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Community News from The Urantia Book Fellowship

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The Urantia Book Fellowship

3 de octubre de 2009 01:31
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Community Newsletter October 2009 
in this issue
:: A Word From The President
:: Venice Beach Urantia Outreach
:: "But Who Say You That I Am"
:: In His Name
:: Correction Regarding UrantiaUniveristy
:: Getting The Urantia Book Into The Hands Of People
:: "Secrets of Jesus Christ" Website
:: Jesus Birthday - Smokey Mountain Style
Dear Urantia Book Reader,
This new monthly electronic newsletter is being sent for you by the Urantia Book Fellowship for the purpose of keeping readers like you connected with the Urantia community. In the upcoming issues, we intend to focus on:
  • Selected articles from the Fellowship web archive-offering a synopsis of an article to pique your interest, with a link to the full article for your continued reading. 
  • Societies at work-their activities, future plans, membership, etc. 
  • Current  Standing of Ad Hoc committees of the Fellowship-with updates on  committee work (including pictures!), and information to help you get to know  committee members better.
  • General Councilor members--spotlighting who they are, what they're working on, what motivates them to service, etc. 
  • On-going requests from Committee chairs for volunteers to help with specific  projects, etc.   
  • Upcoming events for your calendar!
  • Giving you ideas about how you can contribute and support the work of the Fellowship (oh there are many ways!)
With all of this in mind, we are looking for articles and ideas from all readers. Even if you don't have an article, we enthusiastically invite pictures, links to videos, etc., involving the Urantia movement.  So, don't be shy in sending us your ideas, your links, your written work, and any comments to  We could also use additional assistance with editing and/or proofreading of newsletter articles.   
This is a community newsletter, and YOU can be part of it!  We welcome you!
Robert Burns
General Councilor - The Urantia Book Fellowship 

A Word From The President

Michele Klimesh130:8.6 Jesus chose to establish the kingdom of heaven in the hearts of mankind by natural, ordinary, difficult, and trying methods, just such procedures as his earth children must subsequently follow in their work of enlarging and extending that heavenly kingdom.
I'm writing to this to you during the first hours after returning home from a visit to northeastern Iowa. In the town of Spillville (population 372) where my father grew up, I get online by walking to the local library during limited hours on weekdays. My cell phone doesn't work unless I stand under the water tower at the top of the hill by my cousin's house.
Life in Spillville without technology seems like a visit to the past: more insular, less hurried, more connected to immediate neighbors, less connected to the world at large. Ten days of tech deprivation provided a glimpse into how life might have been in the last century. It made me think about the mindset this lifestyle would produce in the early pioneers of the Urantia movement, and the dissemination methods they might embrace.
We know that Jesus chose to use ordinary methods to teach the people of his time about God's love. We, too, are to use ordinary methods.
But what do we consider "ordinary" in today's world? In 2009, we find information on Google. My baseball team "twitters." My kids are on Facebook. Social networks exploded into existence and have radically changed the way people stay connected with each other.
How fascinating to live in a time when we can watch how these phenomena will influence the dissemination efforts of Fellowship workers!
180:1.5 If you would share the Master's joy, you must share his love. And to share his love means that you have shared his service. Such an experience of love does not deliver you from the difficulties of this world; it does not create a new world, but it most certainly does make the old world new.
To joy and service,
Michelle Klimesh

Venice Beach Urantia Outreach
By Richard Omura
 Venice Beach

Norman Ingram is back with his Urantia Book table on the "anything goes" Venice Beach boardwalk in Los Angeles, California, joyfully introducing the revelation to people from all over the world. Fellow readers were recently within that throng, a small part of an every week-end mass gathering, so diverse that could be likened to the Capernaum crossroads of Jesus' time.

What an opportunity to talk to myriads of people from all over the planet about the Urantia Book!   Besides international visitors, there are New Age aficionados, L.A. locals, Christian fundamentalists, henna tattoo artists, Rastafarians, Hare Krishna's, Jewish observants on their way to the Jewish Center, skaters, bladers, surfers, rappers, conservative businessmen, tourists, musicians, artists, store owners, free speech activists, lawyers, athletes, and every other type of person you can think of--all this amidst the many stores and vendors spread along the walkway in front of the sand and sea. .

At the Venice booth one can encounter truth seekers who are sincere in their efforts to make some sense of this world, as well as religious fundamentalists trying to save our souls. To sit quietly at the booth, shining forth the Father's love, being available to anyone who wants to talk about Urantia Book concepts, or philosophy, religion and spirituality in general, is an act of service that is both enjoyable and productive. It is fruitful not only for those being introduced to the revelation, but also for the volunteers who tend the booth.  The experience gives us a chance to try to put into words and actions the teachings we've gleaned from the book.

One woman had the book but didn't know where to attend a study group--and she was from Chicago! We gave her the phone number for the study group closest to her, which was 533 Diversey Parkway-Urantia Foundation headquarters!  Will they ever be surprised to learn where she heard about their group!

