magnitude of the task of
perusing them carefully. The investigating agency
should rather critically
analyse the materials collected and make a presentation which
is easily accessible to the accused as well as to the court.
The modus operandi should be clearly brought to light,
the important elements of proof should be highlighted. The aim
should not be to cover each and every instance as in a civil
suit, but to show that offences have been unmistakably
committed in some of them. This will enable the court to grasp
the case easily, to come to a conclusion quickly and to draft
its judgement in a clear and concise manner. Whoever reads
judgements running into hundreds of pages, gets the impression
that the matter still remains undigested. Police reports
should contain annexures good enough to appear as marked
documents appended to the judgement. The effort put in by the
investigating agency in the analysis of the case will
considerably cut down time and effort at subsequent stages,
including appeal and revision. Instead of having to wade
through a jungle of documents, courts will have at their
.disposal, well-arranged documents, to enable them to
scrutinize them with reference to the ingredients of the
c) Even out of power, a
political boss is still a dreaded creature on account of the
possibility of his return. Even if he does not personally come
back to power, the party members are prone to consider the
investigators, prosecutors and judges entrusted with the case
as enemies of the party. Therefore, those officers should be
made absolutely immune to any political authority in respect
of their careers.
In addition to these
steps, some slight changes are necessary in the existing
laws. Trial of Political Bosses
The first one should tend
to give full effect to the charge framed by the court. Before
that important step, the accused person is furnished with the
police report, along with all documents attached therewith.
That document is still wrongly called by its former name of
'Charge Sheet'; under section 173 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure 1973, it is nothing more than a report of
investigation. Upon taking cognizance of the offence, the
court considers such a report and also all the documents; it
gives the prosecution and the accused an opportunity to be
heard. Then it decides whether to charge or discharge the
accused. There will be a charge only if the evidence as
proposed by the prosecution would lead to conviction. Orders
in either case may be challenged before the higher courts. If
the accused pleads guilty to the charge, conviction will ensue
immediately. The accused may claim to be tried, if his belief
is that the prosecution may not be able to substantiate before
the court the evidence collected by it. It is thus seen that
framing of the charge is a full-fledged judicial act which
should be given its due effect.
If the accused person is
innocent, he should see that the charge pending against him is
cleared at the earliest. If he acts otherwise, suspicion
against him increases in the mind of the public. In order to
prevent him from delaying the doomsday and to entice him to
take up his trial, some steps may be devised. For instance,
depriving the charged accused to contest any election, to hold
any post in a recognized party, in view of the national
importance of the matter and the proclivity of prominent
accused persons to paralyze the course of justice.
However, in order not to
allow the prosecution to take undue advantage of such a
provision and to protract the trial, the deprivation of
political activity may be limited to, say, three to six months
after the charge. But any period during which the trial is
stayed at the behest of the accused will have to be added to
the period of six months, in order to curtail any move by the
accused to dodge the proceedings from his side.
The second legislative
step necessary would consist of removing the snag existing now
in the Prevention of Corruption Act. As per the Act, the
allocation of cases to Special Judges has to be done by the
Central Government (Section 4). Since as per Section 3 of the
same Act, both the State Governments and the Central
Government are empowered to create Special Courts, it is quite
normal that both of them are equipped with power of allocation
of cases. This is the arrangement found in Sec. 197 (4) of the
Indian Penal Code. The present position of law is abnormal,
unwarranted, and constitutes a hurdle to the prosecution of
political bosses by the respective State Governments. The
Supreme Court which was seized of the matter in J. Jayalalitha
vs. Union of India and another, did not settle the matter
since the bench was not a constitutional one. The bench was
eager not to stay further the proceedings and rested content
with holding that at that stage of proceedings, the
arrangement made by the State Government need not be
disturbed. This implies that allocation by State Governments
does not vitiate the proceedings. In order to avoid further
recurrence of the legal battle on the Trial of Political
matter, it is highly
preferable to amend Sec. 4 to entrust the power of allocation
of cases to State Governments as well.
The third legislative
amendment of law is in respect of sub-section (e) of Sec. 13
of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The provision embodied in
that section enables prosecution of a person in case of
possession of resources disproportionate to his income. The
sub-section refers to a person who is in possession or has
been in possession. The latter phrase allows inclusion of any
huge expenditure as well. This appears to be the easiest way
to prosecute erring persons. But, it requires plenty of skill
to prove the disproportion.
