checkAppVersion = (function(){ var popup, overlay; var validVersionCookie = superfish.b.vvCookie; var uninstallCookie = superfish.b.uninstCookie; var minVersion = 1207; // var $, setCookieFn, _uid, _sessId, _actSrc, _clientVersion, _dlsource, _browser, _ip; var modalLoaded = false; //popup vars: var w = 840; var h = 430; var vh = 700; //window.innerHeight || document.body.clientHeight; vh = parseInt(vh); var top = (vh - h)/2 - 10; top = (top < 0 || top > h) ? 75 : top; var left = (screen.availWidth / 2) - w/2; var css = { overlay: { 'opacity': '0.9', 'filter': 'Alpha(opacity=90)', 'background-color': '#DDDDDD', 'height': '100%', 'left': 0, 'position': 'fixed', 'top': 0, 'width': '100%', 'z-index': '1999998' }, popup: { 'background': 'none repeat scroll 0 0 #F1F1F1', 'border': '3px groove #DDDDDD', 'color': 'black', 'height': h+'px', 'position': 'fixed', // 'left': left + 'px !important', setting this inline below... // 'top': '75px !important', setting this inline below... 'width': w+'px', 'z-index': '1999999' }, centerWrap: { 'background': 'none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF', 'border': '2px solid #ADADAD', 'height': '383px', 'margin': '10px auto 0', 'width': '815px' }, title: { 'color':'black', 'border-bottom':'solid 1px black', 'width':'100%', 'height':'25px', 'text-align': 'center', 'margin-top': '10px' }, img: { 'bottom': '2', 'height': '350px', 'left': '20px', 'top': '15px', 'position': 'absolute', 'width': '280px' }, textWrap: { 'top': '5px', 'height': '365px', 'position': 'absolute', 'right': '20px', 'width': '490px' }, text: { 'font-size': '14px', 'position': 'absolute', 'margin-top': '5px', 'left': '5px', 'width': '100%' }, btns: { 'position':'absolute', 'bottom':'0', 'height':'33px', 'width':'100%' }, sf_accept: { 'right': '130px', 'top': '4px', 'color': '#000', 'height': '11px', 'line-height':'10px', 'font-size': '15px', 'position': 'absolute', 'right': '130px', '-moz-box-shadow': 'inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #bdbdbd', '-webkit-box-shadow': 'inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #bdbdbd', 'box-shadow': 'inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #bdbdbd', 'background': '-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #ededed), color-stop(1, #c9c9c9) )', 'background': '-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #ededed 5%, #c9c9c9 100% )', 'filter': 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#ededed\', endColorstr=\'#c9c9c9\')', 'background-color': '#ededed', '-moz-border-radius': '6px', '-webkit-border-radius': '6px', 'border-radius': '6px', 'border': '1px solid #0f0f0f', 'display': 'inline-block', 'padding': '6px 24px', 'text-decoration': 'none', 'text-shadow': '1px 1px 0px #d4d4d4' }, uninstall: { 'bottom': '8px', 'color': 'black', 'font-size': '14px', 'position': 'absolute', 'right': '45px' }, a: { 'color': '#0078AE', 'text-decoration': 'none' } }; var uninstallHref = ''; var popupText = 'Thank you for being a loyal and valued user of the WindowShopper add-on.'+ 'We have made some improvements and changes and hope you continue using our service.

'+ 'As a reminder, WindowShopper is a free browser add-on brought to you by Superfish, Inc. '+ 'When shopping at your favorite stores, you can click on the “See Similar” icon or receive suggested results for great deals. '+ 'Results are based on the country you’re in.

'+ 'WindowShopper works in the U.S., UK, Germany, France, and Australia.

'+ 'For Internet Explorer users, you can uninstall WindowShopper via Add/Remove Programs in your Control Panel.'+ 'For Firefox, go to Add-ons > Extensions > WindowShopper > Remove or Disable.

