The Occult Review (UK Edn) 1905-48 (incorporating 'The London
Forum' Sept 1933 to April 1938) London, Ralph Shirley
OccRev y1905 v1
January - [See also Occult Review (Foreign Edn.) 1907-1932 in which each issue
is dated one month later than the UK Edn. -- and the page numbers are adjusted
OccRev y1905 v1 January - [From Sept. 1933 to Oct. 1935 titled:
'The London Forum (Incorporating "The Occult Review")'] --
OccRev y1905 v1
January - [From Jan. 1936 to April 1938 titled: 'The Occult Review
(Incorporating the "London Forum")'] --
OccRev y1905 v1 January p1 - Notes
of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1905 v1 January p7 - The Soul's Future -- David
Christie Murray
OccRev y1905 v1 January p13 - A Commercial View of the Occult
-- FCS Schiller
OccRev y1905 v1 January p19 - Occultism in France -- G Fabius
de Champville
OccRev y1905 v1 January p24 - The New God -- Cultor
OccRev y1905 v1 January p29 - The Life of the Mystic -- AE
OccRev y1905 v1 January p35 - Ancient Beliefs and Modern Notions -- W
Gorn Old
OccRev y1905 v1 January p42 - The Conflict between Scientific and
Religious Thought -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1905 v1 February p49 - Editorial
-- ed
OccRev y1905 v1 February p51 - Some Phases of Hypnotism -- Charles
Lloyd Tuckey
OccRev y1905 v1 February p58 - Tennyson as a Mystic -- Robert
OccRev y1905 v1 February p68 - Experiences of a Seer (1) -- KE
OccRev y1905 v1 February p75 - The Gnostic Revival -- CG
OccRev y1905 v1 February p82 - Stellar Influence in Human Life -- W
Gorn Old
OccRev y1905 v1 February p87 - The Development of the Conflict
between Scientific and Religious Thought -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1905 v1
February p98 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1905 v1 February p102 - Correspondence
-- anon
OccRev y1905 v1 March p105 - Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1905 v1 March
p107 - Some Experiments in Hypnotism -- Bernard Hollander
OccRev y1905 v1
March p113 - Merionethshire Mysteries (1) -- Beriah G Evans
OccRev y1905 v1
March p121 - Vibrations -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1905 v1 March p125 - Some
Thoughts on Occult Physical Phenomena -- Edward T Bennett
OccRev y1905 v1
March p129 - A College Ghost -- anon
OccRev y1905 v1 March p134 - Experiences
of a Seer (2) -- KE Henry-Anderson
OccRev y1905 v1 March p140 - New View of
Astro-Physics -- W Gorn Old
OccRev y1905 v1 March p146 - The Development of
the Conflict -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1905 v1 March p151 - Reviews --
OccRev y1905 v1 March p158 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1905 v1
April p159 - Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1905 v1 April p161 - Recent Hauntings --
Andrew Lang
OccRev y1905 v1 April p168 - The Subliminal Mind -- Lane
OccRev y1905 v1 April p171 - World-Memory and Pre-Existence -- Mrs
Campbell Praed
OccRev y1905 v1 April p179 - Marionethshire Mysteries (2) --
Beriah G Evans
OccRev y1905 v1 April p187 - A Criticism of Telepathy -- CW
OccRev y1905 v1 April p192 - Astrology in Shakespeare (1) -- Robert
OccRev y1905 v1 April p202 - The Development of the Conflict -- WL
OccRev y1905 v1 April p207 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1905 v1
May p213 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1905 v1 May p215 - The Ego --
David Christie Murray
OccRev y1905 v1 May p220 - Astrology in Shakespeare (2)
-- Robert Calignoc
OccRev y1905 v1 May p226 - The Palazzo C -- AGA
y1905 v1 May p233 - Occultism in France -- G Fabius de Champville
y1905 v1 May p238 - Occult Medicine -- EW Berridge
OccRev y1905 v1 May p241 -
Some Experiences of the Supernormal -- Alice Isaacson
OccRev y1905 v1 May
p248 - The Development of the Conflict -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1905 v1 May
p259 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1905 v1 June p267 - Notes of the Month --
OccRev y1905 v1 June p275 - The Occult in the Nearer East (1) -- A
Goodrich Freer (Mrs Spoer)
OccRev y1905 v1 June p282 - Mind as Unknowable --
CW Saleeby
OccRev y1905 v1 June p287 - Marionethshire Mysteries (3) -- Beriah
G Evans
OccRev y1905 v1 June p296 - Astrology in Shakespeare (3) -- Robert
OccRev y1905 v1 June p303 - Religion and Science - The Development
of the Conflict -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1905 v1 June p307 - Reviews --
OccRev y1905 v2 July p1 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1905 v2
July p8 - My Occult Experiences -- Nora Chesson
OccRev y1905 v2 July p12 -
Automatic Romance -- M Bramston
OccRev y1905 v2 July p26 - On the Great
Earthquake in India -- AJ Pearce
OccRev y1905 v2 July p29 - The Evidence for
Ghosts -- Alfred Fellows
OccRev y1905 v2 July p34 - The Occult in the Nearer
East (2) -- A Goodrich Freer
OccRev y1905 v2 July p40 - Reviews and
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1905 v2 August p55 - Self -- St George Lane
OccRev y1905 v2 August p59 - The Only Wisdom (1) -- Lady Archibald
OccRev y1905 v2 August p68 - Mind and Life -- CW Saleeby
y1905 v2 August p73 - Last Hours of a Mediaeval Occultist -- Isabelle de
OccRev y1905 v2 August p80 - Ex Oriente Lux -- H Hensoldt
y1905 v2 August p86 - Psychic Records -- anon
OccRev y1905 v2 August p90 -
Reviews and Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1905 v2 September p109 - An
Important Question in Psychic Research -- JH Hyslop
OccRev y1905 v2 September
p124 - A Strange Tale -- GEM
OccRev y1905 v2 September p128 - Space and
Super-Space -- CG Harrison
OccRev y1905 v2 September p135 - A Dream Problem
-- Veraz
OccRev y1905 v2 September p140 - A Lovers' Tryst -- AGA
y1905 v2 September p143 - The Occult in the Nearer East (3) -- Hans H
OccRev y1905 v2 September p152 - The Potency of Hypnotism -- JM
OccRev y1905 v2 September p157 - Reviews and Correspondence --
OccRev y1905 v2 October p165 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1905
v2 October p168 - The Occult and the Law -- Alfred Fellows
OccRev y1905 v2
October p177 - Hypnotism Old and New -- AJ Lambert
OccRev y1905 v2 October
p183 - Lesser Mysteries of the Life of Life -- AE Waite
OccRev y1905 v2
October p193 - Psychic Records -- anon
OccRev y1905 v2 October p199 - The
Occult in the Nearer East (4) -- A Goodrich Freer
OccRev y1905 v2 October
p205 - Reviews and Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1905 v2 November p219 -
Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1905 v2 November p223 - A Javanese
Poltergeist -- Northcote W Thomas
OccRev y1905 v2 November p229 - George
Macdonald, Seer and Poet -- Nora Chesson
OccRev y1905 v2 November p230 - The
Only Wisdom (2) -- Lady Archibald Campbell
OccRev y1905 v2 November p240 -
Death as a Psychic Experience -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1905 v2 November p250
- The Occult in the Nearer East (6) -- A Goodrich Freer (Mrs Hans
OccRev y1905 v2 November p263 - Reviews and Correspondence --
OccRev y1905 v2 December p273 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1905
v2 December p279 - Among the Adepts and Mystics of Hindostan -- H
OccRev y1905 v2 December p290 - Reviews and Correspondence --
OccRev y1906 v3 January p1 - Notes of the Month (review - Enigmas of
Psychical Research by JH Hyslop) -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v3 January
p7 - Witchcraft in Literature -- GA Sinclair
OccRev y1906 v3 January p17 -
Second Death (vf) -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1906 v3 January p19 - Haunted Houses
-- EHB
OccRev y1906 v3 January p24 - Another Dream Problem -- Nora
OccRev y1906 v3 January p31 - The Occult Madonna (vf) -- JC
OccRev y1906 v3 January p32 - Hypnotic Sight -- Edwin J Ellis
y1906 v3 January p41 - review - The Black Spaniel by R Hichens -- Nora
OccRev y1906 v3 January p41 - review - The Beetle by Richard
Marsh -- Nora Chesson
OccRev y1906 v3 January p43 - review - The
Scientific Temper in Religion by PN Waggett -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3
January p45 - review - Crystal Gazing by Northcote W Thomas --
OccRev y1906 v3 January p47 - review - Divine Basis of
Society by Robert S Gilliard -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 January p48 -
review - Sri Brahma Dhara by Sri Agamya Guru Pramahamsa --
OccRev y1906 v3 January p49 - review - A Catechism of
Hinduism by Sris Chandra Vasu -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 January p51 -
Ltte - re Saleeby on telepathy -- Alfred O. Fair
OccRev y1906 v3 January p53
- Ltte - psychic experiences -- JA Roberts
OccRev y1906 v3 February p55 -
Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v3 February p60 - Gwenhidwy
(vf) -- Nora Chesson
OccRev y1906 v3 February p61 - Professional Astrology in
Ancient Rome -- Robert Calignoc
OccRev y1906 v3 February p70 - Cards: A
Theory -- M Bramston
OccRev y1906 v3 February p75 - The Only Wisdom (3) --
Lady Archibald Campbell
OccRev y1906 v3 February p82 - Some Glimpses of the
Unseen (1) -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1906 v3 February p88 - Dreams -- Nora
OccRev y1906 v3 February p98 - review - The Dark Night of the
Soul by Juan de la Crux -- AE Waite
OccRev y1906 v3 February p101 -
review - My Little Book of Prayer by Muriel Strode -- anon
y1906 v3 February p102 - review - Hypnotism & Hypnotic Suggestion
ed by E Virgil Neal -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 February p103 - Ltte - -- H
Algernon Coluile
OccRev y1906 v3 February p103 - Ltte - -- George
OccRev y1906 v3 February p104 - Ltte - -- Blanca Unorna
y1906 v3 February p105 - Ltte - -- anon
OccRev y1906 v3 February p105 - Ltte
- -- Robert Calignoc
OccRev y1906 v3 February p106 - Ltte - -- FEB
y1906 v3 February p108 - Ltte - -- SEG
OccRev y1906 v3 March p109 - Notes of
the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v3 March p116 - Dr Richard Hodgson - A
Record (1855-1906) -- anon
OccRev y1906 v3 March p118 - A Strange Story of
Mid-Ocean Visits -- Captain Peter Johansen
OccRev y1906 v3 March p125 - Ltte
- re Captain Johansen -- C Hubert Birchall
OccRev y1906 v3 March p126 - Keats
the Mystic (1) -- EJ Ellis
OccRev y1906 v3 March p133 - The Danger of
"Experimenting in Occultism" -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1906 v3 March p136 -
Miss Piper & Her Controls -- E Katharine Bates
OccRev y1906 v3 March p144
- Psychic Records - A Phantom Monk -- AHM
OccRev y1906 v3 March p145 - A
Singular Case of Telepathy -- KE Henry-Anderson
OccRev y1906 v3 March p148 -
review - The First Mrs Mollivar by Mrs Israel Zangwill -- Nora
OccRev y1906 v3 March p149 - review - The Mystery of Death
by A. Osborn Eaves -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 March p151 - review -
Real Ghost Stories by WT Stead -- Robert Calignoc
OccRev y1906 v3
March p153 - review - The History & Power of Mind by Richard
Ingalese -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 March p154 - review - Kwaidan
by Lafcadio Hearn -- anon
OccRev y1906 v3 March p155 - review - The
Dreamer's Book by JH Pearce -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 March p157 -
Ltte - communications avec la planchette -- GC
OccRev y1906 v3 March p158 -
Ltte - psychical development of the power within -- A Southern Rector
y1906 v3 March p160 - Ltte - weird tale -- JM Stuart-Young
OccRev y1906 v3
March p161 - Ltte - séance with Jesse Shepard (plays the piano in the dark) --
HW Thatcher
OccRev y1906 v3 March p162 - Ltte - re apparitions --
OccRev y1906 v3 March p169 - Ltte - -- P Johansen
OccRev y1906 v3
April p163 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v3 April p170 -
The Occult in Modern Fiction -- Alfred Fellows
OccRev y1906 v3 April p178 -
Keats the Mystic (2) -- EJ Ellis
OccRev y1906 v3 April p184 - Some Glimpses
of the Unseen (2) -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1906 v3 April p191 - Dream
Experiences -- EHB
OccRev y1906 v3 April p194 - Hypnotism & Clairvoyance
- a curious case -- JF Hough
OccRev y1906 v3 April p199 - Feats of the Indian
Fakirs Psychologically Considered -- C Edwin Goodell
OccRev y1906 v3 April
p203 - An Instance of Dream-Telepathy -- C Farmar
OccRev y1906 v3 April p205
- review - Spiritualism by Edward T Bennett -- Scrutator
y1906 v3 April p205 - review - Practical Psychometry O. Hashnu Hara --
OccRev y1906 v3 April p209 - review - The Science of the Larger
Life by U Gestefeld -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 April p210 - review -
The Hatanee by Arthur Egger -- Nora Chesson
OccRev y1906 v3 April
p212 - Ltte - -- EM Epstein
OccRev y1906 v3 April p212 - Ltte - -- A Southern
OccRev y1906 v3 April p213 - Ltte - out of my body -- An Honours
OccRev y1906 v3 April p214 - Ltte - haunted street -- Commander,
OccRev y1906 v3 April p215 - Ltte - -- H Nicholson
OccRev y1906 v3
April p215 - Ltte - photo of a magic mango tree -- AL Barker
OccRev y1906 v3
May p217 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v3 May p222 - Ltte
-- R Garnett
OccRev y1906 v3 May p225 - Prize Essay: Ghost Clothes --
OccRev y1906 v3 May p228 - "Spirit Clothes" -- James H
OccRev y1906 v3 May p231 - The Attitude of the Catholic Church Towards
Occultism -- Robert Hugh Benson
OccRev y1906 v3 May p237 - Witchcraft in
Germany (contemporary Bavarian) -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1906 v3 May p240 -
The Only Wisdom (4) -- Lady Archibald Campbell
OccRev y1906 v3 May p248 -
Some Glimpses of the Unseen (3) -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1906 v3 May p253 -
A Memory -- ASP
OccRev y1906 v3 May p255 - The Effect of the Sub-conscious
Mind on Health -- CH Lennox
OccRev y1906 v3 May p260 - review -
Psychology by CW Saleeby -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 May p263 -
review - Mental & Physical Culture by Aumond C David --
OccRev y1906 v3 May p264 - review - Illusions by Mabel
Collins (Mrs K Cook) -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 May p265 - review -
Immortality by H Mayne Young -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 May p266 -
review - Truths of Life by GW Allen -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 May
p266 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1906 v3 May p271 - Ltte -
"Craddock was seized early in the séance" -- W Usborne Moore
OccRev y1906 v3
May p273 - Ltte - a strange coincidence -- WE Pomfrey
OccRev y1906 v3 May
p275 - Ltte - was that a ghoul? -- Alexander Abdo
OccRev y1906 v3 May p277 -
Ltte - strange story of mid-ocean visits -- Common Sense
OccRev y1906 v3 June
p277 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v3 June p283 - Occult
Review Psychometrist - Psychocoupon -- anon
OccRev y1906 v3 June p284 -
Dante's "Beatrice" - Occultism in the "Vita Nuova" -- Samuel Udny
y1906 v3 June p294 - Some Sidelights on Occultism -- AGA
OccRev y1906 v3 June
p300 - The Origin of Things - review - Life & Matter by Oliver
Lodge -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v3 June p305 - Telepathy & Prayer - some
experiences & a moral -- HCD
OccRev y1906 v3 June p309 - Immortal or
Immortalizable? -- Maud Joynt
OccRev y1906 v3 June p314 - Psychic Records --
GH Johnson
OccRev y1906 v3 June p316 - Why do Ghosts Wear Clothes --
OccRev y1906 v3 June p319 - review - The Dangers of Spiritualism
by J Godfrey Raupert -- Robert Calignoc
OccRev y1906 v3 June p320 - review -
The Unseen World by Father Lépicier -- RHB
OccRev y1906 v3 June p321
- review - Hauntings by Vernon Lee -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1906 v3
June p322 - review - Mental Depression by Richard J Ebbard --
OccRev y1906 v3 June p323 - Periodical Literature -- anon (pages
OccRev y1906 v3 June p324 - ? Ltte - --
OccRev y1906 v4 July p1
- Notes of the Month (review - Enigmas of Psychical Research by JH
Hyslop) -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v4 July p7 - The Magic of Numbers (1) --
Edward T Bennett
OccRev y1906 v4 July p17 - Magical Metathesis (teleportation
of living persons) -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1906 v4 July p26 - William Blake
(1) -- Edwin J Ellis
OccRev y1906 v4 July p36 - Some Leaves from the Note
Book of a Psychical Enquirer (1) Hauntings -- A. Goodrich-Freer (Mrs HH
OccRev y1906 v4 July p43 - The Clothing of Apparitions -- Mark Fiske
(HA Dallas)
OccRev y1906 v4 July p46 - review - The Land of Nison by
Charles Regnas -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 July p46 - review - Planetary
Influences by Bessie Leo -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 July p47 - review
- The Science of Symbol by Godfrey Blount -- Robert Calignoc
y1906 v4 July p48 - review - Thoughts on Climate Problems by FW
Frankland -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 July p48 - review - The Divine
Inheritance by John Coutts -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 July p49 -
review - The Old & New Magic by Henry Ridgeley Evans --
OccRev y1906 v4 July p50 - review - The Angel of Pain by
EF Benson -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1906 v4 July p51 - Periodical Literature
(obituary - Dr Richard Hodgson) -- anon
OccRev y1906 v4 July p55 - Ltte - On
Fundamental Matters -- WJ Farmer
OccRev y1906 v4 July p56 - Ltte - curious
incident -- Nora Alexander
OccRev y1906 v4 July p57 - Ltte - How can one
"authenticate" dreams? -- Frances A. Moulton
OccRev y1906 v4 July p58 - Ltte
- Dream Places -- G Spender
OccRev y1906 v4 July p59 - Psychometric
Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
y1906 v4 August p61 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v4 August
p66 - Recent Researches in France -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1906 v4 August p78 -
The Magic of Numbers (2) -- Edward T Bennett
OccRev y1906 v4 August p87 -
William Blake (2) -- Edwin J Ellis
OccRev y1906 v4 August p96 - Some Leaves
from the Note Book of a Psychical Enquirer () -- A. Goodrich-Freer (Mrs HH
OccRev y1906 v4 August p103 - The Ethics of Hypnotism -- Nora
OccRev y1906 v4 August p105 - review - The Twice Born by a
late associate of the SPR -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 August p106 - review -
Occult Chemistry by Annie Besant -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 August
p107 - review - Self-Synthesis: A Means to Perpetual Life by Cornwell
Round -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 August p109 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1906 v4 August p113 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers to
Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1906 v4 August p116 - Ltte -
Divination by Cards -- GB
OccRev y1906 v4 August p118 - Ltte - Magic Numbers
in Chemistry -- C de Creye
OccRev y1906 v4 August p118 - Ltte - Magical
Metathesis -- W Gorn Old
OccRev y1906 v4 September p121 - Notes of the Month
-- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v4 September p124 - Records of the Apparitions of
Animals After Death -- various
OccRev y1906 v4 September p132 - Science &
the Occult at the British Association -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1906 v4
September p140 - Fox, the Passivist (Pacifist) (George Fox 1624-1691) -- W Gorn
OccRev y1906 v4 September p148 - More Glimpses of the Unseen -- Reginald
B Span
OccRev y1906 v4 September p152 - A Psychic Drama -- Helen
OccRev y1906 v4 September p157 - Some Leaves from the Notebook of a
Psychical Enquirer () -- A. Goodrich-Freer (Mrs HH Spoer)
OccRev y1906 v4
September p162 - review - Studies of English Mystics by William Ralph
Inge -- AE Waite
OccRev y1906 v4 September p164 - review - The Poetical
Works of William Blake ed by John Sampson -- Edwin J Ellis
OccRev y1906
v4 September p166 - review - On the Doctrine of Personal Identity by C
Comyns Tucker -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 September p167 - review - The
Next Step - Whither? by H Mayne Young -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4
September p168 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1906 v4 September p171
- Ltte - Magical Metathesis -- W Gorn Old
OccRev y1906 v4 September p171 -
Ltte - Children Psychics -- C Farmar
OccRev y1906 v4 September p173 -
Psychometric Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review
OccRev y1906 v4 October p175 - Notes of the Month -- The
OccRev y1906 v4 October p178 - The "X" Behind Phenomena -- Edward
OccRev y1906 v4 October p184 - Two Cases of Auditory Haunting --
Arthur Hill
OccRev y1906 v4 October p188 - Reminiscences of Leland Stanford
Junior University -- A Californian
OccRev y1906 v4 October p192 - The Dual
Consciousness - subliminal & supraliminal -- KEHA
OccRev y1906 v4 October
p195 - More Glimpses of the Unseen (2) -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1906 v4
October p203 - Mind & Matter -- Nora Alexander
OccRev y1906 v4 October
p210 - Some Leaves from the Notebook of a Psychical Enquirer () -- A.
Goodrich-Freer (Mrs HH Spoer)
OccRev y1906 v4 October p216 - review - The
Stolen Planet by John Mastin -- anon
OccRev y1906 v4 October p217 -
review - Magic & Fetishism by Alfred C Haddon --
OccRev y1906 v4 October p218 - review - Thought the
Builder by A. Osborne Eaves -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 October p219 -
review - The Romance of the Milky Way by Lafcadio Hearn -- NC
y1906 v4 October p221 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1906 v4 October
p224 - Ltte - -- AM Spoer
OccRev y1906 v4 October p226 - Psychometric
Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
y1906 v4 November p229 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1906 v4
November p234 - Ghosts in Shakespeare -- Edwin J Ellis
OccRev y1906 v4
November p241 - Remarkable Occurrences & Presumable Explanations (1) --
Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1906 v4 November p249 - The Only Wisdom (5) -- Lady
Archibald Campbell
OccRev y1906 v4 November p256 - More Glimpses of the
Unseen (3) -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1906 v4 November p261 - Charms &
Cures for the Sick as Practiced in Ireland -- Edith Wheeler
OccRev y1906 v4
November p269 - The Bijli of the Flaming Torch -- H Mayne Young
OccRev y1906
v4 November p273 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers to Enquirers --
Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1906 v4 November p276 - review - The
Strange Story of Ahrinziman by AFS -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1906 v4
November p277 - review - Red Records by Alice Perrin -- anon
y1906 v4 November p278 - review - Occult Essays by AP Sinnett -- Robert
OccRev y1906 v4 November p279 - review - Luminous Bodies by
Charles Hallock -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 November p281 - review - The
Demonism of the Ages & Spirit Obsession by JM Peebles --
OccRev y1906 v4 November p281 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1906 v4 November p285 - Ltte - -- L.
OccRev y1906 v4 November
p285 - Ltte - -- Vincent Howard
OccRev y1906 v4 November p286 - Ltte - --
OccRev y1906 v4 December p287 - Notes of the Month -- The
OccRev y1906 v4 December p293 - Orthodox Christianity -- David
Christie Murray
OccRev y1906 v4 December p298 - Prize Competition Essay
(Jesus' views on contemporary Christianity) -- Umbra (Maud Joynt)
y1906 v4 December p303 - Maori Magic -- Reginald Hodder
OccRev y1906 v4
December p309 - The Ghosts of Willington Mill -- Irene H Bisson
OccRev y1906
v4 December p315 - The Only Wisdom (6) Revealed Memoirs -- Lady Archibald
OccRev y1906 v4 December p320 - On a New Record of Automatic Writing
-- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1906 v4 December p325 - Psychometric Delineations
& Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1906 v4
December p328 - review - The Subconscious by Joseph Jastrow -- J Arthur
OccRev y1906 v4 December p330 - review - Brain Building by
Joseph Ralph -- Scrutator
OccRev y1906 v4 December p331 - review - Seeing
the Invisible by James Coates -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1906 v4 December
p332 - review - The Garden of Nuts by W Robertson Nicoll --
OccRev y1906 v4 December p334 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1906 v4 December p338 - Ltte - Instance of 3 people dreaming the
same dream -- Ermengarda Greville-Nugent
OccRev y1906 v4 December p338 - Ltte
- -- Z.
OccRev y1906 v4 December p340 - Ltte - Premature Cremation -- C
OccRev y1906 v4 December p341 - Ltte - Voices in my ear -- HW
OccRev y1906 v4 December p342 - Ltte - God in the Trees -- Reginald
B Span
OccRev y1907 v5 January p1 - Notes of the Month -- The
OccRev y1907 v5 January p1a+ - illustration - The Mahatma Sri Agamya
Guru Paramahamza -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 January p10 - The Mahatma Sri Agamya
Guru Paramahamza -- LH
OccRev y1907 v5 January p15 - Modern Magic --
OccRev y1907 v5 January p19 - Jan van Ruysbroeck (1293-1381) --
Carl Heath
OccRev y1907 v5 January p25 - From the Other Side - A Dream --
Nora Alexander
OccRev y1907 v5 January p32 - Psychic Records --
OccRev y1907 v5 January p39 - A Case of Double Personality (1) -- A.
Goodrich-Freer (Mrs HH Spoer)
OccRev y1907 v5 January p49 - review -
Strange Houses of Sleep by Arthur E Waite -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5
January p50 - review - The Vrouw Grobelaar's Leading Cases by Percival
Gibbon -- AF
OccRev y1907 v5 January p52 - review - Hypnotism, or
Suggestion & Psychotherapy by August Foral -- J Arthur Hill
y1907 v5 January p55 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 January
p58 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review
OccRev y1907 v5 February p61 - Notes of the Month -- The
OccRev y1907 v5 February p68a+ - illustration - The Ancient of Days --
William Blake
OccRev y1907 v5 February p68b+ - illustration - from Jerusalem
-- William Blake
OccRev y1907 v5 February p68c+ - illustration - When the
morning stars sang together -- William Blake
OccRev y1907 v5 February p68d+ -
illustration - Behold now Behemoth which I made with thee -- William
OccRev y1907 v5 February p68e+ - illustration - Then a Spirit passed
before my face -- William Blake
OccRev y1907 v5 February p68f+ - illustration
- And smote Job with sore boils -- William Blake
OccRev y1907 v5 February
p68f+ - illustration - There were not found women as fair ... -- William
OccRev y1907 v5 February p69 - Four Recent Books on William Blake --
Eric Maclagan
OccRev y1907 v5 February p75 - A Suggested Explanation of the
Zancig Thought-Reading Mystery -- Leo Cabas
OccRev y1907 v5 February p81 -
The Black Coach of Killeshandra -- William Barr
OccRev y1907 v5 February p90
- Some Occult Notes from Wales -- ML Lewes
OccRev y1907 v5 February p96 - A
Case of Double Personality (2) -- A. Goodrich-Freer (Mrs HH Spoer)
y1907 v5 February p102 - review - Jesus by Arno Neumann -- J Arthur
OccRev y1907 v5 February p104 - review - The Spirit World by
Joseph Hamilton -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 February p105 - review - The
Zodia by EM Smith -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 February p107 - review -
The Vocation of Man by Johann Gottlieb Fichte -- anon
OccRev y1907
v5 February p107 - review - My Neighbour - A Story of Our Time by EG
Stevenson -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1907 v5 February p108 - review - The
Art of Fascination by George H Bratley -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5
February p109 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 February p112 -
Ltte - Christ & orthodoxy -- GH Johnson
OccRev y1907 v5 February p115 -
Ltte - -- Jno. Gibson
OccRev y1907 v5 February p116 - Psychometric
Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
y1907 v5 March p119 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1907 v5 March
p125 - Ab Initio (vf) -- Anstiss C Gary
OccRev y1907 v5 March p126 - Some
Aspects of the Graal Legend -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1907 v5 March p138
- Remarkable Occurrences & Presumable Explanations (2) -- Franz
OccRev y1907 v5 March p145 - The Claim of Astrology -- Alfred
OccRev y1907 v5 March p154 - An Hypothesis Concerning Psychic Faculty
-- Aleph Gimel
OccRev y1907 v5 March p157 - Visions Induced by an Oriental
Powder -- L Still
OccRev y1907 v5 March p161 - review - The Nature &
Purpose of the Universe by John Denham Parsons -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907
v5 March p164 - review - The Mind & the Brain by Alfred Binet -- J
Arthur Hill
OccRev y1907 v5 March p167 - review - An Agnostic's
Progress by William Scott Palmer -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 March p168
- Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 March p172 - Ltte - The New
Theology -- One & All
OccRev y1907 v5 March p173 - Ltte - Cobwebs at
Seances -- GFS
OccRev y1907 v5 March p173 - Ltte - The Life Behind the Veil
-- Aleph Gimel
OccRev y1907 v5 March p175 - Psychometric Delineations &
Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1907 v5 April
p177 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1907 v5 April p177a+ -
illustration - Emanuel Swedenborg -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 April p186 -
Swedenborg as a Mystic (1688-1772) -- Beatrice Erskine
OccRev y1907 v5 April
p199 - Remarkable Occurrences & Presumable Explanations (3) -- Franz
OccRev y1907 v5 April p206 - Mysteries of the Holy Graal in
Manifestation & Removal -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1907 v5 April p216
- A Haunted House -- B.
OccRev y1907 v5 April p218 - The Dust of Creeds
Outworn -- Reginald Hodder
OccRev y1907 v5 April p223 - review - The
Awakening by Mabel Collins -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 April p224 -
review - Thought Waves by Leonard Hall -- JBS
OccRev y1907 v5 April
p224 - review - Keys to Sovereign Power by A. Osborne Eaves --
OccRev y1907 v5 April p226 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1907 v5 April p229 - Ltte - -- Edwin J Ellis
OccRev y1907 v5
April p230 - Ltte - -- Truth Seeker
OccRev y1907 v5 April p230 - Ltte - The
Claim of Astrology -- Sarastro
OccRev y1907 v5 April p231 - Ltte - -- Alfred
J Pearce
OccRev y1907 v5 April p234 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers
to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1907 v5 May p237 - Notes
of the Month -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 May p246 - Some African Occult Doings
(1) -- Oje Kulekun
OccRev y1907 v5 May p257 - The Chronicles of the Holy
Quest -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1907 v5 May p268 - The Reality of Dream
Consciousness -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1907 v5 May p272 - Out of the Dust of
the Earth -- W Gorn Old
OccRev y1907 v5 May p280 - Remarkable Occurrences
& Presumable Explanations (4) -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1907 v5 May p287
- review - Tai Shang Kan Ying P'ien by Teitaro Suzuki & Paul Carus
-- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 May p287 - review - A Study in
Vibrations by Minnie S Davis -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 May p288 -
review - Spinoza & Religion by Elmer Ellsworth Powell -- J Arthur
OccRev y1907 v5 May p290 - review - Amitabha: A Story of Buddhist
Theology by Paul Carus -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 May p291 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 May p294 - Psychometric
Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
y1907 v5 June p297 - Notes of the Month -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 June p297a+ -
illustration - Mrs May Pepper - Pastor of the First Spiritual Church, Brooklyn,
USA -- anon
OccRev y1907 v5 June p305 - The Wisdom of the Mysteries in Egypt
-- MW Blackden
OccRev y1907 v5 June p318 - Satanism & the Black Mass --
OccRev y1907 v5 June p322 - Some African Occult Doings (2) -- Oje
OccRev y1907 v5 June p330 - Remarkable Occurrences & Presumable
Explanations (5) -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1907 v5 June p334 - The Holy Graal
in the Light of the Celtic Church -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1907 v5 June
p346 - review - Character of the Power of Principles by Frank H Randall
-- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 June p347 - review - The Pathway of the
Human Spirit Traced by JM Peebles -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v5 June p348
- review - Tekel: or, the Wonderland of the Bible by J Horton --
OccRev y1907 v5 June p349 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1907 v5 June p352 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers to Enquirers --
Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1907 v6 July p1 - Notes of the Month (Dr
Richard Hodgson & the SPR) -- The Editor
OccRev y1907 v6 July p5 - On the
Demonology & Witchcraft of the Thousand & one Nights -- WF
OccRev y1907 v6 July p14 - Remarkable Occurrences & Presumable
Explanations (6) -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1907 v6 July p18 - The Truth about
Magnetism (1) -- Reginald Hodder
OccRev y1907 v6 July p30 - The Chase Vault
Mystery (in the Colony of Barbados) -- anon
OccRev y1907 v6 July p35 - Mystic
Aspects of the Graal Legend -- Arthur E Waite
OccRev y1907 v6 July p45 -
review - Roger Dinwiddie, Soul Doctor by AM Irvine -- J Arthur
OccRev y1907 v6 July p46 - review - The Religion of
Consciousness by F Reginald Statham -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1907 v6
July p47 - review - The Proofs of Life After Death by Robert J Thompson
-- WH Chesson
OccRev y1907 v6 July p49 - review - The Seven
Wayfarers by Dorothea Hollins -- anon
OccRev y1907 v6 July p50 - review
- Practical Astrology by Alan Leo -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v6 July
p52 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1907 v6 July p55 - Ltte - --
OccRev y1907 v6 July p55 - Ltte - -- Beatrice Snowden
OccRev y1907 v6
July p56 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review
OccRev y1907 v6 August p59 - Notes of the Month (Holy Graal
found at Glastonbury) -- The Editor
OccRev y1907 v6 August p64 - Mystery (vf)
-- MMM
OccRev y1907 v6 August p65 - The Illimitable Influence of Thought --
WJ Colville
OccRev y1907 v6 August p72 - A Trip to Borderland -- Albert de
OccRev y1907 v6 August p77 - Secret Tradition in Christian Times --
AE Waite
OccRev y1907 v6 August p89 - The Truth About Magnetism (2) --
Reginald Hodder
OccRev y1907 v6 August p100 - Remarkable Occurrences &
Presumable Explanations (7) -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1907 v6 August p107 -
review - The Psychology of Religious Belief by James Bissett --
OccRev y1907 v6 August p108 - review - Truths from the Spirit
World by M Hoey -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v6 August p110 - review -
A Mirror of Shalott by Robert Hugh Benson -- J Arthur Hill
y1907 v6 August p111 - review - The Secret of Mental Magic by William
Walker Atkinson -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v6 August p113 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1907 v6 August p116 - Ltte - -- member Manchester
OccRev y1907 v6 August p118 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers to
Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1907 v6 September p121 -
Notes of the Month (Glastonbury dish not actually the Holy Graal) -- The Editor
& AE Waite
OccRev y1907 v6 September p128 - Some Facts & Philosophy
of Occultism (1) The Doctor's experiences in a haunted house -- Inkster
OccRev y1907 v6 September p137 - The Truth about Magnetism (3) --
Reginald Hodder
OccRev y1907 v6 September p147 - A Batch of Psychic
Experiences -- Edith Wheeler
OccRev y1907 v6 September p156 - The Holy
Assembly -- Arthur E Waite
OccRev y1907 v6 September p167 - Highland Honours
(A Psychic Record) -- Knobkerry
OccRev y1907 v6 September p170 - review -
The Psychic Riddle by IK Funk -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1907 v6
September p171 - review - Universal Spiritualism by WJ Colville --
OccRev y1907 v6 September p173 - review - A Primer of
Clairaudience & Delusional Insanity by J Barker Smith --
OccRev y1907 v6 September p175 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1907 v6 September p178 - Ltte - I sense a fragrance --
OccRev y1907 v6 September p179 - Psychometric Delineations &
Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1907 v6 October
p183 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1907 v6 October p191 - Modern
Mystics (Anna Bonus Kingsford & Edward Maitland) -- Scrutator
y1907 v6 October p194 - illustration - Anna Kingsford -- anon
OccRev y1907 v6
October p195 - illustration - Edward Maitland -- anon
OccRev y1907 v6 October
p198 - illustration - Grave of Edward Maitland in cemetery at Tonbride --
OccRev y1907 v6 October p204 - An Unsolved Riddle -- Mrs Greville
OccRev y1907 v6 October p208 - The Faith of the Future -- Nora
OccRev y1907 v6 October p213 - Some Facts & Philosophy of
Occultism (2) -- Inkster Gilbertson
OccRev y1907 v6 October p224 - review -
Colour as a Curative Agent by R Dimsdale Stocker -- Scrutator
y1907 v6 October p225 - review - Future Life in the Light of Ancient Wisdom
& Modern Science by Louis Elbé -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1907 v6 October
p226 - review - On a Gold Basis by Isabel de Steiger --
OccRev y1907 v6 October p227 - review - A Primer of Natal
Astrology by George Wilde -- THL
OccRev y1907 v6 October p228 - review -
The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism by Hereward Carrington --
OccRev y1907 v6 October p231 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1907 v6 October p234 - Ltte - The late Edward Maitland -- Samuel
Hopgood Hart
OccRev y1907 v6 October p237 - Ltte - In the Body & Out of
the Body -- Rosemary Gorham
OccRev y1907 v6 October p239 - Psychometric
Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
y1907 v6 November p243 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1907 v6
November p243a+ - illustration - Brahman at Prayer -- anon
OccRev y1907 v6
November p249 - Remarkable Occurrences & Presumable Explanations (8) --
Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1907 v6 November p259 - Faerie Ireland -- Lady
Archibald Campbell
OccRev y1907 v6 November p275 - Some Facts &
Philosophy of Occultism (3) -- Inkster Gilbertson
OccRev y1907 v6 November
p284 - review - Brahmins, Theists & Muslims of India by J Campbell
Owen -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v6 November p286 - review - Motherhood, or
useful Hints to young wives by Wallace Russell -- MRCS
OccRev y1907 v6
November p287 - review - Rational memory training by BF Austin --
OccRev y1907 v6 November p288 - review - The Higher
Medicine by J Stenson Hooker -- Scrutator
OccRev y1907 v6 November p289
- review - A Journalist's Dying Message to the World by his Executors
-- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1907 v6 November p290 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1907 v6 November p293 - Ltte - -- A Catholic
OccRev y1907 v6
November p295 - Ltte - -- ROM
OccRev y1907 v6 November p296 - Ltte - --
Isabel de Steiger
OccRev y1907 v6 November p297 - Ltte - -- Nora
OccRev y1907 v6 November p298 - Ltte - -- R Dimsdale
OccRev y1907 v6 November p299 - Psychometric Delineations &
Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1907 v6 December
p303 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1907 v6 December p308 -
Premonitory Visions Fulfilled -- Irene H Bisson
OccRev y1907 v6 December p319
- Some More Welsh Ghosts -- ML Lewes
OccRev y1907 v6 December p325 - Some
Facts & Philosophy of Occultism (4) -- Inkster Gilbertson
OccRev y1907 v6
December p337 - Glimpses of the Unseen (see Charles Dickens' Journal, All
the Year Round, Oct 5 1861) -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1907 v6 December
p346 - review - Proceedings SPR (v54) -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1907
v6 December p346 - review - page missing --
OccRev y1907 v6 December p346 -
review - page missing --
OccRev y1907 v6 December p350 - review -
William Blake by Arthur Symons -- anon
OccRev y1907 v6 December p351
- review - Spiritualism not Spiritualism by William T Wilson --
OccRev y1907 v6 December p355 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1907 v6 December p358 - Ltte - The Catholic Church -- Samuel Hopgood
OccRev y1907 v6 December p361 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers
to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1908 v7 January p1 -
Notes of the Month - Mather's Kabbalah Unveiled - Franz Hartmann --
Arthur Edward Waite & The Editor
OccRev y1908 v7 January p7 -
Autobiography of Dr Franz Hartmann -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1908 v7 January
p9 - illustration - portrait of Dr Franz Hartmann - no hat -- anon
y1908 v7 January p13 - illustration - portrait of Dr Franz Hartmann - with hat
-- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 January p15 - illustration - view of Rocky Mountain
Scenery - The Mountain of the Holy Cross -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 January p19
- illustration - Adyar - The Headquarters of the Theosophical Society --
OccRev y1908 v7 January p21 - illustration - HP Blavatsky - photo in
possession of Franz Hartmann -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 January p23 -
illustration - sketch - The Initiation - caricature -- HP Blavatsky
y1908 v7 January p27 - illustration - Hallein with Mountains reputed to be
inhabited by Gnomes -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 January p29 - illustration - view
of the celebrated Untersberg -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 January p31 - view of
Algund & the Rosengarten -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 January p36 - Dream
Records (1) A Dream Romance -- AJ Grant
OccRev y1908 v7 January p38 - Dream
Records (2) Two Strange Experiences -- WKB
OccRev y1908 v7 January p40 -
Dream Records (3) Coincidental Dreams -- C Farmar
OccRev y1908 v7 January p42
- Dream Records (4) A Vision -- Z.
OccRev y1908 v7 January p43 - The Christ
Church Coffin Story (rprnt Barbados Diocesan Magazine) -- Forster M
OccRev y1908 v7 January p45 - review - Self-Reliance -
Practical Studies in Personal Magnetism by James Coates -- J Arthur
OccRev y1908 v7 January p46 - review - The Immortality of
Animals by ED Buckner -- Angus MacGregor
OccRev y1908 v7 January p48 -
review - The Chronicles of Berthold Darnley ed by Wilkinson Sherren --
WH Chesson
OccRev y1908 v7 January p49 - review - Zadkiel's Almanac &
Ephemeris, 1908 -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v7 January p50 - review -
Problems of the Spiritual by Arthur Chambers -- Scrutator
y1908 v7 January p50 - review - Man & the Spiritual World by Arthur
Chambers -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v7 January p50 - review - Our Life
After Death by Arthur Chambers -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v7 January p52
- review - The Secret Life by a Heretic -- BPO
OccRev y1908 v7
January p52 - review - The Spirit Juggler by Olivia M Truman --
OccRev y1908 v7 January p54 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1908 v7 January p57 - Psychometric Delineations & Answers to
Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1908 v7 February p59 - Notes
of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1908 v7 February p66 - illustration - Gods
of the Nations (1) Indra -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 February p67 - The Kingship
of the Sea - A Dream of Temptation & of a Past -- Nevill Meakin
y1908 v7 February p69 - illustration - "she plunged downwards" --
OccRev y1908 v7 February p71 - illustration - "she looked up" --
OccRev y1908 v7 February p77 - The Real Christianity -- Edward
OccRev y1908 v7 February p82 - The Magic of a Symbol -- Florence
OccRev y1908 v7 February p90 - illustration - (3 Egyptian symbols - 1
Dad, 2 Nedes) -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 February p91 - illustration - (3
Egyptian symbols - 1 Aunk & 2 crosses) -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 February
p94 - Dr Joseph Glanvill & the Demon of Tedworth -- Bernard
OccRev y1908 v7 February p103 - review - The Development of
Religion in Japan by George William Knox -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908
v7 February p104 - review - Aspects of Christian Mysticism by W Major
Scott -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1908 v7 February p106 - review - The
Mystical Life of Ours by Ralph Waldo Trine -- Angus MacGregor
y1908 v7 February p107 - review - La Force Curatrice A Lourdes et la
Psychologie du Miracle by H Baraduc -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908 v7
February p108 - review - Out of the Silence by James Rhoades --
OccRev y1908 v7 February p109 - review - The Powers of the
Personality by A. Osborn Eaves & GH Bratley -- Angus
OccRev y1908 v7 February p109 - review - Imagination the
Magician by A. Osborn Eaves -- Angus MacGregor
OccRev y1908 v7 February
p109 - review - The Triumph of Mammon by John Davidson -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1908 v7 February p110 - review - The Last Miracle by
MP Shiel -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v7 February p111 - review - The
Sorrowful Princess by Eva Gore-Booth -- Angus MacGregor
OccRev y1908 v7
February p112 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 February p116 -
Psychometric Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review
OccRev y1908 v7 March p117 - Notes of the Month - The Root Idea
of Occultism -- The Editor
OccRev y1908 v7 March p122 - The Indian Trinity:
Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva -- missing
OccRev y1908 v7 March p124 - Zodiacal
Types & Affinities -- Heinrich Daath missing
OccRev y1908 v7 March p133 -
Maeterlinck as Mystic -- Beatrice Stuart (Steuart) Erskine
OccRev y1908 v7
March p143 - Horoscopes of King Carlos & Queen Amélie -- AJ Pearce
y1908 v7 March p146 - Egyptian Use of Symbols -- Florence Farr
OccRev y1908
v7 March p150 - Oblivion (vf) (rprnt Pall Mall Gazette) --
OccRev y1908 v7 March p151 - The New Gospel of Interpretation - review -
The Perfect Way by Anna Kingsford & Edward Maitland -- Bertram
OccRev y1908 v7 March p159 - Astral Excursions -- Franz
OccRev y1908 v7 March p161 - review - A Literary History of the
Arabs by Reynold A. Nicholson -- DS Margoliouth
OccRev y1908 v7 March
p163 - review - The Forest Playfellow by EK Sanders -- Nora
OccRev y1908 v7 March p164 - review - Truths about Hypnotism
& Therapeutic Suggestion by SG Jay -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908 v7
March p165 - review - The Mystery of Three: A Bible Story by EM Smith
-- Angus MacGregor
OccRev y1908 v7 March p166 - review - The Armada
Gold by Edgar Turner & Reginald Hodder -- Angus MacGregor
y1908 v7 March p166 - review - The New Word - anon -- BP
OccRev y1908 v7 March p167 - review - The Gift of
Understanding by Prentice Mulford -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v7 March
p168 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 March p171 - Ltte - --
OccRev y1908 v7 March p172 - Ltte - Dickens had the story in a
better version -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1908 v7 March p174 - Psychometric
Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
y1908 v7 April p177 - Notes of the Month - Goethe's Horoscope -- The
OccRev y1908 v7 April p185 - Karma: The Law of Cause & Effect --
WJ Colville
OccRev y1908 v7 April p193 - Goethe & Mysticism -- Nora
OccRev y1908 v7 April p194 - illustration - Goether --
OccRev y1908 v7 April p195 - illustration - Schiller -- anon
y1908 v7 April p197 - illustration - drawing - Horoscope of Goethe --
OccRev y1908 v7 April p201 - illustration - Goethe as a young man -- C
OccRev y1908 v7 April p203 - illustration - Goethe in old age --
OccRev y1908 v7 April p205 - illustration - Goethe's Garden House --
OccRev y1908 v7 April p207 - illustration - Goethe's House at Weimer --
OccRev y1908 v7 April p213 - On the Kabalah -- Florence Farr
y1908 v7 April p219 - A Haunted Cabin -- Ethel M Ducat
OccRev y1908 v7 April
p226 - review - The Supersensual Life by Jacob Boehme -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1908 v7 April p226 - review - The Practice of the Presence
of God by Brother Laurence -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1908 v7 April
p226 - review - The Spiritual Maxims of Brother Laurence - anon --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1908 v7 April p228 - review - The New
Ethics by J Howard Moore -- Jessey Wade
OccRev y1908 v7 April p229 -
review - A Soul's Pilgrimage by Annie Bright -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7
April p230 - review - Magic & Fetishism by Alfred C Haddon --
OccRev y1908 v7 April p230 - review - The Sayings of Confucius
by Lionel Giles -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v7 April p231 - review -
Clairvoyance & Crystal Gazing by Mme Keiro -- Scrutator
y1908 v7 April p231 - review - The Essentials of the Unity of Life by
Sheldon Leavitt -- Angus MacGregor
OccRev y1908 v7 April p232 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 April p236 - Psychometric Delineations
& Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review Psychometrist
OccRev y1908 v7 May
p237 - Notes of the Month - Hereward Carrington, Lily Dale, NY State -- The
OccRev y1908 v7 May p239 - illustration - Mr Hereward Carrington --
OccRev y1908 v7 May p246 - Re-Incarnation (vf) -- Jessie Annie
OccRev y1908 v7 May p247 - Dr Dee & Queen Elizabeth -
Tercentenary off Death, 1608 -- Emily Baker
OccRev y1908 v7 May p248 -
illustration - Johannes Dee -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 May p249 - illustration -
Mortlake Church as it appeared before the recent restoration -- anon
y1908 v7 May p251 - illustration - Mortlake Church seen through the trees --
OccRev y1908 v7 May p252 - illustration - (Queen Elizabeth) --
OccRev y1908 v7 May p254 - illustration - Dr Dee -- anon
OccRev y1908
v7 May p256 - Vampires -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1908 v7 May p259 - The
Rosicrucians & Alchemists -- Florence Farr
OccRev y1908 v7 May p265 - The
Curative Province of Electricity -- Francis Tyrrell-Gill
OccRev y1908 v7 May
p269 - Superstitions Connected with Sport -- LCR Cameron
OccRev y1908 v7 May
p275 - The Dutch General's Story (rprnt Ghosts & Family Legends) --
Catherine Crowe
OccRev y1908 v7 May p282 - Ltte - -- FS
OccRev y1908 v7
May p282 - Ltte - -- Skoongye
OccRev y1908 v7 May p283 - review - The
Life of Goethe by A. Bielschowsky -- Nora Alexander
OccRev y1908 v7 May
p284 - review - Hypnotic Therapeutics in Theory & Practice ny John
Duncan Quackenbos -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908 v7 May p286 - review -
The Discovery of the Soul by Floyd B Wilson -- Angus
OccRev y1908 v7 May p287 - review - The History & Power of
Mind by Richard Ingalese -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908 v7 May p288 -
review - The Magic Seven by Lida A. Churchill -- S.
OccRev y1908 v7
May p288 - review - The Blue Lagoon by H de Vere Stackpoole --
OccRev y1908 v7 May p289 - review - Journeys to the Planet Mars
by Sara Weiss -- Angus MacGregor
OccRev y1908 v7 May p290 - review - The
Lords of the Ghostland - A History of the Ideal by Mr Saltus --
OccRev y1908 v7 May p292 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1908 v7 June p295 - Notes of the Month - Mrs Besant's Autobiography -- The
OccRev y1908 v7 June p297 - illustration - Mrs Annie Besant (at
writing desk) -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 June p300 - illustration - Mrs Besant's
Horoscope -- anon
OccRev y1908 v7 June p302 - Signification of Aries --
OccRev y1908 v7 June p307 - Madame Guyon -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1908 v7 June p308 - illustration - Madame Guyon --
OccRev y1908 v7 June p309 - illustration - François de Fénelon --
OccRev y1908 v7 June p310 - illustration - Bossuet -- anon
y1908 v7 June p319 - Photography & the Unseen -- Reginald B Span
y1908 v7 June p324 - Precious Stones & their Occult Powers -- Mary L
OccRev y1908 v7 June p332 - The Philosophy Called Vedanta -- Florence
OccRev y1908 v7 June p339 - review - Annie Besant - an
Autobiography by Annie Besant -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1908 v7 June p340 -
review - The Elixir of Life by William Satchell -- WH Chesson
y1908 v7 June p341 - review - Zetetes & other Poems by Maurice
Brown -- LC
OccRev y1908 v7 June p342 - review - The Magnet by Lida
A. Churchill -- LC
OccRev y1908 v7 June p343 - review - Ghosts by
Alexander J McIvar Tyndall -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v7 June p344 - review -
Christ Mystical by Bishop Hall of Norwich, 1654 -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1908 v7 June p345 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1908 v7 June p348 - Ltte - -- Alfred R Wallace
OccRev y1908 v7 June p348 -
Ltte - Goethe's Horoscope -- M Joynt
OccRev y1908 v7 June p350 - Ltte - The
Dutch General's Story -- Charles L Newhall
OccRev y1908 v7 June p352 -
Psychometric Delineations & Answers to Enquirers -- Occult Review
OccRev y1908 v7 June p354 - Delineations of Character --
(missing 351-354)
OccRev y1908 v8 July p1 - Notes of the Month - The Eusapia
Palladino Investigations -- The Editor
OccRev y1908 v8 July p5 - The Evil Eye
-- Bernard P O'Neill
OccRev y1908 v8 July p12 - illustration - fig 5 (Red
Indian, ceremonial Dress) -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 July p15 - illustration -
fig 8 Specimen of "Trade" charms (rprnt Folk Lore Dec 1902) --
OccRev y1908 v8 July p19 - The Haunted House of Cavnakirk --
OccRev y1908 v8 July p24 - The Strange Carpenter - A Personal Experience
OccRev y1908 v8 July p27 - The Seven Principles (vf) -- L Florence
OccRev y1908 v8 July p30 - On the Infinite -- H Stanley
OccRev y1908 v8 July p34 - The Tetrad, or the Structure of the Mind
-- Florence Farr
OccRev y1908 v8 July p41 - More Dealings with the Dead --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1908 v8 July p44 - Ghosts -- Franz
OccRev y1908 v8 July p47 - Ltte - Dentistry Under Hypnosis --
OccRev y1908 v8 July p48 - review - Vitality, Fasting &
Nutrition by Hereward Carrington -- GM
OccRev y1908 v8 July p50 - review
- The Inward Light by Fielding Hall -- DP
OccRev y1908 v8 July p51 -
review - The Brotherhood of Wisdom by Frances J Armour -- AF
y1908 v8 July p52 - review - Konx Om Pax by Aleister Crowley --
OccRev y1908 v8 July p54 - review - Proceedings of the Society for
Psychical Research, part 55, Glasgow -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908 v8
July p56 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 August p59 - Notes
of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1908 v8 August p61 - illustration - Julian
the Apostate -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 August p65 - illustration - Julian --
OccRev y1908 v8 August p69 - illustration - The Colonnade of S. Lorenzo,
Milan -- Brogi
OccRev y1908 v8 August p74 - "Invocation" (vf) -- EM
OccRev y1908 v8 August p75 - Corpse-Candles & the "Teulu" -- ML
OccRev y1908 v8 August p79 - New Books on Eastern Faiths -- Nora
OccRev y1908 v8 August p87 - On the Play of the Image-Maker --
Florence Farr
OccRev y1908 v8 August p92 - A Remarkable Series of Automatic
Writings -- Helen & Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1908 v8 August p103 - A
Weird Experience -- Zuresta
OccRev y1908 v8 August p106 - review -
Education, Personality & Crime by Albert Wilson -- CW
OccRev y1908 v8 August p107 - review - The Direct Phenomena of
Spiritualism by Edward T Bennett -- S.
OccRev y1908 v8 August p109 -
review - The Astronomy of the Bible by EW Maunder -- LC
OccRev y1908
v8 August p110 - review - The Wine of Life - The Door of
Darkness by Maude Annesley -- BPO'N
OccRev y1908 v8 August p111 - review
- Bona-Fide Adventures with Ghosts by Elliott O'Donnell --
OccRev y1908 v8 August p112 - review - The Psychical Phenomena of
Spiritualism by Hereward Carrington -- Angus MacGregor
OccRev y1908 v8
August p113 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 August p116 -
Ltte - The Evil Eye -- EB
OccRev y1908 v8 September p117 - Notes of the Month
- The Special Pleader in Science - Robert Houdin -- The Editor
OccRev y1908
v8 September p124 - The Vampire Legend -- Alfred Fellows
OccRev y1908 v8
September p132 - Demonology (1) -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v8 September p133 -
illustration - The Devil - Sculpture on Notre Dame, Paris -- anon
y1908 v8 September p135 - illustration - Expulsion of Lucifer -- anon
y1908 v8 September p137 - illustration - The Devil Consuming Sinners, Campo
Santo, Pisa, Italy -- (M Didron)
OccRev y1908 v8 September p141 - The Mystery
of Lourdes -- LCR Cameron
OccRev y1908 v8 September p142 - illustration -
Statue at the Grotto -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 September p144 - illustration -
Bernadette Soubirous - Lourdes - 1858 -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 September p146
- The Latin Church & Freemasonry -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1908 v8
September p151 - The Supernatural in India -- S Eardley-Wilmot
OccRev y1908
v8 September p161 - review - Man Considered in Relation to God & a
Church by W Carew Hazlitt -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908 v8 September
p162 - review - Messianic Philosophy by Gideon WB Marsh -- MJ
y1908 v8 September p163 - review - Letters from a Mystic of the Present
Day by Rauland W Corbet -- AB
OccRev y1908 v8 September p164 - review -
The After Life by Henry Buckle -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1908
v8 September p166 - review - The Gilly of Christ (vf) by Seosamh
MacCathmhaoil -- BPO'N
OccRev y1908 v8 September p166 - review - With
Three Symbols by Ada M Wentworth Sheilds -- BPO'N
OccRev y1908 v8
September p167 - review - De Opstellen over Spiritisme by HJ Schimmel
-- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 September p168 - review - Occult Experiences
by Willy Reichel -- S.
OccRev y1908 v8 September p168 - review - How to
Control & Strengthen the Mind by Alfred T Story -- anon
OccRev y1908
v8 September p169 - review - The New Old Healing by Henry Wood --
OccRev y1908 v8 September p169 - review - Living Ideals by Eugene
Del Mar -- S.
OccRev y1908 v8 September p170 - review - The Mystical
Explanation of the Canticle of Canticles by St Francis de Sales -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1908 v8 September p171 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1908 v8 September p174 - Ltte - Historical Problems of Mediaeval
Italy -- Sun in Aquarius
OccRev y1908 v8 October p175 - Notes of the Month -
What is a Crank? -- The Editor
OccRev y1908 v8 October p182 - Coincidences
& Their Meaning -- L Inkster-Gilbertson
OccRev y1908 v8 October p189 -
Demonology (2) -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v8 October p192 - illustration - A
Witch's Confession -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 October p193 - illustration -
Faust's Conjuration -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 October p195 - illustration -
Assembly of Witches & Devils -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 October p197 -
illustration - Infant Dedication; Witches Meeting -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8
October p198 - illustration - (1 Samuel Chap 28 n14) -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8
October p201 - A Study of Lafcadio Hearn -- Bernard P O'Neill
OccRev y1908 v8
October p203 - illustration - Lafcadio Hearn -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 October
p207 - The Hermetic & Rosicrucian Mystery -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1908 v8 October p222 - The Car-Driver's Story -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8
October p224 - review - Fragments of Thought Life by MCS --
OccRev y1908 v8 October p225 - review - The Conduct of Life; or
the Universal Order of Confucius by Ku Hung Ming -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8
October p225 - review - The Literary Man's Bible by WL Cartney --
Frances Tyrrell-Gill
OccRev y1908 v8 October p226 - review - Morag the
Seal - A West Highland Romance by JW Brodie-Innes -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1908 v8 October p227 - review - A Brainy Diet for the
Healthy by Sophie Leppel -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v8 October p228 -
review - Spirit, Matter & Morals by R Dimsdale Stocker --
OccRev y1908 v8 October p230 - review - The Next Step in
Evolution by IK Funk -- Angus MacGregor
OccRev y1908 v8 October p230 -
review - The Diwan of Abu'l Ala (vf) by Henry Baerlein --
OccRev y1908 v8 October p230 - review - Israfel (vf) by EM
Holden -- BPO'N
OccRev y1908 v8 October p230 - review - Love Poems
(vf) by WR Titterton -- BPO'N
OccRev y1908 v8 October p233 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 November p237 - Notes of the Month - The
Law as to Burial Certificates -- The Editor
OccRev y1908 v8 November p244 -
The Place of Authority in Occultism -- WJ Colville
OccRev y1908 v8 November
p252 - The Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1908
v8 November p255 - illustration - Fig 1 (4 men in a workshop) -- anon
y1908 v8 November p256 - illustration - Fig 2 (Sun Moon symbolism) --
OccRev y1908 v8 November p257 - illustration - Fig 3 (?!) --
OccRev y1908 v8 November p258 - illustration - Fig 4 Roman Soldier vs
Dragon -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 November p259 - illustration - Fig 5 Unicorn
meets Deer -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 November p260 - illustration - Fig 6 2
Lions -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 November p261 - illustration - Fig 7 2 Dogs --
OccRev y1908 v8 November p262 - illustration - Fig 8 Angel &
Aspirant -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 November p263 - illustration - Fig 9 Angel
& Aspirant on rock -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 November p264 - illustration -
Fig 10 Angel, King & Aspirant -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 November p265 -
illustration - Fig 11 Angel, King & Aspirant resting -- anon
OccRev y1908
v8 November p266 - The Spiritual World - Can we know it & commune with it?
-- J Todd Ferrier
OccRev y1908 v8 November p270 - Hypnotic Therapeutics -- J
Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908 v8 November p276 - Thought Transference &
Telepathy (1) -- A. Goodrich-Freer (Mrs HH Spoer)
OccRev y1908 v8 November
p283 - review - The Philosophy of the Spirit by HW Dresser --
OccRev y1908 v8 November p286 - review - Sermons on
Spiritualising by Archdeacon Colley -- S.
OccRev y1908 v8 November p286
- review - Thoughts Above the Din, & other Poems by Frank Pearce --
OccRev y1908 v8 November p287 - review - Moments of
Illumination by George Frankland -- BPO'N
OccRev y1908 v8 November p287
- review - The Naturalisation of the Supernatural by Frank Podmore -- J
Arthur Hill
OccRev y1908 v8 November p289 - review - Life & Teaching
of Sri Ramanuja by CR Srinivasa Aiyengar -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8
November p289 - review - Souvenirs by Adhémar Richard -- LC
y1908 v8 November p290 - review - Spirit-Identity & Higher Aspects of
Spiritualism by MA(Oxon) -- S.
OccRev y1908 v8 November p292 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 December p295 - Notes of the
Month - A House of Horrors -- The Editor
OccRev y1908 v8 December p296 -
obituary - ET Bennett Nov 16 1908 -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 December p297 - The
Mendicants of India -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v8 December p299 - illustration
- A Group of Yogis, one man enjoying his churrus pipe -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8
December p301 - illustration - A Family of Tramps (!) -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8
December p303 - illustration - Ancient Temple at Kunkhul, with a Madrissa, or
Ancient College, in the Background -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 December p304 -
illustration - Swami Dyanand, Founder of the Arya Samaj -- anon
OccRev y1908
v8 December p308 - Kilman Castle: The House of Horrors - The Captain's Story --
ed by Andrew Merry
OccRev y1908 v8 December p348 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1908 v8 December p351 - review - New Light on
Immortality by EE Fourrier d'Albe -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1908 v8
December p353 - review - Buddhist Essays by Paul Dahlke -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1908 v8 December p355 - review - The Logic of
Vegetarianism - anon -- anon
OccRev y1908 v8 December p357 - review -
The Inner Light by Arnold R Whateley -- Scrutator
OccRev y1908 v8
December p358 - review - The Soul of Croesus by Gerald Villius-Stuart
-- BPO'N
OccRev y1908 v8 December p358a+ - review - Occultism &
Common Sense by Beckles Willson -- Scrutator
OccRev y1909 v9 January p1
- Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v9 January p8 - Two Notable
Astrologers -- E Baker
OccRev y1909 v9 January p19 - One of These Little Ones
-- EM Ducat
OccRev y1909 v9 January p25 - The Men of Peace: Faerie Scotland
-- Lady Archibald Campbell
OccRev y1909 v9 January p40 - Have Animals Occult
Faculties? -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1909 v9 January p44 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1909 v9 January p53 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1909 v9 January p56 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 February p67 - Notes
of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v9 February p75 - Cross-Correspondence: Some
Recent Developments -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1909 v9 February p81 - Some
Memorials of a Mystic -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1909 v9 February p98 -
From Across the Abyss -- FVC
OccRev y1909 v9 February p104 - The Divine Image
-- Ernest Newland-Smith
OccRev y1909 v9 February p111 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1909 v9 February p112 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1909 v9 February p116 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 March p125 - Notes
of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v9 March p132 - Some Occult Happenings --
Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1909 v9 March p138 - The Mythos and the Man --
OccRev y1909 v9 March p142 - Goethe as an Occultist -- AS
OccRev y1909 v9 March p156 - Magnetism v Hypnotism -- WH
OccRev y1909 v9 March p165 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1909
v9 March p171 - Periodical literature -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 March p174 -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 April p183 - Notes of the Month --
OccRev y1909 v9 April p196 - The Prisoner -- Eva M Martin
OccRev y1909
v9 April p197 - Dealings in Legitimacy -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1909 v9
April p217 - Science and Psychology -- Scrutator
OccRev y1909 v9 April p224 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 April p230 - Periodical literature --
OccRev y1909 v9 April p233 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 May p241
- Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v9 May p248 - The Land of the Dead
(1) -- Scrutator
OccRev y1909 v9 May p257 - The Way of Initiation -- WJ
OccRev y1909 v9 May p266 - The Death-Prescience -- FM
OccRev y1909 v9 May p269 - The Hidden Church of the Hidden Graal -- WL
OccRev y1909 v9 May p278 - Psychic Gleanings -- L Inkster
OccRev y1909 v9 May p282 - Esotericism -- Ethel Goddard
OccRev y1909 v9 May p288 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9
May p289 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 May p293 - Reviews
-- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 June p301 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1909
v9 June p308 - The Land of the Dead (2) -- Scrutator
OccRev y1909 v9 June
p317 - Witchcraft: Its Facts and Follies -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1909
v9 June p325 - On Matter and Spirit -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1909 v9
June p331 - The Sacred Triad -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1909 v9 June p337
- Some Notes on Dreams -- A Goodrich Freer (HH Spoer)
OccRev y1909 v9 June
p345 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 June p347 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1909 v9 June p350 - Reviews -- anon
y1909 v10 July p1 - Notes of the Month -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10 July p19 -
The Land of the Dead (3) -- Scrutator
OccRev y1909 v10 July p27 - Mysteries
of Dreamland -- Alex Kennedy
OccRev y1909 v10 July p30 - Psychic Records --
OccRev y1909 v10 July p32 - On the Self-Existent -- H
OccRev y1909 v10 July p37 - Universal Religion: Its Scope
and Import -- WJ Colville
OccRev y1909 v10 July p44 - Some Experiences in
Prevision -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1909 v10 July p49 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10 July p52 - Reviews -- anon
y1909 v10 August p59 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v10 August p71 -
Survival of Old Magical Customs on Great Britain -- C Worster-Drought and LF
OccRev y1909 v10 August p78 - Some Personal Experiences of a
Clairaudient (1) -- MS
OccRev y1909 v10 August p87 - Shadows About the Throne
-- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1909 v10 August p100 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1909 v10 August p106 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1909 v10 August p109 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10 September p117 -
Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v10 September p124 - obituary - George
Tyrrell -- John Cowper Powys
OccRev y1909 v10 September p126 - Some Personal
Experiences of a Clairaudient (2) -- MS
OccRev y1909 v10 September p135 -
Spirit-Identity: Psychic Research in America -- Scrutator
OccRev y1909 v10
September p136 - The Work of Dr Francis Joseph Gall -- Bernard O'Neill
y1909 v10 September p144 - An Authenticated Vampire Story -- Franz
OccRev y1909 v10 September p150 - On Creation -- H Stanley
OccRev y1909 v10 September p161 - Correspondence -- anon
y1909 v10 September p164 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10
September p168 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10 October p175 - Notes of the
Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v10 October p181 - The Bridegroom -- Nora
OccRev y1909 v10 October p182 - John Dee: In Tradition and History --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1909 v10 October p191 - Some Spiritual
Experiences -- M- M-
OccRev y1909 v10 October p196 - Reason and Vision -- WL
OccRev y1909 v10 October p203 - Shintoism, the Religion of Japan
-- AM Judd
OccRev y1909 v10 October p207 - Psychic Records -- anon
y1909 v10 October p210 - Intuition: Its Relation to Worship -- WJ
OccRev y1909 v10 October p217 - On the Origin of Life -- H Stanley
OccRev y1909 v10 October p222 - Correspondence -- anon
y1909 v10 October p223 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10
October p228 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10 November p235 - Notes of the
Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v10 November p244 - An Astronomer Royal --
OccRev y1909 v10 November p256 - A Striking Psychometric Experiment
-- Abraham Colles
OccRev y1909 v10 November p264 - Sky-Blue -- Eva M
OccRev y1909 v10 November p266 - The Miracles at Lourdes -- EE
OccRev y1909 v10 November p273 - Correspondence -- anon
y1909 v10 November p281 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10
November p286 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10 November p294 - New and
Forthcoming Publications -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10 December p295 - Notes of
the Month -- ed
OccRev y1909 v10 December p302 - Spontaneous Phenomena --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1909 v10 December p307 - The Tarot: A Wheel of
Fortune -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1909 v10 December p318 - After Death -
What? -- Scrutator
OccRev y1909 v10 December p323 - Initiation and its
Results -- WJ Colville
OccRev y1909 v10 December p331 - Envoy -- Gascoigne
OccRev y1909 v10 December p332 - Vampires and Vampirism -- Owen
OccRev y1909 v10 December p340 - Correspondence -- anon
y1909 v10 December p345 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1909 v10
December p348 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 January p1 - Notes of the
Month - Eusapia Palladino -- The Editor
OccRev y1910 v11 January p11 -
Cagliostro -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1910 v11 January p12 - illustration -
copy of portrait of Cagliostro presented by HPB to Dr Hartmann as a portrait of
himself -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 January p16 - The Secret Holy Assembly
Within the Church -- Ernest Newland Smith
OccRev y1910 v11 January p20 - On
the Belief in Talismans (1) -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1910 v11 January
p28 - Curious Forms of Worship (2) The Star-Worshippers -- AM Judd
y1910 v11 January p32 - Some More Experiences of a Clairaudient (1) --
OccRev y1910 v11 January p43 - The Solving of the Riddle --
OccRev y1910 v11 January p45 - Ltte - Mr SG Jay & Mr Atkinson
-- HS Redgrove
OccRev y1910 v11 January p46 - Ltte - Veridical Values --
OccRev y1910 v11 January p48 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1910 v11 January p51 - review - The Survival of Man by
Oliver Lodge -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1910 v11 January p52 - review -
John Dee by Charlotte Fell Smith -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1910
v11 January p53 - review - The Canon An Exposition of the Pagan Mystery
perpetuated in the Cabala ... - anon -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1910 v11
January p55 - review - Practical Hypnotism by Comte de Sainte-Germain
-- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1910 v11 January p55 - review - The Way Out
by Lampadephoros -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 January p55 - review - The
Ways of Love by Elisabeth Severs -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 January
p56 - review - The Wonder-Book of Magnetism by Edward J Houston --
OccRev y1910 v11 January p56 - review - Brunhilde - A
Psychological Study by HLMC -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 January p57 -
review - The Glimpse by Arnold Bennett -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1910
v11 January p57 - review - The Divine in Man by AT Schofield --
OccRev y1910 v11 January p58 - review - Who's Who - 1910
(& 3 others) -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 January p58 - review - On
the Fringe of the Invisible by Rachel J Fox -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910
v11 February p59 - Notes of the Month - The Collapse of Liberal Christianity --
The Editor
OccRev y1910 v11 February p66 - Unexplained Stories -- ML
OccRev y1910 v11 February p74 - The Brahman's Wisdom (vf) tr Eva M
Martin -- Friedrich Rückert
OccRev y1910 v11 February p79 - On the Belief in
Talismans (2) -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1910 v11 February p90 - Déjà Vu?
(vf) -- JM Waring
OccRev y1910 v11 February p91 - Some More Experiences of a
Clairaudient (12) -- MS
OccRev y1910 v11 February p99 - The Philosophy of
Prentice Mulford -- WJ Colville
OccRev y1910 v11 February p106 - Ltte -
Theosophists & the North Pole -- HVE Zacharias
OccRev y1910 v11 February
p107 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 February p111 - review
- The Human Race: Its Past, Present & Possible Future by Jas.
Samuelson -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 February p111 - review - The
Education of a Soul by CH Betts -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 February
p112 - review - Fragments of Thought by CH Betts -- Scrutator
y1910 v11 February p112 - review - Body & Soul by Percy Dearmer --
J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1910 v11 February p113 - review - Orpheus - A
General History of Religion by Salomon Reinach -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910
v11 February p113 - review - The Doré Lectures by T Troward --
OccRev y1910 v11 February p114 - review - Man's Survival After
Death by Charles L Tweedale -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1910 v11 February
p115 - review - Matter, Spirit, & the Cosmos by H Stanley Redgrove
-- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 February p115 - review - Science, Matter
& Immortality by Ronald Campbell Macfie -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910
v11 February p116 - review - With the Adepts - An Adventure among the
Rosicrucians by Franz Hartmann -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 February
p116 - review - Mental Medicine by Oliver Huckel -- Scrutator
y1910 v11 February p117 - review - Religion, its Place & Power by H
Montague Dale -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 February p117 - review - Mors
Janua Vitae by HA Dallas -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 February p118 -
review - Scientific Religion - anon -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11
February p118 - review - Vital Economy by John H Clarke --
OccRev y1910 v11 February p119 - review - Palmistry by Mrs
Edwin A. Symmes -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 February p119 - review -
Golden Aphrodite by Winifred Crispe -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11
February p119 - review - Go Forward - or, Success is for You - anon --
J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1910 v11 February p120 - review - Extracts from the
Spiritual Guide of Miguel de Molinos ed by RY Lyan -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1910 v11 March p121 - Notes of the Month - alleged spirit
photographs -- The Editor
OccRev y1910 v11 March p128 - The Llanarthney
Phenomena -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1910 v11 March p129 - illustration - Mr
Meredith & Mary Wilkins (standing stiffly in front of the Emlyn Arms) --
OccRev y1910 v11 March p131 - illustration - Police Station - Church -
Emlyn Arms -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 March p133 - illustration - Llanarthney
Church -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 March p136 - Andrew Jackson Davis -- JB
OccRev y1910 v11 March p137 - illustration - Andrew Jackson Davis
(wearing glasses) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 March p141 - Spirit Photography --
J Arthur Hill & Editor
OccRev y1910 v11 March p143 - No 1 Mr Warren with
(?) Spirit photograph of Mr Ground superposed -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 March
p144 - No 2 Mr Ground at the Age of eighteen - in uniform -- anon
y1910 v11 March p146 - No 3 Photograph showing same background as in No 1 --
OccRev y1910 v11 March p148 - No 4 Family Group showing old lady's face
looking out of window of empty room -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 March p149 -
Curious Forms of Worship (3)Baal Worshippers -- AM Judd
OccRev y1910 v11
March p154 - Methods of Hypnotism -- Michael West
OccRev y1910 v11 March p158
- The Haunted Villa - A True Story -- C Milligan Fox
OccRev y1910 v11 March
p160 - The Tent (vf) -- Aleister Crowley
OccRev y1910 v11 March p161 - Ltte -
Eusapia Palladino -- Bianca Unorna
OccRev y1910 v11 March p162 - Ltte - A
Curious Deathbed Phenomenon -- Psycho
OccRev y1910 v11 March p163 - Ltte - Mr
Andrew Jackson Davis -- E Wake Cook
OccRev y1910 v11 March p164 - Ltte -
Magnetic Healing by LH Edwards -- MC
OccRev y1910 v11 March p164 - Ltte -
Dentistry operation under Hypnotism instead of gas or chloroform -- SG
OccRev y1910 v11 March p165 - Ltte - Reincarnation of Animals? --
OccRev y1910 v11 March p166 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1910
v11 March p169 - review - Christianity at the Cross Roads by G Tyrrell
-- NA
OccRev y1910 v11 March p170 - review - Two Theban Queens by
Colin Campbell -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 March p170 - review -
Judaism as Creed & Life by Morris Joseph -- Scrutator
y1910 v11 March p171 - review - The Old & the New Magic by Henry
Ridgeley Evans -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 March p171 - review - The
Classification of Religions by Duren JH Ward -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910
v11 March p172 - review - The Message of Philo Judaeus by Kenneth
Sylvan Guthrie -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 March p172 - review - The
Revelation to the Monk of Evesham Abbey by Valerian Paget -- J Arthur
OccRev y1910 v11 March p173 - review - Chronicles of Cloister &
Cave by LM Dalton -- S.
