Alice Bailey
Reba Parker and Timothy Oliver
Founder of: Lucis Trust, and the Lucis Trust Publishing Co.,
1922; the Arcane School, 1923; World Goodwill, 1932.
Official Publications: The Great Invocation (common prayer) and
twenty-four other works published in 50 languages by the Lucis Trust Publishing
Organizational Structure: Lucis Trust has over 6,000 active members
with headquarters located in the United States, Germany, Great Britain,
Holland, and Switzerland.
Other Names: Lucifer Trust (original name of Lucis Trust).
On June 30, 1895 at the age of fifteen, Alice Bateman had a memorable experience.
"I was sitting in the drawing room reading. The door opened and in walked
a tall man dressed in European clothes...but with a tall turban on his
head.... He told me there was some work that it was planned that I could
do in the world but that it would entail my changing my disposition very
considerably;"1 In 1915, Alice met two English
women living in Pacific Grove, California, who introduced her to Theosophy
and Helena Blavatsky. Through her studies of Blavatsky's Secret Doctrines,
she realized the man she met at age 15 was Master KH (Koot Hoomi). "I discovered
that he was not the Master Jesus, as I had
naturally suspected....I have worked for Him, ever since I was fifteen
years old and I am now one of the superior disciples of his group¾or
as it is called esoterically¾in his ashram."2
In 1917, Alice moved to Hollywood to be near the headquarters
of the Theosophical Society at Krotona. Her first job at the center was
as a vegetarian cook, scrubbing the bottom of garbage pails. A divorce
from Walter Evans was soon followed by marriage to Foster Bailey, a lawyer
who devoted his life to ancient wisdom.3 In
the fall of 1919 Alice had an encounter with still another Master, who
guided her for thirty years. By 1922, Bailey started the Lucis Trust Publishing
Company, in 1923, the Arcane School, and by 1932, the World Goodwill. Between
the years 1919 and 1949, she produced twenty-four books, including an autobiography;
nineteen of these books were supposed to have been written by her Tibetan
Master, DK (Djwhal Khul).
Regarding Master DK's communications, Alice Bailey comments, "I
remain in full control of my senses of perception.... I simply listen and
take down the words that I hear and register the thoughts which are dropped
one by one into my brain.... I have never changed anything that the Tibetan
has ever given to me.... I do not always understand what is given. I do
not always agree. But I record it all honestly and then discover it does
make sense and evokes intuitive response."4
Alice Bailey spent the majority of her years working out what
she referred to as "The Plan." As a result of her works, many other groups
have been birthed or influenced. Some of these groups are: the Church
Universal and Triumphant, the Tara Center,
and the Robert Muller School, to name a few. They continue to promulgate
Alice Bailey's message of "world peace," the divinity of all mankind, the
unity of all religions, and service to mankind. This once devoted Sunday
School teacher and missionary worker was finally renowned as a prolific
author of occult writings, and the mother,
some would say, of the modern form of the New
Age Movement.
Lucis Trust Publishing Company
The word "Lucis" comes directly from the name Lucifer,
which means "the one who brings light," or, "light bearer." Webster's New
Twenty-first Century Dictionary says: "Lucifer: light bringing, Satan,
as especially the leader of the revolt of the angels before his fall."
Not surprisingly, Lucis Trust's first name was Lucifer Trust, but was later
changed due to controversy.5 The purpose of
Lucis Trust is the establishing of a "New World Order." Lucis Trust's teachings
have been translated into fifty languages. They have also published a "common
prayer," formally called "The Great Invocation." Under the facade of love
and goodwill, this dangerous New Age Organization lures many to the philosophy
and doctrines of the occult. Today it has over 6,000 active members, with
headquarters located in the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Holland
and Switzerland.
The Arcane School
Headquartered in New York, with centers also in Europe, the school's graduates
have frequently become leaders in the New Age Movement. They form a part
of what they call The New Group of World Servers, men and women working
in all walks of life, preparing the world for the New Age. Bailey described
the Arcane School as "non-sectarian, non-political, but deeply international
in its thinking. Service is its keynote. Its members can work in any sect
and any political party provided that they remember that all paths lead
to God and that the welfare of the one humanity governs all their thinking.
Above everything else, ...a student is taught that the souls of men are
one....It is a school wherein true occult obedience is developed....They
are taught... prompt obedience to the dictates of their own soul. As the
voice of that soul gets increasingly familiar it will eventually make them
members of the Kingdom of God and bring them face to face with Christ."6
World Goodwill
World Goodwill is an organization that claims to be preparing the way for
a one-world religion and a one-world government. World Goodwill works closely
with the United Nations. It maintains headquarters in the cities of New
York, London and Geneva. The group publishes literature as well as conducts
symposiums related to its goals, which are consistent with those of Lucis
Trust. Much of its public literature shows no signs of its occultic background
nature, making it the perfect vehicle for attracting into its New Age influence
people who would reject overtly religious or occult philosophy.
God: Bailey's views on God seem confused. At times her writing appears
to assume there is a personal God. Yet overall, the tenor of her writing
is along the lines of all pantheists,
that all is God (God Immanent), and that God is an impersonal energy force
(God Transcendant).7 Her writings betray deep
misunderstanding of the God of the Bible,
but adamant feelings against what she thinks Him to be.
"Christianity has emphasized immortality but has made eternal
happiness dependent upon acceptance of a theological dogma: Be a true professing
Christian and live in a somewhat fatuous heaven or refuse to be an accepting
Christian...and go to an impossible hell¾a hell growing out of the
theology of the Old Testament and its presentation of a God, full of hate
and jealousy."8
Jesus: For Bailey, Jesus was only one of many Ascended
Masters. He was not the one and only Son of God. "For decades, the
reappearance of the Christ, the Avatar, has been anticipated by the faithful
in both hemispheres, not only the Christian faithful, but by those who
look for Maitreya and for the Boddhisattva as well as those who expect
the Imam Mahdi."9
Reincarnation: According to this esoteric doctrine, one returns
to this world, or plane, living multiple lives, until one gets it right.