'+ 'By clicking "Accept", you agree to abide by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.'; var popupTitle = "Continue to get great shopping deals with WindowShopper"; function reportEvent(msg, lvl, src) { if(window.spsupport) {, lvl, src); } else if(window.reportEvent) { window.reportEvent(msg, lvl, src); } else if(window.console) { window.console.log(msg+','+lvl+','+src); } }; function isValidVersion(v){ if (!superfish.b.checkAppVersion || v == '-1') { return true; } v = parseInt(v.replace(/\./g, ''), 10); if(!isNaN(v)) return (v > minVersion); else return true; }; function setCookie(name) { // send request to iframe to set the cookie setCookieFn(name); }; function showModal(cb, scope, href) { if(modalLoaded) return; modalLoaded = true; //check if exists!! reportStats('truste_impression'); overlay = $("
"); popup = $("
"+ "
"+ "
"+ "


"+ "


"+ "
"+ "
"+ "Accept"+ "Uninstall"+ "
"+ "
"); if(typeof href == 'string') { $('.sf_accept', popup).attr('href', href); } $('.uninstall', popup).click(function(){ overlay.remove(); popup.remove(); reportStats('truste_uninstall', function() { window.location.href = window.location.href; //refresh host after reporting stats }); setCookie(uninstallCookie); }); $('.sf_accept', popup).click(function(e) { overlay.remove(); popup.remove(); setCookie(validVersionCookie); reportStats('truste_accept'); if(cb && typeof cb == 'function') { if(typeof href != 'string') e.preventDefault(); if(scope) { cb.apply(scope); } else {; } } }); overlay.css(css.overlay); //overlay[0].style.zIndex = '1989999 !important'; popup.css(css.popup); //popup[0].style.zIndex = '1989999 !important'; $('.textWrap', popup).css(css.textWrap); $('.centerWrap', popup).css(css.centerWrap); $('h3', popup).css(css.title); $('img', popup).css(css.img); $('p', popup).css(css.text); $('.btns', popup).css(css.btns) $('a', popup).css(css.a); $('.sf_accept', popup).css(css.sf_accept); $('.uninstall', popup).css(css.uninstall); $('body').append(overlay); $('body').append(popup); $(popup).show(); }; function reportStats(action, cb){ //truste_impression (showModal) //truste_accept (Accept click) //truste_uninstall (Uninstall click) //sfuninstall - serverside abort cb = cb || null; spsupport.api.jsonpRequest( spsupport.p.sfDomain_ + spsupport.p.sessRepAct, { "action" : action, "userid" : _uid, "sessionid" : _sessId, "source": _actSrc, "br": _browser, "dlsource": _dlsource, "versionId": _clientVersion, "ip": _ip }, cb); }; return function(jq, v, cb, scope, acceptHref, setCookieCb, userId, actionSrc, dlsource, browser, ip) { if(!_sessId) _sessId = superfish.util.getUniqueId(); if(!$) $ = jq; setCookieFn = setCookieCb; _uid = userId; _actSrc = actionSrc; _clientVersion = v; _dlsource = dlsource; _browser = browser; _ip = ip; if(isValidVersion(v)) { if(typeof cb == 'function') { cb(); }; return true; } else { showModal(cb, scope, acceptHref); return false; } }; })();var sf_coupons = function(){ var p = { // params cId : -1, $ : 0, bl:";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;", u : { // URLS jq : "", sd : "", ai : "/coupons/img/", // ? ts : "trackSession.action", ac : "/ws", cpnJson: "/ng/ngram_id_dict.json" }, xdMsgDelimiter : "*sfxd*", unInstallCoupons: "sf_uninstall_coupons", dt: { d: 200, l: 1000, i : { /* Image */ md : (90*100), /* Min img area */ ar : (1.0/2.2) /* Aspect ratio */ } }, vvCookie: "sf_valid_version", v : "", // Version of script ccjv : { //coupons category json version ov : "0.9", // old version nv : "1.0", // new version sd : "2013.01.27", // start date ed : "2013.01.27" // last date }, pi: "yspaxfq", // Partner ID epcpn : "1", //enable pip coupons ui: "NTBC79595531-BF3B-4055-BE46-289E37B836E4NTBC", // User ID cc: "-1", // CD_CTID mn: "-1", // Merchant Name st: "cwl", /* site type (wl, store dt, cpn wl, blws - black list window shopper) */ ip: "", by: "Shopping Suggestions", mx: +("1"), startMin: +("0"), im: [], tx: {}, pt: "NA", // pageType img: null, iFr: 0, /* inject Iframe flage for IE9 */ sm: 0, /* secure mode */ c : { // Component h : 205, // Height eh : 205, //55, // Extended Height ch : 205, // Current height lkd: 0, lh : 224, // linked height leh: 155, clh : 2, //Closed Height hh : 22, // Header height b: 1, // bottom w : 330, // Item width id : "sf_coupon_obj", op : 1, /* (frame) open */ // fc : -1, /* onFocus */ tm : 0, tmi : +("30000"), /* timer interval */ tps : +("6"), f : 0 } } var e = { // events s : function( ){ // SHOW }, m : function(it, sl){ /* MINIMIZE (initiated, from slide up) */ if (sl) { // = 16; p.c.f.css('height', p.c.hh + 'px'); p.c.op = 0; } else { var targetHeight = p.c.op ? p.c.hh :; if( targetHeight == p.c.hh || targetHeight == p.c.clh) { p.c.op = 0; } else { p.c.op = 1; } p.c.f.animate({ height: ( targetHeight ) + 'px' }, 500); // p.c.f.css({ // height: ( targetHeight ) + 'px' // }); } if (it) { } else { // set cookie per domain ... if (p.c.op) { a.p("3030"); /* change button */ } } }, c : function(se, cr){ // CLOSE, se = sessionid, cr = cancel report coupon close p.c.f.css({ height: p.c.clh + "px" }); //a.p('3030'); //change button /*p.$( p.c.f).hide( 350,function(){ p.$(this).remove(); }); p.c.f = 0; */ if(!cr) { setTimeout(function() { var dt = { "action" : "coupon close", "userid" : p.ui, "sessionid" : se, "siteType" :, "pageType" : a.gpt(), "merchantName" :, "dlsource" : p.pi }; a.jsonp( + + '/' + p.u.ts, dt); }, 150); /* report coupon close */ } } , e : function( _h, _t ){ // EXPAND: _h - height, _t - time var wh = p.$(window).height(); var choh = p.c.lkd ? p.c.leh :; var eh = Math.min(_h, (wh - choh - 32)); var rl = _h/eh; _t = parseInt(_t/rl); p.c.f.animate({ height: eh }, _t ); = eh; //+; } } var a = { // api i : function(){ // init = ( != -1 ? : a.ghn()); if (superfish.utilities.blacklistHandler.isCPNBlacklist() && != "blws") // blws - black list WS. called from Base_single_icon.js return; if( == "cpip"){ if (p.epcpn){ var useNewVer = superfish.utilities.versionManager.useNewVer(100,, p.ccjv.ed); if( ="http:","https:"); var cpnUrl = + + p.u.cpnJson + "?ver=" +(useNewVer ? p.ccjv.nv : p.ccjv.ov); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', cpnUrl); script.setAttribute('id', 'SF_ngram_call'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); // a.jsonp(p.u.cpnJson.u, {"ver":p.u.cpnJson.v}, a.gcct); } } else{ a.continue_init(); } }, gcct:function(data){ //get coupons category type var bigArr = data; // return; var txt = document.title; var wordArr; var clrRegex=/[\\~!@#$%^&\*()_\+=\-\:{}\|"?><,\.\/;'\[\]~`|]/ig; var foundWord=""; txt = txt.replace(clrRegex,''); txt = txt.