OccRev y1910 v11 March p173 - review - The
Wisdom of Plotinus by Charles J Whitby -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11
March p174 - review - The Physics of the Secret Doctrine by William
Kingsland -- HJS
OccRev y1910 v11 March p175 - review - Space &
Spirit by RA Kennedy -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 March p175 - review -
Mutual Recognition in the Life Beyond by HHT Cleiffe --
OccRev y1910 v11 March p176 - review - Nature's Help to
Happiness by John Warren Achorn -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 March p176
- review - The World Real but Invisible by Axiel -- Scrutator
y1910 v11 April p177 - Notes of the Month - Did Christianity Antedate Christ? --
The Editor
OccRev y1910 v11 April p185 - An Evening with Daniel Dunglas Home
-- FG Montagu Powell
OccRev y1910 v11 April p189 - Automatic Drawing --
OccRev y1910 v11 April p190 - illustration - Corpus Striatum,
Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Medula -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 April p192 -
illustration - 3 examples of Automatic Drawings -- ("Menthes")
OccRev y1910
v11 April p193 - illustration - Another illustration by "Menthes" --
OccRev y1910 v11 April p195 - Spinoza (God, Man & His
Well-Being) -- Bernard O'Neill
OccRev y1910 v11 April p197 -
illustration - statue of Spinoza at the Hague (outside, fenced) --
OccRev y1910 v11 April p206 - Thought Phantasms -- Reginald B
OccRev y1910 v11 April p216 - Ltte - The Maniac -- WJ Inskip
y1910 v11 April p217 - Ltte - -- Isabel Maxwell
OccRev y1910 v11 April p217 -
Ltte - WH Edwards -- MC
OccRev y1910 v11 April p217 - Ltte - Space &
Spirit -- RS Kennedy
OccRev y1910 v11 April p218 - Ltte - Montagure Powell,
Spirit Lanterns -- G Crewe Orlebar
OccRev y1910 v11 April p219 - Ltte - No
striking spiritual records as to the times of Jesus of Nazareth -- WH
OccRev y1910 v11 April p222 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1910 v11 April p225 - review - Religion & the Modern World by D
Macalister -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 April p225 - review - The
Principle of Religious Development by George Galloway --
OccRev y1910 v11 April p226 - review - The Doctrine of
Creation by CM Walsh -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 April p226 - review -
The Christ of the Holy Grail by James L Macbeth -- Scrutator
y1910 v11 April p227 - review - Spirit & Matter before the Bar of Modern
Science by Isaac W Heysinger -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 April p228 -
review - Function, Feeling & Volition by Frederick Meakin --
OccRev y1910 v11 April p228 - review - Suggestions for
Increasing Ethical Stability by Mary Everest Bode -- Scrutator
y1910 v11 April p229 - review - Crystal Gazing & Clairvoyance by
John Melville -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 April p229 - review - Papuan
Fairy Tales by Annie Ker -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 April p230 -
review - Mingled Wine by Anna Bunston -- BPO'N
OccRev y1910 v11
April p231 - review - Antoinette Bourignon, Quietist by Alex R Macewen
-- HJS
OccRev y1910 v11 April p231 - review - The Idea of the Soul
by AE Crawley -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 April p232 - review - The Old
Egyptian Faith by Edward Naville -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 May p233
- Notes of the Month - Revelations of the "Equinox" -- The Editor
y1910 v11 May p234 - illustration - Portrait of Mr Aleister Crowley --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p241 - Transformation (vf) -- Meredith
OccRev y1910 v11 May p242 - Christian Science Origins --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p243 - illustration - Mary Baker Eddy --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p245 - illustration - Mark Baker, Mrs Eddy's Father
-- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 May p247 - illustration - Pleasant View, Mrs Eddy's
Home in Concord, NH, USA -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 May p249 - Myself unto My
Self (vf) -- AS Furnell
OccRev y1910 v11 May p250 - Curious Forms of Worship
(4) Devil-Worshippers -- AM Judd
OccRev y1910 v11 May p258 - The Truth about
the Tarot Trumps -- VN
OccRev y1910 v11 May p264 - Crystal-Gazing (1) -- A.
Goodrich-Freer (Mrs H Hamish Spoer)
OccRev y1910 v11 May p271 - The Shadow of
Death -- Anna Margaretta Cameron
OccRev y1910 v11 May p275 - Ltte - Spirit
Photographs -- Gordon C Grist
OccRev y1910 v11 May p276 - Ltte - Eusapia
Palladino -- Nadine
OccRev y1910 v11 May p276 - Ltte - Thought Phantasms by
RB Span -- WH Edwards
OccRev y1910 v11 May p277 - Ltte - A Curious Vision --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p278 - Ltte - The Power of WH Edwards -- JB
OccRev y1910 v11 May p279 - Ltte - The Hermetic Doctrine -- Isabelle de
OccRev y1910 v11 May p280 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1910 v11 May p283 - review - Modern Belief in Immortality by Newman
Smyth -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1910 v11 May p283 - review - Psychic
Healing - (Church & Medical Union) -- S.
OccRev y1910 v11 May p284 -
review - The Path of Light by LD Barnett -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910
v11 May p284 - review - A Message to the Well by HW Dresser --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p284 - review - The Priestess of Isis
by Ed Schuré -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 May p285 - review -
Kami-No-Michi: The Way of the Gods in Japan by Hope Huntly --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p286 - review - The Burden of Isis by James
T Dennis -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 May p286 - review - The Seven
Sacraments by Princess Karadja -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 May p286 -
review - Both Sides of the Veil by Annie Manning Robbins --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p287 - review - The Science of Life &
the Large Hope by JE Mercer -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 May p287 -
review - The Mastery of Destiny by James Allen -- Scrutator
y1910 v11 May p288 - review - Angelus Silesius by Paul Carus --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p289 - review - Tristan & Isolde: An
Interpretation by Carl Reinheimer -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 May p289
- review - Mysticism by Mary Pope -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 May
p290 - review - The Evolution of Worlds by Percival Lovell --
OccRev y1910 v11 May p292 - review - Revivals: The Laws &
Leaders by James Burns -- CJ Whitby
OccRev y1910 v11 May p294 - review -
History, Authority & Theology by AC Headlam -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1910 v11 June p291 - Notes of the Month - King Edward & the
Stars -- The Editor
OccRev y1910 v11 June p298 - Shadows in Strange Corners
-- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 June p300 - illustration - Fig 1 - A Talisman
for Love -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 June p301 - illustration - Fig 2 - A
Talisman to Protect Women & Children -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 June p301 -
illustration - Fig 3 - A Mahaia - Holy words written on Wood & then immersed
in water -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 June p302 - illustration - Charms: Ketab,
Hegab, or Waraga -- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 June p304 - illustration - Charms
-- anon
OccRev y1910 v11 June p306 - A Young French Lady Occultist of the
18th-C -- Isabelle de Steiger
OccRev y1910 v11 June p313 - King George V --
Alfred J Pearce
OccRev y1910 v11 June p316 - Crystal-Gazing (2) -- A.
Goodrich-Freer (Mrs H Hamish Spoer)
OccRev y1910 v11 June p324 - The
Egg-Symbol -- SH Suntook
OccRev y1910 v11 June p326 - The Query of the Ages
-- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1910 v11 June p334 - Ltte - a dreamer all my life --
OccRev y1910 v11 June p335 - Ltte - dynamic & static
concentration -- Aleister Crowley
OccRev y1910 v11 June p336 - Ltte - Did
Christianity begin with Jesus Christ? -- FC Constable
OccRev y1910 v11 June
p337 - Ltte - ... by what means I can irrefutably prove to myself ... --
OccRev y1910 v11 June p338 - Ltte - A Symbolic Dream -- AH
OccRev y1910 v11 June p339 - Periodical Literature -- BPO'N
y1910 v11 June p343 - review - The Origins of Christianity by Charles
Bigg -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 June p343 - review - Existence After
Death by JN Hunt -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 June p344 - review -
Folk Stories of Southern Nigeria by Elphinstone Dayrell --
OccRev y1910 v11 June p344 - review - A Lute of Jade by L
Cranmer-Byng -- BPO'N
OccRev y1910 v11 June p345 - review - God &
Man by E Ellsworth Shumaker -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v11 June p345 -
review - Poems by Eva M Martin -- BPO'N
OccRev y1910 v11 June p346 -
review - The New Creation by Mary Higgs -- Meredith Starr
y1910 v11 June p346 - review - Rama & Roses by Edouard Schuré --
OccRev y1910 v11 June p347 - review - Spiritual Torrents
by Madame Guyon -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1910 v11 June p347 - review -
The Rebirth of Religion by J Herman Randall -- EMM
OccRev y1910 v11
June p348 - review - Saint Teresa of Spain by Helen Hesten Colvill --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1910 v12 July p1 - Notes of the Month - Christian
Origins -- The Editor
OccRev y1910 v12 July p13 - A Reconstructed World
(Atlantis from the Timaeus of Plato) -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 July p14 -
illustration - Map No 1 -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 July p15 - illustration -
Map No 2 -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 July p16 - illustration - Map No 3 --
OccRev y1910 v12 July p17 - illustration - Map No 4 -- anon
y1910 v12 July p19 - illustration - (1) Head in Stone of a Chimu Chief --
OccRev y1910 v12 July p19 - illustration - (2) Figure of Flute-player
used as a Jug -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 July p21 - illustration - (1) Chimu
Sun-God, with Nimbus of Snake-Heads -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 July p21 -
illustration - (2) Chimu Pottery - Owlets & Frog designs used as jugs --
OccRev y1910 v12 July p23 - illustration - (chart of pre-historic
symbols from 3 continents: UK, Central America, Egypt) -- anon
OccRev y1910
v12 July p25 - How my Books Came to Me -- HE Sampson
OccRev y1910 v12 July
p32 - The Inner Meaning of Chantecler -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1910 v12 July
p39 - Mrs Eddy & Christian Science: A Rejoinder -- Frederick Dixon
y1910 v12 July p45 - A Living Vampire -- Dudley Wright
OccRev y1910 v12 July
p49 - Ltte - Fulfilled Prophecies -- Sepharial
OccRev y1910 v12 July p49 -
Ltte - "A Previous Existence" & "The Purple Cross" -- WW
OccRev y1910 v12
July p51 - Ltte - WFT's curious vision caused by Hyper-aesthesia -- W.
OccRev y1910 v12 July p51 - Ltte - dream interpretation -- Reginald B
OccRev y1910 v12 July p52 - Ltte - Antiquity Unveiled -- JM
OccRev y1910 v12 July p54 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1910 v12 July p57 - review - Maurice Maeterlinck by Gérard Harry --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1910 v12 July p57 - review - Legends of Atlantis
... by Marona Letchworth -- HJS
OccRev y1910 v12 July p58 - review -
Dionysius the Areopagite by AW Langlands -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1910 v12 July p58 - review - A Study of Swedenborg's
Psychical States & Experiences by John Whitehead -- HS
OccRev y1910 v12 July p58 - review - Our Invisible Supply: How
to Obtain it by Frances Larimer Warner -- EMM
OccRev y1910 v12 July p59
- review - Living the Life by Grace Dawson -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910
v12 July p59 - review - Manual Synthétique et Pratique du Tarot by
Endes Picard -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1910 v12 July p59 - review -
Mind & Health by Edwin Ash -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 July
p60 - review - One Life, One Law by Mabel Collins --
OccRev y1910 v12 July p60 - review - Of the Tumbler of our Lady
& other Miracles - (anon 13thC various) -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1910 v12 July p60 - review - The Cell of Self-Knowledge -
seven Early English Mystical Treatises by Edward G Gardner -- HJS
y1910 v12 July p61 - review - Astrology, The Key to Roulette by John
Roye -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 July p61 - review - The Education of
Uncle Paul by Algernon Blackwood -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1910 v12 July p62
- review - The Drums of War by Henry de Vere Stacpoole -- HJS
y1910 v12 July p62 - review - The Dominion of Dreams by Fiona Macleod
-- BPO'N
OccRev y1910 v12 July p62 - review - Power & Prosperity
by LM Messenger -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 July p63 - review - Black
Magic by Marjorie Bowen -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 July p63 - review
- Religion in the Making: A Study in Biblical Sociology by Samuel G
Smith -- CJ Whitby
OccRev y1910 v12 July p63 - review - Secret Chambers
& Hiding Places by Allen Fea -- DP
OccRev y1910 v12 July p64 -
review - Clues to Character by R Dimsdale Stocker --
OccRev y1910 v12 July p64 - review - Nightshade by Paul
Gwynne -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 August p65 - Notes of the Month - The
Gospel according to James Allen -- The Editor
OccRev y1910 v12 August p71 -
illustration - Mr James Allen -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 August p74 - Pascal --
Bernard O'Neill
OccRev y1910 v12 August p75 - illustration - Blaise Pascal --
OccRev y1910 v12 August p77 - illustration - Rene Descartes --
OccRev y1910 v12 August p82 - The Healing-Cup of Nanteos -- ML
OccRev y1910 v12 August p83 - illustration - (broken, partially
reconstructed, pottery cup) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 August p88 - The Seeress
of Prevorst -- F Leonard
OccRev y1910 v12 August p96 - Dreams -- Nadine de
OccRev y1910 v12 August p102 - The Philosopher's Stone -- Franz
OccRev y1910 v12 August p105 - Ltte - an account of four visions --
An Inquirer
OccRev y1910 v12 August p107 - Ltte - What does this mean? --
OccRev y1910 v12 August p107 - Ltte - On the historical Christ -- HE
OccRev y1910 v12 August p108 - Ltte - Antiquity Unveiled -- BB
OccRev y1910 v12 August p110 - Ltte - Dr Peebles letter teems with
prejudice -- WH Edwards
OccRev y1910 v12 August p112 - reply to WH Edwards --
OccRev y1910 v12 August p113 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1910 v12 August p117 - review - The Discovery of the Dead by Allen
Upward -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 August p118 - review - Some Mystical
Adventures by GRS Mead -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 August p118 -
review - The Story of Glastonbury & the Grail - or the Light of
Avalon by Melchior Macbride -- MC
OccRev y1910 v12 August p118 - review
- Scene & Portraits by Frederic Manning -- WH Chesson
y1910 v12 August p119 - review - The Seven Rays of Development by AH
Ward -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 August p119 - review - Ambergris
(vf) by Aleister Crowley - ed by Elkin Mathews -- Percival Roberts
y1910 v12 August p120 - review - Spirit Mates by JM Peebles --
OccRev y1910 v12 August p121 - review - The Search After
Ultimate Truth by Aaron Martin Crane -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12
August p121 - review - The Lost Valley, & other stories by Algernon
Blackwood -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1910 v12 August p122 - review -
Bishop Serapion's Prayer Book by John Wordsworth -- Scrutator
y1910 v12 August p122 - review - The Forging of Passion into Power by
Mary Everest Boole -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 August p123 - review -
Practical Methods to Insure Success by HE Butler -- Scrutator
y1910 v12 August p123 - review - Considerations from Confucius by R
Dimsdale Stocker -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 August p123 - review -
Synthèse Dualiste Universelle by A. Alhaiza -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1910 v12 August p124 - review - The Law of Psychic
Phenomena by Thomson J Hudson -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 August p124
- review - On the Loose by George Raffalovich -- BPO'N
OccRev y1910
v12 September p125 - Notes of the Month - Myth, Magic & Morals -- The
OccRev y1910 v12 September p138 - Primitive Symbolism --
OccRev y1910 v12 September p140 - illustration - Winged Ouf, or
Auf; Mexican idea of the Sun-God -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 September p142 -
illustr - Ixthilton, the Mexican representative of I-em-Hetep of the Egyptian
mythology, A God of the Pole Star -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 September p144 -
illustration - Maat, with Osiris seated on the Masonic Cube or Judgement Seat
(from the Papyrus of Ani) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 September p147 - Scottish
Curing or Charm Stones -- Harry Lockhart
OccRev y1910 v12 September p150 -
More Dreams -- RB Span
OccRev y1910 v12 September p157 - Reincarnation (vf)
-- Herbert Farjeon
OccRev y1910 v12 September p158 - Reflections on
Reincarnation -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1910 v12 September p163 - Curious
Forms of Religion (3) Snake Worshippers -- AM Judd
OccRev y1910 v12 September
p170 - The Brahman's Wisdom (2) (vf) (from the German of Rückert) -- Eva
OccRev y1910 v12 September p173 - Ltte - Christian Science Origins --
RB Ince
OccRev y1910 v12 September p174 - Ltte - Vampirism --
OccRev y1910 v12 September p174 - reply to Valladolid -- WG
OccRev y1910 v12 September p174 - Ltte - an experience of my own --
OccRev y1910 v12 September p176 - Ltte - Ancient Symbols -- AC
y1910 v12 September p178 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12
September p181 - review - Hypnotism & Suggestion by Bernard
Hollander -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 September p181 - review - Within
the Holy of Holies by Rellimeo -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 September
p182 - review - For the Soul of a Witch by JW Brodie-Innes --
OccRev y1910 v12 September p182 - review - Studies in the
Marvelous by Benjamin P Kurtz -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 September
p183 - review - The Other Side by Horace Annesley Vachall -- WH
OccRev y1910 v12 September p184 - review - Three Modern
Seers by Mrs Havelock Ellis -- BPO'N
OccRev y1910 v12 September p184 -
review - Not Silent if Dead by H______ -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12
September p184 - review - The Master as I Saw Him by SIster Nivedita --
OccRev y1910 v12 September p185 - review - Thoughts for
Meditation by Louie Stacey -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1910 v12
September p186 - review - Mystical Traditions by Isabel Cooper-Oakley
-- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 September p186 - review - Quimbyism, the
Paternity of Christian Science by Josephine Curtis Woodbury --
OccRev y1910 v12 September p186 - review - A Green Garland
by Victor B Neuberg -- BPO'N
OccRev y1910 v12 September p187 - review -
Buddhism & Christianity Face to Face -- S.
OccRev y1910 v12
September p187 - review - Ancient Mysteries & Modern Masonry by CH
Vail -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 September p188 - review - Death &
Resurrection - The Cell Theory by Gustaf Björklund -- Scrutator
y1910 v12 October p189 - Notes of the Month - The mind in subjection to the body
-- The Editor
OccRev y1910 v12 October p197 - The Evolution & Development
of the Devil (16 illustrations) -- G Wooliscroft Rhead
OccRev y1910 v12
October p211 - illustration - The Torments of the Damned (from a Japanese dish)
-- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 October p213 - The Rites of Eleusis -- P.
y1910 v12 October p214 - illustration - The Guardian of the Flame --
OccRev y1910 v12 October p217 - illustration - (woman, seated on
platform with violin) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 October p221 - Can
Reincarnation be Demonstrated? -- Dudley Wright
OccRev y1910 v12 October p228
- Significance of Names & Numbers -- WJ Colville
OccRev y1910 v12 October
p233 - Ltte - Jesus & St Paul -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1910 v12 October p235
- Ltte - Quimbyism; Christian Science -- Frederick Dixon
OccRev y1910 v12
October p238 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 October p241 -
New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1910 v12 October p243 -
review - The Newer Spiritualism by Frank Podmore -- Scrutator
y1910 v12 October p244 - review - The Charm by Alice Perrin -- WH
OccRev y1910 v12 October p244 - review - The Mental Symptoms of
Brain Disease by Bernard Hollander -- BPO'N
OccRev y1910 v12 October
p245 - review - The Vision of the Young Man Menelaus - anon --
OccRev y1910 v12 October p246 - review - Applied Religion
by W Winslow Hall -- CJ Whitby
OccRev y1910 v12 October p246 - review -
Ab Ovo: A Scheme of Creation - anon -- CJ Whitby
OccRev y1910 v12
October p247 - review - The Suggestive Power of Hypnotism by L Forbes
Winslow -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 October p247 - review - Letters
from the Teacher by F Horner Curtiss -- AP
OccRev y1910 v12 October p248
- review - The Mummy Moves by Mary Grant -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1910
v12 October p248 - review - Seeing the Invisible by James Coates --
OccRev y1910 v12 November p249 - Notes of the Month - Miss HA
Dallas's Letter -- The Editor
OccRev y1910 v12 November p261 - illustration -
Mr E Dawson Rogers -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 November p262 - A Spiritual
Amazon -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 November p263 - illustration - The Siege
of Orleans -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 November p268 - The Cat that saw the
"Ghost" -- G Llewellyn
OccRev y1910 v12 November p270 - illustration -
"Fluff" (photo of a cat looking at a Ghost) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 November
p272 - Voices in the Silence (vf) -- Constance Sutcliffe
OccRev y1910 v12
November p273 - Theophrastus Paracelsus - A Study of his views on Magic &
Sorcery -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1910 v12 November p274 - illustration -
Theophraste Bombast dit Paracelse -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 November p283 -
Three of Us & Two Ghosts -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 November p286 - The
Mystical Ideal as Expressed in Poetry -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1910 v12
November p294 - Ltte - Professor William James -- FC Constable
OccRev y1910
v12 November p297 - Ltte - Swedenborg & Reincarnation -- Alfred
OccRev y1910 v12 November p299 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1910 v12 November p303 - review - Studies in Chinese
Religion by EH Parker -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 November p303 -
review - The Mystery of Clover Farm by Effie de Bathe --
OccRev y1910 v12 November p303 - review - Scientific Faith
by Howard Agnew Johnston -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 November p304 - review
- Self-Control & How to Secure it by Paul Dubois --
OccRev y1910 v12 November p305 - review - The Influence of the
Mind on the Body by Paul Dubois -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 November
p305 - review - Studies in Self-Healing by Ernest E Munday --
OccRev y1910 v12 November p305 - review - The Lord of the Dark
Red Star by Eugene Lee-Hamilton -- HJS
OccRev y1910 v12 November p306 -
review - The Idyll of the White Lotus by Mabel Collins -- HJS
y1910 v12 November p306 - review - La Lumière Astrale by Jean Maveric
-- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 November p306 - review - "Vital Forces" -
How to Develop them by Vox -- BPO'N
OccRev y1910 v12 November p307 -
review - The Direction of Desire by Stanley M Bligh -- BPO'N
y1910 v12 November p307 - review - Ancient Mystery & Modern
Revelation by WJ Colville -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 November p308 -
review - Medicine & the Church ed by Geoffrey Rhodes -- J Arthur
OccRev y1910 v12 December p309 - Notes on the Month - Count Cagliostro
-- The Editor
OccRev y1910 v12 December p317 - illustration - Count
Cagliostro -- Bartolozzi
OccRev y1910 v12 December p319 - illustration - The
Countess de Lamotte-Valois -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p325 -
illustration - Mr JB Shipley (in chair) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December
p326 - The History & Mystery of the So-Called Divining or Dowsing Rod -- WF
OccRev y1910 v12 December p326 - illustration - Fig 1 (how to hold
rods) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p328 - illustration - Fig 2 How to
use rods (rprnt De re metallica c1540) -- G Agricola
OccRev y1910
v12 December p335 - illustration - Plan of Carrigoona Mountain -- anon
y1910 v12 December p336 - illustration - Fig 4 EW Section across field (showing
strata) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p336 - illustration - Fig 5 NS
Section across field (showing strata) -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p338
- S. Winefride's Well & Legend (1) -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1910 v12
December p339 - illustration - S. Winefride's Well, Exterior; Entrance Lodge
& Chapel -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p341 - illustration - Catholic
Church, Holywell - S. Winefride's Altar on Left -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12
December p343 - illustration - Interior of Crypt; Entrance to small Bath in
centre, & S. Winefride's Shrine -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p345 -
illustration - Large Bathing Pool; S. Bruno's stone near steps on left --
OccRev y1910 v12 December p347 - illustration - S. Winefride's well,
Central Spring in Crypt -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p349 - "The Way of
the Soul" -- A. Audrey Locke
OccRev y1910 v12 December p352 - illustration -
Plate 1/48 (Symbolist Vision) -- William T Horton
OccRev y1910 v12 December
p353 - illustration - Plate 2/48 (Symbolist Vision) -- William T
OccRev y1910 v12 December p354 - illustration - Plate 3/48 (Symbolist
Vision) -- William T Horton
OccRev y1910 v12 December p355 - illustration -
Plate 4/48 (Symbolist Vision) -- William T Horton
OccRev y1910 v12 December
p356 - illustration - Plate 5/48 (Symbolist Vision) -- William T
OccRev y1910 v12 December p357 - illustration - Plate 6/48 (Symbolist
Vision) -- William T Horton
OccRev y1910 v12 December p358 - Children &
the Unseen -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1910 v12 December p365 - Herald
Occultists -- Edith Ward
OccRev y1910 v12 December p371 - The Mermaid (vf) --
Nora Chesson
OccRev y1910 v12 December p372 - Woman & Mystic Doctrine --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1910 v12 December p377 - The Great Renunciation
(vf) -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1910 v12 December p383 - Ltte - A Personal
Experience -- Scrutator
OccRev y1910 v12 December p384 - Ltte - Symbolical
Dreams -- Margaret Thomson Macgregor
OccRev y1910 v12 December p385 - Ltte -
Reincarnation -- EW Berridge
OccRev y1910 v12 December p386 - Ltte - An
Hereditary Thought -- WW
OccRev y1910 v12 December p386 - Ltte - Astrological
Problems -- VH Cooke
OccRev y1910 v12 December p387 - Ltte - Astrological
Theory -- Libra
OccRev y1910 v12 December p388 - Ltte - Christian Science
Origins -- RB Ince
OccRev y1910 v12 December p390 - Ltte - Why Christian
Science Must Fall -- WH Edwards
OccRev y1910 v12 December p392 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p396 - review - The
Psychology of Religious Experience by Edward Scribner Ames -- J Arthur
OccRev y1910 v12 December p396 - review - The Resurrection
Narratives & Modern Criticism by Thomas James Thorburn -- J Arthur
OccRev y1910 v12 December p397 - review - Philosophical Essays
by Bertrand Russell -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1910 v12 December p398 -
review - The Ruba'iyat of Hafiz by Syed Abdul Majid -- EMM
y1910 v12 December p399 - review - Maeterlinck's Symbolism; The Blue Bird;
& other Essays by Henry Rose -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1910 v12
December p399 - review - Tales of Men & Ghosts by Edith Wharton --
OccRev y1910 v12 December p400 - review - Man's Supreme
Inheritance by Mr Alexander -- anon
OccRev y1910 v12 December p400 -
review - The House of the Sleeping Winds by Enys Tregarthen -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1910 v12 December p401 - review - The Following of
Christ by John Tanler -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1910 v12 December
p401 - review - An Introduction to the study of the Kabalah by W Wynn
Westcott -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1910 v12 December p402 - review -
Mysticism: Its True Nature & Value by AB Sharpe -- CJ
OccRev y1910 v12 December p402 - review - Therapeutic
Dietetics by Norton FW Hazeldine -- Scrutator
OccRev y1911 v13 January
p1 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1911 v13 January p17 - Leibnitz, the
Spiritual Philosopher -- Charles J Whitby
OccRev y1911 v13 January p30 - S
Winefride's Well and Legend: (2) The Legend -- WJ Wilmshurst
OccRev y1911 v13
January p39 - Premonitions -- Paulina Fayne
OccRev y1911 v13 January p42 - A
Dream -- Nora Alexander
OccRev y1911 v13 January p48 - Count Cagliostro and
Freemasonry -- AE Waite
OccRev y1911 v13 January p51 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1911 v13 January p53 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1911 v13 January p56 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 February p63 - Notes
of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1911 v13 February p68 - The Sphinx -- Ethel
OccRev y1911 v13 February p69 - A Speculation as to the Origin if
Psychic Phenomena -- W Johnson Roberts
OccRev y1911 v13 February p75 -
William Sharp and Fiona Macleod -- AE Waite
OccRev y1911 v13 February p79 -
Spurious Ecstacy and Ceremonial Magic -- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1911 v13
February p86 - Some Syllables of the After Life -- MS
OccRev y1911 v13
February p99 - Fire Worshippers -- AM Judd
OccRev y1911 v13 February p104 -
The History of an Attempted Suicide -- trans DE Dillon
OccRev y1911 v13
February p108 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 February p110 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 February p114 - Reviews --
OccRev y1911 v13 March p121 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1911
v13 March p127 - Psychic Phenomena in the Orkney Islands -- Alexander
OccRev y1911 v13 March p139 - The New Vedanta -- Scrutator
y1911 v13 March p144 - The Veil of Alchemy -- AE Waite
OccRev y1911 v13 March
p151 - The Rationale of Dreaming -- JW Marriott
OccRev y1911 v13 March p158 -
Superstition - Positive and Negative -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1911 v13 March
p164 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 March p171 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 March p174 - Reviews -- anon
y1911 v13 April p181 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1911 v13 April p189 -
Sir Oliver Lodge -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1911 v13 April p195 - The Theory
and Practice of Magic -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1911 v13 April p208 - The
Camel: A Discussion of the Value of Interior Certainty -- Aleister
OccRev y1911 v13 April p214 - Occult Healing and Healers -- Reginald
B Span
OccRev y1911 v13 April p222 - An Experiment in Telepathy --
OccRev y1911 v13 April p224 - Correspondance -- anon
y1911 v13 April p230 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 April
p233 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 May p241 - Notes of the Month:
Phantom Animals and Dream Psychology -- ed
OccRev y1911 v13 May p263 - The
Influence of Science on Religion -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1911 v13 May p270 -
Lamps of Christian Mysticism -- AE Waite
OccRev y1911 v13 May p276 - A
Poltergeist from Georgia -- Thomas Hart Raines
OccRev y1911 v13 May p280 -
Medicine and Magic -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1911 v13 May p286 - The
Coming of Horus -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1911 v13 May p288 - Correspondence
-- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 May p293 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1911 v13 May p297 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1911 v13 June p305 - Notes of
the Month -- ed
OccRev y1911 v13 June p312 - Informal Magic -- Charles J
OccRev y1911 v13 June p315 - Some Aspects of British Mythology -- Eva
M Martin
OccRev y1911 v13 June p323 - Rudolf Steiner, Scientist, Mystic,
Occultist -- Agnes Blake
OccRev y1911 v13 June p330 - Mysticism or Occultism?
-- HJ Strutton
OccRev y1911 v13 June p334 - An Introduction to Esoteric
Teaching -- Edouard Schure
OccRev y1911 v13 June p346 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1911 v13 June p356 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1911 v13 June p361 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 July p1 - Notes of the
Month -- ed
OccRev y1911 v14 July p9 - Jacob Boehme, A Rosicrucian of the
Sixteenth Century -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1911 v14 July p21 - Illumination
-- AS Furnell
OccRev y1911 v14 July p22 - Dream Adventures -- Eva M
OccRev y1911 v14 July p28 - What Is Man? -- Jean Delaire
y1911 v14 July p33 - Souls -- Nora Chesson
OccRev y1911 v14 July p34 - An
Earth-Bound Soul -- Clara EA Moore
OccRev y1911 v14 July p38 - In Defence of
Juggernaut -- Beatrice Wood
OccRev y1911 v14 July p41 - The Red and the White
-- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1911 v14 July p42 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1911 v14 July p49 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1911 v14 July p52 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 August p59 - Notes of
the Month -- ed
OccRev y1911 v14 August p66 - The Self-Existent -- L Florence
OccRev y1911 v14 August p67 - St Catherine of Siena -- AE
OccRev y1911 v14 August p73 - Hexagrammaton! -- Meredith
OccRev y1911 v14 August p74 - Reincarnation -- Annie Besant
y1911 v14 August p86 - Stoke Wood (vf) -- JC Powys
OccRev y1911 v14 August
p87 - Magic and Miracles -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1911 v14 August p94 - A
Jew and a Presentiment -- Cheiro
OccRev y1911 v14 August p97 - Mysticism and
Monasticism -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1911 v14 August p102 - Light on the
Path -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1911 v14 August p105 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1911 v14 August p107 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1911 v14 August p111 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 September p119 -
Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1911 v14 September p126 - Progress in
Psychical Research -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1911 v14 September p133 - Professor
WF Barrett: A Study -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 September p140 - Freemasonry and
the French Revolution -- AE Waite
OccRev y1911 v14 September p148 - Some
Experiences of a Psychic (1) -- ed by Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1911 v14
September p156 - From the Depths -- Arthur Gay
OccRev y1911 v14 September
p159 - Our Next Step Forward -- WJ Colville
OccRev y1911 v14 September p167 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 September p168 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 September p172 - Reviews --
OccRev y1911 v14 October p181 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1911
v14 October p191 - The Mystical Basis of Masonry -- WL Wilmshurst
y1911 v14 October p203 - Some Experiences of a Psychic (2) -- ed by Hereward
OccRev y1911 v14 October p209 - The Power of Numbers --
OccRev y1911 v14 October p213 - Haunted by a Human Cat -- Elliott
OccRev y1911 v14 October p219 - Correspondence -- anon
y1911 v14 October p223 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14
October p230 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 November p237 - Notes of the
Month -- ed
OccRev y1911 v14 November p245 - The Phantom Door -- Eva M
OccRev y1911 v14 November p247 - The Human Aura -- H Stanley
OccRev y1911 v14 November p253 - The Sign Manual --
OccRev y1911 v14 November p260 - Some Psychic Incidents -- RB
OccRev y1911 v14 November p267 - Re-Union -- Alexander J Grant
y1911 v14 November p268 - From Creed to Consciousness -- Hugo Ames
y1911 v14 November p274 - The Point -- SHP
OccRev y1911 v14 November p277 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 November p284 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 November p288 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14
December p295 - Notes of the Month: Marie Corelli's New Romance -- ed
y1911 v14 December p302 - Old Stories of the Supernatural in Wales -- Mary L
OccRev y1911 v14 December p313 - The Passing of the Christmas Ghost --
Alex J Grant
OccRev y1911 v14 December p316 - Some Remarks about the Spirits
of Nature (1) -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1911 v14 December p327 - Bram Stoker:
A Biographical Note -- Scrutator
OccRev y1911 v14 December p329 - About
Guardian Angels -- MS
OccRev y1911 v14 December p336 - The Empty house: A
True Story -- CA Dawson Scott
OccRev y1911 v14 December p343 - To the Unknown
Twin Soul -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1911 v14 December p344 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 December p352 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1911 v14 December p354 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15
January p1 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1912 v15 January p11 - Robert
Fludd, Philosopher and Occultist -- AE Waite
OccRev y1912 v15 January p17 -
Physicals Only: A Dream -- Winston Kendrick
OccRev y1912 v15 January p25 -
Some Remarks about the Spirits of nature (2) -- Franz Hartmann
OccRev y1912
v15 January p31 - How Warts were Mysteriously Removed from the Hands -- David
Gordon Morrison
OccRev y1912 v15 January p35 - Gematria=353 -- JA
OccRev y1912 v15 January p44 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1912 v15 January p48 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1912
v15 January p52 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 February p59 - Notes of
the Month -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 February p71 - Alchemy and Modern Science
-- William E Moore
OccRev y1912 v15 February p80 - A Batch of Strange Stories
-- A de Burgh
OccRev y1912 v15 February p85 - The Holy Catholic Church a
Mystical Society: A Lecture -- Holden E Sampson
OccRev y1912 v15 February p97
- Divining for Water -- JDL
OccRev y1912 v15 February p102 - Correspondence
-- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 February p109 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1912 v15 February p114 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15
March p121 - Notes of the Month -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 March p130 - The
Ghost's Path -- GM Hort
OccRev y1912 v15 March p132 - Star Lore and Star
Tradition -- Scrutator
OccRev y1912 v15 March p141 - Mentalism -- M
OccRev y1912 v15 March p146 - A Rosicrucian Ideal -- Mabel
OccRev y1912 v15 March p153 - Concerning Dreams -- HA
OccRev y1912 v15 March p159 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1912
v15 March p169 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 March p174 -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 April p181 - Notes of the Month --
OccRev y1912 v15 April p188 - Scientific Truths Contained in Fairy
Stories -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1912 v15 April p195 - The Shrine of a
Thousand Buddhas -- AE Waite
OccRev y1912 v15 April p204 - Mrs Besant's
Educational Work in India -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1912 v15 April p207 -
Witches' Unguents -- Arthur Gay
OccRev y1912 v15 April p210 - A Haunt of
Terror -- J Cranstoun-Seymour
OccRev y1912 v15 April p215 - A Plea for
Scientific Mysticism -- G de Mengel
OccRev y1912 v15 April p219 - The
Influence of Inanimate Things: A True Story -- Virginia Milward
OccRev y1912
v15 April p221 - A Mysterious Visitor -- AJH
OccRev y1912 v15 April p224 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 April p235 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1912 v15 April p238 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 May
p247 - Notes of the Month -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 May p257 - The Horoscope
of the Titanic -- AJ Pearce
OccRev y1912 v15 May p260 - A Mathematical Theory
of Spirit -- WGO
OccRev y1912 v15 May p263 - The Dervishes: Their Customs and
Beliefs -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1912 v15 May p270 - Does Egyptian Magic
Still Exist? -- Mrs Frank Currer Jones
OccRev y1912 v15 May p277 - The
Science of Suggestion -- Scrutator
OccRev y1912 v15 May p283 - Professor
Knowall -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 May p284 - The Comte de St Germain --
Virginia Milward
OccRev y1912 v15 May p289 - Healing Media -- BP
OccRev y1912 v15 May p292 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1912
v15 May p302 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 May p306 -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 June p313 - Notes of the Month --
OccRev y1912 v15 June p323 - Woman and the Hermetic Mystery -- AE
OccRev y1912 v15 June p331 - Cheiro: A Brief Sketch of a Modern Seer --
OccRev y1912 v15 June p336 - Fratres Lucis -- Meredith Starr
y1912 v15 June p337 - The Mystical Poems of Rossetti -- Charles J
OccRev y1912 v15 June p343 - Phenomena of Consciousness -- Edward
OccRev y1912 v15 June p346 - Are Human Souls Reborn on Mars? -- Franz
OccRev y1912 v15 June p348 - Through a Window in the Blank Wall (1)
-- Sydney T Klein
OccRev y1912 v15 June p357 - The Philosophy of Maeterlink:
The Lesson of the Blue Bird -- WJ Colville
OccRev y1912 v15 June p364 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1912 v15 June p368 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1912 v15 June p371 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 July p1
- Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1912 v16 July p10 - Hindu Magic --
OccRev y1912 v16 July p21 - Mr Isaacs and his Seances -- Frederick
W Heath
OccRev y1912 v16 July p25 - Side-Lights on Jacob Bohme -- AE
OccRev y1912 v16 July p28 - Through a Window in the Blank Wall. View No
2 -- Sydney T Klein
OccRev y1912 v16 July p36 - Through the Depths -- Lady
Archibald Campbell
OccRev y1912 v16 July p42 - Four Apparitions -- J Arthur
OccRev y1912 v16 July p48 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16
July p53 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 July p57 - Reviews
-- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 August p61 - Notes of the Month -- ed
y1912 v16 August p75 - The Transparent Jewel (1) -- Mabel Collins
y1912 v16 August p82 - Indian Jugglery -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1912 v16
August p89 - St Benedict and Occultism -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1912 v16
August p93 - Abdul Baha Abbas - The Prophet and his Teachings -- WJ
OccRev y1912 v16 August p97 - Ditties of No Tone -- AS
OccRev y1912 v16 August p98 - On Symbolism in Art -- H Stanley
OccRev y1912 v16 August p103 - Professor William James and Psychical
Experiments in America -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1912 v16 August p106 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 August p112 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 August p116 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16
September p121 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1912 v16 September p128 -
The Unexplained -- A Leonard Summers
OccRev y1912 v16 September p134 - The
Powder of Sympathy -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1912 v16 September p144 -
The Transparent Jewel (2) -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1912 v16 September p149 -
The Religion of Ancient India -- Irene E Toye Warner
OccRev y1912 v16
September p154 - The Dream State, and Some Reflections Thereon -- PH
OccRev y1912 v16 September p160 - Science versus Religion -- Charles J
OccRev y1912 v16 September p162 - The Quest -- Teresa Hooley
y1912 v16 September p164 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 September
p172 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 September p176 -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 October p181 - Notes of the Month --
OccRev y1912 v16 October p188 - In Dreams -- Helen Beatrice
OccRev y1912 v16 October p189 - The Story of Mr Isaacs' Life --
Frederick W Heath
OccRev y1912 v16 October p199 - Madness and Mysticism -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1912 v16 October p203 - Some Historical Ghosts --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1912 v16 October p209 - A Gate of Alchemy -- AE
OccRev y1912 v16 October p217 - An Inspired Picture -- Margaret T
OccRev y1912 v16 October p220 - The Transparent Jewel (3) -- Mabel
OccRev y1912 v16 October p229 - Correspondence -- anon
y1912 v16 October p235 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16
October p238 - Forthcoming Publications -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 October p241
- Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 November p245 - Notes of the Month --
OccRev y1912 v16 November p258 - Superstitions Concerning Birds -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1912 v16 November p265 - Temptation -- Helen
Beatrice Allan
OccRev y1912 v16 November p266 - Was Blake ever in Bedlam? --
WT Horton
OccRev y1912 v16 November p270 - A Batch of Strange Stories -- A de
OccRev y1912 v16 November p278 - Vril: The Energy of the Coming Race --
WJ Colville
OccRev y1912 v16 November p287 - The Uses and Abuses of Mind Cure
-- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1912 v16 November p293 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1912 v16 November p297 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1912 v16 November p301 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1912 v16 December p307 -
Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1912 v16 December p313 - A Legend of Life --
WT Horton
OccRev y1912 v16 December p321 - Cats and the Unknown -- Elliott
OccRev y1912 v16 December p327 - Abnormal Phenomena in the Lives of
the Saints -- Geraldine de Robeck
OccRev y1912 v16 December p339 - The
Mystical Mary -- Harry J Strutton
OccRev y1912 v16 December p342 - True Ghost
Stories -- The Author of 'Stranger than Fiction'
OccRev y1912 v16 December
p349 - A Comparison of the Hebrew Sephiroth with the Paut Neteru of Egypt -- KAC
OccRev y1912 v16 December p358 - Islay Beliefs -- Mina H
OccRev y1912 v16 December p364 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1912 v16 December p368 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17
January p1 - Notes of the Month (Atlantis) -- ed
OccRev y1913 v17 January p10
- My Predecessors -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 January p11 - The Priestess of
Amen-Ra -- A Goodrich-Freer (Mrs H Spoer)
OccRev y1913 v17 January p20 - A
Hermetic Apocalypse -- AE Waite
OccRev y1913 v17 January p26 - The Avoided
Human Protests -- Lucio
OccRev y1913 v17 January p27 - Elliott O'Donnell: A
Sketch -- ed
OccRev y1913 v17 January p30 - The Living Soul -- Helen Beatrice
OccRev y1913 v17 January p31 - The Hypocrite and His Soul -- Stratford
D Jolly
OccRev y1913 v17 January p33 - A Dream of a Past Life --
OccRev y1913 v17 January p38 - The Brahman's Wisdom -- trans Eva M
OccRev y1913 v17 January p41 - The Hidden Vision -- WW
OccRev y1913 v17 January p44 - Correspondence -- anon
y1913 v17 January p49 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17
January p52 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 February p59 - Notes of the
Month (Greek and Roman Ghosts) -- ed
OccRev y1913 v17 February p69 - The
Visitor -- Maude Annesley
OccRev y1913 v17 February p70 - A Modern Magus --
AE Waite
OccRev y1913 v17 February p77 - Olla Podrida -- ed
OccRev y1913
v17 February p82 - Some Phantoms of the Sea -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1913
v17 February p91 - The Physiological Effects of Self-Suggestion -- MS
y1913 v17 February p95 - The Night of the Gods -- Winston Kendrick
y1913 v17 February p100 - Pastor Schupart and the Evil Spirit -- Philip
OccRev y1913 v17 February p105 - Correspondence -- anon
y1913 v17 February p109 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17
February p113 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 March p121 - Notes of the
Month (The New Alchemy) -- ed
OccRev y1913 v17 March p133 - The Cambridge
Platonists -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1913 v17 March p142 - Achermar --
Leonard Hall
OccRev y1913 v17 March p143 - Lao Tze: A Portrait --
OccRev y1913 v17 March p145 - The Hindu Yogi, or Wonder-Worker --
OccRev y1913 v17 March p152 - Vision -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1913 v17
March p153 - The Image -- Mrs Curtis Webb
OccRev y1913 v17 March p157 -
Thomas Lake Harris -- WP Swainson
OccRev y1913 v17 March p166 - The Virtues
of Precious Stones -- John D Leckie
OccRev y1913 v17 March p168 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 March p174 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1913 v17 March p178 - New and Forthcoming Publications --
OccRev y1913 v17 March p181 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 April
p183 - Notes of the Month (Philo-Judaeus) -- ed
OccRev y1913 v17 April p190 -
Hauntings of the Tower of London -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1913 v17 April
p201 - Swedenborg and the Meaning of Nature -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1913 v17 April p206 - Pallas Athene -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1913 v17 April
p207 - The Supreme Secret -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1913 v17 April p213 - The
Evil that was of Old -- BC Hardy
OccRev y1913 v17 April p215 - Wave Theory of
Concentration -- M Zumsteg
OccRev y1913 v17 April p219 - The Supernatural
Explained by the Physical -- JDL
OccRev y1913 v17 April p222 - Olla Podrida
-- ed
OccRev y1913 v17 April p228 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1913
v17 April p232 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 April p236 -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 May p241 - Notes of the Month
(Reincarnation) -- ed
OccRev y1913 v17 May p255 - The Faust Legend -- Clare
OccRev y1913 v17 May p266 - WT Stead as a Seer -- Edith K
OccRev y1913 v17 May p273 - A Prophecy -- James Matthews
y1913 v17 May p279 - Dr Rudolf Steiner on human Evolution -- Mabel
OccRev y1913 v17 May p286 - Synthetic Psycho-Therapy -- Elizabeth
OccRev y1913 v17 May p291 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17
May p293 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 May p298 - Reviews
-- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 June p303 - Notes of the Month (Science and the
Infinite) -- ed
OccRev y1913 v17 June p309 - Haunted Churches -- Elliott
OccRev y1913 v17 June p322 - A Daughter of Desire -- AE
OccRev y1913 v17 June p328 - The Mythology of Ancient Egypt -- Henry J
OccRev y1913 v17 June p338 - What can we know of the Unseen Universe --
WJ Colville
OccRev y1913 v17 June p348 - Olla Podrida -- ed
OccRev y1913
v17 June p354 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 June p359 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1913 v17 June p362 - Reviews --
OccRev y1913 v18 July p1 - Notes of the Month (Reincarnation) --
OccRev y1913 v18 July p9 - Architectural Symbolism -- H Stanley
OccRev y1913 v18 July p15 - Some Remarkable Hands -- CW
OccRev y1913 v18 July p20 - The Horoscope of David Lloyd George --
OccRev y1913 v18 July p25 - Strange Signs and Omens -- A Leonard
OccRev y1913 v18 July p30 - The King's Touch -- Horace Leaf
y1913 v18 July p38 - The Law of Number -- Herbert Chatley
OccRev y1913 v18
July p41 - From a Mystic's Note-Book -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1913 v18 July
p48 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 July p54 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 July p58 - Reviews -- anon
y1913 v18 August p63 - Notes of the Month (Democracy and Character) --
OccRev y1913 v18 August p69 - The Hereafter -- Teresa Hooley
y1913 v18 August p70 - The Fairy Faith in Ireland -- Vere D Shortt
y1913 v18 August p79 - The Lore of Precious Stones -- Mina H Scott
y1913 v18 August p86 - Why the Hunting-Lodge at Griesheim was pulled Down --
Philip Macleod
OccRev y1913 v18 August p91 - Olla Podrida -- ed
y1913 v18 August p100 - Practical Spiritual Development -- WJ Colville
y1913 v18 August p110 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 August p118 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 August p123 - Reviews --
OccRev y1913 v18 September p16 - Strange Phenomena -- Reginald
OccRev y1913 v18 September p127 - Notes of the Month (Prayer) --
OccRev y1913 v18 September p136 - Banshees -- Elliott O'Donnell
y1913 v18 September p146 - On the Science and Art of Praying -- Francis
OccRev y1913 v18 September p154 - The Brahman's Wisdom -- F Ruckert,
trans Eva M Martin
OccRev y1913 v18 September p156 - The Precolitsch --
Philip Macleod
OccRev y1913 v18 September p160 - The Idealistic Point of View
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1913 v18 September p173 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1913 v18 September p180 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1913 v18 September p184 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18
October p191 - Notes of the Month (The Theosophical Society) -- ed
y1913 v18 October p201 - Welsh Witches and Wizards -- ML Lewes
OccRev y1913
v18 October p208 - The Elementals -- Herbert Arnold
OccRev y1913 v18 October
p213 - The Straight and Narrow Way -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1913 v18 October
p214 - Two Experiences -- Vera D Shortt
OccRev y1913 v18 October p217 -
Love's Secret -- Frederick James
OccRev y1913 v18 October p219 - The
Spiritual Perception -- WW Kenilworth
OccRev y1913 v18 October p226 -
Universal Correspondences -- JW Frings
OccRev y1913 v18 October p231 - The
Grand Arcanum of Death -- Eliphas Levi
OccRev y1913 v18 October p233 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 October p235 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 October p239 - New and Forthcoming Publications --
OccRev y1913 v18 October p244 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18
November p169 - The Harlequinade -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1913 v18
November p249 - Notes of the Month (WT Stead) -- ed
OccRev y1913 v18 November
p259 - A Master of the Inward Way -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1913 v18
November p268 - To Death -- Gerald Arundel
OccRev y1913 v18 November p272 -
The Radiant God -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1913 v18 November p273 - My Occult
Experiences -- Holden E Sampson
OccRev y1913 v18 November p280 - The Bahai
Movement -- Beatrice Irwin
OccRev y1913 v18 November p287 - Olla Podrida --
OccRev y1913 v18 November p291 - Psychical Research and the Study of
Dreams -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1913 v18 November p294 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1913 v18 November p299 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1913 v18 November p304 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 December p309 -
Notes of the Month (Lord Lytton and Occultism) -- ed
OccRev y1913 v18
December p325 - Occultism and the Modern Theatre -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1913 v18 December p333 - Theosophy and Christianity -- Jean Delaire
y1913 v18 December p335 - Soul's Anchorage -- AS Furnell
OccRev y1913 v18
December p341 - The Rational Education of the Will -- WJ Colville
y1913 v18 December p348 - Some Further Notes on the Fairy Faith in Ireland --
Vera D Shortt
OccRev y1913 v18 December p356 - Some Recent Developments in
Spiritualism -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1913 v18 December p364 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 December p369 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1913 v18 December p373 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19
January p1 - Notes of the Month (Psycho-Therapy) -- ed
OccRev y1914 v19
January p14 - Camille Flammarion -- A de Burgh
OccRev y1914 v19 January p19 -
Re-Embodiment -- WP Ryan
OccRev y1914 v19 January p20 - The Way of the Soul
in Healing -- AE Waite
OccRev y1914 v19 January p24 - Some French Ghost
Stories -- Phil Campbell
OccRev y1914 v19 January p29 - Karma -- M
OccRev y1914 v19 January p30 - Spiritualism in Tropical America --
Gerald Arundel
OccRev y1914 v19 January p40 - The Secret Doctrine in Israel
-- WL Wilmshurst
OccRev y1914 v19 January p44 - From a Mystic's Notebook --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1914 v19 January p49 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1914 v19 January p56 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1914 v19 January p60 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 February p63 - Notes
of the Month (The Birth of Jesus) -- ed
OccRev y1914 v19 February p75 - The
Daughter of a Voice: A Suggestion -- A Goodrich-Freer
OccRev y1914 v19
February p79 - Mystic Properties of Rings -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1914
v19 February p88 - To the Maker of the Sphinx -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1914
v19 February p89 - Yonder -- CJ Whitby
OccRev y1914 v19 February p91 - The
Tantra -- Arthur Avalon
OccRev y1914 v19 February p98 - On the Shingle: A
Dream -- H Atkinson
OccRev y1914 v19 February p106 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1914 v19 February p115 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1914 v19 February p119 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 March p123 - Notes
of the Month (Crystals and Crystal-Gazing) -- ed
OccRev y1914 v19 March p137
- Madame Blavatsky: A Personal Reminiscence -- Scrutator
OccRev y1914 v19
March p148 - A Theory of Colours -- Marjorie Hamilton
OccRev y1914 v19 March
p152 - Some Practical Experiences in Psycho-Therapy -- WJ Colville
y1914 v19 March p160 - Concerning Some Things Little Understood -- A
OccRev y1914 v19 March p162 - The Strange History of Twins --
R Lowris Pearson
OccRev y1914 v19 March p166 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1914 v19 March p174 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1914 v19 March p176 - New an Forthcoming Publications -- anon
OccRev y1914
v19 March p182 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 April p185 - Notes of the
Month (Letters of a Living Dead Man) -- ed
OccRev y1914 v19 April p198 -
Occultist and Mystic: A Study in Differentiation -- Lily Nightingale
y1914 v19 April p205 - Some More French Ghost Stories -- Phil Campbell
y1914 v19 April p213 - Theatrical Horoscopes -- Regulus
OccRev y1914 v19
April p219 - A Psychic Experience -- Mrs Randle Feilden
OccRev y1914 v19
April p221 - Requiescat -- TH
OccRev y1914 v19 April p222 - Facts and
Hypotheses in Psychical Research -- HS Redgrove
OccRev y1914 v19 April p225 -
Vampires -- Reginald Hodder
OccRev y1914 v19 April p230 - A Silver Birch: To
Algernon Blackwood -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1914 v19 April p231 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 April p237 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1914 v19 April p241 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 May
p245 - Notes of the Month (The Control of the Will) -- ed
OccRev y1914 v19
May p255 - Mrs Elsa barker: A Study -- ed
OccRev y1914 v19 May p258 - The
Occult East -- Sax Rohmer
OccRev y1914 v19 May p268 - Dreams and their
Utility -- A Leonard Summers
OccRev y1914 v19 May p272 - The Psychic
Experiments of Sir William Crookes -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1914 v19 May
p279 - Love's Eternity -- Mrs Cecil Crofts
OccRev y1914 v19 May p280 - The
Religious Symbolism of the Cup -- GM Hort
OccRev y1914 v19 May p285 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 May p293 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1914 v19 May p297 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 June
p299 - Notes of the Month: (a) Astrology and the Law -- ed
OccRev y1914 v19
June p299 - Notes of the Month: (b) The Logos Doctrine -- ed
OccRev y1914 v19
June p311 - Algerian Magic -- Vere D Shortt
OccRev y1914 v19 June p318 - A
Footnote to Blake's Poetry -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1914 v19 June p322 -
A newly Discovered Form of human Radiation -- Hereward Carrington
y1914 v19 June p328 - The Purpose of Life: Why the One became Many -- Leonard
OccRev y1914 v19 June p331 - Hope -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1914
v19 June p332 - Some Investigations in Automatism -- James H Cousins
y1914 v19 June p343 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 June p348 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1914 v19 June p353 - Reviews --
OccRev y1914 v20 July p1 - Notes of the Month (Anna Kingsford) --
OccRev y1914 v20 July p14 - Ralph Waldo Trine -- ed
OccRev y1914 v20
July p17 - No Flowers (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1914 v20 July p18 - The
Soul of the Desert -- Aleister Crowley
OccRev y1914 v20 July p25 - The
Fulcrum, Earth -- Annie E Cheney
OccRev y1914 v20 July p29 - The
Pseudo-Occultist (vf) -- Aleister Crowley
OccRev y1914 v20 July p30 - review
- 'Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk' -- Havelock Ellis
OccRev y1914
v20 July p32 - Nemo (vf) -- Meredith Starr and Grifffyth Fairfax
OccRev y1914
v20 July p33 - Olla Podrida -- ed
OccRev y1914 v20 July p41 - The Influence
of Prenatal Causes in the Formation of Character -- JDL
OccRev y1914 v20 July
p44 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 July p52 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 July p56 - Reviews -- anon
y1914 v20 August p61 - Notes of the Month: (a) The Perfect Way and Hermetic
Doctrine -- ed
OccRev y1914 v20 August p61 - Notes of the Month: (a) Judge
Hatch -- ed
OccRev y1914 v20 August p74 - The Mysticism of Schelling -- Clare
OccRev y1914 v20 August p77 - Hindu Mythology -- HS Redgrove
y1914 v20 August p83 - Adonai (vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1914 v20 August
p85 - Voodooism on the West Coast of Africa -- Ed by Irene E Toye
OccRev y1914 v20 August p93 - Mary Bell -- Lady Archibald
OccRev y1914 v20 August p98 - Some Breton Legends and Beliefs --
Vere D Shortt
OccRev y1914 v20 August p105 - Is Martyrdom painful? --
Fielding Ould
OccRev y1914 v20 August p109 - Correspondence -- anon
y1914 v20 August p117 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 August
p122 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 September p127 - Notes of the Month
(The Kaiser's Horoscope, Prophesies of the Great War) -- ed
OccRev y1914 v20
September p138 - Magnetic Repulsion: Its Practical Scientific Value -- HS
OccRev y1914 v20 September p144 - Magnetic Repulsion: Its
Psychological Significance -- W Gorm Old
OccRev y1914 v20 September p147 - In
the Night-Watches (vf) -- Maude Annesley
OccRev y1914 v20 September p148 -
The Ghost of the Winter Palace -- ME
OccRev y1914 v20 September p152 - Black
Magic in South Africa -- Irene E Toye Warner
OccRev y1914 v20 September p160
- Baptism as an Initiatory Rite -- Dudley Wright
OccRev y1914 v20 September
p163 - The Ethereal Plane (1) -- Helen Bourchier
OccRev y1914 v20 September
p169 - The Doors (vf) -- Jessie Annie Anderson
OccRev y1914 v20 September
p170 - The Great European War -- Floyd B Wilson
OccRev y1914 v20 September
p173 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 September p175 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 September p179 - Reviews --
OccRev y1914 v20 October p185 - Notes of the Month (More Prophesies of
the War) -- ed
OccRev y1914 v20 October p200 - Second Sight in War -- Mary L
OccRev y1914 v20 October p207 - Black Magic -- Vere D Shortt
y1914 v20 October p212 - The Strange Story of Knighton Georges -- Ethel C
OccRev y1914 v20 October p218 - A Voice from the Unseen -- Katherine
G Lewis
OccRev y1914 v20 October p226 - The Religious Symbolism of the Hand
-- GM Hort
OccRev y1914 v20 October p231 - Correspondence -- anon
y1914 v20 October p236 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20
October p240 - New and Forthcoming Publications -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20
October p243 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 November p249 - Notes of the
Month (Brother Johannes' and other Predictions of the War) -- ed
OccRev y1914
v20 November p260 - Roger Bacon: An Appreciation -- HS Redgrove
OccRev y1914
v20 November p267 - Strange Stories about Ghosts -- F Creech Jones
y1914 v20 November p272 - The Ethereal Plane (2) -- Helen Bourchier
y1914 v20 November p277 - The Passing of a World -- Gerald Arundel
y1914 v20 November p284 - Sabine (vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1914 v20
November p285 - Premonitions -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1914 v20 November p292 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 November p297 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1914 v20 November p302 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1914 v20
December p307 - Notes of the Month (Fate versus Freewill) -- ed
OccRev y1914
v20 December p318 - A Victim of Higher Space -- Algernon Blackwood
y1914 v20 December p336 - The Psychology of the Hand -- CW Child
OccRev y1914
v20 December p341 - A New Phenomenon in Art -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1914 v20 December p346 - Super-Physical aspects of the War -- AP
OccRev y1914 v20 December p353 - The Return (vf) -- Teresa
OccRev y1914 v20 December p354 - The Kaiser and Antichrist --
OccRev y1914 v20 December p360 - The Collected Poems of Arthur Edward
Waite -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1914 v20 December p364 - The Faith of Reason
-- Scrutator
OccRev y1914 v20 December p368 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1914 v20 December p370 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1914 v20 December p373 - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 January p1 - Notes
of the Month - Dreams & Visions of the War -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v21
January p5 - map of Westphalia, illustrating Locality of Final Battle as
predicted -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 January p11 - illustration - Mr Charters'
Psychic Painting -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 January p12 - illustration - photo
- Miss Campbell & Madame Leroque -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 January p13 -
illustration - photo - Miss Campbell & Dr Grandhomme -- anon
OccRev y1915
v21 January p15 - David Patterson Hatch - A Philosopher of the Soul -- An Old
OccRev y1915 v21 January p17 - illustration - Judge DP Hatch --
OccRev y1915 v21 January p21 - Black Magic & Voodooism in America --
Irene E Toye Warner
OccRev y1915 v21 January p27 - Signs & Warnings --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1915 v21 January p33 - Notes on Two Plays of
Philosophical Interest -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v21 January p35 -
The Comte de Gabalis -- Gerald Arundel
OccRev y1915 v21 January p42 - The
Well at the World's End (vf) -- CL Ryley
OccRev y1915 v21 January p43 - The
New Creation -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1915 v21 January p44 - To the New
Teacher (vf) -- RB Ince
OccRev y1915 v21 January p45 - Ltte - The New Race
Question -- A.
OccRev y1915 v21 January p46 - Ltte - evolution of the
reincarnating ego -- AEAM Turner
OccRev y1915 v21 January p47 - Ltte - The
Number of the Beast -- F Gray
OccRev y1915 v21 January p48 - Ltte - A
Prediction of the War -- Editor Antares
OccRev y1915 v21 January p48
- Ltte - Visions of the Ethereal Plane -- Pax
OccRev y1915 v21 January p50 -
Ltte - Divination by the Bible -- Reader
OccRev y1915 v21 January p50 - Ltte
- Rational Hypnotism -- J Louis Orton
OccRev y1915 v21 January p53 - Ltte -
Two Visions -- RGC
OccRev y1915 v21 January p54 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1915 v21 January p59 - review - On the Track of Truth
by Charles F Moxon -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1915 v21 January p59 -
review - L'Ésotérisme de Parsifal by Lotus Péralté -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1915 v21 January p60 - review - The Clean Heart by ASM
Hutchinson -- X.
OccRev y1915 v21 January p60 - review - Prehistoric
London: Its Mounds & Circles by EO Gordon -- Edith K Harper
y1915 v21 January p61 - review - The Hour of Opportunity by Orison S
Marden -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v21 January p61 - review - The
Power of Personality by Orison S Marden -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915
v21 January p61 - review - An Iron Will by Orison S Marden -- Edith K
OccRev y1915 v21 January p62 - review - The Foundations of
Life by John Ball -- Scrutator
OccRev y1915 v21 January p62 - review -
Spirits & the Destruction of San Francisco by John Ball --
OccRev y1915 v21 January p62 - review - Heaven & Hell
by John Ball -- Scrutator
OccRev y1915 v21 January p62 - review - Dreams
& Visions by John Ball -- Scrutator
OccRev y1915 v21 January p62 -
review - Paradise by John Ball -- Scrutator
OccRev y1915 v21 January
p62 - review - The Fountain of Youth by John Ball --
OccRev y1915 v21 February p63 - Notes of the Month - (a) The
Prophecy of Lehnin -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v21 February p63 - Notes of the
Month - (b) Madame de Thebes -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v21 February p65 -
illustration - The Monastery of Lehnin in the year 1598 -- anon
OccRev y1915
v21 February p73 - illustration - Mme de Thebes -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21
February p75 - illustration - Count Chedo Moyatovich -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21
February p79 - (in Latin) Vaticinium Lehninense (vf) -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21
February p81 - What led me to Occultism -- Chedo Miyatovich
OccRev y1915 v21
February p95 - To my Husband (vf) -- Maude Annesley
OccRev y1915 v21 February
p96 - Francis Schlatter, The Healer -- CW Eells
OccRev y1915 v21 February
p100 - Fortune-Telling by Cards -- ML Lewes
OccRev y1915 v21 February p109 -
Ltte - A Telepathic Message -- Harry Nidd
OccRev y1915 v21 February p110 -
Ltte - Mediums & the War -- H Pemberton
OccRev y1915 v21 February p111 -
Ltte - The Philosophy of Predictions -- FC Constable
OccRev y1915 v21
February p112 - Ltte - The Prophecy of St Malachi -- Clara L Cornfield
y1915 v21 February p113 - Ltte - Electric Sparks -- Argentina
OccRev y1915
v21 February p113 - Ltte - Two Visions -- T.
OccRev y1915 v21 February p113 -
Ltte - Freewill & Necessity -- DX
OccRev y1915 v21 February p114 - Ltte -
Books on Alchemy -- CD Limjee
OccRev y1915 v21 February p115 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 February p119 - review - The Life
& Visions of St Hildegarde by Francesca Maria Steele -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1915 v21 February p119 - review - My Heart's Right
There by Florence L Barclay -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v21 February
p120 - review - Atma-Jnan, or, The Garden of the Heart by Brother
Ramananda & Meredith Starr -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1915 v21
February p120 - review - A Magical Pot-Pourri by LA Bosman -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1915 v21 March p121 - Notes of the Month - Family
Ghosts; A Reincarnationist's "Who's Who" -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v21 March
p128 - (List of Rebirths) -- MS (pseudonym)
OccRev y1915 v21 March p131 -
illustration - Joanna Southcott -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 March p137 - The
Ethereal Plane (3) The Road -- Helen Bourchier
OccRev y1915 v21 March p144 -
Subtle Occult Influences -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1915 v21 March p150 - The
Prophecy of Malachi -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1915 v21 March p154 - The
Rhythm & Colour of Life -- Ella Adelia Fletcher
OccRev y1915 v21 March
p161 - Buddhist Psychology -- Gerald Arundel
OccRev y1915 v21 March p165 -
Ltte - Francis Schlatter -- Forbes R Johnston
OccRev y1915 v21 March p167 -
Ltte - Cloud Phenomena -- Catherine M Davis
OccRev y1915 v21 March p168 -
Ltte - Electric Sparks (1) -- EE
OccRev y1915 v21 March p169 - Ltte -
Electric Sparks (2) -- Theosophist
OccRev y1915 v21 March p169 - Ltte -
Rational Hypnotism -- FA
OccRev y1915 v21 March p169 - Ltte - Mr J Louis
Orton -- Student
OccRev y1915 v21 March p170 - Ltte - The Number of the Beast
-- CA Matthey
OccRev y1915 v21 March p170 - Ltte - Joanna Southcott -- FG
Montagu Powell
OccRev y1915 v21 March p172 - Ltte - Signor Eduardo Majeroni
-- Querent
OccRev y1915 v21 March p173 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1915 v21 March p177 - New & Forthcoming Publications --
OccRev y1915 v21 March p179 - review - The Philosophy of
Spirit by John Snaith -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v21 March p179
- review - The Substance of Faith Allied with Science by Oliver Lodge
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v21 March p180 - review - A Textbook
of Theosophy by CW Leadbeater -- EMM
OccRev y1915 v21 March p180 -
review - The Crucible by Mabel Collins -- Regina Miriam Bloch
y1915 v21 March p180 - review - The Thirty Days by Hubert Wales --
OccRev y1915 v21 March p181 - review - The Express by Alice
Seymour -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v21 March p182 - review - Pictures
of Buddhist Ceylon by FL Woodward -- EMM
OccRev y1915 v21 April p183 -
Notes of the Month - Sun Worship -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v21 April p189 -
illustration - The Temple of Amen-Ra, Karnak, Egypt -- Underwood &
OccRev y1915 v21 April p191 - illustration - The Ruins of the
Temple of the Sun, Cozco, Peru -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 April p195 - Psychic
Phenomena Amidst the Warring Nations -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1915 v21
April p202 - To Twilight Grey (vf) -- Gerald Arundel
OccRev y1915 v21 April
p203 - The Religious Symbolism of the Sword -- GM Hort
OccRev y1915 v21 April
p210 - Orkney Superstitions -- Alexander Kennedy
OccRev y1915 v21 April p214
- A Strange Tale from Sussex - short story -- Sydney H Kenwood
OccRev y1915
v21 April p217 - Druidism & Magic -- Dudley Wright
OccRev y1915 v21 April
p223 - Hauntings in Belgium -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1915 v21 April p232
- Ltte - A Dream -- AZ
OccRev y1915 v21 April p232 - Ltte - The Psychological
Aspect of Diet -- J Louis Orton
OccRev y1915 v21 April p233 - Ltte - What Led
me to Occultism by Miyatovich -- Marie Le F Shepherd
OccRev y1915 v21 April
p235 - Ltte - The Kaiser & Antichrist -- ID Pearce
OccRev y1915 v21 April
p236 - Ltte - Electric Sparks (1) -- Argentina
OccRev y1915 v21 April p236 -
Ltte - Electric Sparks (2) -- Student
OccRev y1915 v21 April p237 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 April p241 - review - The
Book of Love by Elsa Barker -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1915 v21 April
p241 - review - Telepathy: or the Power of Thought Transference by JCF
Grombine -- GA
OccRev y1915 v21 April p242 - review - The Sixth
Sense by Stephen McKenna -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1915 v21 April p243 -
review - Letters to a Niece on New-Church Subjects by Uncle Herbert (HN
Morris) -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v21 April p243 - review - The
Menace of German Culture by John Cowper Powys -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1915 v21 April p244 - review - Where Have I Come? by
Richard A. Bush -- Virginia Milward
OccRev y1915 v21 May p245 - Notes of the
Month - Edward Carpenter's Message -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v21 May p255 -
illustration - Edward Carpenter - 1905 -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 May p257 -
Indian Art & Architecture -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v21 May p261 -
illustration - A Vishnu Temple, Ahinadnagar District, Bombay -- John
OccRev y1915 v21 May p263 - illustration - The Trimurti, Elephanta --
John Murray
OccRev y1915 v21 May p264 - The Ruined Churches of Belgium (vf)
-- AS Furnell
OccRev y1915 v21 May p265 - Meteorites & the World Crisis
-- AP Sinnett
OccRev y1915 v21 May p272 - The Accident -- DA
OccRev y1915 v21 May p274 - Manifestation (vf) -- C Farmar
y1915 v21 May p275 - William Eglinton, Medium -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1915
v21 May p282 - The Growth of Individuality -- Leonard Bosman
OccRev y1915 v21
May p286 - The Fiery Man -- Philip Macleod
OccRev y1915 v21 May p289 -
Aphorisms on Nature -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v21 May p291 - The
Light of Vision (vf) -- RB Ince
OccRev y1915 v21 May p292 - Ltte - The Fear
of the Dead -- Hubert Wales
OccRev y1915 v21 May p293 - Ltte - A
Reincarnationist's "Who's Who" -- AR Warren
OccRev y1915 v21 May p294 - Ltte
- A Warning to Premature Peace Seekers -- Miriam
OccRev y1915 v21 May p295 -
Ltte - A Dream & Student's Symptoms -- EE
OccRev y1915 v21 May p296 -
Ltte - The Psychological Aspect of Diet -- Student
OccRev y1915 v21 May p297
- Ltte - Visions of the Christ -- William FM Copeland
OccRev y1915 v21 May
p297 - Ltte - The Order of the Servitors of the Ideal -- G de Mengel
y1915 v21 May p298 - Ltte - West Country Stories -- T.
OccRev y1915 v21 May
p300 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1915 v21 May p304 - review -
Mars - The War Lord by Alan Leo -- HJS
OccRev y1915 v21 May p304 -
review - Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People by D Amaury Talbot --
OccRev y1915 v21 May p305 - review - Servitude by Irene Osgood
-- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1915 v21 May p305 - review - The Coming
Christ: Christ in Humanity by Johanna -- HJS
OccRev y1915 v21 May p306 -
review - The Diwan of Inayat Khan by Jennie Westbrook Duncan -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1915 v21 May p306 - review - Heritor of All by
Gertrude de la Poer -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v21 June p307 - Notes of
the Month - Dogma & Reincarnation - Can Parrots see Ghosts? -- The
OccRev y1915 v21 June p319 - The Psychology of "Alice in Wonderland"
& "Alice Through the Looking-Glass" -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1915
v21 June p326 - The Ethereal Plane (4) Visions -- Helen Bourchier
y1915 v21 June p331 - The Kabalistic Tree of Life -- JH Power
OccRev y1915
v21 June p333 - illustration - Diagram - Kether to Malkuth (with friends) --
OccRev y1915 v21 June p339 - As the Flower Grows - an interpretation of
Light on the Path -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1915 v21 June p345 -
Celestial Hierarchies & the Spiritual Aspects of Astrology -- WJ
OccRev y1915 v21 June p352 - What Happens in the Spirit-World over a
Battlefield - an exact description ... as revealed by clairvoyance --
OccRev y1915 v21 June p356 - Ltte - Another Prophecy -- Isabelle de
OccRev y1915 v21 June p357 - Ltte - The Lifting of Israel's Yoke --
IE Taylor
OccRev y1915 v21 June p359 - Ltte - William Eglinton, Medium --
Thomas Blyton
OccRev y1915 v21 June p359 - Ltte - Strange Coincidences --
Alice Elizabeth Dracott
OccRev y1915 v21 June p362 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1915 v21 June p366 - review - Book 4, part 2 Ceremonial
Magick by Frater Perdurabo & Soror Virakam -- Aquila
OccRev y1915
v21 June p366 - review - The Prophecies of Paracelsus tr by JK --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1915 v21 June p367 - review - The Eagles
& the Carcase by Theta -- Scrutator
OccRev y1915 v21 June p368 -
review - The Way by James Porter Mills -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1915 v21 June p368 - review - Illumination - Spiritual Healing by
James Porter Mills -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1915 v22 July p1 - Notes of
the Month - (Love & Sacramentalism. Phenomena at the Battle of Mons) -- The
OccRev y1915 v22 July p12 - The Maiden of Orlach - A True Story of
Possession -- Justinus Kerner (tr Claud Field)
OccRev y1915 v22 July p25 -
The Arya Samaj -- Harendra N Maitra
OccRev y1915 v22 July p29 - As the Flower
Grows (2) -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1915 v22 July p39 - Master Building --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1915 v22 July p39 - illustration - Joseph Fort
Newton -- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 July p43 - Sussex Methods -- GALW
y1915 v22 July p45 - A Dream Record -- Emma Pemberton
OccRev y1915 v22 July
p48 - Ltte - Theosophy & Reincarnation (1) -- Arthur M Turner
y1915 v22 July p49 - Ltte - Theosophy & Reincarnation (2) -- Elisabeth
OccRev y1915 v22 July p51 - Ltte - Women & the Order of the Garter
-- FG Montagu Powell
OccRev y1915 v22 July p52 - Ltte - The Fear of the Dead
-- Ethel L Urlin
OccRev y1915 v22 July p53 - Ltte - Testing the Aura --
Leonard T Wallis
OccRev y1915 v22 July p53 - Ltte - Meteorites & the
World Crisis -- W Gorn Old
OccRev y1915 v22 July p54 - Ltte - Visions of War
-- Josephine Grote Cordiner
OccRev y1915 v22 July p55 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 July p59 - review - Reincarnation in the New
Testament by John M Pryse -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v22 July
p59 - review - What Men Live by - Work, Play, Love, Worship by Richard
C Cabot -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v22 July p60 - review - Myth
& Legend in the Bible by Keightley Snowden -- GA
OccRev y1915 v22
July p61 - review - The Magic of Experience by H Stanley Redgrove --
OccRev y1915 v22 July p62 - review - The Mysticism of
Music by R Helen Newton -- EMM
OccRev y1915 v22 July p62 - review -
The Secrets of the Gods by M Karadja -- EMM
OccRev y1915 v22 July
p62 - review - Voices from Across the Gulf by a Lady -- Edith K
OccRev y1915 v22 August p63 - Notes of the Month - (Tenacity &
Talent. Is the Future ever Foreseen?) -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v22 August
p75 - Art Magic (vf) -- CL Ryley
OccRev y1915 v22 August p76 - The Angelic
Leaders -- Phyllis Campbell
OccRev y1915 v22 August p83 - Psychism &
Idealism -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1915 v22 August p88 - The Mystery of
Destiny -- AH Wynne
OccRev y1915 v22 August p96 - The Almadel of Solomon
according to the text of the Sloane MS. 2731 -- AW Greenup
OccRev y1915 v22
August p103 - As the Flower Grows (3) -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1915 v22
August p110 - Ltte - Reincarnation & Astrology -- LJ Dickinson
y1915 v22 August p110 - Ltte - Kaiserism versus Love -- A.