This is a result of Karma, the law of cause and effect. Finally one is
reabsorbed into the universal whole, God. "Death is 'a touch of the soul
which is too strong for the fragile body': it is a call from divinity that
brooks no denial; it is the voice of the inner spiritual identity saying:
Return to your centre or source, for awhile and reflect upon the experiences
undergone and the lessons learnt until the time comes when you return to
earth for another cycle of learning, of progress and of enrichment."10
Salvation: Alice Bailey believed that salvation is the moment
you realize you have a divine nature. "We have regarded half the world
as lost and only the Christian believer as saved, yet all the time Christ
has told us that love is the way into the kingdom, and that the fact of
the presence of divinity in each of us makes us eligible for that kingdom."11
Man: Alice Bailey did not believe that man is a created being,
separate from, and owing his existence to, the transcendant Creator; rather
mankind itself and all individuals are expressions or manifestations of
the divine, and thus themselves divine. "Before we can enter upon the study
of Ageless Wisdom and take up the consideration of the science of some
unfoldment it is essential that we grasp the fact of our divinity."12
The Church: Some of Alice Bailey's statements may seem favorable
toward Christianity: "Christianity cannot be attacked; it is an expression
- in essence, if not yet entirely factual - of the love of God, immanent
in his created universe."13 However, in such
statements it is always Christianity as she defined it, of which she speaks.
On the other hand some of her most contemptuous words were for the Christian
Church and Christian doctrines: "The Church today is the tomb of Christ
and the stone of theology has been rolled to the door of the sepulchre."14
God: A passage frequently cited to establish the Deity of the Holy
Spirit, Acts 5:3-5, makes it equally clear that God is personal. He can
be lied to. How does one lie to an impersonal energy force? In Acts 13:2
God speaks by the Holy Spirit and expresses His will. Again, this
is not logically attributable to an impersonal energy or force.
Jesus: Alice Bailey could call Jesus God in human flesh, because
she believed every person is God incarnate. Jesus just manifested that
fact more perfectly than the rest of us. The Bible, however, makes it clear
there is only one God (Deut. 4:35, 39; Isa. 44:6), that only God saves
(Isa. 45:18, 21-23), and that Jesus Christ is the God who saves (Acts 4:12;
also cf. Isa. 45:21-23 with Phil. 2:5-11, in the light of Isa. 42:8 &
Man: The Bible teaches man was made in the image of God (Gen.
1:26), not that he is a manifestation or extension of God. It also says
man is so far separate from God that God could regret having made man (Gen.6:5-6).
It teaches man is sinful from birth, i.e. by nature (Ps. 51:5). If men
are God then God is sinful. If God is perfect and without sin then men
are not God or a part of God.
Reincarnation: Jesus did speak of being born again (Jn. 3:3),
something Alice Bailey and many people in the New Age movement seize upon
to justify their doctrine of reincarnation. However, Jesus made it plain
He was not speaking of another birth into a physical body, but of a spiritual
birth which takes place in this life and affects our eternity (Jn. 3:5,6).
The Bible teaches we have only one lifetime in which to make those decisions
which will affect our eternal destiny (Heb. 9:27)
Salvation: The Bible teaches that man is sinful, and God hates
sin. Man stands in need of someone to save him from God's just wrath against
his sin. God loves man, but cannot save him in any manner that denies His
own essential justice and righteousness. In infinite wisdom, God Himself
provided the sacrifice necessary to appease His wrath against sin (Rom.
3:23-25) and the righteousness necessary to fulfill the perfect standard
of His law (Rom. 4:4-6, 21-23; 5:17, 19; Phil. 3:8, 9). All this is found
in Jesus Christ and no other (Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 1:15; 2:5, 6).
The Church: Christians agree with Bailey that the true church
is not a visible institution, and that all such organizations, being the
work of man, are to some extent corrupted. However, Jesus said that His
true church would never be overcome (Matt. 16:18). This could not be so
apart from, among other things, true doctrine. The truth has survived through
the ages, including the millenia during which no Christian knew or professed
any such gospel as Alice Bailey's. Far from seeing the church as Christ's
tomb, the Bible says it is His body (Rom. 12:4, 5; 1 Cor. 12:12-14, 27).
The doctrine established for the church, far from being a stone over Christ's
sepulchre, was written down and preserved in Scripture for the benefit
of the church (Rom. 15:4; Eph. 4:14-16; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17). The Bible teaches
that God would receive glory in the church throughout all generations (Eph.
3:21) and that Jesus would be with it to the end of the world (Matt. 28:20).
1. Alice A. Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography,
(New York: Lucis Trust Publishing Co., 1951), p. 36.
2. Ibid., p. 37-38.
3. Harold Balyoz, Three Remarkable Women, (Flagstaff:
Altai Publishing, 1986), p. 210.
4. Bailey, op. cit. p. 164.
5. Doug Groothuis, Unmasking the New Age, (Downers
Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1986), p. 120.
6. Bailey, op. cit. p.197.
7. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, (New
York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1948), pp. 144-145.
8. Ibid., p. 146.
9. Ibid., p. 5.
10. Bailey, The Unfinished Biography, p. 78.
11. Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, (New
York: Lucis Trust Publishing Co., 1965) p. 212, 1972 ed.
12. Bailey, "Values & Principles of Esotericism"
(Lecture given March, 1927) in Arcane School Entrance Papers, (New
York: Lucis Trust Publishing Co.) p. 7.
13. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ,
p. 140.
14. Ibid.
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