Library » References » The Works of Seth and Jane Roberts
by Barry C. Noonan
I. Works of Jane Roberts
A. Seth Material
1. Seth Books
Seth Material. Prentice-Hall, 1970 (released September 4).
Library Journal, 1970 Sep 15, p. 2928. Publishers’
Weekly, 1970 Jul 13, p. 156. FATE 253 1971 Apr,
p.121-122. Publishers’ Weekly, 1972 May 22, p. 52.
In Chinese: Ling chieh ti hsun hsi: fu t’i ling hun
Sai-ssu ti ling i tzu liao. Shih pao wen hau chu pan shih yeh yu
hsien kung ssu, Taipei, 1982.
In Dutch: De Seth-materie. Anhk-Hermes, Deventer, 1989.
Anneke Thole-Velthuyse, translator.
In French: Le Livre de Seth. J’ai lu, Paris, 1990. Marc
Thivolet, translator.
In German: Das Seth-Material: Ein Standwerk esoterischen
Wissens. Ariston, Genf, 1986; Buchgemeinschaft Donauland,
Vienna, 1989; H. Hugendubel, Kreuzlingen, 2000. Marfa Berger,
In Hebrew: Set: mesarim mi-memad aher: ha-homer shel Set.
Mirkam, 1993.
In Hungarian: Seth megszólal, Translated by Tamás
Révbíró,Published by Edesviz Kiado, Budapest, 1994.
In Italian: Title unknown. Editione Mediteranee, Rome.
In Norwegian: Seth-Materialet. Hilt & Hansteen as,
Oslo, 1990. Anne-Marie Smith, translator.
In Spanish: El Material Seth. Editorial Diana, Mexico
City, 1991; Habla Seth. Ediciones Luciernaga,
Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul. Prentice-Hall, 1972
(released July 31) (Sessions 511-591, 1970 Jan 21 - 1971 Aug 11).
Kirkus Reviews, 1972 May 15, p. 616. Publishers’
Weekly, 1972 May 29, p. 31. FATE 277, 1973 Apr,
p.126-128. Bookwatch, 1991 Mar, p. 3 (audio version).
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In Czech: Sethovy promluvy. Pragma, Prague, 2000.
Hana Nováková, translator.
In Chinese: Ling hun young sheng. Shi bao wen hua chu ban
shi ye you xian gong si, Taipei, 1984. Wang Jiqing, translator;
Shih kung chih wai. Fa erh chu pan she, Taipei, 1991. Hu
Yingyin and Wang Yusheng, translators.
In Dutch: Seth Spreekt: De eeuwige Waarde van de Ziel.
Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 1979. Translator, Hannie van Till.
In Estonian: Seth koneleb (2 volumes). Nebadon,
In French: L’enseignement de Seth: La Permanence de l’âme.
J’ai lu, Paris, 1991. Marc Thivolet, translator.
In German: Gespraeche mit Seth: Von der ewigen Gueltigkeit der
Seele (“Conversations with Seth: Of the Eternal Validity of the
Soul”). Ariston, Genf, 1979; Goldmann, Munich, 1986; H. Hugendubel,
Kreuzlingen, 2000. Sabine Lucas, translator.
In Hungarian: Seth könyve: a lélek örök érvényessége. Two
volumes, Edesviz Kiado, Budapest, 1995, 1996. Translated by Tamás
In Italian: Le Comunicazioni di Seth: Create il Vostro
Mondo. Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome, 1987. Massimo Biondi,
In Japanese: Sesu wa kataru: tamashii ga eien de aru to
iukoto. Natural Spirit, Tokyo, 1999.
In Spanish: Habla Seth II: La Eterna Validez del Alma.
Luciernaga Oceano, Barcelona, 1998. Maria Paz de la Cruz,
Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book. Prentice-Hall, 1974
(released September 16) (Sessions 609-677, 1972 Apr 10 - 1973 Jul
Kirkus Reviews, 1974 Jul 15, p. 789. Publishers’
Weekly, 1974 Jul 20, p. 42. Library Journal, 1974 Aug,
p. 1965. FATE 297, 1974 Dec, p. 122-124; brief mention of
paperback edition. FATE 323, 1977 Feb, p. 128.
Magical Blend, 1994 Nov, p. 76. See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In Chinese: Ge ren shi xiang du ben zhi: Saisi
shu. Fang zhi chu ban she, Taipei, 1991. Wang Jiqing and Wang
Yusheng, translators.
In Danish: Den Personlige Virkelighed. Borgens Forlag,
Valby, 1989. Claus Bech, translator.
In Dutch: Je Lichaam, Je Leven en het Wezen van de
Creativiteit. een Seth-Boek. Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 1982. Anneke
Thole-Velthuyse, translator.
In Estonian: Isikliku reaalsuse olemus (2 volumes).
Nebadon, Tallinn, 1995.
In French: La réalité personnelle (“Personal Reality”).
Éditions de Mortagne, Boucherville (Quebec), 1991 (In two volumes:
Volume 1: Une Vision de l’au-delà; Volume 2: Votre Corps, Sculpture
Vivante.) Pierre Lacasse, translator.
In German: Die Natur der persoenlichen Realitaet: Ein neues
Bewusstsein als Quelle der Kreativitaet (“The Nature of Personal
Reality: A New Awareness as the Source of Creativity”). Ariston,
Genf, 1985; Goldmann, Munich, 1992. Sabine Lucas, translator.
In Hungarian: A személyes valóság természete. Two volumes,
Edesviz Kiado, Budapest, 2001, 2002.
In Italian: La vostra realtà quotidiana: techniche pratiche
per risolvere i problemi di tutti i giorni e arricchire la vostra
personalità. Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome, 1992. Silvia
Brembilla, translator.
In Norwegian: Din egentlige virkelighet: slik vekker du
skjulte krefter i ditt indre til liv og skaper deg en lykkeligere og
mer meningsfylt tilvaerelse. Hilt & Hansteen as, Oslo, 1996.
Anne-Marie Smith, translator.
In Portuguese: forthcoming, title unknown.
In Spanish: Habla Seth III: La naturaleza de la realidad
personal. Ediciones Luciernaga, Barcelona.
In Swedish: Title unknown. Livskraft, 1988.
“Unknown” Reality: A Seth Book (2 volumes). Prentice-Hall,
1977, 1979 (Volume 1: Sessions 679-704, 1974 Feb 4 - 1974 Jun 17;
Volume 2: Sessions 705-744, 1974 Jun 24 - 1975 Apr 23).
Library Journal, 1977 Aug, p. 1658 (vol. 1).
Publishers’ Weekly, 1972 May 29, p. 31 (vol. 2). See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In Chinese: (title, publisher, and date unknown)
In Estonian: “Tundmatu” reaalsus. Nebadon, Tallinn,
In German: Volume 1: Unbekannte Realitaet: Seth und die
Wirklichkeit der Psyche (“The Unknown Reality: Seth and the
Reality of the Psyche”). Susanne Kahn-Ackermann, translator.
Volume 2: Unbekannte Realitaet: Reinkarnation und Reisen des
Selbst (“The Unknown Reality: Reincarnation and the Journeys of
the Self”). Susanne Kahn-Ackermann, translator.
Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression: A Seth Book.
Prentice-Hall, 1979 (Sessions 752-800, 1975 Jul 28 - 1977 Apr 4).
Publishers’ Weekly, 1979 Jul 16, p. 61. See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In Chinese: Xin ling di ben zhi: Saisi shu. Fang
zhi chu ban she, Taipei, 1997. Wang Jiqing, translator.
In Dutch: Het Wezen van de Psyche: haar Menselijke expressie:
een Seth-Boek. Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 1987. Anneke
Thole-Velthuyse, translator.
In German: Die Nature des Psyche: Ihr menschlicher Ausdruck in
Kreativitaet, Liebe, Sexualitaet (“The Nature of the Psyche:
Your Human Expression of Creativity, Love, Sexuality”). Ariston,
Genf, 1981; Goldmann, Munich, 1985; Ariston, Genf and Munich, 1995.
Franz Koch, translator.
In Hebrew: Teva’ha-nefesh: bituyah ha-enoshi. Mirkam, Tel
Aviv, 1998. Orit Kahana, translator.
In Serbo-Croatian: Title unknown. Beletra, 1979.
Individual and the Nature of Mass Events: A Seth Book.
Prentice-Hall, 1981 (Sessions 801-873, 1977 Apr 18 - 1979 Aug 15).
Library Journal, 1981 Mar 15, p. 667. See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In Chinese: (title, publisher, and date unknown)
In Dutch: Individu en wereldgebeuren. Ankh-Hermes,
Deventer, 1983. Anneke Thole, translator.
In French: Seth: Evenements Collectifs, un Choix
Individuel (“Seth: Mass Events, an Individual Choice”). Editions
de Mortagne, 1993.
In German: Individuum und Massenschicksal: Der Mensch als
Urheber allen Umweltgeschehens: ein Seth-Buch (“The Individual
and Mass Destiny: Man as the Author of all Natural Events: A Seth
Book”). Ariston, Geneva, 1988; Goldmann, Munich, 1991; Ariston, Genf
and Munich, 1995. Monika Kind, translator.
“Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment: A Seth Book (2 volumes).
Prentice-Hall, 1986 (Volume 1: Sessions 882-909, 1979 Sep 26 - 1980
Apr 21; Volume 2: Sessions 909-941, 1980 Apr 21 - 1982 Feb 8).
Booklist, 1986 May 1, p. 1260 (vol. 1). Los Angeles
Times, 1986 Jun 12, p. 38 (vol. 1). Village Voice Literary
Supplement, 1986 Jul, p. 17 (vol. 1). Booklist, 1986
Oct 1, p. 169 (vol. 2).
In Dutch: Dromen, ‘evolutie’ en waardervervullung:
een Seth-boek (I, II). Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 1988, 1989.
In German: Volume 1: Traeume, Evolution und Werterfuellung:
Das Erwachen des Bewusstseins zum existentiellen sein (“Dreams,
Evolution and Value Fulfillment: The Beginning of Awareness of
Existential Being”). Ariston, Geneva, 1990; Goldmann, Munich, 1994.
Marianne Wengerek, translator. Volume 2: Traeume, Evolution
und Werterfuellung: Das Erwachen des Selbst zur multidimensionalen
Existenz (“Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment: The
Awakening of the Self to Multidimensional Existence”). Ariston,
Geneva, 1990; Goldmann, Munich, 1994. Marianne Wengerek,
Dreams, and Projections of Consciousness. Stillpoint
Publishing, 1987.
In Chinese: Meng yu yi shi tou she (Saisi shu),
Fang zhi chu ban she, Taipei, 1998. Jiqinq Wang, translator.
Magical Approach: Seth Speaks About the Art of Creative
Living. Amber-Allen/New World Library, 1995 (Unnumbered
sessions, 1980 Aug 6 - 1980 Oct 15).
In Italian: La realtà magica: l’arte della vita
creativa. Edizioni mediterranee, Rome, 1997. Antonio Manco,
Way Toward Health. Amber-Allen, 1997 (Unnumbered sessions,
1984 Jan 3 - 1984 Aug 30).
In German: Seths Letzte Botschaft: eine neue Sicht
von Gesundheit, Krankheit und Tod (“Seth’s Last Message: A New
View of Health, Illness and Death”). Bauer, Freiburg im Breisgau,
1999. Jutta Klingbeil, translator.
The Early Sessions. New Awareness Network. Volume
1: 1997 (Sessions 1-42, 1963 Dec 2 - 1964 Apr 8). Volume
2: 1997 (Sessions 43-85, 1964 Apr 13 - 1964 Sep 7). Volume
3: 1998 (Sessions 86-148, 1964 Sep 9 - 1965 Apr 21). Volume
4: 1998 (Sessions 149-198, 1965 Apr 26 - 1965 Oct 13). Volume
5: 1999 (Sessions 199-239, 1965 Oct 18 - 1966 Mar 7). Volume
6: 1999 (Sessions 240-280, 1966 Mar 9 - 1966 Aug 24). Volume
7: 1999 (Sessions 281-333, 1966 Aug 29 - 1967 Apr 10). Volume
8: 2000 (Sessions 334-421, 1967 Apr 12 - 1968 Jul 8). Volume
9: 2002 (Sessions 422-510, 1968 Jul 10 - 1970 Jan 19).
In German: Die Fruehen Sitzungen.
Volume 1: Sethverlag, Sempach, Switzerland, 2000. Maurizio
Vogrig, translator.
Volume 2: Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 2002. Ursula Lang,
Volume 3: Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 2002. Maurizio Vogrig,
Volume 4: Sethverlag, Sempach, Switzerland, 2002. Ursula Lang,
The Personal Sessions. New Awareness Network. Volume
1: 2003: 1965 Nov 15 - 1971 Dec 6. Volume
2: 2003: 1971 Dec 8 - 1973 Nov 27. Volume
3: 2004: 1973 Dec 3 - 1977 Aug 22. Volume
4: 2004: 1977 Aug 27 - 1978 Aug 28. Volume
5: 2005: 1978 Aug 30 - 1980 Dec 10. Volume
6: 2005: 1980 Dec 15 - 1982 May 10. Volume
7: 2006: 1982 May 10 - 1984 Jan 02.
2. Video/Audio
The Seth Video. Interview with Jane and Rob, and Seth at ESP
Class, both taped 1974 Jun 4.
A Day with Richard Bach. 4 cassettes. Recorded at a workshop
at the University of Minnesota, 1980 Oct 18, and marketed by Effective
Learning Systems (Edina, MN) in 1981. Includes Bach's experiences with
The 1984 Seth World Conference. Grigadean Productions,
Austin, TX, 1984.
The Seth Phenomena. Bob Terrio Productions, 1993. Interview
with Rob, 1993.
SethNet ’97: Highlights of the Elmira Conference, June 19-22,
1997. Bob Terrio Productions, 1997. Includes talks by Rob Butts,
Sue Watkins, and ESP Class members.
UFO’s and Channeling, written, produced and directed by
Phillip McAiney, narrated by Telly Savalas, 1989. Includes a
one-minute recording of Seth’s voice (from a class tape) and a brief
interview with Rick Stack. Rob Butts and Anne Marie O’Farrell are
listed in the credits.
