A mystical philosophy based on Buddhist and Hindu doctrine. Theo and sophia are the Greek words for "God" and "wisdom."
Read more about theosophy on Wikipedia.
A channel is a person through which a New Age master speaks to humankind, such as Benjamin Creme, who claims to be a channel for Maitreya.
Ascended Masters
Some of the Ascended Masters are as follows:

Master Hilarion who claims to have been St. Paul in a previous incarnation. According to New Age insiders, he maintains a Cretan body and spends much of his time in Egypt.
Master Morya, a Rujput Prince residing in Shigatse who occupied Akbar’s body in a previous incarnation.
Master Koot Hoomi Lal Singh who is of Kashmiri origin and was supposedly Pythagoras in one of his previous incarnations. He also resides at Shigatse.
Master Jesus, whose previous incarnations include Joshua, son of Nun and Jesus of Nazareth, lives in disguise somewhere in the Holy Land. According to New Age theology, ‘The Master Jesus” did not act on his own behalf when he resided on earth as Jesus of Nazareth, but was then overshadowed by the Maitreya.
The Venetian Master who claims to have been the reincarnation of the painter Paul Veronese.
Master Mahachohan, whose work is to gauge correctly—and counteract if necessary—the conflicting forces in space.
Master Serapis who is known for his work with Deva Evolution, and his dwelling place may not be revealed.

Read a New Age explanation of Ascended Masters
Having to do with the Pope or the Roman Catholic Church.
Theosophy and Alice Bailey
Author: Professor Walter J. Veith, PhD
Summary: A combination of Buddhist and Hindu mysticism, theosophy has been spread through women such as Blavatsky and Bailey, both of whom were directly influenced by New Age masters.
This article is part of a series. We recommend that you first read: The New Age Movement.


Helena Blavatsky helped found the Theosophical Society in September 1875. Her writings on esoteric spiritual... read more.
modern theosophy movement was spread largely through the efforts of Helen Petrovna Blavatsky, who stayed with Ascended Master Koot Hoomi, and was instrumental in introducing the ancient occult ideas into Western civilization. Blavatsky’s book The Secret Doctrine contains much channeled material, and reiterates the twin lies of Eden.

Another key leader of the modern New Age movement was undoubtedly Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949) who received messages from the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul (commonly known as D. K.). D. K. was a pupil of Koot Hoomi.

Bailey's famous writings include Problems of Humanity and The Reappearance of Christ. These writings were to prepare the world for a one-world government, one world religion, and universal acceptance of the false Christ—Satan masquerading as an angel of light.

D. K. claims those associated with him will know him through Alice A. Bailey. He further claims this:

I am a brother of yours, who has traveled a little longer upon the Path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this article, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost. I am not an old man, as age counts among the teachers, yet I am not young and inexperienced. My work is to teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I can find a response, and I have been doing this for many years.i

Djwal Khul (D. K.). His name first appeared in the work of Madame Blavatsky, a... read more.

The essence of his message was that the New Age mystic ideas camouflaged by the outer symbols of amulets—as well as such New Age concepts as astrology, numerology, card reading, palmistry, pyramid power, natural healing, and eco-consciousness—should eventually infiltrate all religions. Fueled by the acceptance of the twin lies of immortality and innate godliness, the false Christ would lead the world in a millennium of peace.

D. K. instructed his followers to spread these doctrines through every conceivable channel: the media, the entertainment world, institutes of learning, and medicine, and that this should begin after 1975. Read about how New Age doctrine is being spread through these conduits

D. K. also said that secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati would infiltrate the economies of the world, and prepare the great religious movements for unification, with acceptance of the bishop of Rome as the supreme religious ruler of the 20th century. Information as to how this should be achieved would be channeled by the Ascended Masters through selected individuals who would keep governments informed and allow for the planning of strategies.

The world is being prepared for the final conflict between Christ and Satan, and this final battle for supremacy is a battle for the mind. No wonder, then, that the entertainment world and psychology movement are prime targets for the introduction of the New Age philosophy. Read A New Age Culture or A New Age Psychology



i. Statement by D.K., Prophecies by D.K. (August, 1934).

