(399)   Wed 12 Feb 92  9:03p    Rcvd: Wed 12 Feb  9:13p
By: Michael Corbin, ParaNet(sm) Information Servi (104/422)
To: Michael Corbin
Re: Az Mute Reports
St: Pvt  Crash  Kill  Rcvd
@PID: RA 1.11
@MSGID: 1:104/422 4f38291e
@REPLY: 9:1010/100.666 29121eb4
 * Message originally:
     From: Jim Speiser
     To  : All
     Date: 11-01-91
     Area: "ParaNet UFO Echo"
 * Forwarded by Michael Corbin using RemoteAccess 1.11

This is a PRELIMINARY report on a series of cattle mutilations
that have taken place in Cochise County, AZ. So far 11 head of
cattle have fallen victim over the past few months. The most
recent incident took place last week in a town outside Sierra
Vista. The images shown on local television depicted a cow with
its neck slit and its udders and genitals removed. It was a bit
hard to tell from the TV pictures, but the wounds did not seem
to be of the "classic" variety, i.e. laser-sharp edges, etc.

Today I spoke with Det. Mike Raffity of the Cochise County
Sheriff's Office. Raffity told me that a strong lead had been
developed linking the incidents with a Satanic cult in the area.
Although he did not personally see the animal shown on TV, he
told me that the wounds were made with a sharp instrument but
were not laser-precise, nor were there any other strange or
tell-tale clues that paranormalists look for. He seemed to have
been recently given a crash course on "classic mutilations" by
way of phone calls from around the country, possibly including
one from Linda Howe. Raffity also told me that reports of
"total" exsanguination were just media exaggeration. The cow
probably had 1 or 2 pints left out of the normal 4 gallons or


Raffity would not, of course, divulge the nature of his lead,
but I raised the question with him as to whether this were the
first time a strong lead had been developed linking a mute with
a Satanic cult. He seemed surprised at this, and told me that
they've found cow's heads suspended from Satanic altars, and
they know that cow's blood is used for a purification ceremony.
This raises the question in my mind: Is our treatment of
"classic" mutes as something different from cult activity based
purely on the degree of the precision of the cuts, and the
degree of exsanguination? Or is Raffity missing something major
here? Or am I? Sure, I know there are other signs, lack of
tracks, etc., but if Raffity is correct, and Satanic activity
CAN account for SOME mutes, why can't they account for all of


 * Origin: XRS/Remotron/ParaNet Zeta-Reticuli/Scottsdale (Quick

@Exported: ZMailH 1.20 -- Beta C@ 1:104/422.0 02-12-92 21:10:18

(400)   Wed 12 Feb 92  9:04p    Rcvd: Wed 12 Feb  9:13p
By: Michael Corbin, ParaNet(sm) Information Servi (104/422)
To: Michael Corbin
Re: Az Mutes
St: Pvt  Crash  Kill  Rcvd
@PID: RA 1.11
@MSGID: 1:104/422 4f38295a
@REPLY: 1:104/605 4eb29e0a
 * Message originally:
     From: Sheldon Wernikoff
     To  : Jim Speiser
     Date: 11-03-91
     Area: "ParaNet UFO Echo"
 * Forwarded by Michael Corbin using RemoteAccess 1.11

In a message to all <01-Nov-91> Jim Speiser wrote:

JS> This raises the question in my mind: Is our treatment of
JS> "classic" mutes as something different from cult activity based
JS> purely on the degree of the precision of the cuts, and the
JS> degree of exsanguination? Or is Raffity missing something major
JS> here? Or am I? Sure, I know there are other signs, lack of
JS> tracks, etc., but if Raffity is correct, and Satanic activity
JS> CAN account for
JS> SOME mutes, why can't they account for all of them?

Hi Jim,

John Altshuler, M.D. presented a paper at the Chicago MUFON
symposium entitled "Tissue Change in Unexplained Animal
Mutilations". The proceedings are available for $20.00 from
MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, TX 78155-4099. What follows are his
conclusions re: the cattle mutilations.