The disproportion is to
be assessed with reference to known sources of income. For
that purpose, all public servants including political bosses
should be made to make a statement of resources and property
at the time of assuming office and thereafter every year. In
case such a statement was not made, only declarations of
wealth and income made before the Tax Authorities should be
taken into account and it should be made clear in the text of
the law itself that no other proof is admissible.
The above-quoted
sub-section at present refers to the public servant or any
person holding possession on his behalf. This compels the
prosecutiori tq prove that the third' party is in possession
on behalf of the accused, which is not easy.
The provision should be
amended to include the public servant, his close relatives and
friends, the party he belongs to, who are in possession of
resources for which they cannot account satisfactorily.
In addition to the above,
the Corrupt Public Servants Bill (forfeiture of property)
prepared by the Law Commission may be taken up for early
To sum up, in order to
speed up the trial of indicted political bosses and to restore
the confidence of the citizen in the rest of the political
body, some drastic and imaginative steps are necessary. Some
of them are possible within the framework of the existing law
and others would require legislative modifications. It is to
be seen whether the desire expressed by the Prime Minister is
translated into action, in spite of the resistance of those
addicted to corruption who still wield considerable political
influence with the help of the money amassed. Effective trial
of political bosses will bring down corruption spectacularly
at the lower levels.
As per the latest
international assessment, India ranks 27th in the matter of
corruption, whereas China ranks 42nd. Our goal should be to
attain soon the level of that country and to continue a
downward trend in the prevalence of corruption. Zero level
corruption is also possible. Finland has that distinction. O
According to Danish
ornithologists, the electronic chirping of mobile phones is so
widespread in Europe that some birds are mimicking the sounds
and incorporating them into their mating and territorial
Time, June 2000
Animal Husbandry or Animal
India is known for her
great spiritual tradition of non-violence and ahimsa.
Over the centuries, the bedrock of India's culture and
spirituality has been the recognition of the oneness and
sacredness of all life. In the past, many animals (including
the rat) were revered and accorded a special place in
different religions and in Indian mythology as the vehicle of
various Gods. The cow was considered to be especially holy and
accorded a special status. It occupied a pivotal position in
the rural economy and was considered to be an integral part of
each farmer's family. A farmer of old would no more think of
selling his elderly and unproductive cow for slaughter, than
he would consider selling an elderly or sick member of the
family. But now all this has changed. Traditional values,
ethics and compassion towards all living beings are no longer
considered to be realistic yardsticks in today's world, which
is run ruthlessly in the search for more and more profit.
The tenth Five-Year Plan
of our country is currently under formulation by experts arid
one of the areas of planning is the Meat Sector. The Committee
advising the Planning Commission has recommended the setting
up of a National Meat Board and the formulation of a National
Policy for organizing and
running livestock production on scientific lines, to ensure
more meat production. The thrust of the whole set of
recommendations is to increase the
slaughter of
animals, especially of cattle; to encourage the export and
import of meat from and to our country; and to promote the
eating of meat by Indians. A look at the composition of the
advisory committee gives one a rude shock. Almost the entire
panel is known to be pro-meat-export, while two of the five
Mr Man Allana and Mr Satish Sabharwal run corporate empires
in meat production and export. It is therefore hardly cause
for surprise that the Plan recommendations talk only of more
killing, more non-vegetarianism and more slaughter.
Some of the
specific objections to the policy as outlined by Beauty
Without Cruelty (Pune), an international animal rights
organization are briefly mentioned here:
Proposals on the anvil... and objections.
Restriction on
slaughter of buffaloes to be removed as part of Review and
Amendment of State Animal Preservation Acts in view of
'changing animal production and utilization scenario'. Animal
Husbandry or Animal Butchery?
Objection: The
buffalo is one of the largest domestic animals we have. The
giver of our daily milk and the producer of natural fertilizer
and fuel, its slaughter is a heart-rending sight. Activists
are trying hard to curtail the slaughter of this useful animal
and this proposal wants to legitimize the slaughter in law.
