La Web | Resultados 1 - 100 de aproximadamente 1.370.000 de Crop Circles. (0,35 segundos) |
Sugerencia: Buscar sólo resultados en español. Puede especificar el idioma de búsqueda en Preferencias. |
Resources and related information including an
International crop circle database. - 2k - |
A Travelogue of the Crop Circle area in
Wiltshire ... Find out how to use the images on the Crop
Circle Connector · Crop Circle Shop · Crop Circle
Magazines ... - 36k - [ Más resultados de ] |
A site for England's crop circle makers.
Provides photographs, witnesses, case histories, and perpetrator
profiles. - 10k - |
Just as everybody thought the 2002 crop
circle season was over, with the combine harvesters rumbling across
the fields of Southern England, yet more crop ... - 25k - [ Más resultados de ] |
The regularly updated crop circles site
of researcher/lecturer Freddy Silva, offering factual research dedicated
to the appreciation and understanding of ... - 19k - |
Crop Circles Secrets. Premier crop
circles research. - 4k - [ Más resultados de ] |
A comprehensive site investigating the crop
circle mystery. Specialises in research and scientific investigation.
It also hosts The International Crop ... - |
Could the representation of a crop circle
(the shape, merely chosen because it was the one at the same 'home'
location of the message) be to indicate that ... - [ Más resultados de ] |
Despite the evidence that crop circles
are of human origin various ... A more recent historical report of
crop circles was published in the journal Nature
... - 56k - |
As usual on Ellie Crystals site - good
introduction to the subject with images and links to latest
developments. - 4k - |
In paranormal circles the study of the
crop circle phenomena is called Cerealogy. ... Crop
circles are found in fields, over tree-tops, and in ice and snow.
... - 21k - |
Does the sudden appearance of a Firefox crop
circle imply which browser extraterrestrials prefer? We don't know,
but it was still fun to make! ... |
OSU » Linux Users Group » OSLUG Gallery » Summer
06 » Firefox Crop Circle » mg_5560.jpg. « item actions », Add
Comment, View Latest Comments, View Slideshow ... - 8k - [ Más resultados de ] |
Harvesting a hoax: The new movie 'Signs'
exploits the corny crop-circle ... Those who engage
in such serious study and theorizing about crop circles are
... - 13k - |
Articles by Joseph E. Mason and Dee Finney. They
belive that the crop circle formations are related to dreams and
human consciousness. - 107k - |
This article explains the extrordinary
Kabalistic Tree of Life crop circle formation. The dates and
coordinates had apparent connections to Crowley's New ... - 84k - |
Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of
Modern Times ... A fantastic idea based on Lucy's superb crop
circle photographs; High quality 'Magic Cubes'. ... - |
Crop Circles: Quest for Truth is an
in-depth examination of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of
Crop Circles. - 21k - |
Educational Tours to Sacred Sites, Crop
Circles in Southern England every July. Remote Viewing and
Circles Tours, Advances Circles Research Programs. - 73k - |
Web site of crop circle photographer
Steve Alexander and writer Karen Douglas. Online image library, online
shop of stock photos and a selection of ... - 4k - |
This site is dedicated to the Crop Circle
Community. - 73k - |
First Canadian Crop Circle Formation of
2006 - 8.5.06 ... Want to be notified of the latest crop
circle news from Canada when it happens? ... - 18k - |
An unusual 3-D crop circle appeared last
month in a field near Ashbury, ... This unique crop circle
utilizes a complicated three-dimensional design. ... - 10k - |
Photographs and information of the formations
plus a large searchable database. - 23k - |
The world's first three-dimensional crop
circle has been discovered deep in the English countryside, sparking
the start of the corn circle season. |
Crop circle formations in Western Canada
that I have personally visited. Photos and reports by Judy Arndt. - 12k - |
Previous to this on location Radio Broadcast -
several crop circle enthusiasts had phoned ... Worldwide,
UFO enthusiasts have reported several crop circles.
... - 18k - |
Skeptical crop circle article. - 18k - |
Monday Nov 20, 2006. Welcome to PST, an
innovative Canadian firm specializing in development and implementation of
advanced materials and technologies. ... - 7k - |
That crop circles exist is a known fact,
the question remains however as to who or ... Crop circles
first appeared in the UK in the 1970's, starting with ... - 15k - |
Are crop circles the work of alien
visitors? Are they a natural phenomenon? Are they elaborate hoaxes
perpetrated by some very dedicated humans? - 46k - |
To visit a web site with the most crop
circle comprehensive database for FREE ... Tom, I have just
seen the 2003 crop circles. Have you done research on any
... - 90k - |
The Busty Taylor Crop Circle page has
moved to:. http://www.busty-taylor. - 2k - |
Proponents of this theory note that occasionally
crop circles seem to appear in ... Some of the early, simple
crop circles certainly do suggest fields that ... - 13k - |
Article about the science, nature, politics and
spirituality of crop circles. |
Crop Circle Information by Colin Andrews.