OccRev y1915 v22
August p112 - Ltte - Apparitions of Horses -- Pantheist
OccRev y1915 v22
August p112 - Ltte - Viewing Auras -- Arthur M Turner
OccRev y1915 v22 August
p113 - Ltte - Meteorites & the World Crisis -- Gascoigne Mackie
y1915 v22 August p113 - Ltte - Knowledge or Belief -- PH Palmer
OccRev y1915
v22 August p114 - Ltte - The Lifting of Israel's Yoke -- Omnia Vincit
OccRev y1915 v22 August p114 - Ltte - Evidence of Past Lives -- K
OccRev y1915 v22 August p115 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1915 v22 August p119 - review - War Articles &
Notes by Annie Besant -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1915 v22 August
p119 - review - Mithraism by WJ Phythian-Adams -- Edith K
OccRev y1915 v22 August p120 - review - His Place in the
World by Mrs Bilsborough -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1915 v22 August p120 -
review - Malice in Kulturland by Horace Wyatt -- Edith K
OccRev y1915 v22 August p120 - review - First Steps to Spirit
Intercourse by James McKenzie -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22 August
p121 - review - Eve by Katharine Howard -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1915 v22 August p121 - review - Some Aspects of Mysticism
in Islam by F Lamplugh -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1915 v22 August
p121 - review - The Secret of Stonehenge - A New Thought Story by JW
Rowe -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22 August p122 - review - The
Confessions of Inayat Khan by Regina Miriam Bloch -- Edith K
OccRev y1915 v22 August p122 - review - Daybreak by Elizabeth
WF Jackson -- GA
OccRev y1915 v22 August p122 - review - Dreams by
Annie M Parr -- EMM
OccRev y1915 v22 September p123 - Notes of the Month -
(Witchcraft) -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v22 September p125 - illustration -
Where Isabel Goudie met the Devil -- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 September p127 -
illustration - Castle of Inshoch - The South East Angle -- anon
OccRev y1915
v22 September p128 - illustration - Castle of Inshoch - A near view of the
preceding photo -- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 September p129 - illustration - Kirk
of Aulderne - The Eastern Gable of the Old Ruined Part from the North --
OccRev y1915 v22 September p131 - illustration - Gordonstown --
OccRev y1915 v22 September p137 - Omens & Warnings of the War --
Phyllis Campbell
OccRev y1915 v22 September p145 - Magic & Sorcery in
Ancient Mexico -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1915 v22 September p153 - The Paper
Man: A Dream -- Neville Meakin
OccRev y1915 v22 September p161 - As the
Flower Grows (4) -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1915 v22 September p166 - The
Angelic Leaders (rprnt from last month due to public demand) -- Phyllis
OccRev y1915 v22 September p171 - Ltte - A Premonition -- Julia F
OccRev y1915 v22 September p172 - Ltte - A Vision of Angels --
OccRev y1915 v22 September p172 - Ltte - The Fear of the Dead -- Jack
OccRev y1915 v22 September p174 - Ltte - Anna Kingsford & the 9
Moons of Jupiter -- E Fountaine
OccRev y1915 v22 September p174 - Ltte -
Astrology & Reincarnation -- Arthur M Turner
OccRev y1915 v22 September
p175 - Ltte - Kabalism & the War -- Herbert J Nash
OccRev y1915 v22
September p176 - Ltte - The Secret of the Success of Christian Science --
Charles WJ Tennant
OccRev y1915 v22 September p177 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1915 v22 September p181 - review - Flaxman, Blake,
Coleridge, & other men of genius influenced by Swedenborg by HN Morris
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v22 September p182 - review - The
Gospel Miracles by JR Illingworth -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v22
September p182 - review - Hitting the Thought-Trail by Ed. Lyman Bill
-- Scrutator
OccRev y1915 v22 September p183 - review - The Book of the
Serpent by Katharine Howard -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1915 v22
September p183 - review - Is Death the End? by John Haynes Holmes --
OccRev y1915 v22 September p183 - review - The Meeting of the
Spheres; or, Letters from Dr Coulter ed by Charlotte G Herbine -- Edith K
OccRev y1915 v22 September p184 - review - In Tune with the
Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1915 v22
October p185 - Notes of the Month - (More about the Mons Angels; Bobola's
Prophecy' "The Devil's Mistress") -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v22 October p199
- Ghosts with a Mission -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1915 v22 October p209 -
A Russian Idea of the Anti-Christ -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22 October
p214 - The White Lady of the Hohenzollerns -- Katharine Cox
OccRev y1915 v22
October p217 - Dreams, Prophetic & Symbolical -- Reginald B Span
y1915 v22 October p224 - Hindu Marriage & its Ideals -- Harendra N
OccRev y1915 v22 October p227 - Angels -- William Wynn
OccRev y1915 v22 October p235 - Ltte - The Fear of the Dead --
Hubert Wales
OccRev y1915 v22 October p236 - Ltte - The Teaching of Christian
Science -- Arthur Lovell
OccRev y1915 v22 October p238 - Ltte - A Recurring
Dream -- Jane Connolly
OccRev y1915 v22 October p239 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 October p243 - review - Problems of the
Borderland by J Herbert Slater -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22
October p244 - review - The Secrets of the Gods by M Karadja --
OccRev y1915 v22 October p244 - review - A Book of Answered
Prayers by Olive Katharine Parr -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22
October p245 - review - The Lore of Navarre by Margaret Peterson -- WH
OccRev y1915 v22 October p245 - review - Hester & I by
Mrs Philip Champion de Crespigny -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22 October
p245 - review - An Appreciation - Robert Hugh Benson by Olive Katharine
Parr -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22 October p246 - review - There is
no Death by Florence Marryat -- GA
OccRev y1915 v22 November p247 -
Notes of the Month - (Prophecies that are being Fulfilled. Karma - National
& Individual) -- The Editor
OccRev y1915 v22 November p259 - Invitation
of Morpheus (vf) -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1915 v22 November p261 - Haunted
Royalties -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1915 v22 November p270 - The Vision
(vf) -- CL Ryley
OccRev y1915 v22 November p271 - Undercurrents -- Gerald
OccRev y1915 v22 November p280 - The White Lady at Carlsruhe --
Archibald McDiarmid
OccRev y1915 v22 November p284 - West Country
Superstitions -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1915 v22 November p292 - Ltte -
Christian Science: A Rejoinder -- Charles WJ Tennant
OccRev y1915 v22
November p293 - Ltte - Signor Majeroni -- James M'Coy Carter
OccRev y1915 v22
November p293 - Ltte - The Number of the Beast -- FG Montagu Powell
y1915 v22 November p295 - Ltte - The Return of the Christ -- Frances E
OccRev y1915 v22 November p295 - Ltte - The Power of Psychic Sympathy --
OccRev y1915 v22 November p296 - Ltte - We Get What We Want --
OccRev y1915 v22 November p297 - Ltte - The Angels at Mons -- PH
OccRev y1915 v22 November p298 - Ltte - Visions on the Battlefield --
Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1915 v22 November p299 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 November p303 - New & Forthcoming Publications
-- various
OccRev y1915 v22 November p307 - review - Agar Halfi, the
Mystic -- Roland Filkin
OccRev y1915 v22 November p307 - review -
The Music of the Spheres (2) by LA Bosman -- EMM
OccRev y1915 v22
November p308 - review - Is it Armageddon? or, Britain in Prophecy by
Henry Sulley -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22 November p308 - review -
The Elixir of Light by Arthur Ransome -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1915 v22
December p309 - Notes of the Month - (Reincarnation - Directional Astrology) --
The Editor
OccRev y1915 v22 December p313 - illustration - Zoa --
OccRev y1915 v22 December p321 - illustration - (anon soldier in garden,
with stick) -- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 December p322 - Christmas Day, 1915 (vf)
-- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1915 v22 December p323 - Some Personal
Reminiscences of Prentice Mulford -- one of his Old Friends
OccRev y1915 v22
December p329 - illustration - Prentice Mulford & his Wife -- anon
y1915 v22 December p333 - illustration - Prentice Mulford smoking pipe, perhaps
on a ship -- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 December p334 - The Chosen Child (vf) --
BC Hardy
OccRev y1915 v22 December p335 - The Old World Culture & the New
-- W Gorn Old
OccRev y1915 v22 December p337 - illustration - Boddhi Sattiva
-- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 December p338 - illustration - Lord Maitreya --
OccRev y1915 v22 December p339 - illustration - seated Buddha --
OccRev y1915 v22 December p342 - Christ of the Night (vf) -- Teresa
OccRev y1915 v22 December p343 - Sorcery & Magic -- PS
OccRev y1915 v22 December p345 - illustration - The Witches' Sabbath
-- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 December p348 - The Calf Path (vf) -- Emma Rood
OccRev y1915 v22 December p350 - A Dream in Two Parts (rprnt
Broadviews Aug 1908) -- anon
OccRev y1915 v22 December p354 - The
Vampire Superstition -- Vere D Shortt
OccRev y1915 v22 December p360 -
Religion & Sociology -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1915 v22 December
p363 - Ltte - National Karma -- Elisabeth Severs
OccRev y1915 v22 December
p364 - Ltte - Prophecies of the War -- FC Constable
OccRev y1915 v22 December
p365 - Ltte - On Christian Science -- FL Rawson
OccRev y1915 v22 December
p366 - review - Back of the Front by Phyllis Campbell -- RS
y1915 v22 December p367 - Ltte - Invisible Helpers -- Ignoramus
OccRev y1915
v22 December p368 - Ltte - Christian Science -- Arthur Lovell
OccRev y1915
v22 December p368 - Ltte - The Meaning of a Dream -- S Ruth Canton
y1915 v22 December p369 - Ltte - The Duration of the War -- WAB
OccRev y1915 v22 December p369 - Ltte - (the letter of NDK)
-- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1915 v22 December p370 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1915 v22 December p375 - review - The Building of
Whispers -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1915 v22 December p375 - review -
Eclipses in Theory & Practice by Sepharial -- H Stanley
OccRev y1915 v22 December p377 - review - The Magic of Jewels
& Charms by George Frederick Kunz -- RS
OccRev y1915 v22 December
p378 - review - Dreams in War Time - A Faithful Record by EM Martin --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 January p1 - Notes of the Month - War Letters
from the Living Dead Man -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v23 January p9 -
illustration - Captain Vere Dawson Shortt -- anon
OccRev y1916 v23 January
p11 - Golden Wings (vf) -- Gerald Arundel
OccRev y1916 v23 January p13 - The
Astral Plane -- Helen Bourchier
OccRev y1916 v23 January p21 - La Magie (vf)
-- Helen Beatrice Allan
OccRev y1916 v23 January p22 - The Pilgrim's Way --
Harry J Strutton
OccRev y1916 v23 January p23 - illustration - Arthur Edward
Waite -- Elliott & Fry
OccRev y1916 v23 January p27 - Witches in Sussex
OccRev y1916 v23 January p30 - The Sexes Hereafter: Do they continue
to Exist? -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1916 v23 January p34 - Britain
Beyond the Grave -- Eustace Miles
OccRev y1916 v23 January p40 - Studies in
Transformation -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v23 January p43 - Matha of
Kremna, A Serbian Seer -- Count Cheddo Miyatovich
OccRev y1916 v23 January
p47 - The Dark Host (vf) -- May Kendall
OccRev y1916 v23 January p48 - Ltte -
A Vision in Hospital -- EH
OccRev y1916 v23 January p48 - Ltte - The Return
of the Christ -- J Brunton Aitken
OccRev y1916 v23 January p49 - Ltte -
Dreams that Dovetailed -- MW
OccRev y1916 v23 January p49 - Ltte - Omens of
War -- BBM
OccRev y1916 v23 January p50 - Ltte - National Karma --
OccRev y1916 v23 January p51 - Ltte - How did Jesus Heal? -- Charles WJ
OccRev y1916 v23 January p51 - Ltte - Christian Science -- WT
OccRev y1916 v23 January p52 - Ltte - Christian Science & Animal
Magnetism -- WH Edwards
OccRev y1916 v23 January p53 - Ltte - Invisible
Helpers -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1916 v23 January p54 - Ltte - (the
true explanation of psychical phenomena) -- Vera Field
OccRev y1916 v23
January p55 - Ltte - Latest Psychic Powers -- Nescio Quis
OccRev y1916 v23
January p56 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v23 January p60 -
review - Talks of Abdul Baha -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v23
January p60 - review - The Further Goal by Gilbert Thomas -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1916 v23 February p61 - Notes of the Month - (a)
Communications from the Other Side -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v23 February
p61 - Notes of the Month - (b) Astrology & the War -- The Editor
y1916 v23 February p78 - Christian Science -- Arthur Lovell
OccRev y1916 v23
February p85 - Adventures of a Thought-Reader -- Gerald Arundel
OccRev y1916
v23 February p91 - To the God Within (vf) -- Rathmell Wilson
OccRev y1916 v23
February p92 - Constantinople & St Sophia -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v23
February p95 - illustration - General View, showing St Sophia in Background --
OccRev y1916 v23 February p97 - illustration - General Exterior view of
St Sophia from the North -- Sebah
OccRev y1916 v23 February p99 -
illustration - Interior of St Sophia, showing the Exterior of the Narthex --
OccRev y1916 v23 February p103 - Apollonius of Tyana -- WJ
OccRev y1916 v23 February p107 - Ltte - National Karma -- Elisabeth
OccRev y1916 v23 February p107 - Ltte - Luminous Shapes -- Mary
Crosland Taylor
OccRev y1916 v23 February p108 - Ltte - More Dreams --
OccRev y1916 v23 February p108 - Ltte - Internment Alive Risks --
Jas. R Williamson
OccRev y1916 v23 February p109 - Ltte - Christian Science
& its Opponents -- Unity
OccRev y1916 v23 February p112 - Ltte - Taking
Impressions of the Palm -- PV
OccRev y1916 v23 February p112 - Ltte -
Impertinent Spooks (?) -- Inquirer
OccRev y1916 v23 February p113 - Ltte -
Angels on the Battlefield -- AG
OccRev y1916 v23 February p114 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v23 February p119 - review - In the
Hollow of His Hand by Ralph Waldo Trine -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916
v23 February p119 - review - Towards a Lasting Settlement by Charles
Baden Buxton -- GA
OccRev y1916 v23 February p120 - review - The Crimes
of England by GK Chesterton -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 February
p121 - review - Athalie by Robert W Chambers -- WH Chesson
y1916 v23 February p121 - review - The Way of Martha & the Way of
Mary by Stephen Graham -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 February p122
- review - The Celestial Aftermath by Cyril Scott -- WH
OccRev y1916 v23 March p123 - Notes of the Month - Spirit
Communications - Madame de Thèbes - Mrs Barker & her Books -- The
OccRev y1916 v23 March p132 - illustration - Madame de Thébes --
OccRev y1916 v23 March p138 - Black Magic in Ancient & Modern Egypt
-- Irene E Toye-Warner
OccRev y1916 v23 March p146 - "The Seventh Child of a
Seventh Child" -- Katharine Cox
OccRev y1916 v23 March p152 - The New
Psychology -- GH Grubb
OccRev y1916 v23 March p155 - Psychical Phenomena in
Herodotus -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1916 v23 March p159 - Renunciation (vf) --
Frederick James
OccRev y1916 v23 March p160 - Further Experiences at Knighton
Gorges, New Year's Eve, 1915-16 -- Ethel C Hargrove
OccRev y1916 v23 March
p162 - Family Death Warnings -- William Gillespie
OccRev y1916 v23 March p166
- Ltte - The Sexes Hereafter -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1916 v23 March
p167 - Ltte - (re The Apocalypse unsealed by John M Pryse) -- WT
OccRev y1916 v23 March p167 - Ltte - Impertinent Spooks --
OccRev y1916 v23 March p168 - Ltte - Two Apparitions -- Montague J
OccRev y1916 v23 March p169 - Ltte - The Ethics of Reviewing -- Henry
OccRev y1916 v23 March p171 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1916 v23 March p175 - New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
y1916 v23 March p176 - review - The New Science of Colour by Beatrice
Irwin -- RMB
OccRev y1916 v23 March p177 - review - The Drama of the
Spiritual Life by Annie Lyman Sears -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916
v23 March p178 - review - The Extra Day by Algernon Blackwood -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 March p178 - review - The Meaning & Value
of Mysticism by E Herman -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v23 March
p179 - review - Spiritual Journal of Lucie Christine by A. Poulain --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v23 March p180 - review - Women who have
Enobled Life by Lilian Whiting -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1916 v23
April p181 - Notes of the Month - The New Science of Colour - Omens of Death -
Animal Horoscopy -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v23 April p183 - illustration -
Miss Beatrice Irwin (author of The New Science of Colour) --
OccRev y1916 v23 April p196 - The Olivar Prophecies of Napoleon &
After -- Frederic Thurstan
OccRev y1916 v23 April p205 - Plant Sympathy --
Ethel C Hargrove
OccRev y1916 v23 April p207 - Venus - A Sonnet (vf) --
OccRev y1916 v23 April p208 - The Confessions of a Sceptic -- The
OccRev y1916 v23 April p215 - Sidelights on the Ancient Egyptians --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 April p219 - The White Comrade (vf) -- AL
OccRev y1916 v23 April p221 - The Soul of Music - An Allegory --
OccRev y1916 v23 April p225 - Ltte - The Sexes Hereafter -- HJH
y1916 v23 April p226 - Ltte - (the idea of twin Souls) -- Unity
OccRev y1916
v23 April p227 - Ltte - Christian Science -- Charles WJ Tennant
OccRev y1916
v23 April p228 - Ltte - Re Augustin-Louis Baron Cauchy -- Open Mind
y1916 v23 April p229 - Ltte - Mother Shipton & Francis Moore -- Leopold AD
OccRev y1916 v23 April p230 - Ltte - Taking Impressions of the Palm
(1) -- Petronetta O'Donnell
OccRev y1916 v23 April p230 - Ltte - Taking
Impressions of the Palm (2) -- Rathmoll Wilson
OccRev y1916 v23 April p231 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v23 April p235 - review -
Prosperity - Through the Knowledge & Power of Mind by Annie Rix
Militz -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 April p235 - review - The
Living Truth in Christianity by Bertram McCrie -- HJS
OccRev y1916 v23
April p236 - review - Peeps into the Psychic World by M MacDermot
Crawford -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1916 v23 April p236 - review - The
Recurring Track by Kathleen Borradaile -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1916 v23
May p237 - Notes of the Month - The Symbol of the Cross- Utility of Psychic
Warnings -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v23 May p247 - Projection of the Astral
Body (the method of projecting, at will) -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1916
v23 May p249 - illustration - (1) Photograph of vital radiations --
OccRev y1916 v23 May p249 - illustration - (2) Astral Body of Mme
Lambert -- anon
OccRev y1916 v23 May p249 - illustration - (3) Later
Photograph of Astral Body of Mme Lambert -- anon
OccRev y1916 v23 May p251 -
illustration - Experimental Self-Projection in Magnetic Trance -- anon
y1916 v23 May p253 - illustration - Voluntary Self-Projection -- anon
y1916 v23 May p254 - Memory (vf) -- Lilian Holmes
OccRev y1916 v23 May p255 -
The Most Miraculous Dream on Record -- H Moore
OccRev y1916 v23 May p258 -
Hauntings by Witches' Familiars -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1916 v23 May
p268 - The Occult Relationship between Sound & Colour -- Cyril
OccRev y1916 v23 May p273 - The Royal Road to Learning -- J Louis
OccRev y1916 v23 May p276 - Social Destiny of Man -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1916 v23 May p280 - Ltte - Mother Shipton -- WT
OccRev y1916 v23 May p281 - Ltte - Christian Science - A Rejoinder --
Arthur Lovell
OccRev y1916 v23 May p282 - Ltte - (Mr Horton writes, Mrs Eddy
writes) -- WO Hughes
OccRev y1916 v23 May p283 - Ltte - The Sexes Hereafter
-- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1916 v23 May p284 - Ltte - The WHite Comrade
-- Francesca Browne
OccRev y1916 v23 May p284 - Ltte - Darwin & Nietzsche
-- FC Constable
OccRev y1916 v23 May p286 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1916 v23 May p289 - review - Out of the Vortex - The True
Record of a Fight for a Soul by Laura Linley -- Edith K Harper
y1916 v23 May p289 - review - Haunted Royalties by Katherine Cox --
Virginia Milward
OccRev y1916 v23 May p290 - review - Palmistry for
All by Cheiro -- Scrutator
OccRev y1916 v23 May p290 - review - Man,
Woman, Know Thyself! by Gambier Bolton -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916
v23 May p290 - review - Some Problems Concerning the Next State of Life
by Ernest W Oaten -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 May p290 - review -
What is Spiritualism? by Lewis Forth -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916
v23 May p291 - review - Christ in You - anon -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1916 v23 May p292 - review - The Cure of
Self-Consciousness by James Alexander -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1916 v23 May p292 - review - By the Water of Egypt by Norma Lorimer --
Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1916 v23 June p293 - Notes of the Month - A New
Theory of Dreams -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v23 June p307 - The Holy Grail --
Amy Montague
OccRev y1916 v23 June p314 - A Story of the Unseen -- Frederick
OccRev y1916 v23 June p316 - Requiescat (vf) -- Teresa
OccRev y1916 v23 June p317 - Keshub Chunder Sen - The Man & the
Mystic -- Harendra N Maitra
OccRev y1916 v23 June p324 - The House of Bitter
Sweet (vf) -- Petronella O'Donnell
OccRev y1916 v23 June p325 - Can the Dead
Return? experience of the late rev. Dr Neale -- John de Burgh
OccRev y1916
v23 June p327 - Some Fairy Folk-Lore -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1916 v23 June
p333 - In the Dream World (vf) -- Marguerite Percy
OccRev y1916 v23 June p334
- The Verses of Sam Walter Foss -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v23 June p335 -
illustration - Sam Walter Foss -- anon
OccRev y1916 v23 June p337 - Ltte -
Spirit Communications -- JM Peebles
OccRev y1916 v23 June p338 - Ltte -
Luminous Shapes -- Florence E Pinchon
OccRev y1916 v23 June p338 - Ltte -
What is the material world? -- FL Rawson
OccRev y1916 v23 June p340 - Ltte -
The Sexes Hereafter -- Elizabeth L Silverwood
OccRev y1916 v23 June p340 -
Ltte - Twin Souls -- Unity
OccRev y1916 v23 June p341 - Ltte - Old German
Prophecies -- James Headen
OccRev y1916 v23 June p342 - Ltte - Christian
Science -- Charles WJ Tennant
OccRev y1916 v23 June p343 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v23 June p346 - review - The Sermon on
the Mount by Annie Rix Militz -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 June
p346 - review - Our Self After Death by Arthur Chambers -- Edith K
OccRev y1916 v23 June p347 - review - A Study in Symbolism by
MF Howard -- PSW
OccRev y1916 v23 June p347 - review - The Trial of
Joanna Southcott by (Jas. H Keys) -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23
June p348 - review - Human Motives by James Jackson Putnam -- Edith K
OccRev y1916 v23 June p348 - review - Caliph for a Day: A
Comedy by KN Das Gupta -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v23 June p349 -
review - My Lady of the Moor by John Oxenham -- Edith K
OccRev y1916 v23 June p349 - review - The Book of France ed
by Winfred Stephens -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1916 v23 June p350 -
review - Poems by Margaret Maitland Radford -- EMM
OccRev y1916 v24
July p7 - Notes of the Month - The Sexes Hereafter - A Strange Parallel - A
Water Diviner at Anzac -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v24 July p14 - The
Prophecies of Nostradamus -- A. Demar-Latour
OccRev y1916 v24 July p23 -
Popular Superstitions -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1916 v24 July p31 - Aunt
Barbara's Ghost Story -- Gerda M Calmady-Hamlyn
OccRev y1916 v24 July p38 -
introduction to "Some Astrological Predictions of the Late John Varley" -- AP
OccRev y1916 v24 July p38 - Some Astrological Predictions of the Late
John Varley -- John Varley
OccRev y1916 v24 July p43 - Victims (vf) -- Teresa
OccRev y1916 v24 July p44 - A Tale of Barbados -- anon
OccRev y1916
v24 July p45 - Our Lady of Compassion (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1916 v24
July p46 - Ltte - The World of Dreams -- Tau
OccRev y1916 v24 July p46 - Ltte
- a dream of Mary Queen of Scots -- Margaret Lumley Brown
OccRev y1916 v24
July p48 - Ltte - Flying Dreams -- Aquarian
OccRev y1916 v24 July p48 - Ltte
- A Dream of Drowned Sailors -- Dorothy Bingham Hall
OccRev y1916 v24 July
p49 - Ltte - A Curious Dream -- C Kolb-Danvin
OccRev y1916 v24 July p51 -
Ltte - Horoscopes Wanted -- George Hyde Lees
OccRev y1916 v24 July p52 - Ltte
- Sounds & Colours -- Louise Haviland
OccRev y1916 v24 July p53 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 July p56 - review -
Concerning Prayer: Its Nature, Its Difficulties, & its Values
(various including Rufus M Jones) -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 July p56
- review - Julius LeVallon by Algernon Blackwood -- WH
OccRev y1916 v24 July p57 - review - The Great Adventure by
Louise Pond Jewell -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24 July p57 - review
- Sufism: Omar Khayyam & E Fitzgerald by CHA Bjerregaard -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24 July p58 - review - The Impersonal
Life - anon -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1916 v24 August p59 - Notes
of the Month - The Dreams of Orlow - The War & Astrology -- The
OccRev y1916 v24 August p71 - The Tramp (vf) -- Lilian
OccRev y1916 v24 August p72 - Instrumental Communication with the
"Spirit World" -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1916 v24 August p75 -
illustration - The two airtight cylinders -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 August p76
- illustration - The Dynamistograph (used to weigh the spirit of man) --
OccRev y1916 v24 August p79 - illustration - A more detailed view of the
essential parts of the "Dynamistograph" -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 August p83 -
The Battle of the Stars (vf) -- Eva Gore-Booth
OccRev y1916 v24 August p84 -
Archdeacon Wilberforce & the Secret of Intercessory Prayer -- Charlotte E
OccRev y1916 v24 August p90 - "The Good & Evil Angels" -- Matthew
OccRev y1916 v24 August p92 - Water Divining -- NZ
OccRev y1916 v24
August p97 - Black Magic in Australia - dedicated to the Heroes of Anzac --
Irene E Toye-Warner
OccRev y1916 v24 August p106 - Ltte - Popular
Superstitions -- One Interested
OccRev y1916 v24 August p107 - Ltte - The
World of Dreams -- Christian Brimelow
OccRev y1916 v24 August p109 - Ltte -
re spiritualism in Tropical America -- Gerald Arundel
OccRev y1916 v24 August
p110 - Ltte - Do Parents Create Souls? -- Richard A. Bush
OccRev y1916 v24
August p112 - Ltte - The Sexes Hereafter -- CWT
OccRev y1916 v24 August p113
- Ltte - The Twin Soul -- Unity
OccRev y1916 v24 August p113 - Ltte - the
Christian Science Sentinel -- Charles WJ Tennant
OccRev y1916 v24 August p114
- Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 August p117 - review -
Vision & Vesture: A Study of William Blake in Modern Thought by
Charles Gardner -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1916 v24 August p117 - review -
The Spirit of Russia by Olga Novikoff -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916
v24 August p118 - review - Body & Spirit - An Inquiry into the
Subconscious by John D Quackenbos -- PW
OccRev y1916 v24 August p118 -
review - Do the Dead Know? by Annesley Kennedy -- PW
OccRev y1916
v24 August p119 - review - Sleep & Sleeplessness by H Addington
Bruce -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24 August p120 - review - The
Sacrament by LL -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 August p120 - review
- A Prophet's Visions & the War by TW Crafer -- Edith K
OccRev y1916 v24 September p121 - Notes of the Month - Edward
Carpenter's Life Story - The Curse on Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria -- The
OccRev y1916 v24 September p134 - A Sonnet of the Quest (vf) -- CL
OccRev y1916 v24 September p135 - The Religious Symbolism of the Banner
-- GM Hort
OccRev y1916 v24 September p145 - Italy's Royal Mascot - The Green
Page of the Royal Castle of Turin -- Princess Catherine Radziwill
y1916 v24 September p149 - The Four Cosmic Elements -- CG Sander
OccRev y1916
v24 September p156 - Druidism - Initiatory Rites - Priesthood -- Dudley
OccRev y1916 v24 September p163 - The Eastern Religions -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24 September p167 - A Guardian Angel -- Sister
OccRev y1916 v24 September p169 - Ltte - Projection of the Astral Body
-- Arthur Lovell
OccRev y1916 v24 September p170 - Ltte - Do Parents Create
Souls? -- Richard A. Bush
OccRev y1916 v24 September p171 - Ltte - Twin Souls
& Reincarnation -- CWT
OccRev y1916 v24 September p172 - Ltte - Flying
Dreams -- Giddy
OccRev y1916 v24 September p172 - Ltte - The World of Dreams
-- Alexander Gordon
OccRev y1916 v24 September p173 - Ltte - The Lost Thimble
-- V Francis
OccRev y1916 v24 September p173 - Ltte - The Spirit of a Dog --
OccRev y1916 v24 September p174 - Ltte - Water Divining, by NZ - A
Protest -- FC Constable
OccRev y1916 v24 September p175 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 September p178 - review - Apotheosis
& After-Life -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 September p178 -
review - Christian Mind Healing by Harriet Hale Rix -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1916 v24 September p179 - review - The Silent Voice -
anon -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 September p179 - review - The
Luck of the Strong by William Hope Hodgson -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1916
v24 September p180 - review - The Heart of Jainism by Mrs Sinclair
Stevenson -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24 September p181 - review -
Hermaia - A Study in Comparative Esthetics by Colin McAlpin --
OccRev y1916 v24 September p181 - review - Legends of Gods &
Ghosts (Hawaiian) by WD Westervelt -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916
v24 September p182 - review - The Adventures of Death by Robert W
Mackenna -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 October p183 - Notes of the Month
- President Abraham Lincoln -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v24 October p187 -
illustration - Abraham Lincoln -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 October p202 -
Countess Gertrude of Orlamunde (The White Lady of the Hohenzollerns) -- Princess
OccRev y1916 v24 October p207 - Sainte Odile - The Growth of a
Legend -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24 October p213 - Hallowe'en
Superstitions -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1916 v24 October p218 - Charles
Dickens & the Occult -- C Sheridan Jones
OccRev y1916 v24 October p226 -
Some Curious Predictions -- Frederick Barrett
OccRev y1916 v24 October p231 -
Ltte - Twin Souls (1) -- Unity
OccRev y1916 v24 October p231 - Ltte - Twin
Souls (2) -- ANIL
OccRev y1916 v24 October p232 - Ltte - The Seventh Sphere
-- Omnia Vincit Amor
OccRev y1916 v24 October p232 - Ltte - Do Parents Create
Souls? -- FC Constable
OccRev y1916 v24 October p233 - Ltte - Reincarnation
-- Hermione Parry Okeden
OccRev y1916 v24 October p234 - Ltte - My Book
Where Have I Come? -- Richard A. Bush
OccRev y1916 v24 October p235
- Ltte - Curse or Prevision -- G Melbourne Mayhew
OccRev y1916 v24 October
p235 - Ltte - (why did I dream that?) -- Lilian Porteous
OccRev y1916 v24
October p236 - Ltte - The Dynamistograph -- Thomas Blyton
OccRev y1916 v24
October p237 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 October p240 -
New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1916 v24 October p243 -
review - The Soliloquy of a Hermit by Theodore Francis Powys -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24 October p243 - review - The Way of the
Childish (Balamatimarga) by Shri Achaitacharya -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1916 v24 October p244 - review - The ALternate Life by
Curtis Yorke -- HJS
OccRev y1916 v24 October p244 - review - Above the
Battle by Romain Rolland -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 October p245
- review - The Woman who Lived again by Lindsay Russell -- WH
OccRev y1916 v24 October p245 - review - All's Well! - Some
Helpful verse for these Dark Days of War by John Oxenham -- Edith K
OccRev y1916 v24 October p246 - review - Because it was
Written by Princess Catherine Radziwill (= Catherine Kolb-Danvin) -- WH
OccRev y1916 v24 October p246 - review - How Jonas Found his
Enemy by Greville MacDonald -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1916 v24 November p247
- Notes of the Month - Theories about Ghosts - Astral Projection - Zadkiel --
The Editor
OccRev y1916 v24 November p265 - The Deathless Question (vf) --
Lilian Holmes
OccRev y1916 v24 November p266 - The Wearing of Religious
Emblems at the Front -- Michael MacDonagh
OccRev y1916 v24 November p275 -
Glamis Castle & its Mystery -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1916 v24 November
p278 - The Welcome (vf) -- Grace Hall
OccRev y1916 v24 November p279 - A
Strange Siamese Ceremony -- (an English Doctor)
OccRev y1916 v24 November
p285 - Telepathy & Survival -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1916 v24 November
p291 - Pastoral (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1916 v24 November p292 - The
Metaphysical Outlook in Jewish Mysticism, an introductory study -- Sijil
OccRev y1916 v24 November p299 - Ltte - The Taming of Horses by
Occult Means -- Edward Wallace
OccRev y1916 v24 November p300 - Ltte -
Telepathy in Relation to Animals -- J Connolly
OccRev y1916 v24 November p301
- Ltte - A Symbolical Dream -- Seeker After Truth
OccRev y1916 v24 November
p301 - Ltte - A Vision of the War -- Carthula
OccRev y1916 v24 November p302
- Ltte - "Water Divining, by NZ - A Protest; FC Constable" -- NZ
OccRev y1916
v24 November p303 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 November
p306 - review - Tiger-Wolves by Frank Hamel -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1916 v24 November p307 - review - The Wrack of the
Storm by Maurice Maeterlinck -- PS Wellby
OccRev y1916 v24 November p307
- review - Never Again! by Edward Carpenter -- HJS
OccRev y1916 v24
November p308 - review - Psychic Force - An Experimental Investigation
... by Gambier Bolton -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 November p308 -
review - A World Expectant - The Study of a Great Possibility by EA
Wodehouse -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 November p309 - review -
Vitalism: Being Ten Lessons in Spiritual Healing & the Spiritual
Life by Paul Tyner -- GMH
OccRev y1916 v24 November p310 - review -
Ancient Mystery Towers by Samuel Smallwood -- Edith K Harper
y1916 v24 November p310 - review - The Penitent of Brent by Michael
Wood -- Virginia Milward
OccRev y1916 v24 December p311 - Notes of the Month
- The Faith of Sir Oliver Lodge -- The Editor
OccRev y1916 v24 December p327
- Wilhelm II & the White Lady of the Hohenzollerns -- Katharine
OccRev y1916 v24 December p333 - My Escape from Paris - some personal
Psychic Experiences -- Edmund Russell
OccRev y1916 v24 December p335 -
illustration - Edmund Russell in his Studio in Paris -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24
December p343 - Fate -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1916 v24 December p347 - Samuel
Johnson & the Occult -- Frederick Barrett
OccRev y1916 v24 December p354
- Phantoms of the Desert -- Ethel C Hargrove
OccRev y1916 v24 December p357 -
Realization (vf) -- Frederick James
OccRev y1916 v24 December p358 -
Psychical Investigation in France -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 December
p364 - Ltte - A Charm Against Dangers in War -- Flaxius
OccRev y1916 v24
December p365 - Ltte - The Wearing of Religious Emblems in War -- C
OccRev y1916 v24 December p366 - Ltte - The Four Cosmic Elements --
OccRev y1916 v24 December p367 - Ltte - A Dream of a Mother -- V
OccRev y1916 v24 December p367 - Ltte - Astral Travelling -- Hermione
Parry Okeden
OccRev y1916 v24 December p368 - Ltte - The Troubles of a
Psychic -- Babette
OccRev y1916 v24 December p369 - Ltte - A Dream of the
"Titanic" -- EA Bryant
OccRev y1916 v24 December p371 - Ltte - Psychic
Records from the Trenches -- Mona Baird
OccRev y1916 v24 December p372 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1916 v24 December p375 - review -
The Brook Kerith by George Moore -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1916 v24
December p376 - review - Judas of Salt Lake by Winifred Graham --
OccRev y1916 v24 December p376 - review - The Comrade in White
by WH Leatham -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 December p376 - review -
Theophanies: A Book of Verses by Evelyn Underhill -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1916 v24 December p377 - review - Willie Harper's Two
Lives - anon -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 December p378 - review -
Spiritualism: The Basic Fact of Religion, Science & Philosophy by
Felicia R Scratcherd -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 December p378 -
review - Unseen Influences by Hanson G Hey -- Edith K Harper
y1916 v24 December p378 - review - Myths & Legends in the Bible by
Keightley Snowden -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24 December p378 -
review - Edward Carpenter, His Ideas & Ideals by AH Moncur -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1916 v24 December p379 - review - The Black Dwarf of
Vienna by Princess Catherine Radziwill (= Catherine Kolb-Danvin) --
Virginia Milward
OccRev y1916 v24 December p379 - review - Revelation on
Revelation by Rachel T Fox -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1916 v24
December p380 - review - The Rose Immortal by A. Bothwell-Gosse --
OccRev y1917 v25 January p1 - Notes of the Month - Animal & Insect
Telepathy - The Astrological Outlook -- The Editor
OccRev y1917 v25 January
p5 - illustration - (1) Rhyssa Persuasoria depositing ovum in Larva of Sirex
Gigas -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 January p5 - illustration - (2) Sirex Gigas --
OccRev y1917 v25 January p12 - The Mysticism of Brittany -- Reginald B
OccRev y1917 v25 January p16 - A Remarkable Case of "Spirit Drawing" --
Axel Dane
OccRev y1917 v25 January p17 - Royal Court Palace of Eona Atmos -
254BC -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 January p19 - Portal, Temple of Renu Levis(?)
-- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 January p21 - Record Chamber, Temple of Koris --
OccRev y1917 v25 January p23 - To England (vf) -- Jocelyn
OccRev y1917 v25 January p24 - Cave & Combe Hauntings in the
West of England -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1917 v25 January p33 - The
Soul's Cry at Morning (vf) -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1917 v25 January p34 -
obituary - Papus (1865-1916) A biographical note -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1917 v25 January p37 - The Invalid Gentleman -- Giovanni
OccRev y1917 v25 January p42 - Premonitions of "The War" -- Norah R
OccRev y1917 v25 January p45 - Ltte - Another Dream of the "Titanic"
-- Elsie Blair
OccRev y1917 v25 January p45 - Ltte - Psychic Happenings -- WP
OccRev y1917 v25 January p46 - Ltte - A Strange Dream --
OccRev y1917 v25 January p48 - Ltte - A Telepathic Dream --
OccRev y1917 v25 January p49 - Ltte - Christian Science (?) -- Charles WJ
OccRev y1917 v25 January p49 - Ltte - The Badge of the Sacred Heart
OccRev y1917 v25 January p51 - Ltte - A Pack of Cards -- AW
OccRev y1917 v25 January p51 - Ltte - (Gipsy disinclination to
burn Elder wood) -- Tau
OccRev y1917 v25 January p52 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 January p55 - review - The Law of Success
by Bruce MacLelland -- X.
OccRev y1917 v25 January p55 - review - Russian
Memories by Olga Novikoff -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 January p56
- review - Sea Magic by E Hallam Moorhouse -- Edith K Harper
y1917 v25 January p56 - review - A Call to Baptismal Reform by
Archippus -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 January p57 - review -
Consolation - From the East to the West by Kedar Nath Das Gupta --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 January p57 - review - The Coaster at
Home by JM Stuart-Young -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1917 v25 January
p57 - review - The Book of Old Sundials & their Mottoes by
Launcelot Cross -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1917 v25 January p58 - review
- The Purpose of God by Basil Wilberforce -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25
January p58 - review - Philosophy & War by Emile Boutroux --
Virginia Milward
OccRev y1917 v25 January p59 - review - Mazzini's
Foreshadowings of the Coming Faith by EA Venture -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v25
January p59 - review - The Red Earth by WWL -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v25
January p59 - review - Tales of Wonder by Lord Dunsany -- WH
OccRev y1917 v25 January p60 - review - The Mysteries of the
Circle of the Cross by Frances Swiney -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1917 v25 February p61 - Notes of the Month - Apollonius of Tyana -- The
OccRev y1917 v25 February p83 - The Finding of the Jewel - Some
Personal Psychic Experiences -- Edmund Russell
OccRev y1917 v25 February p85
- illustration - (sculptor posing majestically with clay elephant ...?) --
OccRev y1917 v25 February p93 - The Mysticism of Ireland -- Reginald B
OccRev y1917 v25 February p99 - Some Veridical Visions & Dreams -- J
Arthur Hill & FG
OccRev y1917 v25 February p108 - Myth & Legend in
Armenia -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1917 v25 February p111 - review - Twenty
Years Experience as a Ghost Hunter by Elliott O'Donnell -- PS
OccRev y1917 v25 February p113 - Ltte - Astral Travelling (1) --
OccRev y1917 v25 February p114 - Ltte - (2) (in two places at once) --
OccRev y1917 v25 February p115 - Ltte - (3) accomplished with the
greatest of ease -- MEM
OccRev y1917 v25 February p115 - Ltte - The Childhood
Jesus -- Percy B MacDonald
OccRev y1917 v25 February p116 - Ltte - dialect of
Automatic writing -- HP Norman
OccRev y1917 v25 February p117 - Ltte - Lord
Grey of Falloden -- CWT
OccRev y1917 v25 February p117 - Ltte - Co-Masonry --
OccRev y1917 v25 February p119 - Ltte - The Sacred Heart -- EM
OccRev y1917 v25 February p119 - Ltte - Fortune telling with cards --
Mabel L Robertson
OccRev y1917 v25 February p120 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1917 v25 February p124 - review - Do Thoughts Perish?
by Recorder -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917 v25 February p124 - review -
Gospel Records, Interpreted by Human Experience by HA Dallas -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1917 v25 February p125 - review - The Contingency of
the Laws of Nature by Emile Boutroux -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917
v25 February p126 - review - Destur Mobed & other stories by Edgar
Birnstingl -- HJS
OccRev y1917 v25 February p126 - review - The Life
& Letters of Theodore Watts-Denton by Thomas Hake & Arthur
Compton-Rickett -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 March p127 - Notes of the
Month - The Credo of Christendom - A Canadian Prophetess - Mr WJ Colville -- The
OccRev y1917 v25 March p141 - A Seer of Nature Spirits (Tom Charman)
-- The Editor
OccRev y1917 v25 March p142 - illustration - Mr Tom Charman --
OccRev y1917 v25 March p143 - illustration - The Caravan in which Mr Tom
Charman & Mr George Mann Lived Together -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 March
p144 - illustration - Mr Charman holding snake carved by Himself from a Tree of
the New Forest -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 March p145 - illustration - One of Mr
Charman's Indians (a painting, not a photo) -- Tom Charman
OccRev y1917 v25
March p146 - illustration - Cow & Fairy Companion -- anon
OccRev y1917
v25 March p147 - illustration - Human Frog & Psychic Elves -- anon
y1917 v25 March p148 - illustration - Elves' Nest in Toadstool -- anon
y1917 v25 March p149 - illustration - Elf on Pig Charger -- anon
OccRev y1917
v25 March p150 - illustration - Elf & Snake -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25
March p151 - illustration - Wind Spirits -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 March p153
- A Talk about Buddhism -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1917 v25 March p155 -
illustration - The First Sermon: "Turning the Wheel of the Law" (statuette of
seated Buddha) -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 March p157 - illustration - Calling
the Earth to Witness (The Assault of Mara) - cave painting at Dambulla, Ceylon,
18thC -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 March p160 - "Mr Isaacs of Simla" -- Edmund
OccRev y1917 v25 March p170 - A Ballad of Rebirth (vf) -- E Le Breton
OccRev y1917 v25 March p171 - Aconite; review - Wolf's Bane:
Rhymes by John Cowper Powys -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1917 v25
March p173 - Ltte - The Childhood of Jesus (1) -- FC Constable
OccRev y1917
v25 March p173 - Ltte - (2) -- W Steff-Langston
OccRev y1917 v25 March p174 -
Ltte - (3) -- Richard A. Bush
OccRev y1917 v25 March p174 - Ltte - Mediums
& the "Daily Mail" -- Isabelle de Steiger
OccRev y1917 v25 March p175 -
Ltte - Clocks Stopping at Death -- Mary Crosland Taylor
OccRev y1917 v25
March p176 - Ltte - The Four Cosmic Elements -- CG Sander
OccRev y1917 v25
March p176 - Ltte - Astral Travels -- Investigator
OccRev y1917 v25 March
p177 - Ltte - Strange Dreams -- S Wilfrid Smith
OccRev y1917 v25 March p179 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 March p182 - New &
Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1917 v25 March p184 - review -
The World as Imagination by Edward Douglas Fawcett -- HJS
y1917 v25 March p184 - review - Notes & Index to the Bhagavad Gita
by K Browning -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v25 March p185 - review - Letters from
Another Battlefield - anon -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 March p185
- review - The Orient Pearls by Shovona Devi -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1917 v25 March p186 - review - The Power of Faith by
Basil Wilberforce -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 March p186 - review -
Light on the After Life by ABOW -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917
v25 March p186 - review - The Invisible Near City by ABOW -- H Stanley
OccRev y1917 v25 April p187 - Notes of the Month - Plotinus &
the Riddle of the Sphinx - The Russian Revolution -- The Editor
OccRev y1917
v25 April p199 - obituary - WJ Colville -- editor
OccRev y1917 v25 April p200
- illustration - The Late WJ Colville -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 April p207 -
My Early Psychic Experiences -- Helen Bourchier
OccRev y1917 v25 April p214 -
Lycanthropy -- HGB
OccRev y1917 v25 April p218 - An Adventure in Wonderland
-- David Gox
OccRev y1917 v25 April p222 - The Doris Case - A Study in
Multiple Personalities -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1917 v25 April p231 -
Ltte - Healing Visits on the Astral Plane -- MEM
OccRev y1917 v25 April p232
- Ltte - Spiritism & Spiritualism -- EM Walter
OccRev y1917 v25 April
p233 - Ltte - Clocks Stopping at Death: A Strange Dream (1) -- Tau
y1917 v25 April p233 - Ltte - (2) -- Dora Martin
OccRev y1917 v25 April p234
- Ltte - In Tune with the Fairies -- JGC
OccRev y1917 v25 April p235 - Ltte -
A Psychic Experience in Hospital -- MCC
OccRev y1917 v25 April p236 - Ltte -
A Bath of Electricity -- Miriam Anderson
OccRev y1917 v25 April p237 - Ltte -
Mental Promptings -- H.
OccRev y1917 v25 April p238 - Ltte - Abnormal
Extension of Life -- G Melbourne Mayhew
OccRev y1917 v25 April p240 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 April p243 - review - The
Spirit in Life - some letters of William Law by William Law -- Edith K
OccRev y1917 v25 April p243 - review - Raymond - A Rejoinder
(to Oliver Lodge) by Paul Hookham -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1917 v25 April
p244 - review - Uncanny Tales by C Arthur Pearson -- Edith K
OccRev y1917 v25 April p244 - review - The Kingdom of the Mind:
How to promote Intelligent Living ... by James Mortimer Keniston --
OccRev y1917 v25 April p245 - review - Stars of Destiny by
Katherine Taylor Craig -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v25 April p246 - review -
Auto-Suggestion by Herbert A. Parkyn -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1917
v25 April p246 - review - The Victorious Attitude by Orison Swett
Marden -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1917 v25 April p246 - review - The
Temple of Janus by Griffyth Fairfax -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1917
v25 May p247 - Notes of the Month - David Wilson's Psychic Telegraph -- The
OccRev y1917 v25 May p264 - Witchcraft -- JW Brodie-Innes
y1917 v25 May p272 - Superstitions Concerning Precious Stones -- Katharine
OccRev y1917 v25 May p279 - Hindu Funerals & Hindu Fakirs at Benares
-- Axel Dane
OccRev y1917 v25 May p281 - illustration - Burning Ghats &
River (Benares) -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 May p282 - illustration - Riverside,
Benares: Funeral Pyre of Rajah in Background -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 May
p283 - illustration - Burning Ghats (Benares) -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 May
p285 - illustration - Burning Ghat (Benares) -- anon
OccRev y1917 v25 May
p287 - The Actor & the Occult -- C Sheridan Jones
OccRev y1917 v25 May
p294 - Ltte - Mental Promptings -- C Farmar
OccRev y1917 v25 May p295 - Ltte
- The Philosophy of Plotinus -- Charles J Whitby
OccRev y1917 v25 May p296 -
Ltte - Telepathic Music -- WT Croxford
OccRev y1917 v25 May p297 - Ltte -
Astral Travelling -- Pax
OccRev y1917 v25 May p297 - Ltte - Fortune-Telling
Cards -- ALD
OccRev y1917 v25 May p298 - Ltte - Unexplained Apparition --
Interested Inquirer
OccRev y1917 v25 May p299 - Ltte - Gipsies & Elder
wood -- Mabel Trevor
OccRev y1917 v25 May p300 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1917 v25 May p304 - review - The Lord of all Good Life
by Donald Hankey -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 May p304 - review -
The Year Book of the American Academy of Astrologians - anon --
OccRev y1917 v25 May p305 - review - Lord Kitchener of Khartoum
- anon -- JAH
OccRev y1917 v25 May p305 - review - Our Father's Lent
& His Easter Land by ABOW -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 May
p306 - review - A Preliminary Investigation of the Cabalah by FB Bond
& TS Lea -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1917 v25 June p307 - Notes of the
Month - The Threshold of the Unseen -- The Editor
OccRev y1917 v25 June p328
- Witchcraft Rituals -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1917 v25 June p337 - The
Psychic Significance of the Cat -- Ethel C Hargrove
OccRev y1917 v25 June
p341 - Dual Souls -- Unity
OccRev y1917 v25 June p350 - Flowers & Stars
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 June p354 - Ltte - Telepathic Dreams --
OccRev y1917 v25 June p355 - Ltte - The Psychic Telegraph -- Arthur
OccRev y1917 v25 June p355 - Ltte - The "Little People" -- Hilary
OccRev y1917 v25 June p356 - Ltte - Telepathic Communications -- F
Helen Fitzgerald Beale
OccRev y1917 v25 June p358 - Ltte - A Double
Premonition -- A Hampshire Clergyman
OccRev y1917 v25 June p359 - Ltte -
Healing "At a Distance" -- MEM
OccRev y1917 v25 June p360 - Ltte - A WArning
Voice -- Edith J Porter
OccRev y1917 v25 June p361 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1917 v25 June p364 - review - The Metamorphoses of Sex
by Frances Swiney -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 June p364 - review -
Primary Lessons in Christian Living & Healing by Annie Rix Militz
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 June p365 - review - The Temple of
Sorrow by EA Wodehouse -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 June p366 -
review - Beckoning Hands from the Near Beyond by JCF Grumbine -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1917 v25 June p367 - review - Compendium of Natal
Astrology & Universal Ephemeris by Herbert T Waite -- anon
y1917 v25 June p367 - review - Our Living Dead by Katherine Bates --
OccRev y1917 v26 July p1 - Notes of the Month - A Novel of the Times
(What Lies Beneath by Benjamin Swift) -- The Editor
OccRev y1917 v26
July p12 - The Gods of Luck in Ancient Rome -- Frederic Thurstan
OccRev y1917
v26 July p12 - (12, The Fauns; 15, Fortuna; 16 Felicitas, Nemesis, Lares,
Penates) -- Frederic Thurstan
OccRev y1917 v26 July p18 - (18, The Genius;
19, Umbrae, Larvae, Lemures) -- Frederic Thurstan
OccRev y1917 v26 July p21 -
Australian Aboriginal Medicine-Men & Psychic Healing -- Irene E
OccRev y1917 v26 July p26 - A Philosophy for To-day -- Charles J
OccRev y1917 v26 July p29 - A Dream with a Curious Sequel -- Alice
OccRev y1917 v26 July p35 - To CA (vf) -- Eva
OccRev y1917 v26 July p36 - Yogi Breathing -- Ahumada
y1917 v26 July p42 - The Everlasting Future - A Mystic & Psychic Contrast --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1917 v26 July p45 - Ltte - The Psychic Telegraph
-- JL Cather
OccRev y1917 v26 July p49 - Ltte - Some Dreams & their
Interpretation -- Mary Emmet
OccRev y1917 v26 July p51 - Ltte - The Occult in
Art -- A Sculptor
OccRev y1917 v26 July p52 - Ltte - The Wearing of Religious
Emblems in War -- Montague Summers
OccRev y1917 v26 July p53 - Ltte - The
Tsar's Horoscope & the Fixed Stars -- Edward Drayton
OccRev y1917 v26
July p55 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1917 v26 July p58 - review -
God the Invisible King by HG Wells -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26 July p58
- review - The Ascent of Olympus by Rendel Harris -- WH
OccRev y1917 v26 July p59 - review - Psychology of the
Unconscious by CG Jung -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1917 v26 July p60
- review - A Simple Study in Theosophy by Michael J Whitty --
OccRev y1917 v26 July p60 - review - Day & Night Stories by
Algernon Blackwood -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1917 v26 July p61 - review -
Constructive Thought: or How to obtain what you Desire by Benjamin
Johnson -- GMH
OccRev y1917 v26 July p61 - review - Boston Lectures on
the New Psychology by JCF Grumbine -- GMH
OccRev y1917 v26 July p62 -
review - The Two Witnesses (Joanna Southcott's Predictions) ed by Alice
Seymour -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 August p63 - Notes of the Month -
(a) Rex v Leo -- The Editor
OccRev y1917 v26 August p63 - Notes of the Month
- (b) Memoirs of a Balkan Diplomatist -- The Editor
OccRev y1917 v26 August
p74 - illustration - (a) Sapper Kelly - Holding a coin while searching --
OccRev y1917 v26 August p74 - illustration - (b) Sapper Kelly making
calculations for depth & quantity & feeling for water -- anon
y1917 v26 August p75 - An Egyptian Ritual Against Apophi & its Relation to
Modern Witchcraft -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1917 v26 August p84 - The Pagan
(vf) -- Lilian Holmes
OccRev y1917 v26 August p85 - A Case of Indirect
Telepathy -- NAN
OccRev y1917 v26 August p88 - Symbolism in Colour, Ancient
& Modern -- Grace Ethel Cowell
OccRev y1917 v26 August p96 - Come Out
(vf) -- Helen Beatrice Allan
OccRev y1917 v26 August p97 - Daniel Dunglas
Home -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1917 v26 August p104 - On the Nature of
Belief -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1917 v26 August p108 - Ltte - Telepathy --
OccRev y1917 v26 August p108 - Ltte - A Query -- FE Godfrey
y1917 v26 August p109 - Ltte - Spiritual Evolution -- FC Constable
y1917 v26 August p110 - Ltte - Thought Forms -- Miss FA Browne
OccRev y1917
v26 August p110 - Ltte - Madam Hands -- GA Field
OccRev y1917 v26 August p111
- Ltte - Sounds & Colours -- A. Watson
OccRev y1917 v26 August p112 -
Ltte - The Psychic Telegraph -- FAE
OccRev y1917 v26 August p113 - Ltte -
Gnomes & Fairies -- WB Hurst
OccRev y1917 v26 August p114 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1917 v26 August p118 - review - Two Plays
& a Rhapsody by Katharine Howard -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26 August p118
- review - The Dream-Child by Margaret Barker -- EMM
OccRev y1917
v26 August p118 - review - The God in You by Prentice Mulford -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 August p119 - review - The Voice in the
Light by Bart Kennedy -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1917 v26 August p120 -
review - Plays of Gods & Men by Lord Dunsany -- WH
OccRev y1917 v26 August p120 - review - Giordano Bruno: His Life,
Thought & Understanding by William Boulting -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1917 v26 August p121 - review - A Psychic Vigil in Three
Watches - anon -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917 v26 August p122 -
review - The Prophet of Nazareth by Elizabetha -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1917 v26 September p123 - Notes of the Month - Christianity
After the War -- The Editor
OccRev y1917 v26 September p131 - illustration -
A Death-Bed communication (hand written text reproduced) -- anon
OccRev y1917
v26 September p134 - The Music of Magic -- Sax Rohmer
OccRev y1917 v26
September p144 - illustration - (7 bars of petal dropping music, 6/4. 1 flat) --
OccRev y1917 v26 September p145 - Dreams -- Katharine Cox
y1917 v26 September p153 - More about "Mr Isaacs" - Gems & Jewels -- Edmund
OccRev y1917 v26 September p161 - Irish Charms & Incantations for
the cure of Disease -- Michael MacDonagh
OccRev y1917 v26 September p171 -
Ltte - Comfort for the Bereaved -- Ella Wheeler Wilcox (= Mrs Robert
OccRev y1917 v26 September p172 - Ltte - Psychic Experiences -- CF
OccRev y1917 v26 September p174 - Ltte - Sounds & Colours -- P
OccRev y1917 v26 September p175 - Ltte - Telepathy in Relation to
Animals -- Nita O'Sullivan-Beare
OccRev y1917 v26 September p175 - Ltte - The
Psychic Telegraph -- JL Cather
OccRev y1917 v26 September p176 - Ltte - A
Disavowal -- Mary Davies
OccRev y1917 v26 September p177 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1917 v26 September p180 - review - A Monster
Twilight by D Corkery -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1917 v26 September p180 -
review - The City of Christ by Paul Tyner -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26
September p180 - review - On Leave - Poems & Sonnets by E Armine
Wodehouse -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26 September p181 - review - Wonder Tales
from Scottish Myth & Legend by Donald A. MacKenzie -- WH
OccRev y1917 v26 September p181 - review - My Reminiscences
by Rabindranath Tagore -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 September p182 -
review - Signs in the Heavens of a Great World-Teacher by Gertrude de
Bielska -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26 September p182 - review - Starlight
by CW Leadbeater -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26 September p183 - review - The
River of Death & other Allegories by AES -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26
September p183 - review - The Vision Splendid by John Oxenham -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 September p184 - review - White Knights on
Dartmoor by Olive Katharine Parr (= Beatrice Chase) -- Edith K
OccRev y1917 v26 September p184 - review - The Racial Curse
by Frances Swiney -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 October p185 - Notes of
the Month - A Soldier's Story of his After-Death Experiences -- The
OccRev y1917 v26 October p192 - obituary - Alan Leo --
OccRev y1917 v26 October p193 - illustration - Alan Leo --
OccRev y1917 v26 October p197 - Some Celtic Memories -- JW
OccRev y1917 v26 October p209 - Sleep & Dreams -- PH
OccRev y1917 v26 October p214 - The Doctrine of Transcendence &
Emanation in Jewish Mysticism -- Sijil Abdul-Ali
OccRev y1917 v26 October
p222 - The Master (vf) -- Frederick James
OccRev y1917 v26 October p223 -
Dead Minds -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1917 v26 October p226 - The Wart-Charmers
of Warwickshire -- George Morley
OccRev y1917 v26 October p230 - Ltte - A
Prophetic Warning -- PH Palmer
OccRev y1917 v26 October p231 - Ltte -
Christianity After the War -- HJH
OccRev y1917 v26 October p232 - Ltte - Mr
Isaacs of Simla -- AED
OccRev y1917 v26 October p233 - Ltte - Unfamiliar
Phenomena -- Elizabeth Harman
OccRev y1917 v26 October p234 - Ltte - The
Burning of Judas Iscariot -- Alice M Dawson
OccRev y1917 v26 October p235 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1917 v26 October p239 - New &
Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1917 v26 October p242 - review -
Light of the Future - (anon Dubliner) -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917
v26 October p242 - review - Medical Botany; or, Herbal Guide to Health
by William Joseph Simmonite -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 October p243 -
review - The Rose of Dawn by Kate Chadwick -- RB Ince
OccRev y1917
v26 October p243 - review - Lessons in Truth by H Emilie Cady -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917 v26 October p243 - review - God &
Present Help by H Emilie Cady -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917 v26
October p244 - review - The Duality of the Bible, or the Scriptural Church
& Christianity by Sidney C Tapp -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917
v26 October p244 - review - Sir Walter Raleigh- selection from his
writings ed by GE Hadow -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26 October p245 - review -
The Sense of the Past by Henry James -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1917 v26
October p246 - review - Canada the Spellbinder by Lilian Whiting --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 November p247 - Notes of the Month - Death
& Sleep - A Communication from Hell - Astrology & the War -- The
OccRev y1917 v26 November p263 - Modern Survivals of Old Beliefs -- LJ
OccRev y1917 v26 November p273 - The Life of Trees -- Angel
OccRev y1917 v26 November p276 - The Weird in the West Country --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1917 v26 November p284 - Immanence & Continuity
as Obstacles to Thought -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917 v26 November p288
- The Origin of Evil -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1917 v26 November p299 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1917 v26 November p303 - review -
The Mirror of Gesture - Abhinaya Darpana of Nandikesvara - tr Ananda
Coomaraswamy -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1917 v26 November p303 - review -
The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse ed by DHS Nicholson & AHE
Lee -- EMM
OccRev y1917 v26 November p304 - review - The Irish on the
Somme by Michael MacDonagh -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 November
p305 - review - Dream Psychology by Maurice Nicoll -- HJS
y1917 v26 November p306 - review - Rational Memory Training by BF
Austin -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917 v26 December p307 - Notes of the Month
- The Dilemma of A Transcendentalist - Astrological Notes -- The
OccRev y1917 v26 December p307 - (Science & the Infinite
by Sydney T Klein) -- The Editor
OccRev y1917 v26 December p320 - Morte
d'Arthur (vf) -- EM Murray
OccRev y1917 v26 December p321 - How to Read the
Tea-cup -- A Highland Seer
OccRev y1917 v26 December p321 - illustration - a
Specimen Tea-cup (with interpretation) -- anon
OccRev y1917 v26 December p327
- illustration - an actual Tea-Cup (with interpretation) -- anon
OccRev y1917
v26 December p328 - A Lodge of Magic -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1917 v26
December p335 - The Mystery of Childhood -- J Cochrane
OccRev y1917 v26
December p338 - Reincarnation - Fragments of Memory -- Jocelyn
OccRev y1917 v26 December p343 - Alan Leo - An Appreciation -- Mrs
Campbell Praed
OccRev y1917 v26 December p350 - Occult Revelations of a
Flying Man -- A Philosophical Aviator
OccRev y1917 v26 December p352 - Old
Mrs Camperfield's Ghost Stories -- Gerda M Calmady-Hamlyn
OccRev y1917 v26
December p359 - Angels -- F Fielding-Ould
OccRev y1917 v26 December p365 -
Ltte - Evidence of a Future Life: Mrs Wilcox's Experiences -- Ella Wheeler
OccRev y1917 v26 December p366 - Ltte - Proofs of Identity -- M
OccRev y1917 v26 December p366 - Ltte - Dream Traveling -- JW
OccRev y1917 v26 December p367 - Ltte - The Form of the Spirit
-- WW Harris
OccRev y1917 v26 December p367 - Ltte - Sounds & Colours --
Mrs Alys Watson
OccRev y1917 v26 December p368 - Ltte - Portents in the Sky
-- Mary Crosland Taylor
OccRev y1917 v26 December p368 - Ltte - The
Microscope of the Future -- JF
OccRev y1917 v26 December p370 - Ltte - A
Medium's Prediction -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1917 v26 December p371 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1917 v26 December p375 - review -
The Religion of Tomorrow - A Study in the Evolution of Religious
Thought by WJ Colville -- A?HS Redgrove
OccRev y1917 v26 December p375 -
review - The Invisible Guide by G Lewis Hind -- GMH
OccRev y1917 v26
December p376 - review - The Mystery of Gabriel by Michael Wood --
Virginia Milward
OccRev y1917 v26 December p377 - review - Telepathy,
Genuine & Fraudulent by WW Baggally -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1917
v26 December p377 - review - Black & White Magic by EHWM &
Wilfrid Blair -- RB Ince
OccRev y1917 v26 December p378 - review - The
Rod of the Snake by Vere Shortt & Frances Mathews -- WH
OccRev y1918 v27 January p1 - Notes of the Month - The Poltergeist -
A Study in Badly Behaved Ghosts -- The Editor
OccRev y1918 v27 January p1 -
(review - The Epworth Phenomena by Dudley Wright) -- The
OccRev y1918 v27 January p19 - Bluebeard & the Maid of Orleans - A
Study in 15thC Sorcery -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1918 v27 January p33 - In a
Convent Chapel -- Nora Alexander
OccRev y1918 v27 January p36 - The Rishi's
Morning Prayer (vf) -- Frederic Thurstan
OccRev y1918 v27 January p37 - The
Irish at the Gates of Death -- Michael MacDonagh
OccRev y1918 v27 January p44
- A Seer's Philosophy -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1918 v27 January p48 - Ltte -
Science & the Infinite; From the Watch-tower -- Sydney T
OccRev y1918 v27 January p49 - (a long reply to Mr Klein) --
OccRev y1918 v27 January p52 - Ltte - Sound & Colour -- Alf. King
(Mus. D. Oxon)
OccRev y1918 v27 January p52 - Ltte - Invisible Child
Playmates -- JSM Ward
OccRev y1918 v27 January p53 - Ltte - Astrology &
Child Nature -- An Observer
OccRev y1918 v27 January p55 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v27 January p59 - review - The Tree of
Heaven by May Sinclair -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1918 v27 January p59 -
review - Our Glorious Future by Mabel Collins -- HJS
OccRev y1918
v27 January p60 - review - The Fiery Cross: Some verse for Today &
Tomorrow by John Oxenham -- GMH
OccRev y1918 v27 January p60 - review -
Maid of the Moonflower by Cecil Adair -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1918 v27
February p61 - Notes of the Month - A Philosophical Defence of Reincarnation --
The Editor
OccRev y1918 v27 February p79 - Brahma (vf) -- JSM Ward
y1918 v27 February p81 - Orthodoxy & the War -- George Goodchild
y1918 v27 February p88 - The Problem of the Astrals -- RB Ince
OccRev y1918
v27 February p93 - Talismans of the Past & Present -- WT & K
OccRev y1918 v27 February p99 - A True Experience -- Annie
OccRev y1918 v27 February p102 - Elemental Cradle Song (vf) -- Leo
OccRev y1918 v27 February p103 - Two Dreams with Curious Sequels --
Alice Cunninghame
OccRev y1918 v27 February p109 - Ltte - Bluebeard & the
Maid of Orleans -- Montague Summers
OccRev y1918 v27 February p110 - Ltte -
Poltergeist Phenomena -- A Psychic
OccRev y1918 v27 February p111 - Ltte -
Pictures in the Crystal -- An Inquirer
OccRev y1918 v27 February p111 - Ltte
- The Form of the Spirit -- FE Bayard Elton
OccRev y1918 v27 February p112 -
Ltte - The Old Catholic Church (1) -- EM Murray
OccRev y1918 v27 February
p113 - Ltte - The Old Catholic Church (2) -- GH Blane
OccRev y1918 v27
February p114 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v27 February p118
- review - The Other Mrs Scarlette by AH Bennett -- WH
OccRev y1918 v27 February p118 - review - A Defence of
Idealism by May Sinclair -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 February p119 - review
- Mountain Meditations by L Lind-af-Hageby -- Edith K Harper
y1918 v27 February p120 - review - The Work of the Masters by C Lazenby
-- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 February p120 - review - World Without End
by Walter Crisp -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 March p121 - Notes of the Month - (a)
Ghosts at Glastonbury -- The Editor
OccRev y1918 v27 March p121 - Notes of
the Month - (b) Happiness in Heaven -- The Editor
OccRev y1918 v27 March p123
- illustration - The Ruins of Glastonbury Abbey -- anon
OccRev y1918 v27
March p125 - illustration - conjectural Reconstruction of North Transept,
Glastonbury Abbey -- anon
OccRev y1918 v27 March p127 - illustration -
conjectural Reconstruction of the Interior of Glastonbury Abbey --
OccRev y1918 v27 March p136 - Illumined (vf) -- Ella Wheeler
OccRev y1918 v27 March p137 - The Vampire Legend - Its Origin &
Nature -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1918 v27 March p146 - The Skull & its
Story -- Philippa Francklyn
OccRev y1918 v27 March p150 - The Unwritten Law
in Jewish Mysticism -- Sijil Abdul-Ali
OccRev y1918 v27 March p159 - On
Dreams -- Jocelyn Underhill
OccRev y1918 v27 March p164 - Ltte - The Animals'
Auxiliary Alliance -- FV McDonnell
OccRev y1918 v27 March p164 - Ltte -
Bluebeard & the Maid of Orleans (1) -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1918 v27
March p166 - Ltte - Bluebeard & the Maid of Orleans (2) -- Georges
OccRev y1918 v27 March p166 - Ltte - Crystal Visions -- J
Arthur Hill
OccRev y1918 v27 March p167 - Ltte - Reincarnation among Early
Christians (1) -- HJH
OccRev y1918 v27 March p167 - Ltte - Reincarnation
among Early Christians (2) -- JH MacDonald
OccRev y1918 v27 March p168 - Ltte
- The Phantom Hounds -- WW
OccRev y1918 v27 March p168 - Ltte - The Old
Catholic Church -- Reginald Farrer
OccRev y1918 v27 March p170 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v27 March p174 - New & Forthcoming
Publications -- various
OccRev y1918 v27 March p176 - review - The
Science of Immortality by DN Dunlop -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 March p176 -
review - The Golden verses of Pythagoras by Fabre d'Olivet -- H Stanley
OccRev y1918 v27 March p177 - review - Basil Wilberforce,
Archdeacon of Westminster by George WE Russell -- Edith K Harper
y1918 v27 March p178 - review - Man's Unconscious Conflict by Wilfrid
Lay -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 March p178 - review - Messages from Meslom,
through Lawrence - anon -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v27 March p179 -
review - The Psychoanalytic Method by Oskar Pfister -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1918 v27 March p180 - review - The German Terror in
France by Arnold J Toynbee -- Virginia Milward
OccRev y1918 v27 March
p180 - review - More Than This World Dreams by Coulson Kernahan --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v27 April p181 - Notes of the Month - Poland - A
Footnote to Prophecy -- The Editor
OccRev y1918 v27 April p194 - The Birds of
Venus (vf) -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1918 v27 April p196 - The Cross & its
Symbolism -- Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1918 v27 April p203 - Rents in the
Curtain - A Study in Certain Aspects of Reality -- G Melbourne Mayhew
y1918 v27 April p211 - Psychic Help for Soldiers & Sailors -- JW
OccRev y1918 v27 April p222 - Fragments of Maori Cosmogony &
Folklore -- Axel Dane
OccRev y1918 v27 April p226 - Ltte - Good & Evil --
FC Constable
OccRev y1918 v27 April p229 - Ltte - Mr Klein's Theories --
OccRev y1918 v27 April p229 - Ltte - Reincarnation -- PV
OccRev y1918
v27 April p230 - Ltte - Old Catholic Church -- EM Murray
OccRev y1918 v27
April p230 - Ltte - A Phantom Procession in Egypt -- X.
OccRev y1918 v27
April p231 - Ltte - Occult Meditations of a Flying Man -- Georges
OccRev y1918 v27 April p232 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1918 v27 April p236 - review - Blue Flame by Hubert
Wales -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1918 v27 April p236 - review - The Wonders of
Instinct by JH Fabre -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1918 v27 April p237 - review
- The Questions of Ignotus - anon -- Virginia Milward
OccRev y1918
v27 April p238 - review - Prayer: Its Nature & Practice by H
Maynard Smith -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 April p238 - review - Dreams - What
they are & What they mean by JW Wickwar -- Edith K Harper
y1918 v27 April p238 - review - The Mystic Vision in the Great Legend
by Lizette Andrews Fisher -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1918 v27 April p240
- review - Immortality - An Essay - co-ordinating Scientific, Psychical
& Biblical Research by (Streeter & ...) -- Veritas
OccRev y1918
v27 May p241 - Notes of the Month - The Origin of Life -- The Editor
y1918 v27 May p256 - The Cathari - Their Religious and Industrial Work -- Daisy
OccRev y1918 v27 May p265 - Sanctuary (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
y1918 v27 May p266 - A Strange Happening -- Ethel Harter
OccRev y1918 v27 May
p274 - The Power of Life -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1918 v27 May p283 - The
Lion -- KLP
OccRev y1918 v27 May p289 - Ltte - The Question of Ignotius --
(the author of The Question of Ignotius)
OccRev y1918 v27 May p290 - Ltte -
The Mystery of Childhood -- HGB
OccRev y1918 v27 May p292 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v27 May p296 - review - The Question - If
a Man Die Shall He Live Again? by Edward Clodd -- J Arthur Hill
y1918 v27 May p298 - review - The Invisible Foe by Walter Hackett &
Mrs GC Miln -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 May p298 - review - The Will to
Freedom by John Neville Figgis -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v27 May
p299 - review - Reality & Truth by John G Vance -- H Stanley
OccRev y1918 v27 May p300 - review - Life Beyond the Veil
by JH Howard -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1918 v27 June p301 - Notes of the
Month - Psychic Experiences of the Dying - Ministry of Angels -- The
OccRev y1918 v27 June p316 - Unde Panem? (vf) -- CL Ryley
y1918 v27 June p318 - The Brahan Seer (Kenneth Dun (Coinneach Odhar Foisache)) -
An Appreciation -- LCR Cameron
OccRev y1918 v27 June p326 - When We Must Die
(vf) -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1918 v27 June p327 - Dreams -- Bart
OccRev y1918 v27 June p330 - Etheric Vibrations -- E Katharine
OccRev y1918 v27 June p335 - Evidences of Spirit Communion --
OccRev y1918 v27 June p338 - Some Ghostly Incidents -- Reginald B
OccRev y1918 v27 June p344 - Ltte - Whence Have I Come? -- Richard A.