This article is adapted from Truth Matters by Professor Walter J. Veith, an international speaker who has studied Biblical issues in-depth in his quest for truth. His popular series Genesis Conflict brings the debate between Creation and evolution to a new climax as he dissects the arguments with a scientific eye. His highly-acclaimed series Total Onslaught sheds light on the state of the world today as we move to a one-world government and an anticipated apocalypse.
Science Deceptions
Media Deceptions
Spiritual Deceptions
Health Deceptions
A Basis for Conflict
Is there evidence for Creation science? How does it compare to evolution? The following articles give insight in to these questions and more.
The Big Bang Theory
Creation and Evolution: Is Compromise Possible?
How Can We See Stars That Are Billions Of Light Years Away?
The Rise of Evolutionary Thinking
Geocentricity: It's Time to Face the Facts
Earth's History: Conflicting Paradigms
Lamarck Proposes Natural Selection
Age Of The Earth Is Carbon-Dating Accurate?
Flood Chronology
Evidence in Stone
Can we understand the age of the earth by depth of rocks? What other theory could the evidence reveal?
Soft Rock Evidence for Rapid Washout
The Fossil Record
What does the fossil record show us? Is it all random or a defined science that we can understand? Where does evolution fit? Uncover mysteries in the history of the Earth.
Order in the Fossil Record
Evolution of the Horse Evolutionary Sequences
Explosive Evolution Fossils prove a Flood
Fossil Footprints Dinosaurs and the Flood
Petrified Trees The Biblical Flood
Reasons For Extinction Fossil Reefs
The Post-Flood World Human Evolution
Genes of Genesis
As we study the genome, the molecule, and the atom, we see a vast network of intricate systems beyond our understanding. Were these systems really formed by chance?
Mechanisms For Variation
Molecules That Began Life
"Species" versus "Kind"
Creating Life in a Test Tube?
Natural Selection
Natural Selection as a Creative Force
Ernst Haeckel's Theories
Variation and Classification
Why So Many Species? The Australian Problem
Synesthesia: Mystery of God’s Creation
Creation to Restoration
How did this world change from the perfection depicted in Genesis to a world full of thorns, thistles, parasites, and death? If God made everything perfect, how could it have all been so changed?
A Good World Gone Bad
An Imperfect Planet Evidence For Design
Evidence For Transformation
Rapid Transformation
Clean and Unclean: The History of the Human Diet
The Dawn Chorus and Life Forces
Archaeology and the Bible
Archaeology and prophecy have proven the Bible to be true. But what's so special about the Bible that makes it a point of so much controversy?
Archaeology Confirms the Bible
The Lost Books of the Bible
Music is a powerful emotional motivator.
Can You Feel the Music?
The Bible and Rock Music: Are they Compatible?
From the Horse's Mouth: The Rock Industry Condemns Itself
Hollywood and the Movies
What is the system of worship found most often in our society? Does it glorify God?
Hollywood's History
Hollywood and Gnosticism
Brain Closed—Please Come Again
Research has shown that our sensitivity to stimuli reduces itself yearly by about 1%. Is your brain hibernating?
The Dangers of Television
Beware of the television's abilities to hypnotize, alter moods, and even cause depression.
Violence and Video Games
Like music and movies, video games are addictive and can cause behavioral problems.
The Pope Claims to be God on Earth
Read proof that throughout the Roman Church's history, the Papacy has often claimed that the Pope is divine.
The Jesuits
Learn what people throughout history have had to say on the reputation, history, and political nature of the Jesuit Order.
Ignatius of Loyola and Martin Luther
Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises
Protestantism Destroyed
The Bloody History of Papal Rome - A Timeline
The oppression of Protestants is widespread and consistent throughout history.
The Bloody History of Papal Rome - Quotes
It was once written in America's oldest Catholic newspaper, the Boston Pilot, that "No good government can exist without religion, and there can be no religion without an Inquisition, which is wisely designed for the promotion and protection of the true faith.”

Read several authors' thoughts on papal Rome's history.
The Aggressive Intentions of the Papacy
The historian Ranke says this about Protestant-Catholic relations: "In the year 1617, everything betokened a decisive conflict between them. The Catholic party appears to have felt itself the superior. At all events it was the first to take up arms."

