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Page 1
Special Conference Publication of the Fellowship Forum is made possible
by the
sincere, honest,
and thoughtful efforts of the participants in Scientific Symposium
conducted in Oklahoma City,
OWahoma, May
17-1 9,1991.
The Editors
Melissa Wells
The Ultimate Frontier: The Barrier of Mediocrity
Larry Mullins
Coming Full C i l e
The Second Enlightenment: Religion and Liberalism
Bill Granstaff
Engineering-Science and Magick
L. Dan Massey, Jr.
The Life Pattern
John Lange, M.D.
Paradise and the Topology of Space-A Theory of Ultimate Matter Philip G. Calabrese, Ph.D.
Manned Flight: From Fandors to FANDORS
Paul W. Hemck, P.E.
Scientific Pdictions
The Urantia Book
Irwin Ginsburgh, Ph.D.
and Geoffrey L. Taylor
Love and Science
Charles E. Hansen
Personality and Will:
Inmasing Mastery of the Inner and Outer Worlds
David Elders
New Models of Mind, Order and Chaos
Brendan CYRegan
Psychology as a Variety of Religious Experience
Marta Elders, Ph.D.
Cosmic Design:
Creator's Pin
Mike Wisenbaker
[A Separate Volume]

Page 2
I havediscovered that when we askGod for help with
a problem, the solution can arrive in spectacular fashion.
Such was the case with Scientific Symposium
This event, dedicated to the exploration of scientific
thought by students of The Urantia Book, was to be a
continuation of the initial effort by the Nashville study
group in presenting Scientific Symposium I at Belmont
College in May, 1988. Unfortunately, an incident oc-
curred during a regional conference held a year later at
the school which resulted in the termination of the use
of that facility as a site for conferences by the Nashville
study group.
Many months passed with no progress in finding
another site in Nashville for the second symposium,
which was tentatively scheduled for May, 1991. By the
spring of 1990, the location had to be resolved so that
the symposium could be announced at the International
Conference held at Snowmass, Colorado.
discussed these problems with Berkeley Elliott from
Oklahoma City while we wereattending the 1991 spring
regional conference in Leesburg, Florida. Berkeley men-
tioned possible sites
Oklahoma City, and I asked her
to check into them. Within a week, she had located two
universities that could accommodate our group during
This was a pleasant turn of events for me, since
member of the First Society of Oklahoma a
couple of years earlier. Scientific Symposium I1 became
a project of that society and was scheduled for May, 1991
at Oklahoma City University.
This symposium was a continuation of a threefold
theme based upon a passage on page 1306 in The Urantia
Book which discusses human progress in planetary
development. "Man's Increasing Control" was the topic
for the second symposium.
Many talented speakers with a scientific background
offered their expertise, ranging in subjects from the
social sciences
hard-core physics, with one speaker
dallying in the magick of it all. The second symposium
met goals which had been envisioned in early stages of
planning the first symposium. First, a comparative
analysis of scientific thought in
Urantia Book with
prevailing thought in the scientific community was the
sub* of a paper delivered by Dr. Irwin Ginsburgh, an
engineering physicist from the Los Angeles area.
Second, a presentation by a scientist not involved in the
mainstream of Fellowship activities was made by Bren-
dan O'Regan of the Noetic Institute of Sciences in the
San Francisco Bay area. Many thanks to Larry Geis for
his time and effort to recruit Mr. O'Regan.
The work of volunteers in the Oklahoma Society in
preparing and hosting the symposium was exemplary.
Many travelers from the Oklahoma City airport would
pin me in thanking everyone who provided transpor-
tation to and from the university. The spirit of serving
was beautifully demonstrated by the musicians and
singers who shared their talents during the went: Tom
Allen, David Glass, Susan Wright-Aldridge, Richard
Randall, Barbara Hester, Teny Pursell, Carol Hay, Joan
Batson-Mullins, Bill Granstaff, Phil Calabrese,
Young and Waldine Stump. And Harry McMullan
deserves kudos for his gracious manner as master of
A special note of thanks also to Kurt Cira of Mil-
waukee; Dennis Bmdsky of Amherst, Wisconsin; and
Mike Hadilek of Phillips, Wisconsin for videotape
production of the symposium. Recognition should also
be given the Fellowship office staff who handled
registration and related finances. And thanks to Dianne
Menard, who has recently moved
Philadelphia from
Oklahoma City, for transcribing tapes of certain
The symposium would not have been possible
without the volunteer efforts of the speakers, who in-
vested many hours, longdistance telephone calls, air
fares and other expenses in order to offer us their exper-
tise. My sincere appreciation for their efforts: Larry
Mullins of Boulder; Joy Dirham of Los Angeles; Bill
Granstaff of Oklahoma City; John Lange of Fort Smith,
Arkansas; Chuck Hansen of Silver Spring, Maryland;
Dave and Marta Elders of Darien, Connecticut; Michael
Wisenbaker of Dallas; Paul Herrick of Jupiter, Florida;
Irwin Ginsburgh of Los Angeles; Philip Calabreseof San
Diegd; Dan Massey of Boston; Carol Hay and Joan
Batson-Mullins of Boulder; and Brendan (YRegan of
San Francisco.
Scientific Symposium 111-Man's Universe Integra-
tion-is tentatively scheduled for May, 1994, at Okla-
homa City University Hope you can pin us!
-Melissa Wells, largo, Florida

Page 3
17-19.1991 OKLAHOMA
The Barrier
It is good to be back in Oklahoma. There is
in my mind that it is here where
many of my spiritual roots lie, where they were
fostered and tested, and I hope dweloped to
some degree. About a year ago my daughter
Kathleen graduated from Oklahoma University
as an engineer, to my great joy. She was also
elected president of the Engineering Club.. .a
remarkable achievement in a man's profession.
