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IC11 Update News- The Urantia Book Fellowship

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The Urantia Book Fellowship

28 de junio de 2011 00:30
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IC11 Conference Updated News

June 27,2011
In This IC11 Issue
Hours of the Dining Hall
Our Free Day
Fine Arts Extravaganza
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Register Now If You Plan To Attend 


The Revelation in Action

Act Globally, Grow Cosmically

July 26 through July 31 at 12:00 PM


University of Utah, Lake City, UT


IC11 Pre-Conference Retreat July 24 to July 26th.


Registration Contact
Robert Burns
949-760-9335 ext 5303
Hours of the Dining Hall and the Convenience Store


The Summer hours for the dining hall at the Heritage Center are as follows:
Dining Room
Monday to Saturday
Breakfast: 6:30 am to 9:00 am
Lunch: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Dinner: 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Brunch: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Dinner: 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Convenience Store
Monday to Friday - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Our Free Day on Friday, July 29th


We will be offering repeat workshops on this day as well as meeting space for the Fellowship conclave, the Executive Committee meeting and a few other Fellowship meetings. If you need to meet with your committee, please contact if you have need for a room in which to meet.

Our repeat workshops will be on this day plus other activities so if you don't want to leave the campus, you'll have plenty to do.

Zip lining

There is so much to see in Salt Lake City. The train is just across the bridge and is $2 one way and makes several stops in Salt Lake. The Mormon Temple Square is a highlight and there are excellent eating establishments should you want a break from the University.  Click here to view many other fun possibilities!

IC11 Fine Arts Extravaganza 


Are you ready for an uplifting celebration of Urantia art and performing artists?

Our Art Gallery will be open throughout the conference and will feature international artists in painting, collage, photography, sculpture, jewelry, and fabric arts from all over world. In addition to the art gallery, there will be a whole host of special events to attend as well:

On Wednesday, you are cordially invited to attend our opening night gala in the Art Gallery. Urantia artists, musicians, dancers, and poets will perform througPat Fearyhout the evening. We will also be honoring Pat Feary who recently graduated, for her creative contributions to the Urantia community and for her innovative research into universal patterns. This is an opportunity to meet the artists and hobnob with other attendees at this salon-style evening of entertainment and fine art.

On Friday evening, there is a unique Multi-Spirit Fine Arts Happening in the Post Theatre. Come join us to celebrate and create spontaneous art together in group worship. Intuitive painting, dancing and music are guaranteed to move the spirit inside of you!

The Urantia Book Fellowship | P.O. Box 4583 | Grand Central Station | New York | NY | 10163
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