Source: Official UFO Page 32, Vol. 1, No. 7,
April 1976
When the final history of private UFO investigations
is written, the place of honor as the leading membership
organization at one time will undoubtedly go to the
National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena,
For most of its existence it has been the best known
of all the non-governmental groups, the largest and the
most influential. Located in the heart of Washington,
D.C., and long headed by the dynamic Donald Keyhoe, it
was the obvious source of UFO news for the immense
Washington press corps, and thus was in the spotlight
whenever the UFOs were flying.
Backed by a staff which grew as large as nine
full-time employees, NICAP operated through a
worldwide network o£ investigative
subcommittees and scientific advisers. To
communicate with a membership which reached a high of
14,000 in the late 1960s, it published the periodic "UFO
Investigator" and a long list of special booklets and
reports; its 1964 "UFO Evidence" report remains a
classic among the serious literature on the subject.
It all began in the late summer of 1956, when a group
of Washingtonarea UFO enthusiasts decided to
develop their informal discussion group into something
more specific and permanent. With an inventor named T.
Townsend Brown leading the way, NICAP was incorporated
in October of 1956. Brown envisioned plush offices, a
sophisticated Washington-style operation and a quick
solution to the mystery.
It was a great idea, but the hoped for finances never
materialized, and by the end of 1956 NICAP found itself
in the midst of the first of many financial crises. The
Board of Governors met in the middle of January, 1957,
eased Brown and his cohorts out, and installed Keyhoe as
the new director, with almost unlimited powers.
The impact was considerable. Keyhoe was one of the
most prominent and effective magazine writers of the
day, with a large and loyal following. His books-"Flying
Saucers Are Real" (1950), "Flying Saucers From Outer
Space" (1953) and "The Flying Saucer Conspiracy" (1955)
- had placed him alone at the top of the heap. In the
previous half-decade, he had done more than any other
single individual to attract interest in UFOs and to
counter Air Force claims that there was nothing to them.
Within hours of Keyhoe's appointment, things began to
happen. NICAP Board Chairman D.S. Fahrney (Rear Adm.,
USN, Ret.) spoke out publicly. As a former head of the
Navy's guided missile program, Fahrney was listened to
when he said: "There are objects coming into our
atmosphere at very high speeds. No agency in this
country or Russia is able to duplicate at this time the
speeds and accelerations which radar and observers
indicate these flying objects are able to achieve."
This put NICAP into the headlines, and Keyhoe's
extensive personal contacts within the government and
the press, plus his talent for keeping things stirred
up, served to get the organization under way with
considerable impetus. One early staff member's
unfortunate preoccupation with UFO extremists and
contactees totally at odds with the policies of the
Board and Keyhoe kept things off balance for a while.
But the June, 1958 hiring of Tulane University honors
graduate Richard Hall marked the end of such problems
and the beginning of NICAP's scientific approach to the
Late in 1958, Hall began to organize the subcommittee
program, recruiting groups of technically trained
volunteers and forming field investigative units able to
reach the scene of the more interesting UFO sightings
and interview witnesses, collect evidence and begin to
sort it out before the trail could grow cold.
While it wasn't known at the time, the U.S. Air Force
had already taken note of NICAP, expressing concern over
this challenge to its supremacy in UFO investigating. A
report by Col. L.T. Glaser to the head of the Air
Technical Intelligence Center stated: "...many of the
private and organized UFO investigators, apparently in
competition with the Air Force, appear on the scene well
equipped to conduct a field investigation. Invariably
they have Geiger counters, magnetometers and various
sampling equipment with them and they use it. Not that
this means much, but it is impressive to the
uninitiated, and particularly so when the Air Force
investigator later appears on the scene armed with
nothing but a notebook and pencil. Some of the UFO
organizations, such as NICAP, well know the deficiencies
of the Air Force Program and take advantage of every
opportunity to place us in a defensive position."
Had Keyhoe and Hall been aware of the Air Force's
sensitivity to their actions, they would undoubtedly
have done even more to pressure the government. Even so,
one of the main thrusts of NICAP's activity for much of
its existence was to press for an end to secrecy and
censorship. Scores of times NICAP pointed out examples
of Air Force inaccuracies, contradictions and failures.
But that was far from the total plan of operation for
this organization which occupied a fourth-floor loft in
a converted townhouse near once fashionable Dupont
Circle. With steadily expanding sources of information,
NICAP saw its files of UFO sighting reports grow to
impressive proportions, soon rivaling those of the Air
Force. And as the public became less and less enchanted
with government policies of denying any possibility of
UFO reality, it reported more and more of its solid
cases to private agencies.
In the early 1960s NICAP worked hard for
Congressional hearings into the alleged mishandling of
the Air Force's Project Blue Book UFO investigation.
More than once, action seemed just around the corner,
only to fade away at the last moment. The mysterious
maneuverings of Capitol Hill understandably proved too
much for the still young UFO agency, and so another way
had to be found to get the story of unidentified flying
objects to the public.
With finances a constant pinch, and a staff small
enough nor meetings to be held in a phone booth, NICAP
nevertheless set out to do battle with the United States
Air Force. Richard Hall, running the tiny office with
the help of Mrs. Leliah Day and the occasional presence
of Keyhoe, began work on the first thorough study of UFO
reports ever attempted.