This article highlights quotes from historical and Catholic sources proving the Papacy's aggressive nature.
Christianity and Violence
Would the world be a safer place without Christian fundamentalism?
Religious Doublespeak
Language can be used to communicate both truth and lies. Learn about the religious doublespeak being used to pull the wool over the eyes of the world.
Hegelian Thinking and World Politics
Hegelian dialectic thinking is applied in many situations in world politics. Often the ordinary people are used as pawns in the game of Hegelian psychology played by those who pull the strings of world control.
The Great Controversy
Read this classic work by Ellen G. White.
The Destruction of Jerusalem
Persecution in the First Centuries
An Era of Spiritual Darkness The Waldenses
John Wycliffe Huss and Jerome
Luther's Separation From Rome
Luther Before the Diet The Swiss Reformer
Progress of Reform in Germany
Protest of the Princes The French Reformation
The Netherlands and Scandinavia
Later English Reformers
The Bible and the French Revolution
The Pilgrim Fathers Heralds of the Morning
An American Reformer Light Through Darkness
A Great Religious Awakening A Warning Rejected
Prophecies Fulfilled What is the Sanctuary?
In the Holy of Holies God's Law Immutable
A Work of Reform Modern Revivals
Facing Life's Record The Origin of Evil
Enmity Between Man and Satan
Agency of Evil Spirits Snares of Satan
The First Great Deception
Can Our Dead Speak to Us?
Liberty of Conscience Threatened
The Impending Conflict
The Scriptures a Safeguard The Final Warning
The Time of Trouble God's People Delivered
Desolation of the Earth The Controversy Ended
Is the Bible True?
If archaeology and prophecy have proven the Bible to be true, then why is it a point of so much controversy?
Archaeology Confirms the Bible
Studying Scripture
Scripture is Inspired by God
The Lost Books of the Bible
Who is Jesus?
Is Jesus really who He says He is?
Did Jesus Ever Exist?
Was Jesus the Messiah? Is Jesus God?
Why Did Jesus Have To Die?
Six Purposes for Christ's Life and Death on Earth
What Day Did Jesus Die? The 70-Week Prophecy
Jesus, the Recycled Redeemer
Names of Christ in Revelation
Christian Living
Consider the crucial points of the Christian life with author Wendy Goubej.
What does the Bible have to say about money?
Why Should I Study the Bible?
How God Saves Us
God’s Supreme Sacrifice for You
Conversion and Repentance
A True Christian Spiritual Life What is Faith?
Surrender Christian Growth
God's Promises to You
Baptism: the New Birth Experience
The Origins Of Evil
Did God create sin? If not, where did it come from?
The Prince of this Planet
The Origin of Sin The Great Controversy
God's Plan to Eradicate Sin
A Day of Rest
Have you taken a day to recreate lately?
What is the Seventh-Day Sabbath?
Creation and the Sabbath The Weekly Cycle
Why Sunday? Sabbath FAQ
The Mystic Realm of Death
Is there more to death than the fact that it is the opposite of life?
Death: Understanding the Terminology
A Biblical Understanding of Death
The Resurrection of Lazarus Spiritism
Hell and Purgatory An Immediate Afterlife?
The Parable of Lazarus
Signs and Wonders
Are miraculous signs the best way to be sure that God exists?
Supernatural Deceptions
What are Stigmata?
Deceptions Today
The greatest deceptions are still being formed in society today. Secret international alliances, the mark of the Beast, the New Age, and other issues are discussed.
The Antichrist Identified
Politics and the Papacy Unity at All Cost?
Pentecostalism The New Age Movement
The United Nations' Global Government
Secret Societies
What’s So Bad about Spiritual Formation?
The Second Coming of Christ
How will Christ return, and what will it mean for His people?
Signs of The Second Coming of Christ
How Christ will Return
What will Happen to God's People?
What will Happen to the Rejecters of God?
Will there be a Secret Rapture?
The Seven Plagues
The Millennium of Peace
Learn about the Bible's prophecies on God's judgment, deliverance, Armageddon, and the earth made new.
Viewpoints What is the Judgment?
Probation and God's Promises
Consequences Begin Deliverance and Armageddon
Satan Bound God's People will Judge
Postmillennial Return of Christ
The Resurrection of those who Reject God
The Crowning of Christ
The Punishment for those who Reject God
The Earth Made New
Spiritual Gifts
Learn from Paul as he teaches the Corinthian Church about spiritual gifts.
Understanding 1 Corinthians
Pagan Practices
1 Corinthians 12: Spiritual Gifts
What are Spiritual Gifts?
Defining the Spiritual Gifts A Lesson in Love
Dealing with Tongues
Prophecy: God's Guiding Gift
The Gospel Story
Since the beginning of time, God has communicated timely messages to the inhabitants of planet Earth. It all started in Eden, with the first Gospel announcement.
The Second Advent Movement
The Beginning of the End of Time
