Revealing Answers from
the Edge
Each year, Edge (an outgrowth of a group known as The Reality
Club, made up of "some of the most interesting minds in the world") asks
its members a single question and publishes their answers. This year, the
question is particularly challenging:
"What do you believe is
true even though you cannot prove it?"
The positioning of this question is
"Great minds can sometimes guess the truth
before they have either the evidence or arguments for it (Diderot called
it having the 'esprit de divination')."
Many of the respondents chose to
focus on the issue of intelligent life in the greater universe, revealing
a growing interest in and intuitive understanding of the nature of life in
the universe. A few are still steadfastly anthropocentric, but most
display a remarkable and perhaps new openness to broader perspectives.
Here's a sampling:
ALEXANDER VILENKIN, Physicist; Institute of Cosmology, Tufts University

There are good reasons to
believe that the universe is infinite.
If so, it contains an
infinite number of regions of the same size as our observable region
(which is 80 billion light years across). It follows from quantum
mechanics that the number of distinct histories that could occur in any
of these finite regions in a finite time (since the big bang) is finite.
By history I mean not just the history of the civilization, but
everything that happens, down to the atomic level. The number of
possible histories is fantastically large (it has been estimated as 10
to the power 10 to the power 150), but the important point is that it is
Thus, we have an infinite
number of regions like ours and only a finite number of histories that
can play out in them. It follows that every possible history will occur
in an infinite number of regions. In particular, there should be an
infinite number of regions with histories identical to ours. So, if you
are not satisfied with the result of the presidential elections, don't
despair: you candidate has won on an infinite number of earths.
This picture of the
universe robs our civilization of any claim for uniqueness: countless
identical civilizations are scattered in the infinite expanse of the
cosmos. I find this rather depressing, but it is probably true.
Another thing that I
believe to be true, but cannot prove, is that our part of the universe
will eventually stop expanding and will recollapse to a big crunch. But
this will happen no sooner than 20 billion years from now, and probably
much later.
REES, Cosmologist, Cambridge University; UK Astronomer Royal;
Author, Our Final Hour

I believe that
intelligent life may presently be unique to our Earth, but that, even
so, it has the potential to spread through the galaxy and beyond—indeed,
the emergence of complexity could still be near its beginning. If SETI
searches fail, that would not render life a cosmic sideshow Indeed, it
would be a boost to our cosmic self-esteem: terrestrial life, and its
fate, would become a matter of cosmic significance. Even if intelligence
is now unique to Earth, there's enough time lying ahead for it to spread
through the entire Galaxy, evolving into a teeming complexity far beyond
what we can even conceive.
There's an unthinking
tendency to imagine that humans will be around in 6 billion years,
watching the Sun flare up and die. But the forms of life and
intelligence that have by then emerged would surely be as different from
us as we are from a bacterium. That conclusion would follow even if
future evolution proceeded at the rate at which new species have emerged
over the 3 or 4 billion years of the geological past. But post-human
evolution (whether of organic species or of artefacts) will proceed far
faster than the changes that led to emergence, because it will be
intelligently directed rather than being—like pre-human evolution—the
gradual outcome of Darwinian natural selection. Changes will drastically
accelerate in the present century—through intentional genetic
modifications, targeted drugs, perhaps even silicon implants in to the
brain. Humanity may not persist as a single species for more than a few
centuries—especially if communities have by then become established away
from the earth.
But a few centuries is
still just a millionth of the Sun's future lifetime—and the entire
universe probably has a longer future still. The remote future is
squarely in the realm of science fiction. Advanced intelligences
billions of years hence might even create new universes. Perhaps they'll
be able to choose what physical laws prevail in their creations. Perhaps
these beings could achieve the computational capability to simulate a
universe as complex as the one we perceive ourselves to be in.
My belief may remain
unprovable for billions of years. It could be falsified sooner—for
instance, we (or our immediate post-human descendents) may develop
theories that reveal inherent limits to complexity. But it's a
substitute for religious belief, and I hope it's true.
CAROLYN PORCO, Planetary Scientist; Leader, Cassini Imaging Team;
Director, CICLOPS, Space Science Institute, Boulder