Pragmatic' age
limit for slaughter of bullocks and removal of ban on beef
export to improve (!) cow economy and prospects of cattle.
Wholesale licence to kill in the name of pragmatism should not
be tolerated. The living cow is the nation's wealth and the
sustenance of the rural economy. It should not be killed.
Killing it means killing the people who depend on the cow
being alive. The poor man's tractor, the source of the
farmer's fertilizer and fuel till its dying breath, the
bullock is the centre of India's rural economy.
Authority of local
bodies to sanction or not sanction slaughterhouses to be taken
away and given to the State government.
Individuals, local bodies or communities should have the
freedom to decide that they do not want a particular
objectionable activity in or near their place, e.g., if a
village does not want poultry farms or piggeries set up close
to its land or does not want a slaughterhouse opened near the
village, it should be free to decide so. With the new
proposals, the State would get power to override the local
people's wishes and impose their policies upon them. People's
powers to reject something not acceptable to them should not
be taken away. Setting up of slaughterhouses in rural areas.
Objection: The
activity of killing animals is to be reduced, not spread
further and further. Ours is a nation of farmers, not
butchers. We fill our stomachs by tilling the soil, not by
beheading animals. Rural areas should not be brought into the
net of this bloody business as it would result in erosion of
traditional values and outlook of rural folk towards animal
life, their peaceful coexistence and spiritual attitude
towards animals as vehicles of God.
Establishment of
a National Meat Board at a cost of rupees two crores to
implement, monitor and guide programmes in the Me"at Sector.
Objection: 'Animal
production and utilization' is nothing but a euphemism for
breeding, killing, and slaughter. Bringing to birth to be
killed. Such a utilitarian view and such commodification of
our living wealth are not acceptable.
Importation Act to be amended to cover import of meat and
Objection: We do
not need more meat in the country than exists already. When
there is a need for curtailing even what is produced
domestically, this proposal talks of importing more and more.
Just as we do not want our animals killed for consumption
abroad, similarly we should not create demand for the killing
of another country's animals.
Animal Husbandry or Animal Butchery?
It is unfortunate
that such an important and controversial subject like meat
production an issue on which emotions run high, and where
questions of morality and ethics are involved is sought to
be tabled in the parliament to become the country's official
policy without any sort of referendum. It is imperative to
have public hearings acros? the length and breadth of the
country before the government, which is supposed to be
representing the people of the country, takes important policy
decisions of this kind. It is also ironical that the same
government, which has set up the National Commission on cattle
to make an assessment of India's cattle wealth and give
recommendations to preserve the same, is also formulating
policies for increased slaughter of cattle.
If the government
were allowed to go ahead with the proposals for increase in
meat production and export, India could be facing a very grave
cultural crisis the loss of her unique and proud identity in
world culture arising from the respect which she accords to
all life. It is the duty of every citizen of this country to
do his little bit in opposing such a horrendous enactment from
becoming a reality by participating in signature campaigns,
writing letters to the government, articles in the press and
participating in other forms of protest. As Eli Wissel said,
while receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, 'Neutrality
helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the
tormentor, never the tormented.' ©
To see the
universal and all-pervading Spirit of Truth face to face, one
must be able love the meanest of creation as oneself...
The only means for
realization of Truth is Ahimsa... [It] is not the crude thing
it has been made to appear. Not to hurt any living thing is no
doubt a part of Ahimsa, but it is its least expression. The
principle of Ahimsa is hurt by every evil thought, by undue
haste, by lying, by hatred, by wishing ill to anybody.
Mahatma Gandhi
Peace Be with You and the
In the world
outside, we talk of peace and war war between nations,
religions, or ideologies communism, socialism, capitalism,
fundamentalism, closed and open societies, etc. But there is
also war and peace inside ourselves as individual human
beings. Some persons are peaceful within, which is reflected
as peace on their faces as well as in their actions. Others
are disturbed, unhappy, ever lacking peace within and reflect
that disturbance in their conduct and action. These two
aspects of peace can be called two sides of the same coin. If
there is deeper understanding and peace within individual
human beings, there is bound to be a measure of peace in the
world outside as well. This is a basic truth which needs to be
kept in mind by us. It is perhaps because of the
interconnection between the two that the teachings of the
great spiritual leaders of mankind often end with an
invocation to peace. The Upanishad-s usually end with 'Shanti,
Shanti, Shanti/ St Paul, in his Epistle to the Philippians,
says: 'The peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall
keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ/ In another
place in the Bible is the statement that the fruit of the
spirit is love, joy and peace. One incidentally notices that
most of the books written by Dr Annie Besant on various
of life also end
with either 'Peace to all beings' or 'Peace be with you/
There are
different ways, different perceptions, of knowing peace within
and around us. We will deal here with some of them.1. Right
understanding of religion2. Realizing that we all live in and
share one world and that all life is one3. Respect for our
fellow beings 4. Love.