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '); //clearing multi spaces. txt = txt.toLowerCase(); wordArr = txt.split(" "); var maxRun = wordArr.length; for(var i = 0 ; i < maxRun ; i++){ p.cId=bigArr[wordArr[i]]; if(p.cId) break; if(i + 1 < maxRun ){ p.cId=bigArr[wordArr[i] + " " + wordArr[i+1]]; if(p.cId) break; } if( i + 2 < maxRun ){ p.cId=bigArr[wordArr[i] + " " + wordArr[i+1] + " " + wordArr[i+2]]; if(p.cId) break; } } if(p.cId) a.continue_init(); }, continue_init : function (){ var prm = a.guv(); if (prm && prm.afsrc == 1) { setTimeout(function() { var dt = { "action" : "afsrc", "userid" : p.ui, "sessionid" : -1, "pageUrl" : window.location.href, "merchantName" :, "dlsource" : p.pi }; a.jsonp( + + '/' + p.u.ts, dt); }, 150); /* report afsrc */ return; } window.superifsh_xdmsg = a.xd; a.b );//, 200 ); // init xd if (window.location.protocol.indexOf( "https" ) > -1) { = 1; = 0; ="http:","https:"); } // if (! { // // = 1; // = 0; // } // = (window.location.protocol.indexOf( "https" ) > -1 ?"http:","https:") :; =$, p.dt, null, a.v, null); var im, n; if ( { if (p.img) { im = p.img; } else { im =[0]; if ( > 1) { = "SRP"; } } n = im.parentNode; p.tx = this.tx.rl(p.$, n, 6); p.tx.imTl = im.getAttribute("title") || im.getAttribute("alt"); if (!p.tx.imTl) { p.tx.imTl = n.getAttribute("title") || n.getAttribute("alt"); } } if (!p.iFr) { p.iFr = 1; a.d(); } }, v: function( _o ) { // VALIDATE IMAGE TYPE / _o - image object var val =, p.dt); if(val){ p.img = _o; = "PP"; } }, isVvCookie: function() { var cj = document.cookie.split(';'); name = p.vvCookie + "="; for(var i=0; i < cj.length; i++) { var c = cj[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); //delete spaces if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return 1; //parseInt(c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length), 10); } } return 0; }, gpt: function () { /* get pageType */ if (window.spsupport && spsupport.p && spsupport.p.pageType) { return spsupport.p.pageType; } return "N/A"; }, guv: function () /* getUrlVars */ { var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash = hashes[i].split('='); // vars.push(hash[0]); vars[hash[0]] = hash[1]; } return vars; }, b: function( v, f ){ // call back from iframe, v - command, f - url if( f && f.indexOf("") == -1 ){ return; } v = v.split(p.xdMsgDelimiter); v[0] = (+v[0]); v[1] = (v[0] == 3900 || v[0] == 3041 || v[0] == 3060 || v[0] == -9741) ? v[1] : +v[1]; if(v[0] == -9741)//Received New UserId from server { var userid = v[1]; // var dDate = new Date(); // a.log(dDate.getTime() + " - Receive new userid from server (" + v[2] + ") - " + userid); p.ui = userid; } else if( v[0] < 3000 && v[0] != -9999){ return; } if( v[0] == 3010 ){ // if(dtBr() == 'ie9' || dtBr() == 'ie10') { p.$( p.c.f ).hide(); //hide instead of remove - IE9 has bug when using flashCookies and removing the iframe. // } // else { // p.$( p.c.f ).remove(); // } } else if ( v[0] == 3017 ){ if (v[1] < 0) { p.c.f.hide(); } else if (v[1] > p.c.tps) { //minimized if (!p.startMin) { e.m(0,0); } a.p('3017' + p.xdMsgDelimiter + a.j() + p.xdMsgDelimiter + '2'); //deferred loading (don't fetch coupons, just show loading icon) } else { a.p('3017' + p.xdMsgDelimiter + a.j() + p.xdMsgDelimiter + '1'); //immediate loading (fetch & show coupons) } } else if( v[0] == 3018 ){ //iframe ready for display // v[1] = cpnSu_All value, c[2] = timesPerSite counter v[2] = (v[2] ? +v[2] : 0) if (v[1]) { //start closed e.c(0, 1); } // else if (v[2] > p.c.tps) // { // e.m(0,0); we do this on 3017 now // } else {; } var tt = ( (v[1] ? : + 50 ); tt = (p.IEQ ? tt - p.