1000 keys to the truth: spiritual guidelines for Latter Days & Second Coming; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Abraham: The Initiator on Spirit, Will and Ego; Judith A. Sutherland Ph.D., Larry Wendell Sutherland; Paperback; 1989; $17.95
Across the Universe With John Lennon; Linda Keen, Darryl Price; Paperback; 1999; $11.96
Agartha: A Journey to the Stars; Meredith Young; Paperback; $11.96
Agasha, Master of Wisdom; William Eisen; Hardcover; $10.95
The Agashan Discourses; William Eisen; Hardcover; $11.95
AIDS: From Fear to Hope; Paperback; $10.80
Akanthos: a book of channeled insights; Akathos; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Alawashka Language of Creation; Lumari; Paperback; 2000; $15.95
All That You Are by Mary; Paperback; 1983; $10.95
Always, Karen; Karen Walker, Jeanne Walker; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Ancient Echoes: The Anasazi Book of Chants; Mary Summer Rain, Mary Summer Rain; Paperback; $8.76
Ancient Wisdom: Invoking the power of your soul star; Dan Dupuis; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The ancients come forth: lessons from the guardians; Richard Spencer; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Angel of Death; Flora Towler; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Angel Talk; Ruth Crystal, et al; Hardcover; $12.60
The Angels Proclaim Radiant Living; Juanita Orton Keith; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Answers from a Grander Self; Tam Mossman; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ: The Philosophic and Practical Basis of the Religion of the Aquarian Age of the World; Levi H. Dowling, Levi; Paperback; 1979; $14.95
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ; Levi H. Dowling, Levi; Hardcover; 1972; $18.95
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ; Levi H. Dowling, Levi; Paperback; 1997; $11.96
The Aquarius Wayfarer; Netta Bayne; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Arthur Ford Speaks from Beyond; Eileen Sullivan; Hardcover (Out of Print)
As we see it from here; Jesse Herman Holmes; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Ascending from the center; John; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
An Ascension Handbook: Channeled Material by Serapis; Serapis, Tony Stubbs; Paperback; $10.36
Ascension: The Doorway Home, Volume I; Richard Putman, Jeannie Weyrick; Paperback; 2001; $17.95
Ascension the Time Has Come; Bob Fickes; Hardcover; 1991; $16.95
Ashan, the Gentle Way; Bo Gatewood; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Atlantis-The Daughter-: The Legend Revealed; Joyce Steel (Preface;, Mariah Hendricks (Editor;; Paperback; 1998; $12.76
The Awakening letters; Sandys, Cynthia & Rosamond Lehmann; 1978; (Out of Print)
The Awakening letters Vol 2; ; Sandys, Cynthia & Rosamond Lehmann; 1985; (Out of Print)
The Barbanell report; Barbanell, Maurice [via Marie Cherrie]; 1987; (Out of Print)
Becoming Gods: Prophecies and Understandings Concerning the Past and Future Destiny of Humanity and the Earth; Cazekiel, James Gilliland; Paperback; 1996; $11.16
Becoming Gods II: Interdimensional Mind, Earth Changes & the Quickening; Cazekiel, James Gilliland; Paperback; 1997; $14.95
A Beginner's Guide to Progressive Evolution; Ruth Norman, C Spaegel; Hardcover; $15.00
Beginnings: Are for Those Who Want to Continue by Catharine Maria Sedgewick, Bill Thompson; Hardcover; 2001
Beings of Light, Worlds in Transition; Tricia McCannon; Paperback; 2001; $11.16
Bertie: The life after death of H. G. Wells; Elizabeth Hawley; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Beyond a Master; Denise R. Cooney; Paperback; 1999; $9.95
Beyond the Horizon; Grace Rosher; Textbook Binding (Out of Print)
Beyond the light: a personal guidebook for healing, growth, and enlightenment; Katz, Ginny; 1991; (Out of Print)
Beyond the Lighthouse; Clarice Albritton; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Beyond the Veil; Judy Laddin; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Book of Azrael: An intimate encounter with the Angel of Death; Leilah Wendell; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Book of Matan: Automatic Writings from the Brink of Eternity; Nik Douglas; Hardcover; 1992; $10.95
Book of Revelations for Aquarian Age; Esau; Paperback (Out of Print)
The book of the law: An Ixii sol in Aries March 21, 1938 e.v; Crowley, Aleister; Paperback; 1976; $7.15
The law is for all: An extended commentary on the book of the law; Crowley, Aleister; Paperback; 1996; $16.95
The Book of Theanna: In the Lands That Follow Death; Ellias Lonsdale, Theanna Lonsdale; Paperback; $16.95
Bridge Into Light: Your Connection to Spiritual Guidance; Pam Cameron, Fred Cameron; Paperback; 1994; $10.75
Bridge of Light: Tools of Light for Spiritual Transformation; LaUna Huffines; Paperback; 1993; $8.95
Bridge Over the River: After Death Communications of a Young Artist Who Died in World War I; Joseph Wetzl (Translator); Paperback; 1995; $9.95