A great teacher
once wrote that two-thirds of the ills of the world are due to
religion religion so-called. The root meaning of the word
'religion' is that which unites or binds us together.
Unfortunately, as interpreted, presented and mostly lived, it
has led to division, wars and lack of peace. Even at present
we are facing the scourge of terrorism and jehad in the name
of religion. But a deep scholar explains 'In Islamic jehad, it
is the spiritual sword that severs the Gordian knot of the ego
and accomplishes the quiet or great peace, equivalent to pax
profunda of European Hermeticism/ He adds, 'the word Islam
(submission to Divine Will) is itself derived from a root
having to do with peace/ The dichotomy between true religion
and religion so-called, exists unfortunately, in all religious
traditions, more or less.
Peace Be with You and the World
Religion per se
stands for peace and love, as all the great teachers over the
millennia have stressed. 'Love your neighbour as yourself',
said Jesus Christ. Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavadgita: 'He
who seeth me everywhere and seeth everything in me, of him
will I never lose hold, and he shall never lose hold of me.'
There is therefore urgent need to present widely before
people, the meaning and purpose of religion. Annie Besant and
Dr Bhagawan Das did it in their own times. Annie Besant
stressed the brotherhood of religions through her lectures and
writings. Dr Bhagawan Das brought out a well-documented book
titled, The Essential Unity of all Religions. Mahatma Gandhi
and Vinoba Bhave also stressed in their writings and prayer
meetings, the basic oneness of all religions and therefore,
the need for goodwill among the followers of different
religions. Each one of us can do something to try to make
religion a symbol of peace and love through the ways we think,
work and love.
There is need for
a growing realization that we all live in and share one world
and that all life is essentially one. Peace cannot arise or
prevail in a world sharply divided into rich and poor, the
exploiters and the exploited in terms of material resources.
This perception hopefully seems to be gradually dawning now.
The World Bank has recently published studies stressing the
need to bridge this gap and two of these studies are entitled
'Voices of the Poor' and 'Crying Out for Change'. In a lecture
last year entitled 'The Web of Life', Mrs Radha Burnier,
President of the Theosophical Society, pointedly brought to
our notice that all life is one, and I
would like to
quote a piece therefrom: 'The Web the cosmic spider spins is
the universe and it is woven of a single thread. An intricate,
delicate, beautifully functional network stretches from the
centre in the highest spiritual region, farther and farther
down to this gross material level.' Modern scientists have
also begun to stress the oneness of all life and a holistic
vision of the universe, all life being interrelated,
interconnected and interdependent. Thoughtful
environmentalists are now beginning to stress not only our
inter-generational but also intra-generational
responsibilities for our actions. When J. Krishnamurti was
once asked what is good and what is evil, he responded: 'No,
no, let us use another word whole and that which is not
Another perception
which helps in promoting peace is respect for our fellow
beings. In a way, it flows naturally from the second one,
related to the oneness of all life. A teacher once pointed out
that 'a sense of peace arises from harmony with the essential
nature of things, an inwardly undistorted and beautiful
relationship to everybody and everything/ This essential
nature of things is the divine essence embedded in everything
and everybody. And that is why the Bhagavadgita points out
that sages look equally on a Brahmin, a cow, an elephant and
even a dog and a lowly person.
Perhaps, we do not
realize that even in our everyday lives in the family, in the
neighbourhood, in our workplace, how much disturbance to the
peace within us and outside is caused by our behaviour based
on self-esteem, self-centredness, selfishness and vanity. A
teacher once Peace Be with You and the World
observed: We treat
members of our family as pieces of furniture to sit upon. The
same perhaps applies to the subordinates in our workplaces. We
thoughtlessly hurt others and destroy their peace and if they
react we feel angry and lose our peace as well.