This is a treacherous
question to ask, and a trivial one to answer. Treacherous because the
shoals between the written lines can be navigated by some to the
conclusion that truth and religious belief develop by the same means and
are therefore equivalent. To those unfamiliar with the process by which
scientific hunches and hypotheses are advanced to the level of
verifiable fact, and the exacting standards applied in that process, the
impression may be left that the work of the scientist is no different
than that of the prophet or the priest.
Of course, nothing could
be further from reality.
The whole scientific
method relies on the deliberate, high magnification scrutiny and
criticism by other scientists of any mechanisms proposed by any
individual to explain the natural world. No matter how fervently a
scientist may "believe'" something to be true, and unlike religious
dogma, his or her belief is not accepted as a true description or even
approximation of reality until it passes every test conceivable,
executable and reproducible. Nature is the final arbiter, and great
minds are great only in so far as they can intuit the way nature works
and are shown by subsequent examination and proof to be right.
With that preamble out of
the way, I can say that for me personally, this is a trivial question to
answer. Though no one has yet shown that life of any kind, other than
Earthly life, exists in the cosmos, I firmly believe that it does. My
justification for this belief is a commonly used one, with no strenuous
exertion of the intellect or suspension of disbelief required.
Our reconstruction of
early solar system history, and the chronology of events that led to the
origin of the Earth and moon and the subsequent development of life on
our planet, informs us that self-replicating organisms originated from
inanimate materials in a very narrow window of time. The tail end of the
accretion of the planets—a period known as "the heavy bombardment"—ended
about 3.8 billion years ago, approximately 800 million years after the
Earth formed. This is the time of formation and solidification of the
big flooded impact basins we readily see on the surface of the Moon, and
the time when the last large catastrophe-producing impacts also occurred
on the Earth. In other words, the terrestrial surface environment didn't
settle down and become conducive to the development of fragile living
organisms until nearly a billion years had gone by.
However, the first
appearance of life forms on the Earth, the oldest fossils we have
discovered so far, occurred shortly after that: around 3.5 billion years
ago or even earlier. The interval in between—only 300 millions years and
less than the time represented by the rock layers in the walls of the
Grand Canyon—is the proverbial blink of the cosmic eye. Despite the
enormous complexity of even the simplest biological forms and processes,
and the undoubtedly lengthy and complicated chain of chemical events
that must have occurred to evolve animated molecular structures from
inanimate atoms, it seems an inevitable conclusion that Earthly life
developed very quickly and as soon as the coast was clear long enough to
do so.
Evidence is gathering
that the events that created the solar system and the Earth, driven
predominantly by gravity, are common and pervasive in our galaxy and, by
inductive reasoning, in galaxies throughout the cosmos. The cosmos is
very, very big. Consider the overwhelming numbers of galaxies in the
visible cosmos alone and all the Sun-like stars in those galaxies and
the number of habitable planets likely to be orbiting those stars and
the ease with which life developed on our own habitable planet, and it
becomes increasingly unavoidable that life is itself a fundamental
feature of our universe ... along with dark matter, supernovae, and
black holes.
I believe we are not
alone. But it doesn't matter what I think because I can't prove it. It
is so beguiling a question, though, that humankind is presently and
actively seeking the answer. The search for life and so-called
"habitable zones" is becoming increasingly the focus of our planetary
explorations, and it may in fact transpire one day that we discover life
forms under the ice on some moon orbiting Jupiter or Saturn, or decode
the intelligible signals of an advanced, unreachably distant, alien
organism. That will be a singular day indeed. I only hope I'm still
around when it happens.
Physicist; Retired director,
American Institute of Physics; Author, The Quantum