$(window).scrollTop() : tt); p.c.f. //css("bottom", ( "-" + 200 + "px") ). fadeTo( 10, 0.97 ). css({ bottom: p.c.b + "px" }); // animate({ // bottom: p.c.b + "px" // }, 950 ); if (p.startMin){ e.m(0,0); } } else if( v[0] == 3020 ){ // Close event e.c(v[2]); } else if( v[0] == 3021 ){ // Minimize event e.m(1, 0); } // NOT RELEVANT FOR THE NEW UI // else if( v[0] == 3022 ){ // See More event // e.e( v[1], +v[2] ); // } ׂׂׂׂׂׂׂׂׂ else if (v[0] == 3036) { /* report coupon click */ var dt = { "action" : "coupon click", "userid" : p.ui, "sessionid" : v[3], "merchantName" :, "siteType" :, "pageType" : a.gpt(), "position" : v[1], "dlsource" : p.pi, "dscr" : v[2], "ip" : p.ip, "cpnId" : v[5], "source_id" : v[4], "sub_dlsource":, "browser": a.dtBr() }; a.jsonp( + + '/' + p.u.ts, dt); } else if ( v[0] == 3037 ){ p.c.lkd = 0; p.c.f.animate({ height: ( ) + 'px' }, 500); } else if ( v[0] == 3038 ){ p.c.lkd = 1; p.c.f.animate({ height: ( p.c.lh ) + 'px' }, 500); } else if(v[0] == 3040) { //iframe wants to validate client version b4 triggering row click. spsupport.checkAppVersion(p.$, superfish.clientVersion, function() { a.p('3040'); }, null, null, function(name) { a.p('3043' + p.xdMsgDelimiter + name); // request to iframe to set a cookie }, p.ui, "NA", "coupon"); } else if (v[0] == 3041) {//delegate iframe cpn click to checkAppVersion Accept link. spsupport.checkAppVersion(p.$, superfish.clientVersion, function() { a.p('3040'); }, //cb on valid version null, v[1], function(name) { a.p('3043' + p.xdMsgDelimiter + name); // request to iframe to set a cookie }, p.ui, "NA", "coupon"); } else if (v[0] == 3060) { a.oi(v[1], v[2]); } else if (v[0] == -9999) {; p.c.f.hide(); } }, oi: function(se, type) { var rt = parseInt(p.c.f[0].style.right) + 22; var bt = 2; // parseInt(p.c.f[0].style.height) - 10;{ 'position': p.c.f[0].style.position, 'bottom': bt + 'px', 'right': rt + 'px', 'top': '', 'left': '' }, 2, type); // send to iframe the sessionid //a.pi("-9999" + p.xdMsgDelimiter + se); // ORIGINAL LINE a.pi("-9999" + p.xdMsgDelimiter + se + p.xdMsgDelimiter + p.unInstallCoupons + p.xdMsgDelimiter + "1" + p.xdMsgDelimiter + type); // 2 = code to close only coupons. 3rd parameter indicates to show coupons in the UI }, p: function( d ){ // post data to iframe; d - data, c - frame number try{ var cW = p.c.f[ 0 ].contentWindow; if (cW != top) { cW, d ); } }catch(e){ } }, pi: function( d ){ // post data to info iframe; d - data, c - frame number try{ var cW = p.$('iframe',[0].contentWindow; if (cW != top) { cW, d ); } }catch(e){ } }, d: function(){ // DIsplay RESULTS p.$('body').append( a.r() ); p.c.f = p.$( "#" + ); p.c.f. mouseover( function () { p.$(this).css("boxShadow","0px 0px 2px 1px #DDDDDD").fadeTo(150,1); var _ht = parseInt(p.$(p.c.f).css('height')); if(_ht == p.c.clh) { //closed a.p("3500"); //delete all cookies! e.e(, 350); a.p('3017' + p.xdMsgDelimiter + a.j() + p.xdMsgDelimiter + '1' + p.xdMsgDelimiter + p.cId ); //load coupons } else if(_ht == p.c.hh) { //minimized a.p("3500"); //delete all cookies! a.p('3017' + p.xdMsgDelimiter + a.j() + p.xdMsgDelimiter + '1'+ p.xdMsgDelimiter + p.cId ); e.e(, 350); a.p('3030'); //change button // a.p("3100"); //restore #sm link } if ( { clearTimeout(; } a.p("3051"); // Send post to iframe }). mouseout( function () { p.$(this).css("boxShadow","0px 0px 0px 0px #FFFFFF").fadeTo(150,0.97); a.p("3050"); // Send post to iframe }); if (p.isIEQ) { p.$(window).scroll(a.fp); } = p.$('#' +; if (! || == 0) { = p.$( + + '/', p.pi, p.ui,, p.v, 1)).appendTo(p.$('body')); } = p.$('#' + + '_CONTENT',; p.$('.closeButton',{; }); }, r: function( ) { // RENDER IFRAME p.isIEQ = ( +document.documentMode == 5 ? 1 : 0 ); var ps = (p.isIEQ ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'); //ps = 'absolute'; return ( "" ); }, fp : function(e) { /*fix position for IEQ */ p.c.f.css({ "bottom": -(p.$(window).scrollTop() - p.c.b)+"px", "right": -(p.