// Global object
if (typeof CiteTB == 'undefined') {
var CiteTB = {
"Templates" : {}, // All templates
"Options" : {}, // Global options
"UserOptions" : {}, // User options
"DefaultOptions" : {}, // Script defaults
"ErrorChecks" : {} // Error check functions
if (typeof mw.usability == 'undefined') {
mw.usability = {};
mw.usability.getMsg = function(m) { return mw.messages.get(m); }
mw.usability.addMessages = function(msgs) { mw.messages.set(msgs); };
// Object for cite templates
function citeTemplate(templatename, shortform, basicfields, expandedfields) {
// Properties
this.templatename = templatename; // The template name - "cite web", "cite book", etc.
this.shortform = shortform; // A short form, used for the dropdown box
this.basic = basicfields; // Basic fields - author, title, publisher...
// Less common - quote, archiveurl - should be everything the template supports minus the basic ones
this.extra = expandedfields;
// Add it to the list
CiteTB.Templates[this.templatename] = this;
// Methods
this.makeFormInner = function(fields) {
var i=0;
var trs = new Array();
for (i=0; i').attr('src', '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/System-search.svg/20px-System-search.svg.png');
im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-autofill-alt')).attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-autofill-alt'));
var ad = $j('').attr('href', '#');
ad.attr('id', 'cite-auto-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field+'-'+autotype);
$j('#cite-auto-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field+'-'+autotype).live('click', CiteTB.initAutofill);
var display = mw.usability.getMsg('cite-'+field+'-label');
var tooltip = fieldobj.tooltip ? $j('').attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg(fieldobj.tooltip)).html('?') : false;
var input = '';
if (ad) {
input = $j('');
} else {
input = $j('');
input.attr('id', 'cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field);
if (fieldobj.autofillprop) {
var label = $j('');
label.attr('for', 'cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field).text(display);
if (tooltip) {
var style = 'text-align:right; width:20%;';
if (i%2 == 1) {
style += ' padding-left:1em;';
} else {
var tr = $j('