I believe that microbial
life exists elsewhere in our galaxy.
I am not even saying
"elsewhere in the universe." If the proposition I believe to be true is
to be proved true within a generation or two, I had better limit it to
our own galaxy. I will bet on its truth there.
I believe in the
existence of life elsewhere because chemistry seems to be so
life-striving and because life, once created, propagates itself in every
possible direction. Earth's history suggests that chemicals get busy and
create life given any old mix of substances that includes a bit of
water, and given practically any old source of energy; further, that
life, once created, spreads into every nook and cranny over a wide range
of temperature, acidity, pressure, light level, and so on.
Believing in the
existence of intelligent life
elsewhere in the galaxy is another matter. Good luck to the SETI people
and applause for their efforts, but consider that microbes have
inhabited Earth for at least 75 percent of its history, whereas
intelligent life has been around for but the blink of an eye, perhaps
0.02 percent of Earth's history (and for nearly all of that time without
the ability to communicate into space). Perhaps intelligent life will
have staying power. We don't know. But we do know that microbial life
has staying power.
Now to a supposition:
that Mars will be found to have harbored life and harbors life no more.
If this proves to be the case, it will be an extraordinarily sobering
discovery for humankind, even more so than the view of our fragile blue
ball from the Moon, even more so than our removal from the center of the
universe by Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton—perhaps even more so than
the discovery of life elsewhere in the galaxy.
CRAIG VENTER, Genomics Researcher; Founder & President, J. Craig
Venter Science Foundation

Life is ubiquitous
throughout the universe. Life on our planet earth most likely is the
result of a panspermic event (a notion popularized by the late Francis
DNA, RNA and carbon based
life will be found wherever we find water and look with the right tools.
Whether we can prove life happens, depends on our ability to improve
remote sensing and to visit faraway systems. This will also depend on
whether we survive as a species for a sufficient period of time. As we
have seen recently in the shotgun sequencing of the Sargasso Sea, when
we look for life here on Earth with new tools of DNA sequencing we find
life in abundance in the microbial world. In sequencing the genetic code
of organisms that survive in the extremes of zero degrees C to well over
boiling water temperatures we begin to understand the breadth of life,
including life that can thrive in extremes of caustic conditions of
strong acids to basic pH's that would rapidly dissolve human skin.
Possible indicators of panspermia are the organisms such as Deinococcus
radiodurans, which can survive millions of RADs of ionizing radiation
and complete desiccation for years or perhaps millennia. These microbes
can repair any DNA damage within hours of being reintroduced into an
aqueous environment.
Our human centric view of
life is clearly unwarranted. From the millions of genes that we have
just discovered in environmental organisms over the past months we learn
that a finite number of themes are used over and over again and could
have easily evolved from a few microbes arriving on a meteor or on
intergalactic dust. Panspermia is how life is spreads throughout the
universe and we are contributing to it from earth by launching billions
of microbes into space.
STEPHEN PETRANEK, Editor-in-Chief, Discover Magazine