"Gross examination of unexplained animal mutilation deaths
suggest that these animal deaths were not caused by accidental death,
predation or cult sacrifices. Microscopic tissue examinations
have been extensively compared to known human tissue changes
secondary to high heat. It is difficult to avoid the inescapable
conclusion that the changes in animal tissues in these unexplained deaths
had dissection with an instrument causing high heat. By what
instrumentation and means this is accomplished remains a
for what purpose is even more enigmatic. The fact that these
animals are found in remote areas, away from human or animal
tracks, off roads and away from highways, found within hours of
having been seen alive at a time of unusual observed aerial
phenomena all suggest that extraterrestrial factors must be
considered as a plausible explanation of the ever increasing
numbers of unexplained animal mutilations."

I'd sure like to hear what some other pathologists have to say
about Altshuler's conclusions....some of the non-ET, non-cult
hypotheses. I've never seen anything in print anywhere. Has
Skeptical Inquirer ever done anything that you know of? I really
found your post of their PR on NDE's thought provoking. BTW, did
you know that the leading cause of "accidental" death in cattle
is electrocution by lightning?

I am certain that Satanic activity does account for some mutes,
just as hoaxers account for some CC's, but many cases in both
areas remain unexplained to my satisfaction.

Take care,


 * Origin: ParaNet Alpha UFO'S and More 303-933-7184

@Exported: ZMailH 1.20 -- Beta C@ 1:104/422.0 02-12-92 21:10:19

(401)   Wed 12 Feb 92  9:05p    Rcvd: Wed 12 Feb  9:13p
By: Michael Corbin, ParaNet(sm) Information Servi (104/422)
To: Michael Corbin
Re: Re: Az Mute Reports
St: Pvt  Crash  Kill  Rcvd
@PID: RA 1.11
@MSGID: 1:104/422 4f38298e
 * Message originally:
     From: Pete Porro
     To  : Jim Speiser
     Date: 11-04-91
     Area: "ParaNet UFO Echo"
 * Forwarded by Michael Corbin using RemoteAccess 1.11

I don't think all of anything will be explained. The cult
connection makes sense. Unless someone comes forward and says
yes we're the ones doing it, the mutes will remain a mystery. As
you have mentioned before in reference to other issues, if
someone did come forward and take the blame, some people would
not believe them anyway. (note: Crop Circles fit here as well as
Ed's photos.)

I am often amused at the flip in reaction and logic on some
issues, by some people. If someone comes out with a story about
UFO's that is filled with holes, Believer Bud (no one real) will
say, it's the truth and we should all believe it with more
faith. Next two old guys claim they made some of the crop
circles, and BB says, no way it's a Govt. scam to cover-up the
truth. So the problem is that in both cases the information is
shaky at best, but those incidents that fit BB's personal
adgenda and belief system, will be accepted with mild
evaluation. On the other hand, something that BB does not wish
to have deflate his dillusions, will be picked apart word by
word, inch by inch.

Lets see what got me started on this again, oh yes the Mutes. We
all know something unexplained is going on. The myth grows in
proportion to the time it is investigaated, and multiplys
accordingly when the public gets involved. Once it hits TV prime
time, the tale has numerous errors tagging along with it. The
myth has some many versions and explination theorys, that it's
nearly impossible to collect and synthesize a reasonable
scenario to cover what the facts indicate. To put it more
simply, I'd like to see an honest, unbiased person look into
this and report just the facts, not the opinions.

Last of all, I'll repeat something I have dropped in messages
before. (It's my prediction and opinion) when someone finally
starts to collect information in a more scientific format. (like
boring data and statistics) I believe we will find that pressure
flaked stone tools will be indicated as the cutting device used
in some of the incidents of organ removal, which extremely clean
cuts have been made. They are sharper than the sharpest surgical
steel knives used in hospitals. I also believe that as you
mentioned about this one case, we will find that all the blood
is not drained, just a major portion.
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
 * Origin: ParaNet XI-Alpha=- Radio Free Milw 4143526176HST

@Exported: ZMailH 1.20 -- Beta C@ 1:104/422.0 02-12-92 21:10:19

(402)   Wed 12 Feb 92  9:05p    Rcvd: Wed 12 Feb  9:14p
By: Michael Corbin, ParaNet(sm) Information Servi (104/422)
To: Michael Corbin
Re: Re: Az Mute Reports
St: Pvt  Crash  Kill  Rcvd
@PID: RA 1.11
@MSGID: 1:104/422 4f3829b4
 * Message originally:
     From: Ncar!afglsc.span.nasa.gov!webb@scic
     To  : All
     Date: 11-05-91
     Area: "ParaNet UFO Echo"
 * Forwarded by Michael Corbin using RemoteAccess 1.11