Seth and the Recreating of Reality. Edward S. Rosenbluh,
Seth: The Voice and the Message. Simon & Schuster,
Publishers’ Weekly, 1991 Feb 1, p. 46.
From Rob’s Perspective. Seth Network International, 1997.
Interview with Rob Butts following SethNet ’97 in Elmira.
The following audiotapes are recordings of ESP Class sessions
released by New Awareness Network (headed by Rick Stack, “Rudy Storch”
of Conversations with Seth):
- The Seth Audio Collection, Tapes 1-6
- Your Unlimited Power
- Tuning into Probable Realities
- Love and Hate - Understanding Your Emotions
- Abandoning Yourself to Your Spontaneous Being
- Dream Reality and Out of Body Experiences
- Reincarnation, Simultaneous Time and the Multi-Dimensional
- Tape
7: The “Safe Universe”
- Tape
8: 1970 Dec 1 ESP Class
- Tape
9: 1971 Aug 31 ESP Class
- Tape
10: 1972 Mar 21 ESP Class
- Tape
11: 1972 May 2, 9 ESP Classes
- Tapes 12 & 13: 1972 Jun 13, Aug 29 ESP Classes
- Tape
14: 1972 Oct 17 ESP Class
- Tape
15: 1972 Nov 7, 21 ESP Classes
- Tape
16: 1972 Dec 5, 19 ESP Classes
- Tape
17: 1973 Feb 6 ESP Class
- Tape
18: 1973 Mar 6, 27 ESP Classes
- Tape
19: 1973 Apr 24, May 8 ESP Classes
- Tape
20: 1973 May 20, Jun 26 ESP Classes
- Tape
21: 1973 Jun 5, Jul 31 ESP Classes
- Tape
22: 1973 Aug 21, November 6 ESP Classes
- Tape
23: 1973 Sep 4, December 11 ESP Classes
- Tape
24: 1973 Sep 18, 1972 Mar 7 ESP Classes
- Tape
25: 1973 Nov 13 ESP Class
- Tape
26: 1973 Dec 4, Dec 18 ESP Classes
3. Compilations
Abundance, Creativity, Desires and Framework 2. SNI 1998
Membership Gift. Includes unnumbered sessions of 1975 Aug 6, Aug 11,
and 1977 Nov 5.
Assistance from Framework 2, Animal-Men/Men-Animals,
Unrecognized Earth Cycles and Civilizations, Organization Behind Our
World. SNI 1999 Membership Gift. Includes material from unnumbered
sessions of 1977 Nov 12, 14, 19 and 21.
Exploring the Inner Senses. SNI, 1995. (Excerpts from SM,
Exploring the Landscape of the Psyche: Continents and Oceans of
Self. SNI 1996 Membership Gift. Includes ESP Class sessions of
1974 Jul 30, Aug 6, 13, 20, 27.
Framework 2 and “Super Accounts.” SNI 1997 Membership Gift,
Includes sessions of 1979 Nov 21 and 26.
The Magical Approach. SNI 1993 Membership Gift. Extracts
from the then-unpublished book of the same name.
Francis, Sidney, Seth Transcripts, 1973 (privately
Roberts, Richard. A Seth Reader. Vernal Equinox Press,
Seth and Individuality. SNI 1994 Membership Gift. Includes
ESP Class sessions of 1974 Jan 22, 29.
Seth, Jane Roberts, and the Codicils. SNI, 1995? (Excerpts
from Psychic Politics).
Seth & Understanding Reality. SNI 1995 Membership Gift.
Includes ESP Class sessions of 1971 Mar 30, Apr 13, 27. (Produced with
three cover colors: blue, salmon, and cream.)
B. Other Books
1. Seth-Based
to Develop Your ESP Power. Frederick Fell, 1966. Also
published as The Coming of Seth. Re-issued by Lifetime Books,
Hollywood, FL, 1997, as How to Develop Your ESP Power: the First
Published Encounter with Seth. Re-issued by Frederick Fell
Publishing, Hollywood, FL, 2000, as ESP Power: Your Absolute,
Quintessential, All You Wanted to Know, Complete Guide.
Christian Century, 1966 Nov 23, p. 1449. Library
Journal, 1967 Jan 15, p. 249. See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In German: Der Weg zu Seth: Der persoenliche Fuehrer
in das Wesen einer neuen Realitaet (“The Way of Seth: The
Personal Leader in the Essence of a New Reality”). Goldmann, Munich,
1988. Susanne Kahn-Ackermann, translator.
In Hebrew: Kehad tifatzu et ohmatkhem ha-al zushit. Or Am,
Tel Aviv, 2000. Nediva Plotkin, translator.
In Hungarian: ESP – Az érzékeken túli érzékelés
fejlesztése, Kinizsi Kiado, Debrecen, 2001.
In Polish: Parapsychiczne przebudzenie. Limbus, Bydgoszcz,
1996. Jerzy Smigiel, translator.
In Spanish: Aplique la magia de su percepción extrasensorial
(descubrala y desarrolleta). Editorial Escorpio, Mexico City,
1979. Enrique Asseburg, translator.
In Spanish: Como desarrollar su percepción extrasensorial.
Obelisco, Barcelona, 1997.
in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology.
Prentice-Hall, 1975. Also in audiobook format.
Kirkus Reviews, 1975 Jul 1, p. 765. Library
Journal, 1975 Aug, p. 1427. FATE 316, 1976 Jul, p.
105-106. See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In German: Das Seth-Phaenomen: Die unbekannten
Dimensionen unserer Seele (“The Seth Phenomenon: The Unknown
Dimensions of Our Souls”). Goldmann, Munich, 1991. Susanne
Kahn-Ackermann, translator.
In Japanese: Title unknown. Rea Japan Inc., 1986.
In Spanish: Aventuras en la conciencia. Editorial Diana,
Mexico City, 1990. Alexander Whitehouse, translator.
Politics: An Aspect Psychology Book. Prentice-Hall, 1976.
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In German: Dialog der Seele. Goldmann, 1989.
World View of The World View of Paul Cézanne: A Psychic
Interpretation. Prentice-Hall, 1977 (released November 7)
(Dictated 1975 Dec 11 - 1976 Sep 2).
Publishers’ Weekly, 1977 Oct 3, p. 88. American
Artist, 1983 Apr, p. 79. See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of
William James. Prentice-Hall, 1978 (Dictated 1977 Jan 25 -
1977 Jul 27).
Publishers’ Weekly, 1978 Jul 10, p. 129. Library
Journal, 1978 Oct 1, p. 1992. Christian Century, 1978
Nov 15, p. 1118. See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
World View of Rembrandt. New Awareness Network, 2006.
God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto. Prentice-Hall, 1981.
Library Journal, 1981 Aug, p. 1552. Booklist,
1981 Dec 1, p. 468. See
also Clarie entries in Section 10.
In Japanese: Title unknown. Rea Japan Inc., 1986.
Worldview of Rembrandt. New Awareness Network, 2006.
2. Novels
The Rebellers, Ace, 1963 (paperback). Issued as double
novel, with Listen! The Stars! by John Brunner.