Kathleen used
kid me, saying that it took
twice as much for a woman to achieve the same
status as a man.. .that she would have to be
twice as good to achieve the same mgni-
tion-"But that is not very difficult," she would
add. Kathleen was declared learningdisabled
when she was thirteen. It was because of Kathi
became passionately interested in the
science of motivation and human conscious-
ness. At Snowmass last summer
told the story
of how Kathi had lost her mother to cancer and
had lost an older sister to drugs, and my own
struggles to find God and walk with him.
theme today is "h4an's Inapasing Control."
There is no doubt that man has achieved
great strides in controlling his environment on
this planet. We are no longer wholly at the
mercy of the fickle elements. We can communi-
cate in nanoseconds with people all over the
world. There has been stunning progress in
virtually all the sciences.
But there is another frontier wherein human-
kind has not been so successful. That is the
frontier of mediocrity that seals us off from 90%
of our potentiality. closely associated with the
frontier of mediocrity is the one area in which
humankind has total--or at least potentially
total--control. And that is the
of moral
And, yet, it is here where we have failed most
consistently. Here where we lag far behind our
material successes. This ultimate frontier-the
barrier of mediocrity that holds sway over most
of humanity-is the pb of all of us. You need
no special training to involve yourself with
work in this field. The laboratory of the ul-
timate frontier is life itself. No one individual
has an advantage of any kind over another in
this study.
Some people have asked me over the years if
have any special technique for approaching
the creative work I do. This is difficult to
answer; it would be like asking Dan Massey,
'Wow do you think?"
The truth is that
don't know anymore about
how the creative process works than anyone
else does. But
do know the means
to set
up the
circumstances by which the cmtive process
seems to happen. Actually, we know very little
about how the brain and the mind operate. If I
asked you a specific phone number that you
know, you would reply instantly. Yet, you do
not know what looked for the number nor where
or how it looked.
I will share with you the method I use to do
creative work.
also encourage you to share
your own ideas on the subject of development
of consciousness. As I said, the question of the
control and development of our consciousness
is the pb of us all.
I won't make a lot of pkes this evening,
because this will be a serious
It is based
upon a very serious premise.
Irnmanual Kant said: "Do-and then be."
Gurdjieff said: "Be-and then do." And Frank
Sinatra said: "Shoo-be do be do."
Today I am going to talk about the ultimate
frontier, that frontier we call mediocrity.
Mediocrity. Someoneonce said that it is not that
most people live lives of
but rather they
live lives of such utter innocuousness. Why?
Why do most of us here have the vague feeling
that we are using but a fraction of our total
powers, or personality credits, as The Urantia
Book might say? What can we do about it?
Just about a week ago Joan and I had a fan-
tastic week at ozumel, an island off Mexico,
nestled in the Caribbean
Now, granted, we
were on our honeymoon. But there is no way
even a casual visitor could not be struck by the
glory for the senses.. .in the rich blues and tur-
quoises of the waters, the sky and the clouds,
the fresh, very temperate air.One day we took
a snorkeling trip on a big catamaran, along with
a couple of dozen other people.
I noticed one man sitting near us. He wore
dark glasses, and like most males on this planet,
he seemed to be trying to look as dangerous as
possible. But as he became more relaxed, he
began to talk in a friendly way. His name was
Joe. Joe was soon complaining about America:
it "isn't what it used to be," and taxation, and
this and that.
gently and tactfully admonished him, and
Joe quickly modified his remarks. Later, he
would find other people to talk to and began to
harp upon his negative themes again. And
reader of The Urantia
Book for over 20 years,
president of a
marketing and management
consulting firm in Boulder,
"Someone once said
that it is not that
most people live lives
of m'l, but rather
they live lives of such
utter innocuousness."

Page 4
Contrary to popular
belief, the greatest
our lives
are not the times
when we were the
most receptive and
relaxed; our happiest
moments are usually
those times when we
stretched mind and
body to the limit in a
voluntary and suc-
cessful effort to
achieve something
Why do we not enter
into some kind of
partnership with
God and go forth to
meet our destiny,
rather than seek to
avoid it all of our
days, only to be run
over by it in the end?
--William James
these other folks tended to agree with him and
began to chew a cud of negatives and
petty gripes.
I ignored this discussion, but it occurred to
me: How is it that this man can talk in negative
terms about life, his country and all, when he is
engaged in activities and enjoying luxuries that
the richest man on the face of the earth could
not have duplicated a century ago? How can he
rail and
bitter about real or imagined wrongs
such a setting, and a Viktor Frank1 can stand
in the freezing rain at three in the morning at a
Nazi death camp called Dachau, and make the
decision to create positive experience out of his
how could a Lou Cehrig stand on wasted
legs in Yankee Stadium, his career cut short by
multiple sclerosis, and declare himself to
'luckiest man on the face of the earth"? Or how
could a little black child named Wilma
Rudolph, who was born prematurely and was
crippled by disease as an infant, at twelve years
of age shed her braces against a doctor's warn-
ings and eventually become the first woman to
win three gold Olympic medals in track?
Were these people gifted with a special in-
gredient that
did they simply
access something that is available to us all-at
least to those of us who dare to go for it?
If Joe could meet Jesus, could Jesus turn him
around in a single conversation the way he
transformed Fortune? Why is it that it is
generally agreed among psychologists that we
achieve only ten percent or less of our poten-
to put it another way, ninety percent or
more of our potentials never become actuals in
time and space upon this planet? Or why is it
that we use but two percent of our creative
powers when, at two years of age, most of us
utilized about eighty percent of those creative
Finally, why is it we share, as mortals of the
realm, a vague feeling that we
not doing
what we need to be doing? Why is it that we
strive harder to avoid and escape our destiny
than we might have to if we sought to fulfill it?
As William Jamesonce said, "Why do we not
enter into some kind of partnership with
and go forth to meet our destiny, rather than
seek to avoid it all of our days, only to be run
over by it in the end?"
became interested
the process by which
we create our consciousness when
was a man
of about eighteen. It was then that
was pre-
sented with the startling concept that we can
control our thoughts. I reasoned that if this is true,
and it seemed possible that it was true, we
could do virtually anything. No matter what
the situation, we could transcend it. With a
mind as clear as a mountain stream we could
achieve a kind of precise objectivity about our-
selves, as though our human personalities
merely a subject of some noble experiment, and
wecould learn to dance thedanceof the human
condition with grace and skill.
