True Love’s Promise
By Eve
In time, you’ll see how I will win.
If I had a chance
to do it over again.
I wouldn’t have missed you in between the times.
someone else had plans for us,
And the poem doesn’t rhyme.
Only in
dreams, my sweet of sweets.
Come lay upon my pillows
And rest your pretty
You’ve been dancing for so long
Hoping that I’d see.
Singing the
grasslarks’ tune
Hoping I’d set you free.
You must rest now
wait for another song.
One that has us both in mind,
Take care my Beloved,
It won’t be long.
Lucid Bliss
by Eve Lorgen ©
This feels like a dream.
But how do I know for
Reality check!
Do lucidity cues catch my attention?
it's a nightmare, or should I mention
being naked and exposed for all eyes to
Oh! Thank God! I'm dreaming!
Oh what joy I've found in this
lucid dreamscape so real.
It could be dreary, bizarre or sexually
How profoundly empowering this awakened dream!
through the veils of the in-between.
What a delight to experience
lucidity's paradoxical gift.
Good or bad dreams, they all can be
As my heart lifts
in lucid bliss!
Mama’s in her moontime.
Gently breathing her sigh of
Her blessings of wisdom’s essence,
She is near you-yet seems so
Moon of Wisdom come to me.
Can you not hear my call?
Why do
you sometimes remain hidden, even sullen?
Keeping between us an iron
How shall I present my offerings?
Would you like fragrant
flowers of every kind?
Incense and snow capped mountaintops,
Jewels of
opulence, a diamond in the sky?
Mama turns her head as she lets out a
little huff.
Staring at me in the eye, as if she’s had enough!
She wants
me to be still and lie with Her.
Take a nap and cuddle up close.
She first
wants to sniff her own,
Her warm breath gliding over me like a
In the dreamtime she tells me a story,
Of how she was once
By a suitor who made false promises
Claiming that his love was
In her blind trust she freely game him her light.
Spinning a
fairy tale of magical awe.
A golden age of gifted children,
Where Love was
the Letter of the Law.
The suitor became seduced
By his own beauty and
Selfish pride and aggression,
Ripping out Mother’s
She became a homeless dog-bitch.
Her babies got sick and
No home in which to make her nest.
She resorted to begging and
then was battered.
The beggar bitch became a reproach
bloodstained tears on her face.
Her voice and song muffled,
Raped and
shamed to the secret places.
Sometimes you can hear Her whimper at
At the foot of your bed.
She wants to lay her head by your
To awaken your hearts from the dead.
She tells me of the true One
she loves
Who promised her in His mysterious way.
She awaits His coming,
always in His own time.
He holds the Diamond that shoots forth
His insistent soft love awakened her -
quite by surprise.
female helper whispers His will (in her ear)
What she should do; how to
And His desire for her to stay
In His Presence.
“Ok, I must
go now”. She says,
as she jumps off my bed and saunters off.
She stops,
and turns her head to me
before daylight carries her memory off.
then, in between the moons,
I send you many eagles.”
Exotic Flower
If I were a flower,
would I be?
Fragrant and exotic,
needing much warmth and watering.
I’d live on a South
Pacific island by the sea,
amongst croaking frogs and
buzzing bees.
Thunder, lightning, wind and warm
are my only lovers that can truly
the exotic life I was meant to
A merchant from the cold north
gazed upon my petals and fell in love with
He transplanted me into a ceramic
took me home with him, by the
On a windowsill I sat and persevered the north’s
Breaking into joy during the short
until the fall and winter
My leaves slowly withered and fell one by
My petals of bright color faded, until there were
A few seeds I dropped, yet they did not
I lost the desire for life, and wanted
The merchant watered me with distilled
he thought it was best and it wouldn’t
What I really needed was the warm
but that he couldn’t give me and thought I’d be
While he was away on a business
the flower angels of heaven carried me away on a
I sailed far away while in a deep
awoke much later in the soils of a garbage
The seeds that once fell in my ceramic
began to sprout when it was moist and
My ceramic pot had cracked and was long
My seeds scattered and I sang my exotic
The garbage heap became a Garden of
my fragrance and exotic life now had its
Home at last amongst my true
who cuddled me with closeness in the warm tropic
I wondered how my seeds ever
the north wind and the merchant
who never even noticed I died.
The exotic flowers are my sheep
The earth is the gabage
The sun and warm rain is my
The Garden of Eden is from
Thus sayeth the Lord God of Hosts: “DO YOU LOVE
Eve Frances Lorgen 5/96
Ignore the Accuser; Choose the
By Eve Lorgen 6/4/01
The accuser stands before
Behind masks of clever design.
Distorted perceptions constantly
To sever the ties of like minds.
Minds that know that something
is wrong
In a world where true love is gone.