The UBLA Society is sponsoring the Venice Beach booth, which is up every Sunday from 9am to 6pm, right where So, on Rose Ave., meets the boardwalk. We are always looking for volunteers to help out.  Even if it is for just a few hours once a month, this service opportunity is rich with insights into life. All are to invited to visit or drop by. Just to be safe, email Norman at  Cell: 562 822 8316; Tel: 552 698 2122 first, to make sure we'll be there on the day you plan to come. If you are an artist or have a secondary work based on the UB, you are welcome to set up right alongside us to showcase your wares. This is one of the most dynamic and interesting UB outreach posts on the planet.  If you like the sun, the beach and people of all types, plus 10,000 to 12,000 folks passing by each week-end, come on down!
Got extra books?  Poor students, the homeless, and the financially handicapped often show interest in the book, but can't afford the cost of a new edition.  If UB readers have extra's (old) UB's lying around, contact Norman Ingram.  Your unused books can do some real outreach.  After all, we never know who will be drawn to the booth.  Think of the joy in learning (some day) that your book donation was utilized by the angels

"But who say you that I am?"
Reflections on the Bestowal of Michael, Mithras, and Mithraism 

By Dan Massey, Jr


By the time of Michael's final review of the Urantian situation, just before embarking on the bestowal, the Mithras cult had developed its own, unique character and was spreading rapidly throughout the Roman Empire. Mithraism had, in fact, become the dominant, though unofficial, religion of the Empire.
In his pre-bestowal planning, did Michael choose to identify his mission as Jesus with elements of the Mithraic story? What is the significance of Jesus' question recorded in Matthew 16:15?
For the full article, Click Here

The articlde is.(C) Copyright 1997, L. Dan Massey, Jr. 10818 Fawn Drive, Great Falls, VA 22066; and is used by permission on the website.
Author's Note: Information in this paper about the historic antecedents and context of Mithraism is derived from the book, "The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries--Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World" by David Ulansey (Oxford, 1989). The historical data and conjectures presented by Ulansey have been reinterpreted in light of statements in The Urantia Book about Mithraism.
In His Name: Kathy Hughes 
(Heart of America Society) 

By Lee Loots

As Jesus said, good works done out of duty imply that one hasn't entered the Kingdom yet. Service is joyful and a gift to Father, however, when it emerges from our love for him. 
What if a new reader in your Urantia Book study group declared, "I just don't get Jesus"?  In this case, the reader knew some of Part IV, but was confused about Jesus' over-all context.   Some of us when hearing this might pause to consider the easiest way to explain the purpose and origin of our majestic Sovereign, and why he means so much to this planet and universe.
When Kathy Hughes heard this comment at her Heart of America Society study group, it struck a chord in her, and lingered.  Before long, Kathy found herself deep in study, tracing the details of Michael's pre-Sovereign history, going back to his beginnings on Paradise.  The revelation, of course, weaves in periodic glimpses of Michael's early experiences.  Kathy's goal was to tell that story in a linear progression, including the essential presence of the Complemental Daughter.
As happens so often with service impulses, Kathy soon experienced her task as a blessing.  At subsequent study groups, while she continued to research, she often expressed delight in her on-going discoveries--such that many of us (including yours truly) could hardly wait for her to finish! 
The night Kathy presented Michael's early history, the entire group was intensely engaged, despite the group's varied levels of book comprehension.  Personally, I'd grown up feeling close to Jesus, and later easily connected to Michael.  Even so, my inner picture of Michael expanded astonishingly that night, something I'd not quite anticipated.  Under Kathy's step by step direction, I absorbed some of the incomprehensible depth of Michael's earned competence, including the stunning enormity of its scope, and the mind-boggling eons of time invested in his training.  Before the meeting, I had general head knowledge of Michael's early stages. That night, however, as I contemplated it in detail, my heart rose into my expanding awareness, evoking splendid, heartfelt worship.   
We know that Michael was created in perfection.  Yet, he worked tremendously hard (and long) so he could likewise rule with perfection, even while offering his sublime companionship to each and every creature who desires it.  As such, he's the most exquisite brother/father/friend who exists in Orvonton.  (Likewise for Mother Spirit!)  Kathy insightfully noted that our Universe Sovereign did as much (or more) work to earn the right to serve us in his universe, as we ourselves will do in our extended evolutionary process to equip us for eternal service. Perhaps, she said with a smile, such awareness could help counter the predictable human tendency to whine (!).  
Looking ahead, Kathy plans to share her presentation of Michael's early life with others.  The first study group on her list is the Heart of America group which meets at the Independence Library, led by Ken Raveill.  Later, she'll do a presentation to a Heart of America study group in Kansas City, led by Barbara Heckathorn (a reader who also offers introductory Urantia Book classes as part of a community education effort called "Communiversity"). 
Correction regarding previous article on UrantiaUniversity

David Nash has requested a correction concerning the UrantiaUniversity article which appeared under his name in the Fellowship's recent Herald Magazine. The article was not written alone by David Nash. It was the collaboration of several dedicated Urantia believers working together on UrantiaUniversity and should have been listed as such. 
Mr. Nash wants to make it clear that he can take very little credit for the article. On behalf of UrantiaUniversity, David hopes you will excuse this mistake and know that the entire project is absolutely a team effort.