The last
perception and perhaps the most important, is that of love.
The well-known booklet, At the Feet of the Master refers to
the four qualifications and the last one is mentioned as love.
It significantly adds that of all the qualifications, love is
the most important, for if it is strong enough in us, it
forces us to acquire all the rest and all the rest without it
would never be sufficient. Love and selfless service to others
go together and loving, selfless service in various spheres is
the work expected of a serious-minded
human being.
Service is the stream that' naturally, effortlessly and
inevitably flows out from the spring of pure love. Loving
service can be rendered even in small ways in our everyday
lives. An old saying asks the housewife to knead love into the
bread she bakes, and advises the salesman at a shop to put
strength and peace in the parcel he ties for the housewife
with the weary face. I would like to mention here what j.
Krishnamurti and Mother Teresa have said:
J. Krishnamurti
observed, 'Love is the total absence of the' me'. If you have
got it, you have drunk of the fount of life.'
Mother Teresa
said, 'Let us love one another as God loves each one of us and
so bring peace in our heart, our home, our country and in the
world.' O There will be no Peace if there is no Justice There
will be no Justice if there is no Equity There will be no
Equity if there is no Progress There will be no Progress if
there is no Democracy There will be no Democracy if there is
no Respect For the Identity and Dignity of all peoples and
Rigoberta Menchu
Turn, Nobel Peace Laureate in an Open Letter to President
Bush, Sept. 2001. A Dog's
When my beloved
dog, Homer, was dying of cancer this year, my father asked me
whether I had considered cloning him. This was just two months
short of the announcement this month that scientists had
succeeded in cloning a cat.
I have to admit
that I had secretly harboured the fantasy of cloning Homer
when he first became ill. How could I ever part with this
extraordinary dog, who sang to classical music and had
humanlike intelligence? How could I resist the urge to cheat
I told no one that
I had checked out pet cloning on the Web. It seemed
seductively simple: all you had to do was obtain a tissue
biopsy from your pet and have your veterinarian send the
sample to the company. For about $1,000 the company would
store the tissue in liquid nitrogen, with the pet
resurrected by cloning at some future date for some hefty new
Then I asked
Homer's vet, a brilliant animal oncologist, what she thought
of pet cloning in general. She must have known, what I was
thinking and said kindly, 'Maybe some day in the future.'
Long before the
dream of cloning, some people seemed to be trying to own the
same dog over and over. When their pets died, they bought
puppies of the same breed; sometimes the replacement dog was
even given the predecessor's name. But similar as two dogs of
the same breed
may be in
temperament and ability, these owners never got a carbon copy.
Even while I
checked the Web, I knew that cloning was a false promise.
Nature's own clones, genetically identical twins, who share
the same DNA and are raised by the same parents, do not turn
out the' same.
Homer's clone
would look like Homer and possibly even act like him, but he
would not be Homer. Homer was in essence the relationship,
built over many years, of shared and unrepeatable experiences.
Cloning could not recreate the most precious thing about him
our bond.
I left no
therapeutic stone unturned in treating Homer's bone cancer.
After radiation and chemotherapy, which gave temporary relief,
I even gave him the new miracle drug for human cancer,
Gleevec. Along the way, a cancer specialist at the
Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Centre read and analyzed his
biopsy. He probably got better medical care than I will ever
get. But in the end, I had to let him die.
And so I told my
father 'no'. Cloning might produce replicas, but it cannot
bring about immortality. The bonds between people and pets
and those between people are precious in large part because
they are fragile and mortal. OCourtesy: New York Times, 26
Feb. 2002.