The history and research of Colin Andrews from 1983 through 2003. Crop
circle photos and catalogue. - 2k - | |
graancirkel melden, graancirkels melden,
graancirkelmeldpunt, stichting ptah, the ptah foundation, dcca, dutch
crop circle archive, nederlands graancirkel ... - 2k - |
Crop circles are a global phenomenon, but
predominantly appear in the Northern ... Beyond this, most other
popular explanations for the crop circles have ... - 25k - |
Crop circles, corn circles,
crop formations - Swirled News gives you the latest news, reviews,
controversial opinion and incisive commentary on this amazing
... - 18k - |
Science and Technology at Scientific Crop Circle Confession -- Science and Technology from
Scientific American: daily science news and ... |
Special feature article on the Crop
Circles phenomena. |
Busty'98,Crop circles 1998. ...
“Creating crop circles is akin to trampling over someone’s back
garden – it is unfair and irresponsible. ... - 22k - |
Mel Gibson's new film, Signs, is reviving public
interest in the phenomenon of crop circles. In the real world, the
battle to explain the formations is a ... |
Hello, and welcome to The International Crop
Circle Database ... Anyone can join instantly and gain free
login to our thousands of crop circle archives. ... - 12k - |
They decided to make a huge accurate Firefox
logo in a crop field (designs like these are called "crop
circles" - see the "official" Google Earth crop
... |
Crop circles. Damn, you guys have too
much space on your hands. ... Check with a crop circle
scientist. Maybe all firefox users are in fact aliens. ... - 129k - 23 Nov 2006 - |
110 Pictures of Crop Circles, Crop
Circle Photos from the Air. Pictograms. Cerchi Del Raccolto.
Gabonakörök a levegőből. - 21k - |
Have you seen a UFO? Report Alien Abduction and
UFO Sightings here! Chat live with other alien abductees! View videos and
photos of UFOs, crop circles, ... - 6k - |
Crop Circles news, views, gallery and
archive brought to you by Weird Wiltshire. - 20k - |
Copyright ©2006 by Linda Moulton Howe All Rights
Reserved. · Republication
and redissemination of the contents ... - 15k - |
The Crop Circles Phenomenon, an article
by by Rich Anders. Includes theories and resources. - 64k - |
On this page you can find pictures of
cropcircles, also various theories revised. Also links to other crop
circle pages. |
Last crop circle formations. Date Found,
Date Appeared, Country, Region, Location, Crop Type, Photo,
Diagram, Background Information ... - 29k - |
As a new study claims some crop circles
are created by shifts in the earth's magnetic field, George Bishop, of the
Centre for Crop Circles Studies, ... - 33k - |
Wiltshire farmers say the lifting of
foot-and-mouth restrictions has produced a late burst of "alien"
phenomena. - 30k - [ Más resultados de ] |
Well thought-out articles about new angles on
crop-circles. Has an excellent links' page. - 5k - |
Crop circles have started appearing again
in the English countryside, but this time ... Click here for photos
of crop circles from the English countryside. ...,71513-0.html?tw=rss.index - 25k - |
"Of late, the crop circles seem concerned
with the moving of one dimension into another," Steve Alexander said.
"This is perhaps one of the most striking ...,71513-0.html - 25k - |
Home of researchers Ed and Kris Sherwood.
Includes extensive crop circle 'luminosity' research and
photographic evidence of anomalous 'balls of light'. - 18k - |
Even if their grossly exaggerated claim to have
made 250 crop circles in England ... Despite their
‘retirement’, the crop circles were back as usual in 1992
... - 38k - |
Crop circles are sometimes accompanied by
a rhythmical trilling sound since ... To date there have been over
9000 reported and documented crop circles ... - 13k - |
Learn about crop circles, the beautiful
and intricate designs left in agricultural fields around the world by
either master pranksters or communicative ... |
Possible solutions for the construction sequence
of many crop circles. - 2k - |
What we see here is a 45000+ square foot crop
circle in the shape of the Firefox ... I’ve never been a big
fan of man-made crop circles, but you’d have to ... |
Why and how do crop circles appear?