OccRev y1918 v27 June p347 - Ltte - The Apostolical Succession -- Arnold
H Mathew
OccRev y1918 v27 June p348 - Ltte - The Old Catholic Church (1) --
JI Wedgwood
OccRev y1918 v27 June p351 - Ltte - The Old Catholic Church (2)
-- Bernard M Williams
OccRev y1918 v27 June p352 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1918 v27 June p356 - review - The Twilight of the
Hohenzollerns: A World Tragedy by Glyn Philpot -- anon
OccRev y1918 v27
June p357 - review - The Nature of Mysticism by C Jinarajadasa --
OccRev y1918 v27 June p357 - review - My Holy Place by Arthur
Burgess -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 June p357 - review - Krishna the
Coward by Mohini Mohan Dhar -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v27 June p357 - review -
Annie Besant - an autobiography by Annie Besant -- GMH
OccRev y1918
v27 June p358 - review - The Coming Crisis in the Churches: & How to
Meet It by William Phipps -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v27 June p358 -
review - A Message to the Church by Alex McKirdy -- Edith K
OccRev y1918 v27 June p359 - review - Arthur Stanton: A
Member by George Russell -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v27 June p360 -
review - Jap Herron - A Novel written from the Ouija Board - anon --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 July p1 - Notes of the Month - The Fourth
Gospel & its Authorship -- The Editor
OccRev y1918 v28 July p16 -
Character & Life -- John Butler Burke
OccRev y1918 v28 July p25 - The
Evolution of a Psychical Researcher -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1918 v28 July
p27 - illustration - J Arthur Hill - signed -- anon
OccRev y1918 v28 July p32
- A Post-Mortem Room Ghost -- JH Power
OccRev y1918 v28 July p35 - Ideal (vf)
-- Jocelyn Underhill
OccRev y1918 v28 July p36 - The Twelve-Fold Path of the
Glorious Nine -- Leo French
OccRev y1918 v28 July p44 - The Hermetic
Tradition -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1918 v28 July p47 - Ltte - The
Origin of Life -- Isabelle de Steiger
OccRev y1918 v28 July p49 - Ltte - The
Alchemical Society -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1918 v28 July p50 - Ltte -
Spiritual Flowers -- FC Constable
OccRev y1918 v28 July p51 - Ltte - A Death
Omen -- BWE
OccRev y1918 v28 July p52 - Ltte - Is Long Life a Blessing? -- An
Ignorant Inquirer
OccRev y1918 v28 July p52 - Ltte - Woman & the Old
Catholic Church -- CE Andrews
OccRev y1918 v28 July p53 - Ltte - The Old
Catholic Church -- JI Wedgwood
OccRev y1918 v28 July p54 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v28 July p58 - review - The Promise of
Air by Algernon Blackwood -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1918 v28 July p58 -
review - The Single Eye - essays from the mystic point of view by
Arthur Edward Gray -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1918 v28 July p58 - review
- Moments of Vision, & miscellaneous verses by Thomas Hardy --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 July p59 - review - This Life & the
Next by PT Forsyth -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1918 v28 July p62 - review -
Linnets in the Slums by Marion Pryce -- EMM
OccRev y1918 v28 July
p62 - review - The Tryst & other Poems by EV Rieu -- EMM
y1918 v28 August p63 - Notes of the Month - A "Spirit" Doctor & his "Case"
-- The Editor
OccRev y1918 v28 August p72 - The Little Girl's Riddle (vf) --
Eva Gore Booth
OccRev y1918 v28 August p73 - Kabir's Chart to Hidden Treasure
-- GRS Mead
OccRev y1918 v28 August p82 - India's Magic Weapons -- Edmund
OccRev y1918 v28 August p93 - The Oracle of Delphi -- The
OccRev y1918 v28 August p101 - Personal Reminiscences of Eusapia
Palladino -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1918 v28 August p109 - Ltte - The
Philosophy of Mr Walter Winans -- ED
OccRev y1918 v28 August p111 - Ltte -
Transfiguration -- WW
OccRev y1918 v28 August p112 - Ltte - Wart-Charming --
WA Maas
OccRev y1918 v28 August p112 - Ltte - Is Long Life a Blessing? --
OccRev y1918 v28 August p112 - Ltte - Mr Rathmell Wilson's Novel -
"Rebirth" -- Rathmell Wilson
OccRev y1918 v28 August p114 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v28 August p118 - review - The Devil's
Stairs by Mrs Stanley Wrench -- GMH
OccRev y1918 v28 August p118 -
review - The New Prophecy by RK Arnaud -- Edith K Harper
y1918 v28 August p119 - review - Christian Science & the Ordinary
Man by Walter S Harris -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 August p120 -
review - Handbook of the New Thought by Horatio W Dresser -- Edith K
OccRev y1918 v28 August p120 - review - The Opening Door by
John Batten -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 August p121 - review - The
Dartmoor Window again by Beatrice Chase (Olive Katharine Parr) -- Edith K
OccRev y1918 v28 August p121 - review - Breathing Power by
Haydn Brown -- EMM
OccRev y1918 v28 August p122 - review - The House of
Dreams by J Hugh Power -- EMM
OccRev y1918 v28 August p122 - review -
Life's Fitful Fever by Kate Everest -- Virginia Milward
OccRev y1918
v28 August p122 - review - Some Practical Hints for those Investigating the
Phenomena of Spiritualism by WJ Crawford -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1918 v28 August p123 - review - The Drift of Pinions by Robert Keable
-- GMH
OccRev y1918 v28 August p124 - review - The Price of Freedom
by F Melian Stawell -- EMM
OccRev y1918 v28 August p124 - review - The
Garden of Survival by Algernon Blackwood -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1918 v28
September p125 - Notes of the Month - Anticipations of a Millennium -- The
OccRev y1918 v28 September p136 - Spirit Lights & Spirit Voices --
A Roamer (Pseudonym, female)
OccRev y1918 v28 September p147 - Automatic
Drawing -- FAM
OccRev y1918 v28 September p148 - illustration - (decorative)
-- anon
OccRev y1918 v28 September p149 - illustration - (decorative) --
OccRev y1918 v28 September p151 - Reason & Revelation -- Sijil
OccRev y1918 v28 September p161 - A Wartime Scripture -- Jocelyn
OccRev y1918 v28 September p165 - Hic Jacet? (vf) -- Helen Beatrice
OccRev y1918 v28 September p166 - A Dream -- Winifred Barrows
y1918 v28 September p167 - Valediction of a Fire-Deva (vf) -- Leo
OccRev y1918 v28 September p168 - Vibrations -- Arthur
OccRev y1918 v28 September p172 - Ltte - Stags' Souls -- CM
OccRev y1918 v28 September p172 - Ltte - What is Theophany? -- WT
OccRev y1918 v28 September p173 - Ltte - Hurt in a Dream -- A
OccRev y1918 v28 September p174 - Ltte - Transfiguration --
OccRev y1918 v28 September p175 - Ltte - The Sentient Earth -- Mary
OccRev y1918 v28 September p176 - Ltte - Mr
Rathmell-Wilson's Novel "Re-Birth" -- Your Reviewer
OccRev y1918 v28
September p176 - Ltte - The Philosophy of Mr Walter Winans -- Scintilla
OccRev y1918 v28 September p177 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1918 v28 September p181 - review - Shakti & Shakta
by John Woodroffe -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v28 September p181 - review - Le
Subconscient Normal by Edouard Abramowski -- WHC
OccRev y1918 v28
September p182 - review - The Undiscovered Country by Harold Bayley --
H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1918 v28 September p183 - review - That Other
World - Personal Experience of Mystics & Their Mysticism by Stuart
Cumberland -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1918 v28 September p184 - review -
The Path Eternal, & other poems by JR Denning -- EMM
y1918 v28 September p184 - review - Credo Philosophique by Evreux --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1918 v28 September p185 - review - The
Sacramental Life by Emily Lutyens -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1918
v28 September p185 - review - Self-Unfoldment by BF Austin -- H Stanley
OccRev y1918 v28 September p186 - review - The Life of Armalle
Nicholas tr Thomas Taylor Allen -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v28 October p187 -
Notes of the Month - Telepathy & the Society for Psychical Research -- The
OccRev y1918 v28 October p204 - Earthbound Spirits -- Reginald B
OccRev y1918 v28 October p213 - Fijian Witchcraft -- Loloma
y1918 v28 October p215 - Mystical Substitution -- Montague Summers
y1918 v28 October p220 - The Reaper of Dreams (vf) -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1918
v28 October p221 - Yoga Philosophy -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1918 v28
October p230 - Life's Meaning (vf) -- JG Calverley
OccRev y1918 v28 October
p231 - Ltte - The Morality of Killing -- Walter Winans
OccRev y1918 v28
October p232 - Ltte - The Line of Life -- Sceptics
OccRev y1918 v28 October
p232 - Ltte - Theophany (1) -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1918 v28 October
p233 - Ltte - Theophany (2) -- A Student
OccRev y1918 v28 October p234 - Ltte
- Virgil's Fourth Eclogue -- HM
OccRev y1918 v28 October p235 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v28 October p239 - New & Forthcoming
Publications -- various
OccRev y1918 v28 October p242 - review - The
Bhagavad-Gita Interpreted by Holden E Sampson -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v28
October p242 - review - Parables by Agnes E Hands -- EMM
y1918 v28 October p243 - review - An Essay on Prayer by William Loftus
Hare -- HJS
OccRev y1918 v28 October p243 - review - Olympus Speaks - A
Revelation from the Unseen World by Finnoula Mayo -- EMM
OccRev y1918
v28 October p244 - review - The Coming Dawn - A War Anthology by
Theodora Thompson -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 November p245 - Notes of
the Month - Science & Unexplained Phenomena - Animal Magnetism -- The
OccRev y1918 v28 November p259 - The Earthly Lover (vf) -- Marion
OccRev y1918 v28 November p260 - Isis Unveiled - Personal Recollections
of Madame Blavatsky -- Edmund Russell
OccRev y1918 v28 November p270 -
Concerning Mandrakes -- Madeline Tate
OccRev y1918 v28 November p273 - to AMS
(vf) -- Jessie EP Foreland
OccRev y1918 v28 November p274 - Spirit Protection
- A Verified Message -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 November p277 -
Involution & Evolution -- EF Maynard
OccRev y1918 v28 November p284 -
Extraordinary News Transference -- Cyril Campbell & RM Bloch
OccRev y1918
v28 November p289 - Ltte - Hurt in a Dream -- A Novice
OccRev y1918 v28
November p290 - Ltte - Theophany -- SF Jackson
OccRev y1918 v28 November p290
- Ltte - The Morality of Killing (1) -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1918
v28 November p291 - Ltte - The Morality of Killing (2) -- Mabel
OccRev y1918 v28 November p292 - Ltte - Problems of Time & Space
-- FC Constable
OccRev y1918 v28 November p293 - Ltte - (reply to FC
Constable) -- editor
OccRev y1918 v28 November p294 - Ltte - Reincarnation --
Arthur Trefusis
OccRev y1918 v28 November p294 - Ltte - Peculiar Coincidence
in Dreams -- Miriam Milner French
OccRev y1918 v28 November p295 - Ltte -
(strange music from the woods) -- LT
OccRev y1918 v28 November p296 - Ltte -
More Dreams -- Winifred Casson
OccRev y1918 v28 November p297 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v28 November p301 - review - The Mount of
Vision by Charles H Brent -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1918 v28
November p301 - review - What is this Spiritualism? by Horace Leaf --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 November p302 - review - The World's Bane
& Other Stories by Phyllis E Bentley -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918
v28 November p302 - review - Ideas of God by AL Wareham -- H Stanley
OccRev y1918 v28 November p303 - review - The Harvest & the
Vintage by CDH McMillan -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 November p304
- review - Over the Hills & Far Away by Guy Fleming -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1918 v28 November p304 - review - Recent Words from
Christ upon this War taken down by A Scribe -- Edith K Harper
y1918 v28 December p305 - Notes of the Month - (1) The Pax Christians -- The
OccRev y1918 v28 December p305 - Notes of the Month - (2) The Story of
Austria & the Haunted Hapsburgs -- The Editor
OccRev y1918 v28 December
p317 - The Occult Lore of Bells -- Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1918 v28 December
p324 - Phantoms? -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1918 v28 December p327 - Captain
Lorimer's Ghost Story -- Gerda M Calmady-Hamlyn
OccRev y1918 v28 December
p333 - Some Psychical Adventures -- Herbert C Kent
OccRev y1918 v28 December
p341 - On Reincarnations -- A. Roamer
OccRev y1918 v28 December p349 - The
Ethereal & the Material -- RB Span
OccRev y1918 v28 December p358 - Ltte
- A Psychic Experience -- Nita O'Sullivan Beare
OccRev y1918 v28 December
p358 - Ltte - Reincarnation Points -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1918 v28
December p359 - Ltte - The Morality of Killing (1) -- PHF
OccRev y1918 v28
December p360 - Ltte - The Morality of Killing (2) -- Walter Winans
y1918 v28 December p361 - Ltte - Animal Magnetism -- P Fraser
OccRev y1918
v28 December p361 - Ltte - Mystical Substitution -- Clo-T-de
OccRev y1918 v28
December p363 - Ltte - A Visit from the Devil -- Maude MC Ffoulkes
y1918 v28 December p365 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1918 v28
December p369 - review - Christopher - A Study of Human Personality by
Oliver Lodge -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1918 v28 December p369 - review -
Spiritualism & the Christian Faith by EW Barnes -- Edith K
OccRev y1918 v28 December p370 - review - One Hundred &
Seventy Chinese Poems tr by Arthur Waley -- EMM
OccRev y1918 v28
December p371 - review - The Imprisoned Freeman by Helen S Woodruff --
WH Chesson
OccRev y1918 v28 December p371 - review - Out of Chaos by
Moysheh Oyved -- HH
OccRev y1918 v28 December p372 - review -
Originality by T Sharper Knowlson -- JBB
OccRev y1919 v29 January p1
- Notes of the Month - President Lincoln & His Medium -- The
OccRev y1919 v29 January p18 - Psychic Photography -- Hereward
OccRev y1919 v29 January p20 - illustration - No 1 (swimming
ghosts) -- anon
OccRev y1919 v29 January p21 - illustration - No 2 (ghosts
...?) -- anon
OccRev y1919 v29 January p22 - illustration - No 3 (men with
...?) -- anon
OccRev y1919 v29 January p24 - illustration - No 4 (ghosts) --
OccRev y1919 v29 January p25 - illustration - No 5 (ghost ...?) --
OccRev y1919 v29 January p26 - illustration - No 6 (ghost ...?) --
OccRev y1919 v29 January p27 - illustration - No 7 (ghost ...?) --
OccRev y1919 v29 January p28 - illustration - No 8 (ghost ...?) --
OccRev y1919 v29 January p29 - illustration - No 9 (fog ...?) --
OccRev y1919 v29 January p31 - A Happy Child-Ghost -- May
OccRev y1919 v29 January p35 - Some Prophecies of the Past -- RB
OccRev y1919 v29 January p41 - "Pansy" - A True Story of an Invisible
Helper -- Lilian Whiting
OccRev y1919 v29 January p45 - The Smead Case --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 January p50 - Ltte - Is Killing Animals
Cruelty? (1) -- Walter Winans
OccRev y1919 v29 January p50 - Ltte - Is
Killing Animals Cruelty? (2) -- Catherine M Metcalfe
OccRev y1919 v29 January
p51 - Ltte - Is Killing Animals Cruelty? (3) -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1919
v29 January p51 - Ltte - Is Killing Animals Cruelty? (4) -- PV
OccRev y1919
v29 January p51 - Ltte - Interpretation of Dreams & Visions -- Arthur
Mallord Turner
OccRev y1919 v29 January p52 - Ltte - Dreams that Hurt --
Jessie EP Foreland
OccRev y1919 v29 January p53 - Ltte - Animal Magnetism
& Suggestion (1) -- Semper Vigilans
OccRev y1919 v29 January p54 - Ltte -
Animal Magnetism & Suggestion (2) -- M Salis
OccRev y1919 v29 January p54
- Ltte - A Potent Charm -- A. Cosgrave George
OccRev y1919 v29 January p55 -
Ltte - (copy of letter) -- anon Lt. RAF
OccRev y1919 v29 January p56 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1919 v29 January p60 - review -
Spiritualism: Its History, Phenomena & Doctrine by J Arthur Hill --
OccRev y1919 v29 January p61 - review - 70,000 Veils by Florence
Lederer (Felicity) -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919 v29 January p61 - review -
Mails from the Continent of Death by FA Fuller -- WH Chesson
y1919 v29 January p62 - review - The Sword of Justice a play by Eva
Gore-Booth -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919 v29 January p62 - review - Claude's
Book by L Kelway-Bamber -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 February p63
- Notes of the Month - Michael Scot -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v29 February
p75 - Souvenir (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1919 v29 February p76 - The
Occult Lore of the Mirror -- Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1919 v29 February p85 -
The Strange Adventure of a Sportsman -- ed by HB Allan
OccRev y1919 v29
February p90 - The Tarot Cards -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1919 v29 February
p99 - The Poltergeist & his Critics -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1919 v29
February p109 - Ltte - The Morality of Killing (1) -- PHF
OccRev y1919 v29
February p110 - Ltte - The Morality of Killing (2) -- G Windsor Clive
y1919 v29 February p111 - Ltte - Impossible to Escape Guilt for Animal Killing
-- Walter Winans
OccRev y1919 v29 February p111 - Ltte - Why the Deer was
Shot -- G Trevor
OccRev y1919 v29 February p112 - Ltte - The Problem of Evil
-- ECM Davis
OccRev y1919 v29 February p113 - Ltte - The Tarot Cards --
Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1919 v29 February p113 - Ltte - A Scientific
Criticism -- GG Beamish
OccRev y1919 v29 February p115 - Ltte - Dreams -- JW
OccRev y1919 v29 February p117 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1919 v29 February p121 - review - Umbrae Silentes by
Frank Pearce Sturm -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1919 v29 February p121 -
review - Songs of Wales & Devon by Winnifred Tasker -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1919 v29 February p122 - review - Winning
Success by Eric Wood -- EMM
OccRev y1919 v29 February p122 - review -
Reality with Faerie Meets by Monica & Margaret Painter -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1919 v29 March p123 - Notes of the Month - Emanuel
Swedenborg -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v29 March p127 - illustration - Emanuel
Swedenborg -- anon
OccRev y1919 v29 March p139 - The Garden of Love (vf) --
Frances Annesley
OccRev y1919 v29 March p140 - Views of Life & Death in
Burma -- May Crommelin
OccRev y1919 v29 March p149 - "Super-Normal" -
Physiology & Materialization -- Stanley de Brath
OccRev y1919 v29 March
p157 - The Tarot & Secret Tradition -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1919
v29 March p162 - Ltte - A Strange Dream -- Jessie EP Foreland
OccRev y1919
v29 March p163 - Ltte - Some Psychic Experiences -- Descendant of a Moy
OccRev y1919 v29 March p164 - Ltte - A Visit from the Devil -- Hilary
OccRev y1919 v29 March p165 - Ltte - The Unknown Philosopher --
OccRev y1919 v29 March p166 - Ltte - The Tarot Cards -- Isis
y1919 v29 March p167 - Ltte - A Dream of Prentice Mulford -- JDH
OccRev y1919
v29 March p168 - Ltte - "Pansy" & St Antoine -- A Seeker
OccRev y1919 v29
March p168 - Ltte - The Morality of Killing -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1919 v29
March p170 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1919 v29 March p174 - New
& Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1919 v29 March p177 -
review - Rupert Lives! by Walter Wynn -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919 v29
March p177 - review - The Feast of Youth by Harindranath Chattopadhyay
-- EMM
OccRev y1919 v29 March p178 - review - Green Dusk for Dreams
by Cecil Adair -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919 v29 March p178 - review - The
Candle of Vision by AS London -- EMM
OccRev y1919 v29 March p179 -
review - Man's Supreme Inheritance by F Mathhias Alexander -- H Stanley
OccRev y1919 v29 March p180 - review - Karma, A Reincarnation
Play by Algernon Blackwood & Violet Pearn -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919
v29 March p180 - review - Ethics of Education by Beatrice de Normann
& G Colmore -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v29 March p181 - review -
Psychism - Glastonbury & the month by Paul Hookham -- Edith K
OccRev y1919 v29 March p181 - review - A Psychic Vigil in Three
Watches ed by HR Haweis -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1919 v29 March
p182 - review - Life's Inspirations by Lily L Allen -- EMM
y1919 v29 April p183 - Notes of the Month - The "Orthodoxy" of Gilbert K
Chesterton -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v29 April p200 - To India (vf) -- Ralph
OccRev y1919 v29 April p201 - On Passing Over- & Our Welcome
Home -- May Crommelin
OccRev y1919 v29 April p212 - The Fakir & the
Carpet - An Indian Story -- Gerda M Calmady-Hamlyn
OccRev y1919 v29 April
p219 - A Psychic Family -- F.
OccRev y1919 v29 April p222 - Lux Benigna (vf)
-- Frederick Nicholls
OccRev y1919 v29 April p223 - The Occult Life --
Herbert Adams
OccRev y1919 v29 April p228 - Ltte - The Transmutation of
Metals -- Wayfarer
OccRev y1919 v29 April p229 - Ltte - The Morality of
Killing (1) -- The Cats' Owner
OccRev y1919 v29 April p229 - Ltte - The
Morality of Killing (2) -- Walter Winans
OccRev y1919 v29 April p230 - Ltte -
The Problem of Evil -- Walter Winans
OccRev y1919 v29 April p231 - Ltte -
More than a Coincidence -- William Pethybridge
OccRev y1919 v29 April p231 -
Ltte - Pansy & St Anthony (1) -- A Lover of Fairies
OccRev y1919 v29
April p232 - Ltte - Pansy & St Anthony (2) -- SDH
OccRev y1919 v29 April
p232 - Ltte - A MAn without a Face -- ED
OccRev y1919 v29 April p233 - Ltte -
The Tarot Cards -- GHP
OccRev y1919 v29 April p234 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1919 v29 April p235 - obituary - Mr Sijil Abdul Ali (... - 1918)
-- anon
OccRev y1919 v29 April p238 - review - Psychical Phenomena &
the War by Hereward Carrington -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 April
p238 - review - The Luminous Pearl by Frank Hamel -- HJS
y1919 v29 April p239 - review - What is Psychoanalysis? by Isador H
Coriat -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v29 April p239 - review - The
Threshold of the Spiritual World by Rudolf Steiner -- H Stanley
OccRev y1919 v29 April p240 - review - The Book of the Cave
Gaurisan Karguna by Sri Ananda Acharya -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919 v29
April p241 - review - Studies in Early Judian Thought by Dorothea Jane
Stephen -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 April p241 - review -
Symphonies by EHW Meyerstein -- GMH
OccRev y1919 v29 April p242 -
review - The Way of the World Worth Living In by a departed Son of Man
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 May p243 - Notes of the Month - (a)
Experiments with the Ouija-Board -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v29 May p253 -
Notes of the Month - (b) Sir William Crookes & "Katie King" -- The
OccRev y1919 v29 May p257 - Universal Symbolism -- H Stanley
OccRev y1919 v29 May p266 - "Consider the Lilies" (vf) -- Eva
OccRev y1919 v29 May p267 - Traces of the Devil in Welsh Folk-Lore
-- ML Lewes
OccRev y1919 v29 May p271 - The Cosmic Rose (vf) -- Jocelyn
OccRev y1919 v29 May p272 - Reincarnation -- CG Sander
y1919 v29 May p280 - Saint Antony of Padua -- Montague Summers
OccRev y1919
v29 May p284 - MacGregor Mathers - Some Personal Reminiscences -- JW
OccRev y1919 v29 May p287 - Ltte - Something Beyond Telepathy --
ES Gunton
OccRev y1919 v29 May p288 - Ltte - A Psychic Dog -- ARB
y1919 v29 May p289 - Ltte - The War & the Sermon on the Mount -- FC
OccRev y1919 v29 May p290 - Ltte - The Morality of Killing -- Mabel
OccRev y1919 v29 May p291 - Ltte - Swedenborg -- J Scott
OccRev y1919 v29 May p292 - Ltte - (inclosing another letter - re
Tarot Cards) -- CG Leland
OccRev y1919 v29 May p293 - Ltte - What Was it? --
OccRev y1919 v29 May p294 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1919 v29 May p295 - obituary - Max Heindel (... - 1919) -- anon
OccRev y1919
v29 May p298 - review - The Future Life - In the Light of Ancient Wisdom
& Modern Science by Louis Elbé -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29
May p298 - review - Your Powers & How to Use Them by A Osborne
Eaves -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1919 v29 May p299 - review - The
Philosophy of War by Harriette Augusta Curtiss & F Homer Curtiss --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 May p299 - review - Christian Science:
The Faith & its Founders by Lyman P Powell -- RB Ince
OccRev y1919
v29 May p300 - review - The Quest of the Face by Stephen Graham --
OccRev y1919 v29 May p301 - review - Brother of the Third Degree
by Will E Garver -- Scrutator
OccRev y1919 v29 May p301 - review - The
Nature of True Prayer by FL Rawson -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29
May p302 - review - The Thinning of the Veil - A Record of Experience
by Mary Bruce Wallace -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 May p302 - review -
The Wonders of the Saints - in the Light of Spiritualism by Fielding
Fielding-Ould -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 June p303 - Notes of the
Month - (1) President Wilson & the Peace -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v29
June p308 - Notes of the Month - (2) A Faith without Foundation -- The
OccRev y1919 v29 June p317 - Along the Mystic Road (vf) -- Raphael
OccRev y1919 v29 June p319 - The Compass of Occultism - The Four
Cardinal Points - & a Fifth -- J Herbert Slater
OccRev y1919 v29 June
p327 - Dream Experiences -- \"Mercurial"
OccRev y1919 v29 June p331 - Charms
& Witchcraft of To-day -- LJ Dickinson
OccRev y1919 v29 June p337 - The
Door -- FAM
OccRev y1919 v29 June p340 - Some Problems of the Unseen -- May
OccRev y1919 v29 June p347 - An Astrological Aspect of Mystical
Substitution -- Leo French
OccRev y1919 v29 June p351 - Ltte - Christian
Science - A Rejoinder -- Charles WJ Tennant
OccRev y1919 v29 June p352 - Ltte
- Saint Antony & Lost Property -- MRM
OccRev y1919 v29 June p353 - Ltte -
Supermundane Interference in the War -- MS
OccRev y1919 v29 June p354 - Ltte
- Dr Steiner's Teachings -- GHE
OccRev y1919 v29 June p354 - Ltte - The
Problem of Evil -- Pro Bono Publico
OccRev y1919 v29 June p356 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1919 v29 June p360 - review - They Who
Understand by Lilian Whiting -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v29 June
p360 - review - Josselyn's Wife by Kathleen Norris -- WH
OccRev y1919 v29 June p361 - review - A Journey in War-Time
by Lady St. John -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1919 v29 June p361 - review -
Sir Gawayne & the Green Knight by Kenneth Hare -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1919 v29 June p361 - review - The Religion of
Experience by Edward Grubb -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v29 June
p362 - review - Summer Songs Among the Birds by EE -- Edith K
OccRev y1919 v30 July p1 - Notes of the Month - New Light on the
Phenomena of Materialization -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v30 July p2 -
illustration - showing ideoplastic substance oozing from the mouth of the medium
-- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 July p3 - illustration - showing hand in process of
materialization on the forehead of the medium -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 July
p5 - illustration - materialization of head in process of development --
OccRev y1919 v30 July p7 - illustration - flash-light photograph of
materialization before complete formation -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 July p16 -
In Exile (vf) -- Griffyth Fairfax
OccRev y1919 v30 July p17 - Signs of the
Zodiac -- MCW
OccRev y1919 v30 July p27 - The Birth of the Aeon (vf) --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1919 v30 July p28 - Wagner & Occultism -- Herbert
OccRev y1919 v30 July p32 - The Sounding World -- Bart
OccRev y1919 v30 July p35 - The Occult Lore of the Bridge -- Bernard
OccRev y1919 v30 July p42 - Sea-Songs (vf) -- Tessa C
OccRev y1919 v30 July p43 - A Prophetic Dream -- Maxwell
OccRev y1919 v30 July p45 - The Psychic Significance of the Horse
& Dog -- Ethel C Hargrove
OccRev y1919 v30 July p49 - Ltte - "Pansy
Again" -- Lilian Whiting
OccRev y1919 v30 July p49 - Ltte - Christian
Science: A Rejoinder -- Richard B Ince
OccRev y1919 v30 July p50 - Ltte -
Matter -- FC Constable
OccRev y1919 v30 July p51 - Ltte - Good & Evil --
Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1919 v30 July p51 - Ltte - A Dream
Interpretation -- Anna E Andre
OccRev y1919 v30 July p52 - Ltte - The Nature
of True Prayer -- FL Rawson
OccRev y1919 v30 July p54 - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 July p58 - review - Soul Culture by William
Summers -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v30 July p58 - review - The Dream
that Comes True - A Book of the Life Beyond the Horizon by J Napier Milne
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v30 July p59 - review - Akibat: Life After
Death by Sherifa Lucy Goodenough -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v30
August p61 - Notes of the Month - Spiritual Intervention in the War -- The
OccRev y1919 v30 August p69 - review - The Proofs of the Truths of
Spiritualism by G Henslow -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v30 August p70
- The White Bird of Memory (vf) -- AD
OccRev y1919 v30 August p71 - Mesmer
& the Magnetic Hypothesis -- RB Ince
OccRev y1919 v30 August p78 - The
Heart - In Mysticism & Magic -- Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1919 v30 August
p83 - Occult Significance of Precious Stones -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1919
v30 August p90 - Transcendental Alchemy (The Works of Thomas Vaughan) -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v30 August p94 - Unseen Helpers -- Donald
OccRev y1919 v30 August p97 - The Mythology of Ancient Chaldea --
Henry J Nash
OccRev y1919 v30 August p102 - The Life Everlasting (vf) --
Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1919 v30 August p103 - The Continuity of Life -- Lilian
OccRev y1919 v30 August p108 - Ltte - Mysterious Knocking --
OccRev y1919 v30 August p108 - Ltte - Phenomena of Materializations -- J
Scott Battams
OccRev y1919 v30 August p109 - Ltte - An Uncanny Gift --
OccRev y1919 v30 August p111 - Ltte - The Creation Legend -- Walter
OccRev y1919 v30 August p112 - Ltte - A Psychic Dog -- Nita
OccRev y1919 v30 August p113 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1919 v30 August p117 - review - Law: Leading Articles -
from "New India" by Annie Besant -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v30
August p117 - review - Spiritualism & the Great War by J Wedgwood
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v30 August p117 - review - Experiments
in Psychical Science by WJ Crawford -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v30
August p118 - review - An Amazing Séance & an Exposure by Sydney A.
Moseley -- GMH
OccRev y1919 v30 August p119 - review - The Mystery
Keepers by Marion Fox -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919 v30 August p119 -
review - James Hinton: A Sketch by Mrs Havelock Ellis -- J Arthur
OccRev y1919 v30 August p120 - review - Green Ways by Dorothy
Grenside -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1919 v30 September p121 - Notes of the
Month - (1) Ella Wheeler Wilcox & her Psychic Experiences -- The
OccRev y1919 v30 September p121 - Notes of the Month - (2) Astral
Repercussion -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v30 September p130 - The Familiar:
Its Nature & Origin -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1919 v30 September p137 - The
Master Tiller (vf) -- WP Ryan
OccRev y1919 v30 September p138 - A Haunted
Church in Munich -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1919 v30 September p148 - Andrew
Carnegie's Palm -- CW Child
OccRev y1919 v30 September p149 - illustration -
Andrew Carnegie's Hand -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 September p150 - Life (vf) --
AE Lloyd Maunsell
OccRev y1919 v30 September p151 - Mystical Realisation --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1919 v30 September p156 - The Charms, Spells,
& Divinations of Afghanistan -- Ikbal Ali Shah
OccRev y1919 v30 September
p158 - illustration - (3 mystical diagrams - or "charms") -- anon
y1919 v30 September p159 - illustration - No 1 - capsule in which was enclosed
the charm as shown in photograph No 2 -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 September p160
- illustration - No 2 charm enclosed in the capsule of silk cloth ... - it
protects against bullet wounds -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 September p161 -
illustration - the charm (with English translation) -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30
September p162 - illustration - charm (with English translation) --
OccRev y1919 v30 September p167 - Ltte - A Perfect Deity & An
Imperfect Creation -- Violet G Inglis
OccRev y1919 v30 September p167 - Ltte
- Magnetic Eyes -- P Fraser
OccRev y1919 v30 September p168 - Ltte - Mrs Eddy
& Dr Quimby -- Mrs B O'Connor
OccRev y1919 v30 September p174 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 September p178 - review -
Prayer as a Science by W Wybergh -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1919 v30
September p178 - review - The Secret of Egyptian Chronology by HB
Hannary -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1919 v30 September p179 - review -
A Romance of Two Centuries by Kenneth Sylvan Gutherie -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1919 v30 September p180 - review - Miss Fingal by Mrs
WK Clifford -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919 v30 September p180 - review - La
Vie des Ames by Madame Adam -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1919 v30 October p181
- Notes of the Month - The Eternal Question (Mr Clarke's Psychic Experiences) --
The Editor
OccRev y1919 v30 October p195 - Exploring the Mind - A Note on
Psychoanalysis -- H Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1919 v30 October p204 - The Lone
House in the Midst of the Corn (vf) -- CL Ryley
OccRev y1919 v30 October p206
- The Visitor -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1919 v30 October p209 - The
"Intelligible Light" in Plotinos -- Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie
OccRev y1919 v30
October p212 - The Hauntings at the Muenchhof -- Philip Redmond
OccRev y1919
v30 October p218 - The Dance of the Entering in of Life -- L.
OccRev y1919
v30 October p220 - A Case of Multiple Premonition -- Henry Sproull
y1919 v30 October p222 - Evening (vf) -- Jessie EP Foreland
OccRev y1919 v30
October p223 - Ltte - Christian Science -- Charles WJ Tennant
OccRev y1919
v30 October p223 - Ltte - An Unknown Presence -- AF
OccRev y1919 v30 October
p224 - Ltte - Demi-Gods -- Walter Winans
OccRev y1919 v30 October p224 - Ltte
- An Uncanny Gift -- PS
OccRev y1919 v30 October p225 - Ltte - The Creation
Story in Genesis (1) -- An Earnest Seeker
OccRev y1919 v30 October p225 -
Ltte - The Creation Story in Genesis (2) -- Walter Winans
OccRev y1919 v30
October p226 - Ltte - The Sacred Heart -- FH Fitzgerald Beale
OccRev y1919
v30 October p227 - Ltte - Transmutation -- JJ Hunter Johnston
OccRev y1919
v30 October p228 - Ltte - Mr Rawson & Prayer -- MHT
OccRev y1919 v30
October p229 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 October p233 -
New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1919 v30 October p237 -
review - Letters from the Other Side by Henry Thibault -- Edith K
OccRev y1919 v30 October p238 - review - Letters to my Love Beyond
the Veil by HR Allenson -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v30 October p238
- review - To Those who Suffer by Aimée Blech -- Edith K
OccRev y1919 v30 October p238 - review - A Book of
Auto-Suggestions by H Ernest Hunt -- EMM
OccRev y1919 v30 October p239 -
review - Healing by the Realization of God, or True Prayer for Doctors
by FI Rawson -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v30 October p240 - review -
Spiritualism - The Inside Truth by Stuart Cumberland -- H Stanley
OccRev y1919 v30 November p241 - Notes of the Month - The Church
Congress - Mrs Tweedale's Psychic Reminiscences -- The Editor
OccRev y1919
v30 November p253 - The Lady Faustine (vf) -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1919
v30 November p255 - Through the Ivory Gate -- Irene Hay
OccRev y1919 v30
November p268 - Spiritism & the Faith -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v30
November p271 - On Stellar Influences -- Leslie Keene
OccRev y1919 v30
November p277 - The Moon in Magic & Religion -- Bernard Fielding
y1919 v30 November p285 - Ltte - Transmutations -- George Eshelby
y1919 v30 November p285 - Ltte - Christian Science -- RB Ince
OccRev y1919
v30 November p286 - Ltte - Elementals & Others -- B Ford
OccRev y1919 v30
November p287 - Ltte - The Evolution of the Christian Religion -- Walter
OccRev y1919 v30 November p288 - Ltte - A Glimpse of the Past - The
Origin of Impressions of Pre-Incarnation -- Physician
OccRev y1919 v30
November p290 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 November p294
- New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1919 v30 November
p295 - review - Emerson & His Philosophy by J Arthur Hill -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1919 v30 November p295 - review - A Song of the Open
Road, & other Verses by Louis J McQuilland -- Meredith Starr
y1919 v30 November p296 - review - The Dominion of Health by Helen
Boulnois -- EMM
OccRev y1919 v30 November p296 - review - Where is
He? a one act play by DT Davies -- RB Ince
OccRev y1919 v30 November
p297 - review - Everyday Efficiency by Forbes Lindsay -- GMH
y1919 v30 November p298 - review - Theosophy & Reconstruction by C
Jinarajadasa -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v30 November p298 - review -
Claude's Second Book by L Kelway-Bamber -- Edith K Harper
y1919 v30 November p299 - review - Why do we Die? - an essay in
Thanatology by Edward Mercer -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1919 v30
November p300 - review - Krishna The Charioteer by Mohini M Dhar --
Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1919 v30 December p301 - Notes of the Month - (a)
Outspoken Essays by Dean Inge -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v30
December p301 - Notes of the Month - (b) The Vital Message by Arthur
Conan Doyle -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v30 December p301 - Notes of the Month
- (c) Alan Leo - His Life & Work -- The Editor
OccRev y1919 v30 December
p316 - The Night Rain (vf) -- Jessie EP Foreland
OccRev y1919 v30 December
p317 - The Serpent Symbol in Genesis - A Suggested Meaning -- James S
OccRev y1919 v30 December p328 - Serbian Christmas Customs --
F Foster
OccRev y1919 v30 December p336 - Ella Wheeler Wilcox: Poetess &
Spiritualist -- Isabel Ramsay
OccRev y1919 v30 December p337 - illustration -
Ella Wheeler Wilcox (hat & necklace) -- anon
OccRev y1919 v30 December
p341 - The Hand of Ella Wheeler Wilcox -- CW Child
OccRev y1919 v30 December
p343 - illustration - The Right Hand of Ella Wheeler Wilcox -- anon
y1919 v30 December p345 - Some Ghost & Demon Stories -- Philip
OccRev y1919 v30 December p351 - The World Mother -- Harry J
OccRev y1919 v30 December p355 - Ltte - Humorous Dreams -- L
OccRev y1919 v30 December p355 - Ltte - What is Beyond? -- George
OccRev y1919 v30 December p357 - Ltte - The Mosaic Laws -- Anna E
OccRev y1919 v30 December p358 - Ltte - Predictions from Palmistry --
OccRev y1919 v30 December p359 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1919 v30 December p363 - review - Theophrastus Paracelsus:
Mediaeval Alchemist by WP Swainson -- EMM
OccRev y1919 v30 December p363
- review - Life Everlasting & Psychic Evolution by JW Frings --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1919 v30 December p364 - review - Six Theosophic
Points, & other writings by Jacob Böhme -- Meredith Starr
y1919 v30 December p365 - review - The Golden Road by Lilian Whiting --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1919 v30 December p365 - review - The Wisdom of
Plotinus by Charles J Whitby -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1919 v30
December p366 - review - Psychical Miscellanea by J Arthur Hill --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v31 January p1 - Notes of the Month -
Spiritualist Communication & the Other World -- The Editor
OccRev y1920
v31 January p14 - A Romance of Tyre (vf) -- St George Best
OccRev y1920 v31
January p15 - Occultism & the Atomic Theory -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1920 v31 January p17 - illustration - Fig 1 Positive (or male) The Ultimate
Physical Atoms -- (Annie Besant & CW Leadbeater)
OccRev y1920 v31 January
p17 - illustration - Fig 2 Negative (or female) The Ultimate Physical Atoms --
(Annie Besant & CW Leadbeater)
OccRev y1920 v31 January p19 -
illustration - Fig 3 An Atom of Sodium -- (Annie Besant & CW
OccRev y1920 v31 January p19 - illustration - Fig 4 An Atom of
Gold -- (Annie Besant & CW Leadbeater)
OccRev y1920 v31 January p21 -
illustration - Fig 5 An Atom of Carbon -- (Annie Besant & CW
OccRev y1920 v31 January p23 - illustration - Fig 6 An Atom of
Iron -- (Annie Besant & CW Leadbeater)
OccRev y1920 v31 January p27 - An
Extraordinary Experience -- Henrietta Leslie
OccRev y1920 v31 January p29 -
Investigation (vf) -- AM Percy Smith
OccRev y1920 v31 January p30 - Phenomena
in Sacred Edifices -- RB Span
OccRev y1920 v31 January p36 - Beauty for Ashes
(vf) -- May Kendall
OccRev y1920 v31 January p38 - Sufism in Afghanistan --
Ikbal Ali Shah
OccRev y1920 v31 January p45 - Ltte - The Old Testament -- AG
OccRev y1920 v31 January p45 - Ltte - What is Beyond? -- E
OccRev y1920 v31 January p47 - Ltte - Christian Science -- Charles WJ
OccRev y1920 v31 January p47 - Ltte - Malignant Mascots --
Experienced Motorist
OccRev y1920 v31 January p48 - Ltte - Predictions from
Palmistry -- F.
OccRev y1920 v31 January p49 - Ltte - The Creation Story in
Genesis -- ZAS
OccRev y1920 v31 January p50 - Ltte - A Recurring Dream -- S
Wilfrid Smith
OccRev y1920 v31 January p52 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1920 v31 January p56 - review - Verse & Nothing
Else by TL Crombie -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v31 January p56 -
review - Character Indicated by handwriting by Rosa Baughan -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v31 January p57 - review - Moments of
Genius by Arthur Lynch -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v31 January p57 -
review - A Chinese Wonder Book by Norman Hinsdale Pitman -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1920 v31 January p58 - review - The Dead -
Active! by H!!!!! - through Mrs Lamb Fernie -- Edith K Harper
y1920 v31 January p58 - review - The Divine Companion by James Allen --
OccRev y1920 v31 January p59 - review - Winter Songs Among the
Snows by EE -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v31 January p59 - review -
Singing Games for Children by Eleanor Farjeon -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1920 v31 January p60 - review - A Thin Ghost &
others by Montague Rhodes James -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v31
January p60 - review - William Blake: The Man by Charles Gardner -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v31 January p61 - review - A Subaltern in
Spirit Land by JSM Ward -- the editor
OccRev y1920 v31 January p67 -
review - Private Dowding - a record of death on the Battlefield by
Private Dowding -- the editor
OccRev y1920 v31 February p61 - Notes of the
Month - The Other Side of Death in Battle -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v31
February p72 - Nigerian Supernaturalism (1) -- John M Stuart-Young
y1920 v31 February p81 - Modern Numerology -- Chifford Cheasley
OccRev y1920
v31 February p85 - Psychic Unfoldment - a few suggestions -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v31 February p92 - The Man Who Killed God -- RS
y1920 v31 February p97 - Shining Spaces -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1920 v31
February p99 - In the Beginning (vf) -- Arthur E Lloyd Maunsell
OccRev y1920
v31 February p100 - Christianity & Spiritualism -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1920 v31 February p105 - Ltte - Spirits, Human & Animal --
Walter Winans
OccRev y1920 v31 February p105 - Ltte - Humorous Dreams (1) --
Helen Boulnois
OccRev y1920 v31 February p106 - Ltte - Humorous Dreams (2) --
Leopold AD Montague
OccRev y1920 v31 February p106 - Ltte - The Lion -- C
Spurgeon Medhurst
OccRev y1920 v31 February p107 - Ltte - "Through the Ivory
Gate" -- Reader
OccRev y1920 v31 February p108 - Ltte - The Creation Story in
Genesis -- J Scott Battams
OccRev y1920 v31 February p109 - Ltte - Strange
Lights -- Vera
OccRev y1920 v31 February p109 - Ltte - (the noble truth of
Reincarnation) -- A.
OccRev y1920 v31 February p110 - Ltte - (the dangers of
the seance room) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v31 February p111 - Ltte -
Christian Science & Pantheism -- Pantheist
OccRev y1920 v31 February p111
- Ltte - Conditions on the Other Side -- Pax
OccRev y1920 v31 February p112 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1920 v31 February p116 - review -
The State of the Soul, Between Death & the Resurrection by Hugh
Davis Murphy -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v31 February p116 - review -
Is Spiritualism of the Devil? by F Fielding-Ould -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v31 February p117 - review - A Short Life of
Washington by C Sheridan Jones -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v31
February p118 - review - The Bible & the After-Life by Walter Wynn
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v31 March p119 - Notes of the Month - The
Religion of the Future - Christian Origins -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v31
March p124 - review - Pagan & Christian Creeds, their origins &
meaning by Edward Carpenter -- the editor
OccRev y1920 v31 March p131 -
Nigerian Supernaturalism (2) -- John M Stuart-Young
OccRev y1920 v31 March
p138 - My Psychic Experiences -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1920 v31 March p143 -
Loneliness (vf) -- DS Goodwin
OccRev y1920 v31 March p144 - The Fairy-Faith
in Wales -- ML Lewes
OccRev y1920 v31 March p150 - A Strange Experience --
OccRev y1920 v31 March p154 - The Future of Occultism -- Herbert
OccRev y1920 v31 March p157 - The Holy City (vf) -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1920 v31 March p160 - The Folk-Lore of our Common Trees --
Margaret M'Coll
OccRev y1920 v31 March p163 - My Dreams (vf) -- Meredith
OccRev y1920 v31 March p164 - Ltte - Mysterious Lights -- An Old
OccRev y1920 v31 March p164 - Ltte - Recurring Dreams --
OccRev y1920 v31 March p165 - Ltte - A Strange Story -- George
OccRev y1920 v31 March p166 - Ltte - Broken Combs -- S.
y1920 v31 March p166 - Ltte - Occultism & the Atomic Theory (1) -- RH
OccRev y1920 v31 March p167 - Ltte - reply to Mr Blackmore -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v31 March p168 - Ltte - Occultism & the
Atomic Theory (2) -- Richard B Ince
OccRev y1920 v31 March p169 - Ltte - (I
am frequently favoured with more or less abnormal experiences) -- Noble
OccRev y1920 v31 March p170 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1920 v31 March p174 - New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
y1920 v31 March p175 - review - Memoirs of Edward, Eighth Earl of
Sandwich by Steuart Erskine -- RB Ince
OccRev y1920 v31 March p176 -
review - Spiritual Pluralism & Recent Philosophy by CA Richardson
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v31 March p177 - review - Collected
Fruits of Occult Teaching by AP Sinnett -- the editor
OccRev y1920 v31
April p177 - Notes of the Month - Some Sidelights on Reincarnation -- The
OccRev y1920 v31 April p188 - Spinning (vf) -- Effie Venning
OccRev y1920 v31 April p190 - The Pineal Doorway - A Record of
Research -- Oliver Fox
OccRev y1920 v31 April p199 - Ancient Easter Customs
-- Mina H Scott
OccRev y1920 v31 April p204 - The Two Symbols - A Mystical
Poem (vf) -- Oliver Fox
OccRev y1920 v31 April p207 - Uncanny Animals -- JW
OccRev y1920 v31 April p211 - Mehita Pita Galla -- F.
y1920 v31 April p218 - Religion - Ltte -- FC Constable
OccRev y1920 v31 April
p220 - reply to FC Constable -- Ed.
OccRev y1920 v31 April p221 - The Miser's
Deed-Box - A True Ghost Story -- Noel Lambert
OccRev y1920 v31 April p227 -
Ltte - A Strange Dream -- MBS
OccRev y1920 v31 April p227 - Ltte - Kissing
His Own Corpse -- MDW
OccRev y1920 v31 April p228 - Ltte - A Telepathic Dream
-- EML
OccRev y1920 v31 April p229 - Ltte - A Symbolic Dream -- George
OccRev y1920 v31 April p230 - Ltte - A Recurring Dream -- PB
y1920 v31 April p231 - Ltte - A Child's Vision -- by the Straight Path
y1920 v31 April p231 - Ltte - Sister Teresa of Lisieux -- E de M
OccRev y1920
v31 April p232 - Ltte - Broken Combs -- FAM
OccRev y1920 v31 April p232 -
Ltte - A Message through the Alphagraph -- TH Redfern
OccRev y1920 v31 April
p233 - Ltte - Christian Science -- Charles WJ Tennant
OccRev y1920 v31 April
p234 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1920 v31 April p238 - review -
Jacapone da Todi - Poet & Mystic by Evelyn Underhill -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1920 v31 April p239 - review - Contact with the
Other World - The Latest Evidence ... by James H Hyslop -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v31 April p240 - review - The Hill of Vision - A
Forecast of the Great War by Frederick Bligh Bond -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v31 May p241 - Notes of the Month - "Rachel Comforted" --
The Editor
OccRev y1920 v31 May p250 - To Dorothy (vf) -- Jessie EP
OccRev y1920 v31 May p251 - Beyond the Pineal Door - A Record of
Research -- Oliver Fox
OccRev y1920 v31 May p262 - The Problem of the Tarot
Cards -- Julius L Lachner
OccRev y1920 v31 May p269 - Some Psychic Memories
-- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1920 v31 May p280 - Thought-Coin -- Bart
OccRev y1920 v31 May p283 - Belief, Custom, & Magic -- BR
OccRev y1920 v31 May p285 - illustration - Sir Kenelm Digby --
Houbraken, after Vandyke
OccRev y1920 v31 May p287 - illustration - Symbolic
Alchemical Design illustrating the work of Woman from Maier's Atalanta
Fugiens -- (Maier)
OccRev y1920 v31 May p289 - Ltte - The Pineal Doorway
-- PH Palmer
OccRev y1920 v31 May p289 - Ltte - The Alchemical Society -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v31 May p290 - Ltte - Uncanny Animals -- Maude
MC Ffoulkes
OccRev y1920 v31 May p291 - Ltte - Obstacles to the Gift of
Healing -- A. Cosgrave George
OccRev y1920 v31 May p292 - Ltte - Faked
Messages -- TH Redfern
OccRev y1920 v31 May p293 - Ltte - Modern Numerology
-- Ellen Lee
OccRev y1920 v31 May p293 - Ltte - The Rosicrucian
Cosmo-Conception -- FL Morgan
OccRev y1920 v31 May p293 - Ltte - Mysterious
Lights -- PD
OccRev y1920 v31 May p294 - Ltte - A Phantom of the Living --
Fredk. Vaughan
OccRev y1920 v31 May p294 - Ltte - The Encyclopaedia of
Occultism -- GM Mayhew
OccRev y1920 v31 May p295 - Ltte - The Horoscope of
the Acre -- Okanagan
OccRev y1920 v31 May p296 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1920 v31 May p300 - review - The Idolatry of Science by
Stephen Coleridge -- H.
OccRev y1920 v31 May p300 - review - A Brazilian
Mystic by RB Cunninghame Graham -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v31 May p301
- review - Nature & Super-Nature by John Leslie -- H Stanley
OccRev y1920 v31 May p301 - review - In Converse with
Angels by Irene Hallam Elliott -- GMH
OccRev y1920 v31 May p302 - review
- The ABC of Spiritualism by BF Austin -- Edith K Harper
y1920 v31 May p302 - review - Is Modern Spiritualism based on Facts or
Fancy? by James Coates -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v31 May p303 -
review - The Other Side God's Door by Mabel Nixon Robertson -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v31 May p303 - review - Letters from the other
Side by Henry Thibault -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v31 May p304 -
review - Practical views on Psychic Phenomena by GE Wright --
OccRev y1920 v31 May p304 - review - The Soul Slayer by JM
Stuart-Young -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v31 May p305 - review - A Theory
of the Mechanism of Survival - The 4th Dimension & its Applications by
W Whately Smith -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v31 May p306 - review -
Papers of Peace from Dartmoor by Beatrice Chase -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v31 May p306 - review - Does the Earth Rotate?
by William Westfield -- HLH
OccRev y1920 v31 June p307 - Notes of the Month -
A Borderland Philosopher -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v31 June p307 - review -
Our Unseen Guest by Stephen -- the editor
OccRev y1920 v31 June p321
- The Super-Physical Aspect of Sex -- AP Sinnett
OccRev y1920 v31 June p328 -
Some Prescient Dreams -- Winifred Hurlstone Jones
OccRev y1920 v31 June p332
- The Secret Doctrine - Personal Recollections of Madame Blavatsky -- Edmund
OccRev y1920 v31 June p341 - A Mysterious Discovery in Derbyshire --
Leopold AD Montague
OccRev y1920 v31 June p344 - A Vision & its Sequel --
Lilian Whiting
OccRev y1920 v31 June p350 - Mother Eve (vf) -- Arthur E Lloyd
OccRev y1920 v31 June p351 - Bird Lore & Superstition -- ML
OccRev y1920 v31 June p355 - Ltte - The Spirit's Return -- Philana R
OccRev y1920 v31 June p355 - Ltte - Karma of the Forgiveness of
Sins -- J Scott Battams
OccRev y1920 v31 June p356 - Ltte - The Problem of
the Tarot Cards -- Julius L Lachner
OccRev y1920 v31 June p357 - Ltte -
Beyond the Pineal Door -- RN
OccRev y1920 v31 June p357 - Ltte - Uncanny
Animals (1) -- CA Watson Taylor
OccRev y1920 v31 June p358 - Ltte - (probably
a wild boar) -- Walter Winans
OccRev y1920 v31 June p358 - Ltte - Uncanny
Animals (2) -- Edward AK Dunne
OccRev y1920 v31 June p359 - Ltte - Some
Psychic Memories -- JP
OccRev y1920 v31 June p360 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1920 v31 June p365 - review - Returned Empty a novel by
Florence Barclay -- HLH
OccRev y1920 v31 June p365 - review - Songs of
the Dead by Margaret Napier -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v31 June p365 -
review - Tedious Brief Tales of Granta & Gramarye by Arthur Gray --
WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v31 June p366 - review - The Confessions of Jacob
Boehme by W Scott Palmer -- HJS
OccRev y1920 v31 June p366 - review -
The Locked Room by Mabel Collins -- HJS
OccRev y1920 v31 June p367 -
review - The Broken Fang by Uel Key -- HJS
OccRev y1920 v31 June
p367 - review - A World's Assize by Paul Hookham -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v31 June p368 - review - The Nurseries of Heaven
by G Vale Owen -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v31 June p368 - review -
Woman: The Inspirer by Edouard Schuré -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1920 v31 June p369 - review - The Increase of God by AH McNeile --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1920 v31 June p370 - review - Fourteen
Letters from the Beyond by Mary Hamilton Coats -- Edith K Harper
y1920 v31 June p371 - review - The Phenomenon of the Soul by Sherifa
Lucy Goodenough -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v32 July p1 - Notes of the
Month - Allan Kardec -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v32 July p3 - illustration -
Allan Kardec - with signature -- anon
OccRev y1920 v32 July p12 - obituary -
James H Hyslop -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v32 July p13 - Hypnotism &
Occultism -- Norman
OccRev y1920 v32 July p23 - Divination by "Sortes Sacrae"
-- RB Span
OccRev y1920 v32 July p27 - The Night-Side of Ancient Mexico --
Lewis Spence
OccRev y1920 v32 July p35 - Palingenesy - A Seventeenth-Century
Belief & Modern Science -- CVW Tarr
OccRev y1920 v32 July p37 - A Study
in Dreams -- Leonard Sedlescombe
OccRev y1920 v32 July p42 - Philosophy &
Truth -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v32 July p46 - Ltte - The Origin
& Symbolism of the Tarot -- WP Swainson
OccRev y1920 v32 July p49 - Ltte
- The Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception -- HWS
OccRev y1920 v32 July p50 - Ltte -
Astral Travelling (?) -- Retlaw
OccRev y1920 v32 July p51 - Ltte - The
Removal of a Curse -- Montague Summers
OccRev y1920 v32 July p52 - Ltte -
Mysterious Lights -- AMT
OccRev y1920 v32 July p53 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1920 v32 July p57 - review - The Philosophy of Faith- An
Inquiry by Bertram Brewster -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 July p58
- review - The Dawn of Hope by Edith A. Leale -- HLH
OccRev y1920
v32 July p58 - review - Sakuntala by Kalidasa -- H Stanley
OccRev y1920 v32 July p59 - review - A Soldier Goes West by
a Soldier Doctor -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v32 July p59 - review -
Through Jewelled Windows; or, Spiritualism in the Church by Frank C
Raynor -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 July p60 - review - The Child's
Unconscious Mind by Wilfrid Lay -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v32 July
p61 - review - The Three Levers of the New World: Competence, Probity,
Altruism by Lionel Hauser -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v32 July
p61 - review - The Eleusinian Mysteries & Rites by Dudley Wright --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1920 v32 July p62 - review - The Initiate:
Some Impressions of a Great Soul by His Pupil -- Meredith Starr
y1920 v32 July p63 - review - Dionysius the Areopagite on the Divine Names
& the Mystical Theology tr by CE Rolt -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1920 v32 July p63 - review - The Truth about the Mormons by C Sheriden
Jones -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v32 July p64 - review - Self
Unfoldment by BF Austin -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 August p65 -
Notes of the Month - The Riddle of the Sphinx -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v32
August p65 - review - Spiritualism: Its Present-Day Meaning - A
Symposium ed by Huntly Carter -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v32 August p74
- The Future Life According to Spiritualism -- F Fielding-Ould
OccRev y1920
v32 August p81 - The Shepherd of Eternity (vf) -- Eva Gore-Booth
OccRev y1920
v32 August p83 - Divers Hauntings - An Attempted Classification -- JW
OccRev y1920 v32 August p95 - The Visitor (vf) -- Maude
OccRev y1920 v32 August p96 - Some Remarkable Heirlooms -- William
OccRev y1920 v32 August p101 - Luck -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1920
v32 August p103 - A Look (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1920 v32 August p104 -
Dr Baraduc -- E Katharine Bates
OccRev y1920 v32 August p110 - A Radiant
Vision -- AGA
OccRev y1920 v32 August p113 - Ltte - The Problem of the Tarot
Cards -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1920 v32 August p114 - Ltte - The "Hanged
Man" of the Tarot -- WP Swainson
OccRev y1920 v32 August p114 - Ltte - Dream
Houses -- Margaret Moores
OccRev y1920 v32 August p115 - Ltte - The Welsh
"Hwyl" -- FC Montague Powell
OccRev y1920 v32 August p117 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1920 v32 August p121 - review - The Criterion
of Divine Authorship by James Frederick Buss -- H Stanley
OccRev y1920 v32 August p122 - review - The Quest of the
Unseen by GR Dennis -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 August p122 -
review - Visions of the Christ, & other experiences of a Quaker
mystic - anon -- H.
OccRev y1920 v32 August p122 - review - The
Twentieth Plane: A Psychic Revelation by Albert Durrant Watson -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1920 v32 August p123 - review - Time &
Eternity by Gilbert Cannon -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1920 v32
August p123 - review - The Clouding Crystal by Douglas D Kennedy -- WH
OccRev y1920 v32 August p124 - review - The Wisdom of
Akhnaton by AE Grantham -- GMH
OccRev y1920 v32 August p124 - review -
Early English Magic & Medicine by Charles Singer -- H Stanley
OccRev y1920 v32 August p125 - review - Is Spiritualism based on
Freud by Joseph McCabe -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 August p126 -
review - Heartsease by Jessie Farrell -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920
v32 August p126 - review - "Gentlemen - The King!" by John Oxenham --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 August p127 - review - The Foundations of
Spiritualism by W Whately Smith -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32
August p127 - review - Pre-Requisites for the Study of Jacob Böhme by
CJ Barker -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v32 August p128 - review -
(Seybert Commission Preliminary Report: to Investigate Modern Spiritualism; May
1887) by HH Furness -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v32 September p129 -
Notes of the Month - The Revelation of St John & the Number of the Beast --
The Editor
OccRev y1920 v32 September p142 - Occult Freemasonry & the
Jewish Peril -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1920 v32 September p154 -
obituary - Dr James H Hyslop - Psychical Researcher (... - 1920) -- Hereward
OccRev y1920 v32 September p158 - Traces of Atlantis in American
Myth -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1920 v32 September p165 - The Prophetic Element
in Dreams -- Oliver Fox
OccRev y1920 v32 September p174 - The Pain of
Development -- Herbert Adams
OccRev y1920 v32 September p177 - Ltte - Why
Manifestation? -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1920 v32 September p179 -
Ltte - Philosophy of Truth -- CVW Tarr
OccRev y1920 v32 September p180 - Ltte
- The Welsh Hwyl -- Mary L Lewes
OccRev y1920 v32 September p181 - Ltte -
Removing a Curse -- MHT
OccRev y1920 v32 September p182 - Ltte - Dream Music
-- Queenie Jee
OccRev y1920 v32 September p182 - Ltte - The Catholic Church
-- ME Murray
OccRev y1920 v32 September p183 - Ltte - Mark Degree -- The
writer of "Periodical Literature"
OccRev y1920 v32 September p184 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1920 v32 September p187 - review -
Secrets of Occultism by Oliver Bland -- HJS
OccRev y1920 v32
September p187 - review - Divine Personality & Human Life by
Clement CJ Webb -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v32 September p188 - review -
Love-Lyrics by Torquil Argestoile -- EMM
OccRev y1920 v32 September
p188 - review - Bolshevism: Its Cause & Cure by G Sheridan Jones --
WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v32 September p188 - review - The Physical
Phenomena of Spiritualism by Hereward Carrington -- J Arthur Hill
y1920 v32 September p189 - review - The Inner Meaning of the Four
Gospels by Gilbert T Sadler -- EMM
OccRev y1920 v32 September p190 -
review - The Vision of John Adams by Jean Delaire -- EMM
y1920 v32 September p190 - review - The Book of the Dead by EA Wallis
Budge -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 October p191 - Notes of the Month -
Frank Anton Mesmer -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v32 October p203 - Food &
Physical Health - As Affecting Physical, Intellectual & Spiritual Evolution
-- Eustace Miles
OccRev y1920 v32 October p209 - The Bridge of Light -- RB
OccRev y1920 v32 October p215 - Tea-Leaf Fortune-Telling -- Helen
OccRev y1920 v32 October p223 - The Soul of the Celt -- Charles HS
OccRev y1920 v32 October p226 - The Applied Higher Science of
Rhabdomancy or the Art of Water-Finding (1-3) -- William Norman Pogson (ed by ME
OccRev y1920 v32 October p233 - Ltte - Notes of the Month -- FC
OccRev y1920 v32 October p235 - Ltte - Mother or Spirit? --
Florence M Rooke
OccRev y1920 v32 October p236 - Ltte - The Vale Owen Script
-- Julius L Lachner
OccRev y1920 v32 October p237 - Ltte - Biblical Prophecy
-- AC March
OccRev y1920 v32 October p238 - Ltte - Dream Music -- PH
OccRev y1920 v32 October p239 - Ltte - The Riddle of Manifestation --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v32 October p240 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1920 v32 October p244 - New & Forthcoming Publications --
OccRev y1920 v32 October p247 - review - The Power of Prayer
by WP Paterson -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 October p248 - review -
The Death-Mask, & other Ghosts by HD Everett -- WH
OccRev y1920 v32 October p248 - review - The Ghost Pirates
by William Hope Hodson -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v32 October p248 - review -
Emanuel Swedenborg: The Swedish Seer by WP Swainson -- H Stanley
OccRev y1920 v32 October p249 - review - Frank Anton Mesmer: His
Life & Teaching by RB Ince -- H.
OccRev y1920 v32 October p249 -
review - The Apostolic Gnosis by Thomas Simcox Lea -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1920 v32 October p250 - review - Spirit Philosophy by
Robert C Knoll -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1920 v32 November p251 - Notes of the
Month - Russian Sects & Seed-Plots of Revolution -- The Editor
y1920 v32 November p261 - Of Consciousness & its Destiny -- Leslie
OccRev y1920 v32 November p269 - A Sheaf of Uncanny Tales -- Philip
OccRev y1920 v32 November p276 - Possessed (vf) -- Teresa
OccRev y1920 v32 November p277 - The Soul & its Powers -- RB
OccRev y1920 v32 November p286 - The New Science of Colour in
Illumination or Colour Hygiene in Illumination -- Beatrice Irwin
OccRev y1920
v32 November p290 - The Applied Higher Science of Rhabdomancy or the Art of
Water-Finding (4-6) -- William Norman Pogson
OccRev y1920 v32 November p297 -
Ltte - Mysterious Lights -- K Leslie Miller
OccRev y1920 v32 November p297 -
Ltte - The Book of the Lifting of the Veil -- Julius L Lachner
OccRev y1920
v32 November p299 - Ltte - Dreaming -- Eleanor S Ross
OccRev y1920 v32
November p300 - Ltte - Heaven & Hell -- John Cyprian Rust
OccRev y1920
v32 November p301 - Ltte - The Riddle of Manifestation -- Still
OccRev y1920 v32 November p301 - Ltte - The Dangers of Spiritualism
-- AG Whitherby
OccRev y1920 v32 November p302 - Ltte - The Removal of a
Curse -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1920 v32 November p303 - Ltte - The
Tarot & Secret Tradition -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1920 v32 November
p303 - Ltte - An Unlucky Article -- Puzzled
OccRev y1920 v32 November p304 -
Ltte - Dr Hyslop (Hereward Carrington is not quite fair to Dr Hyslop) --
Prescott F Hall
OccRev y1920 v32 November p304 - Ltte - reply to Prescott F
Hall -- Ed.
OccRev y1920 v32 November p305 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1920 v32 November p309 - review - The Science of the
Sacraments by CW Leadbeater -- HJS
OccRev y1920 v32 November p309 -
review - The Life Beyond the Veil G Vale Owen -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v32 November p310 - review - The Religion of the
Spirit World, written by the spirits themselves by G Henslow -- Edith K
OccRev y1920 v32 November p311 - review - The Problems of
Mediumship by Allessandro Zymonidas -- by Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920
v32 November p311 - review - Moods & Lyrics by AE Lloyd Maunsell --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v32 November p312 - review - Death &
Beyond by CT Wood -- HLH
OccRev y1920 v32 December p313 - Notes of the
Month - The Prime Factor in Evolution -- The Editor
OccRev y1920 v32 December
p317 - illustration - Female Head completely materialized out of miniature
dimensions -- anon
OccRev y1920 v32 December p319 - illustration - Female
Head with Embryonic body formed from wisp of substance ending at corner of mouth
-- anon
OccRev y1920 v32 December p321 - illustration - Female Head in
process of development - enlarged -- anon
OccRev y1920 v32 December p329 -
Christmas - Its Origin -- Mina H Scott
OccRev y1920 v32 December p335 -
Misterioso -- K Godefroi
OccRev y1920 v32 December p341 - The Problem of Time
& Space -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1920 v32 December p348 - A Suicide
Epidemic -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 December p350 - Grasp Your
Heritage -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1920 v32 December p352 - The Secret Flower
(vf) -- RB Ince
OccRev y1920 v32 December p353 - Some True Ghost Stories --
Alice Cunninghame
OccRev y1920 v32 December p359 - The Applied Higher Science
of Rhabdomancy or the Art of Water-Finding (7-11) -- William Norman
OccRev y1920 v32 December p366 - Ltte - A Romany's Curse -- An
OccRev y1920 v32 December p367 - Ltte - Gates of Ivory & Horn --
OccRev y1920 v32 December p367 - Ltte - Beyond the Pineal Door --
OccRev y1920 v32 December p367 - Ltte - Mysterious Rappings --
OccRev y1920 v32 December p368 - Ltte - The Falsity of Objects -- the
author of Myself & Dreams
OccRev y1920 v32 December p369 - Ltte
- A Sheaf of Uncanny Tales -- Petronella O'Donnell
OccRev y1920 v32 December
p370 - Ltte - Here & Hereafter -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1920 v32
December p371 - Ltte - The Vale Owen Script -- ERN
OccRev y1920 v32 December
p372 - Ltte - The Double Crown -- EAK Dunne
OccRev y1920 v32 December p373 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1920 v32 December p377 - review -
Tertium Organum by Petr Demianovich Ouspensky (Uspenskii) (1878-1947)
-- HJS
OccRev y1920 v32 December p378 - review - The Fellowship of the
Picture by Nancy Dearmer -- HLH
OccRev y1920 v32 December p378 - review
- A Vision of the Stars - anon -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1920 v32
December p379 - review - The Strangeness of Noel Carton by William
Caine -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v32 December p379 - review -
Cleomenes by Maris Warrington -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1920 v32
December p379 - review - Spiritualism Explained by Elliot O'Donnell --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1920 v32 December p380 - review - Visitors &
Beliefs in the West of Ireland by Lady Gregory -- Meredith Starr
y1921 v33 January p1 - Notes of the Month - Methods of Psychoanalysis - The
Fallacies of Freud -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v33 January p2 - review -
Religion & the New Psychology - a psycho-analytic study of religion
by WS Swisher -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v33 January p9 - The Bearing of
Spiritualism on the Deeper Life of Humanity -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1921 v33
January p17 - Lilith -- WN Neill
OccRev y1921 v33 January p22 - In Dreams
(vf) -- EP Prentice
OccRev y1921 v33 January p23 - Occultism True & False
(1) Occultism & Spiritualism -- John Spencer
OccRev y1921 v33 January p29
- "Ghosts - & Worse" -- P Redmond
OccRev y1921 v33 January p36 - The Book
of Secrets - Secretum Secretorum (arabic work circa middle ages) -- H Stanley
OccRev y1921 v33 January p41 - The Applied Higher Science of
Rhabdomancy or the Art of Water-Finding (12-20) -- William Norman
OccRev y1921 v33 January p50 - Ltte - Folk-Dances at Harrogate -- C
OccRev y1921 v33 January p50 - Ltte - Faith Healing -- PV
y1921 v33 January p50 - Ltte - Dreams & Suggestion -- Ethel
OccRev y1921 v33 January p50 - Ltte - Dr Hyslop -- Catharine
Hartley Griggs
OccRev y1921 v33 January p50 - Ltte - A Mysterious
Disappearance -- Beatrice R
OccRev y1921 v33 January p50 - Ltte - A Strange
Apparition -- CFL Leguen de Larroix
OccRev y1921 v33 January p50 - Ltte -
Strange Happenings at Templemore, Co. Tipperary -- JH
OccRev y1921 v33
January p55 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 January p59 -
review - The Law of Being by Helen Boulnois -- Edith K Harper
y1921 v33 January p59 - review - Roger Bacon The Father of Experimental
Science by H Stanley Redgrove -- RB Ince
OccRev y1921 v33 January p60 -
review - Well Being: A Practical Guide by L Kelly -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1921 v33 January p60 - review - The Life Beyond the Veil -
(2) The Highlands of Heaven by G Vale Owen -- Edith K Harper
y1921 v33 January p61 - review - The Rainbow of Life by MH Quest --
OccRev y1921 v33 January p61 - review - Captain-Jewels - 700
Aphorisms ed by Charles J Whitby -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v33
January p62 - review - Master Keys of Life & Death by Walter Carey
-- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v33 February p63 - Notes of the Month - Jacob
of Simla- "Book Tests" - Studies in Dreams -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v33
February p76 - Mysticism & Rationalism -- William Kingsland
OccRev y1921
v33 February p84 - Some Thoughts on Prayer -- JH Power
OccRev y1921 v33
February p91 - Spirit Projection -- Angel Martyn
OccRev y1921 v33 February
p95 - The Bearing of Spiritualism on the Deeper Life (2) -- HA Dallas
y1921 v33 February p104 - Atlantis & the Maya Civilization -- Lewis
OccRev y1921 v33 February p111 - Ltte - A Recipe for Ointment --
Margherita Carnecchia Lewis
OccRev y1921 v33 February p112 - Ltte - A
Correction -- P Redmond
OccRev y1921 v33 February p112 - Ltte - Paul's Thorn
in the Flesh -- WN Neil
OccRev y1921 v33 February p113 - Ltte - Freud &
Psychoanalysis -- Joseph Ralph
OccRev y1921 v33 February p115 - Ltte - reply
to Mr Ralph -- Ed.