This personal revelation about thought came
discovered a book called Raja Yoga or
Mental Mopment, by Yogi Rarnacharaka. In
it the author asserts that we should
able to
discard an unwanted thought with the
with which we cast a tiny annoying stone from
our shoe. But, he laments, how rare indeed it is to
such a man. Instead, we watch the care-
worn faces go by, faces haunted by bat-winged
phantoms that torture their minds, by this fear-
thought and then another, or ruled by appetites
that have long supplanted their natural hun-
gers. People with whom we cannot carry on a
casual, relaxed conversation because the over-
brooding human ego is always there, suspi-
cious, watching, listening.
had no idea at the
time how difficult the task to control my mind
would be. It seemed impossible at times, and
success came very slowly. Today, after more
years than
wish to admit, I
a few inches
from where
started. But I was heartened when
read that Jesus did not master his human mind
fully until he was nearly thirty.
Today there is an emerging school of psy-
chology that is based upon the optimal experi-
ence; its premise is, essentially, that we create
experience. Understand that this is not
simply positive thinking. The process involves
reframing each and every situation that con-
fronts us in a manner that empowers, rather
than defeats, us.. .so that troubles invigorateus,
obstacles challenge us, and disappointments
spur us on.
Contrary to popular belief, the greatest mo-
ments of our lives are not the times when we
were the most receptive and relaxed; our hap-
piest moments are usually those times when
we stretched mind and body to the limit in a
voluntary and successful effort to achieve
something worthwhile.
Last summer my six-year-old daughter,
Michelle, demonstrated this principle. She sud-
denly swam the widthof the swimming pool-
what we call the "big" pool. All summer long
she held the edge and would not attempt it.
Then she made a decision on her own to go for
it, and she did. When I lifted her out after her
triumph, she was spitting water and wasout of
breath. But she was ecstatic! Why?
conscious decision to stretch
to achieve what
she deemed an important milestone, and she

Page 5
Now let us examine four premises that are
key to what
The Urantia Book
says about the
question of dominion of our conscious mind.
The first three premises will
easy for you to
First of all, The
Urantia Book
presents a model
of the human being that is unlike any theory
ever forwarded by psychology, religion, or
philosophy. The
Urantia Book
asserts that the
human creature is indwelt by
in two dif-
ferent ways: by the prepersonal Thought Ad-
juster and the Personality essence. These two
endowments of God seek to find each other in
time and space and are wholly dependent upon
the decisions of the human personality in this
The second premise is that somehow, upon
this mysterious enchanted loom between two
unchanging realities, the human creature
weaves-or fails to weave-its own universal
identity. The degree of success achieved by this
effort to achieve cosmic birth is the measure of
actuality achieved by the human creature. That
is to say, we become more and more real, in a
cosmic sense, as wedevelop our own potentials
into actuals.
For most of us that means a success
ratio of under ten percent.
Third, the finite tool we
loaned to achieve
our own actuality is a dual-hemisphered in-
strument known as the human brain. This in-
strument is specifically designed to apprehend
finite reality. Because of its dual nature, the
brain is able to grasp and evaluate fact, or the
way things
and also grasp the emerging
patterns of the Supreme, which together repre-
sent the way things ought to be. It is the syn-
thesis of fact and value that produces a grasp
of ever-changing, everemerging reality.
Please note that I
saying here that
fact, or
things, are not, nor could they
be evaluated as
though they represent an intrinsicdity,
popular this concept is with people.
heard intelligent
Urantia Bwk
readers casually
equate the material finite world with reality,
rather than seeing material reality as a neces-
but not
adequate tenet of reality.
Reality is a
living, organic synthesis of facts and values.
The human brain was specifically designed
to synthesize facts and values. Four billion mes-
sages go back and forth between the hemi-
spheres each second. A better thought-
instrument would have a third brain to do the
pb of synthesizing. And we know that such
three-brained creatures exist and are superior
to one- and two-brained mortals in their
spiritual development.
My fourth and final premise is that the teach-
ings of Jesus for this day and this generation
can be summed up in three words:
Without question this
premise could bechallenged. Some might point
out that selfless, loving service is the essence of
the message of Jesus. My answer is that some
of us need to work to achieve a state of mind
that makes loving service possible. Also, if the
mind is serene and calm, and the heart is turned
to God and receptive, the action that follows
will be attuned to the service of God and
humankind. So let's be patient and examine
this formulation.
is the first requisite. A turbulent, im-
mature, emotional mind cannot be receptive of
the mind of Jesus. Much of the teachings of the
Master focused upon thecleansing of the mind,
the removal of resentments, the mastery of
and the achievement of clarity.
possible once the mind has achieved serenity.
But to be receptive one must be humble, devoid
of preconception.
or the completion of
decisions, follows upon the wise formulation of
a decision-plan. Without action, all the rest is
These four premises form the basis for what
I have to say:
The Urantia Book
presents a unique
model of humankind, a cosmic playground of
mind and decision existing in the intervening
finite between the Thought Adjuster and Per-
sonality. Second, we create our own cosmic
identity in this area of human personality
dominion; we make ourselves cosmic actuals
based upon our decisions. Third, the two-
brained human tool of thought is the finite
dual-brain--one brain designed for reasoning,
logic and the analysis of fact, and the other for
receiving patterns and concepts. The living and
continual synthesis of these two factors con-
stitutes emerging reality, or relative truth.