Discover the many explanations behind the appearance of crop
circles with BBCi. |
How these crop circles were created in
the dead of night at the height of the summer ... Hawkins' fifth
crop-circle theorem involves a triangle and various
... - 7k - |
Formato de archivo:
PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión
en HTML graancirkels crop circles agroglyphes kornkreise círculos de las cosechas ... Los círculos de las cosechas (en inglés: crop circles, en francés : les ... - |
W. C. Levengood, "Technique for Examining
Crop Circle Energetics," Report No ... Circular Reasoning:
The 'Mystery' of Crop Circles and Their 'Orbs' of Light
... - 16k - |
> > N O W A T < < - 1k - |
In 1992, PSI TECH was hired to examine
function/purpose, and mechanics of the Crop circle
production. - 15k - |
A crop circle — being of similar
disposition — seemed to be a perfect fit. ... Author: j93 hello
kitty crop circles are the new mel gibson in signs
... - 278k - |
Theories on the Formation of Crop
Circles. ... Perhaps the plasma light that people have reported
in crop circles is confined by sheaths of telluric fields
... - 31k - |
For Additional Crop Circle Images Please
Visit Any of these Links ! ... Here is a section of articles and
links about Crop Circles ! ... - 5k - |
Peaple are only getting ideas to be seen by
makeing crop circles that don’t even ... Authentic crop
circles , are the product of our creators the Elohim
... |
If you fly over the south of France you might be
tempted to believe that aliens have landed with a huge crop circle
appearing in a field of maize. |
Huge crop circles in maize fields in
Mexico, Spain and Philippines have appeared as we launch a global campaign
to protect the home of maize from genetic ... |
Having first begun to appear in 1975, the
crop circles were simple circles ... Many
explanations have been given for these crop circles ranging from
the ... - 5k - |
Web site of crop circle photographer
Steve Alexander and writer Karen Douglas. ... Small publisher of
crop circles books by Andy Thomas, including the
... - 50k - |
Book by Carolyn North describes crop
circles with many photos. - 5k - |
Several videos have been filmed of balls of
light in crop formations, apart from the infamous Oliver’s Castle
footage. Even crop-circle hoaxers have ... - 34k - |
Article about the worlds largest crop
circle which speculates on its possible man made origins.,3604,539938,00.html - 43k - 23 Nov 2006 - |
:: A mediados de los años 80 se empezaron a
descubrir extrañas formaciones en los campos de las cosechas del sur de
Inglaterra. Su tamaño (sólo visibles ... |
Crop Circles Return Three Years Later -
by Gordon Hoekstra, Citizen Staff - Mysterious circles crop up
again in B.C. fields - The Ottawa Citizen ... - 5k - |
They carry a compelling Message not yet
understood (although at least one claim is that crop circles are
describing the return of Sitchen's 12th Planet, ... - 3k - |
Crop circles (a generic term for the
phenomenon of flattened plants) form in ... If you've ever wanted
to explore making crop circles as a skill and an art
... - 26k - |
Cover art depiction of crop circles on
_Signs of Life_604 Compilation BR036CD on ... Space Tribe - Sonic
Mandala (Crop Circles remix) mp3 sample stream ... - 42k - |
Star Dreams The Crop Circle Phenomena
Genesis Communications ... Crop Circles DCJ Productions 10
min. UFO A Perfect Circle Orlando 1999 ... - 83k - |,Enhance the mind, keep the body
fit & healthy, change your life for the better, connect with your
inner spirit, everything for body, ... - 12k - |
Details of crop circles discovered in
Oxfordshire from 1994 onwards. Includes photo documentation. - 14k - |
Russian Researchers Claim to Have Solved Mystery
of Crop Circles. - 29k - 23 Nov 2006 - |
Formato de archivo:
PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión
en HTML Notice that the total area counts regions. where crop circles overlap only once. Examples (the darkened circles represent the grid points). ... |
Marketing Plan for proposed crop circle
breakfast cereal. - 10k - |
PURPOSE: The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary
focus is crop circle research ... Slides of recent crop
circles in North America and Europe are included, ... - 14k - |
Login Form. Home arrow Sand Circles.
_NOT_EXIST. spacer.
("/var/www/vhosts/");. spacer. - 8k - |
"Maybe we are leaving something like crop
circles for Martians to find thousands of years from now," said
Honeybee Chairman, Stephen Gorevan, ... - 54k - 23 Nov 2006 - |
Glastonbury Symposium: Crop Circles and
Signs of our Times. Forefront conference on crop formations and
their significance, in Glastonbury, England. - 2k - |
An explanation of crop circles: they are
prophecies of Book of Revelation events. The Bible Code in English looks
at crop circles. - 19k - | - Crop Circles and Cattle
Mutilations - Cattle Mutilation Phenomena refers to thousands of cases in
North America where cattle have been found ... |
Les Crop Circles sont apparus au début
des années 80 dans le sud de l'Angleterre avec des ... Mais
revenons au titre même de ce dossier : les crop circles.
... - 57k - |
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