OccRev y1921 v33 February p116 - Ltte - re Freud -- PH
OccRev y1921 v33 February p117 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1921 v33 February p121 - review - The Influence of Thought
on Health, Wealth & Happenings by H Ernest Hunt -- H Stanley
OccRev y1921 v33 February p121 - review - The Origin &
Evolution of Freemasonry by Albert Churchward -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1921 v33 February p122 - review - Pengard Awake by
Ralph Straws -- RB Ince
OccRev y1921 v33 February p123 - review - Ruskin
the Prophet: & other Centenary Studies by John Masefield -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v33 February p123 - review - The Key of Destiny
by Harriette A. & F Homer Curtiss -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1921 v33
February p124 - review - Purple Pansies by Jessie Farrell -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v33 February p124 - review - What is this
Spiritualism? by Horace Leaf -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v33 March
p125 - Notes of the Month - Quack Methods & Pseudo Science - Astrology --
The Editor
OccRev y1921 v33 March p129 - Astrology is now a tabooed Science
... (rprnt The Throne Jan 3 1912) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 March
p135 - The Sun of Alchemy (Splendor Solis by JK) -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1921 v33 March p137 - illustration - Male & Female --
OccRev y1921 v33 March p139 - illustration - Separation of Gross &
Subtle -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 March p141 - illustration - Colours of the
Great Work (Peacock in glass vase) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 March p142 - The
Open Door -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1921 v33 March p148 - The Ninth Child -
A True Record -- G Strang Steel
OccRev y1921 v33 March p152 - The Dream --
Katharine Coxhead
OccRev y1921 v33 March p155 - The Garden (vf) -- May
OccRev y1921 v33 March p156 - A West Highland Bard & Seeress -
The True story of "MacCrimmon's Lament" -- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1921 v33
March p166 - Association & the Mystic Sense -- L Grant
OccRev y1921 v33
March p169 - Ltte - A Child's Vision -- Medlock
OccRev y1921 v33 March p169 -
Ltte - Water Finding -- MBW
OccRev y1921 v33 March p170 - Ltte - The Science
of Dreams -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1921 v33 March p171 - Ltte - St
Paul & Sexual Relations -- FC Constable
OccRev y1921 v33 March p172 -
Ltte - The Power of a Curse -- Helen M Boulnois
OccRev y1921 v33 March p172 -
Ltte - Freudian Fantasies (1) -- LA Adams
OccRev y1921 v33 March p173 - Ltte
- Freudian Fantasies (2) -- CH Collings
OccRev y1921 v33 March p174 - Ltte -
Some Thoughts on Prayer -- James Harvey
OccRev y1921 v33 March p175 - Ltte -
What is Spiritualism? -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1921 v33 March p176 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 March p180 - New &
Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1921 v33 March p182 - review -
The Psychology of Behaviour by Elizabeth Severn -- Meredith
OccRev y1921 v33 March p183 - review - Nature-Spirits & the
Spirits of the Elements by DN Dunlop -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921
v33 March p183 - review - Your Psychic Powers & How to Develop them
by Hereward Carrington -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v33 March p184 -
review - A House of Words by Clifford Bax -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v33
March p184 - review - Amethysts by David Boardman Jones -- WH
OccRev y1921 v33 March p185 - review - An Eastern Trilogy -
Persian Tales by DLR & EO Lorimer -- Regina Miriam Bloch
y1921 v33 March p185 - review - The Romance of the Soul by the author
of The Golden Fountain -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v33 March p186 - review -
The Fabric of Dreams by Katherine Taylor Craig -- EMM
OccRev y1921
v33 April p187 - Notes of the Month - Joseph Glanvill & Poltergeist
Phenomena - Eclipse of the Sun -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v33 April p189 -
illustration - Joseph Glanvill -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 April p201 - The
Reason (vf) -- Florence Belle Anderson
OccRev y1921 v33 April p202 -
Experiments upon the Aura - Old & New -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1921
v33 April p209 - Occultism True & False (2) The Basis & Aims of True
Occultism -- John Spencer
OccRev y1921 v33 April p214 - Sir Richard Francis
Burton -- NM Penzer
OccRev y1921 v33 April p223 - Freemasonry - Its Origin,
Ritual & Symbolism (rev of Arthur Edward Waite's New Encyclopaedia of
Freemasonry) -- PSW
OccRev y1921 v33 April p226 - Some Strange Ghost
Stories -- Philip MacLeod
OccRev y1921 v33 April p232 - In Lonesome Castles
-- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1921 v33 April p235 - Ltte - Psychic Music -- Nita
OccRev y1921 v33 April p236 - Ltte - Can Spirits Read Closed
Books? -- Roderick MacKenzie
OccRev y1921 v33 April p236 - Ltte - Symbolical
Dreams -- Jane Spence
OccRev y1921 v33 April p238 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1921 v33 April p242 - review - The Calling of the Sea
by William Hope Hodgson -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v33 April p242 -
review - Great Ganga the Guru; or How a Seeker Sought the Real by
Kavita Kaumudi -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v33 April p243 - review -
Spiritualism: A Popular History from 1847 by Joseph McCable -- Meredith
OccRev y1921 v33 April p243 - review - Pearson's Fortune
Teller by PRS Foli -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1921 v33 April p244 -
review - The Banshee by Elliott O'Donnell -- LAA
OccRev y1921 v33
April p244 - review - Startling Revelations from the Heaven Worlds by
John Lobb -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v33 April p245 - review - An Examination of
William James' Philosophy by JE Turner -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921
v33 April p246 - review - The Threefold State: The True Aspect of the Social
Question by Rudolf Steiner -- GMH
OccRev y1921 v33 April p246 - review -
Tod MacMammon Sees his Soul by A. St John Adcock -- WH
OccRev y1921 v33 April p247 - review - Madmen by Jose' Mora
-- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v33 April p247 - review -
Spiritualism by E Ebrard Rees -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v33
April p248 - review - The Church & Psychical Research: A Layman's
View by George E Wright -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v33 May p249 - Notes
of the Month - Fairy Faith & Modern Evidences - Fairies in Yorkshire -- The
OccRev y1921 v33 May p250 - illustration - A (real girl & fake
fairies) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p251 - illustration - B (Iris &
fake gnome) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p251 - illustration - C (2 real
girls, Alice & Iris) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p252 - illustration - D
Stone Arch Bridge in Forest -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p253 - illustration
- E (real girl, Alice, & fake fairy) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p254 -
illustration - F (Iris & fake fairy) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p255 -
illustration - G (fake fairies) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p258 - The
Better Part (vf) -- RB Ince
OccRev y1921 v33 May p259 - The Coming of the
Fairies -- Sidney Randall
OccRev y1921 v33 May p261 - The Incas of Peru --
Lewis Spence
OccRev y1921 v33 May p263 - illustration - Portrait of a
Dignitary (as earthen pot) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p265 - illustration -
9 pottery types -- anon
OccRev y1921 v33 May p267 - The Poems of Frederic
Myers -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v33 May p269 - The Marabouts of North
Africa & Morocco -- L Grant
OccRev y1921 v33 May p275 - Haunted India --
OccRev y1921 v33 May p279 - Treasure the Days -- Bart
OccRev y1921 v33 May p282 - Character & Disposition as Defined by
Handwriting -- Zuresta
OccRev y1921 v33 May p291 - Nauscopy in the Mauritius
-- WN Neill
OccRev y1921 v33 May p295 - Ltte - Vivisectors & the Human
Mind -- John Nayler
OccRev y1921 v33 May p296 - Ltte - Freemasonry: Its
Origin, Ritual & Symbolism -- WP Swainson
OccRev y1921 v33 May p297 -
Ltte - Symbolical Dreams -- GTG
OccRev y1921 v33 May p298 - Ltte - Strange
Dreams -- JT Foreland
OccRev y1921 v33 May p299 - Ltte - A Psychic Dream --
OccRev y1921 v33 May p301 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1921 v33 May p306 - review - The Law of Mind in Action by Fenwicke L
Holmes -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v33 May p306 - review - The Two
Creative Stories in Genesis by James S Forester-Brown -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1921 v33 May p307 - review - Réincarné! Roman de
Au-Delà by Dr Lucien-Graux -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1921 v33 May p308 -
review - Communion & Fellowship by HA Dallas -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v33 May p308 - review - The Psychic Structures at the
Goligher Circle by WJ Crawford -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v33 May
p309 - review - The Guidance of Jesus for Today by Cecil John Cadoux --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v33 May p310 - review - The Letters of
William James ed by Henry James -- GMH
OccRev y1921 v33 May p310 -
review - A Collection of Ghosts by C Elrith Bevan -- HL
OccRev y1921 v33 May p311 - review - The Law of Love by CR
Stewart -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v33 May p311 - review - The Elder
Edda & Ancient Scandinavian Drama by Bertha S Phillpotts -- WH
OccRev y1921 v33 May p312 - review - Try the Spirits by W
Bickle Haynes -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v33 May p312 - review - The
Peony of Pao-Yu by F Hadland Davis -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v33
June p313 - Notes of the Month - (1) Giordano Bruno -- The Editor
y1921 v33 June p313 - Notes of the Month - (2) The Horoscope of Lord Northcliffe
& the Story of the "Daily Mail" -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v33 June p328
- The Mysteries of Second Sight -- Ian Mackay
OccRev y1921 v33 June p336 -
Fateful Possessions -- C.
OccRev y1921 v33 June p339 - Concerning Dreams --
MB Hogg
OccRev y1921 v33 June p347 - "The Hidden Name & the Sacred Word"
-- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1921 v33 June p351 - The Dream Child (vf) --
Jessie EP Foreland
OccRev y1921 v33 June p352 - Fairies & Witches in Old
Radnorshire -- Essex Smith
OccRev y1921 v33 June p360 - Ltte - A Strange
Dream -- MH
OccRev y1921 v33 June p361 - Ltte - Dickens & Pre-existence
-- John Cyprian Rust
OccRev y1921 v33 June p362 - Ltte - The Flying Dutchman
-- FG Montagu Powell
OccRev y1921 v33 June p363 - Ltte - Clairvoyant
Diagnosis -- HH Langelaan
OccRev y1921 v33 June p364 - Ltte - The Sex Problem
-- MM
OccRev y1921 v33 June p365 - Ltte - Seeing One's Own Ghost -- Harvey
OccRev y1921 v33 June p366 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1921 v33 June p370 - review - Thought & Expression in the 16thC by
Henry Osborn Taylor -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v33 June p371 - review
- Increasing Dawn by Charles Kennedy -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v33
June p371 - review - A Philosopher's view of the Land Question by Henry
Fox -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v33 June p371 - review - The Open
Vision by Horatio W Dresser -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v33 June p372 -
review - Adam L'Homme Tertiaire by RM Gattefossé -- WH
OccRev y1921 v33 June p372 - review - After Death: A Personal
Narrative by WT Stead -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v33 June p373 -
review - Songs of a Sudra by Vikmal Dass -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921
v33 June p374 - review - The Sadhu: A Study in Mysticism & Practical
Religion by GH Streeter -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v34 July p1 - Notes
of the Month - Islamic Mysticism - RA Nicholson -- The Editor
OccRev y1921
v34 July p8 - Santa Maria Maggiore (vf) -- Eva Gore-Booth
OccRev y1921 v34
July p9 - St Francis of Assisi - The "Troubadour of God" -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v34 July p13 - illustration - Saint Francis of Assisi --
OccRev y1921 v34 July p21 - Art & Occultism -- Baron Arild
OccRev y1921 v34 July p25 - On Thinking Differently -- Eustace
OccRev y1921 v34 July p32 - The Grouping -- Bart Kennedy
y1921 v34 July p35 - Illumination of Éliphas Lévi -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1921 v34 July p41 - Zephyr - The Genius of Art (vf) -- Meredith
OccRev y1921 v34 July p43 - The Psychic Centres & their possible
influence on certain obscure conditions -- NFF King
OccRev y1921 v34 July p48
- Miners' Superstitions -- GM Hort
OccRev y1921 v34 July p50 - Ltte - A
Strange Vision -- Marcus Hilde
OccRev y1921 v34 July p51 - Ltte - First Part
of JT Foreland's Dream: A Suggested Interpretation -- Lewis Phillips Apl Asho
OccRev y1921 v34 July p51 - Ltte - Psychometry -- FG Montagu
OccRev y1921 v34 July p53 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1921 v34 July p57 - review - Cornelius Agrippa by Lewis Spence --
OccRev y1921 v34 July p58 - review - The Land of the Living Dead
by Prentiss Tucker -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 July p58 - review -
The Psychology of Day-Dreams by J Varendnock -- HL Hubbard
y1921 v34 July p59 - review - "Let there be Light!" - A Play by Lilias
M'Crie -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34 July p59 - review - The Way
of the Winepress by John Payne -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34
July p60 - review - The Life Beyond the Veil by G Vale Owen -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v34 July p61 - review - Investigations in
Occultism by Rudolf Steiner -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v34 July p61
- review - Spiritualism: True & False by AG Garlick -- HL
OccRev y1921 v34 July p62 - review - Sonnets by Nawab
Nizamat Jung Bahadur -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v34 July p62 - review -
Spiritualism among Civilised & Savage Races by Edward Laurence --
HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v34 July p63 - review - The Rise &
Consummation of the Aeon by Holdon Edward Sampson -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v34 July p64 - review - The Inner Teaching &
Yoga by Charles Wase -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v34 August p65 -
Notes of the Month - (a) Alfred Percy Sinnett -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v34
August p65 - Notes of the Month - (b) The Legal Position of the Predictive Art
-- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v34 August p65 - obituary - AP Sinnett -- The
OccRev y1921 v34 August p67 - illustration - AP Sinnett & his Dog
-- anon
OccRev y1921 v34 August p74 - Jeanne d'Arc -- F
OccRev y1921 v34 August p79 - Ghosts (vf) -- DS
OccRev y1921 v34 August p80 - Alchemy & Modern Science -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34 August p84 - The Lost Inheritance (vf) --
Frank Lind
OccRev y1921 v34 August p85 - Occultism - True & False (3) The
Natural Psychic & the Black Magician -- John Spencer
OccRev y1921 v34
August p89 - Death in the Light of Science & Psychical Research -- HA
OccRev y1921 v34 August p96 - Concerning Animals, Birds & Insects
-- MMM
OccRev y1921 v34 August p100 - My First Astral Adventure -- Claude M
OccRev y1921 v34 August p103 - Detection of Murder Through a Dream
-- CM
OccRev y1921 v34 August p105 - Some Dangerous Apparitions -- Philip
OccRev y1921 v34 August p113 - The House of Sin (vf) -- RB
OccRev y1921 v34 August p114 - The Story of the Ruby -- ER
OccRev y1921 v34 August p116 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1921 v34 August p121 - review - Where the Churches fail
by John Dare -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v34 August p121 - review -
Eucharist & Sacrifice by FC Burkitt -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921
v34 August p121 - review - Una Parola d'oltre Tomba Sull Educazione della
Gioventu by anon -- GMH
OccRev y1921 v34 August p122 - review - The
Law of Laws by Bernard Temple -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v34 August p122
- review - The Rhythm of Life by Henri Borel -- HL Hubbard
y1921 v34 August p122 - review - Cranks: An Anthology by Obert, Sebert
& Ethelberta Standstill -- GMH
OccRev y1921 v34 August p123 - review -
The Saint Durgacharan Nag - (Ramakrishna Math) -- GMH
OccRev y1921
v34 August p123 - review - The Case Against Spirit Photographs by C
Vincent Patrick -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34 August p124 - review -
The God we Believe in - Officer of the Grand Fleet -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v34 August p124 - review - Vers la Sagesse by
Henri Durville -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v34 August p125 - review - The Summer
Book of Love by Petronella O'Donnell -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v34 August p125
- review - Through Séance to Satan by CH Rouse -- HLH
OccRev y1921
v34 August p126 - review - The Still Small Voice by Charles Stuart
Welles -- GMH
OccRev y1921 v34 August p126 - review - The Cosmic Numbers
of the Pyramid of Cheops by Fritz Noetling -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v34
August p127 - review - Spiritualism & the New Psychology by Millais
Culpin -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34 August p128 - review -
Life by EJ Detmold -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v34 August p128 -
review - The City of God & the Way to find it by John Coutts --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 September p129 - Notes of the Month -
"Neither Dead nor Sleeping" by May Wright -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v34
September p139 - The Occult Lore of Burma -- Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah
y1921 v34 September p146 - The Riddle of Manifestation -- FS Coryn
y1921 v34 September p150 - The Unfinished Prayer-Mat (A Phantasy) -- Ethel
OccRev y1921 v34 September p152 - Radnorshire Legends &
Superstitions -- RF Kilvert & Essex Smith
OccRev y1921 v34 September p161
- Occultism & Art -- Leo French
OccRev y1921 v34 September p165 - The Two
Laws -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1921 v34 September p167 - Cosmic Love Song (vf)
-- Leo French
OccRev y1921 v34 September p168 - Dreams -- Helen Mary
OccRev y1921 v34 September p175 - Occultism - True & False (4)
Some General Principles of the Occult Development -- John Spencer
y1921 v34 September p179 - Ltte - Spirit Photography -- Arthur Conan
OccRev y1921 v34 September p179 - Ltte - Psychic Experiences -- John
Willis Ring
OccRev y1921 v34 September p181 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1921 v34 September p185 - review - Exit Homo by A. St
John Adcock -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1921 v34 September p185 - review -
Freemasonry & the Ancient Gods by JSM Ward -- PSW
OccRev y1921
v34 September p186 - review - Masonic Legends & Traditions by
Dudley Wright -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1921 v34 September p187 - review
- Four Mystery Plays by Rudolf Steiner -- Meredith Starr
y1921 v34 September p187 - review - Man's Unconscious Spirit: THe
Psychoanalysis of Spiritism by Wilfrid Lay -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1921
v34 September p188 - review - Self-Healing by Divine Understanding by W
Owen Hughes -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 September p189 - review -
The Children's Corner by Catherine Clay -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v34
September p189 - review - The Desert & the Sown by Margot Robert
Adamson -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v34 September p189 - review - The
Clearer Vision by Gladys Murray -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v34
September p190 - review - Pictures from the Great Love-Mother's Book of
Life by Miss Bruce Adams -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v34 September p190 - review
- In the Power of the Infinite by J Frederic Sanders -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v34 October p191 - Notes of the Month - Daniel Dunglas
Home -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v34 October p193 - illustration - DD Home
(bow tie - mustache) -- anon
OccRev y1921 v34 October p209 - Shakespeare
& the Occult (1) -- C Sheridan Jones
OccRev y1921 v34 October p216 - The
Entrance to the Path -- Ethel G Davidson
OccRev y1921 v34 October p221 - The
Cult of the Werewolf in Europe -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1921 v34 October p227
- A Spectral Isle -- WN Neill
OccRev y1921 v34 October p231 - Buddha Images
& their Influence -- JE Ellam
OccRev y1921 v34 October p234 - Ltte - The
Hooden Horse -- M Abbott
OccRev y1921 v34 October p234 - Ltte - Spirit
Photography -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34 October p235 - Ltte -
Marriage & Reincarnation -- HWS
OccRev y1921 v34 October p236 - Ltte -
Creation in Sleep -- JM Stuart-Young
OccRev y1921 v34 October p238 - Ltte -
The Psychic Centres -- Colin CB Gilmour
OccRev y1921 v34 October p239 - Ltte
- The Riddle of Manifestation -- Arthur Mallord Turner
OccRev y1921 v34
October p240 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1921 v34 October p241 -
(the Esoteric Section of the ts) -- the Editor
OccRev y1921 v34 October p244
- New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1921 v34 October p247
- review - The Spirit of the New Thought by Horatio W Dresser -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 October p247 - review - Will the Soul of Europe
Return? by BP Wadia -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v34 October p248 - review -
Ghost Gleams by W James Wintle -- EMM
OccRev y1921 v34 October p248
- review - Christ or Barabbas: A Psychic Novel by BF Austin -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v34 October p249 - review - Karma, & other
Stories by Lafcadio Hearn -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1921 v34
October p250 - review - Pure Thought & the Riddle of the Universe
by Francis Sedlák -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34 October p250 -
review - The Fourth Dimension by EH Neville -- H Stanley
OccRev y1921 v34 October p251 - review - The Man on the Other
Side by Ada Barnett -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1921 v34 October p252
- review - Psychic Sketches by CM Froes -- Edith K Harper
y1921 v34 October p252 - review - The Two Worlds of Attraction by Anne
Abbott -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 November p253 - Notes of the Month
- The Wanderings of a Spiritualist by Arthur Conan Doyle -- The
OccRev y1921 v34 November p261 - A Visit to Éliphas Lévi (by Kenneth
RH Mackenzie in 1861) -- transcribed by Meredith Starr
OccRev y1921 v34
November p268 - The Fire-Walk -- WN Neill
OccRev y1921 v34 November p271 -
The Mysterious Voice -- FEH
OccRev y1921 v34 November p274 - The Occult Value
of the Scientific Attitude -- Raphael Hurst
OccRev y1921 v34 November p278 -
The Grail Romances & the Tarot -- Julius L Lachner
OccRev y1921 v34
November p285 - Chance -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1921 v34 November p287 - Dawn
- Upper Egypt (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1921 v34 November p288 -
Shakespeare & the Occult (2) -- C Sheridan Jones
OccRev y1921 v34
November p295 - Dreams which have come true -- ML
OccRev y1921 v34 November
p297 - Ltte - Creation in Sleep (1) -- JM Stuart-Young
OccRev y1921 v34
November p299 - Ltte - Creation in Sleep (2) -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1921 v34 November p299 - Ltte - Shakespeare & the Occult -- J Scott
OccRev y1921 v34 November p300 - Ltte - Relative & Absolute -- FS
OccRev y1921 v34 November p302 - Ltte - Marriage & Reincarnation --
OccRev y1921 v34 November p303 - Ltte - Russian Relief -- Joan
OccRev y1921 v34 November p304 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1921 v34 November p309 - review - How to Get What You
Want by Orison Swett Marden -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34
November p309 - review - The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained by Henry
P Manning -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34 November p310 - review -
The Great Tribune by W Asquith -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921
v34 November p311 - review - The Life Beyond the Veil by G Vale Owen --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 November p311 - review - The Spirit of
the New Philosophy by John Herman Randall -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921
v34 November p312 - review - Nationalism in Hindu Culture by Radhakumud
Mookerji -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 November p313 - review - The
Return of Johannes by John Alleyne & Frederick Bligh Bond -- Edith K
OccRev y1921 v34 November p313 - review - Mystery, Mirage &
Miracle by Alain Raffin -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 November p314
- review - Key to the Bible & Heaven by Ludwig B Largen -- Meredith
OccRev y1921 v34 November p314 - review - Myths of Ifé by John
Wyndham -- TM
OccRev y1921 v34 December p315 - Notes of the Month - Spirit
Healing - A Psychic Prescription -- The Editor
OccRev y1921 v34 December p323
- The Hall of Learning (vf) -- Meredith Star
OccRev y1921 v34 December p324 -
An Account of Some of our Psychic Experiences -- G Maurice Elliott; Irene Hallam
OccRev y1921 v34 December p333 - St Brigid, or St Mary of the Gael --
Rosa M Barrett
OccRev y1921 v34 December p335 - illustration - Sr Brigid's
Cathedral, Kildare -- anon
OccRev y1921 v34 December p337 - illustration -
Tower - St Brigid's Cathedral, Kildare -- anon
OccRev y1921 v34 December p341
- A Cumberland Witch -- Mrs J Allsopp
OccRev y1921 v34 December p343 -
Buddhist Occultism -- JE Ellam
OccRev y1921 v34 December p352 - The Straight
Line -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1921 v34 December p354 - The Tortured Man (vf)
-- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1921 v34 December p355 - The Present Trend of
Religious Thought (A Plea for free Scientific Investigation) -- John Butler
OccRev y1921 v34 December p360 - Medical Magnetism -- Georges de
OccRev y1921 v34 December p367 - Ltte - The Riddle of Manifestation --
Arthur M Turner
OccRev y1921 v34 December p367 - Ltte - A Dream within a
Dream -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1921 v34 December p368 - Ltte - Can a Dog,s
Soul Return? -- Alice Elizabeth Dracott
OccRev y1921 v34 December p369 - Ltte
- Shakespeare & the Occult -- Searcher
OccRev y1921 v34 December p370 -
Ltte - Was St Paul a Bachelor? -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1921 v34 December p371 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1921 v34 December p375 - review -
The Future of the Novel by Meredith Starr -- HJS
OccRev y1921 v34
December p375 - review - The Sankhya Philosophy of Kapila by JM Lawl --
OccRev y1921 v34 December p376 - review - Relativity &
Gravitation by J Malcolm Bird -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34
December p377 - review - A Courageous Marriage by Marguerite Bryant --
WH Chesson
OccRev y1921 v34 December p377 - review - The Bright
Messenger by Algernon Blackwood -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1921 v34 December
p378 - review - Other People's Babies by Rathmell Wilson -- WH
OccRev y1921 v34 December p378 - review - Alchemy: Its Science
& Romance by JE Mercer -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1921 v34
December p379 - review - The Secret of Asia by TL Vaswami -- H Stanley
OccRev y1921 v34 December p380 - review - A Message of
Cheer by Damia -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1921 v34 December p380 - review
- The Devil's Christmas Box by HC Mason -- Meredith Starr
y1922 v35 January p1 - Notes of the Month - (a) A Romance of Reincarnation --
The Editor
OccRev y1922 v35 January p1 - Notes of the Month - (b) The Better
Side of Psycho-Analysis -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v35 January p11 - Cosmos
out of Chaos -- W Gornold
OccRev y1922 v35 January p13 - illustration - John
Kepler (the 17thC astronomer) -- anon
OccRev y1922 v35 January p22 - Egypt
the Timeless (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1922 v35 January p23 - "Horns of
Elfland" -- Essex Smith
OccRev y1922 v35 January p30 - The Psychic
Experiences of Mrs (Florence L) Barclay -- Mrs Ellis Chadwick
OccRev y1922
v35 January p38 - The First Matter -- S Foster Damon
OccRev y1922 v35 January
p45 - A Supernormal Adventure -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1922 v35 January
p47 - Ltte - A Telepathic Vision -- TV Scudamore
OccRev y1922 v35 January p47
- Ltte - Theosophy versus Spiritualism -- GM Mayhew
OccRev y1922 v35 January
p48 - Ltte - Can a Dog's Soul Return? -- Constance Farmer
OccRev y1922 v35
January p49 - Ltte - Marriage & Reincarnation -- HWS
OccRev y1922 v35
January p51 - Ltte - Spiritual Science -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1922 v35
January p52 - Ltte - A Superstition -- Violet Francis
OccRev y1922 v35
January p52 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking -- Marjorie I. Fellowes
y1922 v35 January p53 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1922 v35
January p57 - review - Prentice Mulford by Eva Martin -- HL
OccRev y1922 v35 January p57 - review - The Hidden Self & its
Mental Processes by H Ernest Hunt -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35
January p58 - review - Thought-Coin by Bart Kennedy -- HL
OccRev y1922 v35 January p58 - review - The Symbolism of
Colour by Ellen Conroy -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v35 January p59 - review -
The Human Touch: with Fantasy & Poems by LA Compton Rickett --
Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922 v35 January p59 - review - Wheat &
Tares by Annie M March -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v35 January p60 - review -
The Weaver by Ethel M Ward -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v35 January p60 -
review - The Magic Power by Tillie McLean -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v35
January p61 - review - L'Eternuement dans la Magie by P Saintyves --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1922 v35 January p61 - review - Le Comte de
Gabalis, ou Entretiens sur les Sciences Secrètes ed by Rene-Louis Doyen --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1922 v35 January p62 - review - Songs of the
Open by Teresa Hooley -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922 v35 February
p63 - Notes of the Month - Psychic Science & the Ancient Wisdom - James
Douglas -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v35 February p73 - Concerning Obsessions
-- JW Brodie-Innes
OccRev y1922 v35 February p85 - LVW - An Invocation (vf)
-- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1922 v35 February p86 - Fairies of the East --
Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah
OccRev y1922 v35 February p91 - The Story of Atlantis -
New Light on the Sunken Continent -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1922 v35 February
p97 - Witchcraft in our Village during Last Century -- GL Beckton
y1922 v35 February p102 - Abracadabra -- WN Neill
OccRev y1922 v35 February
p107 - Ltte - The First Matter (1) -- Arthur Conan Doyle
OccRev y1922 v35
February p108 - Ltte - The First Matter (2) -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1922 v35 February p109 - Ltte - Reincarnation -- A.
OccRev y1922 v35
February p110 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking (1) -- Fred Vaughan
OccRev y1922
v35 February p111 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking (2) -- ZAS
OccRev y1922 v35
February p112 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking (3) -- Kittie F Dent
OccRev y1922
v35 February p113 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking (4) -- SF Ross Smith
y1922 v35 February p113 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking (5) -- Bayard
OccRev y1922 v35 February p114 - Ltte - (awaking reciting poetry) --
OccRev y1922 v35 February p115 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1922 v35 February p120 - review - Wonder Tales of Ancient Wales by
Bernard Henderson -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v35 February p120 - review - The
Philosophy of Nature Cure by Clement Jeffery -- Meredith Starr
y1922 v35 February p121 - review - Further Messages Across the
Border-Line by F Heslop -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35 February p122
- review - To the Living Dead by Elsie Paterson Cranmer -- Meredith
OccRev y1922 v35 February p122 - review - Le Symbolisme des
Nombras by R Allendy -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1922 v35 February
p123 - review - The Prodigal Returns - anon -- JEE
OccRev y1922 v35
February p123 - review - Alta - La Catéchisme de la Raison by Alta
(pseudonym) -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1922 v35 February p124 - review -
La Lumière de L'Asie by Edwin Arnold -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1922 v35 February p124 - review - Mystic Songs of Fire & Flame by
K Arthur-Behenna -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922 v35 March p125 - Notes
of the Month - Can the Future be Foreseen? -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v35
March p126 - review - Death, & its Mystery - Before Death by
Camille Flammarion -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v35 March p136 - The Magic of
Art (vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1922 v35 March p137 - Tarantism in
Madagascar -- WN Neill
OccRev y1922 v35 March p141 - The Climbing of the Hill
- the experiences of a Bard in Gwynfyd (long vf) -- Casedyn the Bard & W
OccRev y1922 v35 March p147 - A Mystical Epic of the Holy Graal --
Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1922 v35 March p150 - The Cult of the Witch -- JW
OccRev y1922 v35 March p164 - Talismanic Magic -- H Stanley
OccRev y1922 v35 March p165 - illustration - Talismans #74-#89 --
OccRev y1922 v35 March p169 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking (1) -- JD
OccRev y1922 v35 March p170 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking (2)
-- Incognito
OccRev y1922 v35 March p171 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking (3) --
Jessie EP Foreland
OccRev y1922 v35 March p172 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking
(4) -- Frederick R Ward
OccRev y1922 v35 March p172 - Ltte - Paralysis on
Awaking (5) -- Gerald Bradbury
OccRev y1922 v35 March p173 - Ltte - (Daniel
Dunglas) Home or Hume -- John Cyprian Rust
OccRev y1922 v35 March p174 - Ltte
- The Danger of Senses -- Common Sense
OccRev y1922 v35 March p175 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1922 v35 March p179 - New &
Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1922 v35 March p181 - review -
Bibby's Annual 1922 by Joseph Bibby -- PSW
OccRev y1922 v35 March
p181 - review - Lady Agatha by Beatrice Chase -- Edith K
OccRev y1922 v35 March p182 - review - Jagadish Chander Bose: His
Life, Discoveries & Writings - anon - various -- H Stanley
OccRev y1922 v35 March p182 - review - The Disobedient Kids
by Bozena Nemcova -- HJS
OccRev y1922 v35 March p183 - review - Autumn
Songs Among the Leaves by Elise Emmons -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922
v35 March p183 - review - The Fugitive by Rabindra Nath Tagore -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35 March p184 - review - The Finding of Shiloh, or
the Mystery of God "Finished" by Rachel J Fox -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1922
v35 March p185 - review - Les Morts Vivent-Ils by Paul Heuzé -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922 v35 March p185 - review - Voici La Lumiére
by Henri Durville -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922 v35 March p186 - review
- An Introduction to Mahayana Buddhism by William Montgomery McGovern
-- JEE
OccRev y1922 v35 April p187 - Notes of the Month - Reincarnation in
the Poets -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v35 April p200 - The Joy of Life --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1922 v35 April p206 - Language -- FA
OccRev y1922 v35 April p210 - Magnetic Theories of the Marquis de
Puységur -- RB Ince
OccRev y1922 v35 April p215 - The Source of the River
Lethe -- JH Power
OccRev y1922 v35 April p220 - The Great Gnostic Miscellany
-- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1922 v35 April p225 - Palmistry & its
Lessons (1) Chirognomy -- Zuresta
OccRev y1922 v35 April p233 - Ltte -
Comfort Through a Dream -- Minnie L Billings
OccRev y1922 v35 April p233 -
Ltte - A Test Message -- Alice Elizabeth Dracott
OccRev y1922 v35 April p234
- Ltte - A Strange Experience -- Gerald Bradbury
OccRev y1922 v35 April p234
- Ltte - A Gipsy Benediction -- MCSB
OccRev y1922 v35 April p235 - Ltte -
Obsessions & Gems -- J Campbell
OccRev y1922 v35 April p236 - Ltte -
Paralysis on Awakening, or Daymare -- Gertrude Rugg-gunn
OccRev y1922 v35
April p236 - Ltte - Spiritualism - Old & New -- E Lawrence
OccRev y1922
v35 April p237 - Ltte - Uranus & Altruism -- HWS
OccRev y1922 v35 April
p239 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1922 v35 April p243 - review -
The Undying Monster by Jessie Douglas Kerrvish -- WH Chesson
y1922 v35 April p243 - review - The Ellewoman by Susan Stratford -- WH
OccRev y1922 v35 April p243 - review - La Vivante Epingle, une
Veillé é, Judith by J Joseph-Renaud -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1922 v35 April
p244 - review - Reality - The Absolute - A Challenge by Richard Henry
Wesencraft (West) -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35 April p244 - review -
The Soul's Renascence by Edward Willmore -- Edith K Harper
y1922 v35 April p245 - review - The Living Jesus by Frederick A. Wiggin
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35 April p245 - review - An Encyclopaedia
of Religions by Maurice A. Canney -- PSW
OccRev y1922 v35 April p246 -
review - Discipline by Heret -- Frances Tyrrell
OccRev y1922 v35
April p246 - review - Adriene Toner by Anne Douglas Sedgwick (Mrs Basil
de Selincourt) -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v35 April p247 - review - Commentaires
sur les Evangiles by H Henry __B -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1922 v35 April
p247 - review - Characterology by JE Roscoe -- Edith K Harper
y1922 v35 April p248 - review - The Way of Health & Abundance by W
Owen Hughes -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35 May p249 - Notes of the Month
- Emile Coué & Auto-Suggestion -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v35 May p257 -
A Study of Hauntings -- HA Dallas
OccRev y1922 v35 May p265 - A Defense of
Alchemy -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1922 v35 May p279 - Clothes that
Inspire Terrible Dreams -- Vivian E Tidmarsh
OccRev y1922 v35 May p284 - The
Scapegoat (vf) -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922 v35 May p286 - The Two
Faces of Man -- Raphael Hurst
OccRev y1922 v35 May p290 - The Mystery of
Suffering -- M Ford Robertson
OccRev y1922 v35 May p292 - A Communion of
Saints (vf) -- DS Goodwin
OccRev y1922 v35 May p293 - Evolution through
Rebirth -- HW Stevens
OccRev y1922 v35 May p297 - Ltte - The Cult of the
Witch (1) -- Cathleen E Wilson
OccRev y1922 v35 May p298 - Ltte - The Cult of
the Witch (2) -- AG Witherby
OccRev y1922 v35 May p298 - Ltte - The First
Matter -- Isabelle de Steiger
OccRev y1922 v35 May p299 - Ltte - Telepathy --
A Constant Reader
OccRev y1922 v35 May p300 - Ltte - The Hidden Way -- by
Helen Mary Boulnois
OccRev y1922 v35 May p300 - Ltte - A Strange Dream --
Nita O'Sullivan-Beare
OccRev y1922 v35 May p301 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking
-- Frederick R Ward
OccRev y1922 v35 May p301 - Ltte - The Firedrake -- K Amy
OccRev y1922 v35 May p302 - Ltte - The Roger Bacon MS -- S Foster
OccRev y1922 v35 May p303 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1922 v35 May p308 - review - Alchemy: Ancient & Modern by H
Stanley Redgrove -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1922 v35 May p309 - review -
History of Sacrament in Relation to Thought & Progress by Alice
Gardner -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1922 v35 May p309 - review -
Shadowland by EP Larken -- GMH
OccRev y1922 v35 May p310 - review -
Photographing the Invisible by James Coates -- Edith K Harper
y1922 v35 June p311 - Notes of the Month - Dr John Dee - GM Hert -- The
OccRev y1922 v35 June p313 - illustration - John Dee -- anon
y1922 v35 June p326 - The Lore of the Phantom Coach -- GM Mayhew
OccRev y1922
v35 June p336 - The Influence of Atlantis on Egypt & Mexico -- Lewis
OccRev y1922 v35 June p342 - Pasteur & the Problem of Life -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1922 v35 June p347 - Isis-Mary -- Leopold AD
OccRev y1922 v35 June p350 - Subliminal (vf) -- Ethel
OccRev y1922 v35 June p352 - From Subconscious to Conscious - can
Automatic Messages be explained? -- LE Parker
OccRev y1922 v35 June p362 -
Ltte - A Strange Experience -- Nathan Bell
OccRev y1922 v35 June p362 - Ltte
- Psychometry -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922 v35 June p363 - Ltte -
Higher Octaves of the Planets -- FL Morgan
OccRev y1922 v35 June p363 - Ltte
- The Angelic Ministry -- Marion E Butler
OccRev y1922 v35 June p365 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1922 v35 June p369 - review - The
Meanings of Masonry by WL Wilmshurst -- PSW
OccRev y1922 v35 June p369 -
review - Woman & Freemasonry by Dudley Wright -- EMM
y1922 v35 June p370 - review - The Quest of the Spirit ed by Genevieve
Stebbins -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v35 June p370 - review - The Healing
Power by Helen Boulnois -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35 June p371 -
review - Finding a Soul - A Spiritual Autobiography by EE Everest --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35 June p372 - review - My Philosophy &
My Religion by Ralph Waldo Emerson -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1922 v35 June
p372 - review - The Planet Mars & its Inhabitants: A Psychic
Revelation by Iros Urides -- GMH
OccRev y1922 v35 June p372 - review -
Parsifal - A Study of Wagner's Music Drama by WL Wilmshurst --
OccRev y1922 v35 June p373 - review - Astro-Psychology by Laurel
Miller -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v35 June p373 - review - The Classic of
Spiritism by Lucy McDowell Milburn -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v35
June p374 - review - Singing for Health by Thomas Raymond -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922 v36 July p1 - Notes of the Month - Philo Judaeus
& his Relation to Christianity -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v36 July p12 -
John Varley - Artist & Astrologer -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1922 v36
July p17 - illustration - Visionary Head of "Edward III who now exists in the
other world" -- William Blake
OccRev y1922 v36 July p19 - illustration - "The
Ghost of a Flea" -- William Blake
OccRev y1922 v36 July p21 - illustration -
Visionary Head of "The Man who built the Pyramids" -- William Blake
y1922 v36 July p24 - Percy Bysshe Shelley - July 1822 - July 1922 - The
Mysticism of Shelley -- L Grant
OccRev y1922 v36 July p28 - The Devas - Some
less frequent psychic experiences -- Irene Hay
OccRev y1922 v36 July p35 - A
Note on Automatic Writing -- H Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1922 v36 July p39 - The
Skeleton -- Katherine Godefroi
OccRev y1922 v36 July p42 - Absolution (vf) --
Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1922 v36 July p43 - Royal Healers -- William
OccRev y1922 v36 July p47 - Reflections on Reincarnation -- J Scott
OccRev y1922 v36 July p50 - Quietude (vf) -- Frederich
OccRev y1922 v36 July p51 - Haunted Houses & Exorcism --
Constance Frost
OccRev y1922 v36 July p54 - Ltte - Paralysis on Awakening --
William R Moore
OccRev y1922 v36 July p55 - Ltte - (not actuated by fear - my
attitude was amusement) -- Incognito
OccRev y1922 v36 July p57 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1922 v36 July p61 - review - Realms of the
Living Dead by Harriette Augusta Curtiss -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922
v36 July p62 - review - Raymond Lully: Illuminated Doctor, Alchemist &
Christian Mystic by Arthur Edward Waite -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1922 v36 July p62 - review - Lucifer, of the True Story of the Famous
Diabolic Possession in Alsace by Paul Sutter -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1922
v36 July p63 - review - Essays & Addresses on the Philosophy of
Religion by F von Hügel -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1922 v36 July p64
- review - Rosicrucian Fundamentals by Khei -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1922 v36 August p65 - Notes of the Month - The Misuse of
Language in Relation to Psychical Research -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v36
August p71 - review - Death & its mystery: at the moment of Death
by Camille Flammarion -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v36 August p77 - The Symbols
of Alchemy -- S Foster Damon
OccRev y1922 v36 August p86 - A Deva Revelation
-- Oliver Fox
OccRev y1922 v36 August p96 - Relativity & Reality --
William Kingsland
OccRev y1922 v36 August p104 - Two Mysterious Happenings --
OccRev y1922 v36 August p106 - The Magic of the Subconscious -- GRS
OccRev y1922 v36 August p114 - Ltte - Unity & Duality --
OccRev y1922 v36 August p114 - Ltte - Pasteur -- BE Kidd
y1922 v36 August p116 - reply to Mr Kidd -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1922
v36 August p117 - Ltte - A Dual Dream -- Petronella O'Donnell
OccRev y1922
v36 August p117 - Ltte - Astral Flowers -- Nita O'Sullivan-Beare
OccRev y1922
v36 August p118 - Ltte - Atlantis -- J Scott Battams
OccRev y1922 v36 August
p119 - Ltte - The Process of Man's Becoming -- Quaestor Vitae
OccRev y1922
v36 August p120 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1922 v36 August p125
- review - Practical Self-Help by Christian D Larson -- H Stanley
OccRev y1922 v36 August p125 - review - The Message of
Aquaria by Hariette Angusta Curtiss -- HJS
OccRev y1922 v36 August p126
- review - Revelations of a Spirit Medium by Harry Price -- H Stanley
OccRev y1922 v36 August p127 - review - The Goligher Circle, May
to Aug, 1921 - Experiences of EE Fournier d'Albe by WJ Crawford -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1922 v36 August p128 - review - Le Servent
vert by Oswald Wirth -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1922 v36 August p128 - review
- Krishna's Flute by TL Vaswani -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922
v36 August p129 - review - Your Own Path by Ruth Morgan -- Edith K
OccRev y1922 v36 August p129 - review - Stories of Animals I have
Loved by Katherine Parr -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v36 August p130 -
review - Psychic Phenomena in the Old Testament by Sarah A. Tooley --
OccRev y1922 v36 August p131 - review - Professor Aylmer's
Experiment by AJ Anderson -- RMD
OccRev y1922 v36 August p132 - review -
Between Sun & Moon by Cecil French -- Edith K Harper
y1922 v36 August p133 - review - Message of the Birds by TL Vaswani --
H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1922 v36 August p134 - review - The Hidden
Power, & other Essays by T Troward -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1922 v36 September p131 - Notes of the Month - Infinity & the Self -- The
OccRev y1922 v36 September p138 - The Astral & Ethereal Worlds (1)
Among the Stars -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1922 v36 September p144 - The Inner
Vision -- Elizabeth Keith Morris
OccRev y1922 v36 September p152 - Miracles
-- NG Lawson
OccRev y1922 v36 September p159 - Angelic Revelations &
Predictions of Planetary Intercommunication -- Frederic W Thurstan
y1922 v36 September p171 - An Egyptian Hypnotist -- Douglas T March
y1922 v36 September p179 - Ltte - A Mysterious Sound -- John Meddop
y1922 v36 September p180 - Ltte - Rabies by Suggestion -- J Scott
OccRev y1922 v36 September p181 - Ltte - Unity & Dualism --
OccRev y1922 v36 September p181 - Ltte - The Magic of the
Unconsciousness -- FC Constable
OccRev y1922 v36 September p183 - Ltte - The
Green Ray -- Argentina
OccRev y1922 v36 September p184 - Ltte - "And Yet Are
Two in One" -- LN
OccRev y1922 v36 September p184 - Ltte - Relativity -- W
Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1922 v36 September p186 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1922 v36 September p190 - review - Theosophy & World
Problems by AB, CJ, JK, GSA -- RB Ince
OccRev y1922 v36 September p190 -
review - La Morale Eternelle by EL Drilland -- HL Hubbard
y1922 v36 September p191 - review - A Mind that Found Itself - An
Autobiography by Clifford Whittingham Beers -- Edith K Harper
y1922 v36 September p191 - review - Psychic Philosophy, as the Foundation of
a Religion of Natural Law by Stanley de Brath -- Edith K Harper
y1922 v36 September p191 - review - The Life of the Spirit & the Life of
To-Day by Evelyn Underhill -- GMH
OccRev y1922 v36 September p192 -
review - A Study or True Translation in English of the 11th Skandha in
Srimath B'agavatha by Ramasubba Sastri -- Regina Miriam Bloch
y1922 v36 September p193 - review - The Luck of the Town by Marion Fox
-- GMH
OccRev y1922 v36 September p193 - review - Westminster Abbey &
other Poems by Fielding Fielding-Ould -- Regina Miriam Bloch
y1922 v36 September p194 - review - The Chronicles of Rodriguez by Lord
Dunsany -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1922 v36 September p194 - review - La Fin
du Secret by Binet-Sanglé -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1922 v36 September p195
- review - The Wheel of Fortune by Mahatma Gandhi -- RB Ince
y1922 v36 September p196 - review - What Timothy Did by Mrs Belloc
Lowndes -- GMH
OccRev y1922 v36 September p196 - review - Your Own
Path by Ruth Morgan -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v36 October p197 -
Notes of the Month - (a) "The Tempest" as a Mystery Play -- The Editor
y1922 v36 October p197 - Notes of the Month - (b) Fairy Evidences -- The
OccRev y1922 v36 October p215 - An Impression of Dr Rudolf Steiner --
William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1922 v36 October p223 - The Astral & Ethereal
Worlds (2) Beyond the Sun -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1922 v36 October p229 -
Virtues of Precious Stones -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1922 v36 October p232 -
The Magic of Numbers -- W Gornold
OccRev y1922 v36 October p240 - The Devil's
Pay -- WN Neill
OccRev y1922 v36 October p243 - Ltte - The Green Ray (1) --
OccRev y1922 v36 October p243 - Ltte - The Green Ray (2) -- Arthur
Conan Doyle
OccRev y1922 v36 October p244 - Ltte - The Green Ray (3) -- BM
OccRev y1922 v36 October p244 - Ltte - A Terrifying Dream --
OccRev y1922 v36 October p245 - Ltte - Pasteur -- BE Kidd
OccRev y1922
v36 October p246 - Ltte - The First Matter of the Alchemists -- Henri
OccRev y1922 v36 October p247 - Ltte - Concerning Anthroposophy --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1922 v36 October p249 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1922 v36 October p253 - New & Forthcoming Publications --
OccRev y1922 v36 October p255 - review - Manifestations du
Fantôme des Vivants by Hector Durville -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922
v36 October p255 - review - In Search of the Soul, & the Mechanism of
Thought, Emotion & Conduct by Bernard Hollander -- Meredith
OccRev y1922 v36 October p256 - review - The Amateur Archangel -
Being the Narrative of Arthur Stewart by TC Crawford -- Edith K
OccRev y1922 v36 October p257 - review - Revelation & Science:
A Reply to Higher Critics & Darwinists by John Leslie -- H Stanley
OccRev y1922 v36 October p258 - review - The Structures of the
Atom by Stephen Miall -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1922 v36 October
p259 - review - Voice Magnetism: The Psychology of Voice by Quetta --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v36 October p259 - review - A Theory of
Monads by H Wildon Carr -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1922 v36 October p259 -
review - Philosophy & the New Physics by Louis Rougier -- H Stanley
OccRev y1922 v36 October p260 - review - Introduction to the
Bhagavad-Gita by VK Ramanujacharya -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1922
v36 November p261 - Notes of the Month - The Philosopher's Stone - The testimony
of Spinoza -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v36 November p273 - Enigma (vf) --
FredericK Nicholls
OccRev y1922 v36 November p274 - (Arthur Conan Doyle &
Thomas Vaughan: Correspondences) -- anon
OccRev y1922 v36 November p275 -
Spiritual Evolution -- PHF
OccRev y1922 v36 November p282 - Our Nerves &
the Psychic Factor -- MA Anderson
OccRev y1922 v36 November p289 - The Craft
of Magic -- Owen Rutter
OccRev y1922 v36 November p297 - The Occult Lore of
the Cross-Roads -- WN Neill
OccRev y1922 v36 November p302 - More Welsh
Fairy-Lore -- Mary L Lewes
OccRev y1922 v36 November p308 - Ltte - Dr Rudolf
Steiner -- Herbert A. Purchas
OccRev y1922 v36 November p309 - Ltte - A Fairy
Vision (1) -- Robert McAllan
OccRev y1922 v36 November p309 - Ltte - A Fairy
Vision (2) -- Dorothy M Ford
OccRev y1922 v36 November p310 - Ltte - Vain
Search of the British Association (for the seat of the Mind) -- Bianca
OccRev y1922 v36 November p311 - Ltte - Shakespeare's Mystery Play --
Colin Still
OccRev y1922 v36 November p311 - Ltte - The Magic of Numbers --
OccRev y1922 v36 November p312 - Ltte - Transfiguration -- Ebon
y1922 v36 November p312 - Ltte - A Dual Vision -- Florencia
OccRev y1922 v36
November p313 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1922 v36 November p318
- review - Raja Yoga - or Conquering the Internal Nature by Swami
Vivekananda -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v36 November p318 - review - Variety
by Sarah Grand -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v36 November p319 - review - The End
of the Day by Sybil Grant -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v36 November p319 - review
- The Congregation of Plato by Philip Ferry -- GMH
OccRev y1922 v36
November p320 - review - Power Through Repose by Annie Payson Call --
OccRev y1922 v36 November p320 - review - Seeing the Invisible
by James Coates -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v36 November p321 - review -
Facts & the Future Life by G Vale Owen -- Edith K Harper
y1922 v36 November p321 - review - The Ideal Community by K van Gelder
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v36 November p322 - review - Experiences
of a Psychometrist & Clairvoyant by L Tremayne -- Edith K
OccRev y1922 v36 November p322 - review - The Invisible in the
Real by Sydney T Klein -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v36 November p323 - review -
Afterworld Effects - A Psychic Manuscript by Karl M Leute -- Edith K
OccRev y1922 v36 November p324 - review - The Knight of
Ravenswood by Maris Warrington -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v36 November p324 -
review - The Evolution of Consciousness by A. Wyatt Tilby -- H Stanley
OccRev y1922 v36 December p325 - Notes of the Month - (1) A
Mysterious Communication - Mr Lloyd George as Joseph Robespierre -- The
OccRev y1922 v36 December p325 - Notes of the Month - (2) The Unseen
Powers & the World's Governance -- The Editor
OccRev y1922 v36 December
p336 - Love Invisible (vf) -- Phyllis M James
OccRev y1922 v36 December p337
- Full Moon -- George Austin
OccRev y1922 v36 December p347 - The Planetary
Control -- PH Fawcett
OccRev y1922 v36 December p357 - The Shooting Star (vf)
-- Phyllis M James
OccRev y1922 v36 December p358 - A Ghost Story -- Mary E
OccRev y1922 v36 December p369 - Witch-Wreckers -- WN
OccRev y1922 v36 December p375 - Some Adventures with Fairies --
Maunsell Vize
OccRev y1922 v36 December p381 - Ltte - The Hall of Learning --
OccRev y1922 v36 December p382 - Ltte - Dr Steiner's Clairvoyant
Claims -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1922 v36 December p384 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1922 v36 December p388 - review - Raymond
Revised by Oliver Lodge -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1922 v36 December p388
- review - Our Widening Outlook by GG André -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1922 v36 December p389 - review - Hindu Gods &
Heroes by Lionel D Barrett -- EMM
OccRev y1922 v36 December p389 -
review - Les Vivants et les Morts by Henri Regnault -- EMM
y1922 v36 December p390 - review - Christianity as Mystical Fact by
Rudolf Steiner -- Colin Still
OccRev y1922 v36 December p391 - review -
The Secret Societies of Ireland by HBC Pollard -- WH Chesson
y1922 v36 December p391 - review - The Psychic Life of Insects by El
Bouvier -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1922 v36 December p392 - review - The
Little Boy who set out to walk to Heaven by Katherine Parr -- Edith K
OccRev y1922 v36 December p392 - review - Joannes Baptiste van
Helmont, Alchemist, Physician & Philosopher by H Stanley Redgrove --
OccRev y1922 v36 December p393 - review - QBL - or The Bride's
Reception by Frater Achad -- EFW
OccRev y1922 v36 December p394 - review
- Zadkiel's Almanac for 1923 - anon -- RS
OccRev y1923 v37 January
p1 - Notes of the Month - (1) Mr WT Stead in the Other World -- The
OccRev y1923 v37 January p7 - Notes of the Month - (2) The "Akashic
Records" -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v37 January p12 - The Holy Keys (vf) --
Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v37 January p14 - Occult Phenomena among the
Lower Races of Man -- Edward Lawrence
OccRev y1923 v37 January p25 - Racial
& Group-Memory as Exemplified in the Glastonbury Scripts -- Rosa M
OccRev y1923 v37 January p30 - A Cameo from Clairvoyant History --
William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1923 v37 January p39 - The Problem of Steiner --
Charlotte Sturm
OccRev y1923 v37 January p44 - The Lure of Jade &
Precious Stones -- D Grenside
OccRev y1923 v37 January p48 - Some Dream
Experiences - A Personal Record -- Madge Roddy
OccRev y1923 v37 January p51 -
Ltte - Astral & Ethereal -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1923 v37 January p52 -
Ltte - Re Recurrent Dreams -- Reve Periodique
OccRev y1923 v37 January p52 -
Ltte - Hypnotizing by Will-Power -- OM
OccRev y1923 v37 January p53 - Ltte -
Trance Conditions -- F Sutherland
OccRev y1923 v37 January p53 - Ltte -
(along or thru my spine I feel a sensation) -- Ebon
OccRev y1923 v37 January
p54 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37 January p58 - review -
The Fire Jars by MR James -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v37 January p58
- review - Secret Sects of Syria & the Lebanon by Bernard H
Springett -- PSW
OccRev y1923 v37 January p59 - review - Life's Practical
Philosophy by Charles Wase -- HTS
OccRev y1923 v37 January p59 - review
- The Great Secret by Maurice Maeterlinck -- Edith K Harper
y1923 v37 January p60 - review - Philosophy & the Christian
Experience by Wilfrid Richmond -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37
January p61 - review - Lady Avis Trewithen - A Romance of Dartmoor by
Beatrice Chase -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 January p62 - review -
The Daily Guide by Sepharial -- EMM
OccRev y1923 v37 January p63 -
review - Thomas Lake Harris & His Occult Teachings by WP Swainson
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v37 January p63 - review - Raphael's
Almanac for 1923 - anon -- AL
OccRev y1923 v37 January p64 - review -
A Manual of Graphology by Arthur Storey -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1923 v37 January p65 - review - Saint-Martin - The French Mystic by
Arthur Edward Waite -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v37 January p66 -
review - Songs for all Seasons by Elise Emmons -- Edith K
OccRev y1923 v37 January p66 - review - The New Psychology &
other sketches by A. Blackham -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37
February p67 - Notes of the Month - The Life Story of Laurence Oliphant (1)
& his Relations with Thomas Lake Harris -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v37
February p84 - To Saturn, The Dark Angel (vf) -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1923 v37
February p85 - Some Personal Experiences of a Psychic Nature -- AC
y1923 v37 February p99 - More Light upon Atlantis - Novel & Startling
Theories -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1923 v37 February p104 - Roman Catholicism
& Freemasonry -- JSM Ward
OccRev y1923 v37 February p107 - The Evidence
for Literal Transmutation -- S Foster Damon
OccRev y1923 v37 February p115 -
Ltte - The Problem of Dr Steiner -- DS Osmond
OccRev y1923 v37 February p116
- Ltte - The Zohar -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1923 v37 February p117 -
Ltte - Those Akashic Records (1) -- Arthur M Turner
OccRev y1923 v37 February
p117 - Ltte - Those Akashic Records (2) -- A.
OccRev y1923 v37 February p118
- Ltte - The Akashic Records -- Delta
OccRev y1923 v37 February p119 - Ltte -
The Hall of Learning (1) -- Catharine Hartley Griggs
OccRev y1923 v37
February p119 - Ltte - The Hall of Learning (2) -- Euphrosyne
OccRev y1923
v37 February p120 - Ltte - The Philosopher's Stone -- S Foster Damon
y1923 v37 February p123 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37
February p128 - review - Les Temperaments by R Allendy -- R MacD
OccRev y1923 v37 February p128 - review - The Case for Spirit
Photography by Arthur Conan Doyle -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37
February p129 - review - Spirit & Music by E Ernest Hunt --
OccRev y1923 v37 February p130 - review - The Mysteries of
Hypnosis by Georges de Dubor -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v37
February p131 - review - Heaven's Fairyland - The Children's Sphere by
Woodley-Bradbrook -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 February p131 - review -
Christ & Labour by CF Andrews -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923
v37 February p132 - review - Remembering & Forgetting by TH Pear --
H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v37 March p133 - Notes of the Month - The
Life Story of Laurence Oliphant (2) -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v37 March p146
- illustration - Approach to Haifa, Bay of Acre -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37
March p153 - The Ship from Never Land (vf) -- Petronella O'Donnell
y1923 v37 March p154 - The Christology of Steiner -- Charlotte Sturm
y1923 v37 March p161 - The Soul of the Beast -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1923 v37 March p165 - Myths & Legends of China -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1923 v37 March p170 - The Sacred Heart -- Arthur Ward
y1923 v37 March p177 - Ltte - The Philosopher's Stone -- R Watson
OccRev y1923 v37 March p178 - Ltte - The Inner Vision - Prescience
-- JM Stuart-Young
OccRev y1923 v37 March p179 - Ltte - You Travel when you
Dream -- Frank White
OccRev y1923 v37 March p180 - Ltte - "Authority" &
the "Akashic Records" -- W Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1923 v37 March p181 -
Ltte - Mr Leadbeater & the "Akashic Records" -- HF Mauran
OccRev y1923
v37 March p182 - Ltte - The Illusion of Time -- WRC Coode Adams
OccRev y1923
v37 March p183 - Ltte - For the New Era? (quoting John Milton) -- Christine
OccRev y1923 v37 March p184 - Ltte - Movement of Inanimate Objects -- M
Oldfield Howey
OccRev y1923 v37 March p185 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1923 v37 March p189 - New & Forthcoming Publications --
OccRev y1923 v37 March p191 - review - Tales of Old Sind by
CA Kincaid -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v37 March p191 - review -
The Path of Victory by Henry Thomas Hamblin -- Edith K Harper
y1923 v37 March p192 - review - Initiation Human & Solar by Alice
A. Bailey -- HJS
OccRev y1923 v37 March p193 - review - The Orissers
by LN Myers -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v37 March p193 - review - Light on
Mystic Art by Jane (Miller) Fisher ("Johanna") -- Edith K Harper
y1923 v37 March p194 - review - The Akathistos Hymn to the Mother of
God tr by Anita Bartle -- EMM
OccRev y1923 v37 March p194 - review -
Bahai - The Spirit of the Age by Horace Holley -- EMM
OccRev y1923
v37 March p195 - review - Self-Mastery Through Conscious
Auto-Suggestion by Emile Coué -- EMM
OccRev y1923 v37 March p196 -
review - M. Coué & his Gospel of Health by FSM Bennett --
OccRev y1923 v37 April p197 - Notes of the Month - The Founders of the
Theosophical Society, & associated Personalities -- The Editor
y1923 v37 April p210 - The Castle of Glamis, & the Supernaturalism of
Scotland -- Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1923 v37 April p211 - illustration -
Glamis Castle -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37 April p219 - Comte de Saint-Germain as
an Historical Personality -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1923 v37 April p221
- illustration - The Comte de Saint-Germain -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37 April
p227 - A Master of Magic - Alphonse Louis Constant -- H Stanley
OccRev y1923 v37 April p229 - illustration - Éliphas Lévi (standing,
with cane, behind chair) -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37 April p234 - A Case of
Spirit Identity -- Stuart Armour
OccRev y1923 v37 April p237 - Buddhist
Symbolism -- JE Ellam
OccRev y1923 v37 April p241 - Ltte - A Cameo from
Clairvoyant History (1) -- Orient
OccRev y1923 v37 April p241 - Ltte - The
Akashic Records -- M Schultze
OccRev y1923 v37 April p242 - Ltte - For Truth
& Humanity -- A.
OccRev y1923 v37 April p243 - Ltte - A Rejoinder to
Critics -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1923 v37 April p244 - Ltte - A Cameo
from Clairvoyant History (2) -- Kaikhosru Sorabji
OccRev y1923 v37 April p245
- Ltte - Re Hypnotizing by Will-Power -- Alice Warren Hamaker
OccRev y1923
v37 April p246 - Ltte - (Hypnotism) -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1923 v37
April p246 - Ltte - Self-Hypnotization -- Not-in-Trance
OccRev y1923 v37
April p246 - Ltte - Mr Leadbeater's Akashic Records -- BP Wadia
OccRev y1923
v37 April p247 - Ltte - The Akashic Records Again -- Delta
OccRev y1923 v37
April p248 - Ltte - The Dual Life -- Petronella O'Donnell
OccRev y1923 v37
April p248 - Ltte - Dream Conditions -- ESR
OccRev y1923 v37 April p250 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37 April p254 - review - A
Student's Textbook of Astrology by Vivian E Robson -- EMM
OccRev y1923
v37 April p255 - review - Guidance from Beyond by K Wingfield -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 April p255 - review - The Mystery of Jesus
by Dom Savinien Louismet -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 April p256 -
review - The Amending of Life (Emendatio Vitae) by Richard Rolle --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 April p257 - review - Mariantha The
Captive by Vida Russell-Rogerson -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v37
April p257 - review - False Gods by Guy Thorae -- WH Chesson
y1923 v37 April p257 - review - Two Mystic Parts & Other Essays by
KM Loudon -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v37 April p258 - review - Personal
Psychic Experiences by Maud Mary Russell -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923
v37 April p258 - review - Atmagnan: or, Life in the Spirit by TL
Vaswami -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v37 April p259 - review -
Larkspur A Lyric Garland -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v37 April p259 -
review - The Dream Problem, & its many solutions in search after
ultimate truth ed by Ram Narayana -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v37
April p260 - review - Daily Meditations, on the Path & its
Qualifications by Annie Besant -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 May
p261 - Notes of the Month - Trance Conditions & Premature Burial -- The
OccRev y1923 v37 May p271 - A Pioneer in Mental Therapeutics -- Rosa M
OccRev y1923 v37 May p279 - Herb-Magic -- H Stanley
OccRev y1923 v37 May p283 - The Mysticism of Alice Meynell --
Frances Tyrrell
OccRev y1923 v37 May p288 - More Adventures with Fairies --
Maunsell Vize
OccRev y1923 v37 May p294 - Dual Dreams -- Janet
OccRev y1923 v37 May p296 - The Story of the Sword -- JW
OccRev y1923 v37 May p304 - Elemental Love-Song (vf) -- Eva
OccRev y1923 v37 May p305 - Legends of the Horse -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1923 v37 May p309 - Ltte - Back to Blavatsky (1) "Let us get
back to Blavatsky" -- Violet Tweedale
OccRev y1923 v37 May p309 - Ltte - Back
to Blavatsky (2) -- Old Theosophist
OccRev y1923 v37 May p311 - Ltte - Back
to Blavatsky (3) -- EV Hayes
OccRev y1923 v37 May p312 - Ltte - Alchemical
Interpretations (1) -- R Watson Councell
OccRev y1923 v37 May p313 - Ltte -
Alchemical Interpretations (2) -- S Foster Damon
OccRev y1923 v37 May p315 -
Ltte - Psyche -- W Whately Smith
OccRev y1923 v37 May p316 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37 May p321 - review - Within You is the
Power by Henry Thomas Hamblin -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 May
p321 - review - Life Everlasting, or the Delights Awaiting the Faithful Soul
in Paradise by John S Vaughan -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 May
p322 - review - Common-sense Theology by CEM Joad -- H Stanley
OccRev y1923 v37 May p323 - review - Shepherd's Crowns by
Pamela Grey -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v37 May p324 - review - The
Phenomena & Philosophy of Spiritualism by Julies Frost -- Edith K
OccRev y1923 v37 May p325 - review - The Appearance of Mind
by James Clark McKerrow -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v37 May p325 -
review - Natal Astrology by CC Zain -- EMM
OccRev y1923 v37 May p326
- review - Persian Literature: An Introduction by Reuben Levy -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v37 June p327 - Notes of the Month - (1) Dean Inge
on Plotinus -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v37 June p327 - Notes of the Month -
(2) Strange Records of Spirit Return -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v37 June p341
- illustration - Mr Alfred J Pearce -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37 June p346 -
Freemasonry - The Heir of the Ancient Mysteries -- JSM Ward
OccRev y1923 v37
June p355 - Psychism & Occultism -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1923 v37
June p364 - Premonitions through the Medium of Music -- Katherine
OccRev y1923 v37 June p369 - A Tilt against Orthodoxy -- W
OccRev y1923 v37 June p376 - Ltte - A Curious Dream Experience --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1923 v37 June p377 - Ltte - Making the Best of
Circumstances -- H Burford Pratt
OccRev y1923 v37 June p378 - Ltte - Dangers
of Trance Conditions -- George Pitt Clark
OccRev y1923 v37 June p379 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v37 June p383 - review -
Perfumes of Earth by LMH -- EMM
OccRev y1923 v37 June p383 - review
- The Soul Sifters by AJ Anderson -- RB
OccRev y1923 v37 June p384 -
review - The Universal Medium by JN Landseer Mackenzie -- HL
OccRev y1923 v37 June p385 - review - The Reincarnations of Lupus
Andronicus by Adolphe Orna -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v37 June p385 -
review - The Unconquerable Hope by Investigator -- WH Chesson
y1923 v37 June p385 - review - Stories, Dreams & Allegories by
Olive Schreiner -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v37 June p386 - review - Man:
What? Where? Whither? by RCT Evans -- EMM
OccRev y1923 v37 June p386 -
review - Magical Jewels of the Middle Ages & the Renaissance,
particularly in England by Joan Evans -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923
v37 June p387 - review - Les Questions de Milinda tr by Louis Finot --
OccRev y1923 v37 June p388 - review - The Power Within Us by
Charles Baudouin -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v37 June p388 - review -
We Are Here - Why by Edna Wadsworth Moody -- GMH
OccRev y1923 v37
June p389 - review - Le Poéme d'Ishtar: Mythe Babylonien by Oswald
Wirth -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v37 June p389 - review - Salma
- a play in 3 acts by L Cranmer-Byng -- EMM
OccRev y1923 v37 June p390 -
review - Common Epiphany by Allen Brockington -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1923 v38 July p1 - Notes of the Month - (1) Interplanetary
Problems -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v38 July p1 - Notes of the Month - (2)
Zoroastrian Polemics -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v38 July p12 - (Madame
Blavatsky & alleged antipathy to cremation) -- The Editor
OccRev y1923
v38 July p13 - Atomic Energy - Its Secret & Man -- FA Lamprell
y1923 v38 July p20 - An Ancient Portal (vf) -- AM Percy Smith
OccRev y1923
v38 July p21 - Chats with a Professional Medium -- Stuart Armour
OccRev y1923
v38 July p28 - The Essence of the Practical Qabalah -- Frater Achad
y1923 v38 July p34 - Ancient Man in Britain -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1923 v38
July p38 - A Nightmare -- AM Irvine
OccRev y1923 v38 July p44 - Some Thoughts
on Occultism -- RM Sidgwick
OccRev y1923 v38 July p47 - Ltte - Psychism &
Occultism -- CR Stewart
OccRev y1923 v38 July p48 - Ltte - The Alleged
Communication from Madame Blavatsky (1) -- CH Collings
OccRev y1923 v38 July
p49 - Ltte - The Alleged Communication from Madame Blavatsky (2) -- W
OccRev y1923 v38 July p50 - Ltte - A Mysterious Eastern Adventure --
OccRev y1923 v38 July p52 - Ltte - A Tilt Against Orthodoxy -- FC
OccRev y1923 v38 July p53 - Ltte - The Akashic Records once more --
C Jinarajadasa
OccRev y1923 v38 July p55 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1923 v38 July p59 - review - Love is Less than God by
Gilbert Cannan -- EMM
OccRev y1923 v38 July p59 - review - Stones Broken
from the Rocks by Robert Stephen Hawker -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923
v38 July p60 - review - The Riddle & Other Stories by Walter de la
Mare -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v38 July p60 - review - The Message of
Mohammad by AS Wadia -- Colin Still
OccRev y1923 v38 July p61 - review -
Wilberforce McEvoy in Heaven: A Message from Beyond by Mary McEvoy --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38 July p61 - review - Ancient Lights
by Mrs St Clair Stobart -- RB Ince
OccRev y1923 v38 July p62 - review -
The Gleam by Sir Francis Younghusband -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923
v38 July p62 - review - Child Medicines by Irene Hernaman -- Edith K
OccRev y1923 v38 July p63 - review - Milton Agonistes: A
Metaphysical Criticism by EH Visiak -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38
July p63 - review - The Mystical Quest of Christ by Robert F Horton --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38 July p64 - review - The Wolf Trail
by Roger Pocock -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v38 August p65 - Notes of the
Month - The Scepticism of Professor Richet -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v38
August p75 - illustration - (1) Alleged Psychic Picture appearing on the east
wall of Christchurch Cathedral -- anon
OccRev y1923 v38 August p75 -
illustration - (2) Dean Liddell -- anon
OccRev y1923 v38 August p77 - The
Return of Oscar Wilde (1) -- Hester Travers Smith
OccRev y1923 v38 August p81
- illustration - Oscar Wilde -- anon
OccRev y1923 v38 August p85 -
"Communications & Controls" -- A Clergyman
OccRev y1923 v38 August p91 -
The Magus (vf) -- Charles J Whitby
OccRev y1923 v38 August p93 - The Occult
Life -- PH Fawcett
OccRev y1923 v38 August p100 - Psychic Mining -- Stuart
OccRev y1923 v38 August p105 - The Occult Sciences in the Late Middle
Ages -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1923 v38 August p108 - Ltte - Mr
Leadbeater replies to Mr Loftus Hare -- CW Leadbeater
OccRev y1923 v38 August
p109 - Ltte - The Akashic Records Again -- Arthur Johnson
OccRev y1923 v38
August p109 - Ltte - (a long reply to Arthur Johnson) -- William Loftus
OccRev y1923 v38 August p112 - Ltte - Some Thoughts on Occultism --
OccRev y1923 v38 August p112 - Ltte - Was Madame Blavatsky a medium or
occultist? -- Alice Leighton Cleather
OccRev y1923 v38 August p113 - Ltte -
Premature Burial -- A Student
OccRev y1923 v38 August p114 - Ltte - The
Relativity of Knowledge -- W Gornold
OccRev y1923 v38 August p115 - Ltte -
The Septiform System of the Universe - "God Geometrises" -- Alec
OccRev y1923 v38 August p116 - Ltte - The Alleged Psychic Portrait of
Dean Liddell -- CH Collings
OccRev y1923 v38 August p117 - Ltte - The
Experience at Damascus -- ESR
OccRev y1923 v38 August p118 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v38 August p123 - review - Frontiers of
the After Life by Edward C Randall -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1923 v38
August p123 - review - The Story of the Venetian Virgin by Guillaume
Postel -- HL Hubbard
OccRev y1923 v38 August p124 - review - Is
Flesh-Eating Morally Defensible? by Sidney H Beard -- Mabel
OccRev y1923 v38 August p124 - review - Stinging Nettles by
Marjorie Bowen -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v38 August p125 - review -
Walter, An Englishman by Mrs Walter Tibbits -- Edith K Harper
y1923 v38 August p125 - review - The Masonic Handbook Series by JSM
Ward -- PSW
OccRev y1923 v38 August p125 - review - Natural Religion -
The Ultimate Religion of Mankind by JS Bolton -- C.