Finally, the essence of the teachings of Jesus
summed up as serenity, receptivity
and action. With these premises in mind, follow
me in exploring four questions.
if the mind of Jesus emerges in ad-
vanced and spiritually mature mortals, is there
any clinical evidence of it? Has psychology or
science found any viable proof that intrinsic to
the healthy mortal is a
of clearly defined and
associated principles that correspond to the
mind of the Master?
if modem psychology is accurate,
and we use but a tiny fraction of our creativity
and our potential, does The
Urantia Book
offer a
clear path to breaking the frontier of medi-
Or are
most of us doomed and sealed
behind this barrier?
if our survival as realities, or universe
citizens, is predicated upon decisions,
My answer is that
some of us need to
work to achieve
state of mind that
makes loving service
Serenity is the first
requisite. A tur-
bulent, immature,
emotional mind
not be receptive of
the mind of Jesus.

Page 6
First of all, let me
say that the mind
of Jesus has been
clinically discovered
and defined in people
who are, or were,
clearly superior
To simplify Maslow's
remarkable insight,
imagine that you
wanted to know
about baseball
studied only those
who failed, who
languished in the
class D leagues, your
idea of baseball
players would be
rather dismal.
decisions and more decisions, and a decision is
not complete until it is acted out, is there a
methodology in The Urantia Book that leads us
Finally, how can weapply this information to
our everyday lives? mmediatel,
vividly, and
with clear results?
Fist of all, let me say that the mind of Jesus
has been clinically discovered and defined in
people who are, or were, clearly superior mor-
tals. The discovery was made and validated by
an atheistic Freudian psychologist named
Abraham Maslow. Just before World War
hundreds of the best Jewish minds fled the
terror of Nazism and came to New York City.
Many of these intellectuals joined the staff of
New York University where a young Abraham
Maslow taught. Maslow enjoyed rubbing
elbows with these brilliant people.
As a Freudian psychologist, Maslow had
learned that the human mind is programmed
with a social system of values, and th&e values
restrain us. That is to say, we repress our normal
instincts to, for example, push an old lady out
of our way because society has instilled a con-
science in us. Freud called this conscience the
super ego. Much of our psychological stress,
according to Freud, is the effort of our con-
scious ego trying to reconcile the pressures of
our unconscious natural instincts, called the Id,
with the repressive pressures of our super ego.
According to this model of humankind, we
essentially ruthless animals without con-
science or values until we are artificially
programmed by society. Freud's studies and
analysis of people who were seriously mal-
functioning seemed to verlfy this model.
a s l o w b e a n
to notice two special people
among the body of brilliant minds at New York
University. They were Ruth Benedict and Max
two did not seem to fit into
the ordinary human pattern of mediocrity.
They loved their work and threw themselves
into-it. They were gracious, warm, creative and
confident. They laughed freely and were acces-
sible under most conditions. They were big-
brotherlike in their attitudes toward their less
able and adjusted brothers and sisters.
Being a kind of guy who liked to analyze
things, Maslow began to take notes and gener-
ally observe these two unusual individuals.
b r eand more he became convinced that they
did not fit the Freudian model. Late one night
Maslow had an insight that was to eventually
revolutionize psychology. He looked over his
notes on Ruth and Max, and in a single flash
saw that he did not have a profile of two people
before him. Although they were totally unique
and individual, the two profiles before him
represented a new kind of person.
Maslow was studying something that had
never been studied before. He was studying
psychological health. And most important of all,
it seemed that when a human entity reached a
degree of health and maturity, it began to man-
ifest a system in intrinsic values-including
truth, beauty, and goodness. Not stuff pro-
grammed into the mind to repress it, not reins
to hold it back. But rather horses to pull and
Maslow did not refute Freud. Nor did he
contend that Skinner and his behaviorism were
false. He simply said that the concept of a
human creature totally under the sway of ante-
cedent causation was incomplete. It seemed that
as a human emerged from the confines of
immaturity into relative degrees of maturity,
she or he became more and more able to exer-
cise free will.
Maslow conjectured that the human, as he or
she approached maturity, became more and
more real. This is to say that the potentials of the
human being began to become actuals. Such a
maturing individual began to make his
ACTUAL. Thus Maslow arrived at a concept of
the process of self-actualization. Self-actualizing
humans did not fit the model of Freud or
Maslow came to the conviction that Freud,
by studying only the ill and failing misfits of
humanity had created a sick science, incom-
plete and inadequate. To simplify Maslow's
remarkable insight, imagine that you wanted
to know about baseball players.
you studied
only those who failed, who languished in the
leagues, your idea of baseball players
would be rather dismal. But if you studied the
great and super achievers in the sport, you
would collect a totally different body of infor-
Maslow determined that he would study
healthy people. He began a long and arduous
effort that flew in the face of the elite and
accomplished high priests of psychiatry. He
looked for historical examples and contempor-
individuals who manifested the remark-
able qualities that he had discovered in Ruth
Benedict and Max Wortheimer.
The resulting study included nearly
people. These were by no means perfect people.
They all had faults and areas of immaturity, or
lack of development. But they were achievers
who had made important contributions to the
planet, and they were relatively happy and
well adjusted. Most of all, they seemed to
manifest qualities of healthy behavior that

Page 7
MAY 17-19,1991 OKLAHOMA
were beyond the ability of ordinary mortals.
Maslow published his findings in a paper en-
titled, Self-Actualizing
a Study in Mental
In this historic paper Maslow showed that
healthy, self-actualizing people, regardless of
their social backgrounds, are a different
human than the vast majority of their brothers
and sisters. Not simply different in degree, but
rather different in
There were not many of
these people, probably less than one and a half
percent of the population. But they were clear
models of what we human beings could be-
come. These self-actualizers showed parallel
characteristics that were impressive and beau-
tiful. Humanity had a new standard, a new and
encouraging potential
strive toward.
The emerging profile of self-actualizers reads
like a partial description of the personality of
Jesus.. .creative, expansive, generous, devoted
to a cause. There follows a very brief synopsis
of these characteristics. Read Maslow's Motim-
twn and Personality if you want to learn more
about this study.
The Self-Actualization Touchstones
Religious: Self-actualizers seem to accept the
religious experience, the Peak Experience..
they have a devotion and a commitment to
higher values.
Active Agents: Without exception, self-actu-
alizers are committed to some high-minded
cause that they hold to be more important than
themselves. They tend to have a capacity to
lead, an ability to commit.
