It’s just
past the 50th anniversary of one of the most famous and
interesting of the early alien abduction accounts; that of
Antonio Villas Boas and I thought it would be prudent to
remind us of this fascinating case.
Antonio Villas
Boas, who went on to become a successful lawyer and business
man, was, at the time of his encounter, a 23 year old farmer
who lived and worked at the family farm near the town of
Fransisco de Sales, in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. On the
night of October 5 1957, after a party at the farmhouse, AVB
retired to the bedroom he shared with his younger brother.
Because it was a warm night, AVB opened the window shutters
and observed… ‘right in the middle of the yard, a silvery
fluorescent reflection, brighter than moonlight, lighting up
the whole ground’. He got the impression that the light was
shining from the sky but, when he looked up, could not detect
a source. He failed to interest his brother in the matter
and so, after a while, closed the shutters. However, the event
played on his mind so, some time later, he opened them again
and found the light was still there, but this time it started
to approach the window. In fright he slammed the shutters
shut, in so doing waking his brother, and the two of them
watched as the light seeped through the slats and then through
the roof tiles as it appeared to pass over head before finally
vanishing. The light did not return.
On the night of
October 14, AVB and his brother were out ploughing a field
with their tractor when they saw a very bright light about
100m in the air and about the size of a cartwheel above the
North end of the field and which illuminated a large area of
the ground. When AVB walked in its direction, however, it
suddenly shifted and moved at speed to the Southern end of the
field; when he walked in that direction it returned again to
the north end. AVB tested this around twenty times and each
time the same pattern was repeated until the light suddenly
On October 15 at exactly 1 AM was once again
out ploughing the same field, but this time alone (AVB might
have meant the 16th at this point, otherwise it would just
have been a few hours later) when he observed what initially
appeared to be a very bright red star in the sky, but which
suddenly increased in size and intensity as if coming towards
him. It soon became … ‘ a very luminous egg – shaped object
flying towards me at terrific speed…. This object suddenly
halted and it descended till it was perhaps 50 metres or so
above my head, lighting up the tractor and all the ground
around, as though it was daylight, with a pale red glare so
powerful that my tractor lights, which were on, were
completely swamped by it’. AVB became frightened and
wondered what to do. He thought the slow tractor would be a
pretty useless escape vehicle given the speed he’d seen the
object travel at and knew the newly ploughed field would be
treacherous under foot if he tried to run. During his
deliberations, which lasted about two minutes, the object
moved forward and came to a halt about 10 – 15 metres from the
tractor before slowly descending to the ground, he continues …
‘it was a strange machine, rather rounded in shape, and
surrounded by little purplish lights, and with an enormous red
headlight in front from which all the light had been
coming’. AVB goes on to give a detailed account of the
craft (see
which includes colour changes to the revolving cupola that may
be related to deceleration. The craft proceeds to land on
the ground, resting on three emergent metal shafts that formed
a tripod. This time AVB started up the tractor and began to
drive away, but the engine failed after only a few minutes.
With no other options, he leaped from the vehicle and began to
run but, after only a few steps, someone grabbed his arm. AVB
describes his attacker as ‘ a short individual (reaching to my
shoulder) and dressed in strange clothing’. A more complete
description of the clothing can be found in AVB’s statement at
the website mentioned earlier. AVB managed to push his
assailant to the ground, only to be accosted by three others
who managed to lift him from the ground and carry his
struggling form back to the craft. Interestingly, they seemed
to hesitate in response to his angry cries, a feature which
turns up again and again in alien abduction
literature. They carried him up a short ladder into the
machine, initially entering a small square room. AVB noticed
that the outer door closed without leaving any seams or joins
of any kind. He was then lead into a larger room, semi oval in
shape, where the beings seemed to communicate with each other
through what sounded like a series of barks and yelps. Once
the barking stopped, AVB’s captors forcibly undressed him and
smothered him with some kind of clear, but viscous, fluid
before leading him to yet another room. Interestingly,
projecting out from above the door to this next room were a
series of symbols that resembled a form of unknown writing.
AVB’s description of this sounds remarkably like a
hologram. Next, blood samples were taking from AVB’s chin
via tubes attached to a ‘chalice shaped glass flask’.(He
describes physical after effects of this procedure in the
forms of bruising that were still visible when he was examined
at the time of his original interview with investigators Dr.
