Theosophical University Press Edition
NOTE: Files of each letter are named according to the letter number assigned by A. T. Barker in his first and second editions, given in Arabic numerals, as in ml-#.htm. To go to a particular letter, change the last section of the current URL from ml-con.htm to the file name reflecting the number of the letter. For example, to go to Letter 5, type ml-5.htm; for letter 24b, type ml-24b.htm, etc. For a description of the contents of each letter, see the detailed contents below.
Individual letters are linked both numerically, according to Barker's numbering system, and chronologically according to the order given in Margaret Conger's Combined Chronology for the Mahatma and Blavatsky Letters to A. P. Sinnett, with both the next and the previous Mahatma and Blavatsky letter. The Letters not placed chronologically are: 33, 97, 108, 123, 145, and Views of the Chohan on the TS.
Introduction by A. Trevor Barker
Foreword to Combined Chronology of Margaret Conger by Grace F. Knoche
Preface and Introduction to the Combined Chronology by Margaret Conger
Biographical Sketches and Bibliography by Margaret Conger
How the Mahatma Letters Were Written by A. Trevor Barker
Mars and Mercury by A. Trevor Barker
First Letter of K. H. to A. O. Hume
View of the Chohan on the T. S.
Quick Links to description of Sections
Letter No. 1 -- London newspaper test. Solomons of Science -- experimental knowledge -- vril of the coming age -- skeletons of giants. Hooke -- Newton -- position of Science -- Human nature the same for a million years -- value of occult phenomena. Science and Copernicus -- Robert Recorde -- Wm. Gilbert -- Galileo -- Bacon -- charlatans the shield of the "Adept" -- the rewards of the Goddess Saraswati; the phenomenon of the Ascension.
Letter No. 2 -- Methods of research in Occult Science -- the mysteries not for the public -- Conditions of communication with the Mahatmas -- the mode of life demanded. Motives -- the object of the Theos. Society -- significance, of selfishness -- the T.S. and Universal Brotherhood -- the study of occultism -- path of occultism -- Schools -- Teachers, etc. Beneficent powers of knowledge -- seal of the mysteries; the life of the aspirant -- Anglo-Indian Branch T.S. -- conditions for good test phenomena.
Letter No. 3a -- "Brooch" phenomenon
Letter No. 3b -- Postal address in N.W.P.
Letter No. 3c -- Pillow incidents.
Letter No. 4 -- Crisis in Tibet -- danger of invasion by Russia. Menacing destiny of T.S. -- Avalanche in the Karakorum Mts. -- H.P.B. demands assistance telepathically -- her condition -- the state of K.H.'s countrymen. Accelerated modes of delivery -- Anglo-Indian world -- agitation caused by the Bombay publications. Col. Olcott -- the feelings of the English to the Mahatmas -- O.'s devotion and self-sacrifice unequalled -- independent A.I. Branch an impossibility -- mortal blow to T.S. -- non-interference with Branches by Parent Society -- Arbitrator when specially called upon -- trust in word of honour. Different habits of Tibetans and Hindus -- lack of understanding -- national prejudices -- learned in Yog-Vidya but unfit for drawing-rooms -- essentials and non-essentials. Difficulties of the Mahatmas -- prejudice -- unwashed Christian Saints -- responsibility for Sinnett and Hume -- interference only by the Mahatmas -- policy of A.I. Society to be submitted to Chief. Attitude of Mahatmas to the aspirant -- marriage and Raja Yoga -- different ways of acquiring occult knowledge -- encouragement given to Sinnett -- "Universal Brotherhood" -- not an idle phrase -- the paramount claim of Humanity; only secure foundation for universal morality -- aspiration of the true Adept.
Letter No. 5 -- Inaccuracies of H.P.B. -- A.I. Branch -- Hume's letter -- haughtiness of English -- race prejudice -- personal habits. The test of the 27th -- Jhelum despatch -- impossibility of deception. The methods of Hume -- his letter a monument of pride -- further encouragement to Sinnett -- necessity of Universal Brotherhood in Europe. Position of Olcott in relation to the T.S. -- a professor of occultism -- letter to Lord Lindsay -- H.P.B. not to give practical instruction to A.I. Branch.
Letter No. 6 -- Methods of correspondence -- occultists copy nature -- suggestions for group study. Analysis of Hume's character -- truths and mysteries of occultism -- phenomena will prove destructive of bigotry -- but constructive for Brotherhood of Humanity. Planetary spirits -- phenomenal manifestations -- ideas rule the world -- revolutions -- creeds will be crushed -- Man's position in the Universe -- The Eternal Now -- the choice -- highest philosophy or phenomena -- the wish of the Chiefs.
Letter No. 7 -- Sinnett disappointed in expectations of training -- appreciation of his efforts for T.S. -- interest in him of one higher than K.H.
Letter No. 8 -- Personal observations re Sinnett -- reasons for K.H.'s actions. Lord Crawford -- character and possibilities -- direct communication refused. Methods of establishing communication -- unscientific absurdity. Velocity of mechanical force -- Sinnett's inability to understand explanations of phenomena -- the only way -- Past, Present and Future -- grossness of western mind. The Colour rays beyond visible spectrum -- realities appear absurdities -- insurmountable difficulties. Grades of intelligence -- Superstition -- the world repudiates what it cannot grasp -- the novice in occult science must reach the goal or perish -- to doubt is to risk insanity. The Mahatmas attitude to humanity and the world -- not dried up mummies. K.H.'s personal attachments -- erroneous ideas about Mahatmas -- Yogis -- difference between Hatha and Raja Yoga. Advice regarding Occult World -- manner of dealing with letters. Problems of mystical phenomena -- the Forlorn Hope -- uses of spiritualism. Unity gives strength -- importance of co-operation -- Damodar's letter -- value of concentration. Home, the medium.
Letter No. 9 -- Observations on The Occult World. Criticism of members of T.S. and others. Stainton Moses. Planetary spirits and the Earth -- their mission -- S.M. and occultism -- abundant proof -- new phase of Truth -- explanations re experiences of S.M.; Imperator -- mediumship -- The "Dweller on the Threshold"; and conscious life in spirit -- reply to Fechner. Psychic Communication with spirits an impossibility -- universal laws -- cycle of intelligent existences -- cosmic matter -- Anima mundi. The progress of man -- The Great Cycle -- evolution of the Ego -- the circle of necessity. The world of Causes -- and of Effects -- Self Conscious Egos -- hell and purgatory. The lower world of effects -- a definition of Truth -- Brothers not permitted to control the will of the neophyte -- The Brethren of the Shadow. K.H.'s relations with Sinnett -- observations on the Occult World -- its effect on H.P.B. and others -- Wallace and Crookes. Willingness of Adepts to enlighten mankind -- their mission to reveal Truth.
Letter No. 10 -- The philosophy of the Mahatmas with regard to "God" -- the God of the theologians. Dyan Chohans -- definition of "nothing" -- logical conclusions -- the Universal Mind. The belief in Planetary Spirits -- matter is Eternal -- no-one has ever seen God -- cannot accept an extra-cosmic deity. Phlogiston -- belief in matter alone -- its unceasing motion which is life -- ideas on Evil. The cause of evil is in human intelligence and action -- natural laws and necessary evils -- the sacerdotal caste and churches -- the chief cause of evil. Buddhist priests -- God not worshipped in Buddhist Temples -- the four noble truths -- the 12 Nidanas -- the chain of causation. The words of the Buddha.
Letter No. 11 -- K.H. has misgivings in role of instructor -- the eternal Essence -- Force -- immutability non-existent in Solar System. Inappropriate terms used by Science -- this teaching opposed to all accepted theories -- observations on the fallacies and incompleteness of Science -- energy indestructible -- gravity -- chemical attraction -- electricity. Chelas are magnetised -- only one element in Nature, Akasa -- spirit and matter, one -- the tetracktis -- the sacred seven; the Greek Brother -- necessity of serenity of mind for occult study. Psychical powers of hearing -- our Zoophagous friend -- questions of diet -- transmission of letters. Schopenhauer and the "Arhat" doctrines.
Letter No. 12 -- Explanations re Mahayuga -- Pralaya -- cyclic evolution -- Manvantaras -- dead worlds. An eternity of action -- Ethnographical details -- Esquimaux -- Neolithic age -- the Basks of Spain -- the early traces of man -- Geike, Dawkins, Fiske -- five races -- evolution of speech.