Purity of spirit drives the
accuser mad.
As we sing our angelic song.
Trust in me, y Beloved
I know your heart is true.
Your spirit is like a laser
Piercing darkness through and through.
Don’t look for acceptance
in their eyes
But only look up to Me.
Keep your mind focused on the
Of perfect love, that only then can set you free
Warrior Wisdom
By Eve
Lorgen 5/08/01
Sinister surprises will beckon thee
accomplish a feat of strength.
Fear not what “programming” had in
For you are brave and made of greatness.
Howl the winds and
churning skies.
The transformation of darkness,
the beds of lies.
the slate and debris of fate,
To clear the air for Wisdoms grace.
are bold and of warrior stock.
Your honor will never be defrocked!
to attention as the gleaming Hosts arrive
To gather their kin
For the ride
of their life!
Slash, circle, the glorious dance of swords.
Hear the
mourning, the Anger of the Lord!
At the appointed time, the Fathers
All will be accomplished in Mighty Power.
Mr. Religiosity
By Eve
Lorgen 5/9/01
Oh no! It’s Mr. Religiosity,
trying to make me
He parrots a shame-based dogma
Ripping my feminine intuition to
“Shame on you, false doctrine witch!
How dare you disgrace my
You question authority in a last chance ditch
Because the canonical
Holy Scriptures sound odd?”
“Excuse me, Sir, but Jesus came to his own as
praying they become One with the Father as He.
His humble respect
for the poor and womankind
Got him into trouble with the Pharisees!
preached of love and the spiritual mysteries
While he wept, laughed and
amongst true friends in humbled embrace.
Our hearts he knew how to
His purity of spirit, a fountain of life,
Rather than abiding
by the “Letter of the Law”—
Graced us with the Spirit of Truth,
So that we
could discern spiritual truth versus lies!
He acknowledged Wisdom in her
grief and strength
Unveiling mysteries for the pure.
Baffling and
confounding the “religious outer man”
As He put a mirror to their snake like
The lower archons sought to take revenge
By infiltrating the
Holy Places.
His Beloved was once again raped and shamed
For expressing
joyous gnosis on their mystical faces.
Hatred of Beloved Wisdom
In her
feminine grace.
The repentances of Sophia
Silenced to the secret
The Serpent has reared its ugly head.
His mark is misogynistic
He hardens hearts and causes lovers to fight,
To prevent the
Gnosis that sets us free.
Sympathetic Mr. Nice Guy
Lorgen ©1985
It's the story of the minister sympathizing after his
thinking he's the mighty nice guy, while neglecting his own family's
His children became sullen with a wanting look in their eyes,
their mother became a lonely woman, only hoping to disguise
her true
"It isn't fair", she thought to herself.
"I think my cards
weren't properly dealt.
Why do I always have to suffer and pick up the
Be the one to give love, but never get anything back?"
pondered on her feelings and decided to talk
to sympathetic Mr. Nice Guy,
(whose stubbornness was hard as a rock.)
"It's time you understood your
wifes' plight of affair.
It's time you listen and start to care!
tell me I'm selfish and sinful; INDEEED!
You needlessly seek other's
dependence, while allowing your own family to
Creating a
soul's dependence, rather than being a true teacher,
doesn't make that soul
self sufficient, no matter how sympathetic a preacher.
The need to be needed
may only be a mask
disguising the desire to be recognized for seemingly
sympathetic holy tasks.
All wisdom starts from a central core.
at home with a loving family.
It has always been; and always will be.
Beloved Son of Light
Eve Lorgen 9/27/95
Highlander, timeless one, warrior of
You've treaded the path of righteousness
with your own two
You overcame the poverty of your tribe,
Replacing the emptiness with
true love so alive.
They trampled you, struck you, leaving you for
Hoping to destroy one of the chosen ones,
As your body and soul
You cried out in pain, bearing it alone.
No one believing you, their
hearts cold as stone.
The crown of thorns cut you so deep
Keeping you at
the place of the cross.
The light of understanding can be bittersweet,
Wisdoms' teaching will never be lost.
Highlander, timeless one, beloved
full of grace,
Remember your brethren with tears on their face.
You are
their strength, inspiration, example of love.
Now is the time to reveal God's
truth from above.
Some will reject you as you speak through your
But those who are called by God will once again become whole.
spiritual love is so strong and few comprehend
The perfect love that binds us
has no beginning and no end.
The alpha and omega my beloved, my
Remember always to wash one another's feet.
Our heartfelt
sufferings of this present time and age
are not worthy to be compared with
the glory
which shall be revealed in us.
It Was Me
By Eve Frances
Copyright 1997
It was me who walked home with you
that day,
who urged you to go on,
to call on me and pray.
It was me,
who was on the side of the road
in tattered and dusty clothes
carrying a
heavy load.