The Great Disappointment and the Birth of Adventism
What are the Three Angels' Messages?
Adventism and the Final Conflict
Walking Through Daniel
Dive into prophecy and history in this chapter-by-chapter commentary of the book of Daniel.
Introduction to Daniel
Daniel 1 Commentary Daniel 2 Commentary
Daniel 3 Commentary Daniel 4 Commentary
Daniel 5 Commentary Daniel 6 Commentary
Daniel 7 Commentary Daniel 8 Commentary
Daniel 9 Commentary Daniel 10 Commentary
Daniel 11 Commentary Daniel 12 Commentary
Walking through Revelation
Join us on a journey through the pages of this letter from Christ to His people.
The Chiastic Structure of Revelation
Is Revelation a Sealed Book?
Revelation 1: Jesus, The Heart of Revelation
Revelation 1 Commentary: The Revelation of Jesus
Revelation 2-3: Letters to Seven Churches
Revelation 2 Commentary: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira
Revelation 3 Commentary: Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea
Revelation 4 Commentary: The Throne in Heaven
The Lamb and the Sealed Book
Revelation 5 Commentary: The Scroll and the Lamb
Revelation 6 Commentary: The Vision of Seven Seals
Revelation 7 Commentary: The 144,000
Revelation 8 Commentary: Seven Trumpets
Revelation 9 Commentary: The Bottomless Pit
Revelation 10 Commentary: A Little Book
Revelation 11 Commentary: Two Witnesses
Revelation 12 Commentary: The Woman and the Dragon
Revelation 13 Commentary: Two Beasts
Revelation 14 Commentary: Three Angels' Messages
Revelation 15 Commentary: Seven Angels, Seven Plagues
Revelation 16 Commentary: Seven Bowls of God's Anger
Revelation 17 Commentary: A Woman Rides the Beast
Revelation 18 Commentary: Babylon Falls
Revelation 19 Commentary: The Rider on the White Horse
Revelation 20 Commentary: Millennium and the Judgment
Revelation 21 Commentary: The New Jerusalem
Revelation 22 Commentary: Invitation and Warning
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MSG: Is This Silent Killer Lurking in Your Kitchen Cabinets
Is a Little Wine Good for the Heart?
Reports show that red wine may be beneficial to heart health. Is that a good enough reason to start drinking alcohol?
Is a Little Wine Good for the Soul?
The Dairy Controversy
Get the truth about lactose, calcium, and the need for caution around dairy products.
Drink Milk? Udder Propaganda
Lactose Intolerance Calcium
Poisoned Meats
Today's meat and dairy industries are focused on profit rather than health.
The History of the Human Diet
Genetically Modified Foods
The agriculture industry is fast becoming reliant on genetically modified foods. Learn the facts about GMOs and the effects this trend is having on health worldwide.
Soy Safety Summarized
Still Eating Genetically Modified Foods?
The Big GMO Cover-up
Refined Grains
Most of the bread products consumed today are made of refined grains. Are our breakfast cereals and "fortified" loaves as healthy as we like to think?
Do the stimulating benefits of coffee really outweigh the costs?
America's Number One Drug Problem—Coffee
Caffeine Caffeine Raises Stress Hormones
Sugar—Affecting the Body and Mind
Refined sugar is addictive, destructive, and devoid of any nutritional value. Why does it continue to be a staple food across the world?
Smoking leads to massive amounts of sickness and death every year. Can you beat the nicotine?
Kicking the Tobacco Habit
Nicotine and Depression
Necessary Treatments?
From mammograms to prescription drugs, the modern medical industry is always presenting a new way to diagnose and solve health issues. But are these new treatments really healing anything?
Mammograms or Thermal Imaging?
How to Kill a Cold, Starve a Fever
Many Doctors Ignore the Root Cause of Cancer
Are Hospital Births or Home Births Safer?
Compromise in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Hepatitis B Vaccines
Mercury Poisoning from Amalgam Dental Fillings
Tylenol, the tip of the iceberg
Find practical ideas for dealing with depression in these articles about symptoms and treatments.
Diseases of the Mind
Lifestyle Principles for Treating Depression
Nutritional Treatments for Depression
Herbs and Medication for Treating Depression
SAD and Bright Light Therapy
Get Healthy!
We are surrounded by unhealthy foods, unwise practices, and even harmful medical advice. Learn how to overcome these obstacles and choose a healthy lifestyle.
The Eight Laws of Health
"You've Changed"
When Sin Has Nothing To Feed Upon
Physical and Spiritual Health
Use it or Lose it! Living off the Land
An Attitude of Gratitude Serving Others
A Healthy Attitude The Healing Power of Honey
Iron in the Vegan Diet Healing
Helpful Health Charts
These graphs and tables can help you jumpstart your health routine.
Sources of Calcium - Chart
Animal Products and Food-borne Illness
Chocolate and Carob Compared
Compatible Combinations of Plant Foods - Graph
Acid and Alkaline Ash Food Groups - Graph
Schedule for a Healthy Lifestyle