Being primarily a forum for the latest research, a
MUFON symposium is an unlikely place for thoughtful
consideration of an appropriate human response to the
extraterrestrial visitation apparently signified by the UFO
phenomenon. But in Denver, MUFON directors invited Marshall
Summers -- one of the most controversial and perhaps
least-understood figures in the UFO/ETI research community --
to present a rare workshop on this important topic.
Summers is not a researcher, but a contemplative who
for 20 years has been "quietly receiving a body of teachings
which constitute the first real spirituality of contact,"
according to editor Darlene Mitchell at New
Knowledge Library, a non-profit reader-supported
publishing company dedicated to making Summers' works
available in print.
Formerly "a hidden spiritual teacher," Summers was
reluctantly thrust into the UFO controversy when, as he tells
it, in 1997 he began receiving a series of "briefings" from a
small group of off-world extraterrestrials who claimed to
represent the Allies of Humanity, a network of individuals
dedicated to the preservation of freedom and sovereignty among
emerging worlds.
According to the reclusive Summers, these mysterious
Allies were sent to this region of the galactic neighborhood
in the late 1980s "to observe, not to intervene; to witness,
not to become involved." Their briefings, now published in two
volumes, comprise the Allies' report to humanity about their
observations of the activities and intentions of those
extraterrestrials who are currently active in our world,
providing a vantage point and an understanding that until now
have simply been unavailable to humans.
Summers makes it clear that the Allies offer "no
spoon-feeding, no extraterrestrial makeover of humanity, no
new world order, no new spiritual leadership-and no free
energy." Instead, they have provided the keys to seeing the
extraterrestrial presence for what it is, an uninvited and
clandestine intervention into human affairs. In addition, he
says, "the Allies give us a window into the universe, the
Greater Community of intelligent life."
The initial image that the Allies present in their
briefings is stark and disturbing: "Very briefly," says
Summers, "we're undergoing a subtle intervention whose purpose
is to gain control of our world, its resources, and its
people." This campaign is being carried out by
extraterrestrial forces whose interests are unabashedly
commercial in nature. These interlopers are here, he says,
"because we possess resources in our world that are very
valuable to other races for very practical reasons."
"We must see that an intervention is not a visitation,"
Summers declares. "An intervention is a forced entry."
Summers likens humanity's current position to "the
natives of a new world," who unknowingly have in their
possession natural treasures that are of great value to
outsiders. When a new world is discovered, he notes, the first
to arrive on its shores are resource explorers. "This is
nature" in a universe of great competition and complexity, he
says, a reality that has been played out again and again in
human history.
While MUFON researchers have been able to identify many
of the pieces, accumulating data about what is happening in
the phenomenon, they do not and cannot deal with more
difficult questions, such as: Why is it happening? What does
it mean? How can we prepare for contact? "These are not easy
subjects for science to deal with," says Summers. "Now we're
entering the realm of something else-spirituality, insight,
philosophy, intuition, nature. It's bigger."
"The UFO phenomenon is a pretty uncomfortable place to
be," acknowledges Summers. "We're at the threshold of
something that most people don't know about and most don't
want to know about." He maintains that "the UFO phenomenon is
not a mystery" but a puzzle with many missing pieces. The
Allies briefings make it possible to connect the dots, he
Summers realizes that the Allies challenge "the
orthodoxy of the UFO community," an accepted group of beliefs,
assumptions and expectation that distort perception of the
extraterrestrial activities. "It's gone so far," says Summers,
"as to become 'spiritually incorrect' to question the
extraterrestrial presence."
In contrast, the Allies' briefings present "a very
prosaic picture of life beyond our world," he says. "It's not
the kind of Magic Kingdom that we often hear about,
particularly in channeled works, where we're sort of a third
world planet surrounded by enlightened beings who are
shepherding us towards enlightenment or who are going to
rescue us from our own self-destruction."
"We're still operating out of Drake's Equation,"
explains Summers, which implies that "anyone who becomes
advanced technologically must have advanced ethically or they
would have destroyed themselves." However, this assumption is
not borne out even in human history, he observes, where some
civilizations have survived over a long period, advancing
technologically "but certainly not ethically and spiritually."