You looked at me in the eye,
said nothing and wondered
I looked so familiar.
It was me on that tearful eve,
as you
peered out your window
in utter turmoil and grief.
I showed you a light in
the sky,
as a symbol of your destiny,
because you asked me
They counterfeit me,
and so I must hide
in your humble heart
to you in whom I confide.
I fell in love with you
when you
came to me,
and so I called you out
while you were on your hands and
That butterfly that landed
so near to you that day,
Did you
know it was me
as I capriciously fled away?
When you saw that
soaring in the sky,
you asked him if he had a mate.
And so I sent
you a reply.
I swooped down within moments,
just to catch you off
To show you that I hear your thoughts,
to prove to you I’m not so
I know of your hearts desire,
yearning for your Beloved so
Have you awakened yet my love
to discover that it was
The Holy Kiss
by Eve
I feel the surges of your thrust
And must surrender to thee
in whom I trust.
As your wave pulls me into
The very depths of your
I can no longer stand in the sand
and hold on to the firm
Like a dream I know I must surrender
To the pulls of the ocean
In my faith hoping that
This Love is for keeps.
As I flow into the
swell of your being,
I am filled with the stars of heaven, sealing
promise of your spiritual love so pure.
Oh how I long to indwell in your
Breathing your life, as we both share it.
Dancing in the heartbeat
of your precious blood.
Where no evil can touch us; We are in heaven’s
Surrounded by a holy kiss.
I remember your call,
That moment of
Your insistent softness of love,
Forgiveness of my debts, calling
me your Beloved.
I’ll do anything for you.
I understand your creation in
All I long for is to breathe in you.
My spirit is yours, with
everlasting life renewed.
In graciousness and gratitude,
I commend my
spirit unto thee.
Unrequited Love
Beloved, one in a million
how my heart aches for thee.
It was
unmistakable, the moment of recognition...
as if my own spirit was drawing
nigh to me.
I was willing to risk - the only life that I had,
even begging
God to strike me dead.
If we cannot meet to somehow carry out God’s
then alone and without true love I must tread.
As the veil lifted,
my soul awoke
to feelings of a thousand sorrows.
Like a dancer without a
song, a wheel without spokes
my soul shall bleed for thee into the
Time can be an avenging angel
to ones not of this world, such as
The test is always greater
for those who have spiritual eyes to
Unrequited love is death
to those not living the will.
But the
angels are really rejoicing with me,
For it is God’s command that my heart be
Eve Lorgen
Song of Eve
I arrange
my fragrant spices for you
each for its own purpose.
Cardamom, cinnamon,
and a touch of clove,
each in perfect measure, just to please my
Come sit with me, my precious one.
We shall sip the finest
Oolong tea from Taiwan,
It shall make our breath so sweet
to enjoy the
finest pleasures of one another
as our lips meet....
Let's take a
stroll in the garden outside.
The morning sun is glistening
as the
hummingbirds dance and hide.
Come my Beloved, you must take a look at
Behold, two ladybugs on a blossom
joined in a loving kiss!
me, what are they saying, as they embrace?
If he had a voice to woo her, what
would he say?
"Ladybug, I've sought the ends of the earth for
Transcended the depths of time, just to breathe through you.
cannot escape my love so strong
My wings will lift you, to me you
I shall smother you, and enamour you with my soft caresses.
prove my undying love for you, Ladybug, are the most blessed!"
And if so
swooned, my dearest, what would Ladybug say?
What would she do, once I came
her way?
"You've awakened me from my sleep so deep.
My heart is only yours
to keep.
Your powerful love awoke me from my trance,
stirred up my
passions; made me dance!
I had to stay hidden just for you.
Trapped in my
dream cage; Until the awakened dream came true.
Others would have snatched me
to steal the greatest love that could ever be,
that is meant for the
healing of our hearts
to be expressed and shared beyond measure,
And to
finally set us free!"
A man such as thee
with strength of love as I've
never seen.
If you can wrestle with tigers,
you are strong enough for
Yes, you are my Adam
and I am your Eve!"
Eve Lorgen
A Tribute to Saint Catherine of
He or is it she, wearing a mask?
Depicting an era lost, long
into the past.
Smiling pleasantly, awaiting each eve,
What is the purpose,
who could it be?
Only Wisdom knows the right time to receive.
tells me to write and it will all just flow…
Give it a chance Love,
when the right time comes,
You will know.
And I think of all the
times of being so blue.
So sarcastic and negative, ignoring the Truth!
forgive me for all I have done.
For taking things for granted,
insulting your Son!
And you still love me…
having infinite mercy,
compassion and exceptional grace.
Am I really worthy to gaze upon your
When called to be an instrument, I ran off afraid!
So shaken to
the core, that I prayed and prayed,
"Please keep me from fearing, from being
so tense.