Letter No. 13 -- Cosmological notes and queries -- esoteric cosmogony. Nature works with positive and negative forces -- the worlds of effects. Man's principles return to their source at death -- the planet and man not created. The seven-headed serpent Ananda of Vishnu -- the musical scale and the planetary chain -- man has potentiality of all 7 principles as a germ. "Life" no responsibility except in man. 7th principle latent in all the principles -- cause of pollution not in the body -- the evolution of animal-man. Man's development follows that of planet -- Biblical analogies -- the anthropoids. Buddhas and Avatars. The object of initiations.
Letter No. 14 -- 7 objective and 7 subjective globes. The 7 kingdoms -- the descent of the monad -- occult divisions of mineral kingdom -- rounds and rings -- divisions and classifications -- the whole truth not permitted to be given. Numbers the key to knowledge -- rounds, races, and the number of incarnations in each -- the problem of the 777 incarnations -- Plato and Confucius 5th Round men -- Buddha a 6th rounder. Explanatory notes of the diagram "Man on a Planet" -- ascending and descending arcs of evolution -- the Dhyan Chohans -- Devas -- increasing intelligence as the Rounds proceed -- what happens in each Round.
Letter No. 15 -- Germ of future entity -- history of the human foetus the key to the mysteries of nature -- the cosmic atom -- aggregations of atoms becoming man-bearing globes. Their indestructibility and growth -- Adi-Buddhi, Force, or Infinite Life in manifestation. One seven-fold element the permanent cause of all manifestation -- examples -- the five cognisable elements -- the sixth principle. Observations on the "fire" element -- primal igneous principle -- 7 manifestations of fire -- the Tree of Life. A mineral contains a spark of the One -- the Law of formation, birth, etc. of a globe the same as for a child -- the 3 kinds of Manvantaras and Pralayas. Life impulse and formation of Globe "A" -- passage of Essence from one globe to another -- and one kingdom to another. Further observations on the evolution of man -- increased spirituality of the 5th Race man -- kingdoms re-entering Globe "A". Law of equilibrium manifesting -- 6th and 7th senses -- the Lord Buddha a 6th Race man -- his appearance a mystery -- individuals can only outstrip humanity by one Round. Surya Manwantaras and Pralayas -- the Cosmic night. Elementals -- Flammarion a Theosophist -- his splendid intuition. Pernicious influence of the Moon -- the Sun is the first to disintegrate at the Solar Pralaya -- the 6th principle of the Universe and man, the greatest of all mysteries.
Letter No. 16 -- The Devachan Letter -- Devachan allegorically described by Buddha -- who goes to Devachan. The Ego enjoys perfect bliss -- Karma stands aside -- he is the dreamer and the dream -- souls of the departed unable to descend to those on earth -- pure, loving sensitives can become raised in consciousness to contact those in Devachan -- some Subjective spiritual communications real -- "rapport," identity of molecular vibration. Great varieties in the Devachan state -- the Dhyan-Chohans do not commit mistakes. Degrees of spirituality -- "the planet of Death" -- when man dies his 2nd and 3rd principles die with him -- the gestation state. Elementaries and "angel-guides" -- Kama-Loka -- a torn out page in the Book of Lives -- the 6th and 7th principles, the unconscious and eternal Monad. The ethereal Ego -- the Monad remains untainted by evil for ever -- the karma of evil deeds accrues to the new personality -- varying periods between Death and Devachan depending on spiritual stamina and karma. Devachan not solely for Adepts. A classification of Devas, elementals, sorcerers, etc. The territory of doubt -- things acceptable and non-acceptable to Spiritualists. Post mortem conditions of Suicides and those killed by accident. Psychic vampires -- mediums create new and evil Karma and Skandhas for their victims -- study deeply the doctrines of Karma and Nirvana. The Recording Angel -- meaning of Skandhas -- identity of the Ego. Justice of Karma -- causes producing the new being -- suicide and violent death. How mediums and Spiritualists multiply the causes of human misery -- the reason why the Masters oppose Spiritualism -- indiscriminate mediumship and materialisations especially objectionable. Individual and personal immortality -- divisions of the 7 principles and 7 elements. Hume and Sinnett receive more information than ever given before to non-initiates -- the teaching to be regarded as a trust for the Society. The Chohan forbids H.P.B. to go further than the Black Rock -- Damodar's foolish austerities -- the body of Occultists in Egypt -- K.H. sighs for Nirvana.
Letter No. 17 -- Natural seers and clairvoyance -- 5th round men -- the Buddha a 6th round man -- his future incarnations -- Buddha overshadowed some chosen individuals -- sex a mere accident of birth, guided by Karma. The superior classes -- course of higher Nature's law -- peoples of India belong to oldest branchlet of the 5th human race -- "Ernests" and "Joeys" and soulless mediums. Subba Row's reverence for H.P.B.
Letter No. 18 -- The evolutionary journey of the monad -- 7 ramifications of the 7 races -- man passes through all 7 times -- Manvantaric chains existing in and out of our Solar System. Man's earth cycle the counterpart of great cycle -- mistakes of Anthropologists -- Pritchard nearest the mark -- the test of true progress. The present 5th human race began in Central Asia over one million years ago. Occult Science a jealous mistress -- fatal to ordinary course of marriage.
Letter No. 19 -- Post mortem conditions of suicides and victims of accidents.
Letter No. 20a -- From A.O. Hume to K.H. Queries re spiritualistic phenomena -- shells -- suicides and accidents. Death by drink -- over-study -- diseases, etc -- suggestion that phenomena of spiritualism may be produced by spirits, not by shells -- some teach higher morality -- Allan Kardec's books.
Letter No. 20b -- From A.P.S. to H.P.B. Eliphas Levi's statements re annihilation -- queries in regard to survival of spiritual monad -- obscuration of planets and annihilation.
Letter No. 20c -- Meaning of the terms God and Christ -- candidates for Devachan -- death and re-birth in Kama-Loka -- love and hatred the only immortal feelings -- only those we have loved exist for us in Devachan -- the memories which only affect personality blotted out -- duration of Devachan -- no perception of time -- Devachan and Avitchi created by ourselves during life. Importance of predominant feeling at moment of death -- the events of whole life seen in vision at death -- only adepts and sorcerers know they are dead -- they only are immortal -- co-workers with nature for good or evil -- definition of Immortality -- self-consciousness -- memory regained by even good men only in Devachan -- "soul" becomes unconscious at death in all cases -- faculties of perception, cogitation and volition, become extinct for ever at death. Apparitions -- no essential difference between doctrines of Eliphas Levi and those of K.H. -- what immortality signifies to initiates and occultists -- several kinds of immortality -- the full adept in relation to death. Chohans, Planetary spirits and immortality -- E. Levi speaks of personal not spiritual Egos -- co-workers with nature -- annihilation and the eighth sphere -- potentiality for evil in man greater than for good -- Sorcerers and immortality. Suicides separated from higher principles by a gulf -- not so in victims of accidental death -- Dhyan Chohans do not guide living human Egos but protect victims of accidental death -- victims sleep but to awake at the hour of last judgment -- the struggle between the 6th and 7th and 5th and 4th principles. Reborn on earth immediately if insufficient material for Devachan -- only shells and suicides can be attracted to a Seance -- suicide a question of motive and responsibility -- effect of suicide during temporary insanity -- Guiteau. Bulk of phenomena of spiritualists due to shells -- unconscious 5th principle (soul) cannot communicate with a living organism -- Allan Kardec not quite immaculate -- even Dugpas capable of teaching the Highest morality -- preaching with an end in view proves little. The time for the obscuration of a planet -- a man must love or hate well to be in either Devachan or Avichi -- "Nature spues the luke warm out of her mouth."
Letter No. 21 -- From A.P.S. to K.H. Queries in regard to post mortem conditions of accidents and suicides. K.H.'s replies to same -- the teaching given is the rule -- exceptions enforce the rule -- K.H. accused of contradictions and inconsistencies.