Brother Lion: Words of Inspiration from a Spirit Guide; Jeanne H. Livingston, Brother Lion; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
Buddha: Life and work of the forerunner in India: received in the proximity of Abd-ru-shin through the special gift of one; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Butterfly Within; Kathleen Garbe; Paperback; 1999; $12.95
The Call Goes Out: Messages from Earth's Cetaceans: Interspecies Communication; Dianne Robbins; Paperback; 1998; $12.95
Call of the Dolphins; Lana Miller; Paperback; 1989; (Out of Print)
The Calling; Rasha; Paperback; 1999; $9.99
Celestial Reunion; Peter Phalam; Paperback; 1998; $17.95
The Celestial Telegraph: or, Secrets of the life to come revealed through magnetism; Louis Alphonse Cahagnet; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Celestial raise: 'tiers of light' pouring fourth from the Son; Marcus (compiler); 1986; (Out of Print)
The Celestial Voice of Diana: Her Spiritual Guidance to Finding Love; Rita Eide; Paperback; 1999; $11.95
Chalice of the Dove; Gillian DeArmond; Paperback; 1994; $12.95
The Challenge of Evil; Graham Bernard; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
The Changing Light at Sandover: Including the Whole of the Book Ofephraim, Mirabell's Books of Numer, Scripts for the Pageant and a New Coda; James Merrill; Paperback; 1993; $20.00
A Reader's Guide to James Merrill's the Changing Light at Sandover; Robert Polito; Paperback; 1994; 17.95
Channeling God Within Through Free Flow Writing - Profound Words from Common People; Cynthia Attar, Cynthia Llovit Attar; Paperback; 2003; $11.04
Channeling the Absolute Mind; Mark Jusczak; Paperback; 1998; $9.99
Chapters of Experience; Leslie Flint; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Choices of love ; MacLean, Dorothy.; Paperback; 1998; $16.95
Christ in You Anonymous [Alice Mortley, 1910]; Paperback; 1984; $4.95 exceptional
Columba Speaks: Wisdom for the 21st Century; Charles Ferris; Paperback; 1997; $10.95
Coming Home: The Return to True Self; Martia Nelson; Paperback; $12.95
Coming Home; Paperback
Commerce into Global Awareness (A Channeled Book); Kirin Duncan; Paperback; $9.30
Continuous Energy: And Upcoming Earth Changes; Michael L. Schuster; Paperback; 1990; $11.96
Conversations With Angels; Marie Lise Labonte; Paperback; 1997; $16.95
Conversations with Adolf Hitler, 1992-1994; Michael L. Schuster; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Conversations With Eternity: The Forgotten Masterpiece of Victor Hugo; John Chambers (Translator); Paperback; 1998; $13.95
Conversations With God: A Catholic View of Prophecy; Robert Baldwin; Paperback; $7.80
Conversations with the Spirit World Souls who have ended their lives speak from above; Lysa Moskowitz-Mateu; Paperback; 2001; $16.95
Creation: Its' Laws & You; June K. Burke; Paperback; 1998; $9.95
Creation of Reality; Kessler Frey; Paperback; $9.30
Crisis in the Search for Truth; A. M. Hodgson; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Crucifixion - What Really Happened and Why; Joseph Albiani; Paperback; 1999; $12.95
The Daisy Sutra (interspecies communication); Helen Weaver; Paperback; 2000; $14.95
The Day the Door Flew Open; Raymond Spina; Paperback; 1994;
The Death of the Prophet: The Powerful Completion of Kahlil Gibran's Immortal Trilogy; Jason Leen (Preface); Paperback; 1998; $7.95
Death the Beginning; Tatiana Elmanovich; Paperback; 1999; $13.46
Dialogue on Awakening: Communion With Jesus; Tom Carpenter; Paperback; 1996; $14.95
Dialogues With the Angels; Tricia McCannon; Paperback; 1999; $11.16
Divine Intervention: the true story of how one woman walked between worlds and returned with messages of hope from Diana; Hazel Courteney; Paperback; 1999; $27.50
Divine Intervention: The Story of the Luciferian Conspiracy and God's Solutions; Adriene Wentworth; Paperback; 1997; $17.95
The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; Joseph Smith (Editor), et al; Hardcover; 1971;
Down to Earth: The Jason journal; Jason; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Dreamkeeper; Deborah Katherine Harmes; Paperback; 1999; $19.95
Dweller on Two Planets or the Dividing of the Way; Phylos the Thibetan, Frederick Spencer Oliver (Editor); Paperback; 1991;
Dweller on Two Planets or the Dividing of the Way; Phylos the Thibetan; Paperback; 1980; $13.50
Earth Changes Ahead: The Coming of Great Catastrophies; Frank Doss; Paperback; 1981; $2.75
Earth's Birth Changes; Azena Ramanda; Paperback; 1993; $18.95
Earthbound: Conversations With Ghosts; Robert H. Coddington; Paperback;1997; $9.60
The Elijah Message: Acknowledging God's Vital Paternity; Elijah, Will Kohls; Paperback; $6.95
Episodes of enlightenment; Companions of Jesus [via Marjorie A. Joyce]; Hardcover; 1995; $19.95
Everywhere the Light: The Story of Zittelle; Neal. Biship; Hardcover (Out of Print)