Olavo Fontes MD and Senhor Joao Martins). He was then left
alone in the room for what he figures was about half an hour
when suddenly a grey smoke began to issue from a number of
metal tubes in the wall. The gas induced an intense wave of
nausea that culminated in AVB vomiting in what he described as
a corner of the room. After another long, but unknown,
period of time, a door suddenly opened and a smallish naked
woman entered. AVB’s description of the woman is well known so
I don’t need to rehash it here but the part of his description
that really stands out to me is the shape of her face and
eyes, and the colour of her hair; … ‘her eyes were large and
blue, more elongated than round, being slanted outwards (like
the slit eyes of those girls who make themselves up fancifully
to look like Arabian princesses; that is how they were with
the difference that here the thing was natural for there was
no make up whatever). Her nose was straight, without being
pointed, nor turned up, nor too big. What was different was
the contour of her face, for the cheekbones were very high,
making her face very wide. But then, immediately below, the
face narrowed very sharply, terminating in a pointed chin’. He
also notes that her face felt ‘fleshy’, as if there were no
bones’. This is a stunning description really, given what
so many abductees have said about hybrids. The next part
is well known; AVB and the female copulate twice, although
he’s a bit put off by the sounds she makes and when he tries
again she resists him although she does take a sperm sample.
Before leaving the room, the female points at her belly and
then skywards which AVB interprets as meaning they are going
to take him with them. After a time, one of the others
comes back into the room carrying AVB’s clothes and signals
for him to get dressed before leading him back into the other
room. During this period he noticed amongst other things a
device which slightly resembled a clock of some kind, but
which was clearly not a clock which he tried to snatch to take
as evidence of his experience. This act, however, engendered
an angry response as the beings swiftly took it back from
him. Finally AVB was led out of the machine and allowed to
walk around a kind of narrow platform that encircled it before
being encouraged to descend the ladder. Soon the ladder
retracted and the craft rose back into the air before shooting
off like a bullet. AVB found that someone had detached one of
the battery leads from his tractor which seems to have been
the only mechanical problem with it. It was 5:30 am by this
point and the confused AVB returned to the farm
After effects included initial insomnia,
headache and nausea followed by a burning sensation in his
eyes and ocular watering. Later effects involved the constant
desire to sleep and the appearance of numerous small itchy
pustules on the skin of his arms and legs; scars from these
were still visible to Dr. Fontes who admits to being baffled
by them. Antonio Villas Boas continued with correspondence
learning and later on became a lawyer, married with four
children he never went back on his story.
There are
lots of interesting points in the story…
The blood
sample… some sort of screening procedure? The gas….. some
sort of sterilization process or a means to help the female
breathe? The gel….. a disinfectant or an aphrodisiac /
stimulant? The appearance of the female; especially the
white hair and her facial features similar descriptions to
which have been turning up again and again ever since. The
colour changing light on the cupola… was this related to the
craft’s propulsion system? The shape of the craft… egg –
shaped, not a classic 50s saucer shape. What was the
purpose of the earlier sightings? What exactly was the
female being described by Villas Boas? She was fairly human
looking, even having freckles on her arms, but her face seemed
not to possess bones. Did she even really look the way AVB saw
her; she sounds a bit like his ideal vision of a woman; had
his mind been probed to generate an image of his perfect
woman. One wonders about other little details too; Villas Boas
mentions her red under arm hair; would she even have had under
arm hair in a society where it was considered
undesirable? The events were all consciously recalled;
there was no hypnosis involved. It occurred several years
before the Barney and Betty Hill abduction. Dr. Fontes
states in a letter to Flying Saucer Review editor Gordon
Creighton ragarding Villas Boas 'Concerning his medical
history, the symptoms described suggest radiation poisoning,
or exposure to radiation'. AVB actually shied away from
publicity and never made money from his account. Indeed he
seemed very embarrassed when discussing the sexual aspects of
the case. It is rumoured that sometime between 1962 and
1963 Antonio Villas Boas was flown in secret by the American
military to the USA where he was shown a captured UFO. His son
says this is true but that his father refused to discuss it
for the rest of his life.
There are also obviously
problems with the story…
Firstly it either happened or
it didn’t. If it didn’t, what was the motivation behind it?
The first one is obviously the hope of fame and fortune;
instant gratification if you like, but AVB simply continued
with his correspondence course and achieved personal success
that way. The reference to eyes like an Arabian princess
obviously suggests ‘The Arabian Nights’, a very well known
collection of fantasy stories and, although obviously he
didn't fantasise the itchy rash, it could have played a part
in a fantasy regarding it's genesis.
