History - The planet Maldek was the real fifth
planet from Sol. The planet itself was bigger than Earth,
but scarcely more than a mere rock.
... home.xtra.co.nz/hosts/Wingmakers/MALDEK.html - 25k
- En caché
- Páginas
From all the sources I've read it appears the great planet
Maldek either destroyed itself in a nuclear detonation or was destroyed
by huge planet-sized
... www.librarising.com/cosmology/maldek.html - 3k -
En caché
- Páginas
Pre-cataceans then implode their fusion reactors, thus destroying
98% of the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations; the remaining 2% evacuated to the
planet Maldek... www.reptilianagenda.com/research/r110799c.shtml - 17k -
En caché
- Páginas
Maldek and modern science. Was the asteroid belt between
Mars and Jupiter a Planet destroyed in an atomic explosion over
18000000 years ago?
... www.innerpotential.org/pages/article/maldek.html -
8k - En caché
- Páginas
It is called, in our language, Maldek, Tongue of Fire.
Maldek was the fifth planet from your Sun. It existed for
many millions of years.
... www.goldenlightfleet.com/mambo/content/view/49/27/ - 19k -
En caché
- Páginas
Andromodans (per Collier) say these lived on the planet
Maldek (now theasteroid belt) and were the lost tribe if Lyrae. They were
also called Ari-an.
... www.greatdreams.com/reptlan/reptilian-research-contents.htm
- 68k - En caché
- Páginas
Alternative News and Views, Reported by Agents Around the World,
24 hours a
day. www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi/noframes/read/22597
- 12k - En caché
- Páginas
de La aparicion del hombre en el planeta: El Planeta
Maldek (I). "" Los primeros en llegar fueron los del planeta
"Mallona" (Maldek), del cual queda una
... www.wikilearning.com/monografia/la_aparicion_del_hombre_en_el_planeta-el_planeta_maldek_i/20054-2
- 39k - En caché
- Páginas
de La aparicion del hombre en el planeta: El
Planeta Maldek (II). "" Quién fue Noe? Por quién fue avisado, antes
de que las aguas del mar invadieran gran
... www.wikilearning.com/monografia/la_aparicion_del_hombre_en_el_planeta-el_planeta_maldek_ii/20054-3
- 35k - En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.wikilearning.com »
During these times, we lost the planet Maldek, which is
now our asteroid belt. We can still see part of this planet every
August with the Perseid Meteor
... www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/2007june2.html - 23k -
En caché
- Páginas
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, spoke about that planet
Maldek aka Ziggurat and ... What happened with the planet
Maldek aka Ziggurat is it flew apart that is
... www.aitrui.com/EarthHistorySeries-08.htm - 122k -
En caché
- Páginas
What happened to the people of Maldek that caused them
to lose their planet? How long ago did this event occur? RA: I am Ra.
The peoples of Maldek had a
... www2.hawaii.edu/~boyne/ra/origins.html - 37k -
En caché
- Páginas
Maldek and modern scienceWas the asteroid belt between
Mars and Jupiter a Planet destroyed in an atomic explosion over
18000000 years ago In a message given
... pages.innerpotential.org/maldek.html - 18k -
En caché
- Páginas
Respuestas a la pregunta Maldek-Traya fue realmente el
planeta entre marte y jupiter? en la categoría Astronomía en Yahoo!
Respuestas. quien le puso ese
... es.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070406113813AAtjGjW
- 45k - En caché
- Páginas
In reference to Maldek, this could be translated: "Even
so the planet Maldek (tongue) is a little world (member), and
boasteth great things.