Letter No. 22 -- To A. O. Hume. Dual attributes of Universal and human Mind -- conscious and mechanical functions -- the conscious attribute of Universal Mind a hypothesis only, but scientific fact in finite mind -- the human brain -- voluntary and involuntary nervous systems -- man potentially more powerful than "God" -- contrary to finite, infinite mind exhibits only mechanical functions of Cerebellum. The extent of the knowledge of an adept and of a planetary spirit -- laws of Nature mechanical -- Motion the eternal and uncreated deity. "God" cannot be both intelligent and wholly material -- a God with intelligence would be a fiend in view of the existence of evil. The Mosaic deity, "No Being" -- Vedantic Acosmism -- greatest adepts have not penetrated beyond the Solar System -- but they know with certainty of other Solar Systems -- Motion governs laws of Nature -- no room for a moral Governor of the Universe -- darkness does not comprehend light because it is annihilated by it -- whence the Immutable Laws and their supposed Creator. Nepaulese Swabbhavikas -- Swabbhavat is force -- a force of limitless potentiality, but yet not "God" because man can use it -- the multiform manifestations of life made perceptible by force. Man can become his own creator and ruler -- Immutable Laws eternal and uncreated -- only one law in the Universe -- Nature disproves the theory of an all-loving, omniscient, omnipotent God -- eternal progressions of cycles and evolution -- spirit and matter are one -- only distinct in manifestation -- the Absolute the only reality. Ice, water, and vapour as an illustration of the Trinity -- the Pyramids -- matter indestructible and coeval with Spirit -- matter, force, and motion the Trinity of physical Nature -- Evil -- mental attitude of the pupil -- must learn alphabet in order to read -- the world of occultism is the world of force -- only the initiate can know. The Chela becomes the Master -- mystery and miracle vanish -- occultism an exact science -- its methods laid down in a code as old as humanity.
Letter No. 23a -- Queries by A.P.S. in numbered paragraphs; (1) cause of rush of modern progress -- (2) civilisation as great as our own -- (3) what was the Fifth Race about for the 998,000 years preceding the last 2,000 -- (4) to what epoch did the Continent of Atlantis belong -- (5) the origin of evil; (6) the use of the whole cyclic process endured by the spirit -- (8) scientific questions -- cause of precipitation of rain -- magnetic conditions -- (9) the composition of the sun's corona -- (10) photometric value of light -- star magnitudes -- (11) atmospheric disturbances in atmosphere of Jupiter -- (12) the Siemen's theory of Solar combustion -- (13) cause of magnetic variation -- (14) the possibility of the discovery of more planets; (15) a moment of the highest bliss -- (16) Devachan and Avitchi -- (17) the effect of the last thought in the mind before death -- (18) full remembrance of all our lives -- (19 & 20) nature of the memory of the "shell" -- (21) the spiritual Ego -- evolution of its personalities -- the shell of A. P. Sinnett and the nature of its consciousness; (22) the Planet of Death -- (23) Mars and Mercury -- (24) is the sun the habitation of spiritualised beings -- (25 & 26) the case of the Ego who has not sufficient material for rebirth in Devachan -- (27) the case of the murderer Guiteau -- (28 & 29) planetary obscurations and the evolution of forms.
Letter No. 23b -- K.H.'s replies to queries in 23a. End of an important cycle -- cyclic law for race and sub-race -- Cortez -- sub-races of Peru and Mexico. Zodiacal records -- civilization an inheritance -- Europe rejects testimony of antiquity -- the Western Cendrillon -- Eocene Age -- the sinking of Poseidonis -- Lemuria -- our present Continents have been submerged and will be again. Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilisations less than those of the 3rd race -- history all at sea. Copernicus avails himself of a Pythagorean MSS. -- the children of the "Fire Mist" -- ancient civilizations; the Chinese -- Ireland strewn with gigantic bones of mammoths and monsters -- Malayans, Tibetans, Javanese, the Miocene times. Egyptian priests and Atlantis -- the inhabitants of Shamballah -- Baron d'Holbach. Atlantis connected with the origin of evil -- obscurations heralded by cataclysms; the premises of Science wrong -- the future Fate of British Isles, France, etc. Progress towards absolute evil arrested by cataclysmic changes -- Tree of Knowledge in safe keeping of the Mahatmas -- the Planetaries -- every race has its Adepts. The cyclic process -- Spirit an abstraction -- in union with matter it is life -- the mystery and problem of life. To solve the problem one must become an Occultist -- all forms mask but one all-pervading Force -- one life, one law, one element -- the conclusions of greatest scientific minds -- force can be infused into artificial man -- Spirit, life and matter do not exist independently of each other. No phenomenon in Nature disconnected from magnetism and electricity -- phenomena of earth currents due to Akasic magnetism -- rain can be induced artificially -- some calculations for physicists. Magnetic attraction -- atmospheric changes -- meteoric dust. Meteors -- sun little to do with heat and nothing with rain -- Reichenbach's crystals -- the sun's corona -- head of a man in ecstatic condition -- aureoles -- hydrogen. Sun spots -- sun not the central planet of our Universe -- the difficulties confronting Scientists in studying Solar phenomena -- atmospheric tremours -- no obstacle to the Adept -- sun full of iron vapours -- the demonstration by the spectroscope -- comets. "Store-house" of our system -- its blood corpuscles -- its electromagnetic aura -- misconceptions of Science. Forces of which the sun is composed -- it feeds the smallest atom as well as the greatest genius -- the distance of the stars from us -- no trustworthy basis for calculating magnitudes and distances -- observations with Pickering Photometre -- astronomical predictions of Chaldees and Rishis faultless. Light not an independent principle -- every phenomenon the effect of diversified Akasic motion -- velocity of light -- methods adopted by French experimenters. The condition of Jupiter -- the whole Solar System moving in space -- Jupiter hides a Raja-Sun -- disturbances in its atmosphere. Siemen's statements -- matter in all its 7 states -- radiant energy -- absorption of Solar forces -- chemical power lost in transit. Jenkins -- Sir James Ross -- the magnetic theory -- planets not yet discovered -- Edison's tasimeter -- discoverer an F.T.S. The moment of death -- influence of last thoughts and desires -- the whole life seen in memory -- no man dies insane or unconscious. Advice to those assisting at a death-bed -- retributive justice -- the eighth sphere -- Avitchi -- Nirvana -- the consciousness of the "shell." That which becomes for ever extinct at death -- Karma of the personality -- immediate incarnation of children. Nature of remembrance of shell -- animal's memory not perceptive faculty -- shell in aura of medium -- perception through borrowed organs -- challenge to Spiritualists. The "Spirit" of Zollner knows no more than in life -- the recollections of the "Shell" -- complete insanity. The shell of A. P. Sinnett and the nature of its consciousness. Sorcerers -- Mars and 4 other planets. Obscurations not Pralayas -- their duration -- the children 5th round men beget -- questions pertaining to the highest initiations -- men become Gods.
Letter No. 24a -- The famous "Contradictions." Sinnett's questions in regard to supposed contradictions and inconsistencies in the teaching received.
Letter No. 24b -- K.H. states what an Adept is -- his Occult powers. Pleads guilty to an "omission" but not a "contradiction" -- beware of trusting Isis Unveiled too implicitly -- H.P.B. herself not permitted to understand all that is treated of in Isis -- it conceals but does not distort -- reincarnation as treated in Isis -- Astral monad -- personal Ego. Sinnett's chilly mental condition -- G.K. produces a portrait of K.H. phenomenally -- M. prefers to go to sleep. Replies to the contradictions. Accusations of inconsistency unjust -- due to the conditions under which he writes his letters -- K.H. regarded by his colleagues and the Chohans as a lunatic. What happens to every being at death -- the shell -- no two states in Devachan alike. The Ego in Devachan -- Avitcha -- love and hatred the only immortal feelings. Wagner and musicians -- K.H. pleads guilty to one sin. The impossibility of dealing with Hume -- his remarks -- a sentimental Becky Sharp.
Letter No. 25 -- Devachan -- additional explanations --Bacon -- the fruition of all aspirations. Attempting to describe the indescribable -- requires perceptions of a trained Chela. Time does not exist in Devachan -- disapprobation of a lay Chela. Time sense created by ourselves -- the bliss of Devachan -- woes of Avitchi -- space and time according to Kant. Further explanations of Devachanic existence -- pandering to prejudices of Western readers. Explanations of Devachanic states -- weary round of birth and death -- a colourless personality gets a colourless Devachan -- Avitchi the antithesis of Devachan. Hell and Heaven -- misconception of terms -- Spirit and Soul -- individuality -- personality -- all bliss in Devachan -- no failure or disappointment. The Great Reward, Nirvana -- Rupa-Loka -- Arupa-Loka -- Kama-Loka -- the summer-land of the Spiritualists. From Kama-Loka to Devachan or Avitchi -- infinite differentiation of those states -- reviving consciousness. How to understand the doctrine fully -- the reward of benevolent men -- social status the result of Karma. Lillie's "Buddha and early Buddhism" -- proposed scheme for personal intercourse impracticable. Selfishness of T.S. members -- sacrifices made by H.P.B. and Olcott -- money matters.
Letter No. 26 -- Observations regarding H.P.B. and her psychological condition -- reasons causing it -- one principle left behind. K.H. strongly disapproves of their cruelty to H.P.B.
