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The Drake Equation for the Multiverse - Technology Review
www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/24793/En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página10 Feb 2010 – Consequently, says Gleiser, the Drake Equation needs updating to take the multiverse and the extra factors it introduces into account.Marcelo Gleiser- Drake Equations for the Multiverse: From the String ...
www.scribd.com/.../Marcelo-Gleiser-Drake-Equa...En caché - Traducir esta página20 Jan 2012 – DRAKE EQUATION FOR THE MULTIVERSE: FROM THE STRING LANDSCAPE TO COMPLEX LIFE. MARCELO GLEISER Department of ...Sententia | marcelo gleiser
maxandrews.wordpress.com/tag/marcelo-gleiser/ - Traducir esta página7 Sep 2011 – Posts tagged 'marcelo gleiser' ... I find the multiverse to be quite beautiful. The multiverse doesn't negate any cosmological or teleological ...Starship Asterisk* • View topic - TR: The Drake Equation for the ...
asterisk.apod.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t...En caché - Traducir esta página5 entradas - 4 autores - 27 Jul 2011Consequently, says Gleiser, the Drake Equation needs updating to take the multiverse and the extra factors it introduces into account.Obtener más resultados de debate
The Drake Equation For The Multiverse - Inform Science
informsciencenetwork.com/.../drake-equation-m...En caché - Traducir esta páginaConsequently, says Gleiser, the Drake Equation needs updating to take the multiverse and the extra factors it introduces into account. To form a true Drake-like ... Drake Equation for the Multiverse: From the String Landscape to ...
de M Gleiser - 2010 - Artículos relacionados
Title: Drake Equation for the Multiverse: From the String Landscape to Complex Life. Authors: Marcelo Gleiser. (Submitted on 8 Feb 2010). Abstract: It is argued ...SPIRES-HEP: FIND EA GLEISER, M OR EA GLEISER, MARCELO
www.slac.stanford.edu/.../www?...%22Gleiser%2...En caché - Traducir esta página4) Drake Equation for the Multiverse: From the String Landscape to Complex Life. Marcelo Gleiser, (Dartmouth Coll.) . Feb 2010. 6pp. Prepared for 4th ...Anthropic Principle vs Prebiotic Principle | Reasons To Believe
13 Dec 2010 – Marcelo Gleiser, “Drake Equation for the Multiverse: From the String Landscape to Complex Life,” International Journal of Modern Physics D: ...Sententias | God and the multiverse
sententias.org/tag/god-and-the-multiverse/En caché - Traducir esta páginaThe multiverse doesn't negate any cosmological or teleological argument and I .... the Multiverse: From the String Landscape to Complex Life by Marcelo Gleiser ...- [PDF]
fqxi.org/.../Gleiser_UNIFICATION_AND_THE_... - Traducir esta páginaFormato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
de M Kundera - Artículos relacionados
An essay by Marcelo Gleiser∗ for the contest .... all is encapsulated in the multiverse, that the string landscape contains all possible universes, including ours [8].