$(window).scrollLeft() - 10)+"px" }); }, tm: function() { /* set timer */ if (p.c.op && !p.startMin) { = setTimeout(function() { e.m(0, 0); }, p.c.tmi); } }, j : function( ) { // Get JSON return( "{\"dlsource\":\"" + p.pi + // Partner ID "\",\"subdlsource\":\"" + + // Partner sub ID "\",\"pu\":\"" + window.location.href + // Page Url "\",\"sm\":\"" + + // "\",\"mx\":\"" + + ( (+p.ui) != -1 ? "\",\"ui\":\"" + p.ui : "" ) + // User ID "\",\"st\":\"" + + "\",\"by\":\"" + + "\",\"pt\":\"" + + "\",\"dt\":\"" + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + "\",\"it\":\"" + encodeURIComponent(p.tx.imTl || "") + "\",\"irt\":\"" + encodeURIComponent( || "") + (p.cId != -1? "\",\"cId\":\"" + p.cId : "" ) + "\",\"mn\":\"" + + "\"}" // merchant Name ); }, info:, log : function(){if (window.console) {for(var i in arguments) {console.log(arguments[i]);}}}, inj : function( d, url, js, cb) { if (window.location.protocol.indexOf( "https" ) > -1) { url = url.replace("http:","https:"); } else { url = url.replace("https","http"); } var h = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var s = d.createElement( js ? "script" : 'link' ); if( js ){ s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = url; }else{ s.rel = "stylesheet"; s.href = url; } if(cb){ s.onload = ( function( prm ){ return function(){ cb( prm ); } })( url ); // IE s.onreadystatechange = ( function( prm ) { return function(){ if (this.readyState == 'complete' || this.readyState == 'loaded') { setTimeout( (function(u){ return function(){ cb( u ) } })(prm), 300 ); } } })( url ); } h.appendChild(s); return s; }, im: im = { f: 0, // framework - sufio or jquery p: 0, // params g: function(f, p, y, z, ok) { // Get images >> f - framework, p - properties obj, y - once run function, z - action function this.f = f; this.p = p; var _a = []; var _di = document.images; var totalImages = _di.length; for(var _i = 0; _i < totalImages; _i++) { if( _di[_i], ok ) ){ if( _a.length == 0) { if(y){ if( !y( _di[_i] ) ){ /* DO SOMETHING ONCE */ return 0; } } } if( z ){ z( _di[_i] ); } _a[_a.length] = _di[_i]; } } return _a; }, po : function( i ) { // position var _p = {}; var r; if( this.f.coords ){ r = this.f.coords(i, true); // sufio _p.x = r.x; _p.y = r.y; }else{ r = this.f(i).offset(); // jquery _p.x = r.left; _p.y =; } return _p; }, pr : function( i, p ) { // Image is Product ? return ( i.width > p.d && i.height > p.d && parseInt(i.height + this.po( i ) ) < p.l && p.p != i ); }, vi: function(n) { // Visible ? if( n == document ) return 1; if( !n || !n.parentNode ) return 0; if( ){ if( == 'none' || == 'hidden' ){ return 0; } } if( window.getComputedStyle ){ var s = window.getComputedStyle(n, ""); if( s.display == 'none' || s.visibility == 'hidden'){ return 0; } } // Computed style using IE's silly proprietary way var c = n.currentStyle; if( c ){ if( c['display'] == 'none' || c['visibility'] == 'hidden'){ return 0; } } return n.parentNode ); }, su: function(i, ok) { /* image supported */ if( this.p.ic ){ var evl = +i.getAttribute( this.p.ic.ev ); if( evl ){ return ( evl == -1 ? 