OccRev y1923 v38
August p126 - review - The Ninth Vibration & other Stories by L
Adams Beck -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1923 v38 August p126 - review - The
Birth of Psyche by L Charles Baudoulin -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1923 v38 August p127 - review - Psychology & Morals - An Analysis of
Character by JA Hadfield -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v38 August
p128 - review - The Forging of Passion into Power by Mary Everest Boole
-- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v38 August p128 - review - Greater
Things & A Greater than Things - anon -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923
v38 September p129 - Notes of the Month - Atlantis & Plato & Homer &
the Greek Tradition -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v38 September p141 - The Lore
of the Mantra -- GRS Mead
OccRev y1923 v38 September p149 - The Return of
Oscar Wilde (2) (from my Ouija Board) -- Mrs Travers Smith
OccRev y1923 v38
September p155 - The Divining Rod -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1923 v38
September p162 - The Occult Instinct in Man & Animals -- Edward
OccRev y1923 v38 September p165 - Chiromancy - or, How to Read the
Lines of the Hands -- Zuresta
OccRev y1923 v38 September p178 - Ltte - The
Gentle Art of Exposing Charlatans -- Ernest V Hayes
OccRev y1923 v38
September p179 - Ltte - The Akasic Records -- PHF
OccRev y1923 v38 September
p180 - Ltte - Psychic Tricks & the Masters of Wisdom -- Vincit
OccRev y1923 v38 September p182 - Ltte - Oscar Wilde's Spirit
Messages -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v38 September p183 - Ltte - A
Hardy Soul -- Delta
OccRev y1923 v38 September p183 - Ltte - Ghosts in
Mirrors -- JPJ Chapman
OccRev y1923 v38 September p184 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v38 September p188 - review - The
Threshold by MWA -- Helen R Crane
OccRev y1923 v38 September p189 -
review - Numerology: Its Practical Application to Life by Clifford W
Cheasely -- Helen R Crane
OccRev y1923 v38 September p189 - review - The
Conquest of Disease by Eugene Del Mar -- Colin Still
OccRev y1923 v38
September p190 - review - Fate or Destiny? A New Optimism by Louis
Lisemer -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38 September p191 - review -
Occultism & Modern Science by T Konstantin Osterreich -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1923 v38 September p192 - review - La Science
Secrète by Henri Durville -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1923 v38
October p193 - Notes of the Month - Witchcraft & the Witches' Sabbath -- The
OccRev y1923 v38 October p207 - The World we Live in - & Beyond --
William Kingsland
OccRev y1923 v38 October p219 - A Problem of Personality --
H Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1923 v38 October p222 - Siberian Sorcery -- Lewis
OccRev y1923 v38 October p229 - Horoscope of Madame Blavatsky --
OccRev y1923 v38 October p233 - The Frankenstein -- Bart
OccRev y1923 v38 October p235 - Like as a Coin (vf) --
OccRev y1923 v38 October p236 - Telepathy, Clairvoyance &
Mediumship among the Lower Animals -- John D Leckie
OccRev y1923 v38 October
p240 - Ltte - (details of a strange experience) -- Muriel Sara
OccRev y1923
v38 October p241 - Ltte - Psychic Tricks & Spirituality -- Ernest V
OccRev y1923 v38 October p242 - Ltte - (Vaivesvata Manu) -- Truth
OccRev y1923 v38 October p243 - Ltte - (an oblique reply to Mr
Leadbeater) -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1923 v38 October p244 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v38 October p248 - New & Forthcoming
Publications -- various
OccRev y1923 v38 October p251 - review -
Zoraster, the Great Teacher by Bernard Springett -- GMH
OccRev y1923
v38 October p252 - review - The World as Power by John Woodroffe --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1923 v38 October p253 - review - A Dictionary of
the Sacred Language of all Scriptures & Myths by GA Gaskell -- Theodore
OccRev y1923 v38 October p254 - review - Mysticism of East
& West by William Loftus Hare -- Colin Still
OccRev y1923 v38
October p255 - review - Our American Adventure by Arthur Conan Doyle --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38 October p256 - review - The New Order in
Education: The Children's Cities by Heret -- Regina Miriam Bloch
y1923 v38 October p256 - review - The Wisdom of the Aryas by Allen
Bennett -- GMH
OccRev y1923 v38 November p257 - Notes of the Month - The
Problem of Automatic Writing -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v38 November p268 -
The Broken Statue (vf) -- JSM Ward
OccRev y1923 v38 November p269 - A New
Message from Oscar Wilde -- Mr V. - Helen MacGregor
OccRev y1923 v38 November
p280 - Have Animals Souls? -- Horace Leaf
OccRev y1923 v38 November p284 -
Indian Symbolism -- VB Metta
OccRev y1923 v38 November p287 - The Cyclamen
(vf) -- Phyllis M James
OccRev y1923 v38 November p288 - Blake &
Swedenborg - A Study in Comparative Mysticism -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1923 v38 November p297 - Links with the Planetary Control -- PH
OccRev y1923 v38 November p302 - Four Roads (vf) -- Eva
OccRev y1923 v38 November p303 - Ltte - An Occult Language -- GA
OccRev y1923 v38 November p303 - Ltte - Fatalistic Coincidences -- RM
OccRev y1923 v38 November p305 - Ltte - Madame Blavatsky's Horoscope --
A Late-Come Scribe
OccRev y1923 v38 November p305 - Ltte - A Correction --
OccRev y1923 v38 November p305 - Ltte - Psychic Tricks & the
Masters of Wisdom -- Basil Crump
OccRev y1923 v38 November p307 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1923 v38 November p312 - review - The Wisdom
of the West by MJ Keane -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38 November p312
- review - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v38 November p313 - review - What Shall we
Become After Dark? Abbé Moreux -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38
November p314 - review - Christianity & Auto-Suggestion by C Henry
Brooks -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38 November p314 - review - The
Cabbalists & Other Essays by SA Hirsch -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1923 v38 November p315 - review - Notes from the Unstruck Music by
Inayat Khan -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923 v38 November p316 - review -
The Dark Dominion by Guy Thorme -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v38
November p316 - review - The Ghosts of Parliament by an MP -- WH
OccRev y1923 v38 November p317 - review - Uncanny Stories by
May Sinclair -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v38 November p317 - review - What
is Psychology? by Charles W Hayward -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1923
v38 November p318 - review - Vedic Hymns tr from the Rig Veda by Edward
J Thomas -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v38 December p319 - Notes of the
Month - The Buddha & his Doctrine -- The Editor
OccRev y1923 v38 December
p330 - The Whispering Gallery at St Paul's (vf) -- Jasper Smith
OccRev y1923
v38 December p332 - Dream-Travelling - Some Additional Notes -- Oliver
OccRev y1923 v38 December p339 - Personal Experiences with a Yogi --
Josephine Ransom
OccRev y1923 v38 December p342 - The Occult Lore of
Mountains -- Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1923 v38 December p349 - Aspects of
Magic -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v38 December p353 - Death (vf) -- Jessie EP
OccRev y1923 v38 December p354 - The Mysticism of Mascots -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v38 December p357 - Calvary (vf) -- Anon
y1923 v38 December p358 - Glimpses through the Veil -- Katharine Lenox
y1923 v38 December p360 - A Welsh Cromlech (vf) -- George Austin
OccRev y1923
v38 December p361 - Swimming the Witch -- WN Neill
OccRev y1923 v38 December
p365 - An Occult Islamic Order -- Dudley Wright
OccRev y1923 v38 December
p369 - Ltte - The Part of the Nervous System in Automatic Writing -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1923 v38 December p370 - Ltte - The Oscar Wilde
Communications -- W Kingsland
OccRev y1923 v38 December p372 - Ltte - Have
Animals Souls? -- M Oldfield Howey
OccRev y1923 v38 December p374 - Ltte -
Thirteen Years & Thirteen Stories: A Prophetic Dream -- Margaret AR
OccRev y1923 v38 December p375 - Ltte - The Nine of Diamonds --
OccRev y1923 v38 December p375 - Ltte - The Horoscope of Madame
Blavatsky -- Alava
OccRev y1923 v38 December p375 - Ltte - Where I Made One
-- Maude Annesley
OccRev y1923 v38 December p377 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1923 v38 December p381 - review - Freemasonry: Its Aims
& Ideals by JSM Ward -- PS Wellby
OccRev y1923 v38 December p382 -
review - A Dartmoor Galahad by Beatrice Chase -- Edith K
OccRev y1923 v38 December p383 - review - The House of the
Secret by Claude Farrère -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1923 v38 December p383 -
review - Ecoutons Les Morts Gabriel Delanne et G Bourniquet -- Edith K
OccRev y1923 v38 December p384 - review - A Psychologic &
Poetic Approach to the Study of Christ in the Fourth Gospel by Eva
Gore-Booth -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1923 v38 December p385 - review -
Her Guiding Voice by John Edward Ambrose -- Edith K Harper
y1923 v38 December p385 - review - The Outlands of Heaven by G Vale
Owen -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38 December p386 - review - The
Greatest Power in the World by Paul Tyner -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923
v38 December p387 - review - Auto-Suggestion, & its Personal
Application by J Herbert Duckworth -- Helen Crane
OccRev y1923 v38
December p388 - review - Practical Spiritualism, the Great Ideal by
Annie Pitt -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1923 v38 December p388 - review -
Sonnets by Elise Emmons -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 January
p1 - Notes of the Month - Sir William Crookes -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v39
January p3 - illustration - William Crookes, FRS, 1889, Aetat 57 -- Elliott
& Fry
OccRev y1924 v39 January p19 - On Crystal Gazing -- Theodore
OccRev y1924 v39 January p30 - Evolvo (vf) -- Winifred
OccRev y1924 v39 January p32 - Some Experiences - Natural &
Supernatural -- Edward VWB Kingsley
OccRev y1924 v39 January p40 - The
Science of Smells -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v39 January p44 - Spirit
Projection -- J Sutton-Paterson
OccRev y1924 v39 January p47 - Ltte - Sir
William Crookes -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 January p48 - Ltte -
Animals & So-Called Apparitions -- KCM
OccRev y1924 v39 January p48 -
Ltte - Love & Erös -- ZAS
OccRev y1924 v39 January p49 - Ltte - The
Influence of Mesmerism on Vegetation -- Inquisitive
OccRev y1924 v39 January
p49 - Ltte - Agnosticism & the Buddha -- FC Constable
OccRev y1924 v39
January p50 - Ltte - A Theatrical Ghost -- Ivan Hill
OccRev y1924 v39 January
p51 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1924 v39 January p55 - review -
The Book of Formation (Sepher Yetzirah) by Akiba Ben Joseph -- Meredith
OccRev y1924 v39 January p56 - review - Toys by Sylvia Brett
-- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v39 January p56 - review - Your Fate & the
Cards by Ivan Forbes -- Scrutator
OccRev y1924 v39 January p56 - review
- Suspended Judgements by John Cowper Powys -- Colin Still
y1924 v39 January p57 - review - The Progression of Marmaduke by
Florence Dismore (Flora More) -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 January p58
- review - Into Little Thibet by Helen Mary Boulnois -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v39 January p59 - review - Lamps of Western
Mysticism by Arthur Edward Waite -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v39
January p60 - review - Visible & Invisible by EF Benson --
OccRev y1924 v39 January p61 - review - The 6 Steps in Mental
Mastery by H Harrison Brown -- CPY
OccRev y1924 v39 January p61 - review
- New Light on Old Paths by Archie Frederic Webling -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v39 January p62 - review - The Answer - anon --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 January p62 - review - Vitalism by
Paul Tyner -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39 January p63 - review - Hymns from the
Rigveda tr by AA Macdonell -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39 January p63 - review
- That Colony of God - A Novel by Alice M Browne -- PB Ince
y1924 v39 January p64 - review - The Dream on the Anxiety Hypothesis by
Julia Turner -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v39 February p65 - Notes of
the Month - Sleep & Dreams -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v39 February p76 -
Boyhood Memories (vf) -- RI
OccRev y1924 v39 February p77 - Psychic
Experience & Spiritual Healing -- Beryl Symons
OccRev y1924 v39 February
p85 - The Mathematics of the Sepher Yetzirah -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1924 v39 February p93 - The Istrian Barque (vf) -- Albert Buhrer
y1924 v39 February p94 - Belief versus Knowledge - an Essay -- Frater
OccRev y1924 v39 February p102 - The Strange Case of Oscar Wilde -- GD
OccRev y1924 v39 February p111 - Ltte - HP Blavatsky -- Iona
OccRev y1924 v39 February p112 - Ltte - A Psychic Cat -- ASL
y1924 v39 February p113 - Ltte - No God in Buddhism! -- J Scott
OccRev y1924 v39 February p113 - Ltte - Have Animals Souls? -- Annie
OccRev y1924 v39 February p115 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1924 v39 February p120 - review - The Origin of Magic &
Religion by WJ Perry -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v39 February
p120 - review - Ceux Qui Nous Quittent by Mme. de W. -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v39 February p121 - review - The Omnipotent Self: A
Study in Self-Deception & Self-Cure by Paul Bousfield -- H Stanley
OccRev y1924 v39 February p122 - review - Vaishnava Lyrics
by Surendranath Kumar -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39 February p123 -
review - The Great Pyramid of Ghizeh: Its Symbolism & Purport by
Francis W Chapman -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v39 February p123 -
review - Hypnotism & Suggestion by Louis Satow - tr by Bernard
Miall -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v39 February p124 - review - Ad
magnam Amicitiam by anon -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39
February p124 - review - Love & Death by Donald Hole -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39 February p125 - review - Love Beyond the
Veil - An Echo of the Great War - anon -- Christie T Young
OccRev y1924
v39 February p126 - review - The Mystical Theology of Dionysius the
Areopagite - (Shrine of Wisdom eds) -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924
v39 February p126 - review - Seeing Life! & other Stories by
Marjorie Bowen -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v39 February p127 - review -
Souls out of Egypt by Jill Penbrooke -- RB Ince
OccRev y1924 v39
February p127 - review - XXXI Hymns to the Star Goddess by XIII which
is Achad -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v39 February p128 - review - My
Commonplace Book by JT Hackett -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 March
p129 - Notes of the Month - Cosmic Consciousness -- The Editor
OccRev y1924
v39 March p145 - The Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett -- William Loftus
OccRev y1924 v39 March p150 - The Mahatma Letters -- William
OccRev y1924 v39 March p158 - Electrical Force in the Organic World
-- John D Leckie
OccRev y1924 v39 March p162 - Some Visionary Experiences --
Edward Willmore
OccRev y1924 v39 March p167 - Eyeless Sight -- H Stanley
OccRev y1924 v39 March p172 - Ltte - The Theosophical Society --
Edward L Gardner
OccRev y1924 v39 March p173 - Ltte - The Mystery of Sleep --
Mabel Collins
OccRev y1924 v39 March p174 - Ltte - The Strange Case of Oscar
Wilde (1) -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39 March p174 - Ltte - The
Strange Case of Oscar Wilde (2) -- CW Soal
OccRev y1924 v39 March p178 - Ltte
- On Crystal-Gazing -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v39 March p178 - Ltte
- Sir William Crookes -- Mrs MG Crookes
OccRev y1924 v39 March p179 - New
& Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1924 v39 March p181 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1924 v39 March p185 - review - The
Conflict by Elsie Paterson Cranmer -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v39
March p185 - review - Talks on Truth for Teachers & Thinkers by
Thomas Hughes -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 March p186 - review -
Life: Its Origin & Nature by Hereward Carrington -- H Stanley
OccRev y1924 v39 March p186 - review - Psychical Research
by Hereward Carrington -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v39 March p187 -
review - Researches in Geometry by PSG Dubash -- H Stanley
OccRev y1924 v39 March p187 - review - The Divine Pymander of
Hermes Trismegistus (Shrine of Wisdom eds) -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1924 v39 March p188 - review - When Nile was Young by Anthony
Armstrong -- Frances Tyrrell
OccRev y1924 v39 March p189 - review - Some
Minor Works of Richard Rolle by S Bonaventura -- Colin Still
y1924 v39 March p189 - review - Personal Religion & the Life of
Devotion by WR Inge -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 March p190 -
review - Cicero, de Senectute, de Amicitia, de Divinatione by Cicero --
Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v39 March p191 - review - La Sorcellerie
des Campagnes by Charles Lancelin -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v39
March p191 - review - The Scale of Perfection by Walter Hilton --
OccRev y1924 v39 March p192 - review - Meditations from "At the Feet
of the Master" by a server -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39 March p192 - review -
Mahayana Doctrines of Salvation by Stanislav Shayer -- EMM
y1924 v39 April p193 - Notes of the Month - The Problem of Atlantis by
Lewis Spence -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v39 April p205 - Tapu among the
Maoris -- Horace Leaf
OccRev y1924 v39 April p212 - Pan -- DW
OccRev y1924 v39 April p221 - The Fixed Stars in Astrology -- W
OccRev y1924 v39 April p226 - Jacques Aymar, the Diviner of Lyons --
RB Ince
OccRev y1924 v39 April p232 - Cromlechs -- George Austin
y1924 v39 April p235 - Ltte - Oscar Wilde -- Arthur Conan Doyle
OccRev y1924
v39 April p236 - Ltte - The Theosophical Society & the Blavatsky Association
-- Old Theosophist
OccRev y1924 v39 April p237 - Ltte - The Mahatma Letters
-- K Browning
OccRev y1924 v39 April p237 - Ltte - Eyeless Sight --
OccRev y1924 v39 April p239 - Ltte - Psychism in Animals -- RD
OccRev y1924 v39 April p239 - Ltte - Buddhism & the Buddha -- A.
OccRev y1924 v39 April p240 - Ltte - Haunted Houses in Jamaica -- GD
de Montmorency
OccRev y1924 v39 April p242 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1924 v39 April p246 - review - The Buddha & His
Doctrine by CT Strauss -- GMH
OccRev y1924 v39 April p246 - review -
Thirteen Worthies by Llewellyn Powys -- GMH
OccRev y1924 v39 April
p247 - review - Luxor & Its Temples by AM Blackman -- Colin
OccRev y1924 v39 April p247 - review - The Lost Flute by M
Toussaint -- Colin Still
OccRev y1924 v39 April p248 - review - Our
Second American Adventure by Arthur Conan Doyle -- Edith K Harper
y1924 v39 April p249 - review - The Mystic's Goal by Julia Seton --
OccRev y1924 v39 April p249 - review - Creative Revolution by TL
Vaswami -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v39 April p250 - review - The
Other End by R Ellis Roberts -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39 April p250 - review
- Somerset Holy Wells & other Named Wells by Dom Ethelbert Horn --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 April p251 - review - The Passionate
Jew by Izak Goller -- Colin Still
OccRev y1924 v39 April p251 - review -
Mock Majesty by EW Savi -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v39 April p252 -
review - The Key of Dreams by L Adams Beck -- WH Chesson
y1924 v39 April p252 - review - Parodies on Walt Whitman by Henry S
Saunders -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v39 April p253 - review - Bengali
Religious Lyrics, Sakta by Edward J Thompson -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924
v39 April p254 - review - The Immortal Spark by Jamsetji Dadabhoy
Shroff -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39 April p254 - review - Les Secrets
Vivants by Luma-Valdry -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v39 May p255 - Notes
of the Month - Among the Brahmins & Pariahs by JA Sauter -- The
OccRev y1924 v39 May p274 - The Age of Miracles (vf) -- Emily
OccRev y1924 v39 May p275 - Occult Brittany -- Lewis Spence
y1924 v39 May p280 - Mysticism in Religion (Saint Catherine of Genoa) --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v39 May p285 - Hypnotic Suggestion -- Reginald B
OccRev y1924 v39 May p292 - Two Indian Ghost Stories -- Grahame
OccRev y1924 v39 May p297 - Ltte - The Oscar Wilde Script -- GD
OccRev y1924 v39 May p300 - Ltte - The Tragedy of Rose Hall, Jamaica
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 May p302 - Ltte - The Causes of Earthquake
phenomena -- W Gornold
OccRev y1924 v39 May p304 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1924 v39 May p309 - review - The Book of the Beloved by
JC Johnston -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39 May p309 - review - The Queer Side of
Things by Mary L Lewes -- RS
OccRev y1924 v39 May p310 - review -
The Voice of the Beloved by Arthur Burgess -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1924 v39 May p310 - review - All's Well that Ends Well
by Katharine Parr -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 May p311 - review -
Spiritual Healing By Harold Anson -- Rosa M Barrett
OccRev y1924 v39
May p312 - review - Sous Les Manguiers, Legendes du Bengales by Arthur
& Ellen Avalon -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39 May p312 - review
- Everyman & the Infinite by LC Becket -- RB Ince
OccRev y1924
v39 May p313 - review - The Ghosts of Parliament by Carylon Bellairs --
WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v39 May p313 - review - Priestcraft by Hugh
EM Stutfield -- RB Ince
OccRev y1924 v39 May p314 - review -
Introspections by Charlotte C Morrison -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39 May
p314 - review - After All by Amus d'Aquita -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1924 v39 May p314 - review - Twenty & Four Verses
by Ivan Alan Seymour -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39 May p315 -
review - The Unutterable Message - by one who (blah blah blah ...) -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v39 May p316 - review - Hypnotism &
Treatment by Suggestion by Albert E Davis -- RB Ince
OccRev y1924 v39
May p316 - review - Old Creeds & New Needs by CAF Rhys Davids -- HL
OccRev y1924 v39 May p317 - review - The Life & Times of
Tut-Ankh-Amen by Bishara Nahas -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39
May p317 - review - Kingdom of the Spirit by Claude Houghton --
Christie T Young
OccRev y1924 v39 May p318 - review - Je Veux
Réussir! by Henri Durville -- Christie T Young
OccRev y1924 v39 June
p319 - Notes of the Month - (1) The Etheric Line -- The Editor
OccRev y1924
v39 June p319 - Notes of the Month - (2) The Problem of Belief -- The
OccRev y1924 v39 June p331 - Psychic Science & Occultism in
Scandinavia & among the Laplanders -- Horace Leaf
OccRev y1924 v39 June
p341 - A Note on a Curious Secret Symbol -- Charlotte Sturm
OccRev y1924 v39
June p341 - illustration - (curious alchemical: Sun. Moon, male-female, compass,
square, dragon, globe .,.) -- anon
OccRev y1924 v39 June p344 - The Book of
Death - A Fantasy (vf) -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39 June p346 -
The Theriomorphic Soul -- WN Neill
OccRev y1924 v39 June p352 - Matter - Some
Reflections -- PH Fawcett
OccRev y1924 v39 June p361 - Ltte - The Oscar Wilde
Script -- CW Soal
OccRev y1924 v39 June p363 - Ltte - Hypnosis or Thought
Transform? -- Henry A. Roome
OccRev y1924 v39 June p364 - Ltte - Cromlechs --
Leopold AD Montague
OccRev y1924 v39 June p365 - Ltte - Eyeless Sight - Dr
Stien's Views -- Keshavlal Loza
OccRev y1924 v39 June p366 - Ltte - A Strange
Experience -- RM
OccRev y1924 v39 June p366 - Ltte - Mrs Anne Palmer --
Elizabeth NF Hele
OccRev y1924 v39 June p367 - Ltte - Romans & English --
Alexander Weiss
OccRev y1924 v39 June p369 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1924 v39 June p373 - review - A Concise Encyclopaedia of
Psychological Astrology by Charles EO Carter -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39
June p373 - review - Astrology of the Ancient Egyptians by Karma --
Colin Still
OccRev y1924 v39 June p373 - review - A Concise Encyclopaedia
of Psychological Astrology by Charles EO Carter -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v39
June p374 - review - The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic & Religion
by James George Frazer -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v39 June p374 -
review - Folk-Lore in the Old Testament by James George Frazer --
Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v39 June p375 - review - In the Shadow of
the Bush by P Amaury Talbot -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v39 June
p376 - review - Aberrations of Life by James Clark McKerrow -- GH
OccRev y1924 v39 June p377 - review - Poine - A Study in Ancient
Greek Blood-Vengeance by Hubert J Treston -- GH Bonner
OccRev y1924 v39
June p378 - review - The New Physics by Arthur Haas -- Theodore
OccRev y1924 v39 June p378 - review - The Will to Peace by
Mrs CAF Rhys Davids -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v39 June p379 - review
- Mysterium Magnum by Jacob Boehme -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1924 v39 June p380 - review - Curious Survivals by George C Williamson
-- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1924 v39 June p380 - review - The Voice on
the Mountain by Marie, Queen of Rumania -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924
v39 June p381 - review - The Book of El-Daoud, the Father-King - anon
-- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v39 June p381 - review - Dante by
Edward G Gardner -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v39 June p382 - review -
Ancient Indian Fables & Stories - from the Panchatantra by Stanley
Rice -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v40 July p1 - Notes of the Month - (1) Joan
of Arc -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v40 July p1 - Notes of the Month - (2) Lord
Dunraven & DD Home -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v40 July p11 - The
Rosicrucians -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v40 July p17 - The Wizards of
Cwrt-y-Cadno -- Mary L Lewes
OccRev y1924 v40 July p25 - A Ballad of Life
& Death (vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 July p26 - Communications
from the Still Incarnate at a Distance from the Body -- HA Dallas
y1924 v40 July p33 - The Classification of Psychic Phenomena -- William Loftus
OccRev y1924 v40 July p42 - Murti, the Coolie -- Frederick
OccRev y1924 v40 July p46 - Ltte - Cromlechs -- George
OccRev y1924 v40 July p47 - Ltte - The Oscar Wilde Script (1) -- O
OccRev y1924 v40 July p49 - Ltte - The Oscar Wilde Script (2) -- FC
OccRev y1924 v40 July p49 - Ltte - Communications with the Dead --
Keshavlal Loza
OccRev y1924 v40 July p50 - Ltte - Phantom Flags --
OccRev y1924 v40 July p51 - Ltte - The Mahatma Letters -- Hugh
OccRev y1924 v40 July p52 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1924 v40 July p56 - review - The Mysticism of Sound By
Inayat Khan -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 July p56 - review -
Harbottle by John Hargrave -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v40 July p57 -
review - Modern Spiritualism by WH Evans -- Edith K Harper
y1924 v40 July p57 - review - Walter de la Mare by RL Mégroz -- WH
OccRev y1924 v40 July p58 - review - The Dream by HG Wells
-- Christie T Young
OccRev y1924 v40 July p59 - review - Daily
Thoughts by AH McNeile -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 July p59 -
review - The Ministry of Healing by anon Committee (Lambeth Conference
...) -- Rosa M Barrett
OccRev y1924 v40 July p60 - review - Infinity in
the Finite by GR & Agnes Dennis -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40
July p60 - review - Reality & Religion by Sadhu Sundar Singh --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 July p61 - review - The Gospel of Sri
Ramakrishna by M. -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 July p62 - review -
The Spiritualistic Reader by Arthur Conan Doyle -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v40 July p62 - review - The Ideals of Asceticism
by O Hardman -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v40 July p62 - review -
The Known & Unknown Life of Jesus the Christ by Jane Aikman Welsh
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 July p63 - review - The Bolshevists of
Ancient History by Apionus -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v40 July p63 -
review - Psychology from the Classroom by Elsie A. Fielder -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v40 July p64 - review - Minorities of One by
Gigadibs -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v40 July p64 - review - The
Archetypal Man by George Arthur Gaskell -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1924 v40 August p65 - Notes of the Month - A Sceptic's Psychical Investigations
(Mr Dennis Bradley) -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v40 August p76 - The Influence
of Tohungaism on the Maoris -- Horace Leaf
OccRev y1924 v40 August p89 - The
Wisdom of the Serpent -- JD Leckie
OccRev y1924 v40 August p94 - At Dinard
(vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 August p95 - The Subconscious &
Public Speaking -- H Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1924 v40 August p100 - Graphology
& Clairvoyance -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v40 August p102 -
Witch-Cats in Scotland -- WN Neill
OccRev y1924 v40 August p109 - Ltte - Joan
of Arc (1) -- AL Gardner
OccRev y1924 v40 August p109 - Ltte - Joan of Arc
(2) -- Maud May Russell
OccRev y1924 v40 August p110 - Ltte - Oscar Wilde --
O Holland
OccRev y1924 v40 August p111 - Ltte - A Friend from the other Side
-- Glifford W Greatorex
OccRev y1924 v40 August p112 - Ltte - Psychic
Phenomena -- J Scott Battams
OccRev y1924 v40 August p112 - Ltte - The
Blavatsky Association -- Iona Davey
OccRev y1924 v40 August p115 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1924 v40 August p120 - review - Escape &
other verse by Michael Juste -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 August p120 -
review - People of other Worlds by Vesta la Viesta -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v40 August p121 - review - Lucky Charms & other
omens by Eala -- PSW
OccRev y1924 v40 August p121 - review - A
Catalogue Raisonné of works on the occult sciences by F Leigh Gardner --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1924 v40 August p122 - review - The Last
Knight & other Poems by Theodore Maynard -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1924 v40 August p122 - review - Four-Dimensional
Vistas by Claude Bragdon -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v40 August
p123 - review - Auto-Suggestion: A Basic Method of Cure by Clement
Jeffery -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v40 August p123 - review - The
Philosophy of Nature Cure by Clement Jeffery -- H Stanley
OccRev y1924 v40 August p124 - review - A Dream of Evening Time,
& other Poems by Rosa Anstey -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 August p124 -
review - The Psychology of the Atom by Henry Ashton Lilburne -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v40 August p125 - review - The Epic of
Lourdes by Louisiana Murphy -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v40
August p125 - review - The Kingdom of the Heavens: Some Star Secrets by
Charles Nordmann -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 August p126 - review - The
Religious Mysticism of the Upanishads by R Gordon Milburn -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1924 v40 August p126 - review - La Voie du Chevalier
by Victor Morgan -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 August p127 - review - L'Idéal
Initiatique by Oswald Wirth -- Colin Still
OccRev y1924 v40 August p128
- review - La Verité sur L'Atlantide by RM Gattefosse -- Lewis
OccRev y1924 v40 September p129 - Notes of the Month - The Life Story
of Orison Swett Marden -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v40 September p131 -
illustration - Orison Swett Marden -- anon
OccRev y1924 v40 September p144 -
Arabian Alchemy -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1924 v40 September p149 -
Dangers of Spiritism -- Herbert Moore Pim
OccRev y1924 v40 September p156 - A
Pilgrim's Progress (vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 September p157 -
Existence -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1924 v40 September p160 - The Coming of the
Franciscans -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 September p165 - Professional
Controls -- EB Gibbes
OccRev y1924 v40 September p172 - The Holy Kabbalah --
Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1924 v40 September p177 - Ltte - The Problem of
Atlantis -- George I. Bryant
OccRev y1924 v40 September p178 - Ltte -
Hypnosis or Thought Transference -- SP
OccRev y1924 v40 September p179 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1924 v40 September p184 - review -
Les Entretiens de Nang Tantral by Edouard Lorgeou -- Colin
OccRev y1924 v40 September p184 - review - Towards a Science of
Well-Being - anon -- anon
OccRev y1924 v40 September p184 - review -
The Vicar's Experiment by Flora Carmichael -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40
September p185 - review - Between the Desert & the Sown: The Way of the
Disciple by Nargis -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 September p185 -
review - Towards the Stars by Dennis H Bradley -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v40 September p186 - review - At the Gate of
Discipleship by Nargis -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 September p187
- review - The Psychic Flame by Amelia Fargo Staley -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v40 September p187 - review - Dreams from the
Past by Rowberry Williams -- HC
OccRev y1924 v40 September p188 - review
- The Beginnings of Free Masonry in America by Melvin M Johnson --
OccRev y1924 v40 September p188 - review - The Epic of Lourdes
by Louisiana Murphy -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 September p188 - review - Of
Life & Love by THEA -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 September p189 - review
- Chits from West Africa by JM Stuart-Young -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1924 v40 September p190 - review - The Witness by
Jessie Platts -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 September p190 - review -
Mudras: The Ritual Hand-Poses of the Buddha Priests & the Shiva Priests
of Bali by Tyra de Kleen -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 September
p191 - review - New Light on Indian Philosophy, or Swedenborg & Saiva
Siddhanta by D Gopaul Chetty -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v40
September p191 - review - La Clé d'or du Songe by Phaldor -- WH
OccRev y1924 v40 September p192 - review - A Message to the
Churches by Annie Ecole -- John North
OccRev y1924 v40 September p192 -
review - A Bibliography of Annie Besant by Theodore Besterman --
OccRev y1924 v40 October p193 - Notes of the Month - Crystal Gazing --
The Editor
OccRev y1924 v40 October p202 - Stainton Moses - A Study -- G
Baseden Butt
OccRev y1924 v40 October p209 - Inspirational Writing -- Hester
Travers Smith
OccRev y1924 v40 October p215 - The Fourth Dimension --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1924 v40 October p222 - The Circle of Necessity --
Charlotte Sturm
OccRev y1924 v40 October p230 - The Tree of Dreams (vf) -- GM
OccRev y1924 v40 October p231 - The Tibetan Messenger -- Herbert
OccRev y1924 v40 October p235 - Ltte - The Dangers of Spiritism (1) --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 October p236 - Ltte - The Dangers of
Spiritism (2) -- Amy M Irvine
OccRev y1924 v40 October p237 - Ltte - The
Dangers of Spiritism (3) -- J Scott Battams
OccRev y1924 v40 October p238 -
Ltte - Swedenborgianism & Invocation -- Frank W Britton
OccRev y1924 v40
October p239 - Ltte - A Biography of Mary Everest Boole -- Florence
OccRev y1924 v40 October p239 - Ltte - A Primer of Higher Space --
OccRev y1924 v40 October p241 - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1924 v40 October p245 - New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
y1924 v40 October p248 - review - Montana Trails by Edna Alberta Bailey
-- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 October p248 - review - The Voice of Ozoldon from
the Golden Book of Life by Azelda -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40
October p249 - review - My Years of Indiscretion by Cyril Scott --
Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v40 October p250 - review - The World
Unbalanced by Gustave Le Bon -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 October
p250 - review - Four Religious Essays by John C Skottowe -- Meredith
OccRev y1924 v40 October p251 - review - The Evolution of the
Universe; or Creation according to Science - Michael Faraday channelled --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 October p251 - review - The Mysterious
Medium by Sydney A. Moseley -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v40 October p252
- review - The Conquest of Worry by Orison Swett Marden -- Christie T
OccRev y1924 v40 October p253 - review - The Soul - Whence &
Whither? by Inayat Khan -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 October p253
- review - Venice & other Poems by Albert Buhrer -- RB
OccRev y1924 v40 October p254 - review - The Surprise & other
poems by Elise Emmons -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 November p255 -
Notes of the Month - The Problem of Vampires -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v40
November p264 - The Astral Plane in "Macbeth" -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1924
v40 November p270 - The Religion of Tibet -- JE Ellam
OccRev y1924 v40
November p280 - The Mystery of Mediumship -- David Learmonth
OccRev y1924 v40
November p293 - A Striking Dream Experience -- Leopold AD Montague
y1924 v40 November p294 - illustration - Lapwater Hall -- anon
OccRev y1924
v40 November p296 - Ltte - Eyeless Sight -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1924
v40 November p297 - Ltte - In Defence of Johannes -- Hester Travers
OccRev y1924 v40 November p297 - Ltte - Atlantis -- A.
OccRev y1924 v40 November p299 - Ltte - An Inspired Story --
Ethel M Reily
OccRev y1924 v40 November p300 - Ltte - A Mysterious Tune --
Janie LL Evans
OccRev y1924 v40 November p300 - Ltte - Psychic Experiences --
Henry J Baylis
OccRev y1924 v40 November p302 - Ltte - Mrs Alice Bailey's
Writings -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v40 November p303 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1924 v40 November p308 - New & Forthcoming
Publications -- various
OccRev y1924 v40 November p309 - review -
Memories & Adventures by Arthur Conan Doyle -- Edith K
OccRev y1924 v40 November p310 - review - The New Psychology &
the Preacher by H Crichton Miller -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40
November p311 - review - La Lutte Pour La Metapsychique by René Sudre
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 November p311 - review - The Meaning
of Dreams by Robert Graves -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1924 v40
November p311 - review - The Hand & its Mysteries by Karma --
OccRev y1924 v40 November p312 - review - The Controls of Stainton
Moses by AW Trethewy -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 November p312 -
review - The Eye of Pharaoh by Guy Thorne -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924
v40 November p313 - review - The Philosopher's story by J Anker Larsen
-- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1924 v40 November p313 - review - The Religion
of the Rigveda by HD Griswold -- John North
OccRev y1924 v40 November
p313 - review - The Holy City by Dorothy St Cyres -- EMM
y1924 v40 December p315 - Notes of the Month - (1) The Problem of Prayer -- The
OccRev y1924 v40 December p315 - Notes of the Month - (2) The Company
of Avalon -- The Editor
OccRev y1924 v40 December p327 - A Chinese Memory
(vf) -- Phyllis M James
OccRev y1924 v40 December p329 - Saint Francis &
Christmas -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 December p333 - Haunted Houses
-- P Hill
OccRev y1924 v40 December p342 - Rational Mysticism -- Meredith
OccRev y1924 v40 December p349 - Faith & the Fourth Dimension -- JC
OccRev y1924 v40 December p352 - Sailing in Sieves -- WN
OccRev y1924 v40 December p357 - The Rationale of Hauntings -- Hester
Travers Smith
OccRev y1924 v40 December p366 - Ltte - The Problems of Numbers
-- Caxton Hall
OccRev y1924 v40 December p367 - Ltte - Travelling in Sleep --
Emma Pemberton
OccRev y1924 v40 December p368 - Ltte - The Doctrines of
Swedenborg -- SJC Goldsack
OccRev y1924 v40 December p369 - Ltte - The
Problem of Reincarnation -- DS Smith
OccRev y1924 v40 December p370 - Ltte -
The Occult Review (completes 20 yrs with the Dec 1924 issue) -- Theodore
OccRev y1924 v40 December p371 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1924 v40 December p375 - review - Spanish Mysticism by
E Allison Peers -- John North
OccRev y1924 v40 December p376 - review -
Survival by James Marchant -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40
December p377 - review - Sparks among the Stubble by Constance Maud --
WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v40 December p378 - review - The Hand of
Glory by R Blakeborough -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1924 v40 December p378 -
review - The Secret of Ancient Egypt by Ernest G Palmer -- H Stanley
OccRev y1924 v40 December p379 - review - The Solar Epoch
by Sepharial -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 December p379 - review - The
Esoteric Philosophy of Love & Marriage by Dion Fortune -- EMM
y1924 v40 December p380 - review - Amen, The Key to the Universe by
Leonard Bosman -- EMM
OccRev y1924 v40 December p380 - review - Concerto
in A Minor by Charles Whitby -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1924 v40
December p381 - review - From Agnosticism to Belief by J Arthur Hill --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1924 v40 December p381 - review - Ancient Springs
& Streams of the East Riding of Yorkshire by W Smith -- Christie T
OccRev y1925 v41 January p1 - Notes of the Month - A New Alchemical
Discovery -- The Editor
OccRev y1925 v41 January p2 - illustration - Fig 1
micro-photograph showing the substance (scarab or proteus) without its
emanations -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 January p3 - illustration - Fig 2
micro-photograph of the scarab or proteus showing the emanations --
OccRev y1925 v41 January p4 - illustration - Fig 3 micro-photograph of
gas bubbles produced by the "new force" -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 January p5 -
illustration - crystal & other effects caused by "organic radium" or the
"new force" -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 January p6 - illustration - Fig 5 Effect
on Glass of scintillations produced by the "new force" -- anon
OccRev y1925
v41 January p7 - illustration - Fig 6 Tubes containing the "new force"
photographed through leaden casket -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 January p8 -
illustration - Fig 7 Linear formations caused by "organic radium" embedded in
the substance of glass -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 January p13 - Lemuria - The
Atlantis of the Pacific -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1925 v41 January p22 - The
Masonic Initiation -- PS Wellby
OccRev y1925 v41 January p25 - Some Original
Ghost Stories of the West Country -- Frederick C Jones
OccRev y1925 v41
January p31 - The Great Pyramid -- W Gornold
OccRev y1925 v41 January p39 -
The Secret Workers -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1925 v41 January p43 - The Divine
Law of Human Being -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v41 January p48 - Ltte -
The Rediscovery of Truth -- Edward Hall
OccRev y1925 v41 January p50 - Ltte -
A Case for Investigation -- EV Hayes
OccRev y1925 v41 January p51 - Ltte - Is
Life the same for All? -- Catharine Hartley Griggs
OccRev y1925 v41 January
p51 - Ltte - Truths -- TH Redfern
OccRev y1925 v41 January p52 - Ltte - The
Problem of Numbers -- Claude Trevor
OccRev y1925 v41 January p52 - Ltte -
Haunted Doors -- Philippa Francklyn
OccRev y1925 v41 January p54 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 January p58 - review - The Way of
Attainment by Sydney T Klein -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v41 January
p59 - review - The Devil's Saint by Dulcie Deamer -- Colin
OccRev y1925 v41 January p59 - review - My Psychic Adventures
by J Malcolm Bird -- Rosa M Barrett
OccRev y1925 v41 January p60 - review -
Brothers & Builders: The Basis & Spirit of Freemasonry by
Joseph Fort Newton -- PSW
OccRev y1925 v41 January p60 - review -
Freemasonry: What, Where, Why & Whither by John A. Cockburn --
OccRev y1925 v41 January p61 - review - Yoga as Philosophy &
Religion by Surendranath Dasgupta -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v41
January p61 - review - Avernus by Mary Bligh Bond -- Christie T
OccRev y1925 v41 January p62 - review - The Philosophy of
Witchcraft by Ian Ferguson -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v41
January p63 - review - Fidelity by Susan Glaspell -- Meredith
OccRev y1925 v41 January p63 - review - The Simple Way of
Lao-Tsze - anon -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v41 January p64 - review - La
Danseuse & other Poems by Elsie Paterson Cranmer -- Meredith
OccRev y1925 v41 January p65 - review - The Company of Avalon
by F Bligh Bond -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 February p69 - Notes of
the Month - Problems of Early Christianity -- The Editor
OccRev y1925 v41
February p80 - The New Organic Force -- MK Fulleylove Hamel
OccRev y1925 v41
February p81 - illustration - Appearance Suggestive of Insect Embryo Rapidly
Growing & then fading -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 February p83 -
illustration - microscopical photograph representing crystals forming from
vapour -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 February p84 - illustration - metal (gold)
formed from gas through the New Force -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 February p87 -
illustration - gases counterpart of scarab (sketch) -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41
February p88 - illustration - The "Builders" (sketch) -- anon
OccRev y1925
v41 February p89 - illustration - plate (6) (seed sprouting) -- anon
y1925 v41 February p90 - illustration - Fermentation-Nucleus formed by scarab --
OccRev y1925 v41 February p92 - Andrew Jackson Davis -- G Baseden
OccRev y1925 v41 February p100 - The Quartermaster-Sergeant's Story - A
Psychic Incident in Mesopotamia -- Grahame Houblon
OccRev y1925 v41 February
p106 - Astrology & the Unconscious -- JC Johnston
OccRev y1925 v41
February p109 - Was Egypt the Source of Magic & Religion? -- Theodore
OccRev y1925 v41 February p111 - Ltte - Psychic Intimations -- WF
OccRev y1925 v41 February p112 - Ltte - The New Force -- J
OccRev y1925 v41 February p113 - Ltte - The Great Pyramid -- WP
OccRev y1925 v41 February p114 - Ltte - (Pyramid Math) -- W
OccRev y1925 v41 February p115 - Ltte - Lapwater Hall -- Philip
OccRev y1925 v41 February p115 - Ltte - Is Life the Same for All? --
OccRev y1925 v41 February p116 - Ltte - The Problem of Reincarnation (1)
-- EB Gibbes
OccRev y1925 v41 February p118 - Ltte - The Problem of
Reincarnation (2) -- Edward L Gardner
OccRev y1925 v41 February p119 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 February p124 - review -
Emblematic Freemasonry & the Evolution of its Deeper Issues by
Arthur Edward Waite -- PS Wellby
OccRev y1925 v41 February p125 - review -
Peggy - The Story of One Score Years & Ten by Peggy Webling --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 February p126 - review - Reactionism: The
Science of You by John D Boyle -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v41 February p126 -
review - Supernormal Faculties in Men: An Experimental Study by Eugene
Osty -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v41 February p127 - review -
Symbolical Masonry: An Interpretation of the 3rd Degree by HL Haywood
-- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1925 v41 February p128 - review - The
Great Teachings of Masonry by HL Haywood -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1925 v41 February p129 - review - Krishna: A Study in the Theory of the
Avataras by Bhagavan Das -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v41 February p129 - review
- Pleasure & Behaviour by Frederick Lyman Wells -- H Stanley
OccRev y1925 v41 February p130 - review - The Nine Unknown
by Talbot Mundy -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v41 February p130 - review - Skill in
Work & Play by TH Pear -- Christie T Young
OccRev y1925 v41 February
p131 - review - Seven Mysteries by A Wayfarer -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1925 v41 February p131 - review - Theosophy the
Interpreter by CJ, GSA, JHC -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925 v41
February p132 - review - My Religion: Some Reflections by Jamsetji
Dadabhoy Shroff -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v41 February p133 - review
- Guide to a Healthy, Happy & Human Life by Lily L Allen -- Edith K
OccRev y1925 v41 February p134 - review - Kalliste, or the Helm of
Bronze: A Play in 4 scenes by EMR Archibald -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1925 v41 February p135 - review - The Crack in the
Wall by Graham Houblon -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v41 March p137 - Notes of the
Month - The Basis of Belief - The Limits of the Credible -- The Editor
y1925 v41 March p148 - The Well where the World Ends (vf) -- Eva Gore
OccRev y1925 v41 March p149 - The Divine Voice of Socrates -- Theodore
OccRev y1925 v41 March p160 - Light -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1925
v41 March p162 - Wayfaring Man (vf) -- VH Friedlaender
OccRev y1925 v41 March
p163 - Divination as Practised in the Old Testament -- HC Evans
OccRev y1925
v41 March p172 - The Unknown -- JM Stuart-Young
OccRev y1925 v41 March p177 -
New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1925 v41 March p179 -
Ltte - The Persecutions of Sensitives -- George EP Clark
OccRev y1925 v41
March p179 - Ltte - Spiritual Harmony in Prayer -- RE Brice
OccRev y1925 v41
March p180 - Ltte - Is there an Option in Rebirth? -- A.
OccRev y1925 v41
March p181 - Ltte - Problems of Reincarnation -- JW MacDonald
OccRev y1925
v41 March p182 - Ltte - A Predicted Reincarnation -- A. Arundel
OccRev y1925
v41 March p183 - Ltte - Another Theory of Reincarnation -- David
OccRev y1925 v41 March p184 - Ltte - Lemuria -- WP
OccRev y1925 v41 March p185 - Ltte - Psychic Instinct in Animals --
Reginald B Span
OccRev y1925 v41 March p186 - Ltte - The New Organic Force --
W Oldfield Howey
OccRev y1925 v41 March p186 - Ltte - The Gospel Story as
Allegory -- GA Gaskell
OccRev y1925 v41 March p188 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1925 v41 March p192 - review - Ghosts Helpful &
Harmful by Elliott O'Donnell -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1925 v41 March p192 -
review - Names & their Numbers by Mabel L Ahmad -- EMM
y1925 v41 March p193 - review - Creative Effort An Essay in Affirmation
by Normal Lindsay -- Colin Still
OccRev y1925 v41 March p194 - review -
The British Empire, NY, & other poems by Hewson Cowen --
OccRev y1925 v41 March p194 - review - The Coming Light by Mary
Bruce Wallace -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v41 March p195 - review - Life Now
& Hereafter by Octavius Rowe -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41
March p195 - review - Astrology in Epigram by Maud Margesson --
OccRev y1925 v41 March p196 - review - When it was Light by
Henry Lee Stoddard -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925 v41 March p196 -
review - Poems of Love & the Unknown by E Hall Hains -- Edith K
OccRev y1925 v41 March p197 - review - The Crystal & the
Sphinx by Douglas Sladen -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1925 v41 March p198 -
review - Gamme Sidérale & Gamme Musical by Ernest Britt --
OccRev y1925 v41 March p198 - review - In Converse with Angels
by Irene Hallam Elliott -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 March p199 -
review - The Men's House: Masonic Papers & Addresses by Joseph Fort
Newton -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1925 v41 March p200 - review -
Majjhima - Nikaya of Gotama the Buddha tr Bhikkhu Silacara -- Colin
OccRev y1925 v41 March p200 - review - The Heart of the New
Thought by Ella Wheeler Wilcox -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 March
p201 - review - An Artist in the Great Beyond by Violet Burton -- Rosa
M Barrett
OccRev y1925 v41 March p202 - review - Ghosts & Marvels: A
Selection of Uncanny Tales by VH Collins -- Theodore Besterman
y1925 v41 March p203 - review - Concerning Christ by AH McNeile --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 April p205 - Notes of the Month -
Recollections of Past Lives -- The Editor
OccRev y1925 v41 April p217 - The
Occult Element in the Novel -- Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1925 v41 April p229 -
The Rosicrucian (vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v41 April p230 - The
Spirit Child -- Margaret W Spilhaus
OccRev y1925 v41 April p232 - Occultism
& Achievement -- Buckland-Plummer
OccRev y1925 v41 April p239 - The
Sargasso Sea - Its Connection with Atlantis -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1925 v41
April p247 - Ltte - A Vision of Eastern Warfare -- David H Jones
OccRev y1925
v41 April p250 - Ltte - A Dream of the Great Pyramid -- ZAS
OccRev y1925 v41
April p255 - Ltte - The Problem of the Date of the Great Pyramid -- John
OccRev y1925 v41 April p255 - Ltte - Tolstoy & the Doctrine of
Non-Resistance -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1925 v41 April p257 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 April p261 - review - Proceedings of
the American Society of Psychical Research - anon -- Rosa M
OccRev y1925 v41 April p261 - review - In the Hands of Men
by Thomas Williams -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v41 April p262 - review - Devon
& Heaven by Beatrice Chase -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 April
p262 - review - The Spiritual Universe by Oswald Murray -- Colin
OccRev y1925 v41 April p263 - review - Faith, Christ &
Truth by Callie Margaret Smith -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 April
p264 - review - Om by Talbot Mundy -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925
v41 April p264 - review - Telepathy & Clairvoyance by Rudolf
Tischner -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v41 April p265 - review -
Self-Expression: The Perfect Realization by E Geraldine Omen --
Christie T Young
OccRev y1925 v41 April p265 - review - The Blue
Fairy by Alice Gaze -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v41 April p266 - review -
The War Makers by Edward Willmore -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41
April p266 - review - The Lordship of Jesus, & other Essays by
Charles Albert Hall -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v41 April p267 -
review - Our Summer Holiday by Elise Emmons -- Edith K Harper
y1925 v41 April p267 - review - Egyptian Mummies by G Elliot Smith --
Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v41 April p268 - review - The Life
Ray by Maud S Levett -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v41 April p268 - review -
The Psychology of the Poet Shelley by Edward Carpenter -- Colin
OccRev y1925 v41 April p269 - review - Light from Beyond: Poems of
Patience Worth -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v41 May p273 - Notes of the Month -
Oliver Lodge on Life & Matter - Psychism in Theory & Practice -- The
OccRev y1925 v41 May p281 - The Lorist's Lament for the Fairies (vf)
-- Ian Dall
OccRev y1925 v41 May p282 - Rudolf Steiner - A Study -- DN
OccRev y1925 v41 May p283 - illustration - Rudolf Steiner --
OccRev y1925 v41 May p289 - Occult Seals & Columns -- Meredith
OccRev y1925 v41 May p291 - illustration - (Christ between two snake
enspiraled posts) -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 May p293 - illustration - (?) --
OccRev y1925 v41 May p296 - The Choice (vf) -- JM Stuart-Young
y1925 v41 May p297 - The Druids -- George Austin
OccRev y1925 v41 May p303 -
On a Translation of the "Pistis Sophia" -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1925
v41 May p309 - One among Many -- Bart Kennedy
OccRev y1925 v41 May p312 -
Madame Blavatsky's Letters -- Harry J Strutton
OccRev y1925 v41 May p315 -
Folklore & Occultism among the Arabs -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925
v41 May p317 - Ltte - Tolstoy & Non-Resistance -- William Loftus
OccRev y1925 v41 May p318 - Ltte - Rudolf Steiner -- H
OccRev y1925 v41 May p320 - Ltte - The Astral Plane -- Gerald
OccRev y1925 v41 May p321 - Ltte - Has Humanity Attained to
Superhumanity? -- Ellen S Gaskell
OccRev y1925 v41 May p322 - Ltte -
Soul-Travelling -- Ida M Dixon
OccRev y1925 v41 May p324 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 May p329 - review - The Cloud of
Unknowing, & other Treatises by an English 14thC Mystic --
OccRev y1925 v41 May p329 - review - To Lhasa in Disguise by
William Montgomery McGovern -- Christie T Young
OccRev y1925 v41 May p330 -
review - Paul & Albert - A Narrative of the Spirit World by G Vale
Owen -- Rosa M Barrett
OccRev y1925 v41 May p331 - review - L'Ectoplasmie
et la Clairvoyance by Gustave Geley -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925
v41 May p331 - review - The Nature of Love by Emmanuel Berl -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v41 May p332 - review - The Threefold
Commonwealth by Rudolf Steiner -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v41 May
p333 - review - The Voyage of Reality by Elise N Morgan -- Edith K
OccRev y1925 v41 May p333 - review - The Return of George R
Sims by RH Saunders -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 May p334 - review
- Everyday Practical Psychology by Ernest M Atkinson -- GMH
y1925 v41 May p334 - review - Talks on the Great Pyramid by D Davidson
-- W Gornold
OccRev y1925 v41 May p335 - review - The Soul Beloved
by Ivan Gloster -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1925 v41 May p336 - review - The
Wonder Child by C Jinarajadasa -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v41 May p336 - review
- A New Presentation of the "Prometheus Bound" of Aischylos by James
Morgan Pryse -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v41 May p337 - review - Saturnin, Le
Saturnien by Lucien-Graux -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v41 May p338 - review -
The Life & Death of Cleopatra by Claude Fernal -- Theodore
OccRev y1925 v41 June p341 - Notes of the Month - Coexistence of
Spirit & Matter - The Philosophy of the Vedanta -- The Editor
y1925 v41 June p352 - Birth-Song (vf) -- Victor B Neuburg
OccRev y1925 v41
June p354 - Difficulties of Psychic Communication -- Horace Leaf
OccRev y1925
v41 June p361 - Occultism & Medicine -- RM Sidgwick
OccRev y1925 v41 June
p367 - Blake & Swedenborg - A Further Study -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1925 v41 June p376 - Spirit Writing -- Reginald B Span
OccRev y1925 v41 June
p382 - A Looking-Glass Vision - An Authentic Experience -- AJ Edwards
y1925 v41 June p384 - Ltte - Functioning in the Subconscious -- Edmond K
OccRev y1925 v41 June p385 - Ltte - The Atlantis of the Pacific
-- George Isaac Bryant
OccRev y1925 v41 June p385 - Ltte - The Date of the
Great Pyramid -- WP Swainson
OccRev y1925 v41 June p386 - Ltte - Some Views
on Reincarnation -- CD
OccRev y1925 v41 June p388 - Ltte - The Doctrine of
Non-Resistance & the Sermon on the Mount -- Mabel Collins
OccRev y1925
v41 June p389 - Ltte - Non-Resistance -- A.
OccRev y1925 v41 June p390 - Ltte
- The Astral Plane -- David Learmonth
OccRev y1925 v41 June p392 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v41 June p396 - review - Apologia
Alchymiae - A Restatement of Alchemy by RW Councell -- H Stanley
OccRev y1925 v41 June p397 - review - The Evolution of
Spiritualism by Harvey Metcalfe -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 June
p397 - review - The Word & the Work by GA Studdert Kennedy -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1925 v41 June p398 - review - Genesis Interpreted
by GA Gaskell -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v41 June p398 - review - Haunted
Houses: Tales of the Supernatural by Charles G Harper -- Edith K
OccRev y1925 v41 June p399 - review - The Showings of Lady Julian
of Norwich by Lady Julian & Dundas Harford -- Edith K Harper
y1925 v41 June p400 - review - The Folklore of Bombay by RE Enthoven --
Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925 v41 June p400 - review - Gilgamesh: A
Dream of the Eternal Quest by Zabelle C Boyajian -- Theodore
OccRev y1925 v41 June p401 - review - Science &
Religion by J Arthur Thomson -- Christie T Young
OccRev y1925 v41 June
p402 - review - Yoga by JFC Fuller -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925
v41 June p403 - review - Ether & Reality by Oliver Lodge -- Edith K
OccRev y1925 v41 June p403 - review - Ashanti by RS Rattray
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v41 June p405 - review - Adventures in
Peru by CH Prodgers -- Christie T Young
OccRev y1925 v41 June p406 -
review - The Spirit of Man by Clara & Leon Rains -- Colin
OccRev y1925 v42 July p1 - Notes of the Month - The Ether of Space --
The Editor
OccRev y1925 v42 July p8 - obituary - William Barrett (1844-1925)
-- The Editor
OccRev y1925 v42 July p9 - illustration - the late Sir WF
Barrett -- anon
OccRev y1925 v42 July p11 - obituary - Camille Flammarion
(1842 - ...?) -- the Editor
OccRev y1925 v42 July p12 - Even unto the End
(for Thomas Hardy) (vf) -- JM Stuart-Young
OccRev y1925 v42 July p13 -
obituary - In Memoriam - Sir William Fletcher Barrett -- Theodore
OccRev y1925 v42 July p16 - Explorers' Ghost Stories -- Algernon
OccRev y1925 v42 July p29 - Table-turning Up-to-date -- Eva
OccRev y1925 v42 July p39 - The Living Work of a Forgotten Master --
Rose O'Neill
OccRev y1925 v42 July p46 - At the Hot Wells of Konniar -- PH
OccRev y1925 v42 July p52 - Ltte - Non-Resistance & the Sermon on
the Mount -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1925 v42 July p53 - Ltte -
(occultism & medicine) -- The British Weleda Co Ltd
OccRev y1925 v42 July
p54 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v42 July p58 - review -
Power & Purpose by H Ernest Hunt -- HJS
OccRev y1925 v42 July
p58 - review - Impressions from the Unseen by LM Bazett --
OccRev y1925 v42 July p59 - review - The Mysticism of St Francis of
Assisi by DHS Nicholson -- Michael Hardy
OccRev y1925 v42 July p59 -
review - Masquerades: Studies in the Morbid by Shane Leslie -- Meredith
OccRev y1925 v42 July p60 - review - The Faculty of Communion
by Mrs Alfred Lyttleton -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 July p61 - review
- Will Men be like Gods? by Owen Francis Dudley -- WH Chesson
y1925 v42 July p61 - review - The Home of an Eastern Clan by Mrs Leslie
Milne -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1925 v42 July p62 - review - The Psychology
of Religion by WB Selbie -- GH Bonner
OccRev y1925 v42 July p62 - review
- The Quest of Life by JC Wright -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925
v42 July p62 - review - The Borderland: some of the problems of
Insanity by Theo. Bulkeley Hyslop -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v42
July p63 - review - The Belief in Immortality & the Worship of the
Dead by JG Frazer -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v42 July p63 -
review - Be Peacemakers by L Lind-af-Hageby -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42
July p64 - review - All Sorts: A Literary Revue by Rathmell Wilson --
Colin Still
OccRev y1925 v42 July p64 - review - The Psychology &
Tradition of Colour by Hylda Rhodes -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925
v42 July p65 - review - Healing for All by Octavia -- EMM
y1925 v42 July p65 - review - The Message (received through Automatic
Writing) by Alfred Wainwright -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 August p69 -
Notes of the Month - Has Northcliffe Returned? -- The Editor
OccRev y1925 v42
August p80 - Cremation or Burial? -- Morley Steynor
OccRev y1925 v42 August
p85 - Alternatives to the Spirit Hypothesis -- G Baseden Butt
OccRev y1925
v42 August p95 - Memories of Other Lives - Two Alternative Theories -- Grahame
OccRev y1925 v42 August p101 - The Ascension in Story & Verse --
Pamela Grey of Fallodon
OccRev y1925 v42 August p105 - The Duality of Mind --
H Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1925 v42 August p110 - The Occult Lore of the Tree --
RB Ince
OccRev y1925 v42 August p114 - Some Unpublished Ghost Stories --
Leopold AD Montague
OccRev y1925 v42 August p117 - Ltte - The Path (1) -- H
Burford Pratt
OccRev y1925 v42 August p117 - Ltte - The Path (2) -- Mabel
OccRev y1925 v42 August p118 - Ltte - Inspiration -- O
OccRev y1925 v42 August p119 - Ltte - Genesis Interpreted -- GS
OccRev y1925 v42 August p120 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1925 v42 August p125 - review - My Pilgrimage to Ajanta
& Bagh by Sri Mulcul Chandra Dey -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925
v42 August p125 - review - Truth of Life After Death by Robert H Jebb
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 August p126 - review - Dreams &
the Interpretation of Them by a Physician -- Theodore Besterman
y1925 v42 August p126 - review - The Problem of the Future Life by AH
McNeile -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 August p127 - review - The
Shepherd of Eternity, & other Poems by Eva Gore-Booth -- Meredith
OccRev y1925 v42 August p127 - review - Life & Teaching of the
Masters of the Far East by Baird T Spalding -- Edith K Harper
y1925 v42 August p128 - review - The Conference of the Birds: A Sufi
Allegory by Farid-ud-Din Attar -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v42 August
p129 - review - Gleanings of a Mystic by Max Heindel -- Meredith
OccRev y1925 v42 August p129 - review - Le Problème de la
Survivance de l'Homme by LS Fugairon -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 August p130
- review - Re-Creating Human Nature by Charles W Hayward -- Meredith
OccRev y1925 v42 August p130 - review - A Life Unveiled by A
Child of the Drumlins -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 August p131 - review - An
Epitome of the "Science of the Emotions" by Bhagavan Das by K Browning -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v42 August p131 - review - William Blake:
His Philosophy & Symbols by S Foster Damon -- H Stanley
OccRev y1925 v42 August p132 - review - Windmill-Land
Stories by Allen Clarke -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v42 August p133 - review -
Bear Witness by A King's Counsel -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42
August p134 - review - The Bedrock of Education by George S Arundale --
OccRev y1925 v42 August p134 - review - Buddhist Stories by FL
Woodward -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925 v42 August p136 - review -
Mystic Voices by Roger Pater -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 September p137
- Notes of the Month - The Cosmic Fire (of Alice Bailey) -- anon & H Stanley
OccRev y1925 v42 September p147 - Reincarnation - Some Views from
the Other Side -- William G Gates
OccRev y1925 v42 September p155 -
After-Death States - or, The Psychic Messages from Oscar Wilde -- Marie Russak
OccRev y1925 v42 September p167 - A Curious Episode -- EB
OccRev y1925 v42 September p170 - The Ghostly Visitor -- Frederick
OccRev y1925 v42 September p175 - Doors (vf) -- JM
OccRev y1925 v42 September p176 - An Occult World -- Bart
OccRev y1925 v42 September p179 - The Magic Bridle -- WN
OccRev y1925 v42 September p184 - Ltte - Inspiration -- Colin
OccRev y1925 v42 September p185 - Ltte - Non-Resistance -- A.
y1925 v42 September p186 - Ltte - Regarding Reincarnation (1) -- O
OccRev y1925 v42 September p187 - Ltte - Regarding Reincarnation (2)
-- HW Stevens
OccRev y1925 v42 September p189 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1925 v42 September p193 - review - Au Revoir Not
Good-Bye by W Appleyard -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 September
p193 - review - The Answer to Omar Khayyam by Radius -- H Stanley
OccRev y1925 v42 September p194 - review - Modern Psychism
by G Baseden Butt -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 September p195 - review - The
Principles of Astrology by Charles EO Carter -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42
September p195 - review - Introduction à la vie secrète by Marc
Semenoff -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 September p196 - review - Le Poéte
Tibetain Milarépa by Jacques Bacot -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925
v42 September p196 - review - The Romanticism of St Francis by Father
Cuthbert -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 September p197 - review -
Chemistry to the Time of Dalton by EJ Holmyard -- H Stanley
OccRev y1925 v42 September p198 - review - The Booke of the Lost
Beauty by E Thomas -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 September p198 -
review - Thoughts & Dreams by Amy Elizabeth Heynes -- Edith K
OccRev y1925 v42 September p199 - review - Heart's Desire
(Quatrains of Omar Khayyam) Thomas Wright -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1925 v42 September p200 - review - Civilization's Deadlocks & the
Keys by Annie Besant -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v42 September
p200 - review - Reason & Personality by Belfrage Gilbertson --
OccRev y1925 v42 September p201 - review - The Garden of Healing
by Marguerite Williams -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1925 v42 September p201 - review
- Human Psychology as seen through the Dream by Julia Turner --
Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v42 September p202 - review - The Fabric
of Thought: Essays by GFM Ennis -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v42
September p203 - review - Hebrew Illumination: A Study in Essential
Religion by W Winslow Hall -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v42 October
p205 - Notes of the Month - The Essence of Religion -- anon & H Stanley
OccRev y1925 v42 October p215 - The "Margery" Case (the mediumship
of Mrs Crandon, investigated by Scientific American) -- Hereward
OccRev y1925 v42 October p225 - Meister Eckhart -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1925 v42 October p228 - The Patience of the Gods -- Charles
OccRev y1925 v42 October p232 - The Fox Sisters -- G Baseden
OccRev y1925 v42 October p240 - An Echo of the Inquisition --
OccRev y1925 v42 October p242 - An Irish Vampire? -- RS Breene
y1925 v42 October p246 - Consciousness - Soul & Spirit -- J Scott
OccRev y1925 v42 October p250 - The Influence of Running Water --
John D Leckie
OccRev y1925 v42 October p253 - Ltte - Reincarnation --
OccRev y1925 v42 October p253 - Ltte - Astrology -- CEO
OccRev y1925 v42 October p254 - Ltte - Rosicrucianism -- Christine
Crosland Taylor
OccRev y1925 v42 October p255 - Ltte - (abuse from "A" re
non-resistance) -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1925 v42 October p257 -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v42 October p261 - review -
The Adorers of Dionysus (Bakchai) by Euripides (tr JM Pryse) -- Charles
OccRev y1925 v42 October p261 - review - Le Cantiques des
Cantiques by Paul Vulliaud -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925 v42
October p262 - review - The Problem of Immortality by Radoslav A.
Tsanoff -- Charles Whitby
OccRev y1925 v42 October p263 - review - Little
Songs of the West by Petronella O'Donnell -- Regina Miriam Bloch
y1925 v42 October p263 - review - The Early Christian Church & Modern
Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42
October p264 - review - Lazare by Henry Berand -- Christie T
OccRev y1925 v42 October p264 - review - The Crystal Sea, &
other Poems by Elise Emmons -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 October
p265 - review - The Kingdom of God & the Power & the Glory by G
Vale Owen -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 October p265 - review - The
Writings of William Blake ed by Geoffrey Keynes -- H Stanley
OccRev y1925 v42 October p266 - review - The Philosophy of "As
If" by H Vaihinger -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v42 October p267 -
review - Fairies at Work & Play by Geoffrey Hodson -- EMM
y1925 v42 October p268 - review - In a Glass Darkly by J Sheridan Le
Fanu -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v42 October p268 - review - Witching Ways
by Grahame Houblon -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1925 v42 October p269 - review -
What Happens at Death & What is Our Condition after Death? by
Ernest R Sill -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 October p269 - review -
The Psychology of Religious Mysticism by James H Leuba -- Colin
OccRev y1925 v42 October p270 - review - More Things in Heaven
& Earth by Robert Blatchford -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v42
October p271 - review - Palamon & Arcite by F Eirene Williams --
OccRev y1925 v42 October p271 - review - Shadows of Men by
Arthur Crew Inman -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 November p273 - Notes of the Month
- Shadows of Coming Events? -- Harry J Strutton
OccRev y1925 v42 November
p279 - Human Radiation Scientifically Detected -- Harry J Strutton
y1925 v42 November p283 - Mysticism, The Basis of World-Unity -- G Baseden
OccRev y1925 v42 November p291 - New Researches in the Physical
Phenomena of Spiritualism -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v42 November
p295 - The Haunted Lodge - A Personal Experience of the Superphysical --
Clifford W Greatorex
OccRev y1925 v42 November p304 - The Ordeals of
Occultism -- A. Buckland-Plummer
OccRev y1925 v42 November p311 - A
Rosicrucian View of Initiation -- Christine Crosland Taylor
OccRev y1925 v42
November p317 - Ltte - Spiritualism & Religion -- Arthur Conan
OccRev y1925 v42 November p317 - Ltte - Reincarnation (1) --
OccRev y1925 v42 November p318 - Ltte - Reincarnation (2) -- Claude
OccRev y1925 v42 November p319 - Ltte - Non-Resistance -- A.
y1925 v42 November p320 - Ltte - A Dual Dream -- Edith A. Swainson
y1925 v42 November p320 - Ltte - Spirit-Prophecies -- FGC Gibson
OccRev y1925
v42 November p321 - Ltte - The Astral Plane -- Veritas
OccRev y1925 v42
November p322 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v42 November p327
- New & Forthcoming Publications -- various
OccRev y1925 v42 November
p330 - review - Relativity: A very Elementary Exposition by Oliver
Lodge -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v42 November p330 - review - Man
the Master by Eugene Del Mar -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v42 November
p331 - review - The Prince of Ur: A Story of the Long Past by RA Neaum
-- GMH
OccRev y1925 v42 November p331 - review - L'Homme et son Devenie
Selon Le Vedanta by René Guénon -- Charles Whitby
OccRev y1925 v42
November p332 - review - Twelve Lectures on the Harmonial Philosophy of
Andrew Jackson Davis by WH Evans -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42
November p333 - review - Life Transcendent by Olive Mercer -- John
OccRev y1925 v42 November p333 - review - An Anthology of Egyptian
Poems by C Elissa Sharpley -- John North
OccRev y1925 v42 November p334
- review - Spiritualism: A Philosophy of Life by WH Evans --
OccRev y1925 v42 November p335 - review - The Eternal Quest &
other Poems by Mary Brent Whiteside -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v42
November p336 - review - The Sengta & Sern by Ezbaran -- Edith K
OccRev y1925 v42 November p337 - review - The Science of Life
& its Application by Delbert Strader Bachman -- Meredith Starr
y1925 v42 November p337 - review - The Prairie Shrine by Robert J
Horton -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1925 v42 November p338 - review -
Evolution in the Light of Modern Knowledge by (a collective) --
Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v42 November p340 - review - The Ghosts
in Shakespeare by LW Rogers -- GMH
OccRev y1925 v42 December p341 -
Notes of the Month - Spiritual Communism -- Harry J Strutton
OccRev y1925 v42
December p341 - review - The Collective Spirit by Viggo Cavling --
Harry J Strutton
OccRev y1925 v42 December p350 - The Shoal of Ages -- Regina
Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1925 v42 December p351 - The Greater Mystery - Passage
of Matter through Matter -- William G Gates
OccRev y1925 v42 December p359 -
The Dead Hand -- Charles H Rouse
OccRev y1925 v42 December p364 - Invocation
of Air (vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1925 v42 December p366 - The Expansion
of Consciousness -- FA Lamprell
OccRev y1925 v42 December p373 - The Deeper
Issues of Occultism -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1925 v42 December p377 - "Trying
the Spirits" -- Amy E Spooner
OccRev y1925 v42 December p381 - Ltte - A
Spiritual Advent? -- A.
OccRev y1925 v42 December p382 - Ltte - The Truth
about Cremation -- Chela
OccRev y1925 v42 December p384 - Ltte - Sexual
Characteristics after Death -- JM Stuart-Young
OccRev y1925 v42 December p387
- Ltte - Astrology -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 December p388 - Ltte - The Diving
Rod -- Arthur John A. Bell
OccRev y1925 v42 December p388 - Ltte -
Immortality -- Edith Pratt
OccRev y1925 v42 December p390 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1925 v42 December p394 - review - The Anatomy
of the Body of God by Frater Achad -- Meredith Starr &
OccRev y1925 v42 December p395 - review - Dreads & Besetting
Fears by Tom A. Williams -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1925 v42 December p395
- review - Facts of the Living Dead by Estelle W Stead -- Edith K
OccRev y1925 v42 December p396 - review - The Amber Merchant
by Peggy Webling -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 December p400 - review - Night's
Triumphs by Ernest Osgood Hanbury -- EMM
OccRev y1925 v42 December p400
- review - The Last Messenger Before His Face by HG Hersey --
OccRev y1925 v42 December p402 - review - Art & the
Unconscious by John M Thorburn -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v42
December p402 - review - St Vincent de Paul & Mental Prayer by
Joseph Leonard -- John North
OccRev y1925 v42 December p402 - review -
Essai de Psychologie Astrale by Paul Choisnard -- EMM
OccRev y1925
v42 December p404 - review - The Inner Discipline by Charles Boudouin
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1925 v42 December p406 - review - The
Divine Songs of Zarathustra by DJ Irani -- H Stanley Redgrove
y1925 v42 December p408 - review - Australian Totemism: A Psychoanalytic
Study in Anthropology by Géza Róheim -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925
v42 December p408 - review - The Sources of Christianity by Khwaja
Kamal-ud-Din -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1925 v42 December p408 - review -
Lotuses of the Mahayana by Kenneth Saunders -- EMM
OccRev y1926 v43
January - Notes of the Month - What is this Occultism? -- ed
OccRev y1926 v43
January - The Sky-Line -- Philip Harrison
OccRev y1926 v43 January - The
Great Symbols of the Tarot -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1926 v43 January -
Mysticism and Occultism -- CR Stewart
OccRev y1926 v43 January - Traditions
of Atlantis in Britain -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1926 v43 January - Modern
Evolution in Ethics -- JC Wright
OccRev y1926 v43 January - A Daylight Vision
-- Miss ME Scarr
OccRev y1926 v43 January - How and from Whence? -- AL
OccRev y1926 v43 January - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1926 v43 January - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v43 January - Reviews
-- anon
OccRev y1926 v43 February - Notes of the Month - Magic of the Mantra
-- ed
OccRev y1926 v43 February - Some Evidential Clairvoyance -- J Arthur
OccRev y1926 v43 February - Sorcery in France and Africa -- Helen Mary
OccRev y1926 v43 February - Reincarnation in English Poetry -- Eva
OccRev y1926 v43 February - The Influence of Personality on Mediumship
-- EB Gibbes
OccRev y1926 v43 February - The Super-Memory -- Chela
y1926 v43 February - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v43 February -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926 v43 February - Reviews --
OccRev y1926 v43 March - Notes of the Month - The Ladder of
Contemplation -- ed
OccRev y1926 v43 March - Some Surmises on Materialization
Phenomena (1) -- Kenneth Mackenzie of Scatwell
OccRev y1926 v43 March - The
Watcher -- Beatrice Petty
OccRev y1926 v43 March - The Use and Power of
Ritual -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1926 v43 March - Sorcery in France and Africa
(2) -- Helen Mary Boulnois
OccRev y1926 v43 March - Invocation of Fire --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1926 v43 March - The Invisible Guard -- Clifford W
OccRev y1926 v43 March - Knowledge and the Subliminal -- E De
OccRev y1926 v43 March - Mandrakes and Mummies -- Lewis
OccRev y1926 v43 March - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926
v43 March - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v43 March - Reviews --
OccRev y1926 v43 April - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
y1926 v43 April - The Greek Idea of the Soul -- William Loftus Hare
y1926 v43 April - The Utility of Dreams -- AL Summers
OccRev y1926 v43 April
- Pursuit (vf) -- Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1926 v43 April - The Shadow -- EA
OccRev y1926 v43 April - Madame Blavatsky & The Secret Doctrine -
recent confirmation in Anthropology -- William Kingsland
OccRev y1926 v43
April - The Egyptian Mummy -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1926 v43 April -
Ltte - Self-Surrender -- A.