The oval shape of
the object has very clear symbolic representations regarding
sex and birth etc.
The description of the blood sample
container as like a chalice has obvious symbolism.
clock symbolism has been noted by Vallee as being redolent of
time issues in fairy lore.
It was claimed that the
story was too similar to an earlier newspaper
Problems with inter species breeding; does the
genetic / DNA issue mean that humans and aliens simply could
not reproduce together or does it suggest either of the
following; i) common ancestry ii) is this problem the
very reason it has been such a long term process of repeat
Genetic restructuring/ remodelling or
manufacturing would no doubt be a complex and time consuming
process. It would, simply put, take a lot of time and repeated
experiments to get it right.
It’s possible to pick
other holes but the same can be said for just about
All in all this is a most fascinating case
and, as said earlier, it either happened or it didn’t. In
ufology it does pay to spend some time on the fence. By being
on the fence I don’t mean living in a perpetual state of
saying ‘I don’t know’, but rather retaining a position where
it’s possible to look at both sides of the story instead of
plunging head first into an abyss of doubt and confusion,
argument and counter argument. For me, this fence is more
like the Great Wall of China and it’s fun to take little
mental trips along it from time to time to review cases that
might otherwise be forgotten. Often the benefits of hindsight
can help solve an old problem but for me that particular
quality fails to resolve the Antonio Villas Boas case. In
my opinion though, I am pretty sure something (although I
don’t know exactly what) did happen to him on that fateful
night fifty years ago.
315 | From: Somerset, England | Registered:
Jul 2004 | IP: Logged
Reading I came
across some interesting other factors regarding the Villas
Boas case. Researchers Pablo Villarrubia and Claudio
Tshuhioshi Suenaga visited the region recently and spoke to
some of AVB’s relatives. One of the first comments, made by
AVB’s nephew Joao Fransisco de Queiroz struck me as
interesting for he says that AVB described the woman on the
craft as short and ugly and described how he couldn’t
understand his own arousal; it was then that he surmised the
gel might have had something to do with it. Queiroz also
states that Fontes and Martins took AVB to the USA against his
will and that he was shown at some point the wreckage of a
crashed flying saucer (Fontes was accused several times of
having clandestine ties with the US military, NASA or
Government) and goes on to describe how the area had a long
history of supernatural phenomena occurring.
On its own
this is certainly strange enough, but the investigators then
went on to speak to AVB’s sister Odercia Villas Boas who had
further, corroborating details to add. She explained that she
was the first to see AVB after his experience and says the
following; ‘He arrived at five o clock in the morning. He was
very pale and trembling. I saw that he had two bruise marks on
his chin. I gave him some very strong coffee to drink, but
then he vomited a yellowish substance. He didn’t want to eat
the hen I’d cooked for him. Then he told me what had happened.
That the tractor had stopped, that he’d been dragged into that
thing and that he slept with a very ugly woman. He slept
poorly at nights, had nightmares’. She also describes the
other effects already stated by AVB such as the prurient
spots, headaches and later sleepiness. Odercia then
recounts how five men in green uniforms, some speaking
Portuguese, some English, took AVB to the USA and that they
continued to visit him on and off for the next 8 – 10 years.
She also confirms that AVB was shown crashed UFOs and that one
of them bore a strong similarity to the one he had seen in the
first place and that, further, the UFO had reappeared eight
days after the kidnapping (perhaps this is why AVB continued
to fear that they would come back for him). Further details
included confirmation that the area had a significant history
of strange events, including poltergeist like phenomena at the
house, Hacienda Aldeia o Mata, and that strange lights had
been seen in the region for a very long time. She also
mentions that a UFO landed sometime around 1964 or 1966
scaring children and teachers at the local
These new factors are very interesting. What
about the statement that the woman was very ugly? This goes
against the well known description of her but somehow supports
what I said in the previous post ‘Did she even look the way
AVB saw her?’. Now I wonder ‘Did she even look the way AVB
described her?’ Did he alter aspects of her appearance to try
to reduce his already significant embarrassment at having
slept with her or was he at times seeing through the mental
image he was receiving of her? Was what he described in his
original account a humanised version of the being he
encountered? This could be a breakthrough because,
undoubtedly, many people would consider the greys and the
hybrids to be ‘ugly’. I don’t think this necessarily
muddies the waters; I believe it brings a new and fascinating
level to the case.