From: ncar!afglsc.span.nasa.gov!webb@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM
Date: 5 Nov 91 22:34:51 GMT
Message-ID: <15839@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM>
Newsgroups: info.paranet

From: webb@afglsc.span.nasa.gov

To: Jim Speiser
Your comments re the Cochise mute report raises interesting
questions about the frequency of cult-related mutes. Certainly
cult activity is the cause of some mute cases, but it is a stretch to
think they might explain all of them. Human intervention does seem unlikely
in the reports where no tracks or other traces are found near the body
or where UFOs are seen in the vicinity, or even purported to be observed
hauling poor cows upwards in light beams! How about the association of
black helicopters and mutes? Of course, a lot of this 'evidence' is
circumstantial, but the relationship between mutes and UFOs
seems stronger than that between crop circles and UFOs, for instance.
Now what we need is a good case of a muted cow found in the exact center
of a crop circle!

To: Bill Chalker
On Early Australian UFO history, I would love to see your
entry in Clark's encyclopedia, but unfortunately the publisher
has priced those volumes out of the reach of most poor Ufologists, like

--- ConfMail V4.00
 * Origin: Paranet(sm) - The world's leading UFO Investigative
News Network (1:30163/150)

@Exported: ZMailH 1.20 -- Beta C@ 1:104/422.0 02-12-92 21:10:20

(403)   Wed 12 Feb 92  9:06p    Rcvd: Wed 12 Feb  9:14p
By: Michael Corbin, ParaNet(sm) Information Servi (104/422)
To: Michael Corbin
Re: Az Mutes
St: Pvt  Crash  Kill  Rcvd
@PID: RA 1.11
@MSGID: 1:104/422 4f3829f0
@REPLY: 9:1010/100.666 29168c8a
 * Message originally:
     From: Jim Speiser
     To  : Sheldon Wernikoff
     Date: 11-05-91
     Area: "ParaNet UFO Echo"
 * Forwarded by Michael Corbin using RemoteAccess 1.11

In a message to Jim Speiser <03 Nov 91 13:58> Sheldon Wernikoff

 SW> Hi Jim,

 SW> "Gross examination of unexplained animal mutilation deaths suggest
 SW> that these animal deaths were not caused by accidental death,
 SW> predation or cult sacrifices. Microscopic tissue examinations have
 SW> been extensively compared to known human tissue changes secondary
 SW> to high heat. It is difficult to avoid the inescapable conclusion
 SW> that the changes in animal tissues in these unexplained deaths had
 SW> dissection with an instrument causing high heat. By what
 SW> instrumentation and means this is accomplished remains a mystery.
 SW> for what purpose is even more enigmatic. The fact that these
 SW> animals are found in remote areas, away from human or animal
 SW> tracks, off roads and away from highways, found within hours of
 SW> having been seen alive at a time of unusual observed aerial
 SW> phenomena all suggest that extraterrestrial factors must be
 SW> considered as a plausible explanation of the ever increasing
 SW> numbers of unexplained animal mutilations."

From this, one would be tempted to conclude that Some Unknown
Higher Intelligence is purposely carving up cows in a manner
that resembles the modus operandi of Satanists, in order to
cover its tracks. The reason I'm beginning to get a little
skeptical of this is because it sounds like what one lady told
me about why most people don't see UFOs: because they have the
ability to change the shape of their craft so that they look
like clouds (yes, she was serious!).

 SW> I'd sure like to hear what some other pathologists have to say
 SW> about Altshuler's conclusions....some of the non-ET, non-cult
 SW> hypotheses. I've never seen anything in print anywhere. Has

I, too, would like to see an independent review of Altshuler's

 SW> Skeptical Inquirer ever done anything that you know of? I really

They have had a couple of articles on cattle mutes, one of which
was written by an FBI Agent who investigated them back in the
early eighties. Mostly they point to a book called "Mute
Evidence" by Kagan and Summers, and write the whole thing off as
predation. Little mention is made of cult activity (I wonder
why, in light of Raffity's certainty that this is cult-related?)