Independence of Culture, Opinwns, Social For-
malities: Self-actualizers are less enculturated
and programmed. They tend to think and act
on their own.
Creative: Self-actualizers are creative.. .they
get things done. They are spontaneous and
unpdctable, less concaned with sodal mores.
(They seem indifient to these mores, they do
not seek
violate them. People who consistent-
ly go against social standards are consided
conformists in reverse.)
Brotherhood: Self-actualizers have a tendency
to help those around them
they have unor-
thodox, unhostile senses of humor.
Clarity: They seem to perceive reality with
clarity, with fewer hang-ups and ego concerns.
Problem Solver: Self-actualizers are problem-
centered rather than ego-centered. They tend to
focus upon the important situations at hand,
sometimes to the exclusion of their own imme-
diate needs.
Maslow determined that a human being
could not achieve the self-actualizing process
until he had satisfied certain deficiency needs. It
was in these areas of deficiency, or pemeived
deficiency, that the ideas of Freud and Skinner
seemed to bevalidated. But once the human being
no longer
to need to
things from his
environment to satisfy his needs, once he began to
give things back to his environment, Freudian
psychology and Skinnerian Behaviorism no longer
adequately explained his behavior.
Maslow's pyramid or hierarchy of needs is
well known. His two key premises related to
this pyramid of needs are: a lower need must
be satisfied before another or higher need is felt;
and a satisfied need no longer motivates. Let's
look at this hierarchy of needs.
Biological needs. The entity must have food,
air, water, etc., before it will seek to satisfy
another need.
Safety Needs. When a human feels biologi-
cal needs satisfied, he will seek to establish
Social Needs.Once the entity feels safe, he
seeks out social companionship, approval, ac-
Hazing satisfied these needs the mature now
craves estern, recognition, power and control. The
ego operates in various arenas of life to satisfy
these needs. Once the human has achieved the
rare status of satisfying his esteem needs, he
passes into a new area: the area of relative
Self-Actualizing. This is the area where the
entity &eks to become real-an actual rather
than a potential. This is not a conscious pursuit
in the way one might seek social acceptance or
power. Self-actualization seems to be the by-
product of the pursuit of some cause greater
than oneself. All self-actualizers were totally,
sometimes fanatically, committed to a high-
minded task. ["He
who saeks
to find
life sM1
lose it, he who loses it for my
On pages
The Urantin Book delin-
very similar hierarchy of development
for humanity:
TheNutrition Epoch (biologi-
cal needs);
The Security Age (safety needs);
(3) MaterialComfort Era (described as an era
that permits leisure and comfort. The social
needs, such as competing for material status
described by Maslow, can be correlated with
this era.); and
The Quest for Knowledge and
Wisdom. (Unfortunately, on our planet this
quest is closely related to immaturepower and
ego needs. Thus Maslow determined that in-
dividuals seek knowledge largely to achieve
status, esteem, recognition and control.
honest quest for knowledge results in the
development of wisdom, and accumulated
wisdom results in enlightenment.)
emerging profile
of selfddualizers
reads like a partial
description of the per-
sonality of
Jesus.. .creative, ex-
pansive, generous,
devoted to a cause.

Page 8
"The concept of
important one.
We never achieve
only enter into
the process.
Then Iesus gave
stunning com-
mand, "Arise my son
and stand up like a
man." Jesus told him
in effect to get off his
Urantia Book goes on to layer the self-ac-
tualizing process into three distinct levels. It is
interesting to note that in the Maslow model we
have traversed four distinct levels of develop-
ment and entered into a fifth. In my own judg-
ment, these are the swenth through the third
psychic circles.
The Urantia Book describes the areas below
self-actualization as deficiency areas, remark-
ably close to Maslow's concept of deficiency
needs. The book comments that this residue of
animal indulgence and laziness is eradicated
upon the mansion worlds. Entering the third
circle, or the area of self-actualizing, as 1 have
said, The Urantia Bookdelineates threeaddition-
a1 levels:
Epoch of Philosophy and Brotherhood.
The Age
of Spiritual Striving.
The Era of Light and Life.. .for an individual
human being, di& djuster contact and even-
tual fusion.
Maslow, only about one and a
half percent ot the population enter the self-ac-
tualization area, which
have conjectured is the
third circle.
must also remind vou that the
psychic circles are not levels of spiritual devel-
opment; they are only associated in some un-
specified way to spiritual development. This
would fit the maturitv criteria and discoveries
of Maslow about the kierarchy of needs.
We can reasonably conjecture that if seven
psychic circles do exist, they should give re-
searchers some evidence of their existence. It is
not unreasonable to associate the Maslow
hierarchy of maturity development with the
psychic circles.
My second and third questions were: Does
The Urantia Book give us a methodology to
break into the ultimate frontier, the barrier of
human mediocrity?
it give us a method to
make decisions and complete them with ac-
tion? I believe it does. There are two pages in
the book which every student of psychology
should study with minute care. w e are all
familiar with them. It is the encounter of Jesus
with Fortune. In this encounter lesus outlines a
program that caused Fortune to transform from
a languishing, fear-ridden mortal with the
potential to
ten times what he was, to a
magnificent reality in the universe-a jewel in
the mosaic of the Supreme. What Jesus said to
Fortune was the message he gave to all of
humankind-in clear, precise and unmistak-
able terms.
Is it not true that most of us tend to languish
on our own private hillsideof doubt, indecision
and self-pity, at least to somedegree? Isn't there
a vague uneasiness that the fire of desire within
us has been dampened by fear? Could this
common syndrome beour potentials raging for
expression? Maslow believed this restless un-
fulfillment is the condition of most of hurnan-
kind. He conjectured that the discomfort we all
feel can only be satisfied by the cultivation of
our own undeveloped potentials. Else, these
potentials will eventually grow silent, decay
and die. In this case an inexpressibly precious
treasure has slipped through the fingers of our
Jesus knew the human condition far better
than Maslow. And I believe Jesus spoke to all of
us when he spoke to Fortune. The first charac-
teristic of the message of Jesus to Fortune was
that it represented a process, a complete cycle.