Also of interest is the claim that
AVB was taken to the USA and shown crashed flying saucers.
That’s three people who knew him very well that have made the
same claim (his son, his sister and his nephew) and it’s
further stated as fact that AVB was ‘given’ properties in
California; a payoff of some kind maybe?
Then there’s
the belief commonly held amongst the locals that the place
itself is strange. That many supernatural occurrences have
taken place there and that poltergeist effects had been
noticed at the farm house. I need not point out how frequently
such effects are reported by modern day abductees.
would be interested in further info on this case.
315 | From: Somerset, England | Registered:
Jul 2004 | IP: Logged
There are
lots of interesting points in the story…
The blood
sample… some sort of screening procedure? The gas….. some
sort of sterilization process or a means to help the female
breathe? The gel….. a disinfectant or an aphrodisiac /
stimulant? The appearance of the female; especially the
white hair and her facial features similar descriptions to
which have been turning up again and again ever since. The
colour changing light on the cupola… was this related to the
craft’s propulsion system? The shape of the craft… egg –
shaped, not a classic 50s saucer shape. What was the
purpose of the earlier sightings? What exactly was the
female being described by Villas Boas?
I have wanted to post something in response but
have been busy. Perhaps now I can whip up something on the
mental stove?
This is a detailed interesting,
significant case. Historically too.
The alien 'woman'
earlier being possibly attractive (subjective) and years later
described as 'ugly' is interesting. I am always thinking in
many abductions, there could be more interplay going on in any
alien encounter than the abductee is aware of.
Scans...bombarded with hypnotic thoughts to
communicate....control....or to perhaps measure their ability
to control...what works...what doesn't. These could manifest
themselves in the human mind of the 'victim in a wild unsorted
kaleidoscope of unacquainted new the form
perhaps of the 'Oz Factor' or 'Oz effect', combined with
telepathic 'screened memories' to camouflage the real literal
appearances of the beings, or reality....or whatever which
might be for most be revolting. Señor Boas account seems
extraordinary, but in light of all that has happened since?
......not so strange, in fact remarkable in consistency to
what some of Budd Hopkins's clients have related.
woman I interviewed locally related a close encounter in her
bedroom. She worked late hours in a adult book store. Herself
and her mom present at the interview, along with several other
investigators (another man and a woman) heard her relate the
alien in her bedroom seemed an attractive small female being,
with long straight black hair, and wearing a black (what
appeared to be leather) bikini. She even described part of the
garment as a halter top! That detailed. My feeling then was
that this was possibly a screened memory, the being looking
different, but maybe projected into her mind visually
something scanned from her memories in which she would ('they'
felt) feel comfortable with? The AVB case sounds not too
different in this one aspect. The woman and her mother, and
the woman's son all saw the craft outside their backyard
window...and later...she felt very tired...went to
sleep...(very odd in light of seeing such a craft to me), and
had her encounter soon later in her darkened bedroom. This
happened several years ago in Stockton, California. I cannot
elaborate further.
Remember the funny alien caricature
of a playboy playmate based on an awkward alien interpretation
in the movie comedy 'Mars Attacks'? I wonder if the AVB
version could have been just as awkward, posing as human
sexual 'bate'? lol.
The funny, and the not so funny below.....Dr. Fontes
examining Antonio Villas-Boas
AVB's story, along with the Barney & Betty Hill
case show to me the aliens in some instances display a
'learning curve' compared to accounts of later abductions. The
aliens display excitement and surprise at new discoveries not
shown in later abductee stories. Later stories the aliens seem
to work quickly and in routine fashion. Almost like any two
MD's performing a colonoscopy in a HMO, and while the patient
lays on the table, he listens to the medical staff discussing
in detached fashion the latest episode of 'Grays anatomy' on
TV the previous night. But in these early abductee
accounts.....all strongly suggest this is all very new to the
aliens. Of late however, stories seem to suggest 'they' know
more about human physiology than even we do!
I am
beginning to think most alien abductions began as an alien
scientific project from these beginnings. Some have said there
have been earlier accounts. Well, this maybe still true. If we
follow 'time' as linear. But is 'time' linear to 'them'? In
the Hill account, Betty related the 'leader' seemed to have
difficulty relating 'aging' and 'time'.