 SW> found your post of their PR on NDE's thought provoking.

Susan Blackmore is one of CSICOP's very best. She's a former
believer, and still tweaks the noses of the more stuffy, staid
debunkers in the organization. (She's also cute!)

 BTW, did
 SW> you know that the leading cause of "accidental" death in cattle is
 SW> electrocution by lightning?

No, but it makes sense.

 SW> I am certain that Satanic activity does account for some mutes,

Why, if there is no solid evidence? If there is, where can we
read about it? See, I'm skeptical of BOTH sides on this one.


 * Origin: XRS/Remotron/ParaNet Zeta-Reticuli/Scottsdale (Quick

@Exported: ZMailH 1.20 -- Beta C@ 1:104/422.0 02-12-92 21:10:20

(404)   Wed 12 Feb 92  9:07p    Rcvd: Wed 12 Feb  9:14p
By: Michael Corbin, ParaNet(sm) Information Servi (104/422)
To: Michael Corbin
Re: Az Mutes
St: Pvt  Crash  Kill  Rcvd
@PID: RA 1.11
@MSGID: 1:104/422 4f382a26
@REPLY: 1:104/605 4eb858a2
 * Message originally:
     From: Sheldon Wernikoff
     To  : Jim Speiser
     Date: 11-07-91
     Area: "ParaNet UFO Echo"
 * Forwarded by Michael Corbin using RemoteAccess 1.11

In a message to Sheldon Wernikoff <05 Nov 91 06:51> Jim Speiser

JS> From this, one would be tempted to conclude that Some Unknown
JS> Higher Intelligence is purposely carving up cows in a manner
JS> that resembles the modus operandi of Satanists, in order to
JS> cover its tracks. The reason I'm beginning to get a little
JS> skeptical of this is because it sounds like what one lady told
JS> me about why most people don't see UFOs: because they have the
JS> ability to change the shape of their craft so that they look
JS> like clouds (yes, she was serious!).

    I once met I Brazilian man who claimed to have a photo of a
    taken in Peru. When I told him it looked like a cloud, he
    responded..."Oh no, the UFO is hiding *behind* the cloud!

 SW> I'd sure like to hear what some other pathologists have to say
 SW> about Altshuler's conclusions....some of the non-ET, non-cult
 SW> hypotheses. I've never seen anything in print anywhere. Has

JS> I, too, would like to see an independent review of Altshuler's
JS> findings.

    I heard some M.D. out east critiqued his work - I'll have to
    see what I can dig up.

 SW> Has Skeptical Inquirer ever done anything that you know of?

JS> Mostly they point to a book called "Mute Evidence" by Kagan and
JS> Summers, and write the whole thing off as predation. Little
JS> mention is made of cult activity (I wonder why, in light of
JS> Raffity's certainty that this is cult-related?)

    Judging by the evidence I've seen, predation could be the
    of some mutes, but certainly not all. The precisely excised
    regions of tissue is not the type of damage one would expect
    from an animals jaws.

 SW> BTW, did you know that the leading cause of "accidental" death
 SW> in cattle is electrocution by lightning?

JS> No, but it makes sense.

    I thought some of the "jaw mutilations" might be explained
    lightning strikes, since cattle spend a great deal of time
    grazing with their moist tongue and lips to the soil,
    an excellent electrical ground. I asked Altshuler about
    and he responded that these types of wounds would exhibit
    "charring" effects, which are *not* seen in some of the

SW> I am certain that Satanic activity does account for some
SW> mutes,...

JS> Why, if there is no solid evidence? If there is, where can we
JS> read about it? See, I'm skeptical of BOTH sides on this one.

    There are some cases I've seen here in Illinois, where chest
    cavities have been savagely torn apart, and hearts removed,
    leaving little doubt that some aberrant personalities were
    involved, although the perpetrators were not apprehended.