Poring over more than 5,000 cases in the files, Hall
and a few volunteer aides sorted out the best: those
involving more than one witness, those describing an
object rather than a vague light in the night sky, those
with confirming physical evidence, and those most
difficult to explain as normal occurrences. From more
than 5,000 cases in the beginning, Hall selected about
750 as the basis for a multi-pronged analysis.
By early 1964 the "UFO Evidence" report was complete.
More than 200,000 words had been written about the
nature of UFOs: who sees them, what they look like, how
they behave, when they appear and where, and what it all
might mean. In contrast to most of what had been written
up to that time (and since), Hall stuck to the facts,
carefully labeling any speculation as exactly that. The
idea was to lay it all out for people to see, and let
them make up their own minds.
In July, 1964 thousands of copies were ready. They
were distributed to members of Congress, to the press,
to prominent scientists and engineers and to other
opinion makers. The atmosphere had been electric for
several months - ever since a minor sighting wave had
been touched off by the April landing of a UFO and its
two occupants in New Mexico. The air was full of
questions, but not answers, and thus "UFO Evidence"
could hardly have appeared at a better time.
NICAP's fortunes began to rise as the
information-packed report became known. The press in
particular began to treat the Connecticut Ave. offices
(by now down on the third floor in larger and more
businesslike surroundings) as a fine source of
interesting stories. The membership began to soar, and
so did the bank balance.
And this meant that the staff would have to keep
pace. Two people couldn't handle the mushrooming pile of
correspondence, the monthly newsletter, the steady
stream of phone calls, the growing subcommittee network,
the in pouring of sightings, and the visits from
scientific VIPs, fullfledged weirdos and everything
in between. By early 1965 a third staff member had been
added and more were on the way.
In the summer of 1965, the fourth major American
sighting was was in full swing. It had been eight years
since the last one, and there had been serious doubts
expressed about the UFOs ever returning in force. But in
July and August they did. And they brought with them, to
NICAP's offices, a swarm of reporters and scores of
calls from radio stations wanting to do live and taped
interviews. Success was actually happening after Hall
and the others had all but given up hope.
By late 1965 there were five full-time people on the
staff, and one part-time. Before they had time to really
recover from the 1965 sighting wave, another one hit in
the spring of 1966 and NICAP's business boomed. During
one period in April, the entire crew worked from 9 a.m.
to midnight for 13 consecutive days in an attempt to
cope with the unprecedented workload. Incoming mail
averaged 1,000 pieces per day, and there was barely time
to rough-sort it. The phones rang continually. The
author vividly recalls one chilly morning when he was
interviewed by three different radio stations before
getting a chance to hang up his coat! Exciting!
As public pressure for a serious, unbiased study of
UFOs swelled - with NICAP's help - Congress and the Air
Force took note. In the fall of 1966 the University of
Colorado announced it was accepting a USAF contract to
investigate the long-term mystery, and NICAP offered all
its facilities, information and experience toward what
looked like the most positive step yet taken in the 20
years of UFOs.
Other matters were relegated to lower priority as the
staff and a Xerox machine worked almost full-time to
transfer the best material in NICAP's files to Dr.
Condon's group at Colorado. Hundreds of case files were
copied and sent to Boulder,, and top staff members met
with University project leaders to discuss the complex
subject being tackled. This was what Keyhoe, Hall &
Co. had been waiting for all those discouraging years.
And while there were some reservations about a
government-funded study, it still seemed worth a maximum
Early in 1967, NICAP reached its peak. Membership was
around the 14,000 mark, and the staff consisted of nine
full-time employees- considerably more than the USAF's
Project Blue Book had. But by September, things were
starting to turn sour, and NICAP was so disenchanted by
the unconvincingly denied reports of Dr. Condon's
anti-UFO bias that it quietly reduced its cooperation.
Still, hope was held out that Condon and project
administrator Robert Low would correct what looked like
a serious lack of objectivity.
At about the same time - and completely unconnected
with the friction with the University of Colorado
veteran Assistant Director Richard Hall left the staff,
creating a void that was never effectively filled. His
place was taken by Gordon Lore, a staff member for two
years and co-author of a book about pre-1947 UFO
Half a year later, in April of 1968, the break with
the University of Colorado was made complete, and was
announced as part of a major article in the Saturday
Evening Post by John Fuller about the evidence which was
piling up and pointing to a put-up job by the Air Force.
The great hope for a serious, scientific investigation
had collapsed, and with it had gone the morale of most
of the serious investigators.
It was at about this time that NICAP scored a coup on
the Air Force. With the help of a Congressional
committee, a series of long-classified reports by the
Air Force's Projects Grudge and Blue Book were pried
loose from the Pentagon and published. They effectively
documented NICAP claims of military secrecy and
But as it became increasingly apparent that Dr.
Condon's final report would support Air Force claims
that UFOs were of no importance and that the
investigation should be dropped, public interest
dissolved. NICAP's membership rolls shrank, the bank
balance dwindled and operations had to be cut back. In
the summer of 1969, with the membership already down
below 8,000, there was a 50 percent cut in staff.
