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The Impersonal Life Paperback

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Product Details

  • Paperback: 257 pages
  • Publisher: Devorss & Co. (June 1, 1941)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0875163017
  • ISBN-13: 978-0875163017
  • Product Dimensions: 0.7 x 4 x 5.4 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (60 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #82,935 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
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Editorial Reviews


This book serves as a channel for messages from the Christ Consciousness set down for all who are searching for answers - or for the right questions. --devorss.com

Customer Reviews

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Benner's other book, 'The Way to the Kingdom', is also very good.
Mr. A. J. Baker
Written as if in the voice of the Holy Spirit or Jesus, the book guides the reader to turn within for true spiritual guidance.
Each time I was able to succed in getting something it felt great, but there was something always missing.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

58 of 62 people found the following review helpful By Laura De Giorgio TOP 1000 REVIEWER on October 27, 2004
Format: Paperback
This is probably the smallest and the most direct book that guides the person to experiencing the God within. If you let the words of this book guide you, are really follow the instructions, you'll step into another world and have a taste of your REAL SELF. The book is such a blessing that opens the door wide for you, if you're willing to step across.
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63 of 70 people found the following review helpful By Luciano on October 28, 2000
Format: Paperback
I am a person that in my life has had much success. I have made money, traveled, furfilled my heart desires more than most people when it came to material things. I was blessed by this, but not because I was able to attain them, but because I realized that they did not make me happy. Each time I was able to succed in getting something it felt great, but there was something always missing. That something was God. I knew it although. So being catholic I turned to my church. I felt God would come to me there, but He did not. I knew that I felt God when I did something good. I always felt something was inside of me that was great but I never made the connection. Until one fine day my life went into ruin. I had failed to succeed in something that was so important in my life. I got so depressed. I did not know where to turn. No human could help me. I, because was desperate(selfish) turned to God. At the same time a dear friend said to me "I have a book for you that may help you" Call it faith, call it coincidance, my life changed. each day I read the book I got closer to God. Within 1 week my life went from the worst time in my life to a blessing. Not because the problems went away, but because when you have God, problems do not exsist. I know that if you have never had such experience you probably think I am crazy. I know that because if before I had this experience someone came up to me and told me they have found God and it is better than any orgasm they ever had, I would think they are crazy. But it is true. I am writing this memo, letter, whatever you want to call it. the spelling, the grammer is not the best, I know, but the message is clear. Find God and you are in hevan on earth, do not find God and you are in hell.Read more ›
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35 of 38 people found the following review helpful By A Customer on September 7, 1998
Format: Paperback
A very humble man named Joseph S. Benner; whose human instrument was the channel through which this inspired Message was given to the world, wrote this amazing book in 1940. He has passed on now and thankfully his daughter has continued to publish this work. Here is the Introduction to the book from the Publisher to give you an idea of just how special this book really is.

"In order the better to comprehend the deep and vital truths contained in this Message, you are urged to approach each reading of it with a quiet and open mind. Still the intellect and invite your Soul to do the teaching. Read but a sentence at a time, and do not pass to the next until Something within you responds to the truth therein, and clearly points out the meaning for you.

More than all, try to realize that the "I" speaking through the Message is the Spirit within, your own Soul, the Impersonal Self, the Real You; the same Self that in other moments of quiet points out to you your mistakes, your follies, your weaknesses, and is ever chiding and aiding you to live up to Its ideals, which It continually holds before your mental gaze.

It was to such a quiet mind as this that this Message came during months filled with an intense yearning for the guidance of the Spirit and an opportunity to serve the Loving Father Who had been found to be ever-present and always ready to bless those of His children who loved Him enough to make Him first in their hearts and lives.

The help and guidance thus received is passed on to you, for the wise and loving teaching is so unusual and so wholly Impersonal that it will apply equally well to everyone who is ready to receive it.The great blessing of the Message is that, if you are ready, the "I" speaking herein will continue to speak directly to you from out your own heart, after you lay aside the book, and in so intimate and convincing a way that It will make clear all your problems, be to you a fount of Wisdom and Strength, and bring you Peace, Health, Happiness, Freedom, - and abundance of everything your heart desires.

This little book, therefore, is intended to serve as a channel or open door through which you may enter into the Joy of your Lord, the comforter promised by Jesus, the living expression in you of the Christ of God.""}'>Read more ›
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23 of 24 people found the following review helpful By Andrew Mann on July 24, 2005
Format: Paperback
When I first read this book I hated it, it took around 5-6 reads and a few more years before my mind would sit with what was written within it.

The writing comes across as a bit harsh sometimes, but if you can stay with it, your may be in for a treat.

My old spiritual/meditation teacher told me that he believed this was one of the most spirtual books available and he was a Sikh.

The text comes across as decidedly christian in the beginning, but with in depth study is universal to all faiths.

Read it if you dare ;)
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24 of 26 people found the following review helpful By Paul O. Rekstad on March 6, 2000
Format: Paperback
The Impersonal Life is the clearest, most simply written book about God I have read anywhere -- including the highly touted "A Course in Miracles," and the "Conversations With God" series by Neal Donald Walsh. My sense is that it may have been the source of inspiration for the writers of ACIM and Mr. Walsh. It is a constant source of inspiration to me. I'm buying more copies to give away. It is a 'must read' book for anyone seeking to broaden their spiritual horizon.
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14 of 14 people found the following review helpful By "contessa2" on November 5, 2000
Format: Paperback
If I could have only one spiritual book in my library, it would be this. Written as if in the voice of the Holy Spirit or Jesus, the book guides the reader to turn within for true spiritual guidance.

I read the book after being very disappointed and disillusioned with a famous Indian guru. It was a great comfort with its step by step instructions to go within and find the only true teacher.
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