Welcome to NEXUS Magazine's
NEXUS is an international
bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of: Health
Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's Ancient Past; UFOs &
the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups. NEXUS Magazine is not affiliated with any political, religious or spiritual groups or organisations whatsoever, and has been published since 1986. NEXUS is on sale in shops across Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Holland, Greece, Poland, Croatia, Japan, Romania and Russia. |
* Coming Soon * NEXUS CONFERENCE 2008. We are planning to have a conference from October 4-5-6th, 2008. Speakers are still being confirmed, but we can tell you that we will have the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull there! The conference is being held at the Novotel Twin Waters Resort, on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of south east Queensland, Australia. More details in Volume 15, number 3 (ie around April)
* - NEXUS email and server problems - if you send email to our primary email address, and then receive an email indicating that your email to us has been 'bounced' - then please ignore that message. We receive nearly every email, despite you being told the opposite. Why this is happening is being investigated.
* Coming Soon * We are going to change servers, massively overhaul this prehistoric website and provide secure ordering, more articles etc. This is due in March 2008, which is why I haven't had time to update this site.
* Coming Soon * - We are in the process of making all back issues available as text-searchable pdf files on a CD/DVD, and online. This is due out in April-May 2008. At this stage the DVD containing all back issues (20 years worth) will cost $150.00 including postage and taxes.
By Dr Peter Phillips and the
Project Censored team. As usual, the US mainstream media underreported
many significant national and global news stories in the last 18 months
that deserve wider attention.
Interview by Willem de Ridder.
Alfons Ven, a Belgian engineer turned homoeopath/alchemist, has endured
persecution by the Church, health authorities and the media over his
Writers' Guidelines - all you need to know about how to get an article published in NEXUS.
Review Information - all you need to know about how to get a product reviewed in NEXUS.
- by Alec Newald
One night, probably in 1880,
John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest
of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft.
Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to
the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by
replying: "There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. "The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." (Source: Labor's Untold Story, by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published by United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979.) |
email: editor @ nexusmagazine.com
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560
phone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; or fax: +61
(0)7 5442 9381