If we compare only the unit cost of production of electricity vs Hydrogen from theabove table:10
Btu H
/ 10
Btu El = $3.23 / $2.67, or 20.9% higher cost, H
(Ref. 2) Penner, S.S. & L. Iceman:
Non Nuclear Technologies
, Vol II, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1977, Chap. 11, and Table 11.1-2 (Page 132).It must also be noted that the price of natural gas is much cheaper than either electricity or hydrogen, but because of the price fluctuations due to recentderegulation of gas. It is not possible to present a realistic figure.In the opinion of Penner (op. cit.), if the hydrogen production cost component of itstotal cost could be reduced three fold, it would become a viable alternate energysource. In order to achieve such a three-fold reduction in production costs, severalmajor breakthroughs would have to occur.(1) ENDERGONIC REACTION ~ (1) supra. A technological breakthrough that permits 100% conversion efficiency of water by electrolysis fission into the twogases, Hydrogen as fuel and Oxygen as oxidant.(2) HYDROGEN PRODUCTION, in situ. A technological breakthrough thateliminates the need and cost of hydrogen liquefaction and storage, transmission, anddistribution, by producing the fuel in situ, when and where needed.(3) EXERGONIC REACTION ~ (2) supra. A technological breakthrough whichyields a 100% efficient energy release from the combination of hydrogen and oxygeninto water in an engine that can utilize the heat, steam, or electricity thus produced.(4) ENGINE EFFICIENCY. By a combination of the breakthroughs outlined above,(1), (2), and (3) utilized in a highly efficient engine to do work, it is possible toachieve a 15% to 20% surplus of energy return over energy input, theoretically.It is of interest to record that a new invention is now being developed to realise theabove outlined goal of cheap, clean renewable and high grade energy.A Thermodynamic Device has been invented which produces hydrogen as fuel, andoxygen as oxidant, from ordinary or from sea water, eliminating the cost and hazardof liquefaction, storage, transmission, and distribution. The saving of this aspect of the invention alone reduces the total cost of hydrogen by about 25%.This Thermodynamic Device is based on a new discovery --- the efficientelectrolytic fission of water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas by the use of lowfrequency alternating currents as opposed to the conventual use of direct current, or ultra-high frequency current today. Such gas production from water by electrolyticfission approaches 100% efficiency under laboratory conditions and measurements. No laws of physics are violated in this process.This Thermodynamic Device has already been tested at ambient pressures andtemperatures from sea level to an altitude of 10,000 feet above sea level without any
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