M.I.A. Library: John Burdon Sanderson Haldane
JBS Haldane
Daedalus, or, Science and the Future, 1923
On Being the Right Size, 1928
Science and the Supernatural: A correspondence between Arnold Lunn and J. B. S. Haldane, 1931-33
If...., 1934
Human Biology and Politics, 1934
From, My Friend Mr. Leakey, 1934 (children’s story)
A Dialectical Account of Evolution, 1937
Reply to Lerner’s Is Professor Haldane’s Account of Evolution Dialectical? 1938
Preface to Engels’ Dialectics of Nature, 1939
From The Marxist Philosophy and the Sciences, 1939
Lysenko and Genetics, 1940
Science and Everyday Life, 1939
Why I am a Materialist, 1940
Dialectical Materialism and Modern Science Part 1, 1941
Dialectical Materialism and Modern Science Part 2, 1941
Dialectical Materialism and Modern Science Part 3, 1941
Dialectical Materialism and Modern Science Part 4, 1941
The Laws of Nature, 1941
Soviet Biology, Labour Monthly, November 1942
Auld Hornie, F.R.S., 1946 (a review of C.S. Lewis' science fiction trilogy)
What is Life? 1949
Further reading:
Marxism and Natural Science Subject Section
Archive maintained by Andy Blunden.