Education of Oversoul Seven. Prentice-Hall, 1973 (released
September 10).
Library Journal, 1973 May 1, p. 1512. Publishers’
Weekly, 1973 Jul 2, p. 79. Kirkus Reviews, 1973 Jul 15,
P. 772.
In Chinese: Man you qian shi jin sheng. Fang zhi
chu ban she, Taipei, 1998. Liao Shide, translator.
In Dutch: De Opleiding van Overziel 7. Ankh-Hermes,
Devender, 1993.
In German: Ueberseele Sieben (“Oversoul Seven”). Goldmann,
Munich, 1992. Susanne Kahn-Ackermann, translator.
Further Education of Oversoul Seven. Prentice-Hall, 1979.
Kirkus Reviews, 1979 Jul 1, p. 760. Publishers’
Weekly, 1979 Jul 2, p. 98. Library Journal, 1979 Nov
15, p. 2484.
In Chinese: Chuan sho huan xiang shi xiang. Fang
zhi chu ban she, Taipei, 1998. Liao Shide, translator.
In German: Lehrzeit (“Apprenticeship”). Goldmann, Munich,
1992. Susanne Kahn-Ackermann, translator.
Seven and the Museum of Time. Prentice-Hall, 1984.
In Chinese: Shi jian yu yan. Fang zhi chu ban
she, Taipei, 1998. Liao Shide, translator.
In German: Zeitmuseum (“Museum of Time”). Goldmann,
Munich, 1992. Susanne Kahn-Ackermann, translator.
The Oversoul 7 novels were re-issued in a single volume as The
Oversoul 7 Trilogy by Amber-Allen, San Rafael, CA, 1995.
3. Poetry
of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time. Prentice-Hall, 1975.
FATE 317, 1976 Aug, p. 102.
We Live Again: Or, Public Magic and Private Love.
Prentice-Hall, 1982.
4. Children's Book
Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers. Prentice-Hall,
School Library Journal, 1980 Jan, p. 75. Kirkus
Reviews, 1980 Feb 1, p. 127. Bookwatch, 2000 Jun, p.
In Chinese: Xiao wang zi Aimi’er sheng ming zhi
lu. Fang zhi du ban she qu fen you xian gong si, Taipei, 2000.
Jia Zhiyun, translator.
In German: Emirs Erziehung im rechten Gebrauch der magischen
Kraefte (“Emir’s Education in the Proper Use of Magical
Powers"). S. Falk, 1989.
C. Other Works
1. Short Stories
“Prayer of a Wiser People” in Profile [Skidmore College
literary magazine], Spring, 1950.
“The Red Wagon” in Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction,
December 1956. Reprinted in Reality Change, Fall, 1993.
Anthologized in Ladies of Fantasy/Two Centuries of Sinister Stories
by the Gentler Sex, edited by Seon Manley and Gogo Lewis, Lothrop,
Lee & Shepard, 1975.
“The Canvas Pyramid” in Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction, March 1957. Translated and published in a French
anthology, 1958 (Jane’s first foreign publication)
“First Communion” in Fantastic Universe, March 1957.
“The Chestnut Beads” in Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction, October 1957. Translated and published in a French
anthology, 1958. Anthologized in Rod Serling’s Triple W: Witches,
Warlocks and Werewolves, Bantam, 1963.
“The Bundu” (novella) in Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction, March 1958.
“A Demon at Devotions” in Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction, September 1958. Reprinted in Reality Change,
Winter 1994.
“Nightmare” in Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction,
April 1959.
“Impasse” in Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July
1959. Translated and published in a Spanish-language anthology, ca.
“Three Times Around” in Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction, May 1964. Anthologized in Earth Invaded, Isaac
Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, and Charles Waigh, eds. (Raintree
Publishers, Milwaukee, 1982).
“The Big Freeze” in Dude, November, 1965. Reprinted in
Reality Change, Summer, 1994.
“The Mission,” purchased by Topper magazine in August, 1965.
Publication not yet confirmed.
2. Poetry
“Rain” in Profile [Skidmore College literary magazine],
December, 1947.
“Pretense” in Profile, December, 1947.
“Code” in Profile, December, 1947.
“Skyscrapers” in Profile, December, 1947.
“Introvert” in Profile, May, 1948.
“Poem” in Profile, May, 1948.
“How Public Like a Frog” in Profile, Fall, 1948.
“Motorcycle Ride” in Profile, Fall, 1948.
“Echo” in Profile, May, 1949.
“Death Stood at the Door” in Profile, May, 1949.
“Compromise” in Profile, May, 1949.
“I Shall Die in the Springtime.” Patterns. v.1, n.1, October
“Lyric.” Patterns. v.1, n.1, October 1954.
“Matilda” in Quicksilver, Spring, 1960.
“It is Springtime, Grandfather.” Epos., v.12, n.3, Spring
“The Familiar.” Bitterroot. v.1, n.2, Winter 1962.
“I Saw a Hand” in Treasures of Parnassus: Best Poems of
1962, Young Publications, Appalachia, VA, 1962. Reprinted in
Elmira Star-Gazette, 1962 November 29, p. 14.
“My Grandfather’s World.” Epos. v.14, n.3, Spring 1963.
“Lullaby.” Epos. v.14, n.3, Spring 1963.
“Beware, October.” Epos. v.16, n.1, Fall 1964.
“This Wrist, This Hand.” Epos. v.16, n.4, Summer 1965.
“The Game.” New Lantern Club Review. n.2, Summer 1965.
“The Flowers.” Steppenwolf n.1, Winter 1965-1966.
“Vision.” Dust/9., v.3, n.1, Fall 1966.
“Who Whispers Yes.” Dust/12. v.3, n.4, Spring 1969.
3. Letters to the Editor
Articles in the Elmira Star-Gazette [Elmira, NY]
“‘Business as Usual’ Attitude Greatest Danger to Americans,” 1961
Oct 13. Jane's letter to the editor on fallout
II. Works about Jane Roberts and the Seth Material
A. Jane
1. Memoir
Watkins, Susan M. Speaking of Jane Roberts: Remembering the
Author of the Seth Material. Moment Point Press (Needham, MA),
2001. A memoir.
2. Biographical Dictionaries
American Women Writers, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. (New
York), 1981, v. 4, pp. 488-449.
Berger, Arthur S., and Joyce Berger, The Encyclopedia of
Parapsychology and Psychical Research, Paragon House (New York),
Chemung County, 1890-1975, by Thomas E. Byrne, Chemung
County Historical Society, Inc., Elmira, NY, 1976. Contains a
paragraph on Jane at p. 466, along with a picture of her by her
bookshelves in the Water St. apartment holding the original hardcover
How to Develop Your ESP Power.
Chryssides, George D., Historical Dictionary of New Religious
Movements, Scarecrow Press (Lanham, MD), 2001.
Clute, John, and Peter Nicholls, The Encyclopedia of Science
Fiction, Orbit (London), 1991, p. 1011.
Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, Volume 15, Gale
Research Company (Detroit), 1985, pp. 74-75.
Melton, J. Gordon, Encyclopedia of Occultism &
Parapsychology, The Gale Group (Detroit), 2001, p. 1315.