The Evolution Angel: An Emergency Physician's Lessons with Death and the Divine; Dr. Michael Abrams; Paperback; 2000; $12.95
Exchanging Realities - A True Spiritual Adventure; Janis Abriel; Hardcover; 1999; $23.95
Filings of Light; A venture of the spirit; Adelaide Jefferys Garrett; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Final Choice; Kari An' Eaton, Cynthia Anne Dahm; Hardcover; $15.95
The Final Elimination of the Source of Fear; Saratoga; Paperback; $11.95
The Final Mystery; Lilian D. Johnson; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Fire of Love: True life in God: extracts on the Holy Spirit; Vassula Ryden; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Flames of Grace, An Adventure of Spirit; Susan Walker; Paperback; 1998; $13.00
Flight into the Source: The Andomus Material I; Andomus; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Flight of the Soul: The teachings of Zanzoona; Zanzoona; Unknown Binding
The Flying Phoenix: Aspects of Chinese Sectarianism in Taiwan; David K. Jordan, et al; Hardcover; $56.00
For Sceptics Also; Jean Hope Johnston; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation; Peter Daniel Francuch; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Fragments of Experience; Viola P. Neal; Hardcover; 1940; $4.95
From a Gun to a Flower; Zaher P Kury; Paperback; 1985; (Out of Print)
From My World to Yours: A young man's account of the afterlife; Jasper Swain; Paperback (Out of Print)
Gemisphere Luminary; Michael Katz; Hardcover; 1997; $20.00
The Gentle Counsel of White Cloud; Larry G. Wayne; Hardcover; 1989; $14.95
Ghostly Poems; Bill Thompson; Hardcover; 2001
Gifts of the Gemstone Guardians: The Mission, Purpose, Effects, and Therapeutic Applications of Gemstones; Ginny Katz, Michael Katz; Paperback
Global Vision: Expanding Business Trade and Commerce into Global Awareness (A Channeled Book); Kirin Duncan; Paperback; $9.30
God has your best Interest at This Time; Susie Levan; Hardcover; 1996; $24.95
God I Am: From Tragic to Magic; Peter O. Erbe; Paperback; 1991; $16.95
God's Way of Life: A Spiritual Guide to World Peace; Adele Gerard Tinning; Paperback; 1999; $19.95
The Godspell Solution: Acceptance and Creation; Bill Jason O'Mara; Paperback; 1999; $11.95
The Golden Promise; Ronna Herman; Paperback; 2001; $23.00
The Golden Thread: A series of communications from a consciousness known as John; received by members of his family; John Raymond Berry; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Good Remembering: A message for our times, a guide for seekers; Lyn Roberts-Herrick; Unknown Binding
The Grand Design: A Simply Stated, User Friendly Guide to Living in the Universe; Paddy McMahon, Shebaka; Paperback; 2000; $11.16
The Great Beyond; Vernon W. Overlee; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Great Heresy; Guirdham, Arthur; 1977; (Out of Print)
Grieve No More Beloved; Ormond McGill; Paperback; 2001; $14.95
The Guide Book; Tony Neate, Michael Dean (Editor); Paperback (Out of Print)
The Guides; William Guillory; Paperback; 1997; $12.95
A Hand in Dialogue; Charles Fryer; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Handbook for Humanity: A Guide for Spiritual Progression (Man, Soul, and Universe Enlightenment); Institute for Enlightment; Paperback; $14.95
Heart Initiation: Preparing for Conscious Ascension; Julianne Everett; Paperback; $11.96
Heart of Gold: The Light Within Life; Mary P. Fisher; Paperback; 1986; $6.00
The Heart of Interview With an Angel; Ariel, et al; Paperback; $4.95
Heather's Return: The Amazing Story of a Child's Communications from Beyond the Grave (The We Don't Die Series); Geri Colozzi Wiitala; Paperback; 1996; $11.96
Heaven and Beyond: Conversations With Souls in Transition; Mark, Barbara \ Trudy Griswold ; Hardcover; 2001; $14.95
Heaven Help Me! A Celestial Guide to Healing; Nancy Freier; Paperback; 2000; $12.95
Heavenly Father Speaks Second Arrival; Parvathy & Nada Kuzmic; Paperback; 1998; $14.00
Heavenly Insight on Love, Life and Dreams; Camille Starr; Paperback; 1990; $12.00
I Am the Open Door; Ascended Masters Staff; Paperback; 1989; $6.95
I Speak and Heal for the Angels; Elizabeth Rose; Paperback; 1990
I Still Talk To...; Paperback; 1994;
Impersonal Life; Anonymous; Paperback; 1980; $7.00
In Her Own Words: The After-death Journal of Princess Diana; Christine Toomey; Paperback; 1999; $114.95
In Light of the Truth; Kay Wheeler; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
In Search of Truth Vol 1; Gloria Sandvik; Paperback (Out of Print)
In Silence They Return; Judy Boss; Paperback; $7.80
In the Beginning (Conversations With David, Vol 1) Vol 1; Jeanette Kandl; Hardcover (Out of Print)
In the beginning: the first inhabitation of the planet earth: a channeled manuscript; Robert Frey; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
In the beginning was the world; Sheila Andrews; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
In the Garden of the Goddess; Sharon Shane; Paperback; 1999; $12.00