... www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/otof/otof10.htm - 62k -
En caché
- Páginas
It is said that those souls who came from the destoyed planet
Maldek of which nothing remains except the asteroid belt, wish to have a
second chance at the
... secularfreemason.blogspot.com/2008/01/nuclear-energy-and-maldek.html
- 273k - En caché
- Páginas
"In the asteroid belt of the solar system, located between Mars
and Jupiter, revolve magnetic chunks of the ancient planet Maldek, a
monument to the perfidy
... www.shangrala.org/F_LIVINGWORD/PlanetMaldek.html
- 6k - En caché
- Páginas
Description :creatures from Maldek planet. Sites Linking
to This Video :. Comments (0) ... Run DMZ - clip from PLANET
B-BOY movie about break dancing
... www.ganges.com/creatures_from_Maldek_planet_v5199538/
- 29k - En caché
- Páginas
En un tiempo yo encarné en el planeta que ustedes
conocen como Maldek. ... ¿Esto significa que todos somos
originalmente del Planeta Maldek?
... groups.msn.com/CAMINOALSER/canalizaciones07.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=37380&...
- 66k - En caché
- Páginas
This planet, according to various creepy new-agers and
acidheads, was called Maldek. In 1772, a relationship (now known as
Bode's Law) in the spacing of the
... everything2.com/e2node/Maldek - 21k - En caché
- Páginas
There are various names by which this planet has been
named. The vibratory sound complex most usually used by your peoples is
... www.lawofone.info/results.php?search_string=Maldek&sc=1&ss=0
- 27k - En caché
- Páginas
This page deals with the information that was received on
Maldek, a planet that was supposed to be a part of our solar
system before it was destroyed
... home.tiscali.nl/gibbon/maldek.htm - 25k -
En caché
- Páginas
ago or thereabouts, the planet Maldek (Lucifer) was
destroyed by the dark. lords. This started the Great War in our part of the
Universe. When Maldek... snoedel.punt.nl/index.php?r=1&id=357742&tbl_archief=1
- 53k - En caché
- Páginas
Dinoid/Reptoids were building up their forces in the planet
Maldek during all this time. ... Asteroid Belt was formed from the
destruction of Planet Maldek... groups.google.com/group/Atheism-vs-Christianity/msg/884129af83051923
- 48k - En caché
- Páginas
Dinoid/Reptoids were building up their forces in the
planet Maldek during > all this time. - Dinoids/Reptoids have a
mass attack on both our solar
... groups.google.com/group/Atheism-vs-Christianity/msg/7d873954b202b092
- 44k - En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de groups.google.com »
27 May 2008 ... For you are not content, wanderer that you
are, to play just on one planet. We have spoken in other times of the
planet Maldek,
... spiritlibrary.com/oakbridge-university/the-origins-and-future-of-planet-earth
- 53k - En caché
- Páginas
The Star Elders said that in this time we could heal the
breaks between dimensions that were caused by the destruction of the
planet Maldek, the misuse of
... spiritlibrary.com/center-of-the-sun/entering-phase-two-of-the-paradigm-shift-of-the-ages
- 50k - En caché
- Páginas
The Doctor has his hands full keeping the Earth free of an
ancient force that devastated its original homeworld: the fifth
planet, Maldek. ... www.lyratek.com/ - 23k -
En caché
- Páginas
Man from Planet Rizq Pg 105: "As an amendment for
accidentally destroying Maldek, the Rizqiyians allowed the Maldekians
to come to Rizq to live in
... www.nuwaubian-hotep.net/docs/maldekdian_crop_circle/maldekian_crop_circle.htm
- 13k - En caché
- Páginas
quien le puso ese nombre? tambien se le llamaba
Fa... espanol.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070406113813AAtjGjW
- 44k - En caché
- Páginas
31 Aug 2008 ... They arranged for a battle planet
(4 times the diameter of the Earth) to come into the solar system and destroy
the planet Maldek - which
... powerfulintent.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=1335877%3ABlogPost%3A702766
- 36k - hace 5 horas - En caché
- Páginas
5 Jan 2008 ... These methods are well in reach of the
Darkside, and serve as some sort of an archive to retrieve what was on the
dark planet Maldek before
... www.aquariusage.com/index.cfm?newsid=2743&read=1 - 77k
- En caché
- Páginas
They exploded a hydrogen bomb and completely destroyed the
Planet Maldek and murdered the whole populace in one blinding flash
of searing flame.