Melton, J. Gordon, New Age Encyclopedia, Gale Research
Company (Detroit), 1990, pp. 407-409.
Melton, J. Gordon, Religious Leaders of America, (2nd ed.),
The Gale Group (Detroit), 1999, p. 472.
Reginald, Robert, Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, A
Checklist, 1700-1974, Gale Research Company (Detroit), 1979, vol. 2,
p. 1049.
Who’s Who of American Women, With World Notables, A.N.
Marquis Co. (Chicago), 1970-1971 (p.180), 1972-1973 (p.121).
Wingrove, David, The Science Fiction Source Book, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Co. (New York), 1984.
The Writer’s Directory, St. Martin’s Press (New York),
1980-1982 (p.1050), 1982-1984 (p.795), 1984-1986 (p.823).
3. Magazine Articles
Butts, Robert F., “I Loved You As You Were and As You Will Be,”
Psychic Guide, v.5, n.1 (1986 Jun-Aug), pp. 16-18.
Fisher, Stanley and John Edminster, “William James . . .
Ghostwriter?” in FATE 350 (1979 May), pp. 61-66. Essentially an
extended, and strongly negative, review of The Afterdeath Journal
of an American Philosopher. Letters, mostly supportive of the
book, were published in issue 353 (1979 Aug), pp. 114-117, including
one from sometime ESP class member Gertrude S. Laux.
“It’s a Bird! It’s a Dream! It’s Supergull!” in Time, 1972
November 13, pp. 60-66. Article on Richard Bach and Jonathan
Livingston Seagull. Bach’s friendship with Jane and Rob is
discussed on pp. 65-66.
Koffend, John, “The Gospel According to Helen,” in Psychology
Today, September, 1980, pp. 74-90. A mention of Jane on p. 77
prompted a letter from her, published in the December, 1980, issue, p.
4. Newspaper Articles
Articles in the Elmira Star-Gazette [Elmira, NY]
Santone, Michael, Seth—Science—Jane Roberts. 1985.
Compilation of articles in the Elmira Star-Gazette about
Jane, and discussion of an article in Science Digest of
April, 1984, which supports the Seth material (“The Mind as Healer”
by Signe Hammer).
“‘Business as Usual’ Attitude Greatest Danger to Americans,” 1961
Oct 13. Jane's letter to the editor on fallout shelters.
“Elmira Author Sells Science-Fiction Novel” by Mary Lee Morken,
1962 Nov 29. Picture of Jane at her typewriter and a description of
her and Rob’s lives before the Seth material began. The novel is
The Rebellers.
“Elmira in Future? Author Foresees Famine, Plague,” by “JS”, 1963
Jul 21. Announcement of publication of The Rebellers, with picture
of Jane holding book.
“Elmiran Delves into ‘Strange Powers’ in Book on Extrasensory
Perception,” by Peggy Gallagher, 1965 Jul 5. Announcement of
forthcoming publication of How to Develop Your ESP Power
whose working title at the time was Strange Powers Within You:
How to Make ESP Work.
“Three Authors to be Honored,” 1966 Aug 21. Jane, Mrs. Isidor
Featherman, and Mrs. Bela C. Tifft, all published Elmira authors,
given a tea-and-sherry autograph party at Elmira’s Steele Memorial
“Seth, An Ageless Entity, Takes Over—Mrs. Butts,” by Peg
Gallagher, 1969 Feb 2. General description of the Seth phenomenon,
with sidebars “Physical World Appeared ‘Paper Thin’ to ESP Writer”
on the “The Physical Universe as Idea Construction” experience and
“Seth: On Man, God and the Universe” with Seth quotes on various
“Elmiran Publishes Second ESP Book,” 1970 Aug 14. Announcement of
the publication of The Seth Material.
“6 Years of ESP and ‘Seth’—She’ll Never Be the Same,” by Peg
Gallagher, 1970 Sep 13. Overview of the Seth material and its effect
on Jane’s and Rob’s lives.
ESP, Women's Lib in Southside Course, 1971 Jul 18.
Southside High School in Elmira will use How to Develop Your ESP
Power in a new class on “superstition and the supernatural.”
“Elmiran Plans 3rd ESP Book, Plus Paperback,” 1972 Jul 8.
Announcement of the publication of Seth Speaks and paperback
edition of The Seth Material.
“Authors Bach, Butts Helped by ‘Voices’,” 1972 Nov 9. Time
magazine’s cover story on Richard Bach and Jonathan Livingston
Seagull, which mentions Jane and Seth.
“Jane Butts Explores Another World,” by Peg Gallagher, 1973 Jan
21. Feature story in The Scene magazine. Overview of the Seth
phenomenon with much biographical material about Jane.
“Elmiran Authors Another Novel,” 1973 Oct 19. Announcement of the
publication of The Education of Oversoul Seven.
“Open Marriage,” by Kristie Moore, 1975 Feb 9. Jane’s and Rob’s
marriage used as an example of same, in this case meaning nothing
more that sharing chores, etc.
“Butts’ Book Could Jar Your Occult Theories,” by Peg Gallagher,
1975 Aug 31. Description of newly-published Adventures in
“Feelings Grow into Books for Psychic Roberts,” by Peg Gallagher,
1979 Aug 26. Jane’s feelings about writing The God of
Article in the The Saratogian [Saratoga Springs, NY]
“Celebrate Labors of Loathing,” by Ann Hauprich, 1990 Sep 2.
Includes interview with Walter Zeh, who tells some anecdotes of his
and Jane’s stint at a dude ranch in 1951. Includes picture of
Articles in The Sun, Chapel Hill, NC.
“Seth Speaks: A Glimpse of Infinity” by Sy Safransky, 1975
“Jung and Seth on Sex,” 1975 November.
“In the eye of the beholder, Or Death is what you make it–more
from Seth, the disembodied personality...,” 1976 April, pp.
“Celebrating Seth” by Elizabeth Rose Campbell, 1982 February, pp.
“Seth on Suicide” by Elizabeth Rose Campbell, 1982 March, pp.
“The White Horse: Seth on Animals” by Elizabeth Rose Campbell,
1982 June, pp. 15-17.
“A Death in the Family” by Sy Safransky, 1984 December, pp.
A letter from Rob on Jane's death, 1985 April, p. 5.
[Short stories by Sue Watkins in 1987 June and 1988
Article in The Sun (tabloid newspaper).
Article about Seth and Jane in 1993 Jun 15 issue.
5. Interview (audio)
Jane Roberts: The San Francisco Interview. Conducted 1975
Dec 4 by Ed Busch of KNBR in San Francisco, by telephone with Jane in
6. Yearbooks
Recorder 1947 [Saratoga Springs High School yearbook]. Jane
appears on page 28: “Janie possesses striking features, accentuated by
thick, black hair and beautiful eyes. An infectious laugh, a gay
manner, and do-or-die attitude toward anything she sets her mind on,
all form a part of Jane’s personality. She has a unusual talent for
writing poetry, and considers herself an active Democrat. She wrote
for the Oratoga [literary magazine] all four years of high school, and
also participated in the Speech Club.”