In the Spirit: Conversations With the Spirit of Jerry Garcia; Wendy Weir, Jerry Garcia; Hardcover; 1999; $24.00
Inanna Hyper-Luminal; V. S. Ferguson; Paperback; 1996; $14.00
Inanna Returns; V. S. Ferguson; Paperback; 1995; $14.00 ;
Incredible Alliance: Transmissions from T. S. Eliot through the mediumship of P. M. Douce; P. M. Douce; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
Innersource: Channeling Your Unlimited Self; Kathleen Kieft; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
Inspired by Angels: Letters from the Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, & Uriel; Sinda Jordan; Hardcover; $12.95
Interview With an Angel; Ariel, et al; Hardcover; $17.47
Interview With an Angel; Ariel, et al; Paperback; $13.56
Interviews With Famous Dead People: Inspirational Conversations; Susanne B. Miller; Paperback; 1997; $10.95
Into Eternity; Thomas C. Fitzgerald, JeanAnn Fitzgerald; Paperback; 1998; $14.00
Into the Realms of Joy; A'aragon d'Ar Satumi, Milina An SaRa'i; Paperback; 1997; $12.00
It's All an Illusion; William Guillory; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
The Jeshua Letters; Jon Marc Hammer; Paperback; 1991; $12.95
Jesus and Mastership: the gospel according to Jesus of Nazareth as dictated through James Coyle Morgan; Jesus Christ; Paperback; 1995; $14.95
John Dee's Actions With Spirits: 22 December 1581 to 23 May 1583 (Garland Publications in American and English Literature); Christopher Whitby; Hardcover (Out of Print)
John Lennon Conversations; Linda Deer Domnitz; Paperback (Out of Print)
JonBenet's Gift: A Miracle for the Millennium; Jane Gray Stobie; Paperback; 1999; $15.96
Journey into Light and Joy; Howard Ray Carey; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
Journeys into Radiance; Lindsey, Mira El; Paperback; 2000; $12.95
A Journey of Remembrance: The teachings of Ezekiel as shared with J.L. Sibrian; J. L. Sibrian; Paperback; 1995; (Out of Print)
Journey to Your Soul Angels' Guide to Love and Wholeness (The Angels Handbook for Humans, Bk. 1); Carole Marlene Sletta, Nancy Ambrose Snodgrass, Cameron, Tom; Paperback; 1997; $12.95
The Journey Within: Past-life Regression And Channeling; Henry Leo Bolduc; Paperback; 2004; $19.95
The Joy of Christ's Coming: From Traditional Religion to Ageless Wisdom; Howard Ray Carey; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
The Joy of Knowing: We are One Transformational Conversations Among the Masters and Erik Myrmo; L. David Moore; Paperback; 1996; $13.95
Joy Riding the Universe: Snapshots of the Journey; Sheridan Bryce; Paperback; 1993; $24.00
The Judaic State: A Study in Rabbinic Political Theory; Martin Sicker; Hardcover; $42.95
The Jupiter Experiment; Margaret Moon, Maurine Moon; Paperback; 1976; $1.95
Just Love the People: The Family Frequency; Mom, et al; Paperback
Kaleidoscope of Living Thoughts; Betty Collins; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Keys of Enoch Book of Knowledge; J.J. Hurtak; Hardcover; 1987; $40.00
The Keys to Enlightened Living: Channeled Messages from the Masters; James Webb; Paperback; 2001; $17.95
King Tut's Reality: The 7 Steps to Redemption; Ronald Kaufman; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Kirael: The Great Shift; Kirael, Fred Sterling; Paperback; $14.95
Krishanta and the Way of the Avatar; Carol Bell Knight; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Lamp Unto Our Faith; Clarice Albritton, Grace Newby; Paperback; 1976; $3.95
Last Days?: Spiritual Reality and Physical Illusions; Ventris Nukayis; Paperback; $10.80
Lazaris: A Spark of Love; Iasos; Unknown Binding; 1986; $9.95
The Lemurian Way: Remembering Your Essential Nature; Lauren O. Thyme, Sareya Orion; Paperback; 2000; $14.95
Let Life Live; Gita Keiller; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Letters from Janice: Correspondence from the Astral Plane; Wayne Hatford; Paperback (Out of Print)
Letters from the Cosmos; Carol Swiedler; Paperback; 1994; $10.95
Letters from the Light: An Afterlife Journal from the Self-Lighted World; Elsa Barker, Katherine Hart; Hardcover; $13.27
Letters from the Other Side: With Love, Harry and Helen; Harry, Blount; Paperback
Letters from the Other Side: With Love, Harry and Helen; Mary B. White; Hardcover; $15.95
Letters Through the Veil; Loryn "Solana" Walton ; Paperback; 2000; $12.95
Letters to Bill; Billie Price; Hardcover; $18.95
Life in the Hereafter: Automatic writings and dictation from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Walter Raleigh, et al; Elizabeth Mary Thompson; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Life on the Causal Plane: A Glimpse of Heaven; Marian Eileen Charlton M.A.; Paperback; 1998; $12.00
Lifeline: Experiences of psychic communication; Carolyn De la Hey; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
Light from the Angels: Channeling the Angel Academy; Hallie Deering; Paperback; 1997; $15.00
Light from the Angels; Channeling the Angel Academy; Hallie Deering; Paperback; $12.00