... www.aetherius.org/index.cfm?app=content&PageID=418 -
33k - En caché
- Páginas
... that is, the asteroid belt (said to be the remnants of
a large planet Maldek which was fragmented by this disturbance, now
forming the asteroid belt).
... www.bibliotecapleyades.net/hercolobus/esp_hercolobus_0.htm
- 14k - En caché
- Páginas
características de un planeta. Su masa ha sido
declarada para ser varias veces ... de un planeta grande,
Maldek, que fue fragmentado por esta perturbación,
... www.bibliotecapleyades.net/hercolobus/esp_hercolobus_40.htm
- 15k - En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.bibliotecapleyades.net »
2 Nov 2005 ... It's considered the Hyperborians came from
the planet Mars and Maldek (=Asteroid belt) and also of the
starsystem Aldebaran and Pleiades.
... forum.noblerealms.org/viewtopic.php?id=658 - 27k -
En caché
- Páginas
Esto es, que llegado el caso, la civilización atlante completa
sería trasladada a Maldek planeta ubicado antiguamente entre Marte y
Júpiter . ... www.freewebs.com/biopsicometafisica1/ - 55k -
En caché
- Páginas
The people on this planet were very much like us in both
physique and temperament, ... karma involved starting with the
destruction of the planet Maldek.
... www.users.bigpond.com/phdaley/gaia.htm - 13k -
En caché
- Páginas
The Planet Maldek Metaphysical Operations The
Primary Initiation of The Earth Attempts to Take-over the Earth Operation
Karmalight Operation Bluewater
... www.users.bigpond.com/phdaley/metaphysics.htm - 39k -
En caché
- Páginas
Nibiru Todos, o casi todos hemos escuchado hablar del Cometa-
Planeta llamado ... Habla de: planeta nave, nefilins,
nibiru, todos, casi, escuchado, hablar,
... lacomunidad.elpais.com/tags/maldek - 47k -
En caché
- Páginas
Hay 1 artículo con el tag maldek en el blog
Técnicas Alternativas. ... Nibiru Todos, o casi todos hemos escuchado
hablar del Cometa- Planeta llamado Nibiru,
... lacomunidad.elpais.com/tantra-tecnicasalternativas/tags/maldek
- 133k - En caché
- Páginas
About 200000 years ago or thereabouts, the planet Maldek
(Lucifer) was destroyed by the dark lords. This started the Great War in our
part of the Universe.
... www.alien-ufos.com/Planet-Alert-August-2007-t18709.html
- 55k - En caché
- Páginas
The Star Elders say that this meteor shower is the remains of the
lost planet Maldek. In ancient history, Maldek was destroyed
by the misuse of energy and
... tribes.tribe.net/kmt/thread/3da05eda-2573-4375-a09b-a6cecb6d5d15
- 42k - En caché
- Páginas
This is the aesthetic ratio of the deceased planet
Maldek which used to orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Now, its remnants
are nothing but an orbit of ... amerikarsha.info/ - 69k -
En caché
- Páginas
This is the aesthetic ratio of the de- ceased planet
Maldek which used to orbit ... That planet Maldek may
have had a salt composition of its oceans and the
... amerikarsha.info/doc/bless_the_$$/readme.txt - 14k -
En caché
- Páginas
maldek, Unixitron, Unixitron,Religion ,Amazon, Amethyst,
Angelica, Arcturus, ... In the same way, each one trapped on the
planet demands this opportunity!