Eromdiks 1950. [Skidmore College yearbook.] Includes a
picture of Jane as member of the Student Council.
7. Jane Roberts Papers at Yale University
Yale University. Sterling Memorial Library. Manuscipts and
Archives. Manuscript Group Number 1090. Jane Roberts Papers [Finding
Aid]. 55 pp. as of mid-2001. Detailed listing of materials donated to
Yale by Robert Butts, Tam Mossman, Richard Kendall and Norman
8. Obituaries
“Jane Roberts Butts, Elmira Author, Dies,” by Bill Morgan, 1984 Sep
6. Elmira Star-Gazette, Elmira, NY. Announcement of Jane’s
death, with sidebar “Jane Roberts Butts Conveyed a Magical Vitality.”
(Also mentioned in “Obituary” the same day.)
FATE 418 (1985 Jan). “Jane Roberts Dies...”. Obituary of
Jane, with photo, written by Tam Mossman. Photo credit appears
belatedly in issue 420 (1985 Mar), p. 46.
Publishers Weekly, 1984 Oct 26, p. 29.
B. Seth and the Seth Material
1. Index/Concordances
Proctor, Bob. A Seth, Jane Roberts, and Robert Butts Combined
Index. Seth Network International, 1996.
Riedel, Bert. Concordance: Seth Speaks. 1996.
Riedel, Bert. Concordance: The Nature of Personal Reality.
1998? (forthcoming).
Riedel, Bert. Concordance: The Individual and the Nature of Mass
Events. 1996.
2. Bibliographies
Bjorling, Joel, Channeling: A Bibliographic Exploration,
Garland Publishing, Inc. (New York and London), 1992. A description of
Seth’s philosophy is on pp. 249-253, and Jane’s books and other works
relating to the Seth material are on pp. 303-306.
Clarie, Thomas C., Occult Bibliography: An
Annotated List of Books Published in English, 1971 through 1975,
The Scarecrow Press, Inc. (Metuchen, NJ and London), 1978. Includes
capsule reviews of:
- Seth Speaks, p. 285.
- The Nature of Personal Reality, p.284-285.
- Adventures in Consciousness, p. 284.
Clarie, Thomas C., Occult/Paranormal
Bibliography: An Annotated List of Books Published in English, 1976
through 1981, The Scarecrow Press, Inc. (Metuchen, NJ and London),
1984. Includes capsule reviews of:
- The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, p. 363.
- The Nature of the Psyche, p. 363-364.
- The "Unknown" Reality, p. 364.
- How to Develop Your ESP Power (as The Coming of
Seth), p. 363.
- The God of Jane, p. 363.
- Psychic Politics, p. 364.
- The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World
View of William James, p. 362.
- The World View of Paul Cezanne, p. 364.
- Watkins, Conversations with Seth, p. 457-458.
3. Books
a. About Seth
Ashley, Nancy. Create Your Own Reality: A Seth Workbook.
Prentice-Hall, 1984.
In Dutch: Schep je eigen werkelijkheid.
Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 1986.
Ashley, Nancy. Create Your Own Happiness: A Seth Workbook.
Prentice-Hall, 1988.
In Dutch: Schep je eigen geluk. Ankh-Hermes,
Deventer, 1989. Jacqueline Moonen, translator.
Ashley, Nancy. Create Your Own Dreams: A Seth Workbook.
Prentice-Hall, 1990.
Carroccia, Gene. Seth and the New Paradigm: Understandings of
the Soul, Mind, Body, Symptoms, and Personal Reality. Ph.D.
dissertation, Illinois School of Professional Psychology, 1998.
Dutton, Linda Jean. Sleep Fragmentation and Telepathy: a
Preliminary Exploration of the Seth Material. M.A. Thesis, San
Diego State University, 1983.
Helfrich, Paul. A
Kris, Seth, Elias Comparative Overview. NewWorldView
website, 2005.
Helfrich, Paul. Seth/Jane
Roberts: A Conscious Creation Overview. NewWorldView
website, 1999.
Helfrich, Paul. Seth’s Laws of the Inner Universe – from the Early
Sessions, Book 2. Sethnet Email List on Yahoo! Groups,
Helfrich, Paul. The Inner Senses: An Introduction &
Overview. Seth/Jane’s introduction from The Seth Material
and The Early Sessions, Book 1 & 2. Sethnet Email List on
Yahoo! Groups, 2000.
Helfrich, Paul. Seth on “The Origins of the Universe and of the
Species” – An Integral Conscious Creation Myth. Sethnet
Email List on Yahoo! Groups, 2001. Revised 2005.
Helfrich, Paul. A Seth, Elias Comparative Overview. The
Elias forum website, 2002.
Lacasse, Pierre. Collection des entretiens du mage et de
Seth. Editions du Mage, Laval (Quebec), 1986.
Fascicule 1: De Jane Roberts aux entretiens du Mage.
Fascicule 2: Le Rencontre du Mage et de Seth.
Ravenwolf, Linda, Index Guide to Dreaming and Dream
Reality, Austin Seth Center (Austin, TX), n.d.
Rosenbluh, Edward S., Seth: An Overview of the Unconscious and
Hypnosis, Louisville, KY, 1987? Also on audiotape.
Watkins, Susan M. Conversations with Seth (2 volumes).
Prentice-Hall, 1980, 1981. Volume 1 also in audiobook format.
Re-issued as single volume, Moment Point Press, Portsmouth, NH,
also Clarie entries in Section II. B. 2..
In Dutch: Gesprekken met Seth I (II, III). Een
Seth-boek. Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 1990, 1990, 1991. Anneke
Thole-Velthuyse, translator.
b. Books on Channeling
Brown, Michael F., The Channeling Zone: American Spirituality
in an Anxious Age, Harvard University Press (Cambridge and
London), 1997. Several mentions of Jane and Seth; notes on page 157
that Frances Morse, a Connecticut counselor, channels “Seth” as a
part of her professional practice.
Hastings, Arthur, With the Tongues of Men and Angels: A Study
of Channeling, Holt, Rinehart & Winston (Fort Worth, TX),
1991. Chapter 7, Jane Roberts and Seth, p. 72-78.
Klimo, Jon, Channeling: Investigations on Receiving
Information from Paranormal Sources,Jeremy P. Tarcher Inc. (Los
Angeles), 1987. A description of the Seth phenomenon is on pp.
Westen, Robin, Channelers, A New Age Directory, Putnam,
New York, 1988. A chapter on Jane is on pp. 64-79, and one on Tam
Mossman on pp. 152-155.
c. Other Books
Bache, Christopher, Life Cycles: Reincarnation and the Web of
Life, Paragon House (N.Y., NY), 1990. Cites the three Oversoul
Seven books as exemplars of the Oversoul concept on pp.107.
Beekman, Sharon, Enticed by the Light, Zondervan
Publishing House (Grand Rapids, MI), 1997. The author was an avid
Seth reader who began hearing voices in her head, including one
called “Seth,” which she interpreted as “spirit guides.” When they
became abusive, she, never suspecting that her Seth wasn’t Jane’s
Seth and never considering she might be suffering from
schizophrenia, embraced Christianity.