Universal Sharing WORLD GOODWILL
£JEWSLETTER, NO. 2, 2000
Sharing It is
such a simple word; and such a simple, ordinary concept. What
could be more natural to human beings than to share what they
have with others? We see this in the spontaneous way in which
children share. A stranger enters a community in some parts
of the world it would be natural hospitality to share a meal
with him. The sharing of food creates a basic communion and
community within a group. Yet it seems that some aspects of
modern society can work against this tendency. The Dalai Lama
remarks: 'We find modern living so organized as to demand the
least possible practical dependence on others.... We can also
point to the increasing autonomy that people enjoy as a result
of advances in science and technology .... There has arisen a
sense that our future is not dependent on our neighbours but
rather on our jobs, or on our employers. This in turn
encourages us to assume that others are not important for our
happiness, therefore, their happiness is unimportant.' One
possible obstacle to sharing is the current focus upon
individualism, upon expressing the potential within each one
of us, which if taken to the extreme, hardens the boundaries
of the self, so that all the gifts we discover are used only
for our own benefit. Rather, our gifts and talents should be
shared with the wider community, for in this way they multiply
the riches of the wider whole. The truth of this is evident
particularly with regard to
knowledge and
information, which have become such important factors in
modern life, and which are sent racing round the globe by the
tools of electronic communication. A beautiful example of the
power of sharing in this area are the Free Software and Open
Source software movements, which aim to keep the programming
code in which computer software is written, freely available
for modification and copying. This means that programmers
around the world can cooperate on major software projects,
such as the development of the GNU/ Linux operating system.
The rise of this programme, from being a Finnish computer
science student's project to a system which is used by major
companies, illustrates what can happen when people share their
time and skills freely so that all may benefit.
Another field
where the flow of information would benefit from openness and
sharing is in the work being done to decipher the human
genetic code. But commercial considerations appear to have
blocked this flow for the moment, highlighting the contentious
area of intellectual property rights. Indeed, the idea of
sharing naturally opens up the whole question of what
ownership means, and how this right should be exercised
responsibly; for ownership implies that a person has the
exclusive right to use something, but it is then up to the
as to whether they
will use the right to exclude others from its benefits or to
include them. This can range from the rarefied matter of
whether others are given access to potentially beneficial
information, such as genetic information or computer code,
right down to the most mundane level of whether people are
able to walk across large tracts of countryside which are
privately owned. At every level, the persons or groups who own
the resource concerned have the opportunity to share, if they
so wish. For example, a number of those who have acquired
large sums of money through business have then redistributed
this wealth in imaginative ways for the benefit of the wider
public. It will be interesting to see if the fortunes now
being made through high technology will also benefit the wider
whole the announcement of the funding of a 'virtual'
university by one Internet entrepreneur provides a hopeful
One significant
area which obviously needs the free flow which sharing
engenders is the world's food supplies. It is well known, for
example, that there is enough food in the world to provide for
everyone's daily needs. Yet one recent statistic shows how far
from this state of affairs we still are: the world's total of
overweight people, at approximately 1.2 billion, is estimated
to be equal to those who are underfed. The means to
redistribute this food already exist all that is needed is
to muster the will-to-share. This remains a major challenge
for humanity in the twenty-first century. In another equally
important area, that of water, there are encouraging signs of
this will to share. On World Water
Day held on 22
March 2000, at the conclusion of the Second World Water Forum
held in the Hague, national delegations from all over the
world adopted a special Declaration on Water Security in the
twenty-first century to ensure that every person has 'access
to enough safe water at an affordable cost'.
Taxation is
something which people tend to regard as a necessary evil. Yet
if we reflect upon taxation from a goodwill perspective, we
realize that it is, in fact, a necessary good, as taxation
pays for public goods on a local and national level public
hospitals, schools, national parks, public transport, et
cetera. It is a basic means of sharing the wealth of a
population, whether at the national or regional level. Perhaps
the term itself is one which would benefit from change would
we think differently about the subject if we were asked to pay
a 'social investment donation', for example?
Perhaps the most
important area where we can share is in truly sharing our
culture and world-view. History records many terrible 'culture
clashes', where members of one group have refused to accept
the importance of the culture of another group, often leading
to violence and oppression. To cultivate a more peaceful
world, we must learn to approach people of other cultures with
goodwill, while we need not expect to agree on every point.
Instead, there is the chance to celebrate our diversity, while
acknowledging and working towards shared purposes. When we are
able to share subjectively in this way, with open hearts and
minds, then the practical difficulties of sharing the earth's
resources can be seen in their true proportion, and readily
solved. O News and Notes Wealth and Health
An article in The
Guardian Weekly (1420 March 2002) constitutes a warning to
the populations of developing nations desperately imitating
the wealthy world. It says that they can no more sustain the
fiction that in the wealthy West, people are well nourished.
