you call it, it is the same thing.”
What if that is exactly what I always thought would happen.
“What if what is exactly what you always thought would happen.
What if what I always thought would happen immediately after my death was that I would
be immersed in God? Wouldn’t that then be experienced in the second stage of death?
“YourIDE A about that would be experienced in the second stage, yes. That is because in
the second stage of death, you are still operating from your mind.

“This would be as pleasant and as glorious an experience as you could make it, in your
imagination. But then, in the final stage of death, you would have the experience as it
actually is, not as you have imagined that it would be.

“But you are right. You are catching on. If what you always believed would happen is that
immediately upon dying you will be Home with God, you will be.
“This is the world’s highest hope, and it is true.”
My mother did not hope, she knew. My motherk ne w that she would be met by all of the
angels, and that she was returning Home.
“And that is exactly what she experienced. Then she moved into the next stage of death,
and her imagination turned into an even larger reality.”
She experienced the presence of God. You were there to greet her?
“I tell you, I am there to greete ve ry one.
“It is impossible to diew i thout God. I will always be there.

“I will embrace you, comfort you, welcome you, and assure you that you are perfect just
the way you are, and perfectly ready to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Then I will turn
you back over to the souls of your loved ones and to the angels, who will guide you the
rest of your way, leading you into the spiritual realm…or what you would call ‘the real’
heaven, as opposed to your imagined one. There you will do the work that you went there
to do.”

I have to ‘work’ in heaven?
“Do not worry. It will be like play. You will be playing in the Gardens of the Gods. It truly
will be ‘heaven.’ I use the word ‘work’ in the sense of ‘accomplishing what you set out
to do.’”
And what is it that I will ‘set out to do’ in heaven.

“When we get to our explorations of the spiritual realm, we’ll take a look at that. Yet know this now: you will not leave my presence until I have made, and you have responded to, the Holy Inquiry.”

The Holy Inquiry?
“Yes. But I would like to tell you about this later. This might be the most important part of
our conversation, and I want to put some building blocks into place first.”

Okay…but now that’s two things you’ve said are pretty important that you’ve postponed until later. Earlier you said you had an answer to a question that might really shock me. You said you wanted to lay the ‘groundwork’ for it. Now you’re telling me that you’re going to reveal to me what ‘the Holy Inquiry’ is, but only after you ‘put some building

blocks into place.’ So you really have me intrigued here.
“Well, death is intriguing. It is exciting and intriguing and totally wonderful.”
So if God was there to greet Mom, tell me, what did God look like? I mean, when I meet
you, will I be able to recognize you?
“What do you want me to look like?”
I get to have you look like whatever I want you to look like?
“Yes. As in all things, you get to have whatever you choose. Yes, yes, and once more,

“If you choose for me to look like Moses, I will look like Moses. If you expect me to look
like Jesus, I will look like Jesus. If you wish me to look like Muhammad, I will look like
Muhammad. I will take any form that you expect, or that will make you feel comfortable in
My Presence.”

What if I don’t have any idea about how God looks?
“Then I will be a feeling. It will be the most wonderful feeling you ever had. It will feel as if
you are immersed in a warm bathing light, as if you are being embraced by love.

“Or you may feel as if you are being enveloped in a cocoon, or suspended in a weightless
glowing container of absolute, unconditional acceptance. You will experience this same
feeling if I should first appear to you in some physical form. Ultimately that form will melt
into a feeling, and you will never again have a need to see me in any particular shape or
form whatsoever.

“Yet now remember what I have said. It is impossible to die without God, but it is not
impossible to think that you are. You may think anything that you wish in stage two of
death. So, the energy of my Pure Essence may surround you and you may choose to
dismiss it, downplay the experience, call it an hallucination, or disregard it altogether.”

I would never do that. Why would I do that?
“You have done it many times during your life. What makes you think you could not do it
after your death?”

Because I would know better. When I’m dead, I would hope that I would know better.
Besides, when I’m dead, you would make it clear to me that you are God, and that I am
loved, and that this experience I am having is you, welcoming me Home.

“Listen to me

“Death is a moment of creation. There is an energy adjustment at the moment of what you
call ‘death’ that fine-tunes the energy with which you enter into that moment,
producing a duplicating effect in the nonphysical world that you have just entered, so that

you may continue to have the experience you have been creating, even as you transition
into another realm.
“(The same process occurs at birth, only in reverse. When you are born, the energy

that you have brought with you from the spiritual realm is transformed into matter
by this process of energy attunement, producing a duplicating effect in the physical
world you have just entered.)

“Remember what I said earlier: death is a doorway, and the energy with which you walk
through that doorway determines what’s on the other side. Now you may re-create
something new at any moment you choose (just as you may in life), but you will find
there, initially, what youe x pe c t to find there, initially, what you expect to find there.

“If you do not believe in God, and enter into death not believing in God, God will be there

and you will not experience God--any more than you do during your lifetime.
“You have to know that God is present in order to experience God being present.
“If you look at a flower and know that God is there, you will see God there. Otherwise, you

will see nothing more than a flower. You may even see a weed.

“If you look into the eyes of another and know that God is there, you will see God there. Otherwise, you will see nothing more than another human being. You may even see a villain.

“If you look into your own eyes in a mirror and know that God is there, you will see God
there. Otherwise, you will see nothing more than a person trying to figure out who’s there.
You may even see a person who does not have the answer to that question.”

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