I believe that life is
common throughout the universe and that we will find another Earth-like
planet within a decade.
The mathematics alone
ought to be proof to most people (billions of galaxies with billions of
stars in each galaxy and around most of those stars are planets). The
numbers suggest that for life not to exist elsewhere in the universe is
the unlikely scenario. But there is more to this idea than a good
chance. We've now found more than 130 planets just looking at nearby
stars in our tiny little corner of the Milky Way. The results suggest
there are uncountable numbers of planets in our galaxy alone. Some of
them are likely to be earthlike, or at least earth-sized, although the
vast majority that we've found so far are huge gas giants like Jupiter
and Saturn which are unlikely to harbor life. Furthermore, there were
four news events this year that made the discovery of life elsewhere
extraordinarily more likely.
First, the NASA Mars
Rover called Opportunity found incontrovertible evidence that a
briny--salty-sea once covered the area where it landed, called Meridiani
Planum. The only question about life on Mars now is whether that
sea—which was there twice in Martian history—existed long enough for
life to form. The Phoenix mission in 2008 may answer that question.
Second, a team of
astrophysicists reported in July that radio emissions from Sagittarius
B2, a nebula near the center of the Milky Way, indicate the presence of
aldehyde molecules, the prebiotic stuff of life. Aldehydes help form
amino acids, the fundamental components of proteins. The same scientists
previously reported clouds of other organic molecules in space,
including glycolaldehyde, a simple sugar. Outer space is thus full of
complex molecules—not just atoms—necessary for life. Comets in other
solar systems could easily deposit such molecules on planets, as they
may have done in our solar system with earth.
Third, astronomers in
2004 found much smaller planets around other stars for the first time.
Barbara McArthur at the University of Texas at Austin found a planet 18
times the mass of Earth around 55 Cancri, a star with three other known
planets. A team in Portugal announced finding a 14-mass planet. These
smaller planets are likely to be rock, not gas. McArthur says, "We're on
our way to finding an extrasolar earth."
Fourth, astronomers are
not only getting good at finding new planets around other stars, they're
getting the resolution of the newest telescopes so good that they can
see the dim light from some newly found planets. Meanwhile, even better
telescopes are being built, like the large binocular scope on Mt. Graham
in Arizona that will see more planets. With light we can analyze the
spectrum a new planet reflects and determine what's on that planet—like
water. Water, we also discovered recently is abundant in space in large
clouds between and near stars.
So everything life needs
is out there. For it not to come together somewhere else as it did on
earth is remarkably unlikely. In fact, although there are Goldilocks
zones in galaxies where life as we know it is most likely to survive
(there's too much radiation towards the center of the Milky Way, for
example), there are almost countless galaxies out there where conditions
could be ripe for life to evolve. This is a golden age of astrophysics
and we're going to find life elsewhere.
Writer and Television Producer;
Author, The Riemann Hypothesis

I believe it is true that
if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, of whatever
form, it will be familiar with the same concept of counting numbers.
Some philosophers believe
that pure mathematics is human-specific and that it is possible for an
entirely different type of mathematics to emerge from a different type
of intelligence, a type of mathematics that has nothing in common with
ours and may even contradict it. But it is difficult to think of what
sort of life-form would not need the counting numbers. The stars in the
sky are discrete points and cry out to be counted by beings throughout
the universe, but alien life-forms may not have vision.
Intelligent objects with
boundaries between being and non-being surely want to be measured— "I'm
bigger that you", "I need a size 312 overcoat"—but perhaps there are
life-forms which don't have boundaries but are continuously varying
density changes in some Jovian sea. Intelligent life might be
disembodied or at least lack a discrete body and merely be transmitted
between various points in a solid material matrix, so that it was
impossible to distinguish one intelligent being from another.
But sooner or later,
whether it is to measure the passing of time, the magnitude of distance,
the density of one Jovian being compared with another, numbers will have
to be used. And if numbers are used, 2 + 2 must always equal 4, the
number of stars in the Pleiades brighter than magnitude 5.7 will always
be 11 which will always be a prime number, and two measurements of the
speed of light in any units in identical conditions will always be
identical. Of course, the fact that I find it difficult to think of
beings which won't need our sort of mathematics doesn't mean they don't
exist, but that's what I believe without proof.
DAVIES, Physicist, Macquarie University, Sydney; Author,
How to Build a Time Machine