Light My Fire; Jim Morrison, Gordon Slack (Editor); Paperback (Out of Print)
Listening In: Dialogues With the Wiser Self; Ellen Meredith; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
A Little Light on Ascension; Diana Cooper; Paperback; 1997; $10.36
The Little One Diaries, Volume One; Susan Gallaher; Paperback; 1999; $12.00
Losing your Mind: beyond heaven, past the light, something waits; Daniel; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Magian Gospel of Brother Yeshua; Cahrles C. Wise; Paperback; 1979; $5.95
The Magian Gospel of Brother Yeshua; Charles C. Wise; Hardcover; 1979; $11.95
The Man Who Talked with Angels (Pastor Roland Buck); Sharon White; Paperback; 1982 (Out of Print)
Man's unending quest; Stewart, Robert Allan; Paperback; 1984; (Out of Print)
Manifesting: A Master's Manual; Khit Harding; Paperback; (Out of Print)
Many Were Called-Few Were Chosen: The Story of the Earth-Based Volunteers; Heather Anne Harder; Paperback; 1994; $11.16
Many Wonderful Things; Robert Huffman, Irene Specht; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven : A Matthew Book; Ward, Suzanne; Paperback; 2000; $20.99
Medium Touch; Joey Crinita; Paperback; 2000; $6.95
Menus for Impulsive Living: A Revolutionary Approach to Organizing and Energizing Your Life; Kurt Leland; Hardcover (Out of Print)
A Message to Mankind; Margaret Claire Mitchell; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Messages from Beyond, The First Book; James P.R. Mason; Paperback; 1999; $19.95
Messages from Beyond, The Second Book; James P.R. Mason; Paperback; 1999; $19.95
Messages from Heaven: Amazing Insights on Life After Death, Life's Purpose and Earth's Future; Patricia Kirmond; Paperback; 1999; $10.36
Messages from Within; Peter Daniel Francuch; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Messengers: A True Story of Angelic Presence and the Return to the Age of Miracles; Julia Ingram, G. W. Hardin; Paperback; 1996; $12.80
Messengers of Hope; Carol P. Parrish; Paperback; 1982; $7.95
Mind with Reason: Egyptian identity "Master Karver" speaks with daily messages from the world of spirit, using the vyographic sensitivity method; Robert Villetto; Unknown Binding
Mindweld: A Cosmic Embrace; Odin, Silver Star, Julian Perry (Editor); Paperback (Out of Print)
The Missing Truth: Angelic Revelations Replace 16 Centuries of Blind Faith; Cornelia Shakour; Hardcover; 1997; $17.95
More Alive Than Ever...Always, Karen; Jeanne Walker; Paperback; $14.95
Mt. Shasta Ascended Master Teaching; Nola Van Valer; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
The Murder of Marilyn Monroe; Leonore Canevari, et al; Paperback (Out of Print)
My First Encounter with an Angel; Sidney Schwartz, Reverend Carl R. Hewitt; Paperback; 2000; $15.00
My Life in Two Worlds (Collector's Library of the Unknown); Gladys Osborne Leonard; Hardcover; 1931; (Out of Print)
My Life over the Rainbow; L Smith; Hardcover (Out of Print)
My meeting with the masters on Mount Shasta; van Valer, Nola; Paperback; 1994; $7.95
Myth or Reality: Touching on Life Here and Beyond; Trudy Jarno; Paperback; 1991; (Out of Print)
A New Beginning: Handbook for Joyous Survival - Abraham Speaks.; Jerry S. Hicks; Paperback; $15.00
A New Beginning II: A personal handbook to enhance your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; Jerry Hicks; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The New Republic: A discourse on the prospects, dangers, duties, and safeties of the times; Thomas Lake Harris; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
No matter; Cyril A. Wild; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Oahspe a New Bible in the Words of Jehovih and His Angel Enbassadors: A Sacred History of the Dominions of the Higher and Lower..; John B. Newbrough; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation; John L. Payne; Paperback; 2001; $12.76
On the Death of My Son: An Account of Life After Death; Jasper Swain, Noel Langley (Editor); Paperback (Out of Print)
On the Wings of Spirit; Rebecca Zinn; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
On Wings of Light: The Teachings of Archangel Michael; Ronna Herman; Paperback; 1997; $19.95
On Wings of Truth; Janith; Paperback; 1989; $12.95
Oneness Remembered - Ultraconsciousness; Jean Peterson; Paperback; 1989; (Out of Print)
Openings: A Guide to Psychic Living in the Real World; Joan Pancoe; Paperback; 1995; $18.95
The Oracle Speaks: Breakthroughs for Humanity; Na; Paperback; 1996; $12.95
Orion Material: A Gift of Exploration; Elisabeth Fitzhugh; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Orion Material: perspectives of awareness; Orion; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Other Side of Life; Marjorie B. Thompson; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Our Name Is Melancholy: The Complete Books of Azrael (Book and Pamphlet); Leilah Wendell; Paperback; $14.95
Our Unseen Guest; Darby and Joan; Paperback; 1979 (Out of Print)