Allow me to be more daring, to get across the fence."
frustrated was I that I decided to forget,
To relax, go to sleep, no longer
Then one evening at 12 o’clock midnight
A sphere of white light came
down within my sight.
It touched my crown and illuminated my
Multiplying spheres within spheres, Lo and Behold!
The Kingdom
of Heaven, I could finally see.
The reality was so deep, and I was so
But then I knew that if I stayed
amongst the heavenly spheres
would have betrayed
Gods Will.
There was a task to be done
In that body
And we both knew it.
And when the right time comes Love,
will know.
Eve Lorgen 1986
Angel in Disguise
By Eve Frances Lorgen ©
I am the trodden one, with light in
my eyes.
My stature is unassuming; my flesh a disguise.
I toss my seeds to
all who can hear,
treading along with the lowly ones,
casting my Spirits'
In your eyes I feel a burden so great.
A troubled spirit, in
despairs' wake.
Overflowing my will for you of perfect love,
why do you
run from me, oh my Beloved?
The darkness of this world comprehends me
but I know you hear me Beloved, don't you
know you've been
for a price?
The wisdom of the world and praise of men
many in His web again and again.
That is why I've come to you in
revealing my spirits' truth to babes, hiding it from the
You have always been mine before you could even speak.
Why do you
think you feel my Spirit, oh so deep?
All mine are bound at the place of the
for a time that seems like eternity.
With heartfelt sufferings and
spiritual groanings too deep for words,
yet to be transformed into the glory
of divine mystery.
Praise God and have gratitude that you can even feel at
and even hear the faintness of my voice.
For there are those who were
created both in heaven and earth
who were not even granted the
Your fellow Cross Bearer
Who Am I?
Who am I to take
the lead
in the Kings Court they give me a talent.
I throw it in the
roulette and take my risk
and am given a sheet to read.
I hurriedly sign
my name Eve,
on the document that is the golden key.
At last I know the
truth about me.
But was so busy marching as the leader
that I had no time
to be the reader.
Shall I ever know
who I am?
Eve Frances Lorgen
His Vessel of Grief
by Eve
Frances Lorgen 5/96
The eternal widow wishes to sleep,
I am but a
reproach; my only desire is to weep.
My destiny is to be a vessel of the
Lord's grief,
to impress upon this dark world
how he grieves for his lost
I was broken before I could even receive love,
damaged beyond
repair, paralyzed before I could even move.
Oh how it rips open my
My soul bleeds with despair -
Lord, let me out,
protect me from
their shaming stare.
How I despise the one who hurt me so!
Who stole me
from my Beloved!
Turned my life into passionless woe,
Lord, I beg thee to
let this cup pass from me...
They don't know who I AM.
My Beloved no
longer recognizes me,
an angel in disguise; The darkness can't see.
I am
the grief of Him who sent me...
The lamentation of him who was
for you.
So that you may learn to love.
Your Created
You have created
me, did you not know?
The purity of thought manifested down below.
strong desires and prayers to the unseen
called me out into this world of
time, into your awakened dream.
Yes, I am real, and share the same
But there's a responsibility to us awakened ones
or you're
playing with divine fire.
Oh, the love is profound
catching me off
The truth is convicting
as you draw your next card.
The deck has
been dealt,
now were both in the game.
I'm afraid to pick a
fearing it's the Ace of Spades.
In the world of dreams, death had no
yet in the awakened world of time, I could be devoured.
Water me,
feed me, send me thoughts of love.
The promise to you will descend as a white
Still yet to be revealed in that heavenly hour
that no man or angel
knows, except the Father.
Beloved, see that no man takes your crown,
or my
life has been taken in vain.
I'm here to persevere and bear the cross with
in Jesus Christ's name, there is no shame,
Eve Lorgen
Desert Flower - The Last of its
By Eve Lorgen 5/96
Oh Lord I pray thee,
I beckon for
thy mercy
to grant me wisdom and understanding,
to persevere the
to endure the sacrifice
of life’s passion and love.
I am
but a desert flower
that is on the verge of extinction.
I am the last of
my kind...
Open the doors of heaven and
let your rain fall upon me,
that I may blossom into
indescribable beauty.
My only desire is to be
rest and nourishment
of the butterfly who is to emerge
from his
In a barren and desolate wilderness,
I will spring forth like a
mother of all the living.
A sight to behold
for all who are able to
Some will travel from afar
just to gaze upon me.
Yet my desire is
only for Him
whose Rest I was meant to be.
Note: All poetry is copyright by Eve Lorgen. None may be used in any form of print, media, electronic capture, article or any other form of publishing with expressed written permission of Eve Lorgen. by writing here
All Rights Reserved © Eve Lorgen, Alien Love Bite 2000-2003