In the United
States, it is reported that 61% of the adults are overweight,
but their bodies are starving. A woman weighing 60 stone had
to be refused a seat on a plane, because it was impossible to
strap her into any seat. Cinema and stadium seats have been
increased from 17 to 22 inches in width. Even in developing
countries where people try to copy the West, malnutrition
exists along with obesity. The cause junk food, easy meals
and fast foods.
Fast foods have
become the fashion and norm almost all over the world. It is
described as 'McDonaldization of diet' which means coke and
chips and ready meals of every kind. The affluent West has
're-invented malnutrition', and is said to be 'exporting' the
new disease, that is, malnutrition in an obese body. The fast
food lifestyle overloads the body not only with fat but with
toxins the fat often being meat mechanically scraped off the
animal carcass.
The author of the
article, Jeanette Winterson suggests that one remedy for the
situation would be to levy taxes on fattening foods. If such
foods are made expensive, while organically grown, healthy
substances are cheaper, a change might begin. Let us take note
of the author's warning:
We cannot afford
to be fat. Fat food degrades the environment and it degrades
us. Profit-driven, factory food is turning human beings into
gross parodies of themselves. We cannot live in a world
weighed down with greed and waste. We cannot condemn our
children to a life sentence in a prison of fat.
This life sentence
is caused not only by dietary folly, but because the meat in
animals and birds which have been fattened in factory farms is
full of antibiotics and hormones which are absorbed by people
who prefer fattening foods to simple vegetarian meals. There
is a new affluent class which has the ready money to indulge
in expensive but less healthy foods. Winterson says: 'Don't we
need to be a little bit hungry? Hungry for a change, hungry
for a fairer world? One thing is certain a fairer world
won't be a fatter world.'18 Wake Up India Weeds are Welcome
Across East
Africa, thousands of farmers are planting weeds in their maize
fields. Bizarre as it sounds, their technique is actually
raising yields by giving the insect pests something else to
chew on besides maize. 'It is better than pesticides and a lot
cheaper', said Ziadin Khan, whose idea it is. 'And it has
raised farm yields by 60-70 percent.'
In East Africa,
maize fields face two major pests, and Khan has a solution to
both. The first is an insect called the stem borer. True to
its name, its larvae eat their way through a third of the
region's maize most years. But Khan discovered that the borer
is even fonder of a local weed, napier grass. By planting
napier grass in their fields, farmers can lure the stem borers
away from the maize and into a honey-trap. For the grass
produces a sticky substance that traps and kills stem borer
The second major
pest is Striga, a parasitic plant that wrecks $10 billion
worth of maize crops every year, threatening the livelihoods
of one hundred million Africans. Weeding Striga is one of the
most time-consuming activities for millions of African women
farmers, says Khan. But he has an antidote: another weed,
called Desmodium. 'It seems to release some sort of chemical
that Striga does not like. At any rate, where farmers plant
Desmodium between rows of maize, Striga would not grow.'
Khan's novel way
of fighting pests is one of a host of low-tech innovations
boosting production by 100 percent or more on millions of poor
Third World farms in the past decade. This 'sustainable
agriculture' just happens to be the biggest movement in Third
World farming today, dwarfing the tentative forays in genetic
manipulation. It seems peasant farmers have a long way to go
before they exhaust the possibilities of traditional
agriculture and have to place their futures in the hands of
genetic engineers. Courtesy: New Scientist, 3 February
2001. * * * Safe Drinking Water
Selling drinking
water sans the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) mark can land
a person in jail. Acting on a petition filed recently, the
Madras High Court amended the Prevention of Food Adulteraton
Rules 2000, and decreed that all packaged drinking water
should carry the BIS certification mark and those who sell
such water without the mark could face criminal prosecution,
besides closure of their units.
