Bruce S. Maccabee ,
Bruce spent his
early year in Rutland, Vt. After high school he studied
physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass
(B.S. in physics) and then at The American University,
Washington, DC (M.S. and Ph. D. in physics). In 1972 commenced
his long career at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, presently
headquartered at Dahlgren, Virginia. He has worked on optical
data processing, generation of underwater sound with lasers
and various aspects of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
and Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) using high power lasers.
Bruce Maccabee has been active in UFO research since late
1960s when he joined the National Investigations Committee on
Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and was active in research and
investigation for NICAP until its demise in 1980. He became a
member of MUFON in 1975 and was subequently appointed to the
position of state Director for Maryland, a position he still
holds. In 1979 he was instrumental in establishing the Fund
for UFO Research and was the chairman for the about 13 years.
He presently serves on the National Board of the Fund.
His UFO research and investigations (which are
completely unrelated to his Navy work) have included the
Kenneth Arnold sighting (Jun 24, 1947), the McMinnville,
Oregon (Trent) photos of 1950, the Gemini 11 astronaut photos
of September, 1966, the New Zealand sightings of December,
1978, the Japan Airlines (JAL1628) sighting of November 1986,
the numerous sightings of Ed Walters and others in Gulf
Breeze, Florida, 1987 - 1988, the "red bubba"
sightings,1990-1992 (including his own sighting in September,
1991), the Mexico City video of August, 1997, the Phoenix
lights sightings of March 13, 1997 at 10 PM and many others.
He has also done historical research and was the first to
obtain the "flying disc file" of the FBI (the REAL X-Files!).
Dr. Maccabee is the author or coauthor of about three
dozen technical articles and more than a hundred UFO articles
over the last 25 years, including many which appeared in the
MUFON Journal and MUFON Symposium proceedings. He wrote the
last chapter of "The Gulf Breeze Sightings" by Edward and
Frances Walters (Morrow, 1990). He wrote the UFO history
chapter of the book "UFOs: Zeugen und Zeichen," published in
Germany in 1995. He is co-author with Edward Walters of "UFOs
Are Real, Here's The Proof," (Avon Books, 1997), he is the
author of "The UFO/FBI Connection" (Llewellyn Books, May,
2000) and he is the author of novel, "Abduction in My Life,"
(to be published, November, 2000). He is listed in Who's Who
in Technology Today and American Men and Women of Science an
he has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows and
Bruce is an accomplished pianist who
performed at the 1997 and 1999 MUFON symposia. He lives in
Frederick County, Maryland.
Maccabee, B., "Strong Magnetic Field Detected
Following a Sighting of and Unidentified Flying Object,"
Journal of Scientific Exporation 8, 347 (1994) Maccabee,
B., "Water Spout UFO Photographed, " MUFON Journal, Nov. 1994
Maccabee, B., "The Arnold Phenomenon," January/February
and March/April issues of the International UFO Reporter
(CUFOS) (1995) Maccabee, B., "Raining on Sagans Parade,"
MUFON Journal, January, 1996 Maccabee, B., "The White
Sands Films," International UFO Reporter, (CUFOS) Vol. 21, #1,
Spring, 1996 Maccabee, B., "Illegitimate Science? A
Personal Story," Journal of Scientific Exploration 10,
269(1996) Maccabee, B., "Acceleration," Proceedings of the
International MUFON Symposium, 1996 Maccabee, B., "The
Nightline UFO Video," MUFON Journal, Dec. 1996 Maccabee,
B., "The First Sighting," Proceedings of the International
MUFON Symposium, 1997 Maccabee, B. "UFOs, the Real Thing
