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Science Topics in The Urantia Book
- UBTheNews -- Website
devoted to articles on the correlation between Urantia Book concepts and
recent scientific discoveries.
- The
Coming Scientific Validation of The Urantia Book
- Exploring
- Diagrams and commentary on our solar system by Craig Carmichael
- Science
in The Urantia Book
- SSS'03 Presentation by Dan Massey
- Ultimatons,
Electrons and Atoms: A Study of Paper 42
- The
Big Bang Never Happened
- Michael Wisenbaker reviews current problems in astrophysics in light of
The Urantia Book's cosmology. (Illustrated)
- Some Comments
on the Religion of Science
- Is The
Milky Way Orvonton?
- Callisto:
A Living Planet
- Could Callisto be a non-breather world? A speculative study by Craig
- The
Scientific Integrity of The Urantia Book
- The problem with the scientific inaccuracies we think we find in The
Urantia Book might really be our own preconceived notion that modern science
is infallible. Denver Pearson
- Computer
Analysis of Dates in The Urantia Book
- Is there any way to confirm the precise dates given in the text? Matt
Niebaur, M.D. -- Scientific Symposium I
- Race,
Evolutionary Biology and the Kingdom of Heaven
- Contemporary society attempts to identify and overcome a variety of
sources of racial, economic and social oppression. The authors of The
Urantia Book advise us to consider biological oppression as well. They
further challenge us to overcome all forms of oppression and prejudice as
well as the limitations imposed by our evolutionary heritage through the
acceptance of the ideals of Jesus and his teachings about the kingdom of
heaven. David Kantor
- The Concept
of Race in The Urantia Book -- Charles Olivea; Urantian Journal, Winter
- Race and The
Urantia Book
- A black woman shares her personal reactions and comments on The Urantia
Book's racial anthropology. Earlene Green
- The Dynamics
of the Ultimaton
- Are ultimatons and neutrinos one and the same reality? Stuart R. Kerr,
Science, Anthropology and Archaeology in The Urantia Book
- A series by Dr. Ken Glasziou, 1996
Evolution of
The Scientific Method
- The urge of discovery is a part of the inborn and divine endowment of
evolutionary space creatures.Travis W. Binion, Jr.
- Physics and
- Scientific theories are logical myths which explain the data available
at any given moment, but which must constantly evolve to encompass emerging
information. Dan Massey -- Scientific Symposium I, The Urantia Book
- Engineering
-- Science and Magick
- The role of the rational, the intuitive and the audacious in the human
attempt to control and predict reality.L. Dan Massey -- Scientific Symposium
II, The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book
- Science in
Jesus' Life
- We all want to live the integrated life, with science as part of a
growing mind in a progressive personality. How might we approach this great
ideal? Jeffrey Wattles, PhD. -- Scientific Symposium I, The Urantia Book
- The Foxhall
Peoples: An Encounter Between Archaeology and The Urantia Book
- Review of a relevant fossil site found at Foxhall, four miles east of
Ipswich, Suffolk.Scott Forsythe -- Scientific Symposium I
- The Life
- A consideration of some of the new challenges which molecular biology is
presenting to religious and ethical understanding.John Lange, M.D. --
Scientific Symposium II
- Personal
Correspondence Regarding Some Matters of Scientific Interest in The Urantia
- Scientific
Predictions of The Urantia Book
- How do the 1935 scientific understandings of The Urantia Book appear in
light of late century knowledge? Dr. Irwin Ginsburgh and Geoffrey L. Taylor
-- Scientific Symposium II
- Brain, Mind
and Spirit
- The brain, thinking styles, pituitary gland and cognitive therapy are
related. What practical techniques can we use to orchestrate this endowment
for spiritual growth? Lawrence L. Schkade, Ph.D. -- Scientific Symposium I
- Black Holes
and the "Dark Islands of Space"
- Are the "dark gravity bodies" and "dark islands of space" described in
The Urantia Book the same phenomenon known to contemporary astrophysics as
black holes? Dick Bain
- AIDS: Genesis
and Resolution
- What is the genesis of the epidemic? And what is a path to resolution?
John Lange, M.D. -- Scientific Symposium I, 1988
- The Science
of Serendipity
- The leading edge of science furnishes insights for creating conditions
where serendipitous events are more likely to occur. Carol Hay
- Time and
- Mathematician Robert Hunt explores Urantia Book quotations and related
discussions from the contemporary literature.Robert Hunt, PhD. -- Scientific
Symposium I
- 48 Trait
Determiners vs. 46 Chromosomes
- The revelators have given us truth without overthrowing accepted truths
of the day. Kermit Anderson -- Scientific Symposium I
- The Jupiter
- A review of some of the problems associated with developing a definitive
theory of the origin of the solar system. Dick Bain
- Paradise and
the Topology of Space
- Cosmological physics from the perspective of Paradise and the ultimaton
as described in The Urantia Book. Philip Calabrese -- Scientific Symposium
- How Big
is Orvonton?
- On Seraphic
Velocities and Resurrection on the Third Day
- Philip Calabrese -- Scientific Symposium I, The Urantia Book Fellowship
- Coming Full
- A physical therapist considers the non-material aspects of healing with
a focus on problems of the central nervous and the musculoskeletal systems.
Joy Dirham -- Scientific Symposium I, The Urantia Book Fellowship.