    Anyway, please keep us informed on the latest in the AZ


 * Origin: ParaNet Alpha UFO'S and More 303-933-7184

@Exported: ZMailH 1.20 -- Beta C@ 1:104/422.0 02-12-92 21:10:21

(405)   Wed 12 Feb 92  9:08p    Rcvd: Wed 12 Feb  9:14p
By: Michael Corbin, ParaNet(sm) Information Servi (104/422)
To: Michael Corbin
Re: Mutilated Cattle      1/
St: Pvt  Crash  Kill  Rcvd
@PID: RA 1.11
@MSGID: 1:104/422 4f382a6c
@REPLY: 1:104/428 c608b2d2
 * Message originally:
     From: Michael Corbin
     To  : All
     Date: 12-12-91
     Area: "ParaNet UFO Echo"
 * Forwarded by Michael Corbin using RemoteAccess 1.11

 * Forwarded from "Fido UFO Echo"
 * Originally from Patrick Briggs
 * Originally dated 12-09-91 12:09

Here is an article I found in the local newspaper dated
Wednesday Oct
15, 1975 which ads some interesting info in regards to Cattle
Mutilations. However, these mutilated cattle in the article do
not have
the characteristics in most of those cases.  These cattle were
beaten as you shall find out. Also mysterious is the
disappearance of
the campers without a trace.

Headline: Police say mutilated cattle found about time of UFO
group in

Fox Lake, Ill (AP) -

Police say two cows were found slaughtered and mutilated about
the same time as a mysterious, 50-plus member of a "UFO" people
apparently camped nearby.

Lake Villa police said the animals' remains were left on a farm
about 10 miles from here, where the band is believed to have stayed
October 2 to October 7.

One cow was found dead October 1st and the second was killed
four days later, police said.

Persons who left homes in Oregon, Colorado, and California to
await transportation from the Earth make up most of the group's
Officials say scores of cattle mutilations have taken place in
those states.

Lake Villa Police Chief Al Copenharver said persons who killed
the first cow, a Black Angus beifer, left only its head behind.  The rest
of the carcases seemed to have been butchered by persons wanting meat,
Copenhaver said.

He said the second cow, a Holstein Beifer, looked as if it had
been beaten to death.  The animal's left ear had been severed and was
not found, he said.

In some of the mutilations in Western States, lips had been
removed from the cattle and their carcasses drained of all the blood.

The UFO cult is believed to have camped five days in the Chain
O' Lakes State Park 45 miles northwest of Chicago, rangers said Tuesday.

"A group of about 50 persons took out camping permits on Oct. 2
and suddenly disappeared Oct. 7" said Mick Egan, chief park ranger
at Chain O' Lakes.

"It was about that time that the story broke about some 20
persons disappearing in Oregon to await time to leave Earth on a
spaceship," he said.

Egan said a man used the name "J. Seagle, Cherry Creed,
California." in signing a camping permit on Oct 2.  The man said
other would follow.

"They came in vans and cars bearing license plates from Texas,
California, Washington, Colorado and Oregon," said Egan.  "We
thought it was very unusual, because travelers from those areas just
don't show up here at this time of year at all.  They wanted the cheapest
camping spots and seemed strapped for money.  They were evasive and kept
to themselves.  My patrolmen said some of them used Biblical

Charlene Petrovic and her husband of Waukegan were camping at
the park when the group was there.

"They didn't look or act like campers at all," said Mrs.
Petrovic. "They kept to themselves, sitting around together and doing
nothing.  On October 6 when the story was out about people vanishing in
Oregon, the group got very excited.  They milled around the ranger office
and I heard a boy say: "I knew I made a mistake when I wrote my mother
from Colorado to tell her I joined the group.  The next day they were
all gone - not a trace.  It was if they simply were sucked off the
Earth.  All there junk was still at the campsites."

A license check by the Oregonian with Oregon and California
motor vehicle divisions in Oregon and California indicates the cars at
the Illinois camp were driven by people with assumed names, or by
drivers other than their owners.

- A 1967 Rambler driven by a man giving the name "A Smith" is
really registered to Rodney H. Adams, Newport Oregon.

- A 1969 Pontiac operated by a man using the name "J. Simon" is
registered to John M. and M. Craig, Bandon, Oregon.

- A 1970 Volkswagen driven by a man using the name "D. Abel" is
registered to John and Helen Wilson, Bandon, Oregon.