Brown, Michael, The Channeling Zone: American Spirituality in
an Anxious Age, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA),
Campbell, Eileen, and J. H. Brennan, Body Mind & Spirit: A
Dictionary of New Age Ideas, People, Places, and Terms, Charles
E. Tuttle Company Inc. (Boston), 1994. “Seth” entry is on p.
Cardwell, Maude, Notes for Course in Changing Personal
Reality, Austin Seth Center (Austin, TX), n.d.
Cardwell, Maude, Notes for Course in Exploring “Unknown”
Reality, Austin Seth Center (Austin, TX), n.d.
Consciously Creating Change Workshop Handbook. SNI,
Dewey, Barbara, As You Believe, Bartholomew Books
(Inverness, CA), 1985.
Dewey, Barbara, The Creating Cosmos, Bartholomew Books
(Inverness, CA), 1985.
Dewey, Barbara, The Theory of Laminated Spacetime,
Bartholomew Books (Inverness, CA), 1985.
Dewey, Barbara, Consciousness and Quantum Behavior: the Theory
of Laminated Spacetime Re-examined, Bartholomew Books
(Inverness, CA), 1993.
Friedman, Norman. Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements
in David Bohm’s Physics, the Perennial Philosophy, and Seth.
Living Lake Books, 1990. Also in audiobook format.
In Chinese: Xin ling yu ke xue de qiao. Fang zhi du ban
she qu fen you xian gong si, Taipei, 2001. Zhou Mingchen, Xu
Shiliang, translators.
Friedman, Norman. The Hidden Domain: Home of the Wave
Function, Nature’s Creative Source. The Woodbridge Group,
Hellman, Peter, “The Ouija Board Speaks...Are You Listening?” in
Cosmopolitan, April, 1970, pp. 163-165, 181-183. Mentions on
p. 164 that Parker Brothers’ Ouija board pamphlet recommends How
to Develop Your ESP Power.
Hunt, Stoker, Ouija: The Most Dangerous Game, Harper &
Row (New York), 1985. Chapter 5 is “The Ouija, Jane Roberts and the
Calling of Seth.”
Kelly, Mary Olsen, ed., The Fireside Treasury of Light: An
Anthology of the Best in New Age Literature, Simon &
Schuster (New York), 1990. Quotes from The Nature of Personal
Reality and Seth Speaks are on pp. 247-251.
Knight, Damon, The Futurians: The Story of the Science Fiction
“Family” of the 30’s that Produced Today’s Top SF Writers and
Editors, John Day, New York, 1977. Material on Jane,
particularly her membership in “The Five,” on pp. 204-213 and
Kovelman, Joyce A., Once Upon A Soul: The Story
Continues...., Jalmar Press, Carson, CA, 1998. Cites The
“Unknown” Reality in Selected Bibliography on pp. 46.
Laszlo, Ervin, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral
Theory of Everything, Inner Traditions (Rochester, VT), 2004.
Lists an experiment by Peter Stewart, Michael Brown, and Helen
Stewart in 1994 to test a telepathic procedure suggested by Seth and
recounted by Jane Roberts in her best-selling books on pp. 95.
McAneny, Daniel Thomas. You're Bigger than Death...and Life
Too. Dan McAneny Associates, 2002.
Mishlove, Jeffrey, The Roots of Consciousness: Psychic
Liberation through History, Science and Experience, Random House
(New York, NY), 1975. p. 116.
Ouellette, Cynthia Pike, The Miracle of Suggestion: The Story
of Jennifer, Inner Vision Publishing Co. (Virginia Beach, VA),
Steiger, Brad, Exploring the Power Within: A Resource Book for
Transcending the Ordinary, Whitford Press, 1989. Includes an
interview with Jane.
Talbot, Michael, Beyond the Quantum, Macmillan, New York,
1986. Chapter 8, "Virtual Particles and Virtual Beings," pp.
206-216, is about Seth and his philosophy.
Watkins, Susan M. Dreaming Myself, Dreaming A Town: Field
Notes from the Land of Dreams. Kendall Enterprises, 1989.
Wolf, Fred Alan, Mind into Matter: A New Alchemy of Science
and Spirit, Moment Point, Portsmouth, NH, 2000, pp. 45-46.
Mention of The “Unknown” Reality and ego.
Wolf, Fred Alan, Matter into Feeling: A New Alchemy of Science
and Spirit, Moment Point, Portsmouth, NH, 2002, pp. 12, 15, 173.
Mention of Seth and the ego, also The “Unknown”
4. Periodicals
Black Sheep: September 1994 to date. Los Angeles, CA.
Madelon Rose Logue, editor.
Choices, 1986 July - 1989. Ottawa, ON.
Coordinate Point: v.1, n.1-v.4, n.2; v.1, n.1-v.3, n.1; v.1,
n.1-v.3, n.6, October 1978-November/December, 1987. San Francisco, CA,
October, 1978-March, 1981; Ciarcona, FL, January, 1982-April, 1984;
Orlando, FL, June, 1985-November/December, 1987. Succeded by Inside
Out - A Metapolitical Journal, which is outside the scope of this
bibliography. Editors: Roger and Sandra Peterson, October 1978-March,
1981; Jim and Ann Cook, January, 1982-April, 1984; Tom and Jan
Sweeney, June, 1985-November/December, 1987.
Inner Quest. Chicago, IL, Bruce Felts, editor.
Multidimensionale Wirklichkeit. Zurich, Switzerland, Ruedi
and Elisabeth Anner, editors.
Perspectives. v.1 to date; Winter [1999/]2000 to date. Brass
Ring Bookstore, Eugene, OR. Editor: Mary Rouen.
Power Point. Sydney, Australia.
Reality Change: v.1, n.1-v.12, n.3 [gap in numbering Spring,
1993 and Fall, 1995, during which period 11 issues were produced],
June, 1980-Third Quarter, 1998. Monthly, June, 1980-September, 1983;
roughly quarterly thereafter. Austin, TX, June, 1980-Winter,
1992/1993; Eugene, OR, Spring, 1993-Third Quarter, 1998. Editors:
Maude Cardwell, June, 1980-Winter 1992/1993; Lynda Dahl, Summer,
1993-Summer, 1994; Fairlight Lucia, Fall, 1994-Fall, 1995; Katharine
Newcomb, 1st Quarter, 1996-3rd Quarter, 1998.
The Seth Journal, Quarterly, Summer/Winter 2003-2004,
Editor: Serge Grandbois.
The Spontaneous Self: Phoenix, [AZ] Seth Center. v.1,
n.1-v.2, n.5; October 1986-March? 1988. Editors: Sabrina
Jones-Wallace, October, 1985-December, 1987; Ken and Carole Coleman,
January-March, 1988.
Sumari Sights: Newsletter for the Greater D. C. Seth
Society. Bi-monthly. v.2, n.4 is from 1985. Editor: Jane Reed.
5. Magazine Articles
de Kok, Malik, “Seth Spreekt. Een boodschap van vreugde en
creativiteit” (Seth Speaks. A Message of Joy and Creativity) in BRES
114, August-September 1985, pp. 49-57.