The Allies contend that technological and spiritual
evolution do not necessarily go hand in hand, according to
Summers. For instance, in our modern society "we have great
technological advancement, but our spiritual advancement is
questionable." This is important to understand, he says,
"because it tells us what advanced races in the Greater
Community are going to be like. If their spiritual and ethical
evolution is not commensurate with their technological
evolution, then you are going to have races who are
spiritually bereft, who are incredibly controlling-the kind of
societies we would probably not want to live in."
Indeed, Summers and the Allies claim that this is now
being demonstrated in humanity's encounter with
technologically-advanced extraterrestrials. "Everyone in the
universe needs resources," he says. "The higher the level of
technology, the more refined resources are required. It also
means that you have to interact in trade and commerce with
other nations." However, he notes that we humans are very
naïve about the degree of commerce and competition that
apparently take place in this well-inhabited part of the
"These are commercial forces," Summers contends. "They
must act in a surreptitious manner and make it appear that
humanity desires their presence and activities here on earth."
According to Summers, "the Allies emphasize that our
world is very rare in its biological diversity-and the fact
that it hasn't been completely stripped clean by a highly
technologically advanced race." This makes Earth a prime
target for resource exploitation, and human beings are high on
the list of desirable commodities. He says that the second set
of the Allies' briefings, now available in an underground
edition, "paints a very dark picture of the intervention, a
picture that the intervention would never reveal to its
representatives and its apologists. It's very difficult for us
to face, for we are a biological resource ourselves." In
essence, says Summers, "There's a black market out there where
these resources are highly valued and sold."
Such extraterrestrial activities here are shrouded in
secrecy, the Allies argue, suggesting that the much-decried
cover-up has its origin with the ETs themselves. "The cover-up
is critical to their agenda," says Summers. "They're not here
to destroy us; they're here to use us. They certainly want us
to be compliant."
To complicate matters, what amounts to a powerful
propaganda campaign is in place regarding the extraterrestrial
presence. "The deception is that we're made to think that it's
here for our benefit, that without it we will fail-we will
destroy ourselves, we will collapse, we will fall prey to
predators in the universe. And as the native peoples, being
ignorant of life beyond our borders, and believing and hoping
as we do that whoever we encounter would be there for our
benefit, will tend to make certain kinds of classic mistakes
that have been repeatedly made in the history of our own
world. We certainly do not want to make those kinds of
mistakes here, and we are making them already."
The Allies reveal the darker motives of the
intervention, says Summers, "to which we ascribe all kinds of
benevolent qualities and hopeful expectations." It is more
likely, he suggests, that the intervention is occurring
because "we happen to be sitting on a very wealthy planet
that's being very mismanaged, and we're despoiling it."
However, the tactics of the alien intervention are not
difficult for us to understand, he says. "In this day and age,
intervention isn't men with guns; intervention is men and
women with briefcases, cellphones and laptop computers. Every
day around the world intervention is being attempted, using
means that are very similar to the means being used by the
extraterrestrial intervention."
The extraterrestrial forces apparently excel in what
Summers and the Allies refer to as "the mental environment,"
where force is not as important as persuasion and
manipulation. Here Summers suggests that even the current
conflict between the Muslim and Western worlds serves the
extraterrestrial intervention. "The United States, the only
nation in the world that could really oppose an intervention,
gets embroiled in a civil war scenario from which it cannot
extract itself," he says. "It becomes vilified by the rest of
the world, and becomes immensely weakened. Even its own
population is divided, and faith in the government has been
further weakened."
"That's how interventions work," says Summers. "You
lose faith in your medicine man, you lose faith in your chief,
you lose faith in your ancient traditions, and it creates a
power vacuum that easily gets filled by something else."
Illustrating that this approach is not new, but in fact
has been practiced among humans for centuries, Summers quotes
from Sun Tzu's The Art of War: "The best policy is to use
strategy, influence and the trends of events to cause the
adversary to submit willingly. Be extremely subtle, even to
the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to
the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the directors
of the opponent's fate."
Despite such clever tactics, Summers claims, with the
guidance of the Allies the extraterrestrial intervention can
be understood and thwarted. The biggest problem to overcome,
he says, is human denial. "We don't want to know. And we don't
want anybody to tell us what we don't want to know."