Passing Through Time; Nicole Suzanne Brown; Paperback; 1999; $11.00
Passing the Torch: The Way of the Avatar; Carol Bell Knight; Paperback (Out of Print)
Path to Illumination; Wallace G. Richardson, Lenora Huett; Paperback; 1982; $9.95
Peace at Last: The After-Death Experiences of John Lennon; John Lennon, Jason Leen, et al; Paperback; 1998; $9.56
Personal Magic: Creating Life, Love, and Work That Resonate With Your Soul; Spotted Eagle and Grandfather White Elk via Jennie Marlow; Paperback; 2003; $12.95
Phases of Life After Death: Written in automatic writing; Irma Slage; Paperback; 2000; $16.00
Phoenix Operator-/-Owner Manual: Including Flight Instruction; Jesus Sananda; Paperback; $10.85
Polar Knight: The Mystery of Sir John Franklin; B. J. Rule; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
Post Mortem Journal: Communications from T. E. Lawrence; Jane Sherwood; Paperback; 1992; $12.76
Prayer and Meditation; Jesus, et al; Paperback; $8.76
Prepare for Great Tribulation; John Leary; Paperback; 1996; $8.96
Primal Legacy: Thinking for the 21st century;Joseph Costa; Unknown Binding
A primer of rotational physics; Myrna M. Milani; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Prophetic Revelations of Paul Solomon: Earthward Toward a Heavenly Light; W. Alexander Wheeler; Paperback; 1994; $10.36
Psychic Beam to Beyond; Jane Boulton; Paperback; 1983; $6.95
Pyramid Truth Gateway Universe; Reg T. Miller; Paperback; 1998; $24.95
Questions from Earth, Answers from Heaven; Char Margolis, Victoria St George,; Paperback; 2000; $6.00
Reflections on Ascension: Channeled Teachings of St. Francis; Anina Davenport,; Paperback; 1998; $12.95
Rainbow Warriors Awake! An Invitation to Remember; Aleia N. O'Reilly; Paperback; 1995; $15.95
Reclaiming the Shadow Self: Facing the Dark Side in Human Consciousness; Christine Breese; Paperback; 1997; $15.95
Reflections on Ascension:Channeled Teachings of St. Francis; Anina Davenport,; Paperback; 1998; $12.95
The reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth: A study in hypnotic regression; Leonardi, Dell; 1975; (Out of Print)
Rekindling Your Spirit: Messages to Live by; Seneca, et al; Paperback; $12.76
The Renderings of Stefanos; Stefan Grunwald; Paperback (Out of Print)
Return Passage; Michael Harvey; Paperback; 1991
Return to Atlantis (Return to Atlantis Series) Vol 1; Uriel, Antares; Hardcover; $25.00
Returning Home: A Workbook for Following Your Path to Ascension-Channeled Lessons from Mother Mary, Merlin, and Quan Yin; Penelope Genter; Paperback; 2002; $16.96
Revelations: extracts from the Book of tidings of the Almighty and His spirits to humanity; Mezins, Nick (trans); 1992; (Out of Print)
The River of Light: Teachings of Gwyneth the Lifegiver; Jean Marshall; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
A Rose without Thorns; A. Ray Elkins, Association of Universal Philosophy; Paperback; 1974; $15.99
The Sacred Mirror: A spiritual diary; Margery Eyre; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Saul Narratives: Channeled Admonitions Regarding Emerging Terrestrial States and Subsequent Effects On Soul Evolution And Expansion; Rich Oliver; Paperback; 2004; $19.95
Say Not Goodbye; Frederick Walter King; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Scripts from a Naturalist; Ena Twigg; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
The Second Book of the Lamb; Peter C. Stone; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Secret of the Andes; Brother Philip; Paperback; 1991; $9.95
The Secret of the Sphinx by Pharaoh Amigdar, assisted by ... others; Francesco Luciano Oscott; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Secret Pulse: A Channeled Work; Meredith Standiford; Paperback; $10.80
The Seeker and the Finding: A woman's search for inner truth; Margery Eyre; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Sepher Rezial Hemelach: The Book of the Angel Raziel by Steve Savedow (Translator); Hardcover; 2000; $40.00
Sepher Rezial Hemelach: The Book of the Angel Rezial by Steve Savedow (Translator); Paperback; 2000; $15.96
The Seven Purposes (The Bestsellers of 1919); Margaret Cameron; Library Binding; 2000; $48.00
Shift to Spirit: Remembering Your True Self in Time of Transition; El Morya; Paperback; 1993
Shifting Frequencies; Jonathan Goldman; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
The Shining Brother; Lawrence Temple; Paperback 984; (Out of Print)
Signs of Christ; Harold Balyoz; Hardcover; 1979; $18.00
Simplicity & Love Speak; Erna M. White; Paperback; 1999; $12.25
Sky Father and Son; Mary A. Joyce, Evelyn Gordon (Translator); Paperback; 1990; (Out of Print)
Sojourns of the Soul: A Guide to Transformation; Kim D. Koenig, Robin O'Brien; Paperback; 1989; (Out of Print)
Someday You Can; June Knight; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Soul Group: Its Meaning, Magic and Imagery; Mick Avery; Paperback; 2004; $12.71