... www.unixi.com/11SILENCE%20IN%20ACTION.HTM - 20k -
En caché
- Páginas
maldek, Unixitron, Unixitron,Religion ,Amazon,
Amethyst, Angelica, Arcturus, Astrea, ... It is also time to spread the
good seed because this planet will be
... www.unixi.com/6REMEMBER%20OUR.htm - 40k - En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.unixi.com »
PLANET X AND 'WORMWOOD' (August, 2002). By Noel Huntley,
Ph.D. ... the asteroid belt (said to be the remnants of a large
planet Maldek which was fragmented
... www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/Battlestar.htm - 8k -
En caché
- Páginas
Índice de contenidos 1. Los origenes y el ADN 2. El Planeta
Maldek (I) 3. El Planeta Maldek (II) 4. El Planeta
Maldek (III). ver todo el temario
... www.emagister.com/la-aparicion-del-hombre-planeta-cursos-2444095.htm
- 50k - En caché
- Páginas
There has been many other-world interventions on this
planet, so much so, we .... Earth is going to ascend its lost
parts from Tara, a planet in the gaze of
... www.raisingmaldek.com/index.php?page=test&pagename=sacredagreements
- 22k - En caché
- Páginas
So one will not be guided to anchor a communion with any
species not ascending on the planet Earth. However, changes are being
made yearly, as many of these
... www.raisingmaldek.com/index.php?page=tools&pagename=communing
- 23k - En caché
- Páginas
similares Más
resultados de www.raisingmaldek.com »
One of many major correlations with the Law of One material is
the discussion of the "exploded planet" Maldek (here called
by its other name,
... divinecosmos.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=394&Itemid=70
- 48k - En caché
- Páginas
An earlier quarantined Planet called Maldek had
succumbed to reptilian Black Masters from Alpha Draconis. The Black Masters
were remnant from an earlier
... www.revelatorium.com/Chapt18.htm - 26k - En caché
- Páginas
The planet Maldek was literally destroyed through the
warring of its inhabitants. Although there is still a risk for war, even a
major war, on Earth,
... www.askrealjesus.com/K_JESUS_ANSWERS/M_OLD_SPIR_TEACHERS/sanatkumara.html
- 39k - En caché
- Páginas
History- The planet Maldek was the real fifth
planet from Sol. The planet itself was bigger than Earth,
but scarcely more than a mere rock.
... www.angelfire.com/in2/poem/Book_of_Planets/Sol/Maldek.html
- 4k - En caché
- Páginas
FunAdvice Maldek the other planet Does anybody
beleive that the asteroid belt was caused by the destructon of a
planet between Mars and Jupiter resulting
... www.funadvice.com/q/maldek_the_other_planet
- 19k - En caché
- Páginas
FunAdvice India Maldek the other planet Does
anybody beleive that the asteroid belt was caused by the destructon of a
planet between Mars and Jupiter
... www.funadvice.co.in/q/maldek_the_other_planet
- 20k - En caché
- Páginas
About 200000 years ago : or thereabouts, the planet
Maldek (Lucifer) was destroyed by the dark : lords. This started the
Great War in our part of the
... www.bbsradio.com/cgi-bin/webbbs/webbbs_config.pl/noframes/form/16921
- 33k - En caché
- Páginas
24 Jul 2008 ... Since there were only about 500 survivors
from Maldek and around 10000 from Mars after the Thermonuclear war on
Maldek destroyed the planet... intuitivefred888.blogspot.com/2008/07/wall-e-revisited.html
- 61k - En caché
- Páginas
Vesta is identified as the remnant core of the planet
Maldek (or Jmojer). These sources suggest that this planet was
populated by peoples similar to those
... kenoath.wordpress.com/about/ - 22k - En caché
- Páginas
Your Earth was not the only planet in your system that
received ET attention. .... the planet of Maldek and
eventually broke it into hundreds of fragments,
... www.salrachele.com/webchannelings/foundersonearthhistorypart4.htm
- 11k - En caché
- Páginas
Andromodans (per Collier) say these lived on the planet
Maldek (now the asteroid belt) and were the lost tribe if Lyrae. They
were also called Ari-an.
... www.think-aboutit.com/Misc/mysterious_things_1.htm - 63k -
En caché
- Páginas
El Creador ordenó la aparición de la Fuerza MUshaba para habitar
Maldek y para rescatar el propósito original del planeta.
