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Updated 02/24/2007 05:21:37 PM

MAAR - Malevolent Alien Abduction Research Web Site

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Dear friends of the MAAR website...as some of you know I have been gravely ill since last year in July 2005. I recently found out I have both a genetic heart and lung problem. I am on oxygen for the time being. Although I am very slowly recovering from illness...All things I have wanted to do with the MAAR website have been placed on hold.

I ask for prayers and donations to help me get this vision through. No amount is too small and it will help so much at this time. I hate to beg, but it takes monies to keep a site up and running. Please click the above link to help me at this time. You have no idea how much a contribution will help. I wish to thank you very much!

MAAR's Mission:

It is MAAR's mission to present to readers of this web site, our experiences, our strengths, our hopes as well as some of the vulnerabilities that can contribute to malevolent alien abductions. It has nothing to do with whether we are spiritually enlightened or supposedly ‘chosen ones' as some groups of contactee's believe. Majority of the people who contribute to the site come with a strong spiritual, (often a Christian understanding), yet they are still experiencing malevolent abduction.  It has nothing to do with making soul agreements before birth or agreeing on a subconscious level to being 'taken'. It is an act of aggression that if were done by humans would be punishable by law! There is  no honor being maliciously yanked from your bed at various hours in the darkness and being abducted against ones will.

According to the New Heritage American Dictionary the word abduction simply means: ab·duct (ab-dukt") tr.v. ab·duct·ed, ab·duct·ing, ab·ducts. 1. To carry off by force; to kidnap. --ab·duc"tion n. abduction also come from the Latin abductus, which means literally, to lead away from, or to lead. 1: to carry off (as a person) by force. It is important to make the distinction between abduction and contact. Not that alien contact isn't possible, it’s not what this site is about. 

If you’re one of the 52% of Americans who want to have an alien abduction experience according to the latest
Roper Poll, in 2000 think twice. The majority of abductions are not what’s  portrayed (or glamorized)  in larger-than-life mini series and seemingly benign movies with willowy gray creatures or with a cute little extraterrestrial botanist. It’s a horrendous reoccurring event that will forever change your tangible perception of reality. It will often result in the irreversible estrangement of family and friends and it will be beyond your control.. 

VOL. 3 of The Universal Seduction is NOW Available!

The Universal Seduction Series Click Here to Buy NOW!

You can buy either 1 book or all three!

Both Colleen Johnston and Steve Nance have contributed a chapter each in Vol. Three of the Universal Seduction book series! All three sets are available at a special purchase price!

 Would you like to schedule Colleen or Steve for a media or speaking event event? Please email webmaster@maar.us!

Check back often, we are adding new material almost every day!

Stop The Madness Refuse to  Fly!  NEW!

© 2006 by Kate Mucci   http://www.outtheretv.com/

Kate Mucci is co-host and producer of Out There Television, a weekly one-hour broadcast program airing throughout North America, Europe and The U.K. and worldwide on the web. See the website at above listing.


Check out the Bookstore  

See UFO cult articles here!   Steve Nance's new UFO articles here!

Articles by byron lebeau on byron lebeau's Third dimensional Reality


Dear friends of the MAAR website...as some of you know I have been gravely ill since last year in July 2005. I recently found out I have both a genetic heart and lung problem. I am on oxygen for the time being. Although I am very slowly recovering from illness...All things I have wanted to do with the MAAR website have been placed on hold.

I ask for prayers and donations to help me get this vision through. No amount is too small and it will help so much at this time. I hate to beg, but it takes monies to keep a site up and running. Please click the above link to help me at this time. You have no idea how much a contribution will help. I wish to thank you very much!

 Updated 02/24/2007 05:21:37 PM


"We have, indeed, been contacted-perhaps even visited-by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public."

 - Victor Marchetti, former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA, in an article written by him for Second Look entitled "How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon", Vol 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979.

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Updated 02/24/2007 05:21:37 PM