Letter No. 27 -- Necessity of frank speech -- danger threatening Theosophical Society -- Stainton Moses. The mediumship of S.M. -- inspiration not required from disembodied Spirits -- truth stands alone. Skeletons in family closets dangerous to handle -- a cause once created cannot be unmade -- management of the Society difficult. Translation of the Grand Inquisitor desirable -- Mahatma K.H. disheartened at the prospect before him -- the brandy atmosphere in the house.
Letter No. 28 -- Englishmen incapable of assimilating Hindu thought -- K.H. speaks frankly to Hume. Erroneous ideas regarding T.S. -- branches of T.S. as harbingers of Universal Brotherhood -- Occult instruction by the Brothers. Attempt to establish secret school of magic in London -- complete failure -- Lord Lytton -- British T.S., of the Universal Brotherhood in name only -- gravitates at best towards Quietism. Observations on the attitude of Sinnett and Hume towards K.H. -- His exposition of truth. Thorough criticisms of statements made in Hume's letter -- distortion of K.H.'s motives -- complete lack of understanding. Patience and courtesy of K.H. in dealing with subject -- a quiet reproof -- Hindus will always be the Masters of the West in Spiritual Sciences. That which they value most highly -- the kind of men the Masters want and do not want -- their characteristics. The keepers of the sacred Light -- their knowledge the gift of the Gods -- the Kantian note -- Hume the type of the Spiritual failure and unconscious egotism of this Age. Observations on mesmerism -- what conscience will and will not do. Imagination as well as will creates -- the monster of suspicion.
Letter No. 29 -- M. condones Hume's attitude -- gratitude a sacred debt. No quarrelling among the Adepts -- the value of primary facts -- thoughts before words. K.H. speaks to M. of his pupils before departure -- M.'s promise -- the love of M. for his Brother -- he watches over the work. Hume's feelings -- misunderstood words -- but not by M. Further observations on Hume's statements -- injustice of his treatment of H.P.B. The necessity of knowing oneself -- need of a clear understanding -- Hume the embodiment of pride. The standards of the Mahatmas -- Hume's words to M. and K.H. -- his constant attitude -- will not be contradicted. Hume considers himself slighted and wronged -- his defence of the weak -- M.'s generous estimate of his character -- Mahatmas untouched by personal pain or pleasure -- M.'s Rajput blood resents hurt to a woman's feelings. Hume makes further communication impossible by his attitude -- cannot realise the motives or the actions of the Mahatmas -- blinded by pride. No permission given for phenomena -- their appreciation of both Sinnett and Hume -- hopes for the T.S. -- law is law -- Mahatmas will do their duty. Phenomena will never shake the erroneous beliefs of Western mind -- so long as men doubt there will be curiosity and enquiry -- trying to read the things of the Spirit with the eyes of the flesh. The mark of the Adept.
Letter No. 30 -- K.H. speaks out -- criticism of Hume's letter re Fern. Hume mistaken from first to last -- Hume's letter to K.H. quoted. Fern endeavours to "humbug" M. -- the ordeals of a Chela -- what probation means. The freedom of the Chela's choice -- his freedom of expression -- methods of training absolutely opposite to those of the Jesuits -- the latter false to truth and to humanity. The searching of a Chela's weak points -- how the Masters regard truth -- examples given -- M.'s method of expressing himself. K.H. makes some observations on Mahatma M. -- also on Hume's faults. A temperate reproof to Hume. What is expected of a Chela -- the true value of a man. The unworthiness of certain friends -- underhand methods -- the sincerity of those who protect Hume -- how a Chela is tested -- Damodar -- H.P.B. -- Olcott -- tests applied to Fern -- nobody humbugged -- H.P.B.'s opinion of Fern -- her advice to him. Words of appreciation to Hume -- his dissatisfaction -- his claims and demands; 2nd class minds -- friendly truths -- not to be resented -- gratitude of the Mahatmas for all H. has done.
Letter No. 31-- From Terich-Mir. The key to the phenomena of Occult Sciences -- reason elevated to supersensuous wisdom -- perfect comprehension of the Adept -- his reward -- the culmination of knowledge and wisdom; K.H.'s years of labour -- the would-be disciple encouraged to pass on the truth to his fellow-creatures -- H.P.B. ill.
Letter No. 32 -- Hume puts his foot in a hornet's nest. Unsatisfactory relations between Europeans -- Hume's insulting expressions towards even K.H.'s great Master. Hume's accusations -- the Mahatmas' patience.
Letter No. 33 -- Apparent contradiction between notes from M. and K.H. -- approve of plan to form nucleus of honest scientific enquirers -- no-one works in vain -- requests Sinnett to work in sympathy with A. Besant.
Letter No. 34 -- Mahatmas complain of being constantly misunderstood -- impossibility of satisfying Hume -- the Society will never perish as an Institution.
Letter No. 35 -- Observations on phenomena -- Sinnett's disappointment -- methods for development of Occult faculties -- no culture will supply psychic idiosyncrasy if lacking; M. deals with some spooks.
Letter No. 36 -- M. refuses to make puja to Hume.
Letter No. 37 -- Written by the "Disinherited" at K.H.'s bidding -- words of approval and encouragement to Sinnett -- the power of projecting and feeling force. Observations on Hume's work and his unchanged state of selfishness -- his professed love of humanity.
Letter No. 38 -- Disappointment in store for K.H.-- the libel law -- reflections on female branch and females -- the secret cause of events. The Brothers -- Brotherhood -- the love of humanity -- essential qualifications of a Chela -- selfishness and exclusiveness of all peoples.
Letter No. 39 -- The Arhat vows -- defence of H.P.B. -- M. creates his dinner -- the "Disinherited."
Letter No. 40 -- Nothing can help T.S. while Founders are under a cloud. Incessant attacks -- a devotee of error -- forced psychic vision by Hathayog -- general law of vision determined by grade of man's spirit and soul. A Society whose Guru was no initiate -- idolators -- permission to join them to study -- remembering promise to K.H.
Letter No. 41 -- H.P.B.'s condition -- only a shell at times -- encouragement to Sinnett.
Letter No. 42 -- M. repeats that no regular instruction is possible -- much that can be done with K.H.'s help -- Hume disinclined to disabuse public mind. A solitary pearl is soon out-shone in a heap of false diamonds -- the trials of earth life -- their conquest -- "fuller introduction into the mysteries depends on yourself."
Letter No. 43 -- "My impatient friend" -- M.'s attitude -- an Adept's duty not controlled by social affections -- Sinnett forced himself on K.H. No right to influence one who is not a Chela -- Sinnett the victim of Maya -- Hume's selfishness -- the personality and the Ego. Bennett superior to many in spite of unpolished exterior -- K.H.'s attitude to Bennett -- Jesus and Magdalene -- the inner man alone counts with the Mahatmas -- friendly confidences. The dangers of phenomena -- wisdom gives all things in time -- food for the mind must be assimilated slowly.
Letter No. 44 -- The Septenary trial of the T.S. -- H.P.B. and Olcott begin their work -- their qualifications. Only those who have proved themselves faithful to truth allowed further intercourse with the Mahatmas.
Letter No. 45 -- K.H. returns from a journey. The "three poisons" -- the five obscurities -- try to cherish less lust and desire -- "a psychic Society is being founded in our midst". One indiscretion ruins work of 7 years -- the danger of such action must be counteracted -- drawing closer to the Masters by purified heart and developing will -- advice and consolation -- Sinnett belongs to the Masters -- the imperishable record of the Master. "Your Karma is ours" -- the man of the world -- the soul searching for the Masters. The "Tathagata" light -- kind advice -- apprehensions must be set aside -- regarding his co-worker's enmity.
Letter No. 46 -- M. comments on Hume's behaviour -- neither reverence or common sense in his head -- abominable attitude towards Mahatmas and H.P.B. -- what they desire of him and wish him to know. Further comments on Hume -- M.'s ultimatum -- H.P.B.'s illness caused by Hume's behaviour -- M.'s displeasure.
Letter No. 47 -- Work of T.S. secretly linked on to other work throughout the world -- the Greek Brother. Crookes and "radiant matter" -- H.P.B. wrongfully accused of being untruthful -- frank opinions and some advice -- cycles. Martyrdom pleasant to look at, hard to bear.