Cuando losrepresentantes de la
... www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/Wakeup%20Call/MWmesages/January2008/Hatonn01-17-08sp.htm
- 16k - En caché
- Páginas
Please, erase my account Maldek permanently because I am
tired of wasting my time. ..... It will also keep it normal to the
surface of the planet,
... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Maldek - 151k -
En caché
- Páginas
Displaying 1-1 of 1 results for maldek. creatures from
Maldek planet by Kosichka freak dance show by Kosichka Categories:
Music Tags: freak, show, maldek,
... searchservice.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=sitesearch.results&t=maldek&type=MySpaceTV
- 37k - En caché
- Páginas
1 Oct 2007 ... During these times, we lost the planet
Maldek, which is now our asteroid belt. We can still see part of this
planet every August with the
... www.thetaobums.com/Upcoming-Events-t2336.html - 149k -
En caché
- Páginas
02: The World of Maldek: George Hunt Williamson's
channeling of Hatton in the Solex Mal language giving the history of the
legendary planet, Maldek.
... www.fadeddiscs.com/saucerology.html - 18k - En caché
- Páginas
Kin 105, Red Magnetic Serpent, codes the first thirteen-day cycle
as the Wavespell of Galactic-Karmic Maldek. The shattered lost
planet Maldek (and its
... www.lawoftime.org/GRI/rinri/rinri-sirius2.html - 75k -
En caché
- Páginas
RA: There are those from Maldek. In your distant past
there was a population of 3rd density beings upon a planet which was
within your solar system.
... www.spiritofra.com/Ra-section%201.htm - 89k - En caché
- Páginas
Una porción de los habitantes de Maldek, previendo el
fin catastrófico de su planeta, emigró en sofisticados vehículos
aeroespaciales y se estableció entre
... www.mundoparanormal.com/docs/ovnis/de_donde_vienen.html -
32k - En caché
- Páginas
Several esoteric studies associate the metal Platinum with the
planet Maldek, also known under the names Nibiru, Lucifer or Phaeton.
... www.realmagick.com/articles/21/1921.html - 23k -
En caché
- Páginas
Preparations were being made for the journey to the planet
Maldek. Most of the equipment they had brought with then to outpost
station No.16, was being left
... www.dussartworkshop.com/science_fiction_2.htm - 14k -
En caché
- Páginas
... with the innate 13:20 timing frequency of the
planet and the galactic whole. ... resulting in the type of
disaster that destroyed the planet Maldek,
... www.earthportals.com/Portal_Messenger/ascending.html - 6k
- En caché
- Páginas
It was from the 17th of 21 planets of that system and was placed
around a planet here, named Maldek, which is now the
asteroid belt.
... www.geocities.com/area51/vault/9054/aliens.html - 36k -
En caché
- Páginas
They had given origin to Maldek (the planet
which is now the asteroid belt), as a third planet, and this time,
the Son was to be
... www.4truthseekers.org/articles/back_to_the_future__and_beyond.php
- 23k - En caché
- Páginas
The planet Maldek was destroyed; blown up into thousands
of pieces, which now constitute the vast Asteroid Belt between Mars and
Jupiter. ... social.infowars.com/group.php?group_id=950 - 56k
- En caché
- Páginas
The natural matter of the Moon came from a very large
planet, Maldek (or Marduk), which orbited our Sun thousands
of years ago between Mars and Jupiter.
... www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/2006/01jan/moon.html
- 18k - En caché
- Páginas
They arranged for a battle planet (4 times the diameter
of the Earth) to come into the solar system and destroy the planet
Maldek - which was the
... www.burlingtonnews.net/leumurian2.html - 56k -
En caché
- Páginas
In that book, the author describes how some of the surviving
citizens of the planet Maldek left that planet in order to
settle and live on the planet of
... www.mail-archive.com/paranormal_stuff@yahoogroups.com/msg00170.html
- 12k - En caché
- Páginas
Las civilizaciones Dinoides/Reptoides que - durante todo ese
tiempo - habían acumulado sus fuerzas sobre el planeta Maldek,
lanzaron entonces un ataque de
... www.sens-de-la-vie.com/Archepages/021_age-or-et-imaginaireSP.htm
- 64k - En caché
- Páginas
02: The World of Maldek: George Hunt Williamson's
channeling of Hatton in the Sol-Tec language giving the history of the
legendary planet, Maldek.