Soul Voices; Jeanette Strack-Zanghi; Paperback; 2000; $9.95
Speak, Shining Stranger; Ray Stanford; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Speaking of Angels: A Journal of Angelic Contact; St. Albans, David ; Paperback; 2000; $14.95
Spirit Teachings Through the Mediumship of William Stainton Moses; William S. Moses; Hardcover; 1976; $26.95
The Spirit unto the Churches: An understanding of man's existence in the body through knowledge of the seven glandular centers; Ray Stanford; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Spirit Visions: The Old Ones Speak; Dennison Tsosie, Teddi Tsosie; Paperback; 1997; $19.95
Spirit world Breakthrough; Jack Perry; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
A Spiritual Call to Awaken; B. J. Turner, et al; Paperback; 1997; $15.95
Spiritwalker Messages from the Future; Henry Barnard Wesselman; Paperback; 1996; $11.16
Spray from an Inland Sea; Lilian D. Johnson; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Standing Stones Speak: Messages from the Archangels Revealed; Archangels, et al; Hardcover; 2001; $19.96
Stations in Life: The Andomus Material Three; Andomus; Paperback; $12.95
Step by Step We Climb (Step by Step Series) Vol 1; Pearl Dorris; Paperback; $10.80
Step by step we climb to freedom; Pearl & Arisen Masters; Paperback; 1981; (Out of Print)
Step by Step We Climb to Freedom and Victory Vol 3; Pearl Dorris; Paperback; $10.80
Step by step we Climb to Freedom and Victory; Pearl; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Story of the People; Eileen Miriandra Rota; Paperback; 1997; $11.95
Strings for a Broken Lute; Mabel Telford; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Swan on a Black Sea: A study in automatic writing, the Cummins-Willett scripts; Geraldine Dorothy Cummins; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Sword in the Sun: Dialogue With an Angel; Anthony Duncan; Paperback; 1997; $14.95
The Symphony of Creation: The Heavens; Zanzoona; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Talking With Angels; Gitta Mallasz; Hardcover; 1988; $45.00
Talks with the White Buffalo; White Buffalo; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Talks with Trees; Leslie Cabarga; Paperback; 1997; $15.95
Teaching the Heart to Sing: A Guide to Shifting Consciousness at the Dawn of a New Age; Julie Redstone; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Teachings of Oscar Camille Vol 1; Oscar Camille, Paul Edward Napora; Paperback; $12.95
The Teachings of Oscar Camille Vol 2; Oscar Camille, Paul Edward Napora; Paperback; 1996; $12.95
The Teachings of the Angel of North America: Book I: How to Save Your Soul and Your Society; Patricia Ann Meyer; Paperback; 1996; $8.76
Telos: The call goes out from the hollow earth and the underground cities; Robbins, Dianne; Paperback; 2000; $15.00
The Temple at Jerusalem: A Revelation; John Michell; Paperback; 2000; $10.36
Ten Thousand Whispers: A Guide to Conscious Creation; Lynda Madden Dahl; Paperback; 1995; $13.95
Then an Angel Came; Carol Gino; Paperback; 1998; $10.40
There Is a Garden: A Song in Spiritual Time; Carrie Hart; Paperback; 1999; $14.00
There is Life after Death: Tape recordings from the other world; Leslie Flint; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
They Listened, Jesus Spoke; Jesus Christ; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Through the Curtain; Viola Petitt Neal, Shafica Karagulla; Paperback; 1993; $13.95
Thymus Chakra Handbook: Channeled from Kwan Yin & the Christ; Brenda Montgomery; Paperback; $12.95
Timeless Visions, Healing Voices: Conversations With Men & Women of the Spirit; Stephan Bodian; Paperback; 1991; (Out of Print)
Timeless Visions, Healing Voices: Conversations With Men & Women of the Spirit; Stephan Bodian; Hardcover; 1991; (Out of Print)
To Dance With Angels: An Amazing Journey to the Heart With the Phenomenal Thomas Jacobson and the Grand Spirit, ' Dr. Peebles'; Don Pendleton, Linda Pendleton; Hardcover
To the Understanding of My Soul: True Experiences of the Author; Original Channeled Writings Conveyed by Spirit, Christ, Lucifer and others; Henry A. Zywiol; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Towards an Understanding of the Life Spiritual; Constance Margaret Beer; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The True Life of Jesus of Nazareth; Alexander Smythe; Hardcover; 1998; $30.00
The True Light Cometh: Sparks of Light for Sparks of God; Bruce Stewart, Paul F. Daniele; Paperback; 1997; $11.96
Tuala Speaks; Tuala; Paperback; 1980; $8.95
Twin Souls and Soulmates; Azena Ramanda, Claire Heartsong; Paperback; 1995; $15.95
The Ultimate Frontier; Eklal Kueshana; Paperback; 1992; $3.96
Unconditional Love: A Course of Multidimensional Transformation; Betty Hudson; Paperback; 1997; $12.95
Under the Plum Tree: The Teachings of 'Old Chinese' by Chung Fu, Marjorie B. Giles (Editor); Paperback; $14.95
The Unfinished Cross: Listen to the Voice Within; Dave Austin; Paperback; 2000; $15.16