In the AVB
story, the UFO craft made several early appearances over
several days...perhaps to acquaint the abducted candidate in
gradual steps? This could also apply both ways perhaps? In the
conscious memory portion of the Hill's account too.....the
aliens perhaps "casing the joint" first....waiting for the
right moment when the person is alone...and the conditions
were right? In the Hill account once again...the Hills
commented that when they saw the craft...not a star as some
stupid debunkers have falsely injected, both Betty &
Barney had and used extensively binoculars...standing next to
their parked car....seeing up close to the extent they could
clearly see the expressions and the odd uniforms of the beings
in the craft windows....AND the total absence of other cars on
the same highway at that moment! Where were the other cars?
Where other UFO's near by diverting drivers away with other
screened memories....the suggestion 5 miles down the road to
make a rest stop? Later, it was discovered the object was
detected at that time and place on radar at the nearby Pease
Earth pharmaceutical companies are experimenting
& developing somewhere a erectile cream....among a vast
array of things. Perhaps the aliens used a similar more potent
form in 1957? It is not a strange idea. Human sexuality is a
complex thing physiologically, never the less....the aliens
seemed to have figured it out enough to get what they came
Reading the stories that AVB was taken to a secret
location to see alien is interesting...but why? It
seems silly to disclose this, risking the secret from the
Government stand point wouldn't it? It would happily validate
what AVB went through, but what would the US government care
about that? The government would already have all the proof
they needed. Perhaps the problem was really in discovering how
this alien technology worked? Maybe since aliens were not
present during the visit to the craft at the secret location,
but AVB did see them in a similar craft earlier, perhaps the
government was trying to relate what the alien crew was doing
and where aboard the craft, that the government people could
not see. Relating crew many etc. to function.
In gratitude, perhaps the property or land given as a gift was
sold, and used by AVB later for his later law school tuition?
-------------------- "It reminds me
when Galileo was trying to get people to look at sunspots.
They would say the sun is a symbol of God; God is perfect;
therefore the sun is perfect; therefore spots cannot exist:
therefore there is no point in looking." -- Dr. J. Allen
Hynek Posts:
1607 | From: San Francisco Bay Area |
Registered: Jul 2004 | IP: Logged
It’s hard to know what the deal is
with the opposing descriptions of the woman; it’s a pity we
don’t have a detailed description of the ‘ugly’ appearance.
Interesting that AVB described her face as feeling like it had
no bone structure; was she physically malleable in some way? I
like the Lisa Marie in ‘Mars Attacks’ analogy. Funny that to
the audience she was obviously not human (but strangely
alluring) but to the Martin Short character she seemed like
the perfect woman. This interests me in a couple of ways; do
we just see what we want to see or embellish our expectations
with subconscious desires? To what extent can our perceptions
be altered? Or are men just stupid? Lol On reflection, with
the perceptions issue, they can be easily altered. I recall
one time when my blood sugar went very very low, everyone I
saw appeared to have an enormous head. This was a simple
chemical effect and similar, or bizarrely different, effects
can be achieved through the use of mind altering
drugs. From this I extrapolate that AVB’s perceptions could
have been altered to some extent and suggest the woman may
have looked nothing like how he recalled her, even the ugly
version. Ugly is an interesting word for him to have used
really; some outwardly very attractive people can have very
ugly personalities that somehow seep through their glossy
exteriors and, certainly, AVB’s woman made ugly noises. I
wonder, though, did he just make her seem attractive at first
because he was so embarrassed at having slept with the ‘ugly’
creature in the first place?
Screen memories may well
account for a great deal of the confusion in alien abduction
accounts but they seem to be strangely ineffective in some
ways. I mean, you’d think the aliens would realise we can
recover the real memory through hypnosis! But, then again,
total erasure of memory is a dangerous, perhaps even
impossible task, even though there are methods of apparently
erasing traumatic memories now, we still don’t have all the
answers about how memory works or is stored. With screen
memories it’s like another memory layer has been placed over
the original one, but which is impermanent, semi permeable and
susceptible to decay.
I would agree with you about the
woman you described experiencing a screen memory. It certainly
sounds like some sort of imagery was extracted from her
subconscious to generate an acceptable form. It interests me
that the aliens don’t seem to understand what is actually
acceptable and when so they still create an image that remains
unacceptable because the witness wouldn’t expect to encounter
it at that time or in that situation.