Letter No. 48 -- Knowledge and the path -- the Adamantine Rocks of Occult Laws -- the heights to be reached before the whole truth can be seen -- the keeping and the breaking of the Law -- the man who would obtain all must be cold -- Oxley has possibilities -- his mistakes. The limitations of the ordinary seers -- incredible statements of Maitland and Mrs. K. Vegetarians and flesh eaters -- the effects of wine on seers -- effect of emanations on Mahatmas -- seers and their revelations -- no two agree -- mediums and clairvoyance. We do not require a passive mind. The journal of the Society worth Sinnett's attention -- its hidden beauties and values -- our ways are the ways of madmen. Sinnett begins his studies at the wrong end -- key to the writing of the ancient Occultists.
Letter No. 49 -- Correspondence established for the good of the many -- Eliphas Levi's Haute Magie -- St. Germain. Pythagorean doctrines -- "the limit of the natural" -- the "Spiritualist" -- its fight against Theosophists -- on Adepts. K.H. not annoyed by newspaper ribald notices -- sacrilegious utterances of J.K. -- difficulty of accepting pledges -- Occult Science communicated by degrees. Conditions governing the communication of secrets -- illumination comes from within -- means to this end known publicly for ages -- self sacrifice of Guru. Dangers of giving more knowledge than man is ready for -- like an infernal machine in ignorant hands -- time approaching for Triumph of Truth -- Shammars active in Europe -- Spiritualism -- the Adepts delay progress to Eternal Rest. The price to be paid -- the willingness of K.H. to pay it -- pupils would be more thankful and patient if they knew the true facts -- Lamaism -- power of great Adepts -- Sinnett gropes in the dark. Occult World discussed at Galaring-Tcho Lamasery.
Letter No. 50 -- An unreasonable man -- filled with pride -- Mahatma K.H. expresses his mind -- weariness and disheartened feelings.
Letter No. 51 -- Phenomenon for Colonel Chesney. Further remarks on production of this phenomenon -- probations hard all round -- deception a test for those of unclean heart.
Letter No. 52 -- Hume's jealousy and abusiveness. Remarks on his self-satisfaction -- constant accusations -- H.P.B. and C.C.M. -- explanation of teaching given in Isis -- Christians and Spiritualists only mention body and soul. Two "souls" in man -- H.P.B. obeyed orders -- further remarks concerning Hume. Hume's reasons for writing offensive article in Theosophist -- K.H.'s frank criticism of his real and alleged motives. Dishonest methods -- refuses to recognise powers or knowledge of Brotherhood -- the penalty of publicity. Facts to be transmitted to Hume -- in what light he is considered by the Chelas -- the protest of the Chelas -- S. stands far higher in estimation of Mahatmas -- M.'s opinion. Hume's punishment must be complete -- anti-European rules -- Dugpas wrote letters to Fern.
Letter No. 53 -- An account of a doubtful story and incidents connected with Fern -- his deceptions believed implicitly by Hume. Ways of communication with outer worlds -- M.'s views do not agree with K.H.'s regarding Hume -- refuses to satisfy his whims -- M.'s arguments in detail. Manner in which letters have been transmitted -- Dugpa methods -- Fern's fall -- deceptions practised on Hume. Mahatma K.H.'s likeness -- its delivery. Sinnett is advised not to judge by appearances -- great crisis in November. K.H. never trusts women generally -- his reason.
Letter No. 54 -- Hume's deposition and abdication -- subsequent events. "good old Swami" -- his tirade against the Mahatmas -- reasons for not wishing his severance from the Society -- Tibetan proverb applied to Hume -- Fern to be watched. Regarding C. C. Massey, his chief fault, weakness -- K.H. objects to his letters being circulated -- Hume disparages their sacred philosophy. The European standpoint -- Western people cannot grasp wisdom -- the wealth of the mind -- Massey -- readiness to learn -- K.H. willing to help him -- much information in S.'s hands, useful to all -- C.C.M. prejudiced against H.P.B. St. Germain -- Cagliostro -- Dr. and Mrs. Hollis-Billing -- traducers of innocent women. Exposure of dishonest enemies -- their unworthy conduct -- wish to ruin H.P.B. The Swami's attack on the Founders -- S. Moses and his suspicions -- H.P.B. and phenomena produced for C.C.M. H.P.B. believed to be arch-plotter -- deceiver, etc. -- Swami was an initiated Yogi -- H.C. a Chela -- preferred left path -- system of the Mahatmas. The experiences by which a Chela becomes efficient -- H.P.B. and her one fault -- C.C.M. shaken, suspicious and lacks self-confidence -- H.P.B.'s phenomena. C.C.M. victim of wicked plot -- how far H.P.B. is really guilty of deceit. H.P.B. over-zealous -- her desire to give credit to the Mahatmas for all phenomena -- her impulsive nature -- creating causes -- her real powers of a very high order. Self-abnegation cannot be called dishonesty -- her generosity -- terribly punished -- her exalted friends traitors and impostors -- true history of so-called deception -- enthusiasm for those she loves -- her description of M.'s beauty makes him swear and break his pipe -- description of meeting between Mahatinas and H.P.B. -- her passionate devotion -- their appreciation of all her splendid qualities. The subject of probation repulsive to Sinnett's mind -- reasons why certain men failed when tested. H.P.B. a helpless, broken-hearted woman -- the testing of Fern -- every postulant thus tested -- the conqueror crowns himself. Reform in which Sinnett's help is desired -- impartiality towards all creeds Eastern and Western. Remodelling of branches -- objects for lodge work -- religious, educational, philosophical -- paper for the Theosophist -- solidarity of thought and action. Independent action in everything which does not clash with the principles of the Society -- Hume condemns the faulty system of the Mahatmas. Theosophist should be made distinctive -- cyclic crisis -- a goat eats Sinnett's letter to K.H. -- amusing incident. The Chohan repairs the letter.
Letter No. 55 -- The ordeal of the aspirant to occult knowledge -- the opposition of the Church and Anglo-Indian officials to the T.S. -- Dugpas in Bhootan and the Vatican -- personal opposition and ridicule -- bogus letters of H.P.B.'s -- the death struggle between Truth and Error -- the light-bearers of preceding generations lost their lives -- necessity for courage -- ultimate success certain. Mediumistic sensitives -- elementaries -- unwholesome influences -- wood and incense burning for fumigation and protection -- clean living the best protection -- talismans -- H.P.B. takes a step -- heavy responsibility of Olcott and Sinnett -- Karma of the Occult World and Esot: Buddhism -- advised to stand by the T.S. -- original policy must be vindicated -- the Society cannot stand based upon phenomena and Thibetan Brothers alone -- the latter should be kept secret -- loyalty to the Idea and not to a personal leader. What a Mahatma is -- not beyond human mistakes -- phenomena of thought transference and precipitations -- Akasic libraries -- the Kiddle case. Christian-mission -- Coulomb conspiracy -- correspondence with the "Inner Circle" -- pledge themselves to K.H. -- the Maha-Chohan -- communication through Damodar -- and H.P.B. -- her phenomena must be disconnected from T.S.
Letter No. 56 -- Condition of A. O. Hume -- maddened by evil powers -- a fakir. Evil effects of Pranayan -- produces mediumship -- Hume's selfish vanity and combativeness -- danger to the T.S. -- Dayanand S.; "Mr. Isaacs" -- K.H. and "Ram lal."
Letter No. 57 -- Adepts and their methods not understood; C.C.M. on the list of failures -- not a medium -- the best of men but lacking in intuition; Europeans on probation -- 3 fail -- of societies -- Anna Kingsford's inspirers -- THE PERFECT WAY -- A.K. a fifth rounder -- her vanity -- latent sense of Messiahship -- Reincarnation a la Allan Kardec -- A.K.'s allegiance to Brothers not expected -- danger to the British T.S. -- C.M.'s delusions in regard to K.H. and H.P.B.; Hume and Fern -- probation brings out both virtues and vices -- Fern's characteristics -- western code of honour -- Hume's characteristics. Criterion of a "gentleman" -- vilification of M. and K.H. -- a dangerous "friend" -- the struggle for adeptship -- the delusions of self and vanity. Adepts do nothing without a purpose; Hume opposed to the system of "The Brothers" -- finds Them wicked selfish men -- their message tainted by deception and sorcery -- their chelas slaves and untrustworthy -- their Society a whited sepulchre, etc.; Hume's cunning and diplomacy -- accused of falsification. T. Subba Row -- Hume claims added powers -- practice of Pranayan makes of him a yogi -- serious charge and evidence against Hume; A.P.S. advised to go to England.
Letter No. 58 -- D.K.'s personal interest in A.P.S. Apathy of K.H.'s countrymen -- K.H. asks two favours -- is prepared to teach British T.S. through agency of A.P.S. -- but not to give proofs of the existence of the Masters -- ordered to sweep away every vestige of such proof.