- A 1952 International allegedly belonging to "M. Daniels" is
registered to Suzanne Cooke, Point Reyes, California.

- A 1964 Ford driven by "J. Stell" is registered to Paul Charles
Groll, Milpitas, California.
>>> Continued to next message
 X SLMR 2.0 X Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted!

--- Maximus 2.00
 * Origin: ParaNet -- Leading UFO Research Network (1:104/428.0)

@Exported: ZMailH 1.20 -- Beta C@ 1:104/422.0 02-12-92 21:10:22

(406)   Wed 12 Feb 92  9:09p    Rcvd: Wed 12 Feb  9:14p
By: Michael Corbin, ParaNet(sm) Information Servi (104/422)
To: Michael Corbin
Re: Mutilated Cattle      2/
St: Pvt  Crash  Kill  Rcvd
@PID: RA 1.11
@MSGID: 1:104/422 4f382a98
@REPLY: 1:104/428 c608b410
 * Message originally:
     From: Michael Corbin
     To  : All
     Date: 12-12-91
     Area: "ParaNet UFO Echo"
 * Forwarded by Michael Corbin using RemoteAccess 1.11

 * Forwarded from "Fido UFO Echo"
 * Originally from Patrick Briggs
 * Originally dated 12-09-91 12:09

>>> Continued from previous message
- A 1971 Ford camper, operated by a "B.L. Chrisensen" is
registered to Dale F. Mackey of Los Angeles, California.

 X SLMR 2.0 X Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted!

--- Maximus 2.00
 * Origin: ParaNet -- Leading UFO Research Network (1:104/428.0)

@Exported: ZMailH 1.20 -- Beta C@ 1:104/422.0 02-12-92 21:10:22

(14800) Fri 16 Apr 93  7:36p
By: Don Allen
To: All
Re: S1/3
 * Forwarded from "BAMA"
 * Originally by Jerry Woody
 * Originally to All
 * Originally dated 15 Apr 1993, 18:31

Odyssey News Wire--

                     *** Classification ***
 ³ ³ Space/Astronomy/UFO/Astral Events
 ³ ³ Monsters/Strange Creatures
 ³û³ Unknown Happenings/Paranormal/Psychic Events

*This newsclipping may be cross-posted into FREE echoes.

³o³                                                            ³o³
³o³FOX TV's 'Sightings' PROBE MUTILATIONS                      ³o³
³o³Cullman Times, April 13th, 1993                             ³o³
³o³                                                            ³o³
³o³GUNTERSVILLE- Although no cattle mutilations have been      ³o³
³o³reported in Cullman County, they have made news all         ³o³
³o³over North Alabama.                                         ³o³
³o³Reports of unexplained livestock killings, where the        ³o³
³o³blood has been drained from animals and body parts are      ³o³
³o³carefully removed, have become so widespread, they          ³o³
³o³attracted a crew from the FOX television show               ³o³
³o³"Sightings" to investigate.                                 ³o³
³o³"This place is a hotbed for animal mutilations," said       ³o³
³o³Sightings Producer Scou Schaefer, of Marshall and           ³o³
³o³DeKalb counties, where dozens of mutilations have been      ³o³
³o³reported.  "There is some really weird stuff going on       ³o³
³o³here."                                                      ³o³
³o³Producers of the show spoke with one Marshall County        ³o³
³o³man Friday who believes his herd of 45 cows had a close     ³o³
³o³call one chilly February night with the unexplained         ³o³
³o³phenomenon.                                                 ³o³
³o³Doug Segers, a meat packer and lifelong cattle owner,       ³o³
³o³told producers how a quiet chopper hauling a 6-deep box     ³o³
³o³under its belly cornered his cows.                          ³o³
³o³"It had them all penned up at the barn with a spotlight     ³o³
³o³shining on them." he said, pointing to an old,              ³o³
³o³wooden barn behind his home. "It was bigger than a          ³o³
³o³normal helicopter, but it did not make much noise."         ³o³
³o³The choppcr had red, green, blue                            ³o³
³o³and white lights on each corner of the aircraft. It had     ³o³
³o³a rounded front end and a cone-shaped tail, he said.        ³o³
³o³Segers said he was alerted to the strange aircraft by a     ³o³
³o³neighbor. He arrived at his land 15 minutes later, only     ³o³
³o³to watch the aircraft take off. Then 30 minutes later       ³o³
³o³it came back and quickly left again. "I don't know why      ³o³
³o³it came back-                                               ³o³