The irresistible
urge to go to sleep despite experiencing a high strangeness
episode is common. I experienced it after a particularly odd
episode a few years ago and was completely baffled the next
day as to how or why I went to sleep. Even if it had been a
sleep paralysis episode I would have thought my increased
stress levels would have kept me awake!
I also seem to
recall numerous cases where people report that the aliens
appear to be surprised, or alternatively, completely oblivious
to, human emotional outbursts. Sometimes they seem surprised
when their control is challenged or becomes temporarily
Hard to know the extent to which the alien
learning curve interacts with the human learning curve! As our
cultural references and expectations change over time so do
the abduction account details; are we seeing more, being shown
more, allowed to ‘see’ more? It’s logical that they would have
made scientific advances over the last fifty years but, to
what extent does cultural tracking play a part?
I do
think that more than one species is involved in this and I’m
sure that some of the differences we hear about reflect
different experimental approaches. Perhaps the main
perpetrators, lets assume the greys, have, from their
perspective, got it right now so a degree of standardisation
and replication is to be expected.
So much yet to
315 | From: Somerset, England | Registered:
Jul 2004 | IP: Logged
insights Hammer. Pleased you liked the Lisa Marie in ‘Mars
Attacks’ analogy too. It does appear to have similarities.
The Antonio Villas Boas 's (AVB) testimony regarding
any conflicting facts about the 'being' being somehow
attractive and then...years later to him 'ugly' might have a
simple explanation. It may have been in what context...and/or
in who's presence he related the 'ugly' aspect of the being in
the story years later. It occurred to me reading your post it
could be just simple human nature. Antonio during the
encounter was a young single adult man, years later the 'ugly'
is related in the context of an older...perhaps married man.
It may reflect on Antonio's ego psychosocially? Embarrassed,
wishing to play down any possible 'attractive' characteristics
to both any spouse or family present in any new interview?
Antonio perhaps also resenting what the aliens put him through
- stating the being was later 'ugly' might devalue them in his
mind. Male pride (or female too - for that matter). A way to
reconcile in his own mind the loss of control he experienced
in that 1957 encounter.
You state "This interests me in
a couple of ways; do we just see what we want to see or
embellish our expectations with subconscious desires?"
This is always true to a certain extent. But in this
new extraordinary context.....Antonio having been abducted,
feeling terrified and dazzled in a strange alien craft about
everything.....for the aliens to make him sexually aroused
enough to comply with the aliens wishes.....would very
certainly need a very sophisticated manipulation of AVB
telepathically, chemically....etc. The situation definitely
clashing with the 'proper mood'. This mood consequential to
the aliens only to the extent of extracting from the human
what they came for.
This would be telepathically.....a
very extreme version of the 'any likely date' at a 'bar'
always looks more attractive after a number of cocktails. But
instead of alcohol, a telepathic 'vale' or screened memory.
This form of communication into our minds we are not prepared
for. Amazingly if true, we human beings then must have this
latent telepathic ability within us, but clueless in knowing
how to use it or make it work.
telepathically too as the norm for might explain
your other comment. " It interests me that the aliens don’t
seem to understand what is actually acceptable and when so
they still create an image that remains unacceptable because
the witness wouldn’t expect to encounter it at that time or in
that situation."
Our interaction human to human is on
a very different wavelength socially. Speaking, greeting
strangers, communication literal, implied, inferred upon
established social 'rules'. In human books on social
etiquette, it all boils down to 'context'. lol.
Grays....may have similar rules....but because of the always
literal communication, no confusing meanings, double would create a whole other way of viewing
themselves individually, and in groups. Their social rules
because of telepathic easy as breathing to
us....would make for a whole other set of social &
communication rules and boundaries. Acting politely...or not in their mental vocabulary? Often, the 'Grays'
seem to appear to work in a 'hive' mentality. Telepathic
communication might completely explain this alien social
behavior. In a 'alien' social group, each mind would be
omni-present among each others. The sum greater than the
Maybe this explains their facination in
us....among many others our human concept of
-------------------- "It
reminds me when Galileo was trying to get people to look at
sunspots. They would say the sun is a symbol of God; God is
perfect; therefore the sun is perfect; therefore spots cannot
exist: therefore there is no point in looking." -- Dr. J.
Allen Hynek Posts:
1607 | From: San Francisco Bay Area |
Registered: Jul 2004 | IP: Logged