Letter No. 59 -- The altruist of Rothney. Change of "being" in A.P.S. -- difficulty in understanding the doctrines re Devachan -- the fickleness of "Society" -- the Theosophist's duty. Chelas who demand more power -- a necromantic Guru -- the downfall and despair of a Chela -- his condition -- an "animated poison bag." Chelas and lay Chelas in July Theosophist -- William Crookes joins the Society -- his discoveries -- three additional states of matter still to be found by Science -- the word "impossible" not in occultist's vocabulary -- no man living can make claims on Adepts -- their attractions are spiritual not intellectual -- Bacon and Aristotle. Spiritual development -- the Adepts' standard of greatness -- sincere hunger for the truth -- the work of the S.P.R. -- mesmeric cures -- the purity of the psychopathist -- his motives -- a lock of the hair of an Adept. The Buddhistic speculations of Rhys Davids -- unable to understand Esotericism -- his definition of "Avalokiteshvara" an absurdity -- K.H. explains the term fully -- Kwan-shai-yin. The origin of the Christian Trinity, transubstantiation, Immaculate Conception -- Buddhism and personal God -- the meaning of the interlaced triangles -- geometrical synthesis of whole occult doctrine -- contains the squaring of the circle -- problems of Life and Death -- mystery of Evil. The 6 pointed star is the perfect seven -- the number 6 -- the Macrocosm and Microcosm -- the contre of a circle and its circumference -- the three Gunas -- Jivatma the 7th Principle -- Avalokitesvara -- THE GREAT ACTIVE and THE GREAT PASSIVE -- Purusha and Prakriti -- THE PERFECT WAY -- Adonai. Pythagoras and the number 2 -- the dual monad in manifestation -- the perfect square -- the WORD -- The Great Deep -- Maya -- Mulaprakriti the one reality -- Mr. Roden Noel -- The Unmanifested Circle -- Absolute Life non-existent outside the triangle and perfect square -- a Gnostic treatise. No amateur can rival the proficient in occult research -- the pseudo-Saviours of the world are legion -- nothing was ever lost by trying.
Letter No. 60 -- "Our doubts are traitors" Chelas of contrary magnetisms during development -- partrait by Schmiechen -- artist helped by "M."
Letter No. 61 -- Mohini -- a Chela not a free man -- he suffered from the cold -- his tour through European countries -- Arundales -- justice in the Kingsford row -- personal spite.
Letter No. 62 -- Unfit for practical occultism -- immutable laws -- an effort to open the intuition -- duty, stronger than friendship or love to the Masters -- the indestructable cement of the Brotherhood -- the delusions of the intellect -- cold spiritually blind reason -- the path to the occult sciences surrounded with pitfalls. The furies to be conquered and destroyed by the aspirant -- the qualities demanded in the disciple --- his freedom for the work -- rigidity of the regulations never relaxed -- the real reason of the failure of the "Phoenix" newspaper venture -- the Ilbert Bill -- the working of Karmic Law -- contempt for the dark races -- no exhibition of psychic or occult powers permitted -- the London Lodge and Anna Kingsford -- A.P.S. finds H.S.O. unfit socially and intellectually for London -- treats him and H.P.B. cruelly -- M.'s natural brusqueness -- carelessness -- A.P.S. not unjustly treated -- his spite against A.K. Unjust suspicion of H.P.B. and H.S.O. -- Mohini and Mrs. Gebhard; H.S.O. accused by A.P.S. of falsehood, slander, etc. -- Olcott's work gives good results -- suspicion -- occult truth must be found in the soul -- Mrs. H. an excellent but untrained clairvoyant; A.P.S. attempts to defy occult laws and gets hurt -- intellect alone not all-powerful -- A.P.S. asked to be present and speak at meeting.
Letter No. 63 -- The publication of these letters -- the questions involved -- the real vital errors in Esoteric Buddhism and Man -- much made purposely obscure in the letters -- they were not written for publication or public comment -- neither K.H. or M. would ever consent to the letters being published. Would-be Chelas and dangers of probation.
Letter No. 64 -- The mysteries of Chelaship -- the uncharted ocean of occultism -- necessity of full confidence in the Adepts -- beware of a prejudiced mind -- occult laws often seem cruel amid unjust. Cataclysms are necessary -- unselfishness physical and spiritual -- vanity and conceit more serious when harboured in the higher principles -- the shield of the disciple -- the mass of human sin and frailty gathered into one period of the life of a Chela. Selfishness in inner aspirations -- the Lord Buddha. The Chela must not judge on mere appearances.
Letter No. 65 -- A. Gebhard's accusation -- failure amid success -- distressing incidents -- the attempt to open the eyes of the world fails -- the conspiracy of the Missionaries against theosophy -- "Christ or the Founders" -- the S.P.R. and Mr. Hodgson. Mr. Lane Fox and the T.S. -- Chelas detest European Theosophists -- the end of projected occult instructions -- the refusal of Europeans to receive instruction through Damodar and Subba Row -- Damodar goes to Thibet -- Subba Row suspected -- Count St. Germain and Cagliostro -- current ideas of the Masters and laws of occultism inaccurate -- K.H.'s western education -- Sir C. Grandison -- western etiquette and Thibetan customs. Accused of plagiarism -- the dictionary of Pai-Wouen-Yen-Fu -- works of reference -- Kiddle incident -- "Lal Singh" a nom de plume -- not always infallible Mahatmas -- knowledge of occult forces the fruit of generations of research -- occultists risk their lives -- magic and superstition. The teaching of Devachan criticised -- the keys of Life and Death -- crisis in T.S. a question of perdition or salvation to thousands -- progress or retrogression of human race -- doubts and foul suspicions beset the neophyte -- the old Masonic Lodges -- tests of courage, etc. -- psychological and other tests -- Raj-yog tests -- develop every germ of good and bad. The rule inflexible, no-one escapes -- few Europeans have stood the test -- failure in Europe with few exceptions -- henceforth neutrality of T.S. in occult teaching to be enforced -- instruction will be given only to individuals from individuals -- teachings given must be under pledge of secrecy -- T.S. not to be held responsible or compromised by phenomena -- the ship is sinking -- its precious cargo desecrated by profane handling.
Letter No. 66 -- Common post used instead of H.P.B. -- Sinnett's relations with H.P.B. -- necessary to watch himself -- correspondence may have to be broken -- uncharitable spirit -- narrow sympathies -- the crisis fanned from Tchigadze -- A.P.S. laughs at probation -- the guardians of occult knowledge -- M. and K.H. the only Brothers in favour of disseminating their knowledge. H.P.B. sometimes dangerous -- the best agent available -- letters will cease at her death -- "our ways not your ways" -- H.P.B. complains of A.P.S. to her Master -- A.P.S. resents the personal wishes of the Masters. His pride must be protected at all costs -- dugpas and psychic shocks -- pride and egotism -- A.P.S. denies applying to be accepted as a Chela; H.P.B. and H.S.O. not perfect -- adversity discovers the real man -- karma of the group -- sinking the personality -- higher instruction only given to the true Theosophist.
Letter No. 67 -- K.H. to H.S. Olcott. Ordered home -- the state of India -- agitations -- Bishenlal's attempt to cross the Himalayas -- the Kingsford Maitland party. Dugpas provoke his vanity -- three cases of insanity among lay Chelas -- few men know themselves -- the ordeal of crude Chelaship.
Letter No. 68 -- Discipline of family life -- conquest of self -- spiritual progress the most important.
Letter No. 69 -- The terms Brahma -- Pitri -- Devalokas defined -- Nirvana -- Devachan -- real knowledge a spiritual state -- absolute light and darkness.
Letter No. 70 -- The probation of A.P.S.
Letter No. 71 -- M.'s "tobacco-machine" -- clouds on the horizon.
Letter No. 72 -- Chelas never guided. Taught by experience.
Letter No. 73 -- Bad feeling against K.H.
Letter No. 74 -- No-one cares for real objects of the Society -- personal devotion only -- "M." erases a part of one of his letters.
Letter No. 75 -- A.P.S. accuses H.P.B. unjustly.
Letter No. 76 -- Subba Row and Chela training -- initiated Brahmin and Hume -- the Genius of Pride.
Letter No. 77 -- Colonel Gordon -- a Howrah Branch -- Eclectic -- K.H. not born for diplomacy and intrigue. Funds for the "Phoenix" -- K.H. loses some of his optimism -- women as angels or furies.
