Flying Saucer Review Archive on CD
Volumes 1 - 3
(1955 - 1957, 17 issues)
NOTE: In addition to the CD-ROM
reviewed here the following issues are now available: 1958-1960 /
1961-1963 / 1964-1966 / 1967-1969 / 1970-1972 / 1773-1975 /
1976-1979 / 1979-1983 / 1983-1986.
Also available:
FSR Case Histories 1 - 18 Issues + 5 Special Issues on 1 CD (
Includes the famous Humanoids Issue ) UK Only Orders of £13.00
Title: Flying Saucer Review archive 1955 - 1957 Vols.
1-3 Supplier: Flying Saucer Review ( Reviewer: Joe
McGonagle Review date: 19th March 2004
Background: Flying Saucer Review (FSR) was launched in
the Spring of 1955, with Derek Dempster as it's first editor. At the
time, there were a variety of UFO journals, including "Flying Saucer
News" published by the "British Flying Saucer Bureau and Flying
Saucer Club" which was on issue number 8 at the time of the first
issue of FSR. Most contemporary UFO publications were however
produced in the USA.
FSR quickly built a reputation for
including articles from non-English speaking countries, particularly
Western Europe and South America. Many UFO reports from these
countries were heretofore neglected by the popular journals, due to
the language barriers and a natural inclination to focus on local
events. An interesting article on p.14 v.3 No.5 (July - August 1957)
complains about a "new" US publication "Flying Saucers from other
Worlds" using articles from FSR without credit or permission -
clearly, little has changed in nearly 50 years!
Over the
years, subscriptions to FSR like any other journal have fluctuated,
but FSR has rode out the periods of low demand and still produces
regular issues today. Many of the other publications which
flourished in 1955 have long since folded.
The CD:
The CD arrived in a padded envelope, ten days or so after I had
ordered and paid for it. It comes with a standard plastic CD case,
and an insert with a classic front-cover design similar to the front
cover on the early issues. On the reverse of the insert is a short
introduction and very brief instructions as to how to use the
browsing utility, "IrfanView", which is included on the CD. The disc
itself has a similar attractive classical decoration to the cover,
making it easy to spot amongst a pile of other CDs.
The supplied browser is ideally suited for viewing the pages on
the CD. The simplest way to use it is to open up a windows explorer
window, select the CD-ROM, and double-click on a file called
"I_VIEW32". This launches the browser programme, from where you can
select the folder you want to view and start browsing.
problem that I encountered was that the default page-size was too
big for my dinky screen, so each time I changed pages, I had to
reset the display setting in the browser. To overcome this, I
installed the browser on my PC hard-drive by running the set-up
programme that is in the "IMAGE SOFTWARE" directory on the CD. The
installation filename is "iview385.exe".
Having installed the
browser on your hard drive, you can then set the option "fit images
to window" in the "view/display options" menu.
The content:
There is no way that I can review 17 entire issues of FSR in a
single article, so I will have to provide an overview of the
contents instead.
All of the pages are easily readable using
the browser. The cover of each issue is also included (in colour),
as are the advertisements, and I also found occasional "extras" -
newsclippings, or typed pages which had been inserted between the
pages of the magazine by someone and either deliberately or
accidentally included with the scanned pages. These made a welcome
I also noticed some hand-written notes on many of the
pages, which added to, rather than detracted from, the authentic
look-and-feel of the pages. Unfortunately, I didn't come across any
clues as to who had made the notes, and most of them were trimmed or
otherwise illegible. There are a number of classical authors and
UFO commentators represented in the articles, including Derek
Dempster, Leonard Cramp, Brinsley le Poer Trench, Prof. Hermann
Oberth, Dr. Carl Jung, Waveney Girvan, Arthur Constance, Wilfred
Daniels, M.K. Jessup, and Desmond Leslie, to name a few of those
which I recognise, plus many others which I didn't recognise the
names of.
Topics covered include Astronomy, sighting reports
(from all over the world), space exploration, technology, reviews of
publications and events, as well as more esoteric topics like
"Psychokinesis" and alien contact.
Notable articles include
one on "Strange Lunar lights" by W.K.Oliver from V2 No.4
(July-August 1956), "Flying Saucers and the Psychic" by Wilfrid
Daniels, Vol.1 No.3 (July - August, 1955), "Mexican taxi driver
meets saucer crew?" by Desmond Leslie, Vol.2 No.2 (March - April
1956), "Build your own UFOscope for saucer detection" by Ernesto
Thayat, V2 No.4 (July-August 1956), "Flying saucers versus the
supernatural" by George Adamski, Vol.3 No.5 (September - October
1957), "The physical proof you have been waiting for!", by Brinsley
le Poer Trench, Vol.3 No.5 (September - October 1957). I could go
on, but the list would be very long!
Many of the articles
include photographs and/or drawings which are clearly reproduced. I
was impressed with many of the technical drawings of UFOs,
astronomical maps, etc the artists were working without the benefit
of computers, remember.
On the topic of space exploration,
these magazines cover a critical period, the run-up to the launching
of the first Earth satellite, Sputnik I, on 4th October, 1957. It is
interesting to read the views in the magazines, both accurate and
wildly wrong, that were prevalent at the time we took our first
footsteps towards space.
I have absolutely no hesitation in saying "Go out and buy this -
NOW!", it will prove interesting to UFO enthusiasts and researchers,
social and space historians, and the curious. At the price, it
represents the best collection of historical material which I have
had the pleasure to come across.
Product details:
Format: CDROM, pages stored as .jpg images
Available from: Online, at
By post: The Editor, FSR Publications Ltd, P.O.Box
162, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 5DZ, England
Price: £13 including P & P (UK)
Including P & P (international)*
All payments should be made payable to FSR Publications Ltd.
*overseas subscribers should remit by cheque drawn in sterling on
a bank in the united kingdom, or by cheque in us dollars drawn in
the usa only, or by international money order in sterling. if
remitting by giro then FSR's account number is 3563251.
IrfanView Web Site:
UFOINFO thanks Joe McGonagle and UFOLOGY UK for
granting permission to use the reveiew.
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