Unfinished symphonies; voices from the beyond; Rosemary Brown; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Unified: A Course on Truth and Practical Guidance from Babaji; Roger G Landphear; Paperback; $9.80
Unseen Forces; John McAuliffe, Dottie McAuliffe; Paperback (Out of Print)
An Unusual Evening of Poker; James F. Liston; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Visioning a Wingsong Book; Strange De Jim; Paperback; 1985; (Out of Print)
The Visitation: An Archangel's Prophecy; Mary Summer Rain; Paperback; 1997; $10.36
Voice of Silence; Starr Farish; Paperback; 1973; $17.00
Voices from the Tapes; Recordings from the other world; Peter Bander; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Voices of Spirit: Through the Psychic Experience of Elwood Babbitt; Charles H. Hapgood; Paperback; 1992; $13.00
Walk to Where the Butterflies Are; Joy Allyn Jones, Rodney Andrus McKeever; Paperback; 2001; $22.95
A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands; Franchezzo; Paperback; $14.00
The Way of Companionship, in two parts; Margery Eyre; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Way of the Servant: Living the light of Christ; Jon Marc Hammer; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
Way Out; Anonymous; Paperback; 1983; $6.95
We the People Are the Messiah; Jack Bartello, Deborah; Paperback; 1999; $14.95
Wedge: The Extraordinary Communications of an Earthbound Spirit; Margaret Moon; Paperback; 1975; $3.95
Welcome Home: A Time for Uniting; Pretty Flower, Eileen Rota; Paperback; $12.00
Welcome to the Home of Your Heart; Dorothy Brinkman; Paperback; $11.95
Welcome to Planet Earth: A Guide for Walk-Ins, Starseeds and Lightworkers of All Varieties; Hannah Beaconsfield; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
What Is Lightbody?; Ariel, et al; Paperback; $10.36 Cloud/Lakota Spirit; Cecelia Ferretti Brownlow, Leslie S. Wilner; Paperback; $10.95
When Angels Speak; Donna Wolfe, Nadira Duran; Paperback; 1997; $9.95
Whispers from Our Soul: The Voice of Tahkamenon; Valerie Wilkinson, Russell Reed; Paperback; 1999; $13.95
Willie Speaks Out! The psychic world of Abraham Lincoln; Elliott V. Fleckles; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Wise Man Stories; Friends Anonymous [via Harold and Alma Smith]; Paperback; 1979; $7.95
The Wisdom of the Adepts: Esoteric Science in Human History; Thomas Lake Harris; Hardcover; 1984; $55.00
Wisdom of the Rays: The Masters Teach; Norey Latona, Edwin M. Young; Paperback; 1997; $14.95
With Wings As Eagles: Discovering the Master Teacher in the Secret School Within; John Randolph Price; Paperback; 1997; $7.96
Words from the Source II; Starr Farish; Hardcover; 1987; $17.00
World Evolution: Our future in the 21st century; Gunter; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Writings of the Master; Deborah Hill; Paperback; 2002;
Yeshu Hannosri: For God so loved the world; Joseph Costa; Unknown Binding
You Are God; Mark Clinton Patterson; Paperback; 2000; $10.95
You Are God; Mary; Paperback (Out of Print)
You Are the Answer: A Journey of Awakening; Paul N. Tuttle; Paperback; 1985; (Out of Print)
Your health & wealth IS your business; John; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
| Johanne Agerskov | Akhenaton | Frank Alper | Rosemary Altea (Gray Eagle) | Elwood Babbitt | Alice Bailey (Djwhal Khul) | Marti Barham | Bartholomew (via Mary Moore) | Graham Bernard | Frances Bird | Anthony Borgia | Sylvia Browne | June Burke | Eileen Caddy | Dolores Cannon | Ken Carey | Mary Carreiro | Hilda Charlton | Edgar Cayce | Barbara Hand Clow | Grace and Ivan Cooke (White Eagle) | Denise Cooney | A Course in Miracles (via Helen Schucman and others) | Benjamin Creme (Maitreya) | Dolfyn | Emmanuel (via Pat Rodegast, et. al.) | Virginia Essene | Jean K. Foster | Louis Gittner | Brian Grattan | Helen Greaves | David Hess | Hilarion (via Maurice Cooke) | Barbara Marx Hubbard | Allan Kardec (Leon Rivail) | Ronald G. Kaufmann | Eric Klein | Kryon (via Lee Carroll) | Dale Landry | Lazaris (via Jack Pursel ) | David K Johnson and Robert Leichtman | Janet McClure (Vywamus) | Dorothy. MacLean | Joel Martin | A. D. Mattson | Gates McKibbin | George McMullen | Michael Teachings | Mother Mary (via Annie Kirkwood and others) | Eva Pierrakos | Elizabeth Clare and Mark Prophet | Ramala | Andrew Ramer | Ramtha (via J.Z. Knight) | Dorothy Roeder | Mona Rolfe | Sanaya Roman | Kevin Ryerson and Shirley Maclaine | Saint Germain (via Guy Ballard, et. al.) | Ron Scolastico | Seth (via Jane Roberts et al) | Solara Antara Amaa-Ra | Susy Smith (James) | William T. Stead | Brad & Francine Steiger | Roman Stevens (Alexander) | Joshua David Stone | Marshall Summers | Emanuel Swedenborg | Temple of the People | Diane Tessman | Sister Thedra | Tuieta | Marilyn & Thomas Twintreess | Urantia (via William Sadler) | Doreen Virtue | Neale Donald Walsch | Ruth White | Stewart Edward White | William Butler Yeats |