OccRev y1926 v43 April - Ltte - Cremation -- EB
OccRev y1926 v43 April - Ltte - Modern Seership -- Elizabeth ME
OccRev y1926 v43 April - Ltte - Reincarnation -- Violet KS
OccRev y1926 v43 April - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1926 v43 April - review - The Land of Mist by Arthur Conan Doyle --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - Edie, Messages from the
Spirit Land by W Harold Speer -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1926 v43 April -
review - The Gospel of Philip the Evangelist by PB Beddow -- John
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - The Way of Melchisedec by LB
Whitney -- John Earle
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - Ti-Me-Kun-Dan -
Prince of Buddhist Benevolence tr by Millicent H Morrison -- Edith K
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - The Phoenician Origin of
Britons, Scots, & Anglo-Saxons by LA Waddell -- Colin Still
y1926 v43 April - review - The Flower of Fire - anon -- Eva
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - The Halt in the Garden by
Robert Hillyer -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - The Story
of Creation by Emanuel Swedenborg -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1926 v43
April - review - Songs of Innocence & Experience by William Blake
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - The Last
Enigma by Henry Frank -- Colin Still
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review -
Ephèse et Claros by Ch Picard -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1926 v43
April - review - The Wolf & other Stories by MA Elwyn --
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - Ducdame by John Cowper Powys
-- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - Witchcraft &
the Black Art by JW Wickwar -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1926 v43 April
- review - The Curse of Obo by T Wyndham -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - Egyptian Scriptures
Interpreted by GA Gaskell -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1926 v43 April
- review - Kim, von, Kiéou, Roman Traduit de L'Annamite by L Masse --
Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - Spiritualism a
Fact by Hereward Carrington -- RB Ince
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review -
Spiritualism a Fake by James Walsh -- RB Ince
OccRev y1926 v43 April
- review - The Great Abnormals by Theo Bulkeley Hyslop -- Theodore
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - A WArning to the Curious,
& other Ghost Stories by MR James -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1926 v43
April - review - Reminiscences: Social & Political by Roma Lister
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1926 v43 April - review - Le Communisme
Spiritualiste by F Jollivet Castelot -- Eva M Martin
OccRev y1926 v43
May - Notes of the Month - The Wedding Robe of Wisdom -- ed
OccRev y1926 v43
May - The Greek Idea of the Soul -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1926 v43 May
- The Utility of Dreams -- AL Summers
OccRev y1926 v43 May - Pursuit --
Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1926 v43 May - The Shadow -- EA Chaylor
OccRev y1926
v43 May - Madame Blavatsky and The Secret Doctrine -- William
OccRev y1926 v43 May - The Egyptian Mummy -- Theodore
OccRev y1926 v43 May - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v43
May - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926 v43 May - Reviews --
OccRev y1926 v43 June - Notes of the Month - The Value of Prophecy --
OccRev y1926 v43 June - Ether -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1926 v43 June -
Interpretation -- Rose O'Neill
OccRev y1926 v43 June - Sadhus of India -- SB
OccRev y1926 v43 June - The Development of Psychic Powers -- G
Baseden Butt
OccRev y1926 v43 June - The Dual Life -- Petronella
OccRev y1926 v43 June - Unasked-for Apports -- Grahame
OccRev y1926 v43 June - Suicides - and After -- J Scott
OccRev y1926 v43 June - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926
v43 June - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v43 June - Reviews --
OccRev y1926 v44 July - Notes of the Month (Conan Doyle's 'History of
Spiritualism') -- ed
OccRev y1926 v44 July - A Mystical Dialogue between the
Intellectual and Intuitional Minds -- E Wilmot Lambert
OccRev y1926 v44 July
- Druidism and Gypsy Lore -- M Mitchell
OccRev y1926 v44 July - The Tocsin --
EA Chaylor
OccRev y1926 v44 July - One Moment -- JM Stuart-Young
y1926 v44 July - Sane Occultism -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1926 v44 July -
Spiritual Perception -- Ion
OccRev y1926 v44 July - Correspondence --
OccRev y1926 v44 July - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926
v44 July - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 August - Notes of the Month - The
Return of the Pharaoh -- ed
OccRev y1926 v44 August - The Occult Significance
of the Oath -- Edward Lawrence
OccRev y1926 v44 August - The Sword of the
Spirit -- H Tabor
OccRev y1926 v44 August - The Coming World Storm -- Walter
OccRev y1926 v44 August - Raymond Lully -- Arthur Edward Waite
y1926 v44 August - Occultism and Science -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1926 v44
August - The Order of the Sons of God -- Brother Andrew
OccRev y1926 v44
August - The Kalevala: Mythology of Finland -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1926 v44
August - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 August - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 August - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1926
v44 September - Notes of the Month - The Call of the Mother -- ed
y1926 v44 September - Earthquakes -- Ion
OccRev y1926 v44 September -
Rose-Leaves from Assisi: A Memory of St Francis -- Edith K Harper
y1926 v44 September - Evidence and Proof in Occult Science -- Dion
OccRev y1926 v44 September - The Serpent Myth -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1926 v44 September - The Quest Eternal -- Marjorie
OccRev y1926 v44 September - The Door Ajar: An Evidential Sitting
-- Rosa M Barrett
OccRev y1926 v44 September - I Say Unto You -- Algar
OccRev y1926 v44 September - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1926 v44 September - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 September -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 October - Notes of the Month - Comte de
Gabalis -- ed
OccRev y1926 v44 October - Meditation and Occult Research --
Dion Fortune
OccRev y1926 v44 October - Clairvoyance among Primitive Peoples
(1) -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1926 v44 October - More About Blavatsky --
W Loftus Hare
OccRev y1926 v44 October - Some Aspects of Religious Symbolism
-- Allan Neville Taylor
OccRev y1926 v44 October - Prophets of Doom -- RB
OccRev y1926 v44 October - Ghost Shadows -- Elliott O'Donnell
y1926 v44 October - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 October -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 October - Reviews --
OccRev y1926 v44 November - Notes of the Month: The Babel of Tongues --
OccRev y1926 v44 November - Notes of the Month: Planetary Changes --
OccRev y1926 v44 November - The Music of Perfumes -- Eduard
OccRev y1926 v44 November - Secrecy in Occultism -- Dion
OccRev y1926 v44 November - Purification: The Way of Escape --
OccRev y1926 v44 November - Spiritual Alchemy -- Philip S
OccRev y1926 v44 November - The Nature of Sleep and Dreams -- Helgi
OccRev y1926 v44 November - The Living Chalice: A Vision --
OccRev y1926 v44 November - Correspondence -- various
OccRev y1926
v44 November - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 November - New
and Forthcoming Publications -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 November - Reviews --
OccRev y1926 v44 December - Notes of the Month - Occult
Self-development -- ed
OccRev y1926 v44 December - The Gnosis as Philosophy
and Religion -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1926 v44 December - The Star of
Bethlehem -- Theana
OccRev y1926 v44 December - Substance and Shadow -- EA
OccRev y1926 v44 December - The Magical Aspect of the Lyric --
Michael Juste
OccRev y1926 v44 December - Clairvoyance among Primitive
Peoples (2) -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1926 v44 December - Shrines --
Philip Harrison
OccRev y1926 v44 December - A Few Real Ghosts -- Esther
OccRev y1926 v44 December - Truth in the Market-Place -- Algar
OccRev y1926 v44 December - Out of the Darkness -- anon
y1926 v44 December - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 December -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1926 v44 December - Reviews --
OccRev y1927 v45 January - Notes of the Month: The Lost Continent --
OccRev y1927 v45 January - The Templar Orders in Freemasonry -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1927 v45 January - Mystical Medicine -- Charles
OccRev y1927 v45 January - Authority and Obedience in Occultism --
Dion Fortune
OccRev y1927 v45 January - For Ever and Ever: Some Reflections
on Sir Oliver Lodge's "Creation and Evolution" -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1927
v45 January - The Tooth of Time -- Rose Noble
OccRev y1927 v45 January - The
Prophetic Year -- RA Neaum
OccRev y1927 v45 January - The Brain at the Feet
-- J Caldwell-Johnston
OccRev y1927 v45 January - Beautiful Death -- A
Hospital Nurse
OccRev y1927 v45 January - Correspondence -- various
y1927 v45 January - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45 January -
Reviews -- various
OccRev y1927 v45 February - Notes of the Month - The
Mysteries of Regeneration -- ed
OccRev y1927 v45 February - Notes of the
Month - The Late Madame de Steiger -- ed
OccRev y1927 v45 February - Occult
Facts and Fancies -- EA Chaylor
OccRev y1927 v45 February - The Gnosis as a
Christian System -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1927 v45 February - Hell -- Philip
OccRev y1927 v45 February - The Untimely Birth of Knowledge -- KM
OccRev y1927 v45 February - A Mystical Dialogue (Concluded) -- E
Wilmot Lambert
OccRev y1927 v45 February - The Power of the Prophet --
Michael Juste
OccRev y1927 v45 February - Group Karma in Occult Societies --
Dion Fortune
OccRev y1927 v45 February - Correspondence -- anon
y1927 v45 February - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45 February
- Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45 March - Notes of the Month - The Times
Bear Witness -- ed
OccRev y1927 v45 March - Unlucky Possessions -- TC
OccRev y1927 v45 March - The Templar Orders in Freemasonry
(concluded) -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1927 v45 March - To the Prophets
of Doom -- Tim Herde
OccRev y1927 v45 March - At the Cross Roads --
OccRev y1927 v45 March - Seeking the Master -- Dion
OccRev y1927 v45 March - The Greatest of these -- SM
OccRev y1927 v45 March - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45
March - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45 March - Reviews --
OccRev y1927 v45 April - Notes of the Month - Three Guides Along the
Path -- ed
OccRev y1927 v45 April - The Aissaouias of North Africa -- L
OccRev y1927 v45 April - Imagination and Reality -- Ethel
OccRev y1927 v45 April - Economics in the Light of Occultism -- WFA
OccRev y1927 v45 April - Harmony and Health -- RE Bruce
y1927 v45 April - Facts about The Secret Doctrine -- GRS Mead
OccRev y1927
v45 April - The Saints of Assisi and Lahore -- Grizelle Strang Steel
y1927 v45 April - The Magic Rod -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1927 v45 April
- Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45 April - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1927 v45 April - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45 May - Notes
of the Month - Time and Dreams -- ed
OccRev y1927 v45 May - The Redemption of
Mephistopheles -- Josephine Verlage
OccRev y1927 v45 May - Self-Knowledge --
Herbert Adams
OccRev y1927 v45 May - Spectre Dogs -- WH Feazey
y1927 v45 May - A Sufi Prayer -- LW
OccRev y1927 v45 May - The Ban on Beauty
-- VG Pragnell
OccRev y1927 v45 May - If Like Narcissus... -- Brenda Murray
OccRev y1927 v45 May - A Freudian Menace -- J Scott Battams
y1927 v45 May - On Optimism -- JC Wright
OccRev y1927 v45 May - Witchcraft
To-Day -- TC Bridges
OccRev y1927 v45 May - Correspondence -- anon
y1927 v45 May - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45 May - New and
Forthcoming Publications -- anon
OccRev y1927 v45 May - Reviews --
OccRev y1927 v45 June - Notes of the Month - Science and Human Values --
OccRev y1927 v45 June - Notes of the Month - Mesmerism and Magic --
OccRev y1927 v45 June - The Ethics of Gnosticism -- Jean Delaire
y1927 v45 June - The Hidden Springs of Aesthetic Judgment -- ALB
OccRev y1927 v45 June - Concerning Dream Poetry -- Ethel
OccRev y1927 v45 June - Voodooism -- Theodore Besterman
y1927 v45 June - Hermes Trismegistus (1) -- W Loftus Hare
OccRev y1927 v45
June - Chastening Night -- Brenda Murray Draper
OccRev y1927 v45 June -
Colour Consciousness -- Harriet L Childe Pemberton
OccRev y1927 v45 June -
What of the Darkness? -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1927 v45 June - Correspondence --
OccRev y1927 v45 June - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927
v45 June - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 July - Notes of the Month - The
Aquarian Age -- ed
OccRev y1927 v46 July - Dreams and Somnambulism -- Mary E
OccRev y1927 v46 July - The Lonely Soul -- Philip Harrison
y1927 v46 July - Primitive Instincts and Modern Ethics -- Edward
OccRev y1927 v46 July - Hermes Trismegistus (2) -- William Loftus
OccRev y1927 v46 July - The Occult Significance of Giving -- FA
OccRev y1927 v46 July - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46
July - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 July - Reviews --
OccRev y1927 v46 August - Notes of the Month - Mysticism and New Thought
-- ed
OccRev y1927 v46 August - The Limitations of the Laws of Nature -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1927 v46 August - The Modern Spiritual
Manifestations (1) -- DD Home
OccRev y1927 v46 August - Clairvoyance and
Materialization -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1927 v46 August - Astrology To-Day
-- Eva Martin
OccRev y1927 v46 August - The Leafless Tree -- Brenda Murray
OccRev y1927 v46 August - Labyrinths and their Meaning -- Lewis
OccRev y1927 v46 August - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46
August - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 August - Reviews --
OccRev y1927 v46 September - Notes of the Month - Christ through Eastern
Eyes -- ed
OccRev y1927 v46 September - Unseen Horrors -- Agnes
OccRev y1927 v46 September - Quest -- VH Friedlaender
OccRev y1927
v46 September - The Modern Spiritual Manifestations (2) -- DD Home
y1927 v46 September - The Astrology of Chaucer -- Margaret Manson
y1927 v46 September - Christian Science: Its Success and Limitations -- EJ
OccRev y1927 v46 September - Buddha, Mythical of Historical -- Sirdar
Ikbal Ali Shah
OccRev y1927 v46 September - Have I Lived Before -- Maud
OccRev y1927 v46 September - Miracles Unawares -- S Stanmore
y1927 v46 September - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 September -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 September - Reviews --
OccRev y1927 v46 October - Notes of the Month - Man is a Spirit --
OccRev y1927 v46 October - Equilibrium and Initiation -- A
OccRev y1927 v46 October - Black Magic in India -- Ethel
OccRev y1927 v46 October - The Control of Dreams -- L
OccRev y1927 v46 October - The Court of Stars -- Philip
OccRev y1927 v46 October - God's World -- Hilda M Westrop
y1927 v46 October - Some Occult Teachings of Apollonius of Tyana -- Allan
Neville Taylor
OccRev y1927 v46 October - Ether: The Key to the Universe --
CG Sander
OccRev y1927 v46 October - To the Powers that be -- Katharine
OccRev y1927 v46 October - One Life in One World -- Edith
OccRev y1927 v46 October - Shadows -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1927 v46
October - The Occult Paintings of Heinrich Nusslein -- Ivan Baker
y1927 v46 October - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 October -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 October - Reviews --
OccRev y1927 v46 November - Notes of the Month - The Gospel of Bernard
Hamilton -- ed
OccRev y1927 v46 November - Obsession (1) -- Horace
OccRev y1927 v46 November - The Case for Reincarnation -- Charles
OccRev y1927 v46 November - The House of Durga -- Sirdar Ikbal Ali
OccRev y1927 v46 November - Amongst the Thought Readers -- David
OccRev y1927 v46 November - E Pur Si Muove -- Rosa M Barrett
y1927 v46 November - Three Temples -- Hilda M Westrop
OccRev y1927 v46
November - The Fourth Dimension -- CH Collings
OccRev y1927 v46 November -
Recurrent Dreams -- Tom Leon
OccRev y1927 v46 November - Correspondence --
OccRev y1927 v46 November - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1927 v46 November - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 December - Notes of the
Month: 'Seek Peace and Ensue It' -- Editor
OccRev y1927 v46 December - Music
and Mysticism -- Lilian Risque
OccRev y1927 v46 December - The Four Elements
in Christian Liturgy -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1927 v46 December - Through the
Crack in the Door -- ML Lewes
OccRev y1927 v46 December - Reincarnation and
the Riddle of Life - 1 -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1927 v46 December -
Present-Day Prophecies -- Ivy Dick
OccRev y1927 v46 December - The Quest for
Truth in Alchemy -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1927 v46 December - Occultism
in Southern Nigeria -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1927 v46 December -
Correspondence -- various
OccRev y1927 v46 December - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1927 v46 December - Reviews -- various
OccRev y1928 v47
January p1 - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1928 v47 January p11 - The
Coming of Azelda's Golden Book -- Paul Black, Oliver Fox
OccRev y1928 v47
January p17 - Unity (vf) -- FE Laurence
OccRev y1928 v47 January p18 - Risks
Attending Occult Training -- P'Saki
OccRev y1928 v47 January p23 - Obsession
(2) -- Horace Leaf
OccRev y1928 v47 January p29 - The Humility of Christ --
OccRev y1928 v47 January p30 - A Gruesome Ghost Story -- Clifford
OccRev y1928 v47 January p34 - The Science of Death -- Herbert
OccRev y1928 v47 January p40 - Messengers of Fate -- Edith K
OccRev y1928 v47 January p44 - The Law of Polarity -- RE
OccRev y1928 v47 January p49 - Ltte - Recollections of HP Blavatsky --
H Henderson
OccRev y1928 v47 January p51 - Ltte - An Ayrshire Ghost Triad --
J McLennan Boyd
OccRev y1928 v47 January p52 - Ltte - An Undesirable Psychic
State -- E Swale
OccRev y1928 v47 January p53 - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1928 v47 February - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
y1928 v47 February - Fatal Dreams -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1928 v47
February - Te Deum (vf) -- Philip Harrison
OccRev y1928 v47 February - The
Three Laws of Freedom -- Michael Juste
OccRev y1928 v47 February - Holy Writ
- An Essay on Symbolism by Cunno, received in Automatic Writing -- FH
OccRev y1928 v47 February - Ideal (vf) -- FE Lawrence
OccRev y1928
v47 February - Reincarnation (2) -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1928 v47 February -
Spiritualism -- Marjorie Bowen
OccRev y1928 v47 February - Ltte - The London
Lodge of the Theosophical Society -- CL Peacocke
OccRev y1928 v47 February -
Ltte - Rising Waters -- A.
OccRev y1928 v47 February - Ltte - A Case for the
Psychopathologist? -- JW Smith
OccRev y1928 v47 February - Ltte - Risks
attending Occult Training -- P'Sàki
OccRev y1928 v47 February - Ltte - The
Dweller on the Threshold -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1928 v47 February - Periodical
Literature - various -- anon
OccRev y1928 v47 February - review - The
Christ of the Aryan Road by The Senior Tutor -- Edith K Harper
y1928 v47 February - review - More Ghosts & Marvels by VH Collins
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1928 v47 February - review - The Rationality of
Survival, In Terms of Physical Science by Oliver Lodge -- Edith K
OccRev y1928 v47 February - remaining pages of reviews missing --
OccRev y1928 v47 March - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1928
v47 March - The Use & Abuse of Astrology -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1928 v47
March - Wisdom (vf) -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1928 v47 March - The Queen of
Still Waters -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1928 v47 March - Soul & Mind
-- CG Sander
OccRev y1928 v47 March - Beyond the Cup of Youth -- Raphael
OccRev y1928 v47 March - Light & Colour: Etheric Therapeutics --
WG Raffé
OccRev y1928 v47 March - The Profits of Survival -- G Baseden
OccRev y1928 v47 March - Trance & Inspirational Painting -- Ivan
OccRev y1928 v47 March - Meditation on the Christ Within -- E Wilmot
OccRev y1928 v47 March - Ltte - Astral Persecution -- A.
y1928 v47 March - Ltte - (certain Black magicians) -- Frater B
OccRev y1928
v47 March - Ltte - Spiritual Exercises & Their Results -- WWL
y1928 v47 March - Ltte - The London Lodge -- GH Rooke
OccRev y1928 v47 March
- Ltte - The Dweller on the Threshold -- Handmaid
OccRev y1928 v47 March -
Periodical Literature - various -- anon
OccRev y1928 v47 March - review -
Self-Control & How to Attain it by Philip Harrison -- Ethel
OccRev y1928 v47 March - review - Annual Report of the Smithsonian
Institution edited by ...? -- ??
OccRev y1928 v47 March - remaining
review pages missing --
OccRev y1928 v47 April - Notes of the Month - An
Appeal to Mary -- ed
OccRev y1928 v47 April - Poets and the Eternal Values --
H McDonald
OccRev y1928 v47 April - Spirit and Spiritualism -- William
OccRev y1928 v47 April - Creation -- Rupert W Bell
OccRev y1928
v47 April - In La Tour Jeanne D'Arc -- Dian Shore
OccRev y1928 v47 April -
Astrologer's Prayer to Venus -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1928 v47 April - Psychic
Faculties: Their Birth and Evolution -- Tudor A Morgan
OccRev y1928 v47 April
- Richard Whitwell: Mystic -- John Earle
OccRev y1928 v47 April - The Sense
of Certitude -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1928 v47 April - The Art of
Silence -- JC Wright
OccRev y1928 v47 April - Correspondence --
OccRev y1928 v47 April - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1928
v47 April - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1928 v47 May - Notes of the Month -- The
OccRev y1928 v47 May - The Magic & Mysticism of the Shadow --
Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1928 v47 May - The Light of the Soul -- Herbert
OccRev y1928 v47 May - Contentment (vf) -- Rupert W Bell
y1928 v47 May - Alchemy in Bohemia -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1928 v47 May - Rites
& Mysteries Among Primitive Women -- Josephine Ransom
OccRev y1928 v47
May - A Note on Exorcisms -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1928 v47 May - The
Mediumship of George Valiantine -- Noel Jaquin
OccRev y1928 v47 May - Man,
The Thinker -- Leonard Bosman
OccRev y1928 v47 May - The Fulfilment of Life
-- Peter Sedgwick
OccRev y1928 v47 May - Rudolf Steiner & His
Autobiography -- A. Rosenkrantz
OccRev y1928 v47 May - Ltte - Woman --
OccRev y1928 v47 May - Ltte - The Ether -- CH Collings
OccRev y1928 v47
May - Ltte - The Dark Night of the Soul -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1928 v47 May -
Ltte - Astral Persecution -- RAN
OccRev y1928 v47 May - Periodical Literature
- various -- anon
OccRev y1928 v47 May - review - Les Naes Chymiques de
Christian Rosencreutz -- AE Waite
OccRev y1928 v47 May - review -
From Sphinx to Christ by Edouard Schuré -- ??
OccRev y1928 v47 May -
remaining review pages missing --
OccRev y1928 v47 June - Notes of the Month
- Mind and Brain -- ed
OccRev y1928 v47 June - Sri Guru Pitajee: An Indian
Mahatma -- Helen Mary Boulnois
OccRev y1928 v47 June - The Haunter and the
Haunted -- A Ghost
OccRev y1928 v47 June - Touchstone -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1928 v47 June - The Use of Imagination in Art, Science and
Business -- Mac Tyler
OccRev y1928 v47 June - The Diamond Pin: A Psychic
Incident -- Anne Robbins
OccRev y1928 v47 June - The Menace of Rejuvenation
-- Kenneth Mackenzie
OccRev y1928 v47 June - Ex-Meditatione: A Fragment --
OccRev y1928 v47 June - The Basis of Witchcraft -- Colin Still
y1928 v47 June - Anna Maria Taigi: A Tuscan Seeress -- Edith K Harper
y1928 v47 June - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1928 v47 June - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1928 v47 June - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1928
v48 July - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
OccRev y1928 v48 July - The Soul
in Early Greek Philosophy -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1928 v48 July -
Memory & Survival (1) -- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1928 v48 July - The
Star of Perfection -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1928 v48 July - What Need of
Christ? -- Clifford W Greatorex
OccRev y1928 v48 July - The Great Stairway (A
Vision of Life) -- Alice Gaze
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Exmeditatione: A
Fragment -- EM
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Sri Guru Pitajee: An Indian Mahatma
(2) -- Helen Mary Boulnois
OccRev y1928 v48 July - The Episode of the House -
Prevision Fulfilled -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Ltte - The
Tibetan -- Alice Ann Bailey
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Ltte - (extravagant
claims for Mrs Bailey's works) -- Basil Crump
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Ltte -
The Ether -- Princess Karadja
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Ltte - The United Lodge
of Theosophists -- RAV Morris
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Ltte - The Scripts of
Cleophes -- EB Gibbes
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Ltte - The League of Mary -
Elizabeth Mary Anne -- Eagle Skinner
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Ltte -
Rejuvenation -- XW
OccRev y1928 v48 July - Periodical Literature - various --
OccRev y1928 v48 July - review - The Brontes & Their Stars
by Maud Margesson -- Eva M Martin
OccRev y1928 v48 July - review -
Civilization Re-made by Christ by FAM Spencer -- ??
OccRev y1928 v48
July p900 - remaining review pages missing --
OccRev y1928 v48 August -
Notes of the Month - A Gospel of Grace -- ed
OccRev y1928 v48 August -
Individuality and Personality -- W Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1928 v48 August
- My White Horse -- George Hogan Knowles
OccRev y1928 v48 August - Memory and
Survival (2) -- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1928 v48 August - Ex Meditatione: A
Fragment -- EM
OccRev y1928 v48 August - Natural and Unnatural Rejuvenation
-- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1928 v48 August - The Rationale of Psychism --
Dion Fortune
OccRev y1928 v48 August - Thoughts on the Two Paths -- Michael
OccRev y1928 v48 August - My Prayer -- Veronica Beatrice
OccRev y1928 v48 August - Sheen of Waters -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1928 v48 August - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1928 v48
August - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1928 v48 August - Reviews --
OccRev y1928 v48 September - Notes of the Month -- The Editor
y1928 v48 September - The Lure of Darkness -- Charles Whitby
OccRev y1928 v48
September - The Hammer of Witches -- Philip Harrison
OccRev y1928 v48
September - Speed & the Fourth Dimension -- Tudor A. Morgan
OccRev y1928
v48 September - Exmeditatione: The Self Triumphant -- EM
OccRev y1928 v48
September - Morning Joy (vf) -- Eva M Martin
OccRev y1928 v48 September - The
Prevalence of Prophecy -- Clinton Gray-Fisk
OccRev y1928 v48 September - John
Bunyan 1628-1928 -- Thomas Foster
OccRev y1928 v48 September - The Avatars of
Ishtar: A Phase in Human Belief -- Allan Neville Taylor
OccRev y1928 v48
September - Anomalies of Spirit Control -- Arthur Butcher
OccRev y1928 v48
September - Ltte - Rejuvenation -- XW
OccRev y1928 v48 September - Ltte -
Rejuvenation & Grace -- A.
OccRev y1928 v48 September - Ltte - Christ
& Akhnaton -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1928 v48 September - Ltte - Re-Incarnation
-- M Karadja
OccRev y1928 v48 September - Periodical Literature - various --
OccRev y1928 v48 September - review - A General Survey of Psychical
Phenomena by Helen C Lambert -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1928 v48
September - review - The World Without & the World Within by
Theodora Thompson -- ??
OccRev y1928 v48 September p900 - remaining review
pages missing --
OccRev y1928 v48 October - Notes of the Month - The Search
for Something New -- ed
OccRev y1928 v48 October - Huysman's Excursions into
Occultism -- Frederic Thurstan
OccRev y1928 v48 October - Truth -- Rupert W
OccRev y1928 v48 October - The Mystery of Life -- CG Sander
y1928 v48 October - The Daemonologia of Edward Fairfax, 1621 -- Marjorie
OccRev y1928 v48 October - The Philosopher's Stone in California --
Barbara McKenzie
OccRev y1928 v48 October - The Gate and the Way -- Arthur
Edward Waite
OccRev y1928 v48 October - Trinities -- WFA Chambers
y1928 v48 October - Liberation -- JMA Mills
OccRev y1928 v48 October - The
Mothers -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1928 v48 October - Correspondence --
OccRev y1928 v48 October - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1928
v48 October - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Notes of the Month
-- ed
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Fulfilment (vf) -- Charles Whitby
y1928 v48 November - A Problem of Identity in Dreams (1) -- Mary E
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Things Impossible to Believe -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1928 v48 November - The Left-Hand Path (1) -- Dion
OccRev y1928 v48 November - The Mysticism of AE Waite -- HA Luis
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Rulership (vf) -- EM
OccRev y1928 v48
November - The KA: An Experience on the Third Pyramid -- Frederick
OccRev y1928 v48 November - The difficulties of Discrimination -- W
Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Ltte - Individuality and
Personality -- W Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Ltte - The
Scripts of Cleophas -- A Connell
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Ltte - Dream
Symbolism -- William Harrison
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Ltte - The White
Brotherhood -- A
OccRev y1928 v48 November - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review - 'Politics of the Aryan Road' by AG
Pape -- GMH
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review - 'Life Beyond Death' by C
Drayton Thomas -- Rosa M Barrett
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review -
'Listening In' by Olive CB Pixley -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1928 v48 November -
review - 'What Is Man?' by John Henry Clarke and Leopold Salzer -- Ethel
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review - 'Snowflakes and Silver Feathers'
by D London -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review - 'Knights of
the Holy Grail' by Dorothy Blanche Miller -- WGR
OccRev y1928 v48 November -
review - 'Planet Neptune' by Elizabeth Aldrich -- WGR
OccRev y1928 v48
November - review - 'The Path of the Elders: A Modern Exposition of Ancient
Buddhism' by Ernest Erle Power -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review
- 'Leon Denis: L'Apotre du Spiritisme; Sa Vie - Sa Oeuvre' by Gaston Luce --
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review - 'The Varieties of Religious
Experience' by William James -- Leon Elson
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review
- 'The Other Side of Death' by CW Leadbeater -- Leon Elson
OccRev y1928 v48
November - review - 'The Crimson Rope' by Herbert Ashbury -- Leon
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review - 'Why We Survive' by H Ernest Hunt
-- Leon Elson
OccRev y1928 v48 November - review - 'Psychical Experiences of
a Musician' by Florizel von Reuter -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1928 v48
November - review - 'Masters and Disciples' by Clara M Codd -- HS
OccRev y1928 v48 December - Notes of the Month - Dabbling in
Occultism -- ed
OccRev y1928 v48 December - The Earth and its Aura -- Jean
OccRev y1928 v48 December - Haunted Trees -- Elliott
OccRev y1928 v48 December - The Inference -- GM Hort
y1928 v48 December - A New Spirit of Research -- Arthur Edward Waites
y1928 v48 December - A Problem of Identity in Dreams (2) -- Mary E
OccRev y1928 v48 December - Welsh Dusk -- Teresa Hooley
y1928 v48 December - Number and Form -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1928 v48 December -
Asleep among the Dead -- Flora M Fox
OccRev y1928 v48 December - A First
Experiment in Hypnotism and its Sequel -- WS Ibbetson
OccRev y1928 v48
December - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1928 v48 December - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1928 v48 December - Reviews -- anon
y1929 v49 January - Notes of the Month -- ed
OccRev y1929 v49 January -
Evidential Spirit Intervention -- J Arthur Hill
OccRev y1929 v49 January -
Incarnation (vf) -- Olive Linnell
OccRev y1929 v49 January - Recent
Scientific Confirmation of 'The Secret Doctrine' -- William Kingsland
y1929 v49 January - The Angels Task (vf) -- Violet Puzey
OccRev y1929 v49
January - The Impassable Barrier -- Captain GA Hope (Grahame Houblon)
y1929 v49 January - An Alchemical Banquet -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1929
v49 January - The Wider Aspect -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1929 v49 January - 'Not
My Will, But Thine' -- EM
OccRev y1929 v49 January - Left Hand Path (2) --
Dion Fortune
OccRev y1929 v49 January - The Theory of Ideoplasticity -- RG
OccRev y1929 v49 January - Ltte - Science, Sex and 'Sublimation' --
Rosamond Oliphant
OccRev y1929 v49 January - Ltte - (re letter from Mrs
Leisenring) -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1929 v49 January - Ltte - Number and Form
-- WR Lawson
OccRev y1929 v49 January - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1929 v49 January - review - 'Psychical Science and Religious
Belief' by J Arthur Hill -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1929 v49 January - review -
'The Pulse of Darkness' by Edward Noble -- WGR
OccRev y1929 v49 January -
review - 'Sybils and Seers' by Edwyn Bevan -- Colin Still
OccRev y1929 v49
January - review - 'Winter Words: In Various Moods and Metres' by Thomas Hardy
-- GMH
OccRev y1929 v49 January - review - 'Hebrew Astrology' by Sepharial --
Eva Martin
OccRev y1929 v49 January - review - 'Sonnets and Some Others' by
Clarence Winchester -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1929 v49 January - review - 'The
General Book of the Tarot' by AE Thierens -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1929 v49
January - review - 'Found Dead, and other true Ghost Stories' by Violet Tweedale
-- Clifford W Greatorex
OccRev y1929 v49 January - review - 'Alloquia' by D
Marinus -- Clifford W Greatorex
OccRev y1929 v49 January - review - 'The
Anthology of Alabama Poetry, 1928' -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1929 v49 January
- review - 'The Mysteries of Britain, or The Secret Rites and Traditions of the
Ancient Britons Restored' by LS -- - by Lewis Spence - AC
OccRev y1929 v49
January - review - 'Where are the Dead?' -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1929 v49
January - review - 'An ABC of the Old Science of Astrology' by Sidney Randall --
OccRev y1929 v49 January - review - 'Essays on Life and Death' by Jacques
Heugel -- Leon Elson
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Notes of the Month --
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Master Craft of the Mediaeval Builders (1) --
Hector St Luke
OccRev y1929 v49 February - The Last Disillusionment --
Geraldine D Cummins
OccRev y1929 v49 February - The Musings of a Mystic -- E
Wilmot Lambert
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Psychic Faculties of the Kafirs --
I Toye Warner-Staples
OccRev y1929 v49 February - A Rhyme of Reincarnation
(vf) -- Samuel F Darwin Fox
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Seership and
Mediumship -- EC Merry
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Trees -- Brenda Murray
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Ltte - 'Evidential Spirit Intervention'
(by J Arthur Hill) -- Jacynth
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Ltte - Number and
Form -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Ltte - Science, Sex and
'Sublimation' -- W Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Ltte - The
Psychology of Sex -- KS
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Ltte - Mysticism and
Occultism -- Heimdallr
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Ltte - Head v Heart --
OccRev y1929 v49 February - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1929 v49 February - review - 'Offering' by C Jinarajadasa -- HS
OccRev y1929 v49 February - review - 'The Zodiac and the Soul' by
CEO Carter -- HS Redgrove
OccRev y1929 v49 February - review - 'The Discovery
of Witches' by Montague Summers -- HS Redgrove
OccRev y1929 v49 February -
review - 'The Religions of the World' by CC Martindale -- Edith K
OccRev y1929 v49 February - review - 'Tales from the Gulistan of
Sa'di' tr by Richard Burton -- E O'D
OccRev y1929 v49 February - review -
'The Idealism of Jesus' by John E McIntyre -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1929 v49
February - review - 'Astrology and Marriage' by Sepharial -- GB
OccRev y1929
v49 February - review - 'What Handwriting Reveals' by A Henry Silver -- George
OccRev y1929 v49 February - review - 'The Weird Idol of Penang Towers'
by George Wells -- Thomas Foster
OccRev y1929 v49 February - review -
'Studies in Evolutionary Psychology' by EW Preston and CG Trew -- GMH
y1929 v49 February - review - 'What is Buddhism?' by The Buddhist Lodge, London
-- WGR
OccRev y1929 v49 March - Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1929 v49 March -
Master Craft of the Mediaeval Builders (2) -- Hector St Luke
OccRev y1929 v49
March - The Habit of Sleep -- Sylvan J Muldoon
OccRev y1929 v49 March - The
Occult in the Scottish Ballads -- Rhoda Spence
OccRev y1929 v49 March - The
Symbol (vf) -- Brenda Murray Draper
OccRev y1929 v49 March - The
Possibilities of Life -- JC Wright
OccRev y1929 v49 March - Oriental Sorcery:
A Weird Case -- Linford Cullum
OccRev y1929 v49 March - The Hearts of Men --
Charles Whitby
OccRev y1929 v49 March - Practical Occult Training -- HW
OccRev y1929 v49 March - Ltte - Light on the Path -- Basil
OccRev y1929 v49 March - Ltte - Science, Psychology and Sex -- Thomas
OccRev y1929 v49 March - Ltte - The Mystery of Sex -- A
y1929 v49 March - Ideoplasticity -- D Marinus Jones
OccRev y1929 v49 March -
The Relativity Theory -- W Kingsland
OccRev y1929 v49 March - HP Blavatsky
and Mediumship -- Iona Davey
OccRev y1929 v49 March - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1929 v49 March - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1929
v49 March - review - 'Theosophy and the Fourth Dimension' by Alexander Horne --
HS Redgrove
OccRev y1929 v49 March - review - 'The Angelic Hosts' by Geoffrey
Hodson -- HS Redgrove
OccRev y1929 v49 March - review - 'Self-Reliance' by
Philip Harrison -- Ivy Dick
OccRev y1929 v49 March - review - 'The Divine
Vision' by C Jinerajadasa -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1929 v49 March - review -
'Sara's Seven Husbands' by Richard B Ince -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1929 v49
March - review - 'Silver Trumpets' by Fay Inchfawn -- Edith K Harper
y1929 v49 March - review - 'Healing Wings' by ER Appleton -- I Toye
OccRev y1929 v49 March - review - 'Bodhi-Dharma (The Message
of the Buddha)' by TL Vaswani -- GMH
OccRev y1929 v49 March - review - 'The
Capuchins' by Father Cuthbert -- Thomas Foster
OccRev y1929 v49 March -
review - 'Odrun: The Rune of the Depths' by Eleanor C Merry -- Regina Miriam
OccRev y1929 v49 March - review - 'Annual Report of the Smithsonian
Institute for 1927' -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1929 v49 April - Editorial
-- ed
OccRev y1929 v49 April - Records of Past Lives -- Dion
OccRev y1929 v49 April - The Greater Science -- FA Lamprell
y1929 v49 April - Two Mysterious Messengers: A Personal Incident -- Sirdar Ikbal
Ali Shah
OccRev y1929 v49 April - Gifts (vf) -- Meredith Starr
y1929 v49 April - Rhythm in Life -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1929 v49 April - Science
and the Universe -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1929 v49 April - The Ancient
Wisdom of the West -- D Jeffery Williams
OccRev y1929 v49 April - 'The
History of the Devil': An Appreciation -- Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1929 v49
April - Ltte - The Late Mabel Collins -- Catherine Maude Metcalfe
y1929 v49 April - Ltte - Madame Blavatsky and Sir Aurel Stein -- Z
y1929 v49 April - Ltte - The Mystery of Sex -- FC Constable
OccRev y1929 v49
April - Ltte - The Psychology of Sex -- WWL
OccRev y1929 v49 April - Ltte -
Science and Sex -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1929 v49 April - Ltte - Science, Sex
and Sublimation -- Arthur J Wedd
OccRev y1929 v49 April - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1929 v49 April - Topical Brevities --
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'The Magic Island' by WW Seabrook --
Theodore Besterman
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'The Vision of Life' by
AH Jaisingani -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review -
'Mahatma Gandhi' by Juliette Veillier -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1929 v49
April - review - 'The Zodiac: A Life Epitome' by Walter H Sampson --
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'The Seekers' Talks by Dr Lascelles --
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'Meditations on the Beloved' by Sarojini
-- AC
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'The Spirit of Hindu Culture: and
Voices' by TL Vaswani -- AC
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'Cheiro's Year
Book for 1929' by 'Cheiro' -- George Morris
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review -
'Karma Yoga' by Yogi Bhikshu -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review
- 'Songs of the South and Hidden Land' by M Michael -- Ethel Archer
y1929 v49 April - review - 'Mystic Lyrics from the Indian Middle Ages' by Paul
Althaus -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'The Immortal Nine:
An Introduction to the Poetry of the Last Century' by JM Stuart-Young -- HS
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'Light and Colour in the Medical
World', '.. Consumption', '.. Constipation' by HL Sharma -- Rosa M
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'La Main et Son Mystere' by Jacques
Marion -- GMH
OccRev y1929 v49 April - review - 'The Science of Life' -- John
OccRev y1929 v49 May - Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1929 v49 May -
Nostradamus and Seismic Prophecies -- Frederic Thurstan
OccRev y1929 v49 May
- The Penetration of the Astral Plane -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1929 v49 May -
The Path (vf) -- Olive Linnell
OccRev y1929 v49 May - The Hermit of Truth --
Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1929 v49 May - Pre-Existence: A Spiritistic View --
J Hyde Taylor
OccRev y1929 v49 May - The Organic Universe -- EG
OccRev y1929 v49 May - A Real Banshee Warning -- LF Laughnan
y1929 v49 May - Three Northern Legends -- RM Sidgwick
OccRev y1929 v49 May -
Ltte - The Relativity Theory -- HS Redgrove
OccRev y1929 v49 May - Ltte -
Conscious Projection -- A
OccRev y1929 v49 May - Ltte - Conscious Projection
-- ESR
OccRev y1929 v49 May - Ltte - The Jesuits and HPB -- Kaikhosru
OccRev y1929 v49 May - Ltte - The Discovery of Witches -- Montague
OccRev y1929 v49 May - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1929
v49 May - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review - 'The
Philosophy of Plotinus' by William Ralph Inge -- Colin Still
OccRev y1929 v49
May - review - 'Lights and Shadows' by Aimee Blech -- Ethel Archer
y1929 v49 May - review - 'Shepherd of Israel' by Leonora Eyles -- Ethel
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review - 'The Book of Spiritual Wisdom' by
'Cuno': Frederick C Haines -- Regina Miriam Bloch
OccRev y1929 v49 May -
review - 'Essays of Prentice Mulford - Fourth Series' -- Edith K
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review - 'Outlawed for Love' by Countess Hamon
-- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review - 'Critics of the Christ,
Answered by Spiritualism' by G Toye Warner-Staples -- Edith K Harper
y1929 v49 May - review - 'The World Without and the World Within' by Theodore
Thompson -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review - 'The Causal
Essence Personified' by Aleta B Baker -- WGR
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review -
'Nritanjali: Hindu Dancing' by Sri Ragini -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1929 v49 May -
review - 'The Possibility of Miracles' by Anna Maria Roos -- HS
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review - 'Weird Stories' -- AE
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review - 'La Science Secrete des Inities' by
Serge Marcotoune -- AE Waite
OccRev y1929 v49 May - review - 'The Open Door'
Sulhayhas -- Rosa M Barrett
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Editorial - Life More
Abundant -- ed
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Eternal Recurrence (1) -- W Loftus
OccRev y1929 v49 June - The Astral Cable -- Sylvan J Muldoon
y1929 v49 June - The Unsolved Pyramid Mystery -- Ernest G Palmer
OccRev y1929
v49 June - The Song of the Bee -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1929 v49 June - The
Haunted House of Maranbra -- Clarissa May
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Amen: A
Study in the Changeless -- Percy Pigott
OccRev y1929 v49 June - The Way of
the Dreamer -- ALB Hardcastle
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Empty House -- GM
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Some Instances of a Strange Antipathy -- M
Oldfield Howey
OccRev y1929 v49 June - A Fall on the Stair -- Vincent
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Entrances and Exits -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1929 v49 June
- Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Topical Brevities --
OccRev y1929 v49 June - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 July -
Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1929 v50 July - The Ether and Spiritual Science --
Tudor A Morgan
OccRev y1929 v50 July - British Lorelei -- Elliott
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Eternal Recurrence (2) -- W Loftus
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Some Indian Devotees -- Helen Mary
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Lights (vf) -- Phyllis L Hues
y1929 v50 July - Aurospecs or Seeing the Invisible -- H Stanley
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Ltte - Projection of the Double -- Sylvan J
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Ltte - Seership and Mediumship -- TAR
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Ltte - Who Shall Judge? -- A
OccRev y1929
v50 July - Ltte - Science and Sex -- Clinton Gray-Fisk
OccRev y1929 v50 July
- Ltte - The Psychology of Sex -- KS
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Ltte -
Spontaneous Automatism (vf) -- IT
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Ltte -
Pre-Existence v Reincarnation -- John Hyde Taylor
OccRev y1929 v50 July -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 July - Topical Brevities --
OccRev y1929 v50 August - Editorial - Difficulties of the Interior Life
-- ed
OccRev y1929 v50 August - Master Craft of Salisbury Cathedral (1) --
Hector St Luke
OccRev y1929 v50 August - Mystical Initiation -- Helen A Milne
OccRev y1929 v50 August - The Foundations of Magic -- H Stanley
OccRev y1929 v50 August - The Finished Quest -- Evelyn W
OccRev y1929 v50 August - Number, Form and Consciousness -- WG
OccRev y1929 v50 August - Waiting -- Esther Ross
OccRev y1929 v50
August - His Holiness Sadguru Meher Baba -- KJ Dastur
OccRev y1929 v50 August
- The Four Horsemen -- HM Bary
OccRev y1929 v50 August - The Superman -- CG
OccRev y1929 v50 August - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50
August - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 August - Topical
Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 August - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1929
v50 September - Editorial - The Message of Brother James -- ed
OccRev y1929
v50 September - Philosophical Science: Modern and Ancient -- W Wilson
OccRev y1929 v50 September - Resurgam -- Teresa Hooley
y1929 v50 September - The Mysteries of Isis -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1929 v50
September - Reversal -- Evelyn Watson
OccRev y1929 v50 September - Master
Craft of Salisbury Cathedral (2) -- Hector St Luke
OccRev y1929 v50 September
- The Major's Story -- HF Mauran
OccRev y1929 v50 September - The Flitting --
GM Hort
OccRev y1929 v50 September - The Kabbalah and Word-Magic -- H Stanley
OccRev y1929 v50 September - The Alphabet of the Mysteries -- Dion
OccRev y1929 v50 September - The Caduceus and Regeneration --
Princess Karadja
OccRev y1929 v50 September - Correspondence --
OccRev y1929 v50 September - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1929 v50 September - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 September -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1929
v50 October - Philosophical Science: Modern and Ancient -- W Wilson
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Three Memories -- Katherine
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Master Craft of Salisbury Cathedral (3)
-- Hector St Luke
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Mediumship and Inspiration -- J
Hyde Taylor
OccRev y1929 v50 October - As Above, So Below (1) -- William
Loftus Hare
OccRev y1929 v50 October - A Strange Factor in Astral Projection
-- Sylvan J Muldoon
OccRev y1929 v50 October - In Praise of the Beloved (vf)
-- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Some Folk-Lore of the Mass --
Ethel Archer
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Dimensions, Shapes and Movements (1)
-- Harry Farjeon
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Ltte - Some Christian Objections
to Theosophical Teachings -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1929 v50 October -
Ltte - -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Ltte - Shri Sadguru Meher
Baba -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Ltte - Science and Sex --
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Ltte - -- OM Johnson
OccRev y1929 v50
October - Ltte - Magic -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 October - Topical Brevities --
OccRev y1929 v50 November - Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1929 v50 November
- Native Psychism in South Africa -- I Toye Warner-Staples
OccRev y1929 v50
November - Blake and the Book of Urizen -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1929 v50
November - A Theory of Matter -- Wincenty Lutoslawski
OccRev y1929 v50
November - As Above, So Below (2) -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1929 v50
November - Mind's Unbelievable Powers -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1929 v50
November - Flores Mystici (vf) -- Wilfred Childe
OccRev y1929 v50 November -
The Raising of Arthur -- AE Waite
OccRev y1929 v50 November - Ltte - The
Kabbalah, Kabalah, Cabbalah or Quabalah [Qabalah] -- W Wilson
OccRev y1929 v50 November - Ltte - Morality and Sex -- HW
OccRev y1929 v50 November - Ltte - Science and Sex -- Clinton
OccRev y1929 v50 November - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1929 v50 November - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 December -
Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1929 v50 December - The Shrine of Apollo -- Charles
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Shadows (vf) -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1929
v50 December - Lapidem Probatum -- Hector St Luke
OccRev y1929 v50 December -
Harmony (vf) -- Brenda Murray Draper
OccRev y1929 v50 December - My Friend, W
H: A Personal Reminiscence -- Clifford Greatorex
OccRev y1929 v50 December -
The Soliloquy of a Shade -- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1929 v50 December - The
Rose and the Cross (vf) -- RAS
OccRev y1929 v50 December - West African
Secret Societies -- I Toye Warner-Staples
OccRev y1929 v50 December - The
Kingdom of Poseidon -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Evidences
of Reincarnation -- Leonard Bosman
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Ltte - Dangers
of Magic -- H Campbell
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Ltte - Astral Music --
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Ltte - Theosophical Difficulties -- KAR
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Ltte - Gematria -- ZAS
OccRev y1929 v50
December - Ltte - errata -- Hector St Luke
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Ltte -
Convent Scandals -- Arthur Conan Doyle
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Ltte -
Witchcraft -- Ian Barkworth
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Periodical Literature
-- anon
OccRev y1929 v50 December - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1930
v51 January - Editorial - The Religion of the Future -- ed
OccRev y1930 v51
January - The Marshalled Years -- Mina Charlotte Martin
OccRev y1930 v51
January - Genius and the Akasha -- W Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1930 v51
January - Karma and Destiny -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1930 v51 January -
Morgenstern -- Wilfred Childe
OccRev y1930 v51 January - The Date of the
Great Pyramid -- Ernest G Palmer
OccRev y1930 v51 January - My Garden -- MC
OccRev y1930 v51 January - From the Blue -- Mary E
OccRev y1930 v51 January - Saturn -- Leo French
OccRev y1930 v51
January - What is Superstition -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1930 v51 January - The
Gate of the Years -- Alice Gaze
OccRev y1930 v51 January - A Neglected Factor
in Psychical Research -- Alta L Piper
OccRev y1930 v51 January -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 January - Periodical Literature --
OccRev y1930 v51 January - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51
January - Book Chat - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 February - Editorial:
The Measuring Rod -- ed
OccRev y1930 v51 February - The Initiate --
OccRev y1930 v51 February - The Ophites -- EJ Langford Garstin
y1930 v51 February - 'Crypto-Conscious' and 'Spirit' Phenomena - 1 -- Sylvan J
OccRev y1930 v51 February - The Devotee -- Wilfred Childe
y1930 v51 February - The Holy Grail -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1930 v51
February - At the Feast of the Sorcerers -- Pere Trille
OccRev y1930 v51
February - The Road -- Ian Barkworth
OccRev y1930 v51 February - Shakespeare
and Tolstoy - 1 -- G Wilson Knight
OccRev y1930 v51 February - The Castle of
Joy -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1930 v51 February - Correspondence --
OccRev y1930 v51 February - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1930 v51 February - Reviews -- various
OccRev y1930 v51 March - The Libation
of Tears [vf] -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Hymn of the Mystic [vf]
-- Mina Charlotte Martin
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Editorial - Who are the
Sthenics? -- ed
OccRev y1930 v51 March - New Light on the Beast -- Princess
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Crypto-Conscious Spirit Phenomena (2) --
Sylvan J Muldoon
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Recent Atlantean Discoveries in
Spain -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1930 v51 March - A Witchcraft Mystery and its
Dream Solution -- I Toye Warner-Staples
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Modern
Experimental Alchemy -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Shakespeare and
Tolstoy (2) -- G Wilson Knight
OccRev y1930 v51 March - The Lord of Hosts --
Meredith Starr
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Ancient Mysteries in the Light of
To-Day -- Alice M Callow
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Galileo Galilei -- Colin
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51
March - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 March - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1930
v51 April - Editorial - Devotion versus Philosophy -- ed
OccRev y1930 v51
April - Adoration -- A Smith
OccRev y1930 v51 April - A Psychological Study
of Alchemy -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1930 v51 April - Some Personal
Reminiscences -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1930 v51 April - The Therapeutae
-- EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1930 v51 April - The Destiny of Religion --
William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1930 v51 April - Anti-Christ and World Chaos --
El Eros
OccRev y1930 v51 April - Mars -- Leo French
OccRev y1930 v51 April
- The Recantation -- GM Hort
OccRev y1930 v51 April - Occult Discipline -- WG
OccRev y1930 v51 April - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51
April - Periodical literature -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 April - Topical
Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 April - Bok Chat - Reviews --
OccRev y1930 v51 May - Editorial - A Godless Utopia -- ed
y1930 v51 May - The Hidden Place -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1930 v51 May - The
Growth of Consciousness (1) -- CG Sander
OccRev y1930 v51 May - The Stranger
in the Borrowed Garment -- AK
OccRev y1930 v51 May - Taming the Thinking
Principle -- Olive Howell and Ben Bayliss
OccRev y1930 v51 May - The Mystic
as Poet -- R Dimsdale Stocker
OccRev y1930 v51 May - Venus -- Leo
OccRev y1930 v51 May - Spiritual Conceptions of the American Indians
-- Sylvan J Muldoon
OccRev y1930 v51 May - The Gospel of Efficiency -- E
Wilmot Lambert
OccRev y1930 v51 May - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1930
v51 May - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 May - Topical
Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 May - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51
June - Editorial - Luciferian Cults -- ed
OccRev y1930 v51 June - A Dream --
OccRev y1930 v51 June - Regression of Memory -- Jean Delaire
y1930 v51 June - Science and Tradition -- Charles Whitby
OccRev y1930 v51
June - My Last Talk with Jacob of Simla -- Alice Elizabeth Dracott
y1930 v51 June - Awakening -- Frederick Nicholls
OccRev y1930 v51 June - Why
Many Projections Fail -- Sylvan J Muldoon
OccRev y1930 v51 June - The Growth
of Consciousness (2) -- CG Sanders
OccRev y1930 v51 June - My Initiator --
Olive Linnell
OccRev y1930 v51 June - Possession, Its Phases and Phenomena --
WG Raffe
OccRev y1930 v51 June - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51
June - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 June - Topical
Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1930 v51 June - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52
July - Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1930 v52 July - For Those Who Seek --
OccRev y1930 v52 July - The Fairy Folk of America -- Lewis
OccRev y1930 v52 July - Premonitory Dreams in Relation to
Predestination - Part I -- Sylvan J Muldoon
OccRev y1930 v52 July - The
Apotheosis of the Ether -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1930 v52 July -
Schubert's Unfinished Symphony (Second Movement) [vf] -- Eva Martin
y1930 v52 July - The Tittles and the Oral Tradition -- EJ Langford
OccRev y1930 v52 July - The Moon [vf] -- Leo French
OccRev y1930
v52 July - Some Psychic Reminiscences -- RM Sidgwick
OccRev y1930 v52 July -
The Value of Mystical Experience -- Josephine Ransom
OccRev y1930 v52 July -
Saint Paul: A Psychic Revelation -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1930 v52 July -
letter: Nobodaddy -- ZAS
OccRev y1930 v52 July - letter: Nobodaddy -- El
OccRev y1930 v52 July - letter: The Russian Problem -- Thomas
OccRev y1930 v52 July - letter: The Russian Problem -- WGR
y1930 v52 July - letter: Anti-Christ and World Chaos -- Violet Weeks
y1930 v52 July - letter: Reincarnation -- WR Sevier
OccRev y1930 v52 July -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 July - Topical Brevities --
OccRev y1930 v52 July - Book Chat -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 July -
review: 'Your Latent Powers' by Margaret V Underhill -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1930
v52 July - review: 'Il n'y a pas de Mort' by Florence Morryat -- Ethel
OccRev y1930 v52 July - review: 'Theurgy; or, the Hermetic Practice. A
Treatise on Spiritual Alchemy' by EJ Langford Garstin -- Frank Lind
y1930 v52 July - review: 'The Drama of Europe, or the Soul of History' Stanley
De Brath -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1930 v52 July - review: 'Navayana' by JE
Ellam -- EJLG
OccRev y1930 v52 July - review: 'Studies in Freemasonry'
Leonard Bosman -- EJLG
OccRev y1930 v52 July - review: 'The New Astronomy and
Cosmic Physiology' GE Sutcliffe -- EJLG
OccRev y1930 v52 July - review:
'Satni: A Tragedy, in six Acts' by John Preland -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1930
v52 July - review: 'The Mother' by Shri Aurobindo Ghose -- Leon Elson
y1930 v52 July - review: 'Mental Radio' by Upton Sinclair -- WG Raffe
y1930 v52 July - review: 'How Theosophy Came to Me' by CW Leadbeater -- Leon
OccRev y1930 v52 July - review: 'My Argosy and Other Poems' by
Alexander F Jenkins -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1930 v52 July - review: 'Whispers
from Eternity' by Swami Yogananda -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1930 v52 July -
review: 'The Wisdom of the Serpent' SM Stratham -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1930
v52 July - review: 'Karma Once More' by Annie Besant -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1930
v52 July - review: 'Colour Psychology' by Virginia Osgood -- Ethel
OccRev y1930 v52 July - review: 'Anteaur. la vie sur une autre
planete' -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1930 v52 August - Editorial - Occult India --
OccRev y1930 v52 August - Premonitory Dreams (2) -- Sylvan J
OccRev y1930 v52 August - The Woman in Man -- H Ernest Hunt
y1930 v52 August - An Outline for Meditation -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1930 v52
August - In a Wood -- Ivan Najivin
OccRev y1930 v52 August - Phantom Vehicles
-- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1930 v52 August - The Complete Impressario --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1930 v52 August - The Sun -- Leo French
y1930 v52 August - The Rose of the World -- R Sabine
OccRev y1930 v52 August
- Some Polish Legends -- Agnes Blake
OccRev y1930 v52 August - Correspondence
-- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 August - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1930 v52 August - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 August -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 September - Editorial - Man's Highest
Purpose -- ed
OccRev y1930 v52 September - A Symbolic Vision of the Lotus --
OccRev y1930 v52 September - The Value of Historic Backgrounds in the
Study of Philosophy and Religion -- EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1930 v52
September - Presences -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1930 v52 September - The Yogi and
the Hunter -- Samuel F Darwin Fox
OccRev y1930 v52 September - Psychic Attack
and Defence (1) -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1930 v52 September - Joe: The Coalman
-- AK
OccRev y1930 v52 September - God -- Theresa Hooley
OccRev y1930 v52
September - A Key to Paracelsus -- Alice M Callow
OccRev y1930 v52 September
- Mercury -- Leo French
OccRev y1930 v52 September - Astrology and the Bible
-- E Julian Mills
OccRev y1930 v52 September - Correspondence --
OccRev y1930 v52 September - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1930 v52 September - Book Chat - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 October -
Editorial - An Interpreter of Asia -- ed
OccRev y1930 v52 October - Escape or
Mastery -- Charles Whitby
OccRev y1930 v52 October - The Flux of Existence --
W Loftus Hare
OccRev y1930 v52 October - Love's Chalice -- Frank
OccRev y1930 v52 October - Psychic Attack and Defence (2) -- Dion
OccRev y1930 v52 October - India - Whither? -- TL Vaswani
y1930 v52 October - The Butterflies -- Wilfred Childe
OccRev y1930 v52
October - Behaviourism -- CG Sander
OccRev y1930 v52 October - The Mystery of
Rudi Schneider -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1930 v52 October - The Passing of
Summer -- Brenda Murray Draper
OccRev y1930 v52 October - A Child of Apollo
-- M Oldfield Howey
OccRev y1930 v52 October - Correspondence --
OccRev y1930 v52 October - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1930
v52 October - Topical Brevities -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 October - Reviews --
OccRev y1930 v52 November - Editorial - The Cosmic Christ --
OccRev y1930 v52 November - Can We Stand the Test? -- AB
OccRev y1930
v52 November - Henry Vaughan and the Region Elenore -- Lorna Collard
y1930 v52 November - Phantoms of the Sea -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1930
v52 November - Teachers or Masters? -- M
OccRev y1930 v52 November - An Old
Man's Wisdom -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1930 v52 November - Virgil and Occultism
-- Thomas Foster
OccRev y1930 v52 November - Fettered -- Stanton A
OccRev y1930 v52 November - Some Philosophical Implications of
Relativity (1) -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1930 v52 November - Spiritual
Pride -- A Banks
OccRev y1930 v52 November - Uranus -- Leo French
y1930 v52 November - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 November -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 November - Reviews --
OccRev y1930 v52 December - Editorial - Footprints of the Divine --
OccRev y1930 v52 December - Jupiter -- Leo French
OccRev y1930 v52
December - The Essence of Buddhism: Zen -- Bayard Elton
OccRev y1930 v52
December - The Survivors -- Algernon Blackwood
OccRev y1930 v52 December - An
Elect Priesthood -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1930 v52 December - The
Threefold Nature of Man -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1930 v52 December - Is this
Jack London? (1) -- Upton Sinclair
OccRev y1930 v52 December - Fragments --
OccRev y1930 v52 December - A Phase in Man's Evolutionary Progress -- FA
OccRev y1930 v52 December - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1930
v52 December - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1930 v52 December -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53 January - Editorial - Power for Service --
OccRev y1931 v53 January - The Quest -- M Kennaway
OccRev y1931 v53
January - Is this Jack London? (2) -- Upton Sinclair
OccRev y1931 v53 January
- The Four-Dimensioned World of Experience -- HS Redgrove
OccRev y1931 v53
January - The Moment After -- Rita (Mrs Desmond Humphreys)
OccRev y1931 v53
January - A Projection Record -- Sylvan J Muldoon
OccRev y1931 v53 January -
Wayfarers -- E Wieland
OccRev y1931 v53 January - The Music of the Spheres --
Mina Charlotte Martin
OccRev y1931 v53 January - The Death Penalty: What is
it? -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1931 v53 January - The World of the Future -- J
OccRev y1931 v53 January - His Soul in his Shadow (An Experimental
Record) -- Ian Barkworth
OccRev y1931 v53 January - As Doth a Cloud -- Brenda
Murray Draper
OccRev y1931 v53 January - Correspondence - Topical Brevities
-- anon
OccRev y1931 v53 January - Periodical Literature -- anon
y1931 v53 January - Book Chat - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53 February -
Editorial - Initiation and Testing -- ed
OccRev y1931 v53 February - A Jewish
Gnostic -- Hugh J Schonfield
OccRev y1931 v53 February - Hide and Seek --
Teresa Hooley
OccRev y1931 v53 February - Christos -- Eveline Vernon
OccRev y1931 v53 February - Memories of Past Lives (1) -- Annie
OccRev y1931 v53 February - The Beloved Pthah -- Edith K
OccRev y1931 v53 February - Power Centres of Britain -- Dion
OccRev y1931 v53 February - The Relativity Experience -- HS
OccRev y1931 v53 February - The Vision of Buddha -- Stanton A
OccRev y1931 v53 February - The Secret Book -- Arthur Edward
OccRev y1931 v53 February - After long Silence -- Jessie Annie
OccRev y1931 v53 February - The Two Magics in Mexico -- Charles
OccRev y1931 v53 February - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53
February - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53 March -
Editorial - Spirituality and Spiritualism -- ed
OccRev y1931 v53 March -
Memories of Past Lives (2) -- Annie Besant
OccRev y1931 v53 March - The
Mystery of Pisces -- M Oldfield Howey
OccRev y1931 v53 March - The Secret of
Nicholas Flamel -- Frederick Thurstan
OccRev y1931 v53 March - The Truth of
Life -- Eveline Vernon Walker
OccRev y1931 v53 March - Happiness -- William
Loftus Hare
OccRev y1931 v53 March - A Pathan-Haunted Bungalow -- Ralph W
OccRev y1931 v53 March - Mac: A Seance Record -- A Kenway
y1931 v53 March - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53 March - Periodical
Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53 April - Editorial - Mass
Psychology -- ed
OccRev y1931 v53 April - Remarkable Finds in an Atlantean
Port -- EM Whishaw
OccRev y1931 v53 April - Pastoral -- Teresa
OccRev y1931 v53 April - The Buddhist Doctrine of Non-Ego -- Bayard
OccRev y1931 v53 April - The Suicide -- F Coblentz
OccRev y1931 v53
April - Tribunals and Man's Opportunities -- CAF Rhys Davids
OccRev y1931 v53
April - The Secret of the Lotus Flower -- Eveline Vernon Walker
OccRev y1931
v53 April - The Mystery of the Rising of Christ's Body -- EB Gibbes
y1931 v53 April - The Elohim -- EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1931 v53 April -
Meditation -- Meredith Starr
OccRev y1931 v53 April - A New Plea for
Mysticism -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1931 v53 April - Children of the
Light -- SF Darwin Fox
OccRev y1931 v53 April - Correspondence --
OccRev y1931 v53 April - Periodical Literature - Reviews --
OccRev y1931 v53 May p289 - Editorial - Slaves of Time -- ed
y1931 v53 May p296 - The New Pathology -- H Reinheimer
OccRev y1931 v53 May
p303 - Cleophas and Eisler: Some Comparisons -- EB Gibbes
OccRev y1931 v53
May p309 - The Voice of Spring -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1931 v53 May p310 -
Physical Immortality -- Helene F Molchin
OccRev y1931 v53 May p312 - The
Occult Side of Diet -- Hereward Carrington
OccRev y1931 v53 May p320 -
Changes -- Dora E Hecht
OccRev y1931 v53 May p327 - Occultism and Freedom --
Sydney H French
OccRev y1931 v53 May p331 - Psychic War and Secret Societies
-- W Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1931 v53 May p336 - An Oracle -- EJ
OccRev y1931 v53 May p337 - Correspondence -- anon
y1931 v53 May p341 - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53
June - Editorial - Black Man's Magic -- ed
OccRev y1931 v53 June - Spirits,
or Telepathy? (1) -- Upton Sinclair
OccRev y1931 v53 June - The Chain --
Phyllis Clark
OccRev y1931 v53 June - The World of Chance -- HS
OccRev y1931 v53 June - Love Rides on a Lion -- Meredith
OccRev y1931 v53 June - Christianity and the Wisdom Religion -- Jean
OccRev y1931 v53 June - The Kings of Edom -- EJ Longford
OccRev y1931 v53 June - A Cosmic Panorama -- MA Anderson
y1931 v53 June - The Greater and Lesser Vehicles -- Bayard Elton
OccRev y1931
v53 June - Deep Trance Mediumship -- JJ Cadwaldr
OccRev y1931 v53 June -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53 June - Periodical Literature -
Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v53 June - Nocturne [vf] -- Frank Lind
y1931 v53 June - I Need No Wine -- Brenda Draper
OccRev y1931 v54 July -
Editorial - Noetic v Psychic Action -- ed
OccRev y1931 v54 July - The Book --
RB Ince
OccRev y1931 v54 July - Spirits, or Telepathy (2) -- Upton
OccRev y1931 v54 July - Cultural Reactions to Madame Blavatsky and
Theosophy -- WW Leisenring
OccRev y1931 v54 July - The Voice of Silence --
Frank Lind
OccRev y1931 v54 July - Primitive Man and Spiritualism -- WG
OccRev y1931 v54 July - Sleep -- CM Mallet
OccRev y1931 v54 July -
Which Will Ye...? -- Mrs Rhys Davids
OccRev y1931 v54 July - The Christ and
the Crucifix -- EH
OccRev y1931 v54 July - Causation or Anarchy? (1) -- H
OccRev y1931 v54 July - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54
July - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54 August p73 -
Editorial: The Superconscious Mind -- ed
OccRev y1931 v54 August p82 -
Causation or Anarchy? - 2 -- H Reinheimer
OccRev y1931 v54 August p90 - Joy's
Path -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1931 v54 August p91 - The Power of Colour --
Brenda Murray Draper
OccRev y1931 v54 August p94 - Some Notes on Kundalini --
WG Raffe
OccRev y1931 v54 August p101 - Your holiday -- Alice Gaze
y1931 v54 August p102 - A Mage's Singing -- WH Chesson
OccRev y1931 v54
August p106 - Fantastic and Prophetic Dream Experiences -- E
OccRev y1931 v54 August p110 - The Soul of Man: 50 Points --
H Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1931 v54 August p115 - Love -- R Iram
OccRev y1931
v54 August p116 - Sex and the Origin of Religion -- EJ Langford
OccRev y1931 v54 August p119 - The Witchwater -- JC
OccRev y1931 v54 August p120 - Correspondence -- various
y1931 v54 August p125 - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54 August
p131 - Reviews -- various
OccRev y1931 v54 September p145 - Editorial -
Brotherhood and the New Consciousness -- ed
OccRev y1931 v54 September p153 -
Still More Atlantean Discoveries -- EM Whishan
OccRev y1931 v54 September
p160 - Compacts Between the Living and the Dead -- Elliott O'Donnell
y1931 v54 September p165 - The True Focus -- R Iram
OccRev y1931 v54
September p166 - The Last Enemy -- William Loftus hare
OccRev y1931 v54
September p173 - Four New Philosophies -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1931 v54
September p178 - The Buddha's Ten Commandments -- Bayard Elton
OccRev y1931
v54 September p182 - The Taste of Deliverance -- GM Hort
OccRev y1931 v54
September p183 - Profane Gold and Sanctified Wealth -- TJ Pemberton
y1931 v54 September p191 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54 September
p195 - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54 October p217
- Editorial - Between Two Worlds -- ed
OccRev y1931 v54 October p227 - Breath
and Brahma -- Frank Lind
OccRev y1931 v54 October p228 - Sex and its Polarity
-- RE Bruce
OccRev y1931 v54 October p235 - Hope -- R Iram
OccRev y1931
v54 October p236 - Butler, Shaw, Smuts, and Evolution (1) -- H
OccRev y1931 v54 October p248 - Scientific Explorers of the Ether
-- WW Leisenring
OccRev y1931 v54 October p255 - Aladura, Nigerian Prophet
and Healer -- Mary Milbourne
OccRev y1931 v54 October p259 - The Illusion of
Illusions -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1931 v54 October p262 - A Japanese
Sennin, or yogi -- Edwin Felstead
OccRev y1931 v54 October p266 - Wisdom's
Throne -- Mina Charlotte Martin
OccRev y1931 v54 October p267 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54 October p271 - Periodical Literature
- Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54 November p289 - Editorial - The Golden
Flower -- ed
OccRev y1931 v54 November p298 - Butler, Shaw, Smuts, and
Evolution (2)H Reinheimer --
OccRev y1931 v54 November p304 - Was Nyria
Reincarnate? -- Hester Dowden
OccRev y1931 v54 November p308 - The Eastern
Idea of Reincarnation -- S Krishna Shastry
OccRev y1931 v54 November p314 -
The Rosicrucian Order -- M
OccRev y1931 v54 November p318 - The Nature of the
Ego (1) -- Leonard Bosman
OccRev y1931 v54 November p321 - The Life Side of
Astro Logia -- Leo French
OccRev y1931 v54 November p325 - Shinnyo! -- AW
OccRev y1931 v54 November p329 - It Happened to Me -- Lila
OccRev y1931 v54 November p335 - Final Victory -- Princess
OccRev y1931 v54 November p337 - Love's Coming -- R Iram
y1931 v54 November p338 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54 November
p340 - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1931 v54 December -
Editorial - Cheese-cloth Ectoplasm! -- ed
OccRev y1931 v54 December - My
Books: How They Were Written -- RJ Lees
OccRev y1931 v54 December - Through
Sunset's Gates: A Psychical Experience -- Clifford W Greatorex
OccRev y1931
v54 December - Butler, Shaw, Smuts, and Evolution (3) H Reinheimer --
y1931 v54 December - Stages on the Path -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1931 v54
December - The Nature of the Ego (2) -- Leonard Bosman
OccRev y1931 v54
December - Some Parallels with Kundalini -- EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1931
v54 December - Fear -- R Iram
OccRev y1931 v54 December - Occult Iconography
-- AE Waite
OccRev y1931 v54 December - Psycho-Analysis and Psychic Research
-- Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1931 v54 December - Correspondence -- anon
y1931 v54 December - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1932 v55
