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The Tibetan Teacher is a Master on the second ray--the Ray of Love-Wisdom. He is known for His profound understanding of the human energy system--spiritually, psychologically and physically. His 'secretary' Alice Bailey--a woman of great illumination, compassion and understanding worked with Master DK for thirty years and produced these wonderful volumes of esoteric thought, thus laying the groundwork for many arts and sciences which will grow and flourish in the Aquarian Age.
The Tibetan's perspective is vast. He views the world as an initiate of the fifth degree. He is beyond prejudice and pettiness, no matter how some readers may interpret his often frank words. His task is to see and reveal truth to those who can respond. The causes of disease are known to Him and these He must isolate--in individuals and groups. Many nations, groups and individuals have come under his luminous scrutiny. Many have not liked what they have read, considering it erroneous or prejudiced because it is so clear and frank.
Because of His clear analysis of the virtues and strengths of the Jewish People, and also of elements of character requiring transmutation, the charge of anti-Semitism has been leveled at the Tibetan and at Alice Bailey, too. Nothing could be further from the truth.
All groups of people, all individuals, have over a long incarnational past made mistakes. No individual or group is immune. It is far better to understand and correct these errors (based upon astrological and ray energies) that to accuse the source that points them out.
A really fair reading of Alice Bailey's work will reveal the utter falsity of such charges. The Tibetan's writings and hers, resound with compassion for the entire human race, and with the loving-will to see the human condition raised into a state of true spirituality.
We ordinary people (not yet initiates of high degree, not yet Masters of the Wisdom) have our own prejudices arising out of the limitations of our perceptions. If we want to advance spiritually and be really useful, we will have to broaden our point of view, and avoid responding personally and emotionally to statements with which we disagree.
Who is the Jew? Who is the Gentile? Who is the Oriental? We are all one humanity and as reincarnating souls we could incarnate in any race, national or cultural group.
A great healing for humanity will occur when we learn to see things from the perspective of the soul. We will see the things which have to be corrected and, without personal reaction, we will take the necessary action.
The Tibetan Master assisted Helena P. Blavatsky as He did Alice Bailey--to bring forward a new teaching which emphasizes brotherhood and the one soul of humanity. On the way to that brother/sisterhood and unity, let us be frank about our shortcomings--as individuals, as groups, as nations, as races--there is much to be improved, and it is within our power to take the needed steps.
As a Jew, I affirm the love, compassion and wisdom of the great Teacher known to us as Djwhal Khul, and I equally affirm these qualities in his trusted co-worker Alice Bailey. Whoever refuses to read and understand the great Teaching given by the Tibetan and AAB because of a suspicion of prejudice and, especially, of anti-Semitism, will deprive themselves of a priceless revelation of illumined wisdom.
Michael D. Robbins, Ph.D.
University of the Seven Rays Read more ›
We all want to have perfect health. As spiritual healers we would like to return the patient to perfect health. This book explains that health is closely related to the relation between higher self and lower self of the patient. If there is discord between higher and lower aspects of the person illness results. Is healing as simple as aligning the patient's inner self so that higher and lower self are not at war with each other? At one level it is that simple, but at the practical level there are obviously rules and techniques to be acquired and practised by the healer. This book sets down "rules" and "laws" for esoteric healing. In explaining these, I believe it has a systematic and elevated approach to energy healing.
Whether it was the Master DK speaking through Alice Bailey doesn't matter. The fruits of the book are in that it holds the practical, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual keys to healing. Over many years I have found this to be valid, and although I am not yet a perfected soul, I can affect minor cures, or assist folks to heal themselves of greater ailments. Finally, it is pleasing to see commonsense does not preclude ordinary medicine out-of-hand for what it is worth, since we have:-
"Rule Four": A careful diagnosis of disease, based on the ascertained outer symptoms, will be simplified to this extent - that once the organ involved is known and thus isolated, the centre in the etheric body which is in closest relation to it will be subjected to methods of occult healing, though the ordinary, ameliorative, medical or surgical methods will not be withheld.
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