Who are the extraterrestrials intervening in our world?
"There are several competing groups," says Summers, "made up
of what the Allies refer to as Collectives-large, multi-racial
commercial organizations. They are driven by the same needs
that drive us, with advanced technology and a greater social
cohesion than we do."
For Summers, these Collectives are somewhat analogous
to our planet's multinational corporations. "They're not
multidimensional," he says. "They're not time travelers. They
are physical beings who can do things we don't understand,
mostly because of technology."
However, the extraterrestrials do possess extraordinary
capabilities in the mental and psychological realm, he says.
For instance, "they can project images, and they can control
thinking to a certain degree." This is particularly dangerous
in religious fundamentalism, because "the intervention can
produce images of our saints and our holy people, and we can't
tell the difference between a projected apparition and a
spiritual apparition."
While these abilities appear very mysterious to us,
says Summers, we can still understand much about the
intervention. "We already know that whoever is here can fly in
our skies at will, take people at will, mutilate animals at
will, do incredible acts of display over our military
facilities," he says. "They can take you or your children any
time they want and they can do anything they want with you and
you can't say boo about it. And they're going to make you
believe that it's for your own good and that you should help
The Allies describe the abduction phenomenon as but one
aspect of the intervention. "The number of people being taken
is fairly great, and not all of them are being returned,"
Summers claims. "We're dealing with something that is very,
very grim. And if you take every aspect of the UFO phenomenon
and put it all together, you're going to get a very alarming
picture-if you're willing to look."
For Summers, the extraterrestrial intervention is "the
biggest problem confronting humanity." Yet the vision of the
Allies is one of hope, he maintains, for they see the
extraterrestrial intervention as the one thing that could
unite humanity, for they reveal that "no one in the universe
is going to save us. Therefore, we have to save ourselves. And
in so doing, we may find the strength and unity that we've
never been able to achieve before."
Summers emphasizes, "The only thing that a true ally of
humanity can do is to give us their wisdom. The big appeal of
these briefings is to enable us to get in touch with our own
wisdom, our spiritual wisdom, and the wisdom of nature."
How is humanity to prepare for contact with
extraterrestrial life? "First, you need to know what this is,"
says Summers. "You have to overcome perhaps your ideas or
theories. You have to overcome the element of human denial.
You have to see that you can actually know something and do
"We've been very disempowered," he explains, "not only
by the intervention but by our own governments and society.
We're made to be compliant people who do what's expected,
without much complaint. We're not trained to be advocates and
groundbreaking people doing something new."
Awareness is the first step to a human response to the
extraterrestrial intervention, says Summers. For him the
Allies briefings, and the larger body of teachings of which
they are a part, are an essential introduction to our cosmic
education. "You can treat the Allies' briefings as
information. You can treat them as another perspective. But
that's not really what they are. They're meant to be studied,"
he says, "not simply read. They are meant to invoke within you
your own clarity, your own seeing."
What is Summers' role in all this? "I'm not here to
frighten you," he says. "I'm here to empower you, to tell you
that you have the strength to see, to know, and to act-and
that it is not too late to deal with this. I don't have the
whole blueprint that humanity will need to deal with this, but
I do have a piece of the wisdom that humanity will need."
And what of the Allies themselves? Sadly, having
delivered their report, these intrepid observers have left
this region of space, according to Summers, so their briefings
are a one-time communication. "Actually, they were driven
out," he says. "But what they've given to us, according to
them, is everything we need to know to take it from here
The beginnings of a human sovereignty movement?
The Allies' briefings have already inspired a measure
of human response to the extraterrestrial presence. At the end
of his MUFON workshop, Marshall Summers unveiled -- and read
-- a strongly-worded "Declaration of Human Sovereignty,"
drafted by a small group of activists and advocates who are
convinced it is time for humanity to establish its own rules
for engagement with extraterrestrial forces and nations.
While the document is clearly based in part upon the
United States' Declaration of Independence, Summers notes that
earlier activists indirectly contributed to its development.