One of the biggest of the
Big Questions of existence is, Are we alone in the universe? Science has
provided no convincing evidence one way or the other. It is certainly
possible that life began with a bizarre quirk of chemistry, an accident
so improbable that it happened only once in the entire observable
universe—and we are it. On the other hand, maybe life gets going
wherever there are earthlike planets. We just don't know, because we
have a sample of only one. However, no known scientific principle
suggests an inbuilt drive from matter to life. No known law of physics
or chemistry favors the emergence of the living state over other states.
Physics and chemistry are, as far as we can tell, "life blind."
Yet I don't believe that
life is a freak event. I think the universe is teeming with it. I can't
prove it; indeed, it could be that mankind will never know the answer
for sure. If we find life in our solar system, it most likely got there
from Earth (or vice versa) in rocks kicked off planets by comet impacts.
And to go beyond the solar system is the stuff of dreams. The best hope
is that we develop instruments sensitive enough to detect life on
extra-solar planets from Earth orbit. But, whilst not impossible, this
is a formidable technical challenge.
So why do I think we are
not alone, when we have no evidence for life beyond Earth? Not for the
fallacious popular reason: "the universe is so big there must be life
out there somewhere." Simple statistics shows this argument to be bogus.
If life is in fact a freak chemical event, it would be so unlikely to
occur that it wouldn't happen twice among a trillion trillion trillion
planets. Rather, I believe we are not alone because life seems to be a
fundamental, and not merely an incidental, property of nature. It is
built into the great cosmic scheme at the deepest level, and therefore
likely to be pervasive. I make this sweeping claim because life has
produced mind, and through mind, beings who do not merely observe the
universe, but have come to understand it through science, mathematics
and reasoning. This is hardly an insignificant embellishment on the
cosmic drama, but a stunning and unexpected bonus. Somehow life is able
to link up with the basic workings of the cosmos, resonating with the
hidden mathematical order that makes it tick. And that's a quirk too far
for me.
KRAUSS, Physicist, Case Western Reserve University; Author,

I believe
our universe is not unique. As science has evolved, our place within the
universe has continued to diminish in significance.
First it
was felt that the Earth was the center of the universe, then that our
Sun was the center, and so on. Ultimately we now realize that we are
located at the edge of a random galaxy that is itself located nowhere
special in a large, potentially infinite universe full of other
galaxies. Moreover, we now know that even the stars and visible galaxies
themselves are but an insignificant bit of visible pollution in a
universe that is otherwise dominated by 'stuff' that doesn't shine.
Dark matter
dominates the masses of galaxies and clusters by a factor of 10 compared
to normal matter. And now we have discovered that even matter itself is
almost insignificant. Instead empty space itself contains more than
twice as much energy as that associated with all matter, including dark
matter, in the universe. Further, as we ponder the origin of our
universe, and the nature of the strange dark energy that dominates it,
every plausible theory that I know of suggests that the Big Bang that
created our visible universe was not unique. There are likely to be a
large, and possibly infinite number of other universes out there, some
of which may be experiencing Big Bangs at the current moment, and some
of which may have already collapsed inward into Big Crunches. From a
philosophical perspective this may be satisfying to some, who find a
universe with a definite beginning but no definite end dissatisfying. In
this case, in the 'metaverse', or 'multiverse' things may seem much more
uniform in time.
At every
instant there may be many universes being born, and others dying. But
philosophy aside, the existence of many different causally disconnected
universes—regions with which we will never ever be able to have direct
communication, and thus which will forever be out of reach of direct
empirical verification—may have significant impacts on our understanding
of our own universe. Their existence may help explain why our own
universe has certain otherwise unexpected features, because in a
metaverse with a possibly infinite number of different universes, which
may themselves vary in their fundamental features, it could be that life
like our own would evolve in only universes with a special set of
Whether or
not this anthropic type of argument is necessary to understand our
universe—and I personally hope it isn't—I nevertheless find it
satisfying to think that it is likely that not only are we not located
in a particularly special place in our universe, but that our universe
itself may be relatively insignificant on a larger cosmic scale. It
represents perhaps the ultimate Copernican Revolution.
D. HAUSER, Psychologist, Harvard University: Author, Wild

What makes humans
uniquely smart?
Here's my best guess: we
alone evolved a simple computational trick with far reaching
implications for every aspect of our life, from language and mathematics
to art, music and morality. The trick: the capacity to take as input any
set of discrete entities and recombine them into an infinite variety of
meaningful expressions.
Thus, we take meaningless
phonemes and combine them into words, words into phrases, and phrases
into Shakespeare. We take meaningless strokes of paint and combine them
into shapes, shapes into flowers, and flowers into Matisse's water
lilies. And we take meaningless actions and combine them into action
sequences, sequences into events, and events into homicide and heroic
I'll go one step further:
I bet that when we discover life on other planets, that although the
materials may be different for running the computation, that they will
create open ended systems of expression by means of the same trick,
thereby giving birth to the process of universal computation.