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I love Helen Keller <3
i am such of fan of Hellen an Ann, real true heros*
@TegheGalvin ...but if you've never learned how to speak or heard people teach you words...would thought be the same? Your analogy is not applicable to the situation of Helen Keller.
This both breaks and warms my heart at once. Breaks that she lead life this way, but warms because she tried to live life to the fullest, regardless of her handicap.
I think its very interessting!!!
No, Hellen Keller is the ultimate HERO. The life she led, the causes she fought for, the obstacles she overcame make her one of the most incredible human beings that ever lived on planet earth!
It's sad that a blind and deaf person since childhood speaks English better than the kids today :/
helen's parents did give birth to her, but anne gave her life :)
She spent her whole life basically helping poor Helen. There both amazing.
LOL fail if i was in her position i would rage quit at life
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I think Annie Sullivan was the real hero. No one else would have had the patience to do that.
GodsGiftToHumanity hace 2 meses 53
If you close your eyes, and plug your ears, you can still think.
Tighe Galvin en respuesta a XArgentineBombshellX (Mostrar el comentario) hace 2 meses 34