... www.ufoinfo.com/ufobooks/fourguys.shtml - 10k -
En caché
- Páginas
It also protects us from radioactive material that finds its way
to our atmosphere from the ancient explosion of the planet Maldek.
... ashtar.galactic2.net/corem.htm - 10k - En caché
- Páginas
Maldek, el planeta que se desintegró en épocas
pasadas a través de su uso erróneo de una energía similar a la que ustedes
conocen como energía nuclear,
... www.luisprada.com/Protected/el_sindrome_de_la_cara_de_marte.htm
- 17k - En caché
- Páginas
For you are not content, wanderer that you are, to play just on
one planet. We have spoken in other times of the planet
Maldek, and how you played out a
... www.oakbridge.org/articles.php?aid=30 - 18k - En caché
- Páginas
What you call the Asteroid Belt, the exploded and doomed
planet Maldek, is well known to us. This was the original splitting
of the worlds in your star ... lightworkers.org/node/21724 -
72k - En caché
- Páginas
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión
en HTML la principal colonia espacial de los atlantes que era
MALDEK, planeta. entre Marte y Júpiter. Las consecuencias de
semejante colisión fueron
... www.misionrahma.de/docs/LA_ATLANTIDA_Y_LA_REBELION_DE_LUCIFER.pdf
- Páginas
**Also: During This Time (Latter Half Of October) ... Was/Is The
Anniversary Of The Explosion Of Maldek !! ... A Planet That
Used To Reside In The 5th Orbit
... www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/reply.php?messageid=118311&page=553"e=8996041
- 28k - En caché
- Páginas
There was a dictation from the Great Divine Director about the
laggards embodied in the Middle East who actually blew up their own planet
Maldek in a ... www.lifeincut.com/storiespartone.html -
28k - En caché
- Páginas
Since this dates from 880 B.C., it would not show the planet
Maldek or thirteen planets since Maldek ceased to exist around
1500 B.C. The sun disk is
... www.v-j-enterprises.com/jufobook.html - 29k - En caché
- Páginas
... resulting in the type of disaster that destroyed the
planet Maldek, producing the ... of the planet
telepathically governed by the five Earth families.
... www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v76/__show_article/_a000076-000025.htm
- 24k - En caché
- Páginas
Favorite Fish, MX Missile, Planet Maldek. In 1980, after
Mal moved back to San Francisco with his wife Sandra and six year old daughter
Jennifer, ... www.coyleandsharpe.com/mp3/index.html - 22k -
En caché
- Páginas
all these pertains to the great disappearance of PLANET
MALDEK, ... So the names Nibiru "Planet of the Crossing",
Maldek/Tiamat, Luna,
... deep-high.blogspot.com/2008/07/karmic-planetary-code-names.html
- 66k - En caché
- Páginas
Also discussed is the destruction of the planet Maldek,
the attempts at conquest of Earth by the Orion group which is of negative
... store.bring4th.org/product_info.php?products_id=29&osCsid=3bf2601ddc6f608022437701c20cc012
- 26k - En caché
- Páginas
Un planeta fue destruído: MALDEK, el quinto a
partir del Sol, hoy conocido por el cinturón de asteroides. Su historia se
perdió. ... www.mexico-tenoch.com/historia/CODICEK.htm - 30k -
En caché
- Páginas
¿Cuál es nuestra edad actual en esta misión en el
planeta Tierra? ... Antes, se dio la destrucción de
Maldek y de la vida en Marte, es decir, Maldek es lo
... www.infonegocio.com/unoasisparaelalma/Evolucion_humanidad.htm
- 19k - En caché
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Una clave para comprender las visitas extraterrestres a nuestro
planeta y su ... quinto planeta, por qué no pensar
que en Marte, vecino directo de Maldek,
... www.misionrahma.com/plan_cosmico/pc_cap_17.htm - 13k -
En caché
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