It began with a physical action and recycled with
a physical action. It was an endless process
prescribed by the Master. The concept of
process is an important one. We never achieve
self- actualization, we only enter into the process.
People are never self-actualized; they may be-
come self-actualizers. The process never ends.
The first thing Jesus did with Fortune was
open his mind to the ultimate goal. Remember
at all times and under all circumstances why
on this planet.
Urantia Booksaysthat
our primary goal should be to attain better and
better communion with our Thought Adjuster.
Here is the ultimate source of the values and
spiritual potential we should honor, the truth
we seek, and the solution to every problem that
confronts us.
There is not a person here without a set of
pmblems, and without a magnificent oppor-
tunity for growth.
But let us go back to Jesus and Fortune. Jesus
first gave Fortune a perspective of the ultimate
goal, our spiritual destiny. Then Jesus gave him
a stunning command, "Arise my son and stand
up like a man." Jesus told him in effect to get
off his duff. Alfred Adler noted this need for
physical action to break the inertia of the
evolutionary mind: 'Trust only movement."
Then Jesus acknowledged for Fortune the
reality of his pmblems and obstacles. But he
reframed them for this self-pitying man in such
a way as
empower him: "You
ed by small enemies and many obstacles. But
the big things and the
things of this world
and this universe are on your side. The sun rises
you as it does the most powerful and
prosperous man on earth."
Jesus then points out that Fortune has better
than average physical equipment, but that it
was useless and wasted as long as he isolated
himself from humanity and nursed real and
fancied misfortunes. "You could do great

Page 9
things with your body if you will hasten off to
where great things
waiting to
Then Jesus addressed the
of thought-
the mind. He again acknowledges the reality of
Fortune's problems, but he indicates there is
only one way out.. .one escape. And that is for
Fortune to take the initiative through assertion
of his dominion over his mind.
Jesus said to Fortune, "Look again. Your
mind is clear and capable. Your body has an
intelligent mind to direct it.
it to work to
solve its problems, teach your intellect to work
for you. Refuse to be dominated by
like an
unthinking animal. Your mind should be your
courageous ally in the solution of your life's
problems rather than your being its abject fear-
slave and bond servant of depression and
Then Jesus spoke of the spirit. He called this
the most valuable possession of all. He told
Fortune to
mlease the spirit from the fetters of fear.
Once released, esus &id the spirit wduld
stimulate and inspire the mind to control itself and
activate t k body.
This, in
would enable the
spiritual nature to begin to deliver Fortune
from the evils of inaction. And Jesus suggests
to Fortune that the ultimate tool to release the
spirit is
faith.-faith to release the spirit,
which will inspire the mind and activate the
The gift of faith. ..ours for the asking. We
need but ask for it and receive it.
Jesus admonished Fortune once again
to action: "When you become
readjusted to
life within yourself you likewise become read-
justed to the universe; you have been
again-henceforth your life will be one of vic-
torious accomplishment. Trouble will invigor-
ate you; disappointment will spur you on;
stimulate you. Arise, young man!"
And now we have come 'round
Jesus began with a perspective, and then sug-
gested a physical action. Next, he asserted
dominion of human personality over mind.
Then he advocated a &ease of the spirit, and
finally back again to a physical action. This is a
process, a cycle, something that happens simul-
taneously, yet must be understood and ordered
sequentially by the evolutionary mind.
For those of us who have fears and doubts
and a haunting feeling of dissatisfaction, I offer
one final suggestion. I have devised a prag-
matic application of the process we have just
discussed, one that
find most valuable. It is of
great value in getting myself into the right
frame of mind to do creative work
The formula I use is simple, and based upon
the technique Jesus taught Fortune: 1
pray for
perspectiue, claim dominion
the humility to
the gij? of faith. Finally, I ask
for the energy to act and the intep'ty to live up to
the light
am given. Each
regardless of the
situation, I do this process.
Now, most of us eat some kind of breakfast,
but few of us feed our soul each morning. Few
of us prepare for the day. We plunge intiit and
cope with what emerges. No warmup, no prep-
aration. Imagine an athlete who failed to warm
up. Imagine Mary Lou Retten attempting to do
her historic vault-the one that won her the
Olympic title--without a warmup.
this tomorrow morning. Get up at least
a half hour earlier. An hour is better. And begin
your day with an appropriate prayer to gain a
broad perspective. My prayer is simply to ac-
knowledge that on my own, with my human
mind and personal capabilities, I will fail. I ask
for the mind of Jesus.
ask that God direct and
help me. This initial process is the process of
gaining perspective
a reminder as to why we
Consider your ultimate objectives. For ex-
ample, if you were planning a vacation day,
you could plan to cram into each moment the
very most experience you can. Or, you could
plan to walk with
and to enpy a wonder-
spiritual experience. Also, if you elect to
follow the will of God each day, remind your-
self that
works with incredible economy.
There is no surplus of time or material supply,
but rather an exact amount at the exact time
many of us live as though our
objective is to do as much as possible in any
given day, rather than to do what God may
want done.
So begin the day early with a reminder of
why you are engaged in living your life upon
the planet. This gives meaning to everything
that follows each day, rather than simply going
through the motions and coping. Try to do a
little physical exercise, some stretching and
breathing. Next, try to observe your mind. It is
a tool for you to use; it is not you.
Your emotions
not you, either. You
sovereign over mind
claim your birthright.
Identify with the personality essence within-
it is that "thing" which observes, the thing that
cannot observe itself. Thus, it cannot be defined
or qualified; it is YOU, the essence of you.
Next, I ask that God grant me the ability to
the gift of faith.
ask that whatever ele-
in me that might prevent me from
accepting this gift be dissolved. And thus I seek
to release the spirit within from the fetters of
fear. By now, if 1 am successful,
achieve a kind
of serenity, a peace. Now
am ready to receive.