Nagel, Alexandra, “Jane Roberts en het Seth-netwerk” (Jane Roberts
and the Seth Network) in Prana 102, August-September 1997, pp.
Nagel, Alexandra, “Gelijktijdige tijd: alle tijd tegelijkertijd” in
Spiegelbeeld, December 2002, pp. 50-53.
Poett, James, “Seth Spoke”, The Village Voice (New York),
1978 Oct 9 and 16. Poett interviewed Jane and Rob, was given a private
Seth session, and did fairly extensive background research. Article
contains anecdotes of Jane’s childhood not published elsewhere, and
includes a poem of Jane’s written ca. age 7. Part 1 is subtitled “A
Visit with Jane Roberts, a Medium with a Message”; Part 2 is subtitled
“There Is Another River” (cf. Thomas Sugrue’s biography of Edgar
Cayce, There Is A River). A letter from Tam Mossman about these
articles appeared in the 1978 Nov 13, issue, p. 6.
Specht, Peggy, “Who Was Seth” in The Messenger, 4:5 (1985
True Psychic Inquirer (magazine), 1985. Includes “Exclusive
Interview with the late Jane Roberts.”
Watson, Michael R., “Another Look at ‘Seth,”’ letter to
FATE, in issue 438 (1986 Oct), pp. 127-128. Commentary on
“Cherterous/Charteris” and “Man Aupault” material for Jean Kluft, from
ESP Class session of 2/8/68, and Seth’s claimed incarnation as a minor
Pope in 300 AD, from Session 590 (8/9/71). A response to this letter
from Elisabeth M. Murphy appears in FATE 445 (1987 Apr), pp.
126-127. Another letter in response from Druscilla Malone was printed
in issue 449 (1987 Aug), pp. 128-129.
6. Video/Audio
7. Advertisements
Advertisements in FATE
FATE 284, 1973 Nov, p. 11. Full-page ad by Prentice-Hall
for The Education of Oversoul 7: “For the first time, a novel
about reincarnation from the soul’s point of view!”
FATE 295, 1974 Oct, p. 17. Full-page ad by Prentice-Hall
for The Nature of Personal Reality: “Seth, the ‘multi-person’
who's lived more than one life, now shows you how to live
FATE 323, 1977 Feb, p. 13. Full-page ad by Prentice-Hall
for The Nature of Personal Reality and Psychic
Politics: “Seth speaks again - for all to read, learn from and
live by.”
FATE 333, 1977 Dec, p. 11. Full-page ad by Prentice-Hall
for The “Unknown” Reality, Volume One and The World View
of Paul Cezanne: “Seth speaks - again.”
FATE 346, 1979 Jan, p. 9. Full-page ad by Prentice Hall
for The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: “What
will your soul experience after death?”
FATE 425, 1986 Jul, p. 9. Full-page ad by Prentice Hall
for Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Volume One:
“Announcing Jane Robert’s [sic] most eagerly-awaited “Seth”
New York Times Book Review, 1976 Mar 14, p. 29. A full page
Prentice-Hall advertisement promoting Jane’s books. Includes a picture
of Jane (from Rich Conz’ 1969 photo session) and the caption “Over a
Half Million Readers are Exploring the Mysteries of Life and Reality –
Through the Writings of Jane Roberts and an ‘Extraordinary
Personality’ Called Seth.”
III. Unfinished/Unpublished Works
Aspects. Volumes 1-3.
Contents of the Mind. Volumes 1-3. ca. 1975-1977.
From This Rich Bed. (Jane’s autobiography)
Hi, Low, and Psycho (poetry) 1965-1966. Excerpts published in
Reality Change, Third Quarter, 1996, pp. 35-40.
The Little Artificial Christmas Tree.
A Little Book to Leonard (written for Jane’s former neighbor
Leonard Yaudes, 1980)
The Physical Universe as Idea Construction.
The Sinful Self.
The Sky Will Send Down Ladders (poetry) ca. 1970.
Through My Eyes. (Rob’s autobiography)
IV. Alleged Post-1984 Communications from Seth and Jane
These works are listed for the sake of completeness, but readers should
be aware that none of this material has been endorsed by Robert Butts, and
they should use caution when evaluating it.
- by Dotti McAuliffe
- McAuliffe, John and Dotti. Ascendant Thought: A New Seth
Book. UniSun, 1987.
- McAuliffe, John and Dotti. Timelessness: A New Seth Book.
UniSun, 1988.
- McAuliffe, John and Dotti. Unseen Forces: A New Seth Book.
UniSun, 1989.
- by Jean Loomis
- and Paul Zuromski, “Seth Speaks Again” in Psychic
Guide,4:16-21 (1985 Sep).
- and Paul Zuromski, “Seth Speaks Again and Again and Again” in
Psychic Guide, 4:42 (1985 Dec/1986 Jan-Feb).
- and Paul Zuromski, “Seth Speaks Again” in Psychic Guide,
5:34-35 (1986 Jun).
- and Paul Zuromski, “Seth Speaks Again: On to Avalon” in Psychic
Guide, 5:44-47 (1986 Sep).
- and Paul Zuromski, “We’re All the Same” in Psychic Guide,
5:46-48 (1986 Dec)
- and Paul Zuromski, “Seth Speaks on Crystals” in Psychic
Guide, 6:54-55 (1987 Mar/Apr).
- and Paul Simon, “Experimenting with Animals: What is the Karma?”
in Body, Mind, Spirit, 7:30-31 (1988 Jan/Feb).
- and Carol Kramer, “Sin and Sensuality” in Body, Mind,
Spirit, 7:59-61 (1988 May/Jun).
- and Carol Kramer, “Is the Male Seth Energy to Be Blended with the
Female Energy of Isis?” in Body, Mind, Spirit, 7:62-64 (1988
- by Thomas Massari
- Health and Nutrition: a Complete 8 Week Class Taught by Seth,
Through Medium Thomas Massari: Includes Questions and Answers Relating
to Health, Illness, Diets, Fasting, Vitamins, the Value of Using
Visualization, and Health Meditation Techniques, The Author, 1983.
- Lee, Craig, “Channeling: Voices from Other Worlds,” part II, in
FATE 447 (1987 Jun), pp. 92-100. A description of a public
“Seth” session channeled by Massari appears on pp. 98-100. This
article, serialized in three parts in FATE issues 446-448,
originally appeared in L. A. Weekly. A letter concerning
Massari’s “Seth” sessions from Renais Jeanne Hill appears in
FATE 457 (1988 Apr), p. 116, 127.
- Marecek, Mary. A View from the Other Side. Light Technology
Publications, 1998. Channeled material allegedly from Jane Roberts.
- Miller, Susanne B., Interviews with Famous Dead People, New
Atlantean Press (Santa Fe, NM), 1997. An “interview” with Jane appears
on pp. 87-88. “Jane” says, inter alia, “Once or twice I have
[...] tried my hand at communicating with some of my students. I am
amused when during these times they think they are communicating only
with Seth.”
(Last updated August 20, 2007)
© 1999 Barry C. Noonan. Used with permission. Many thanks to Mary
Dillman, Geir Grønvold, Alexandra Nagel, Tamás Révbíró, and John Stevens
for their assistance in the preparation of this bibliography.