Among them was Dr. John Brandenburg, a plasma physicist and
author who unveiled his "Rainbow Declaration" at a 1990 MUFON
symposium-and was nearly booed off the stage for presenting a
"negative" view of the aliens and calling for resistance to
their invasive activities. Elaine Douglass, of the now
disbanded Operation Right to Know (based in Washington, D.C.),
later published a more formal and somewhat legalistic revision
of Brandenburg's pioneering document, known as "The
Declaration of the Rights of the People of Earth."
Both Douglass and Brandenburg were on hand at the 35th
annual MUFON symposium in Denver to sign and endorse the new
Declaration of Human Sovereignty, which Summers says is "still
a work-in-progress."
The document, which can be viewed at,
enumerates fundamental rights and responsibilities that the
people of Earth can and should invoke not only for themselves
but for the sake of freedom everywhere in the universe. These
include the rights of sovereignty, planetary sanctity,
sanctity of biological and genetic material, occupation of
sphere of influence, and peaceful navigation.
The Declaration embodies a sobering assessment of the
extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth, enumerating a
withering list of abuses and violations of human freedom. The
language stirs a kind of planetary patriotism. For instance:
"Although the Earth has undergone a long history of
extraterrestrial visitation, the current situation is that the
People of Earth are now suffering the effects of a global
extraterrestrial intervention into human affairs. This
intervention employs a strategy of deception, manipulation,
and exploitation, the goal of which is control over humanity,
which will result in the loss of human freedom and
self-determination. It is now the sacred right and duty of the
People of Earth to oppose, resist, and repel this
extraterrestrial intervention, to declare and defend our
sovereignty, our freedom, and our independence from all
extraterrestrial forces."
Finally, the Declaration sets forth a series of
stringent demands, including the dissolution of all existing
treaties or agreements between any humans and
extraterrestrials, the immediate departure of all alien forces
from the entire Solar System, the identification of all
human-extraterrestrial hybrids, and the return of all humans
held in captivity by ETs.
Speaking on behalf of all humanity, the authors are
careful to declare that "the rights and privileges that we
affirm here for ourselves, we also affirm for all races of
beings whom we might encounter."
The framers of this document are hopeful that it will
help spark a movement for human freedom and sovereignty. "You
have to see something first," says Summers, "and then you have
to begin communicating about it. If that part doesn't happen,
nothing else does. This is a grass roots, from-the-bottom-up
movement. For if humanity does not rally, we will gradually
lose our freedom to foreign powers. We will have no voice in
determining what will happen, who can be here, and what they
can do."
According to Summers, "This Declaration was not made
simply for us. It was also made for those governing powers who
are watching the Collectives' activities in our world, to make
it known that we are not compliant. For if we demonstrate
displeasure with the extraterrestrial intervention, the
intervention will have to be stopped."
The group plans to distribute their Declaration through
one-on-one communication, and through the Internet. More
dramatically, they intend to broadcast the message into space
via sophisticated satellite technology, in the hope that the
Declaration will eventually be monitored by administrative
bodies who are responsible for enforcing rules of conduct in
this region of the galaxy, rules that the intervening
extraterrestrials are routinely violating.
Clearly, this small band of activists takes seriously
the admonitions of the Allies of Humanity, as recorded in
their final briefing: "This is not a time for ambivalence or
complacency. This is not a time to simply project one's
grievances and mistrust upon the world. To the extent that
humanity is divided and unaware of life beyond its border, it
is vulnerable and without real security. Your opposition to
one another is misplaced. You have no defense against the
[The Allies' briefings are now available in two books
by Marshall Vian Summers. The first, The Allies of
Humanity: An Urgent Message About the Extraterrestrial
Presence in the World, appeared in an "underground
edition" in 2000, and was published in trade paperback by New
Knowledge Library in 2001. The second set of briefings, The
Allies of Humanity, Book II: New Revelations About the
Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today, is now
available in underground edition at,
and will be released in trade paperback in November 2004.]
curs far more frequently than most of us would like to
believe. A Roper Poll he helped design suggests that up to 2.9
million Americans may be abductees. Meanwhile, the phenomenon
continues unabated. "Probably right now in Denver somebody is
going up the chute," Hopkins said.