And in the silence of the morning
listen to
Jesus then points out
that Fortune has bet-
ter than average
physical equipment,
but that it was use-
less and wasted as
he isolated
himself from
humanity and
nursed real and fan-
cied misfortunes.
So begin the day
early with a
reminder of why you
are engaged in living
your life upon the
planet. This gives
meaning to eve y-
thing that follows
each day, rather than
simply going
through the motions
and coping.

Page 10
It has been
we are not punished
our errors and
our sins; we are
them. In
the same vein, we are
not punished
ing to live up to the
light we are given;
we are punished @
not living up to the
light within our soul.
My formula is exad-
I presented it.
Achieve serenity of
mind. Achieve an
attitude of recep-
tivity. And then act
according to the light
you are given. A
spiritual life is an
edifice that must be
rebuilt each
God. Although I do not hear his words, I open
mind and heart and trust that transactions are
taking placebeyond the scope of my conxious-
the highest regions of my mind.
But this process of listening is not passive. We
must go to our Thought Adjuster with a pur-
pose. We must ask advice and listen as though
it was an alter ego. We must complete this part
of the process by honoring our spiritual poten-
tial, and asking that what we have learned
these precious moments beapplied to the arena
of life we are about to enter. We must bring
something back with us. And the light,
whatever we get, must be honestly lived up to
and sincerely honored. Else it turns to darkness
within the soul.
has been said that we are not punished for
our errors and our sins; we are punished
them. In the same vein, we are not punishedfor
live up to the light we are given; we
punished by not living up to the light within
our soul.
This hour or so in the morning is my most
precious time of the day. If, for some reason it
is not possible to get an hour with God, I try to
a few minutes, but always in the morning.
Always I have at least the time to acknowledge
my helplessness and my need for him.
I should point out that I have observed the
very first thing to be neglected in the prayerand
process I have suggested is the acknowledg-
ment of my own inadequacy. If I am careless, I
seem to forget that humility is necessary.
admit that I need God-that I cannot do it by
personally must monitor this tenden-
cy toward armgance very carefully.
There is one final suggestion I make.
plete my session by a physical action: I write
down all thevarious things I need todoor
I need to do. I then time-frame each of these
items and, finally, establish priorities. This is
the final physical action that reestablishes the
cycle and completes the process for the mo-
ment. Remember, the process is endless. This is
the technique
use that seems best to help me
do creative work.
My formula is exactly as I presented it.
Achieve serenity of mind. Achieve an attitude
of receptivity. And then act according to the
light you are given.
A spiritual life
an edifice
that must be rebuilt each day.
Try this system if you want to be invigorated,
spurred on and stimulated. Because Jesus
promised that if we are aligned properly with
the universe, our troubles will invigorate us,
obstacles will stimulate us, and disappoint-
ment will
I hope I have offered something of value. I
tried to show that the mind of Jesus has been
clinically discovered and studied. I have tried
to show a clear method by which Jesus taught
us to align our selves with the
of the
have asserted here that
we but
things from Jesus-serenity of mind,
receptivity, and action-we will do justice to his
teachings. We will achieve noble self-expres-
sion and not simply be reactive
Disney used to say that
get better we need
to use the pause between stimulus and
response. The quality of that pause determines
whether we will react from the top of our heads
or the core of our being. I suggest here a pause
at the beginning of the day to realign your self
with the ultimate purpose of your life. If you
really can't conceive of an ultimate purpose, do
this exercise tomorrow morning. Write your
obituary in a hundred words of less. Write your
obituary the way you would like it to read some
day. How would you like to be remembered?
When you have written your obituary in this
way, you will have written your ultimate pur-
pose in life.
In closing, to the scientists
suggest that
science is not a study of reality, but a study of
fact. Quantum physics dws not prove that the
very tiny is undeterminate; it proves we cannot
determine--as yet-how it works. It was the
arrogance of materialism that built an unsink-
able ship called the
And it was science
without values that built gas chambers not
many decades ago.
The scientist who is a
Book believer
will honor values, and will recognize that her
or his domain of expertise is fact. The domain
of value is that of religion, but it ultimately
belongs to all of us. And the domain of emerg-
ing truth is the domain of the philosopher. And,
of course, we are all philosophers, and the
study of tmth is the pb of all of us.
I suggest we all spend an hour each morning
talking withGod. An hour spent aligning your-
self with your Thought Adjuster puts you in
tune with the universe and in liaison with God.
In liaison with God, anything, absolutely any-
thing, is possible.
In liaison with God, anything, absolutely any-
thing, is possible.
I love you, God bless all of you.
The Urantia Book:
Reference to two-brained theory and three-
brained creatures: page
This information

Page 11
MAY 17-19,1991 OKLAHOMA
predated the Speny split-brain experiments by
nearly two decades.
Encounter of Jesus with Fortune, pp 1437-8.
References to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs,
pp 576-7. This information predated Maslow
by nearly two decades.
Selected comments:
[Intrinsic drives to self-actualization]-
'There are present in all mortals certain innate
drives toward growth and self-realization
which function if they are not specifically in-
hibited. The certain technique of fostering this
constitutive endowment of the potential of spiri-
tual growth is to maintain an attitude of whole-
hearted devotion to supreme values." (*1095)
[Transition from antecedent causation
toward self-actualization]- "Religion assures
man that, in following the gleam of righteous-
ness discernable in his soul, he is thereby iden-
tifying himself with the plan of the Infinite
purpose of the Eternal. Such a liberated soul
immediately begins to feel at home in this new
universe, his universe.
"When you experience such a transforma-
tion of faith, you are no longer a slavish part of
the mathematical cosmos but rather a liberated
volitional son of the Universal Father. No
longer is such a liberated son fighting alone
against the inexorable doom of the termination
of temporal existence; no longer does he com-
bat all nature, with the odds hopelessly against
him; no longer is he staggered by the paralyz-
ing fear that, perchance, he has put his trust in
a hopeless phantasm or pinned his faith to a
fanciful error.