January p1 - Editorial: The Autobiography of Sir Oliver Lodge -- ed
y1932 v55 January p10 - Boehme: The God-Taught Philosopher -- KSS Karr
y1932 v55 January p19 - God of the Living -- Francis O'Grady
OccRev y1932 v55
January p20 - The Higher Love -- Sidney Taylor
OccRev y1932 v55 January p25 -
A Psychic Upheaval -- Irene Hay
OccRev y1932 v55 January p30 - Compensation
-- R Iram
OccRev y1932 v55 January p31 - The Sacramental Significance of the
Forest -- Bernard Fielding
OccRev y1932 v55 January p37 - The Law of
Remembrance -- GM Hort
OccRev y1932 v55 January p38 - The Perilous Path --
Thomas Foster
OccRev y1932 v55 January p42 - The Nun of Westminster --
OccRev y1932 v55 January p43 - To a Dead Poet -- Eva Martin
y1932 v55 January p44 - Experimental Telepathy -- BA Horley
OccRev y1932 v55
January p47 - The Golden Thread of Truth -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1932 v55
January p50 - Correspondence - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
y1932 v55 February p73 - Editorial: Inspiration, Psychic and Spiritual --
OccRev y1932 v55 February p83 - A Jewish Mystical Movement (1) -- Yisroel
Ben Baruch Ha Chassid
OccRev y1932 v55 February p89 - Healing from the
Horoscope -- Leo French
OccRev y1932 v55 February p91 - The Garden in the
East -- Eva Martin
OccRev y1932 v55 February p92 - Some Great Awakening (1)
-- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1932 v55 February p98 - Eskimo Sorcerers --
Edwin Felstead
OccRev y1932 v55 February p102 - The Lost Continent of Mu --
Lewis Spence
OccRev y1932 v55 February p105 - Old Lamps and New -- Edith K
OccRev y1932 v55 February p109 - Untrodden Snow -- IB Hudson
y1932 v55 February p110 - Why I Know I Shall Live Again -- Marquis of
OccRev y1932 v55 February p113 - Animals of the Unseen World --
Arthur Lamsley
OccRev y1932 v55 February p116 - Reverting to the Primitive --
JL Ames
OccRev y1932 v55 February p120 - Correspondence - Periodical
Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1932 v55 March p145 - Occultism and the
World Crisis - Editorial -- ed
OccRev y1932 v55 March p155 - Some Great
Awakenings (2) -- Arthur Edward Waite
OccRev y1932 v55 March p160 - The
Endless Quest -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1932 v55 March p161 - The Use of Trance
in Spiritual Development -- EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1932 v55 March p167 -
A Jewish Mystical Movement (2) -- Yisroel Ben Baruch Ha Chassid
OccRev y1932
v55 March p173 - The Only Real Lodge -- R Iram
OccRev y1932 v55 March p174 -
Superstition -- Marjorie Bowen
OccRev y1932 v55 March p177 - The Wine --
Charles Lazenby
OccRev y1932 v55 March p178 - The Rallying-Point of the
Occult World -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1932 v55 March p182 - Blood and its
Mystery -- Irene Bastow Hudson
OccRev y1932 v55 March p188 - Ghosts and their
Clothing -- Robert James Lees
OccRev y1932 v55 March p191 - Cycles --
Princess Karadja
OccRev y1932 v55 March p192 - To the March Wind -- Eva
OccRev y1932 v55 March p193 - The Hidden Link -- John
OccRev y1932 v55 March p194 - Correspondence - Periodical Literature
- Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1932 v55 April p217 - Beyond Fear -- ed
y1932 v55 April p225 - Buddhism and Indian Philosophy -- RJ Jackson
y1932 v55 April p233 - My Lady Blue Brocade -- Ranee
OccRev y1932 v55 April
p235 - Theosophical Churches and the Blavatsky Tradition -- A Trevor
OccRev y1932 v55 April p240 - Oblation and the Elements -- Bernard
OccRev y1932 v55 April p241 - This Theosophy -- Jean
OccRev y1932 v55 April p243 - The Sublimation of Desire -- CG
OccRev y1932 v55 April p247 - Passion -- R Iram
OccRev y1932 v55
April p248 - Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy -- Philip S
OccRev y1932 v55 April p251 - Roads -- JL Ames
OccRev y1932 v55
April p252 - What is the Supernatural? -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1932 v55
April p255 - Nature the Grand Illusionist -- Voyageur
OccRev y1932 v55 April
p259 - Some Unearthly Visitants -- M Oldfield Howey
OccRev y1932 v55 April
p263 - April's Anemones -- Margaret Ambrose
OccRev y1932 v55 April p266 -
Some Druidic Triads -- D Jeffrey Williams
OccRev y1932 v55 April p268 -
Correspondence - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1932 v55 May
p289 - Leaders -- ed
OccRev y1932 v55 May p294 - The Disciplined Will in
Spiritual Growth (1) -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1932 v55 May p302 - Self-Dependence
and Self-Leadership -- Margaret A Thomas
OccRev y1932 v55 May p307 - Occult
Tendencies in Spirit Communications -- EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1932 v55
May p312 - The Cancer Situation (1) -- H Reinheimer
OccRev y1932 v55 May p320
- New Facts and Old Idols of the Mind -- W Wilson Leisenring
OccRev y1932 v55
May p325 - Through Many Lives to Contentment -- J Krishnamurti
OccRev y1932
v55 May p329 - Can Occultism Help? -- Mrs Fetherstonhaugh
OccRev y1932 v55
May p341 - Correspondence - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
y1932 v55 June p361 - A Voice from the Hills -- ed
OccRev y1932 v55 June p371
- The Disciplined Will in Spiritual Growth (2) -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1932 v55
June p377 - The Midsummer Spell -- GM Hort
OccRev y1932 v55 June p378 - The
Cancer Situation (2) -- H Reinheimer
OccRev y1932 v55 June p387 - The People
of the Unseen God -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1932 v55 June p393 - Shelley and
To-day -- L Grant
OccRev y1932 v55 June p397 - Spiritualism - Some
Alternative Hypotheses -- James Leigh
OccRev y1932 v55 June p400 - Leadership
-- L Bronkhorst
OccRev y1932 v55 June p403 - The Two Sights Complete -- Edith
K Harper
OccRev y1932 v55 June p405 - Correspondence - Periodical Literature
- Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1932 v56 July p1 - Linking Up -- ed
OccRev y1932
v56 July p8 - Ideals -- Christmas Humphries
OccRev y1932 v56 July p9 -
Esoteric Religion -- J Courtenay James
OccRev y1932 v56 July p16 - Back to
Brotherhood -- G de Purucker
OccRev y1932 v56 July p20 - The Harper -- GM
OccRev y1932 v56 July p21 - The Broken Tryst (1) -- Dion
OccRev y1932 v56 July p26 - Experiences Out-of-the-body -- Sylvan J
OccRev y1932 v56 July p31 - Phantom Bells and Faery Music -- Eva
OccRev y1932 v56 July p33 - Ageless Wisdom -- Frank Lind
y1932 v56 July p34 - The Idol of the Physical World -- WW Leisenring
y1932 v56 July p39 - The Wand of Hermes -- WD Seton Brown
OccRev y1932 v56
July p42 - With a Southern Indian Tantrist -- Brunton Paul
OccRev y1932 v56
July p47 - Healing from the Horoscope -- Leo French
OccRev y1932 v56 July p50
- The Incense-Burner -- Ranee
OccRev y1932 v56 July p51 - The Work of
Initiates -- R Iram
OccRev y1932 v56 July p52 - Correspondence - Periodical
Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1932 v56 August p73 - The Organ of
Spiritual Perception -- ed
OccRev y1932 v56 August p84 - The Forgiveness of
Sins -- William Loftus Hare
OccRev y1932 v56 August p91 - Death Houses and
Fatal Spots -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1932 v56 August p97 - What I Saw on
the Brocken -- JC Cannell
OccRev y1932 v56 August p102 - The Brocken Tryst
(2) -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1932 v56 August p108 - What May Happen -- Harry
OccRev y1932 v56 August p113 - The Task of the Comet -- H Stanley
OccRev y1932 v56 August p116 - Symphony Concert -- Clare
OccRev y1932 v56 August p117 - Spiritualism, The Plain Man's Religion
-- Hugh Mountain
OccRev y1932 v56 August p119 - Correspondence - Periodical
Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1932 v56 September p145 - Editorial: A
Science of the Spiritual Life -- ed
OccRev y1932 v56 September p153 - The
Revenant -- Alice Cunninghame
OccRev y1932 v56 September p161 - The Cure of
Kleptomaniacs -- Alex Erskine
OccRev y1932 v56 September p167 - The
Motherhood of God -- JSM Ward
OccRev y1932 v56 September p171 - Nietzsche as
an Occult Teacher -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1932 v56 September p177 - A New
Consciousness -- L Grant
OccRev y1932 v56 September p182 - Was John Gower an
Adept? -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1932 v56 September p186 - Is Eternal
Youth a Possibility? -- EM Perry
OccRev y1932 v56 September p189 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1932 v56 September p198 - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1932 v56 September p202 - Reviews --
OccRev y1932 v56 October p217 - When we Pray... -- ed
OccRev y1932
v56 October p226 - Our Debt to Pythagoras -- Charles Whitby
OccRev y1932 v56
October p233 - The Maori Curse -- Frederick Potter
OccRev y1932 v56 October
p237 - Colour and Personality -- Vishnu R Karandikar
OccRev y1932 v56 October
p245 - The Human Body as a Solar system -- WB Crow
OccRev y1932 v56 October
p252 - What I Owe to a Book -- PGB Bowen
OccRev y1932 v56 October p258 - The
Old Idol: The Organic Mechanism -- WW Leisenring
OccRev y1932 v56 October
p265 - In a Bottle -- Ivan Najivin
OccRev y1932 v56 October p267 -
Correspondence - Periodical Literature - Reviews -- anon
OccRev y1932 v56
November p289 - The Plan of the Tibetan -- ed
OccRev y1932 v56 November p299
- Occultism as a Guide to Life -- ER Baker-Beall
OccRev y1932 v56 November
p306 - Hymn to Simplicity -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1932 v56 November p307 -
Pragmatic Idealism: Natural Religion -- CG Sander
OccRev y1932 v56 November
p313 - Crowley's Magick -- Paul Brunton
OccRev y1932 v56 November p317 - The
Human Body as a Solar System (2) -- WB Crow
OccRev y1932 v56 November p325 -
What I think about God? -- Ronald Armstrong
OccRev y1932 v56 November p329 -
Karma and Disease -- H Reinheimer
OccRev y1932 v56 November p334 - Cosmic
Beauty -- Leo French
OccRev y1932 v56 November p337 - Correspondence -
Reviews - Periodical Literature - New Books -- anon
OccRev y1932 v56 December
p361 - The Spirit Moves -- ed
OccRev y1932 v56 December p371 - Prophetic and
Clairvoyant Experiences -- Arthur Lawrence
OccRev y1932 v56 December p377 -
Christian Accretions from the Mystery Religions -- J Courtenay James
y1932 v56 December p385 - The Other Side -- Grant Duff
OccRev y1932 v56
December p389 - Peaceful Calm -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1932 v56 December p390
- How can Civilization be Saved? -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1932 v56 December p394 -
Exile -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1932 v56 December p395 - The Creative Word --
Leonard Bosman
OccRev y1932 v56 December p402 - The Outward Path of the
Occultist -- Libra
OccRev y1932 v56 December p405 - As a Man Thinketh --
Edith K Harper
OccRev y1932 v56 December p409 - Correspondence - Reviews -
Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1933 v57 January p1 - The Influence of
the Personality -- ed
OccRev y1933 v57 January p6 - Rose of the World --
OccRev y1933 v57 January p7 - Cagliostro -- KS Shelvankar
OccRev y1933
v57 January p13 - Ceremonial Magic Unveiled -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1933 v57
January p25 - Concerning Woman -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1933 v57 January p29 -
Headless Apparitions -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1933 v57 January p39 -
Creative Power -- R Iram
OccRev y1933 v57 January p40 - World Changes in the
Light of Prophecy -- EJ Coppen (Sphinx)
OccRev y1933 v57 January p45 - The
Superstitions of Everyday Life -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1933 v57 January
p49 - Invocation -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1933 v57 January p50 -
Correspondence - Reviews - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1933 v57
February p73 - Mysticism and Religion -- ed
OccRev y1933 v57 February p76 -
Emergent Divinity -- J Courtenay James
OccRev y1933 v57 February p83 -
Instinct - A Scientific Myth? -- Stanton A Coblentz
OccRev y1933 v57 February
p90 - The Evolution of Expression -- CG Sander
OccRev y1933 v57 February p98
- The Price to be Paid -- OMM
OccRev y1933 v57 February p99 - The Pythagorean
School -- AE Chaignet
OccRev y1933 v57 February p106 - The Beginning of
Occult Perception -- L Halliday
OccRev y1933 v57 February p111 - An Initiate
Speaks -- O Blakeston
OccRev y1933 v57 February p116 - Is a Universal
Religion possible? -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1933 v57 February p124 -
Correspondence - Reviews - Periodical Literature -- anon
OccRev y1933 v57
March p145 - The Masquerade of Uplift -- ed
OccRev y1933 v57 March p153 -
Aspiration and the Mother Complex -- Israel Regardie
OccRev y1933 v57 March
p166 - Railway Ghosts and Haunted Lines -- Harold T Wilkins
OccRev y1933 v57
March p174 - Divining from Maps -- EM Penrose
OccRev y1933 v57 March p183 -
Is Occult Anonymity a Weakness -- author of 'The Initiate in the Dark
OccRev y1933 v57 March p188 - A Mysterious Visitor: The Prince -- HM
OccRev y1933 v57 March p190 - Individuality and Unity -- R
OccRev y1933 v57 March p191 - Correspondence - Reviews - Periodical
Literature -- anon
OccRev y1933 v57 April p217 - Sorcery with the Lid Off --
OccRev y1933 v57 April p225 - Dr John Dee, Astrologer -- Marjorie
OccRev y1933 v57 April p233 - Fire from Heaven -- Clare
OccRev y1933 v57 April p234 - Occultism and Psychic Phenomena -- G de
OccRev y1933 v57 April p245 - A Mystic Supper -- Yisroel Ben Baruch
Ha Chassid
OccRev y1933 v57 April p251 - Prayer as Viewed by a Fleet Street
Journalist -- Arthur Lawrence
OccRev y1933 v57 April p256 - The New Birth --
R Iram
OccRev y1933 v57 April p257 - The Theosophical Society To-day -- J
OccRev y1933 v57 April p260 - Correspondence -- anon
y1933 v57 April p269 - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1933 v57 April
p276 - Our Contemporaries -- anon
OccRev y1933 v57 May p289 - Some Problems
of the Inner Life -- ed
OccRev y1933 v57 May p297 - Rudi Schneider: Let us
Face the Facts -- Harry Price
OccRev y1933 v57 May p302 - Discipline -- Clare
OccRev y1933 v57 May p303 - Is Christ Risen? -- EH Gilmour
y1933 v57 May p306 - A Study of Mystical Relativity (1) -- JFC Fuller
y1933 v57 May p313 - The Psychology of Change -- Henry Dawson
OccRev y1933
v57 May p314 - The Spiritualist Movement -- WH Evans
OccRev y1933 v57 May
p318 - Building the Body of Light -- R Iram
OccRev y1933 v57 May p319 - Death
Boasts and is Answered -- RAV Morris
OccRev y1933 v57 May p320 -
Reminiscences of a Natural Psychic -- Eileen De Armil
OccRev y1933 v57 May
p324 - A Ghostly Wild Huntsman -- M Oldfield Howey
OccRev y1933 v57 May p327
- Unemployment and the Future -- George Goch
OccRev y1933 v57 May p332 -
Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1933 v57 May p340 - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1933 v57 May p348 - Our Contemporaries -- anon
OccRev y1933
v57 June p361 - Brother XII Loses his Way -- ed
OccRev y1933 v57 June p370 -
A Study of Mystical Relativity (2) -- JFC Fuller
OccRev y1933 v57 June p378 -
Magic in India -- RTM Scott
OccRev y1933 v57 June p381 - Maya-Bound --
Francis O'Grady
OccRev y1933 v57 June p382 - The Energy Behind Thought -- RE
OccRev y1933 v57 June p389 - The Quest -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1933
v57 June p390 - The Chosen People -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1933 v57 June p394
- The Realization of Self -- J Courtenay James
OccRev y1933 v57 June p399 -
The Tocsin -- EA Chaylor
OccRev y1933 v57 June p405 - Secrecy in Occultism --
EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1933 v57 June p409 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1933 v57 June p412 - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
y1933 v57 June p420 - Our Contemporaries -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 July p1 -
Occultism in the Press -- ed
OccRev y1933 v58 July p6 - Direct Vision and
Mystical Union -- J Courtenay James
OccRev y1933 v58 July p14 - A Study of
Mystical Relativity (3) -- JFC Fuller
OccRev y1933 v58 July p21 - Seasons of
the Soul -- Lesley Gray
OccRev y1933 v58 July p22 - Clocks and the
Supernatural -- Ranee
OccRev y1933 v58 July p23 - Idealism and Modern Science
-- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1933 v58 July p29 - Our Hidden Life -- H Ernest
OccRev y1933 v58 July p33 - The Holy Grail -- Herbrand
OccRev y1933 v58 July p38 - Immortality and Continuity -- G de
OccRev y1933 v58 July p48 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1933
v58 July p53 - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 July p60 - Our
Contemporaries -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 August - Glamour -- ed
y1933 v58 August - The Books of Enoch -- Olive Harcourt
OccRev y1933 v58
August - The Mysterious in Woods -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1933 v58 August
- Magicians - Black and White -- Victor Dane
OccRev y1933 v58 August -
Psychic Phenomena Critically Considerd -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1933 v58 August -
The Philosophy of Sir Oliver Lodge -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1933 v58 August
- The Art of Dreaming -- V Talayarka
OccRev y1933 v58 August - A New Yoga
System -- Michael Juste
OccRev y1933 v58 August - The Pitchers -- RB
OccRev y1933 v58 August - A Plea for Humour -- Aln W Watts
y1933 v58 August - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 August - Under the
Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 August - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1933 v58 September - [Sept. 1933 to Oct. 1935: Titled 'The
London Forum (incorporating "The Occult Review")'] --
OccRev y1933 v58
September - Fiction -- ed
OccRev y1933 v58 September - Orpheus, Prophet of
God -- Charles King
OccRev y1933 v58 September - The Stone of Vision -- GM
OccRev y1933 v58 September - The Power Behind Evolution -- CG
OccRev y1933 v58 September - The Mystic Path -- Clare
OccRev y1933 v58 September - The Secret of Hypnotism -- GA
OccRev y1933 v58 September - Creative Religion -- KS
OccRev y1933 v58 September - Living in the Eternal --
OccRev y1933 v58 September - The Human Magnetic Field -- H Ernest
OccRev y1933 v58 September - What is the Ego? -- Arthur Storey
y1933 v58 September - The Present Status of The Theosophical Society -- G de
OccRev y1933 v58 September - Altruism -- R Iram
OccRev y1933 v58
September - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 September - Under the
Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 September - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Yoga and Christianity -- ed
OccRev y1933
v58 October - The Fall of Man - as an Anthropologist sees it -- Edward
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Is Christianity, with all Existing
Religions, Doomed? -- A Country Parson
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Annie
Besant -- Josephine Ransom
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Union of Body and
Movement -- AJ van den Brenk
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Light of the World --
Francis O'Grady
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Helen Keller: Clairvoyante --
Raphael Hurst
OccRev y1933 v58 October - The One and the Many -- Brian
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Sufism in Modern Life -- Sirdar Ikbal Ali
OccRev y1933 v58 October - A Case of Re-Embodiment at Will -- Amar
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58
October - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 October - Our
Contemporaries -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 November - Meher Baba and the Oxford
Groups -- ed
OccRev y1933 v58 November - A Greek Ritual of Magic -- Israel
OccRev y1933 v58 November - The Inner Meaning of the Oxford Group --
Lorna Gollard
OccRev y1933 v58 November - Psycho-Analysis and Spiritual
Evolution -- Elizabeth Severn
OccRev y1933 v58 November - Autumn Reflections
-- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1933 v58 November - Witchcraft and Common Sense --
Frank Lind
OccRev y1933 v58 November - Arthur Schopenhauer (1) -- GC
OccRev y1933 v58 November - Prehistoric Art -- JGF Druce
y1933 v58 November - What The Theosophical Society could do -- WG
OccRev y1933 v58 November - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58
November - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 November - Our
Contemporaries -- anon
OccRev y1933 v58 December - Dynamic Spirituality --
OccRev y1933 v58 December - Arthur Schopenhauer (2) -- GC
OccRev y1933 v58 December - The Elf-Parson: His Chronicle of the Good
People -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1933 v58 December - The Beaded Ku-Letang: An
Arctic Vision -- HT Munn
OccRev y1933 v58 December - ... Not to Teach but to
Awaken -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1933 v58 December - The Devil in Churches --
Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1933 v58 December - My Asian Reaction to
Spiritualism -- J Vijaya-Tunga
OccRev y1933 v58 December - Correspondence --
OccRev y1933 v58 December - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
y1933 v58 December - Our Contemporaries -- anon
OccRev y1934 v59 January -
The Masters -- Editor
OccRev y1934 v59 January - Quo Vadis? -- Charles
OccRev y1934 v59 January - Divination in Ancient China -- I Toye
OccRev y1934 v59 January - St Paul in Ephesus -- Edith K
OccRev y1934 v59 January - The Promised Land - An Allegorical
Interpretation -- OT Miller
OccRev y1934 v59 January - The Werewolf -- Philip
S Wellby
OccRev y1934 v59 January - At the Centre: Rosa Sine Spina -- RE
OccRev y1934 v59 January - The Sign -- Eileen Desward
OccRev y1934
v59 January - Occultism and Meditation -- Ernest Wood
OccRev y1934 v59
January - Three Aspects of Deity Reconciled -- FS Coryn
OccRev y1934 v59
January - Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v59 January - Under the Reading
Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v59 January - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934
v59 February - A Short Note on Meditation -- Editor
OccRev y1934 v59 February
- Some 'Sayings' -- Meher Baba
OccRev y1934 v59 February - Essays on
Consciousness: Part I -- Whately Carrington
OccRev y1934 v59 February - A
Singer of Ancient Babylon -- Alice Cunninghame
OccRev y1934 v59 February - A
Fantastic Tibetan Hero -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1934 v59 February - The Two
'Johns' -- EB Gibbes
OccRev y1934 v59 February - Questions in Psychology -- G
de Purucker
OccRev y1934 v59 February - Correspondence --
OccRev y1934
v59 February - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v59 February - Our
Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v59 March - A Living Witness --
OccRev y1934 v59 March - The Orphic Tradition -- Charles
OccRev y1934 v59 March - Essays on Consciousness: Part II -- Whately
OccRev y1934 v59 March - Right Knowledge -- Aidna Bowman
y1934 v59 March - Dream Consciousness and the Astral Plane -- V
OccRev y1934 v59 March - A Psychic Adventure in Paris -- SS
OccRev y1934 v59 March - Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v59 March -
Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v59 March - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v59 April - Interpreting Light on the Path -- Editor
y1934 v59 April - Through the Gate of Silence -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1934
v59 April - Essays on Consciousness: Part III -- Whately Carrington
y1934 v59 April - Amrita -- Francis O'Grady
OccRev y1934 v59 April - Psychism
and Science -- Alan W Watts
OccRev y1934 v59 April - Selfishness and Service
-- R Iram
OccRev y1934 v59 April - A Singer of Ancient Babylon -- Alice
OccRev y1934 v59 April - Occultism from the Inside, Part I --
Dion Fortune
OccRev y1934 v59 April - From Psycho-Analysis to
Psycho-Synthesis -- L Gibson
OccRev y1934 v59 April - Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v59 April - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v59
April - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v59 May - The Wider
Consciousness: Individual experience of Super-Consciusness -- Editor
y1934 v59 May - Of the Solitary -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1934 v59 May -
Ecstacy and the Knowledge of God - the experiences of Sadhu Sundar Singh -- AJ
OccRev y1934 v59 May - HPB in India -- Charles Whitby
y1934 v59 May - A Prayer [vf] -- Francis O'Grady
OccRev y1934 v59 May - The
Magic Tree -- A Bothwell Gosse
OccRev y1934 v59 May - Life, the Ultimate
Reality -- J Courtenay James
OccRev y1934 v59 May - The Foundation of
Clairvoyance -- Horace Leaf
OccRev y1934 v59 May - Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v59 May - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v59 May -
Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v59 June - Bridging the Gulf --
OccRev y1934 v59 June - Reinterpretation in Religion, Part I -- CG
OccRev y1934 v59 June - The Brooding Spirit -- Clare Cameron
y1934 v59 June - A Singer of Ancient Babylon -- Alice Cunninghame
y1934 v59 June - Marion, "The Clairvoyant Wonder" -- Raphael Hurst
y1934 v59 June - Bull-fights and Bull-sacrifices -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1934 v59
June - By the Waters of Lethe -- Clifford W Potter
OccRev y1934 v59 June -
Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v59 June - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v59 June - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v60 July -
Mysticism Throughout the Ages -- Editor
OccRev y1934 v60 July - Saviours [vf]
-- Charles Whitby
OccRev y1934 v60 July - Trantrism and Yoga -- D Raghubir
OccRev y1934 v60 July - Reinterpretation in Religion, Part II -- CG
OccRev y1934 v60 July - Psycho Analysing a Spirit -- H Ernest
OccRev y1934 v60 July - The Work of the Learner -- R Iram
y1934 v60 July - Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled? -- Walter Wynn
y1934 v60 July - Transmutation [vf] -- Francis O'Grady
OccRev y1934 v60 July
- Occultism from the Inside, Part II -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1934 v60 July -
Light from the Dark Continent -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1934 v60 July -
Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v60 July - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v60 July - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v60 August -
The Heart of Aryavata -- Editor
OccRev y1934 v60 August - Knowledge:
Intuitive and Derived -- J Courtnay James
OccRev y1934 v60 August - The
Meaning of the Second Low Pyramid Passage -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1934 v60
August - Heraclitus, the Forerunner -- Charles King
OccRev y1934 v60 August -
The Inner Shrine -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1934 v60 August - Is Psychic
Research Dangerous? -- Clifford W Potter
OccRev y1934 v60 August - My Travels
among the Yogis -- Paul Brunton
OccRev y1934 v60 August - The Mystery of Evil
-- RE Bruce
OccRev y1934 v60 August - Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v60
August - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v60 August - Our
Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v60 September - Affirmation or Prayer? --
OccRev y1934 v60 September - The Philosophy of the Tantras -- D
Raghubir Singh
OccRev y1934 v60 September - Was Jesus a Medium? -- Walter
OccRev y1934 v60 September - The God Within -- Clare Cameron
y1934 v60 September - A Singer of Ancient Babylon -- Alice Cunninghame
y1934 v60 September - The Rationale of Magic -- Dion fortune
OccRev y1934 v60
September - Music and the Message -- P Hillsworth
OccRev y1934 v60 September
- A Modern Meeting of Master and Chela -- Elizabeth C Patterson
OccRev y1934
v60 September - Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v60 September - Under the
Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v60 September - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v60 October - A Philosophical Form of Yoga -- Editor
y1934 v60 October - The Origin of Spiritualism (An Anthroposophical View) -- EC
OccRev y1934 v60 October - A Universe of Law -- R Iram
OccRev y1934
v60 October - The Gospel of Spiritual Quiet -- William Loftus Hare
y1934 v60 October - When Paul Was Held for Ransom -- Geraldine Cummins
y1934 v60 October - Thoughts Upon a Gift of Amber [vf] -- Clare
OccRev y1934 v60 October - Jan Komensky -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1934
v60 October - Resurrection or Survival? -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1934 v60
October - Whither the World? -- Edith K Harper
OccRev y1934 v60 October - A
Wistful Ghost -- Ranee
OccRev y1934 v60 October - Correspondence --
OccRev y1934 v60 October - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v60
October - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v60 November - War and Karma --
OccRev y1934 v60 November - Sleep [vf] -- Garth Kerry
OccRev y1934
v60 November - Migdol Carnot: Reincarnation or not? -- Ethel E
OccRev y1934 v60 November - A Temple Summer - Mysteries of Zen
Buddhism -- Beatrice Lane Suzuki
OccRev y1934 v60 November - The Gardener,
Part I -- Mary Winter Ware
OccRev y1934 v60 November - Seeing the Invisible
-- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1934 v60 November - Firs and Birches -- M
OccRev y1934 v60 November - Theosophy, Politics and Religion -- JW
OccRev y1934 v60 November - Burning Up Karma -- R
OccRev y1934 v60 November - Modern Ethics and a Future Life, Part I --
Edward Lawrence
OccRev y1934 v60 November - The Symbol of the Cross --
Barbara Hayes
OccRev y1934 v60 November - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v60 November - Our Contemporaries --
OccRev y1934 v60
December - New Proofs of Immortality - Appreciation of the Work of Maeterlinck
and JW Dunne -- Editor
OccRev y1934 v60 December - Mandragora - the Mysteries
of Mandrake Root -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1934 v60 December - Astrology,
Esoteric and Exoteric -- RH Naylor
OccRev y1934 v60 December - Winter Night
[vf cabbalistic] -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1934 v60 December - The Gardener,
Part II (Glastonbury and the Grail) -- Mary Winter Were
OccRev y1934 v60
December - Sleep and the Nature of Man -- EC Merry
OccRev y1934 v60 December
- The Sacred Bull -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1934 v60 December - Modern Ethics and a
Future Life -- Edward Lawrence
OccRev y1934 v60 December - Angelic
Hierarchies -- R Iram
OccRev y1934 v60 December - My Sister, HP Blavatsky, 1
-- VP Jelihovsky
OccRev y1934 v60 December - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1934 v60 December - Our Contemporaries, etc --
OccRev y1935 v61
January - Below the Surface [the Unconscious] -- Editor
OccRev y1935 v61
January - The Gnostic Gospel -- Olive Harcourt
OccRev y1935 v61 January - How
Magic Works -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1935 v61 January - The Gardener, Part III
[Grail] -- Mary Winter Were
OccRev y1935 v61 January - Spiritualism and Red
Indian Guides -- Clifford W Potter
OccRev y1935 v61 January - Faith --
OccRev y1935 v61 January - When Are We Dead? -- AJ van den
OccRev y1935 v61 January - An Analysis of Hope -- Walter
OccRev y1935 v61 January - The Living Universe [origin of life - ether]
-- Ronald McCorquodale
OccRev y1935 v61 January - The Great Love Power -- R
OccRev y1935 v61 January - My Sister, HP Blavatsky, 2 -- VP
OccRev y1935 v61 January - Under the Reading Lamp --
y1935 v61 January - Our Contemporaries, etc --
OccRev y1935 v61 February -
review: 'The Secret Path' by Paul Brunton -- Editor
OccRev y1935 v61 February
- The Religion of the Tantras -- D Raghubir Singh
OccRev y1935 v61 February -
The Interpretation of Solomon's Seal -- CG Sander
OccRev y1935 v61 February -
The Method of Magic -- Dion Fortune
OccRev y1935 v61 February - The
Intellectualism of Malebranche -- Emile Boutroux
OccRev y1935 v61 February -
The Psychic Masquerade [re "Red Indian Guides"] -- Editor
OccRev y1935 v61
February - Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v61 February - Under the Reading
Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v61 February - Our Contemporaries, etc --
y1935 v61 March - The Brotherhood of Mount Shastra ['Saint Germain' in America]
-- Editor
OccRev y1935 v61 March - Did the Buddha Teach a Secret Doctrine?
Part I -- G de Purucker
OccRev y1935 v61 March - The Symptoms of Astral
Projection -- Clifford W Potter
OccRev y1935 v61 March - The "Fifth Gospel"
[How it fits with Pistis-Sophia] -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1935 v61 March -
Supplication [vf] -- Phyllis Dawson Clark
OccRev y1935 v61 March -
Cheiromantic Diagnosis -- G de Lacey Hunter Blair
OccRev y1935 v61 March -
The Christ Impetus -- Iram
OccRev y1935 v61 March - The Churches and
Spiritualism -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1935 v61 March - Is Projection to Mars a
Possibility? -- Renee
OccRev y1935 v61 March - God in the Mother Aspect, Part
I -- Helen Mary Boulnois
OccRev y1935 v61 March - My Sister - Madame
Blavatsky -- Jelihovsky
OccRev y1935 v61 March - The God Within --
OccRev y1935 v61 March - Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v61 March -
Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v61 March - Our Contemporaries, etc
OccRev y1935 v61 April - The Neurotic World [Dr Volgyesi] --
OccRev y1935 v61 April - The Chaldean Oracles -- EJ Langford
OccRev y1935 v61 April - Soul Child -- May Winter Were
OccRev y1935
v61 April - The Fiery Water of the Philosophers [Hydropyrographum Hermeticum] --
OccRev y1935 v61 April - Modern Miracle Plays -- WG Raffe
y1935 v61 April - God in the Mother Aspect, Part II -- Helen Mary
OccRev y1935 v61 April - Seances in Soviet Russia -- Sidney
OccRev y1935 v61 April - The Need for Spiritual Unity [Spiritualism
and Theosophy] -- James Norbury
OccRev y1935 v61 April - My Sister, HP
Blavatsky -- VP Jelihovsky
OccRev y1935 v61 April - Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v61 April - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v61
April - Our Contemporaries, etc --
OccRev y1935 v61 May - A Welcome Reprint
[Subba Rao's Lectures] -- Editor
OccRev y1935 v61 May - A Song of Joy [vf] --
Francis O'Grady
OccRev y1935 v61 May - The Mysticism of the Tantras -- D
Raghubir Singh
OccRev y1935 v61 May - A Sonnet [A Brotherhood of Souls] --
Freda M Hurt
OccRev y1935 v61 May - The Mother [Easter Fantasy] -- Mary
Winter Were
OccRev y1935 v61 May - Some Early Poltergeist Disturbances --
Herbert Thurston
OccRev y1935 v61 May - Did Buddha Teach a Secret Doctrine?
Part II -- G de Purucker
OccRev y1935 v61 May - Mr Rudyard Kipling and the
Woman of Endor -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1935 v61 May - The Fiery Water of the
Philosophers, Part II -- anon
OccRev y1935 v61 May - My Sister, HP Blavatsky
-- VP Jelihovsky
OccRev y1935 v61 May - A Flight -- Katharine Hull
y1935 v61 May - Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v61 May - Under the Reading
Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v61 May - Our Contemporaries, etc --
OccRev y1935
v61 June - All These Things Added -- Editor
OccRev y1935 v61 June - The
Mystic Song [vf] -- Freda M Hurt
OccRev y1935 v61 June - The Twelve Holy Men
[from Cleophas Scripts] -- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1935 v61 June - George
Bernard Shaw's Vision of Another World -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1935 v61 June -
Did Buddha Teach a Secret Doctrine? Part III -- G de Purucker
OccRev y1935
v61 June - Destiny [vf] -- Francis O'Grady
OccRev y1935 v61 June - India's
Greatest Yogi: A Rabinda Ghose -- J Vijaya-Tunga
OccRev y1935 v61 June - The
Spiritual Aims of Education -- Charles King
OccRev y1935 v61 June - My
Sister, HP Blavatsky -- VP Jelihovsky
OccRev y1935 v61 June - The Poetry of
Arthur Edward Waite -- Ethel Archer
OccRev y1935 v61 June - Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v61 June - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v61 June
- Reviews, etc --
OccRev y1935 v62 July - The Awakeners -- Editor
y1935 v62 July - Mediumship -- EC Merry
OccRev y1935 v62 July - I Will Not
Believe -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1935 v62 July - The Resurrection [vf] -- Clare
OccRev y1935 v62 July - The Twelve Holy Men, Part II -- Geraldine
OccRev y1935 v62 July - The Fiery Water of The Philosophers, Part III
-- anon
OccRev y1935 v62 July - How Ritual Works -- Dion Fortune
y1935 v62 July - Meditation [vf] -- Freda M Hurt
OccRev y1935 v62 July -
India's Greatest Yogi: Arabinda Ghose, Part II -- J Vijaya-Tunga
OccRev y1935
v62 July - The Old Testament Apocrypha -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1935 v62 July
- My Sister, HP Blavatsky [conclusion] -- VP Jelihovsky
OccRev y1935 v62 July
- Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v62 July - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v62 July - Reviews --
OccRev y1935 v62 July -
Contemporaries --
OccRev y1935 v62 August - The Bishop of London's Letter --
OccRev y1935 v62 August - The Wisdom of Zoroaster -- EJ Langford
OccRev y1935 v62 August - The Haunted Ships -- Elliott
OccRev y1935 v62 August - Man's Supreme Quest -- CG
OccRev y1935 v62 August - Qabalah, Magic and Secrecy -- Israel
OccRev y1935 v62 August - Seances and How to Hold Them -- Clifford W
OccRev y1935 v62 August - The Christ Spirit -- R Iram
OccRev y1935
v62 August - Kalidasa -- Charles King
OccRev y1935 v62 August - When the
Stars Shine -- Mary Winter Were
OccRev y1935 v62 August - Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v62 August - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v62
August - Reviews --
OccRev y1935 v62 August - Our Contemporaries, etc --
OccRev y1935 v62 September - What Is Religion? -- Editor
OccRev y1935 v62
September - Thought: Original and Transcendental -- J Courtenay James
y1935 v62 September - The Temple of the Stars -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1935
v62 September - Horace and His Times -- Thomas Foster
OccRev y1935 v62
September - Shaw and Wells -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1935 v62 September -
Contentment -- CC Vyvyan
OccRev y1935 v62 September - Spiritual Healing --
OccRev y1935 v62 September - Kalidasa, Part II -- Charles King
y1935 v62 September - The Soul's Desire -- Mary Winter Were
OccRev y1935 v62
September - The Golden Flower [vf] -- Clare Cameron
OccRev y1935 v62
September - Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v62 September - Under the Reading
Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v62 September - Reviews --
OccRev y1935 v62 October
- Darkest Before Dawn -- Editor
OccRev y1935 v62 October - Astrology and
Alchemy, Part I -- EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1935 v62 October - The
Alchemical Significance of Induced Radioactivity -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1935
v62 October - The Poetry of Krishnamurti -- Iqbal Singh
OccRev y1935 v62
October - Law and Personality -- OT Miller
OccRev y1935 v62 October - The
Light-Bringers -- W Kingsland
OccRev y1935 v62 October - Obedience to the
Guru -- Tridandi Swami BH Bon
OccRev y1935 v62 October - Illusions and Facts
in Occultism -- Sidney Arnold
OccRev y1935 v62 October - Correspondence --
OccRev y1935 v62 October - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1935 v62
October - Reviews --
OccRev y1935 v62 October - [This is the last monthly
issue. First quarterly issue: January 1936] --
OccRev y1936 v63 January -
[From Jan. 1936 to April 1938: Quarterly titled 'The Occult Review
(incorporating the "London Forum")'] --
OccRev y1936 v63 January p1 - Is
Interest in Occultism Growing? -- ed
OccRev y1936 v63 January p7 - Astrology
and Alchemy (2) -- EJ Langford Garstin
OccRev y1936 v63 January p14 - The
Incarnation of the Soul -- Walter Wynn
OccRev y1936 v63 January p19 - Occult
Egypt and Adyar -- Leon Elson
OccRev y1936 v63 January p24 - Smell -- H
Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1936 v63 January p30 - Before- and After-Death
Experiences of a Journalist -- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1936 v63 January p39
- The Works of Mme Blavatsky -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1936 v63 January p43 -
Religion and Science (1) -- D Algar Bailey
OccRev y1936 v63 January p49 - The
Tortured Child -- Katharine Cox
OccRev y1936 v63 January p53 - Correspondence
-- anon
OccRev y1936 v63 January p55 - Under the Reading Lamp - Reviews --
OccRev y1936 v63 April p75 - Theosophy Depersonalised -- ed
y1936 v63 April p87 - Oliver Cromwell and Black Magic -- S Everard
y1936 v63 April p93 - The Music Room -- Mary Winter Were
OccRev y1936 v63
April p97 - Black Magic and Poisoning -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1936 v63
April p102 - Religion and Science (2) -- D Algar Bailey
OccRev y1936 v63
April p107 - The Necessity of Inward Peace -- John Brown
OccRev y1936 v63
April p111 - Mysticism in Russian Literature -- Sidney Arnold
OccRev y1936
v63 April p114 - Did Buddha Anticipate Einstein? -- J Vijaya-Tunga
y1936 v63 April p117 - Girish Chunder Ghose -- Mrs Gray Hallock
OccRev y1936
v63 April p137 - Under the Reading Lamp - Reviews - Etc. -- anon
OccRev y1936
v63 July p155 - Blavatsky's Psychic Smoke Screen -- ed
OccRev y1936 v63 July
p162 - The Philosophy of AE -- HT Hunt Grubb
OccRev y1936 v63 July p173 -
Balkan Magic of To-day -- John Brown
OccRev y1936 v63 July p178 - Religion:
Essence and Form -- J Courtenay James
OccRev y1936 v63 July p187 - Levitation
Scientifically Accomplished -- ed
OccRev y1936 v63 July p190 - Proclus, the
Last Light of Greece -- W Loftus Hare
OccRev y1936 v63 July p199 - The
Rationale of Avatars -- HC Henderson
OccRev y1936 v63 July p215 - The Masters
-- Avron
OccRev y1936 v63 July p219 - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1936 v63 July p223 - Reviews - Etc. -- anon
OccRev y1936 v63
October - The Masters Debunked -- ed
OccRev y1936 v63 October - The Problem
of Extra-Sensory Influences -- Wilfred Garton
OccRev y1936 v63 October - The
Hare Attack Repulsed -- Helen Savage
OccRev y1936 v63 October - The Vision of
Plato (1) -- Charles King
OccRev y1936 v63 October - Egypt - The Home of the
Kabbala -- Paul Brunton
OccRev y1936 v63 October - The Fifth Gospel and The
Talmud -- Jean Delaire
OccRev y1936 v63 October - Mediumship and Morality --
WH Evans
OccRev y1936 v63 October - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1936
v63 October - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1936 v63 October -
Reviews - Etc. -- anon
OccRev y1937 v64 January p3 - Editorial: Hawaiian
Magic: Fire-walking, death-praying and spiritual healing by the "Kahunas" --
OccRev y1937 v64 January p10 - The Electrical Control of Gravitation
-- WD Verschoyle
OccRev y1937 v64 January p17 - The Vision of Plato - 2 - The
extent to which Plato was influenced by Orphism -- Charles King
OccRev y1937
v64 January p23 - The Problem of Automatic Writing -- Ralph Shirley
y1937 v64 January p30 - Colour and its Symbolism -- RE Bruce
OccRev y1937 v64
January p39 - The Mount Everest Mystery - Analyses the contents of messages
through the automatism of Miss Cummins -- EB Gibbes
OccRev y1937 v64 January
p46 - The Great Breath of God -- Thirza M Hounsfield
OccRev y1937 v64 January
p52 - Correspondence -- various
OccRev y1937 v64 January p63 - Under the
Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1937 v64 April p83 - Editorial: A Sitting with
Frau Silbert -- editor
OccRev y1937 v64 April p93 - Polynesian Magic and
Western Psychology: How the Kahuna works -- Max Freedom Long
OccRev y1937 v64
April p102 - Was Pythagoras Right? - The relation of phenomena to number -- RF
OccRev y1937 v64 April p116 - Man's Eternal Search: The development
of prayer through the ages -- John Earle
OccRev y1937 v64 April p122 - An
Echo of Poetic Genius: Caliraudient verse - from Shelley? -- Shirley Carson
OccRev y1937 v64 April p125 - The Whole and Its Parts: From
psycho-analysis to psycho-synthesis -- Alan W Watts
OccRev y1937 v64 April
p129 - The Three Points of the Triangle: The triune cycle of evolution --
OccRev y1937 v64 April p133 - Correspondence -- various
OccRev y1937
v64 April p145 - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1937 v64 July p163 -
Editorial: Brotherhood and Internationalism: These are not synonymous --
OccRev y1937 v64 July p167 - Yoga and Its Psychological Basis: Yoga is
a way of thinking rather than a philosophy -- Felix Guyot
OccRev y1937 v64
July p177 - The Greatest of the Initiates: Christianity will prevail ... -- J
Courtenay James
OccRev y1937 v64 July p186 - The Problem of Dream
Interpretation -- Ralph Shirley
OccRev y1937 v64 July p194 - Spiritual
Healing in Polynesia -- Max Freedom Long
OccRev y1937 v64 July p203 - Shri
Meher Baba: An attempt to interpret his mission -- William Loftus Hare
y1937 v64 July p207 - Tantric Magic: The spiritual side of Tantrism is seldom
studied -- Bernard Bromage
OccRev y1937 v64 July p219 - The Cloud of
Ignorance: On the sacrificial fire of the lower self -- Louis
OccRev y1937 v64 July p227 - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1937 v64 October p243 - Editorial: Beyond Individuality:
Initiation, real and spurious -- editor
OccRev y1937 v64 October p248 - The
Evidential Value of Automatism: The part played by psychological heredity -- S
OccRev y1937 v64 October p255 - Difficulty of the Way: A Study of the
late Col. Lawrence by one who knew him -- Bernard Bromage
OccRev y1937 v64
October p262 - Personal Investigations into Telepathy: A university professor is
convinced -- FW Rixon
OccRev y1937 v64 October p271 - Astrology Rediscovered:
Stresses the relation between Astrology and Numerology -- Philip S
OccRev y1937 v64 October p275 - Occultism and Initiation: What
Initiation is and is not -- Philip K Eschbach
OccRev y1937 v64 October p280 -
The Problem of Emergent Life: Is matter ever "dead"? -- FJ Robinson
y1937 v64 October p284 - Suicides: What a "Spirit" says about them -- EB
OccRev y1937 v64 October p288 - An Interpretation of Karma: On the
individual and collective Web of Life -- J Vijaya-Tunga
OccRev y1937 v64
October p293 - Some Irish Hauntings -- HT Hunt Grubb
OccRev y1937 v64 October
p305 - Under the Reading Lamp -- anon
OccRev y1938 v65 July - [From July
1938: Quarterly titled 'The Occult Review' (no reference to the "London Forum")]
OccRev y1938 v65 January p3 - Brunton's Latest Book -- ed
OccRev y1938
v65 January p14 - Witches and Witchcraft -- Ralph Shirley
OccRev y1938 v65
January p23 - The Clue: Unity? -- RF Pickard
OccRev y1938 v65 January p31 -
Occultism and Initiation: The Great Work -- Philip K Eschbach
OccRev y1938
v65 January p37 - The Cosmic Interpretation of Christian Dogma -- K
OccRev y1938 v65 January p40 - Some Avoidable Pitfalls in Psychical
Research -- Alta Piper
OccRev y1938 v65 January p45 - The Path of Return --
Louis Bronkhurst
OccRev y1938 v65 January p48 - The Spiral Flux of Time -- RE
OccRev y1938 v65 January p61 - A Northcliffe Reminiscence -- Tom
OccRev y1938 v65 January p67 - Correspondence -- anon
OccRev y1938
v65 January p69 - Under the Reading Lamp - Reviews - Etc. -- anon
y1938 v65 April p83 - Two Inter-Nations -- ed
OccRev y1938 v65 April p88 -
Serialism in Relation to Telepathy -- AL Gardner
OccRev y1938 v65 April p95 -
Teacher and Candidate -- Philip K Eschbach
OccRev y1938 v65 April p100 -
Aisha Khandisha -- Colin Clout
OccRev y1938 v65 April p110 - Rushing Mighty
Wind -- EDL
OccRev y1938 v65 April p115 - Preparing for Kundalini -- Helen
Mary Boulnois
OccRev y1938 v65 April p119 - Supernormal Senses of Animals and
Birds -- V Charlemagne
OccRev y1938 v65 April p122 - I Am Psyche -- Robert E
OccRev y1938 v65 April p128 - A Universal Religion (Bahai) -- EM
Paterson Cranmer
OccRev y1938 v65 April p133 - Pilgrims on the Way -- RE
OccRev y1938 v65 April p139 - Correspondence - Under the Reading Lamp -
Reviews - Etc. -- anon
OccRev y1938 v65 July p171 - An African Black Sabbath
-- PG Bowen
OccRev y1938 v65 July p177 - Primeval and Popular Occultism -- A
OccRev y1938 v65 July p185 - Devas -- HK Challoner
OccRev y1938
v65 July p193 - The Child Witches -- Edward Langton
OccRev y1938 v65 July
p204 - The Eleusinia -- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1938 v65 July p211 - Prana
-- Felix Guyot
OccRev y1938 v65 July p219 - The Pineal Door -- Ralph
OccRev y1938 v65 October p253 - Vision and Truth: The super-normal
element in relation to dreams -- LAG Strong
OccRev y1938 v65 October p261 -
Solar, Lunar and Planetary Radiations (Shows that Astrology has a fundamental
scientific basis) -- Ernest Wykes
OccRev y1938 v65 October p267 - The Magical
Operations of Dr John Dee (His mysterious seances held with Kelley and the
famous "showstone") -- GM Hort
OccRev y1938 v65 October p279 - The Mysticism
of the Zodiac -- A Braghine
OccRev y1938 v65 October p283 - Psychology and
the Rays (Psycho-analysing man through a knowledge of the Seven Rays) -- V
Stanley Adler
OccRev y1938 v65 October p288 - The Eleusinia (continued) -
further revelations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries -- (Communicated
through) Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1938 v65 October p293 - Physical and
Pranic Worlds -- Felix Guyot
OccRev y1939 v66 January p11 - Fairy Folk and
Second Sight (Some curious information regarding initiation and fairy lore in
Scotland) -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1939 v66 January p17 - Psychic Powers and
the World Crisis - 1 (How Spiritualism could become one of the greatest powers
for world-wide spirituality) -- Geoffrey Hodson
OccRev y1939 v66 January p23
- The Artist as Avatar (Showing that Art is a manifestation of God in one form
or another) -- Dane Rudhyar
OccRev y1939 v66 January p29 - The Secret of
Alchemy Rediscovered (Potable Gold, the Water of Paradise, and the essences of
metals produced by a modern alchemist) -- Melchior (pseud)
OccRev y1939 v66
January p32 - Occultism - Pure and Simple (The true path of occultism - pitfalls
to be avoided) -- HK Challoner
OccRev y1939 v66 January p37 - Guidance (How
our prayers are answered - particularly in times of crises) -- Dudley
OccRev y1939 v66 January p42 - Our Grandparent the Moon (The occult
teaching as to how the world came into being) -- V Stanley Alder
OccRev y1939
v66 April p89 - The Occult and the Art of Detection (The use of supernormal
powers as an aid to criminal investigation) -- Bernard Bromage
OccRev y1939
v66 April p95 - Psychic Powers and the World Crisis - 2 (Shows the advantage of
positive spiritual unfoldment over passive mediumistic development ...) --
Geoffrey Hodson
OccRev y1939 v66 April p103 - The Oracle of Darmstadt (Some
startling impressions that the author received on a visit to Count Keyserling)
-- Barbara Hayes
OccRev y1939 v66 April p107 - The Book of Information
(Further research into the mathematics of the Sepher Yetzirah) -- H Stanley
OccRev y1939 v66 April p113 - Prana and Metapsychical Phenomena (An
explanation of supernormal powers from the point of view of a student of Yoga)
-- Felix Guyot
OccRev y1939 v66 April p132 - WB Yeats and Psychical Research
-- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1939 v66 April p139 - Why Child Prodigies? (Is
genius due to the rewards of previous incarnations?) -- Robert E Dean
y1939 v66 July p173 - The Spiritual Structure of Yoga - 1 (The rationale of Yoga
and the differences between the Raja and the Hatha systems) -- Grace Frances
OccRev y1939 v66 July p179 - Ghosts of China (Stories of vampires,
spirits, elementals, and demons) -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1939 v66 July p183 -
Nostradamus and Present Events -- Denis Clark
OccRev y1939 v66 July p189 -
The Esperanto of the Rainbow -- Roland Hunt
OccRev y1939 v66 July p195 - The
magical Power of Egyptian Writing (The power and efficiency of words and sounds
used in ancient Egyptian incantations and spells) -- M von Reh
OccRev y1939
v66 July p205 - Karmic Creation (A conception of reincarnation differing very
considerably from Theosophical teaching and offering an alternative theory) --
(Communicated through) Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1939 v66 July p213 -
Psychometry in Mexico (Remarkable experiences, conducted by Prof Pagenstecher,
and their connection with Sorcery) -- A Braghine
OccRev y1939 v66 October
p251 - The Place of Astrology in 20th Century Occultism (Shows the modern return
to this science in order to discover a rational way of life) -- Dane
OccRev y1939 v66 October p257 - Rhabdomancy (Astonishing discoveries
in regard to this art and its use in scientifically proving "life after death")
-- A Braghine
OccRev y1939 v66 October p263 - The Egyptian KA and the Etheric
Body (Shows the close relationship between the occult teachings of ancient Egypt
and those of today) -- Howard C Woodman
OccRev y1939 v66 October p273 - The
Spiritual Structure of Yoga - 2 (The rationale of Yoga and the differences
between the Raja and the Hatha systems) -- Grace Frances Knoche
OccRev y1939
v66 October p278 - The Occult Side of Poetry (The effect of repetition and
chanting of poetry upon man's various strata of consciousness) -- HO
OccRev y1939 v66 October p283 - Last Hours of A Mediaeval Occultist
(An extraordinary account of the marvels discovered by some Occult students at
the death of their Master) -- anon
OccRev y1939 v66 October p289 - The Dream
as a Cosmic Matrix (To what extent do the subconscious, the physical, the
psychic, the prophetic and "unknown" factors blend in the dream state -- Colin
OccRev y1940 v67 January - Hitler Psycho-analysed -- Charles de
OccRev y1940 v67 January - Paradise Lost -- M von Reh
OccRev y1940
v67 January - The Technique of Kahuna Magic -- Max Freedom Long
OccRev y1940
v67 January - AE, Visionary and Seer -- HT Hunt Grubb
OccRev y1940 v67
January - The Laws of Chance -- H Stanley Redgrove
OccRev y1940 v67 January -
Ancient Divination -- Ralph Shirley
OccRev y1940 v67 January - Secret
Soundings of the Overself -- Roland Hunt
OccRev y1940 v67 April p67 -
Editorial --
OccRev y1940 v67 April p75 - A White Yogi -- Paul
OccRev y1940 v67 April p80 - Book Reviews --
OccRev y1940 v67
April p81 - The Yi-King or Classic of changes: The Initiated Chinese System of
Magic --
OccRev y1940 v67 April p86 - Book Reviews --
OccRev y1940 v67
April p87 - Planetary Relations -- N Abenuas
OccRev y1940 v67 April p94 -
Book Review --
OccRev y1940 v67 April p95 - What Numbers Tell -- Isidore
OccRev y1940 v67 April p99 - The Secret Tradition on Britain --
Lewis Spence
OccRev y1940 v67 April p103 - Book Review --
OccRev y1940
v67 April p104 - Hitler Psycho-Analysed II -- Charles de Coti
OccRev y1940
v67 April p109 - Our Reality in Time and Space -- Randolph Logie
OccRev y1940
v67 April p114 - Book Reviews --
OccRev y1940 v67 April p115 -
Correspondence --
OccRev y1940 v67 April p119 - Under the Reading Lamp: A
White Adept -- Cyril Moore
OccRev y1940 v67 July - Inanimate Ghosts --
Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1940 v67 July - A Call to Occultists and
Theosophists -- Dane Rudhyar
OccRev y1940 v67 July - The Arcane Cult of
Arthur -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1940 v67 July - Planetary Patriotism -- Leo
OccRev y1940 v67 July - Occult Side-Lines in Orthodoxy -- HO
OccRev y1940 v67 July - Vampires and Vampirism -- Owen
OccRev y1940 v67 July - Are We Free? -- Douglas McLellan
y1940 v67 October - The War - What Astrology Says -- Ralph Shirley
y1940 v67 October - Yeats as an Occultist -- HT Hunt Grubb
OccRev y1940 v67
October - Occult Centres of Scotland -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1940 v67 October
- Planetary Patriotism -- Leo French
OccRev y1940 v67 October - Allegory and
the Ancient Mysteries -- Robert E Dean
OccRev y1940 v67 October - The
Rationale of Meditation -- Grace F Knoche
OccRev y1940 v67 October - The
Hebrew Sephiroth --
OccRev y1941 v68 January - A Recent Case of
Reincarnation -- Editor
OccRev y1941 v68 January - Buddhism and War -- Hugh
OccRev y1941 v68 January - Federal Union and Occult Law -- Cyril
OccRev y1941 v68 January - Ancient Mystical Centres in England -- Lewis
OccRev y1941 v68 January - Memory and the Spiritual Ego -- Elliott
OccRev y1941 v68 January - The History of the Rosicrucians --
OccRev y1941 v68 January - The Higher Kundalini -- Harry J
OccRev y1941 v68 January - Swedenborg and the Occult -- Douglass
OccRev y1941 v68 January - Elementals -- Mina H Scott
y1941 v68 January - Drugs and Mediumship -- James Hamnett
OccRev y1941 v68
January - The Healing of Christian Science -- Melchior
OccRev y1941 v68
January - The Astrological Outlook for 1941 -- Ralph Shirley
OccRev y1941 v68
January - The Masonic Teachings -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1941 v68 January -
The Origin and Idealism of Sex -- R Charleston-Rae
OccRev y1941 v68 January -
Correspondence --
OccRev y1941 v68 January - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1941 v68 April - The Quatercentenary of Paracelsus -- JCF
OccRev y1941 v68 April - Elizabeth and Bacon -- Cyril Moore
y1941 v68 April - Inspiration -- Hugh Liversidge
OccRev y1941 v68 April -
Occult Problems of the War -- HK Challoner
OccRev y1941 v68 April - What Is
Zen? -- Victor Rienaecker
OccRev y1941 v68 April - The Teachings of the
Rosicrucians -- Aramis
OccRev y1941 v68 April - Stone Age Ritual -- Lewis
OccRev y1941 v68 April - The Catholic Doctrine of Purgatory and
Reincarnation -- Egerton Clarke
OccRev y1941 v68 April - The Healing of
Spiritualism -- Melchior
OccRev y1941 v68 April - Christianity and the German
Race -- Ralph Shirley
OccRev y1941 v68 April - The Great Law and 1941 -- H
Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1941 v68 April - Correspondence: The Occult Aspect of Sex
OccRev y1941 v68 April - Correspondence: The True Rosicrucians --
OccRev y1941 v68 April - Correspondence: Swedenborg and the Occult --
OccRev y1941 v68 April - Correspondence: Reincarnation, Drugs and Karma --
OccRev y1941 v68 July - Prophecy -- Editor
OccRev y1941 v68 July - Sir
James Frazer -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1941 v68 July - The Hermetic Life of
Francis Bacon -- Alfred Dodd
OccRev y1941 v68 July - The Mystery of Easter
Island -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1941 v68 July - Some Western Members of the
Buddhist Sangha -- Frederick Knowles
OccRev y1941 v68 July - Safe Yoga for
the West -- Archibald Cockren
OccRev y1941 v68 July - Martinism -- Philip S
OccRev y1941 v68 July - Towards the New Cycle of Jupiter and Saturn --
Aline Neilson
OccRev y1941 v68 July - Yoga Practice -- Cyril Moore
y1941 v68 July - The World Crisis -- HK Challoner
OccRev y1941 v68 July - The
Death of Adam -- R Charleston-Rukmini Arundale
OccRev y1941 v68 July -
Correspondence --
OccRev y1941 v68 October - More About Prophecy --
OccRev y1941 v68 October - Sir Rabindranath Tagore --
OccRev y1941 v68
October - My New Book (I) -- Paul Brunton
OccRev y1941 v68 October - Zen
Buddhism -- Victor Rienaecker
OccRev y1941 v68 October - Mass Astrology --
Tom Harrisson
OccRev y1941 v68 October - The Magic Ritual of the Mass --
Gordon Leigh Bromley
OccRev y1941 v68 October - The Pyramid and the Great Law
-- H Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1941 v68 October - The Trine Aspect of Uranus and
Neptune -- Aline Neilson
OccRev y1941 v68 October - What of the Peace? -- HK
OccRev y1941 v68 October - Serpent-Worship -- Frank Lind
y1941 v68 October - The Fairy Faith in Scotland -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1941
v68 October - Correspondence and Reviews --
OccRev y1942 v69 January -
Whither Man? -- anon
OccRev y1942 v69 January - Abraham Lincoln was
Spirit-Guided -- Sylvan J Muldoon
OccRev y1942 v69 January - Mary Baker Eddy
and Her Teachings -- R Colnett-Wright
OccRev y1942 v69 January - Francis
Bacon Tells How He Wrote the Shakespeare Plays -- Alfred Dodd
OccRev y1942
v69 January - The Aquarian Age -- HK Challoner
OccRev y1942 v69 January - A
Spirit Out of Egypt -- FH Wood
OccRev y1942 v69 January - The Planet for
Inventors -- Colin Bennett
OccRev y1942 v69 January - My New Book (II) --
Paul Brunton
OccRev y1942 v69 January - Correspondence --
OccRev y1942
v69 April - The Task Before Occultists -- ACC
OccRev y1942 v69 April - Magic
and War -- JFC Fuller
OccRev y1942 v69 April - Poltergeist Pranks -- Frank
OccRev y1942 v69 April - The Occult Power of the Mass -- FW
OccRev y1942 v69 April - Further Steps in Alchemy -- A
OccRev y1942 v69 April - The Esoteric Teaching of the Upanishads --
Hubert Lestocq
OccRev y1942 v69 April - The Philosophy of Astrology --
Charles Carter
OccRev y1942 v69 April - The Locked Chapel -- SGJ
OccRev y1942 v69 April - Correspondence, etc --
OccRev y1942 v69
July - First Things First -- HKC
OccRev y1942 v69 July - Modern Theories
About Witchcraft -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1942 v69 July - Towards Remaking Man
-- Roland Hunt
OccRev y1942 v69 July - The Masters -- A Cockren
y1942 v69 July - The Sage of Mount Noh -- W Bashyr Pickard
OccRev y1942 v69
July - Arthur Edward Waite -- Philip S Wellby
OccRev y1942 v69 July -
Christianity and Reincarnation -- H Ernest Hunt
OccRev y1942 v69 July - The
Final Conflict -- R Colnett-Wright
OccRev y1942 v69 July -
Seventeenth-Century Czech Exiles -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1942 v69 July -
Catastrophes - Their Cause and Cure -- HK Challoner
OccRev y1942 v69 October
- Non-Resistance -- ACC
OccRev y1942 v69 October - The Attack of Magic -- JFC
OccRev y1942 v69 October - The Real Masters -- Vera Stanley
OccRev y1942 v69 October - The Roots of Japan's Will to War -- Victor
OccRev y1942 v69 October - Lao Tze and the Tao Teh King -- Hubert
OccRev y1942 v69 October - Disease Germs: From an Occult Standpoint
-- AC Cockren
OccRev y1942 v69 October - Voices that Vanquish Disease --
Roland Hunt
OccRev y1942 v69 October - Is Astrology Scientific? -- Charles EO
OccRev y1942 v69 October - The Sage of Mount Noh II -- William Bashyr
OccRev y1942 v69 October - Psychiatric Astrology -- Colin
OccRev y1942 v69 October - Occultism and Soviet Science -- Frederick
OccRev y1943 v70 January - How Christmas Began -- H Ernest
OccRev y1943 v70 January - What Hitler's Father Saw -- Lewis
OccRev y1943 v70 January - Artists, Music and Audiences -- Hugh
OccRev y1943 v70 January - Intercessory Healing -- Harry J
OccRev y1943 v70 January - The Friar-Astrologer -- Francis
OccRev y1943 v70 January - The Simple Way of Lao Tze -- Hubert
OccRev y1943 v70 January - Chinese Lore of "Feng Shui" -- Gordon
Leigh Bromley
OccRev y1943 v70 January - The Basic Principle of Christian
Science -- R Colnett Wright
OccRev y1943 v70 January - Zen and Reality --
Victor Rienaecker
OccRev y1943 v70 April - The Inner States --
OccRev y1943 v70 April - Blind Leaders of the Blind -- HK
OccRev y1943 v70 April - Some More Thoughts on Physiology --
Archibald Cockren
OccRev y1943 v70 April - Mystery Cults of the Caucasus --
Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1943 v70 April - Alchemy in Bohemia -- JGF
OccRev y1943 v70 April - The Way of the Healer -- Philip S
OccRev y1943 v70 April - The Case of Kant and Swedenborg -- John
OccRev y1943 v70 April - Notes on Karma and Astrology -- Hugh
OccRev y1943 v70 April - The Masters -- M Shaw Mackenzie
y1943 v70 July - Inspiration and Initiation -- Editor
OccRev y1943 v70 July -
The Message of the Mystics -- Victor Rienaecker
OccRev y1943 v70 July -
Zoroastrianism -- Hubert Lestocq
OccRev y1943 v70 July - Ectoplasm -- Harry
OccRev y1943 v70 July - Are There Ninety-two Elements? -- JGF
OccRev y1943 v70 July - Occult Sources and Origins in America -- Lewis
OccRev y1943 v70 July - The Mysterious Druses -- Elliott
OccRev y1943 v70 July - The Bowl of Flowers -- William Bashyr
OccRev y1943 v70 October - The Source -- Editor
OccRev y1943 v70
October - The New Physiology -- AC Cockren
OccRev y1943 v70 October - Peru
and its Mysteries -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1943 v70 October - The
Universal Mind in Mankind -- Staveley Bulford
OccRev y1943 v70 October -
Universion -- AA Morton
OccRev y1943 v70 October - Karmic Evolution -- David
Owen French
OccRev y1943 v70 October - Folk-lore in Carpatho-Ukraine -- JGF
OccRev y1943 v70 October - The Sacred Name of God -- G Eustace
OccRev y1944 v71 January p3 - Golden Images -- The Editor
y1944 v71 January p5 - Joseph Glanville: A Pioneer of Psychical Research --
Ralph Shirley
OccRev y1944 v71 January p10 - The City and the Bomb -- JFC
OccRev y1944 v71 January p12 - Book Reviews --
OccRev y1944 v71
January p13 - Post-War Astro-Cycles A Legitimate Forecast -- L Furze
OccRev y1944 v71 January p15 - Book Review --
OccRev y1944 v71
January p16 - The New Phoenix -- Victor Rienaecker
OccRev y1944 v71 January
p18 - Book Review --
OccRev y1944 v71 January p19 - Occult Fraternities I --
Percy Pigott
OccRev y1944 v71 January p21 - The Harvesting -- Egerton
OccRev y1944 v71 January p22 - Personality -- M Shaw
OccRev y1944 v71 January p24 - Book Review --
OccRev y1944 v71
January p25 - The Musings of a Musician -- Joyce Beavis
OccRev y1944 v71
January p27 - Book Review --
OccRev y1944 v71 January p28 - Man and Freewill
-- David French Owen
OccRev y1944 v71 January p29 - Book Review --
y1944 v71 January p31 - Under the Reading Lamp --
OccRev y1944 v71 April p39
- Wake Up Your Body Cells! -- The Editor
OccRev y1944 v71 April p40 - The
Tercentenary of JB Van Helmont -- JGFD
OccRev y1944 v71 April p43 - Ghostly
Remembrances -- Winifred Graham
OccRev y1944 v71 April p45 - The Dead Hands
-- R Connell and Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1944 v71 April p50 - Mysterious
Cults and Sects of Siberia -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1944 v71 April p54 -
Cause-Effect and Prediction -- Frank Clayton
OccRev y1944 v71 April p55 -
Saint Ingan's Tower -- SGJ Ouseley
OccRev y1944 v71 April p59 - Psychic
Bubbles -- G Eustace Owen
OccRev y1944 v71 April p65 - Occult Fraternities,
II -- Percy Pigott
OccRev y1944 v71 April p67 - A Prehistoric Moravian
Civilization -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1944 v71 April p71 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1944 v71 July p75 - Whither Medicine? -- ACC
OccRev y1944 v71
July p78 - Magic in the Theatre Ballet -- Gordon Leigh Bromley
OccRev y1944
v71 July p80 - Book Review --
OccRev y1944 v71 July p81 - Esoteric
Psychology -- L Squire Tucker
OccRev y1944 v71 July p85 - Alkahest and Elixir
-- JGF Druce
OccRev y1944 v71 July p87 - The Graveyard Ghost -- SGJ
OccRev y1944 v71 July p89 - Occult Fraternities, III -- Percy
OccRev y1944 v71 July p92 - The Problem of the Poltergeist: An
Attempted Solution -- Ralph Shirley
OccRev y1944 v71 July p97 - Book Review
OccRev y1944 v71 July p98 - Chromosomes and the Cosmos -- TC
OccRev y1944 v71 July p101 - Light -- Frank Clayton
OccRev y1944
v71 July p102 - Book Review --
OccRev y1944 v71 July p103 - A 'Divine' King
Installed at Fashoda --
OccRev y1944 v71 July p105 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1944 v71 October p111 - To Read or Not to Read -- HK
OccRev y1944 v71 October p114 - Masaryk and the Supernormal --
OccRev y1944 v71 October p116 - Time and Tide -- L Furze
OccRev y1944 v71 October p119 - The Secret of the Cells -- Gordon
Leigh Bromley
OccRev y1944 v71 October p122 - Band and the Cells -- G Eustace
OccRev y1944 v71 October p128 - Modern Science and Occult Sciences --
David Owen French
OccRev y1944 v71 October p131 - In a Rosicrucian Temple --
OccRev y1944 v71 October p135 - The Significance of the Divine Name
-- Frank Clayton
OccRev y1944 v71 October p137 - On Defining the Aether --
JGF Druce
OccRev y1944 v71 October p138 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1944
v71 October p141 - Book Review --
OccRev y1945 v72 January p3 - Witchcraft,
1945 -- The Editor
OccRev y1945 v72 January p5 - The Far-Ben Room -- Lewis
OccRev y1945 v72 January p12 - The Magical Dance -- W G
OccRev y1945 v72 January p15 - Psychism and Reality -- Lawrence
OccRev y1945 v72 January p18 - Time and Tide II -- L Furze
OccRev y1945 v72 January p24 - Egyptian Rites of Initiation -- Elliot
OccRev y1945 v72 January p27 - The Gnostics -- WB Crow
y1945 v72 January p30 - The Phenomena of Subjective Vision -- SGJ
OccRev y1945 v72 January p33 - Correspondence --
OccRev y1945 v72
April p39 - Retrospect -- The Editor
OccRev y1945 v72 April p41 - Aleister
Crowley, Poet and Occultist -- FH Amphlett Micklewright
OccRev y1945 v72
April p46 - Spirits Among the Divines -- ER Yarham
OccRev y1945 v72 April p49
- The Land Beyond the Sunset -- Kenneth T Duffield
OccRev y1945 v72 April p52
- Thought-Forms -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1945 v72 April p54 - Book Review
OccRev y1945 v72 April p56 - American Zombie -- Gordon Leigh
OccRev y1945 v72 April p58 - Black Ashes -- SGJ Ouseley
y1945 v72 April p61 - Book Review --
OccRev y1945 v72 April p62 - The
Mysterious Brethren of the Rosy Cross: The Rosicrucian Manifestos -- Frank
OccRev y1945 v72 April p66 - Occult Metaphysics -- Philip S
OccRev y1945 v72 April p71 - Correspondence -- various
OccRev y1945
v72 July p75 - Yoga v Astral Projection -- The Editor
OccRev y1945 v72 July
p79 - Global Alchemy -- Vera Stanley Alder
OccRev y1945 v72 July p81 -
Awareness -- R Charleston-Rae
OccRev y1945 v72 July p85 - You and the Greater
Struggle -- N Magor
OccRev y1945 v72 July p87 - The King's Touch -- Gordon
Leigh Bromley
OccRev y1945 v72 July p89 - The Mysterious Brethren of the Rosy
Cross: (2) Rosicrucianism -- Frank Clayton
OccRev y1945 v72 July p94 - Thomas
Chatterton -- WN Brown
OccRev y1945 v72 July p97 - Mithraism and Christianity
-- Hubert Lestocq
OccRev y1945 v72 July p99 - Book Review --
OccRev y1945
v72 July p100 - Romanian Folklore -- SGJ Ouseley
OccRev y1945 v72 July p101 -
Occult Factors in Mental Conflicts I -- L Furze Morrish
OccRev y1945 v72 July
p105 - Correspondence -- various
OccRev y1945 v72 October p111 - A Cosmic
Mystery -- Josiah Oldfield
OccRev y1945 v72 October p113 - Is There Danger in
the Occult? -- Shaw Desmond
OccRev y1945 v72 October p116 - Rudolph Steiner
-- Eleanor C Merry
OccRev y1945 v72 October p120 - Experiences of
Ultra-Perception -- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1945 v72 October p122 - The
Dream Mechanism -- Jane Sherwood
OccRev y1945 v72 October p126 - The Way
Ahead -- Ripley Webb
OccRev y1945 v72 October p130 - The Teachers and the
Taught -- HK Challoner
OccRev y1945 v72 October p133 - Occult Factors in
Mental Conflicts II -- L Furze Morrish
OccRev y1945 v72 October p138 - The
Magnum Opus -- Frank Clayton
OccRev y1945 v72 October p141 - Book Reviews --
OccRev y1946 v73 January p3 - Dr MacGregor Reid -- WAP
y1946 v73 January p6 - Sun Worship in Modern London -- FH
OccRev y1946 v73 January p11 - Hypnotism's Role in
Education -- J Louis Orton
OccRev y1946 v73 January p14 - Astro-Logic and the
Space-Time Formula -- L Furze Morrish
OccRev y1946 v73 January p19 -
Correspondence and Symbolism -- Frank Clayton
OccRev y1946 v73 January p25 -
Spirit Embodiment in the Vegetable World and in Inert Bodies -- Elliott
OccRev y1946 v73 January p29 - The Monk and the Missal -- SGJ
OccRev y1946 v73 January p33 - Swedenborg and His Teachings -- WN
OccRev y1946 v73 January p38 - The Mysticism of Comenius -- JGF
OccRev y1946 v73 April p51 - Time and Telepathy -- Jane
OccRev y1946 v73 April p56 - Maeterlinck and His Message -- WN
OccRev y1946 v73 April p61 - Astro-logic: The Art of Measuring
Universal Order -- L Furze Morrish
OccRev y1946 v73 April p69 - The Fire Bird
-- Frank Clayton
OccRev y1946 v73 April p74 - The Tradition of Elementary
Spirits -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1946 v73 April p78 - The Banshee at First
Hand -- FS Cornwall
OccRev y1946 v73 April p82 - Eldorado: The Golden Man --
Gordon Leigh Bromley
OccRev y1946 v73 April p88 - What is Atomic Energy? --
Vera Stanley Adler
OccRev y1946 v73 April p92 - A Reflection on the Faust
Theme -- FH Amphlett Micklewright
OccRev y1946 v73 April p103 - The Man with
the Silver Nose: Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1946 v73 April
p109 - Reviews and Correspondence -- various
OccRev y1946 v73 July p115 -
Thoughts for the Times -- WN Brown
OccRev y1946 v73 July p118 - Post-War
Astro-Cycles: A Legitimate Forecast -- L Furze Morrish
OccRev y1946 v73 July
p122 - Recent Studies in the Background of Witchcraft -- FH Amphlett
OccRev y1946 v73 July p129 - Triad -- Frank Clayton
y1946 v73 July p133 - The Human Aura -- SGJ Ouseley
OccRev y1946 v73 July
p138 - The Magical Ballet of the "Dance Macabre" -- WG Raffe
OccRev y1946 v73
July p143 - The Significance of the Lifespan -- John Roylance
OccRev y1946
v73 July p146 - The Incendiary of York Minster -- Peter Macgregor
y1946 v73 July p149 - Expectant Attention -- J Louis Orton
OccRev y1946 v73
July p153 - The Jewish Enigma -- Vera W Reid
OccRev y1946 v73 October p165 -
Philosophers and Fools -- Editor
OccRev y1946 v73 October p166 - A Tribute to
Maeterlinck -- Patrick Mahoney
OccRev y1946 v73 October p171 - The Sacred
Breath -- Gordon L Bromley
OccRev y1946 v73 October p175 - The Link -- Violet
OccRev y1946 v73 October p180 - GF Watts: His Approach to the Occult
-- John Hastings
OccRev y1946 v73 October p187 - The Problem of Nyria --
Lawrence Hyde
OccRev y1946 v73 October p191 - Esoteric Method in Art -- John
OccRev y1946 v73 October p197 - Man, Mysticism, and Genius -- WN
OccRev y1946 v73 October p201 - Secrets in Stones -- Kenneth
OccRev y1946 v73 October p203 - Apparitions and Personality -- Lewis
OccRev y1946 v73 October p211 - The Meaning of Witchcraft and the
Trial of Gilles de Rais -- FH Amphlett Micklewright
OccRev y1947 v74 January
p1 - Orpheus and Bacchus -- Editor
OccRev y1947 v74 January p4 - The
Occultism of Andrew Lang -- John Hastings
OccRev y1947 v74 January p10 - The
Prehistoric Zodiac of Somerset -- Comyns Beaumont
OccRev y1947 v74 January
p15 - The Call: A supernatural Short Story -- SL Bensusan
OccRev y1947 v74
January p20 - The Dual Brain and the Psychic -- Elliott O'Donnell
y1947 v74 January p23 - Buried Treasure and the Occult -- Harold T
OccRev y1947 v74 January p30 - Pages for the Human Bible -- E Royston
OccRev y1947 v74 January p32 - Some Practical Aspects of Yoga -- Geo
Cecil Nixon
OccRev y1947 v74 January p35 - Gypsy Magic -- Guillan
OccRev y1947 v74 January p40 - Aubade Lunaire: a poem [vf] -- Pietro
OccRev y1947 v74 January p41 - Witchcraft and the French Revolution
-- Nicholas Sylvester
OccRev y1947 v74 January p48 - Colour Aspects of the
Human Aura -- SGJ Ouseley
OccRev y1947 v74 January p53 - Hypnotism: Its Use
and Misuse in Psycho-Therapy -- J Louis Orton
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p65 -
obituary: The Late Hon Ralph Shirley: Founder of the "Occult Review" --
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p66 - Magic of Modern Algeria -- Alexander
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p68 - William Godwin: Occultist and
Man-of-Letters -- John Hastings
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p77 - The Mysticism
of William Blake -- WN Brown
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p87 - The Phantom Rock:
A Supernatural Short Story -- GE Cregeen
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p91 - Art
and Religion -- Maxwell Armfield
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p95 - Ghosts of
London -- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p101 - Intuition and Psychic
Perception -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p103 - Jerome: The
Shadow of the Zombie -- Harold T Wilkins
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring p111 - Yoga
and the Hindu Philosophy of the Six Seasons -- Geo C Nixon
OccRev y1947 v74
Spring p115 - Sixty Years of Song -- Nicholas Sylvester
OccRev y1947 v74
Spring p119 - Entelechy in Human Life -- JGF Druce
OccRev y1947 v74 Spring
p125 - Book Reviews -- various
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer - Book Reviews --
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p133 - Bottler of Evil Spirits -- Eric
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p138 - Black Magic Then and Now -- Alexander
Roberts and Montague Summers
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p140 - Mysticism of
Nature -- WN Brown
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p149 - A Pact With Satan -- Shaw
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p154 - Count Potocki Reads Your Stars --
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p159 - The Earth Hath Bubbles: A Supernatural
Short-story -- RG Dixon
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p167 - British Monarchs who
were Healers -- Stuart Martin
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p170 - Ghosts Helpful
and Harmful -- Geraldine Cummins
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p175 - Some
Fallacies of Freud -- J Louis Orton
OccRev y1947 v74 Summer p181 - Is
Witchcraft an Old-Wive's Fable? -- John Hastings
OccRev y1947 v74 Autumn -
The Return of the Dead -- Aldous Huxley
OccRev y1947 v74 Autumn - Haunted
London Theatres -- Elliott O'Donnell
OccRev y1947 v74 Autumn - A Supernatural
Short Story -- Gerald Kersh
OccRev y1947 v74 Autumn - What is Sikhism? --
Royston Pike
OccRev y1947 v74 Autumn - Magical Treasures of Britain -- Lewis
OccRev y1948 v66 November - [Any/all issues after October 1948 are
missing] --
OccRev y1948 v75 L Winter - The Victorian Ghost Story --
Montague Summers
OccRev y1948 v75 L Winter - Richard Jefferies: A Pagan Who
Saw God -- Kenneth Bourke
OccRev y1948 v75 L Winter - The Devil's Dam --
Baron Dayet
OccRev y1948 v75 L Winter - New Year Superstitions -- E and MA
OccRev y1948 v75 Spring - Sword of Gold: Gandhi's Final Creed -- Roy
OccRev y1948 v75 Spring - Sex and the Supernormal -- Lee
OccRev y1948 v75 Spring - Animals' Fear of the Unknown -- Elliott
OccRev y1948 v75 Spring - A Supernatural Short-Story -- HP
OccRev y1948 v75 Summer - The Development of Intuitive Insight --
Swami Akhilananda
OccRev y1948 v75 Summer - Nights In Queer Houses -- Harold
T Wilkins
OccRev y1948 v75 Summer - Voice of the Dead -- William
OccRev y1948 v75 Autumn - Vedanta as a Scientific Approach to
Religion -- Gerald Heard
OccRev y1948 v75 Autumn - Some personal Psychic
Experiences -- SG Soal
OccRev y1948 v75 Autumn - Poltergeists over Scotland
-- Lewis Spence
OccRev y1948 v75 Autumn - The Obsessed -- Elliott
OccRev y1948 v75 Autumn - Spiritual Experiences of Ramakrishna --
Swami Nikhilananda
Last Modified on November 22, 2007