Black Triangle Abduction
Bill and Peggy Foster and Nadine Wheeler
Can you imagine discovering you have
a dual-existence for your entire lifetime that
you knew nothing
about? | Can
you imagine that a single evening's conversation
about a couple of missing hours could lead to a
discovery of your repeated abduction by aliens?
Can you imagine learning an alien word and
memorizing alien symbols subconsciously? Can you
imagine the terror of never knowing when you will,
yet again, be abducted? If you can imagine these
things you have discovered only the very
beginnings of this compelling page-turner.
The Black Triangle Abduction examines the past
ten years of alien abductions and reviews a
complete lifetime of contact and programming. The
story unfolds in real-time as it is revealed to
the authors and the two therapists. By guiding
them through hypnotic regression into the realm of
unbelievable terror with graphic, jolting,
horrifying detail.
The authors and therapist explain the fantastic
story in simple, first person terms as it
happened. Two ordinary people had extraordinary
experiences that could never be comprehended
without professional help. If you have ever
wondered about the reality of UFOs, the grays,
missing time, or alien abduction, you will have a
very firm conviction when you finish reading The
Black Triangle Abduction.
Alien abduction for the author didn't begin
with Roswell... It began much earlier in time.
• 12/2/05 - Interview by Linda Moulton Howe on •
12/3/05 - Radio broadcast on Whitley Strieber's
The following is an excerpt from the
Nadine decided that for Peggy's appointment,
the following week, she would attempt to get her
through the sick feelings, just as I had
successfully come through the fear and out the
other side. This might just free Peggy's memory
and remove the all-pervasive "nothing but
blackness" blockage. I told Nadine that the only
remembrance from our last session that didn't seem
right to me, was the hangar bay, sitting in the
car, the first time I saw the fourteen grey guys
surrounding the car. It seemed too much like a
Hollywood movie set, almost surreal, not as
authentic as the other things I remembered. Nadine
and I burst out laughing, both at once, out loud.
What could be unlikely about this already wild
story? Everything in these memories was weird,
unbelievable and bizarre. Why should one aspect of
the story seem any more unlikely to me than any
other? We both had to laugh about that. When you
think about it, it is truly funny. What is the
definition of beyond bizarre?
I told Nadine that I had feelings of shame and
embarrassment when passing by that open doorway
and seeing those three people lying naked on the
tables. She told me it probably was a natural
feeling, given the circumstances. Also some
anticipation of sympathy and empathy because deep
down, I probably knew that I would soon be just
like those poor, helpless people. I had to agree
with that. I had a strong suspicion that I would
soon be just like them, even during that first
time, as I observed them.
Nadine said that the biggest interest factor to
her, in our last session, was that the physical
remembrance of my lying on the table, having to
urinate, manifested itself in my bladder, in the
real moment.
As she said, it would be very hard to create or
duplicate that sense of urgency in the present, if
it had not really happened in the past. I agreed
that it certainly was a real urge. I had to
literally run to the bathroom, that last
Nadine decided to begin with the onion once
again. Peeling off the false layers until we got
down to the actual truth of the issues. It only
took about seven minutes to put me under this
time. Each session, the time spent putting me into
a relaxed state is lessened.
I only had to peel off about one and a half
layers of this onion. It was mostly in tact,
compared to the small core of the last onion. We
began the session at the point to which I wanted
to return. Sitting behind the wheel of the car
just as it was deposited upon the floor of the
craft. My narration follows:
"I'm sitting here gripping the wheel so tightly
that I should leave fingerprints in the plastic. I
can see the fourteen of them standing all around
the outside of the car. I am just staying in this
moment, as you suggested and looking around,
taking a good look.
The lighting in this area is very bright. It is
much brighter than a conventional home or office.
Although the light is very bright there is no one
single source of illumination. It just seems to be
equal lighting throughout the entire area, as far
as I can see.
Yes, I can see the teardrop shaped craft over
to the left and in front of the car. I think I can
describe it, yes. It is about 30m in diameter,
round except for the rear of it, which forms that
water drop or tear drop shape, in the back end of
the craft. At least it looks like the back end of
it, to me. There are three legs holding this thing
No, there are no seams that I can see. It
appears to be one solid piece of molded material.
It is solid silver looking. It is not shiny like
stainless steel but dull. The surface is not a
dirty type of dull, just not very shiny. It has no
windows, ports, anything like that, just a smooth
rounded surface. The top and bottom are rounded as
though you placed two shallow salad bowls
together. Squatty and wide, that's probably the
best description of the craft I can give to
I can see those panels of writing behind the
tear drop craft and also just ahead of the car.
Large writing, one character stacked up on top of
Nadine now gives me an interesting instruction.
She tells me I will hear her voice coming from
different parts of the room but not to worry. I am
going to open my eyes on the count of five. I am
not out of hypnosis but I am going to be able to
draw on a sheet of paper. I am going to draw those
characters that I see before me on the wall. She
tells me to take some time to study the characters
and memorize them. When I have them firmly in mind
then nod my head. She will count to five, have me
open my eyes and draw the characters and then go
back into deeper hypnosis.
I nod. She counts. I open my eyes and draw the
eight characters. (Shown in the center picture
section of this book.) I continue my
"I am now being taken across this hangar bay
towards the hall. Oh, that's odd I must be moving
feet first because I can see where I am going.
Usually people drag you backwards but I must be
going, floating, whatever, feet first. Anyway that
isn't really a hall it's more of an opening in the
molding side of the wall. I mean the walls look
like molded plastic and where there is a curve in
the wall.
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Black Triangle Abduction from The Black Triangle Abduction - Click
here. Published by Invisible
College Press.