"Now, rather, are the sons of God enlisted
together in fighting the battle of reality's tri-
umph over the partial shadows of existence. At
last all creatures become conscious of the fact
and all the divine hosts of a well-nigh
limitless universe are on their side in the super-
nal struggle to attain eternityof lifeand divinity
of status. Such faith-liberated sons have cer-
tainly enlisted in the struggles of time on the
side of the supreme forces and divine per-
sonalities of eternity; even the stars in their
doing battle for them; at last they
gaze at the universe from within, from God's
viewpoint, and all is transformed from the un-
certainties of material isolation to the sureties
of eternal spiritual progression. Even time itself
becomes but the shadow of eternity cast by
Paradise realities upon the moving panoply of
space." (*I1171
evolutionary laziness]- "Evolutionary
man does not relish hard work To keep pace in
his life experience with the impelling demands
and the compelling urges of a growing reli-
gious experience means incessant spiritual
growth, intellectual expansion, factual enlarge-
ment, and social service. There is no real religion
highly active personality. Therefore
do the more indolent of men often
escape the rigors of truly religious activities by
a species of ingenious self-deception through
resorting to a retreat to the false shelter of stere-
otyped religious doctrines and dogmas. But
true religion is alive. Intellectual crystallization
of religious concepts is the equivalent of spir-
itual death. You cannot conceive of religion
without ideas, but when religion once becomes
reduced only to an idea, it isno longer religion;
it has become merely a species of human
philosophy." (*1120-21)
the technique of receiving the mind of
Jesus]- "The technique whereby you can
accept another's idea-as yours is the same
whereby you may let the mind which was in
Christ be also in you.'
[On the domains of science and religion]-
"Science becomes the thought domain of math-
ematics, of the energy and material of time and
space. Religion assumes to deal not only with
finite and temporal spirit but also with the
spirit of eternity and supremacy. Only through
a long experience in mota can these two ex-
tremes of universe perception be made to yield
analogous interpretations of origins, functions,
relations, realities, and destinies." (9139)
"Even the discoveries of science are not truly
real in the consciousness of human experience
until they are unraveled and correlated, until
their relevant facts actually become meanings
through the encircuitment in the thought
streams of mind." (*1120)
"This profound experience of the reality of
the divine indwelling forever transcends the
crude materialistic technique of the physical
sciences. You cannot put spiritual py under a
microscope; you cannot weigh love in a bal-
ance; neither can you estimate the quality of
spiritual worship." (*2095)
[On the stewardship of potentials]- 'The
great challenge that has been given to mortal
man is this: Will you decide to personalize the
experiencible value meanings of the cosmos
into your own evolving selfhood? or by re@-
ing survival, will you allow these secrets of
Supremacy to lie dormant, awaiting the action
of another creature at some other time who will
in his way attempt a creaturecontribution to the
evolution of the finite God? But that will be his
contribution to the Supreme, not youls."
When you experience
such a transforma-
tion of faith, you are
no longer a slavish
of the mathe-
matical cosmos but
rather a liberated
volitional son of the
Universal Father.
. .
.at last they gaze at
the universe from
within, from God's
viewpoint, and all is
transformed from the
uncertainties of
material isolation to
the sureties of eternal
spiritual progression

Page 12
"Man's eternal soul evolves its own
destiny by association with the divine presence
of the Paradise Father and in accordance
the personality decisions
the human mind.
What the Trinity is to
the Supreme, the
Adjuster is to evolving man."
'The Supreme Being did not create man, but
man was literally created out of, his very life
derived from, the potentiality of the Supreme.
Nor does he evolve man; yet the Supreme him-
self is the very essence of evolution. From the
finite standpoint, we actually live, move, and
have our being within the immanence of the
Truth in Religion: The Plurity of
Religions and the Unity of Truth. New York: Mac-
Csiksmhnihalyi, Mihaly. 1990. Flow: The Psychology
of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper and Row.
Herbert, Nick.
Beyond the New
Physics and the Meaning of Reality. New York:
Leichtman, Robert and Carl Japikse. 1982. Actiue
Meditation. New York: Ariel
Abraham. 1970.
Motiaation and Pmonality.
New York: Harper and Brothers.
Maslow, Abraham.
Values and Peak
Exprimus. New York:
Ramacharaka, Yogi.
Raja Yoga or Mental Dmelop
Des Plaines,
IL: Yoga Publication Sodety.

Page 13
MAY 17-19,1991 OKLAHOMA
Coming Full Circle
want to talk to you this evening about what
have come to explore in my own "gradual
accumulation of the knowledge of the laws of
the material world."
will be speaking of
problems associated with the central nervous
system (brain and spinal cord), and the mus-
culoskeletal system (muscles and bones).
will address some experiences I've
had, in the clinic, that transcend purely scien-
tific investigation, and go beyond anything I
was taught in school. Second,
will cite some
information from others that will substantiate
the occurrence of outcomes that transcend the
easily explained and their recognition of the
importance of these events. Last, I will offer a
brief explanation of my understanding of the
approach of Moshe Feldenkrais and his
philosophic/therapeutic method that offers a
plausible theory that sheds light on these tran-
scendent phenomena. Along the way, I hope to
allude to the need to reconsider our purely
scientific stance, and to come full circle by
realizing the importance of the 'laying on of
hands," both literally and figuratively; which is
using actual touch and using emotional
hope to
you questions about your
own ability to come full circle, as an individual,
through looking back to your earliest develop-
ment and thinking about what behavioral and
physical habits you've formed which may no
longer serve you.
increase in personal con-
trol can happen when we recognize our past
and free ourselves from it--come full circle.
stated, the transcendent experiences I've
had during my work with people with brain
injury and strokes have occurred as a result of
looking at a much bigger picture of the patient
was ever taught to look at
important factors
affect the out-
come in giving these people an increase in
motor control. The ability of the patient to
respond cognitively is important, but of greater
importance is the ability of the body to ex-
perience a feeling of normal movement. This
"feeling" of normal movement involves not
only the sensory perception of movement