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U huh just as I expected . All your telling me Ive heard other times in
some o fmy cases. Its the MIB all right and your case is a big plus for
you have ried to confron them . Its a wonder you have not got threats in
your mind . They have done that with others. Sure the gas station gal
didnt see him . Only you can see them and you must realize that these
dark forces are very much affecting our lives . Its a war just like the
bible explains so well. Id give anything to understand why the MIB like
you so well (joke). And now you describe the black helicopters who also
like you. Ha and you have never got wise to these aeroforms that you
thought must be CG helicopters. Im sorry to tell you but these choppers
are second cousins to the black limos. Time after time Ive had abductees
pestered by the black chopper but very little by black limos anymore. So
looks like your especiallly favoried . Again I wonder why the heck thats
so. Yes, its wise to only tell your indian friend things. Im not
surprised she sees someof the same things you do. Keep mum around your
husband or make a joke of it like maybe your one pack short of a full
pack. Laugh with him -- agree with him-- humor him. Ive heard of too
many homes crashing from just the kind of friction yu mentioned between
the two lovers. Idont want that to ever happen to you. You must be true
to what you know is fact but just dont be too strong in it around him. I
forgot --- you mentioned one staring at you. Did you see his eye shape
.pupil shape , eye color. Ive had a few who have said they see a
virtical cat eye or in other words a Reptilian eye in some ordinary
persons . Can you remember? Now as for your EM
abilities Im not a bit suprised. A lot of abductees are implanted and
they affect street lights and all other electrical related devices. I
had an abductee in Atlantic City set off a row of slot machines just by
walking by . It created deligted gamblers and shook up employes. I am
going to send you a piece on implants . Here lately I been up to my ears
in implants it seems. One time i got to hold a tiny implant between my
fingers. Well I got to get going but maybe can return later. DO DESCRIBE
IF IT HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU . Illtry to get to ques 1-9 later.
Besure to answer my quetions ive asked in this message first. You did
receive my prayer and the why pages didnt you? kindest regards.
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