or the Wrong Impression," Shutterbug Magazine, Aug. &
Sept. 1997 Maccabee, B. "My Mission from the Ashtar
Command," International UFO Reporter, Winter, 1997-1998
Maccabee, B., "Preliminary Report on the Mexico City Video
of August 6, 1997," MUFON Journal, April, 1998 Maccabeem
B., "Flying Peanut or Double UFO," MUFON Journal, January,
1999 Maccabee, B. "Phoenix Lights Revisited," MUFON
Journal, Feb. 1999 Maccabee, B. "Immediate High ALert: The
Mystery of December 6, 1960," Proceedings of the 1999 MUFON
International Symposium. (this latter is the 100th published
research paper on UFOs) Maccabee, B. "Optical Power Output
of an Unidentified High Altitude Light Source," published in
the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol 13, #2,1999
Maccabee, B., "Atmosphere or UFO," published in the
Journal of Scientific Exploration Vol 13, #3, 1999
Maccabee, B., "Prosaic Explanations, the Failure of UFO
Skepticism," published in Infinite Energy Magazine, Issue #29,
2000; complete version in the Proceedings of the International
MUFON Symposium, 2000
Maccabee has been interviewed by print, radio and TV media
numerous times since 1978. He has also appeared in a number of
documentaries. Here are some of the more recent:
Current Affair TV show, April 1992 Unsolved Mysteries
(Guardian case), Feb. 1993 Fred Fiske Radio Show on
National Public Radio (Feb. 93 repeated twice during the year)
Sonya Live on CNN, July, 1993 WHAG Radio in Hagerstown
(12 appearances as of summer 1996) Area 2000 Radio Show
(Art Bell) in Las Vegas (summer 1993) WHPK in Chicago
(Oct., 1993) Encounters TV Show (Feb. 1994) Dreamland
Radio Show (June, 1994) Central TV in London (interviewed,
summer, 1994) Sightings (Sep. 1994) Kiviat-Green
productions - Aug., 1995 Italian TV interview in San
Marino (Sept., 1995) A&E TV documentary, Where are all
the UFOs , shown April, 1996 Four Point Productions for
the Learning Channel FOX TV Special on Aliens landing
16, 1996 Transmedia Productions of Paramount House,
London, first shown in the fall 1996 London Weekend
Television , shown in the fall,1996 Discovery Channel,
UFOS DOWN TO EARTH ,Dec. 1996 Sightings, January, 1997
Fox TV Best Video Evidence , August, 1997 The "Zoh
Show" and 20th Century Radio with Zoh and Bob Heironimus on
WCBM radio in Baltimore numerous times, 1997-1998 The John
Koon Radio Show, Radio South Africa, Dec. 1997 Twentieth
Century Radio with Bob Heironimus, March, 1999 Top Ten
Unexplained Mysteries, The Learning Channel, Jan. 2000 The
Julie Briggs Show on WMTR Radio, January, 2000 The
Tex-Files TV show of Fox4 News, February, 2000 Fox TV
"Best Video Evidence, Part 2," May, 2000 Mike Seigel Show,
June, 2000 Radio 630CHED, Edmonton, Alberta, July, 2000
CBS TV affiliate, Edmonton Alberta, July, 2000
many conferences over the last 25 years. Here are some of the
more recent.
Prince Georges Community College,
FUFOR Symposium, Aug. 1996 REAL X FILES Conference,
Dusseldorf, Germany, Feb. 1997 Hakui (Japan) Space and UFO
Museum Conference, March, 1997 Maryland MUFON Symp in
Bethesda, May 1997 MUFON International Symposium, Grand
Rapid, MI, July,1997 National UFO Conference, Springfield,
OH, Sept. 1997 Omega UFO Conference, North Haven, CT Oct.
1997 Baltimore Whole Life Expo, March, 1998 Mid
Atlantic MUFON Conference, May, 1998 New Hampshire UFO
Conference, Sept. 1998 First International Conference in
Istanbul, Turkey, Feb. 1999 Third International UFO
Conference in Santiago, Chile, April,1999 International
Symposium of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), July,1999
Mid-Atlantic MUFON Symposium, May, 2000 Intruders
Foundation Symposium, New York City, May, 2000 UFO2000,
St,. Paul, Alberta, Canada, July 2000 MUFON International
Symposium. July, 2000
(From Dr. Bruce Maccabee's
website: http://www.brumac.8k.com ) |