Letter No. 78 -- The Chohan's views on the "Phoenix" project -- the journal desirable -- effort must be made by outsiders -- Masters not separated from the world of action as long as T.S. exists. May effect the destiny of a nation -- questions of capital and finance -- personal remuneration -- control of the journal. Sir Ashley Eden -- a Sinking Fund -- the Nizam -- Holkar -- Benares -- Baroda. Questions of management -- Hume and dugpas.
Letter No. 79 -- K.H. no business man -- Mr. Dare -- the Brotherhood will help the enterprise -- the attractions of India to the mystic -- A.P.S. wrong in acting for K.H.'s sake -- good actions bring own reward -- a new cycle begins.
Letter No. 80 -- Chance a squinting jade -- Hume delineates the true character of the Brothers -- A.P.S. advised to act on his own judgment.
Letter No. 81 -- The condition of the people of India. Govindan Lal -- Olcott sees Baroda and Holkar -- little patriotism -- rekindling the beacon of Aryan occultism -- the task of the T.S. impeded by would-be Chelas -- the breath of the world's furnaces. The Masters first duty of gaining knowledge -- English prejudices -- Massey -- "Ski" -- and the Scotch Brother -- M. sends glove by occult means -- Dr. and Mrs. Billing -- a bogus spook -- a false "Ski." "Suppressio veri suggestis falsi" -- the Masters judge men by their motives -- no respect for the world's standards.
Letter No. 82 -- Le quart d'heure de Rabelais -- the crisis in the affairs of the "Phoenix" -- Sinnett's choice -- asked to oppose the work of the Masters apparently -- the Bengal Rent Bill -- European notions of right and wrong receive a shock -- occult antidotes -- the Jesuitical "end justifies the means" -- the words of the Lord Buddha -- K.H. explains the situation -- "Phoenix" to oppose the Bengal Rent Bill. In the event of refusal a new editor to be found -- the Zemindars -- Lord Cornwallis. The issues at stake -- the future of the "Phoenix" and future relationship of A.P.S. with K.H. -- bringing the national boil to a head -- Lord Cornwallis's mistake -- Mussulman ruler and East India Company. The Ryots -- the Chohan in India -- perpetual agreement -- the real aim of Lord Ripon's reforms -- not meant for India. Protestant England aimed at -- the invisible coils of Rome -- the pledges of the Government -- Khirajee land -- Mussulman laws -- spirit of Khiraj and Ooshr. The brightest jewel in the crown of England -- the Chohan and K.H. -- the real Viceroy of India -- not at Simla but at Rome -- "Esoteric Buddhism" correct, if incomplete. Obscurations -- inner and outer rounds -- Massey concludes the Masters have no God -- each man's God within himself.
Letter No. 83 -- K.H. gives A.P.S. his freedom of choice -- success of "Phoenix" doubtful -- A.P.S. must take his own responsibility. Misunderstands law of Karma -- the strong feelings in the national soul. The good of humanity the only consideration of the Chela -- personal feelings and reputation not considered -- the financial prospects of the "Phoenix." Black clouds on the political sky -- further correspondence permitted to H.P.B. -- the eighth sphere mystery.
Letter No. 84 -- Paralytic calm of the L.L. -- C. C. Massey -- Anma Kingsford -- Olcott's visit; Mohini a Chela.
Letter No. 85 -- Addressed to members of the L.L. A.K. to remain President of L.L. -- the Chohan's wish -- A.K.'s personal predilections of no consequence -- dissemination of truth -- Hermetic Philosophy. The boundless ocean of Truth -- three centres of the occult Brotherhood -- H.P.B. and Subba Row pupils of the same Master -- the Chaldean Mage -- West requires different presentation of occult sciences to the East -- the amelioration of man's condition the object -- Truth has no ear-mark; A. Kingsford and Sinnett opposite poles -- both necessary for T.S. in England -- A.K.'s presentation better adapted to Christian ears -- her strife against anti-vivisection -- the teaching of Northern Buddhist Schools. More caution necessary in exposition of secret teachings -- wise toleration of differing opinions and beliefs in Indian T.S. -- harmonious discord -- the key note in Nature -- A.K. loyal to Truth -- "return good for good, for evil -- justice"; A.K. and A.P.S. expectcd to work on parallel lines -- agree to disagree in details.
Letter No. 86 -- A.K.'s apologetic letter to H.P.B. -- L.L. a tail for her to wag -- her anti-vivisection and vegetarianism win over the Chohan -- personal vanity -- letter contains an occult influence -- to be read at a General Meeting. Devachan -- Nirvana -- the Ego -- space is infinity itself -- the relation of the number of incarnations to the cleverness of an individual -- Darwin's law of heredity. The condition of C.C.M. -- Charles Bradlaugh not immoral -- Mrs. Besant -- the "Fruits of Philosophy" pernicious -- the fruits of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Letter No. 87 -- The postponement of L.L. election -- the question of personal loyalty and authority of names. Gravest evil neutralised by hastening a crisis -- oppression of a priest-ridden world -- psychic growth accompanies individual effort -- Massey -- Ward -- Kingsford -- A.K.'s mistrust of appeals to authority. Too much talk of the Masters -- disloyalty to principles of the Society would not be tolerated -- usefulness of a Lodge -- largely depends on President and Secretary.
Letter No. 88 -- Magnetic conditions necessary for test phenomena.
Letter No. 89 -- Objections to spiritualistic phenomena and mediums. Occult science the extinguisher of superstitions -- K.H. arranges to appear to the medium Eglinton on the "Vega" -- his reasons.
Letter No. 90 -- From Stainton Moses to Sinnett. S.M. is puzzled -- says Brothers are mistaken in regard to him. His guide Imperator -- documentary evidence of communication, etc. -- Imperator knows nothing of the Lodge or Brotherhood. S.M.'s guide his own sixth principle -- finds spiritualism and occultism incompatible. Comment by K.H. What is a "Brother"? -- can be ignorant of many things -- not so with an omniscient Planetary Spirit -- Russian child medium -- Jesus and John the Baptist -- Jesus a spiritual abstraction -- Mrs. Kingsford converses with "God" -- receives a written communication from a dog.
Letter No. 91a, Letter No. 91b -- C. C. Massey -- Mrs. Billing.
Letter No. 92 -- Actions of Founders and Chelas not controlled by the Masters -- Hurrychund -- Wimbridge -- Mrs. Billing a medium. Materialization phenomena -- truth rarely wanted -- a loyal Theosophist -- phenomena the playthings of the tyro -- the Masters offer their knowledge to be accepted or rejected on its merits -- "Ski" used as a mouthpiece by the Brothers. H.P.B. asks an exception for C.C.M. -- "Ski" a medium for 20 years -- her phenomena pass the most crucial tests -- several false "Skis." An occult forger.
Letter No. 93 -- Mediums and Spooks permitted to personate the Brothers -- and forge their hand-writing. K.H.'s explanation of the Kiddle incident -- "M. A. Oxon" -- K.H. accused of plagiarism -- the Banner of Light. Woman a calamity in the fifth race. K.H. dictates a letter mentally -- psychic chemistry -- precipitation by a young Chela-American Spiritualists -- experiments of S.P.R. in "mental telegraphy." The modus operandi of precipitation -- psychic printing machine. The medium and the Chela diametrically dissimilar -- discrepancy in "Occult World" -- H.P.B. denies that K.H.'s first letter was written by himself. K.H. born into a new and higher light -- Oniniscience and infallible prevision exist but for the highest Chohans -- the restored version of page 39 Occult World -- Spiritualists and Spiritualism -- the Rosetta Stone of the Kiddle incident. The Kiddlites and the Koothumites -- an Adept does not cease to be a man -- ignorant surmise and personal insult -- distrust and prejudice contagious -- A.K. invokes K.H. in trance. She takes a fruitless ramble through space -- K.H. unaware of search -- move in different astral circles -- too haughty and imperious -- Mrs. Gebhard a genuine sterling nature -- K.H. en route for Madras, Singapore and Burma -- H.P.B. not in disgrace. Subba Row's writings.
Letter No. 94 -- Kiddle incident -- poking fun at Occult Science.
Letter No. 95 -- Preparation and training of Eglinton -- the "Vega experiment" -- bigotry and blindness of the Spiritualists -- professional mediums -- Hume has great possibilities in front of him -- reviewing The Perfect Way -- attracting the Chohan's attention and its significance.
Letter No. 96 -- M. smokes his pipe -- Piccadilly spooks -- phenomena -- Karma of the spiritualists -- M. prefers Eglinton's clairvoyance to Mrs. Kingsford's.
Letter No. 97 -- The defects of young disciples -- few true to original programme.