--- FMail 0.94
 * Origin: * On Topic? What's that? <*> Fidonet UFO Moderator (1:123/26.1)

(14801) Fri 16 Apr 93  7:37p
By: Don Allen
To: All
Re: S2/3
 * Forwarded from "BAMA"
 * Originally by Jerry Woody
 * Originally to All
 * Originally dated 15 Apr 1993, 18:31

Odyssey News Wire--

                     *** Classification ***
 ³ ³ Space/Astronomy/UFO/Astral Events
 ³ ³ Monsters/Strange Creatures
 ³û³ Unknown Happenings/Paranormal/Psychic Events
³o³I stayed up all night trying to figure that out," he        ³o³
³o³said. "But I think it left because they saw me turn my      ³o³
³o³lights off."                                                ³o³
³o³Marshall County Sheriff Ben Gamel said deputies who         ³o³
³o³were summoned to the scene, identified the helicoptcr       ³o³
³o³as belonging to the U.S. military.                          ³o³
³o³"The military out of Birmingham flys night missions         ³o³
³o³over the area all the time, " Gamel said.  It's             ³o³
³o³definitely possible.                                        ³o³
³o³No report was taken on the incident because no cattle       ³o³
³o³was harmed.                                                 ³o³
³o³But that does not mean the mysterious killings do not       ³o³
³o³exist he said.                                              ³o³
³o³"We are investigating this and we have some                 ³o³
³o³information,'' said Gamel, who claims to have a theory      ³o³
³o³that would explain the phenomenon. "But I won't be ready    ³o³
³o³to release anything until the investigation is              ³o³
³o³completed.'" Although still a mystery, livestock            ³o³
³o³mutilations are not new to Marshall County. "We've been     ³o³
³o³investigating this sporadically for about 12 years,"        ³o³
³o³Gamel said. "We've had some cases recently, but I COUld     ³o³
³o³not say how many.''                                         ³o³
³o³Schaefer said he has several theories about the             ³o³
³o³mutilations, ranging from UFO to government                 ³o³
³o³involvement. but he feels certain the incidents merit       ³o³
³o³investigation.                                              ³o³
³o³"One thing to think about is that about 50 percent of       ³o³
³o³the mutilations are done to animals living near large       ³o³
³o³power lines, '' he said, citing that two main power         ³o³
³o³lines run across Segers's grassy cow pasture.               ³o³
³o³In some reported mutilations, the sex organs, tougues       ³o³
³o³and eyes were missing from the animals, and  odd,           ³o³
³o³oval-shaped cuts were often found.                          ³o³
³o³                                                            ³o³

--- FMail 0.94
 * Origin: * On Topic? What's that? <*> Fidonet UFO Moderator (1:123/26.1)

(14802) Fri 16 Apr 93  7:37p
By: Don Allen
To: All
Re: S3/3
 * Forwarded from "BAMA"
 * Originally by Jerry Woody
 * Originally to All
 * Originally dated 15 Apr 1993, 18:32

Odyssey News Wire--

                     *** Classification ***
 ³ ³ Space/Astronomy/UFO/Astral Events
 ³ ³ Monsters/Strange Creatures
 ³û³ Unknown Happenings/Paranormal/Psychic Events
³o³After seeing the remains and in investigative reports       ³o³
³o³on nine cattle deaths, Jimmy Miller, a Department of        ³o³
³o³Agriculture and Industries investigator, contends the       ³o³
³o³cases involved predators killing animals or scavengers      ³o³
³o³eating remains of cows that died of natural causes.         ³o³
³o³Sightings will feature the episode on livestock             ³o³
³o³mutilations sometime in early May, Schaefer said.           ³o³
³o³Aerial filming of Seger's farm was taken from a             ³o³
³o³helicopter provided by Wallace State Community College.     ³o³
³o³                                                            ³o³

--- FMail 0.94
 * Origin: * On Topic? What's that? <*> Fidonet UFO Moderator (1:123/26.1)