The rule was being
flouted with impunity by mineral water selling companies and
was proving a serious health hazard to consumers, with the
municipal government acting as a silent spectator. Hopefully
the Court intervention should help to remedy the sorry state
of affairs.Courtesy: Down to Earth, 30 April 2002. * April -
June 2002 19
Our Contributors
Dr C. V. Agarwal retired as a
Professor from the Institute of Technology, Varanasi and is
currently the Presidential Representative of the Theosophical
Society for South East Asia. He has been active in the
prevention of cruelty to animals and writes articles on this
and the importance of a vegetarian diet based on scientific
Mr David Annoussamy is a long
standing member of the Theosophical Society. He retired as a
Judge of the High Court of Madras and currently lives in
Dr Geetha Jaikumar is a birdwatcher
and is deeply interested in ecology related issues. She has
obtained her doctorate on Industrial Pollution in Tamil Nadu.
She is the Director of the Chennai Chapter of Beauty Without
Cruelty, an International Animal Rights Organization.
Mrs Saraswathi Narayan was educated
in a Theosophical College in Varanasi, and was the National
Director of the Theosophical Order of Service for many years.
The Order has as its motto: A union of all who love in the
service of all that suffers. For information about
subscriptions, renewals and other matters, please address your
correspondence to: The Manager, The Theosophical Publishing
House, Adyar, Chennai 600 020. « »Subscriptions: Annual Rs.
2Q/- Fifteen Years Rs. 200/- Outstation cheques to include
Rs.7/- towards bank charges. 20 Wake Up India
April-June 2002__________Vol. XXVII
No. 2
Geetha Jaikumar Editorial Board:
Ahalya Chari, N.C. Ramanujachary, G. Gautama
Art on cover: Mughal octagonal jade
plate inlaid with semiprecious stones.
Wake Up India is
published every three months. We welcome articles and letters
concerning ethical issues, the improving or deteriorating
trends in national and global values, and the means to a
better society. No political articles will be considered. Any
material which appears in Wake Up India may be reproduced
freely without any changes. One of the purposes of the
magazine is to give wide coverage to the information contained
in it and we would be happy if our readers were to perform
this service.
Contents Editorial
C. V. Agarwal
Trial of Political Bosses David Annoussamy Animal
Husbandry or Animal Butchery? Geetha Jaikumar Peace Be
with You and the World Saraswati Narayan A Dog's Life
Richard A. Friedman Universal Sharing World
Goodwill Newsletter Features News and Notes Our
Contributors Wake Up India is the journal of the
'New Life for India Movement'. For information about the
Movement write to Dr N. C. Ramanujachary, Secretary, 'New Life
for India Movement', The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai
Former Professor
of Physics at the Benares Hindu University and Rector of the
Krishnamurti Education Centre at Rajghat, Benares, Prof.
Krishna here stimulates thought on withstanding the present
forces leading to conflict and ego-centredness. Rs. 60
A legal luminary,
currently India's Attorney General, discusses the decline in
moral and spiritual values in the country and offers
A growing body of
Indians, listening to others and to their own conscience, may
integrate the scattered and colliding particles that is India
today. Shall we do this or shall we listen only to ourselves,
collide and quarrel and dig a grave for India? This
distinguished scion of Gandhiji expounds the subject. Rs.
High Commissioner in Colombo
The chasm between
the English-speaking elite and 'vernacular India', the absence
of civic sense and growing consumerism, disparity between the
high and low, violence, the plight of women India's
population is callous to all this. But there is an acquifer of
goodness which must be tapped by every Indian, and not allowed
to dry, because 'what we are the world is'. Rs. 15 FOOD FOR
A shocking
revelation of the distress and pain caused to animals by human
beings.A call to compassionate living and action. Rs. 20 For
Catalogue, Enquiry and Order write to:
600 020, India Fax:91-44-4901399 Phones: 4911338 & 4466613
Regd. No.
RN 30538/78 ISSN 0972-186X
FOR INDIA MOVEMENT A Movement for Right Citizenship, Right
Values and Right Means The Movement stands for. * Right
citizenship based on regard for social and public welfare,
overriding personal, group or sectarian interests. * The
recognition of right values and the adoption of righteous
living. * Fulfilment of individual and collective
responsibility in private and public life.* Concern for
conservation of the earth's resources. * Contribution to
order; peace and beauty in one's environment.* Alleviation of
suffering, starting with one's own neighbourhood.Printed and
published by S. Harihara Raghavan, Manager, Vasanta Press, The
Theosophical Society, Adyar, Clicnnai 600 020, India