Letter No. 98 -- K.H.'s comments on a letter of Hume's -- the people of Tibet untainted by vices of civilization -- A.O.H. a friend of perishing humanity -- General Schoolmaster for Tibet -- the Adept the freest of men.
Letter No. 99 -- From A. O. Hume to K.H. Says K.H. does not understand him -- Russia and Tibet. Advocates repeated phenomena -- H. S. Olcott -- Jesuit organisation -- blind obedience.
Letter No. 100 -- Hume thinks of going to Tibet -- insane plan -- the Chohans against him -- dangers of every step.
Letter No. 101 -- "Blessed is he who knows and appreciates Koothoomi."
Letter No. 102 -- "Ou tout ou rien."
Letter No. 103 -- Chelas neglect orders -- Maharajah of Kashmir.
Letter No. 104 -- Hume annoys K.H. -- New Year Festivals in Tibet -- K.H. goes a journey -- M. takes his place -- "the Disinherited."
Letter No. 105 -- Hume accuses the Masters of being liars -- H.P.B. quarrels with D.K. -- "K.H. no gentleman"; Hume's infallibility.
Letter No. 106 -- Measures for protecting Tibet -- the priestly King.
Letter No. 107 -- H.P.B.'s ill-health -- mental anxiety.
Letter No. 108 -- A Ladakee Chela.
Letter No. 109 -- K.H. and a seance.
Letter No. 110 -- Dharbagiri Nath -- the best punishment for an accepted Chela -- dodging the Masters' eye -- young Chelas -- Hume's articles; H.P.B. not safe in Sikkim -- a Chela's indiscretion.
Letter No. 111 -- K.H.'s two Chelas to A.P.S.
Letter No. 112 -- Colonel Chesney's letter to K.H. -- Fern a humbug -- endeavours to test the Masters -- lay Chelas -- Hume alienates the Chohan and M.; W. Oxley.
Letter No. 113 -- Funny notions about honour -- Fern hallucinated -- Fern's trap for M.
Letter No. 114 -- Zenana women of India.
Letter No. 115 -- A.P.S. advised to act on his own judgment -- Occult influences.
Letter No. 116 -- K.H.'s disgust with Hume.
Letter No. 117 -- Mohini.
Letter No. 118 -- Fraudulent intrusion. Children's diseases -- K.H. sends a lock of his hair.
Letter No. 119 -- Newspaper cutting and K.H.'s comment.
Letter No. 120 -- Action of hatred.
Letter No. 121 -- The Occult World presented to the Chohan's notice.
Letter No. 122 -- Eglington at Calcutta.
Letter No. 123 -- K.H.'s difficulties.
Letter No. 124 -- A.P.S. asked to find three coloured pebbles in Venice.
Letter No. 125 -- K.H. issues a denial of the claims of W. Oxley medium. He never conversed with K.H. -- three secret words.
Letter No. 126 -- A Post Office address in N.W. Provinces.
Letter No. 127 -- Extracts from letters to A.P.S. and A.O.H. -- 6th and 7th principles never were within man -- Anaxagoras -- the "Nous" -- Pythagoras the permanent and impermanent -- words of Buddha -- lucidity -- too much sugar in diet -- method of developing lucidity.
Letter No. 128 -- Telegram announcing Damodar's departure.
Letter No. 129 -- Telegram re Damodar.
Letter No. 130 --From T. Subba Row. States the conditions on which he will give A.P.S. instruction in Occult Science -- wavering state of mind fatal.
Letter No. 131 -- From T. Subba Row. Sinnett gives qualified consent -- impossible to give him practical instruction -- rules inflexible -- the sacrifices demanded by Occult Science -- acquisition of psychic powers not the object of occult training -- they alone will never secure immortality. The true aim of Occult Science -- prepared to give theoretical instruction only.
Letter No. 132 -- T. Subba Row -- the Rishi M.'s system of training -- the first three initiations; K.H.'s comment.
Letter No. 133 -- From H.P.B. Warns A.P.S. of self-deception -- discusses his attitude to K.H.'s letter -- "Olcott behaved like an ass" -- why the Masters liked Olcott. The S.P.R. and its bugbear Theosophy.
Letter No. 134 -- A dictated letter from M. All Theosophists endeavour to correspond with him -- do not deserve such privilege. What is expected of them -- thousands of Fakirs, Sannyasis, etc., have never seen or heard of them -- they are on the path of error -- bad physical magnetic emanations not insurmountable -- faith in God and Gods attract the worst influences -- the Chohans of darkness preside at Pralayas. All is contrast in the Universe -- the Gods of the bigoted Hindus, Christians, and Mohammedans -- the work of the Red-caps -- Brothers can prolong life but cannot destroy death or evil -- details about H.P.B.'s identity.
Letter No. 135 -- From H.P.B. Explains what she said about seven objective planets and septenary chains.
Letter No. 136 -- From H.P.B. Sinnett's invitation to her -- reasons for refusing -- what she endured -- K.H. and M. prepare to work -- H.P.B.'s hour of triumph approaches -- Sinnett does not know the real H.P.B. Her inner real self imprisoned -- prophecies that Sinnett will one day blaspheme against K.H. -- their benevolent contempt for H.P.B.
Letter No. 137 -- D.K. precipitates a letter phenomenally in H.P.B.'s cabin.
Letter No. 138 -- From H.P.B. New battle to be fought -- K.H.'s observations on the T.S. -- H.P.B. now accused of fraud -- Mahatmas dragged before the public -- Hodgson's attitude -- hopeless situation -- happy Damodar -- the land of Bliss; Hume wants to save the Society -- meeting called -- his plans -- his suggestions rejected -- phenomena must be prohibited. Her physical condition -- transmission of letters -- Arthur Gebhard -- dying people do not tell lies -- H.P.B. never a deceiver -- explains the methods of occult transmission of letters; H.P.B. "a fraud with excellent qualities" -- explains what happened to Gebhard's letter -- no fraud; T.S. will live in India but seems doomed in Europe -- Hodgson's investigation -- the opposition of the Padris -- her trials -- cannot trust her friends. Propaganda against the Founders -- Oakleys advise H.P.B. to resign -- pledges herself not to mention the Masters' names -- try to deserve personal communication with the Master. Probably her last letter.
Letter No. 139 -- From H.P.B. She urges Sinnett to develop his intuition -- explains about a letter of K.H. which Sinnett suspected. S. asked not to be ungrateful and not to misunderstand -- what H.P.B. saw in K.H.'s aura -- Prince's Hall meeting a failure. Chelas take the left-hand path -- nearing the end -- Gladstone -- the Jesuits.
Letter No. 140 -- From H.P.B. The Countess a great clairvoyant -- H.P.B. describes a vision -- K.H. teaches her English -- M. sends her back to Europe -- parting words of K.H. -- she writes Isis Unveiled at K.H.'s dictation -- her English. The writing of K.H.'s letters -- did he write them himself? -- precipitation -- either H.P.B. invented the Mahatmas or she did not. The Secret Doctrine -- truth will triumph -- Hume's lies.
Letter No. 141 -- H.P.B. in Sinnett's hands -- Mrs. Leadbeater -- Gladstone a Roman Catholic. The condition of the T.S. in Europe -- India -- America -- the indestructibility of the Society -- the efforts of the dugpas -- the T.S. in need of quality and not quantity of members -- the two courses before the London Lodge -- by their fruits shall ye know them. Worldly society in the L.L. -- A.P.S. incapable of perceiving the truth -- no inner group consecrated to the truth -- the last trial of a Chela. The necessity of spiritual discernment -- nothing can kill the London Lodge except passivity -- human dirt never sticks. Sinnett urged to develop his intuition.
Letter No. 142a -- Memorandum by Damodar. The Theosophical Society considered a religious sect -- if based upon universal Brotherhood the occult study should be secret -- sacred knowledge should not be vulgarised -- unconsciously misleading the public as to management of the Society -- the Adepts do not control the Society -- admission of members -- fees -- phenomena hunters.
Letter No. 142b -- Comment by K.H. on Damodar's memorandum.
Letter No. 143 -- Reply of K.H. to a query of A. P. Sinnett.
Letter No. 144 -- A fragment from K.H.
Letter No. 145 -- A fragment from K.H.
Sinnett reopens the controversy -- implications against H.P.B. -- Mrs. Besant's statements in Lucifer on the subject -- the facts in the light of K.H.'s letter -- the misunderstood passage -- Mrs. Besant's "categorical statement that Mars and Mercury belong to Earth Chain" -- quotations "from the Secret Doctrine" -- the whole theory proves false.