Long-needed fiscal policy changes were instituted in
late 1969, shortly before the Colorado report was issued
and provided the Air Force with an excuse to close
Project Blue Book. But it was several years too late to
keep the organization functioning at the level it should
have been. As a result of years of too little concern
for budgetary and personnel matters, things had gotten
to such a state that there had to be a reshuffling of
top people. Donald Keyhoe was allowed to resign as
director, and Gordon Lore as assistant director.
In 1970, professional administrator John Acuff took
over the reins of NICAP, though former deputy Stuart
Nixon remained the functioning head briefly. Reforms
were instituted, the offices were moved to save money
and to make way for a subway station about to be built
on the old site. The staff went down to just one person
full-time and two part-time. Eventually the offices were
moved to the suburbs where the rent was even lower and
then the staff was again cut.
The era of the influential private UFO investigative
agency appeared to be nearing its end. After the long
period of intense activity in the mid-1960s, things got
very quiet. The closing of the Air Force investigation
seemed to have killed public interest.
The die-hards hung on, convinced that sightings would
pick up again. But they weren't enough to keep NICAP
going at a level which would enable it to effectively
influence public opinion. Without reports of sightings
in the newspapers, on radio and on TV, people forgot
about UFOs and about those who were still trying to
solve the mystery. First, NICAP's marginally successful
subcommittees closed down, and then even the most active
ones found themselves unable to maintain interest. There
were few sightings to investigate, and there was little
support for or interest in their activities. No one
seemed to give a damn.
The "UFO Investigator" continued publication - it
even began a regular monthly schedule for the first time
but there wasn't much to report. All through the
early 1970's things were so quiet that old-timers were
reminded of the early 1960s drought.
In 1973, after six long, quiet years, the weird
"kidnapping" of two fishermen in Pascagoula,
Mississippi, brought UFOs back into the public's eye as
brightly as ever. But NICAP's operations had shrunk so
much that it was not able to play the vital role it had
so many times in the past.
Besides, times had apparently changed for good. It
was becoming clear that if any answers were to be found,
it would take highly trained scientists rather than
well-meaning amateurs, no matter how dedicated. It was
the sighting wave of 1973 that stimulated the formation
of Dr. Hynek's Center for UFO Studies, with its
pointedly non-public structure.
This is no condemnation of private groups like NICAP,
for without them UFO investigation would be nowhere. It
was they who collected reports that otherwise would have
been lost forever, and did so much to counter the Air
Force's thoroughly unscientific behavior. When the USAF
refused to release more than vague summaries to a press
and public eager for details, NICAP and the other
under-financed groups of citizens moved into the gap and
gave out the information. Had there been no NICAP, it is
obvious that the Gallup Poll of 1973 would not have
shown a majority of Americans convinced that UFOs are
So much for NICAP's proud past; what of its present
and future? Under Executive Director John Acuff, current
operations are concentrating on research in
investigation and analysis of UFO sighting reports.
NICAP disseminates its information to its 5,000 members
and to the general public. Field work is handled by
about 90 investigators - most with degrees in technical
fields - and their chosen assistants. A strict selection
process has resulted in the rejection of about 75
percent of those applying for investigator status.
Backing up the field people are some 30 Ph.D.
consultants and advisers.
NICAP's current position on the nature of UFOs is (as
it has long been) on the cautious side. "We don't know
what they are," said Acuff. "But there is scientific
proof that something is being seen in the atmosphere
that are not conventional objects or known phenomena.
Further research is needed to determine the nature of
the objects ... but one theory worth researching is the
possibility that some of them are extraterrestrial
What needs to be done in the coming years? Acuff sees
three main areas of concern: Funding is needed to enable
the various organizations to carry out their programs,
there must be a coordinated effort among the
organizations, and there must be involvement of the
scientific/academic governmental community to a greater
NICAP's own plans zero in on investigation and
analysis. A long delayed computer study - planned out
and ready to start as soon as the money can be found -
will make possible a more thorough analysis of the
existing data than has yet been done. But Acuff hastens
to state that he does not expect to find the final
answers in a computer study, since he thinks any big
clues should have been evident from the less
sophisticated studies that have already been done of
NICAP's 20,000 reports. But the computer will hopefully
lead to guidelines for concentrating the limited
available time and brainpower on the most important
NICAP plans to continue to upgrade its field
investigatory force because Acuff feels it is vital to
be able to work with the soundest possible data.
Currently, NICAP is receiving about 40 to 50 reports per
month, 80 percent of them from the U.S., where 90
percent of its members live. An increase in foreign
operations is planned.
Director Acuff sees NICAP's relations with other UFO
organizations such as APRO, MUFON and the Center for UFO
Studies as much better than they were five years ago,
when personal, petty jealousies were a more important
factor than they are now. While there are no formal ties
with these or other groups, there is a regular exchange
of data.
What the future holds for this 19-year-old operation
- still the largest private agency in its field - no one
can possibly know. It really depends on the public, on
how highly it rates UFO investigation and how convinced
it is that an outfit like NICAP can still perform a
useful function.