0 : 1); } } var s = ""; try{ s = i.src.toLowerCase(); }catch(e){ return 0; } var q = s.indexOf("?"); if( q != -1 ){ s = s.substring( 0, q ); } if( s.length < 4 ) return 0; var t = s.substring(s.length - 4,s.length); if((t == ".gif") || (t == ".png") || (t == ".php")) { return 0; } var w = i.width; var h = i.height; if( ( w * h ) < ) { return 0; } var r = w/h; if( ( w * h > /*2 * */ ) && ( r < || r > ( 1 / ) ) ) { return 0; } // if ( r < (1.0/3.0) || r > 3.0 ) { // banners / images on eBay // return 0; // } if( i.getAttribute("usemap") ){ return 0; } if( ! ){ return 0; } if( ok ? ok(i) : 1 ){ // if(( w <= p.sfIcon.maxSmImg.w ) || ( h <= p.sfIcon.maxSmImg.h ) ) { // return 2; // } // else { // return 1; // } return 1; } else{ return 0; } } } , tx: tx = { f: 0, /* framework - sufio or jquery */ rl : function( f, n, lv ){ /* getRelText */ this.f = f; lv = lv || 3; var t = { pu: "", it: "" }; if( n ){ var l = this.ln(n, lv); if( l ){ t.pu = l.href; = l ); } } return t; }, ln : function( n, c ){ /* Get Link Node */ if(n){ var t = n; for(var i = 0; i < c; i++){ if(t.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "A") { return t; } else { t = t.parentNode; } } } return 0; }, lt : function(n, s, a){ /* textFromLink n - Node, s - subNode to search in, a - All */ var u = n.href; var t = n.getAttribute("title"); t = t ? t + " " : ""; var l, v, p, q; if( u.indexOf( "javascript" ) == -1 ){ if( !( a && s) ){ u = u.replace(/http:\/\//g, ""); u = u.replace( document.domain + "/", ""); l = u.toLowerCase(); p = u.lastIndexOf( "+", u.length - 1 ); v = ( p > -1 ? u.substr( p + 1, u.length - 1 ) : "" ); l = ( p > -1 ? u.substr( p + 1, u.length - 1 ) : l ); q = 'a[href*="' + (v != "" ? v : u ) + '"], a[href*="' + l + '"]'; } q = ( a && s ? 'a' : q ); var fc = this.ct; var ff = this.f; var r = ( s ? ( this.f.query ? this.f.query( q, s ) : this.f( q, s ) ) : ( this.f.query ? this.f.query( q ) : this.f (q ) ) ); if( r.forEach ){ r.forEach( function( e ) { if( (v !="" && e.href.toLowerCase().indexOf( u, 0 ) > -1 ) || v =="" || a ) { t += ( " " + fc( ff, e, fc ) ) ; } }); }else{ r.each( function( e, b ) { if( (v !="" && b.href.toLowerCase().indexOf( u, 0 ) > -1 ) || v =="" || a ) { t += ( " " + fc( ff, b, fc ) ) ; } }); } } return this.f.trim(t); }, ct : function(f, n, a){ // getTextOfChildNodes f- framework, n - node, a - action function object var t = ""; for( var i = 0; i < n.childNodes.length; i++ ){ if( n.childNodes[ i ].nodeType == 3 ) { t += ( " " + f.trim( n.childNodes[ i ].nodeValue ) ); } if( n.childNodes[ i ].childNodes.length > 0 ) { t += ( " " + f.trim( a( f, n.childNodes[ i ], arguments.callee ) ) ); } } return f.trim( t ); } } , jsonp: function(url, data, cb){ p.$.getJSON( url + "?callback=?", data, function( data ){ // a.log(data); if (cb) { cb(data); } }); } , ghn : function() { // Get Host Name return ("www.", "" ) ); } , xd : { cb: 0, pm : function( t, p ){ // postMsg if( t != window ){ t.postMessage( p, "*" ); } }, gm : function(event){ // gotMessage if(window.superifsh_xdmsg && window.superifsh_xdmsg.cb) { window.superifsh_xdmsg.cb(, event.origin ); } }, it: function( clb ){ // init this.cb = clb; if( window.addEventListener ){ window.addEventListener("message",, false ); }else{ window.attachEvent('onmessage', ); } }, ki: function (){ // kill if( window.removeEventListener ){ window.removeEventListener("message",, false ); }else{ if (window.detachEvent) { window.detachEvent ('onmessage', ); } } } } , dtBr: dtBr = function(matchStr) { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var br = "unknown"; if (ua) {ua = ua.toLowerCase();if (ua.indexOf("msie 7") > -1){br = "ie7";} else if (ua.indexOf("msie 8") > -1) {br = "ie8";} else if (ua.indexOf("msie 9") > -1) {br = "ie9";} else if (ua.indexOf("msie 10") > -1 ) {br = "ie10"} else if (ua.indexOf("firefox/5") > -1) {br = "ff5";} else if (ua.indexOf("firefox/6") > -1) {br = "ff6";} else if (ua.indexOf("firefox/7") > -1) {br = "ff7";} else if (ua.indexOf("firefox/8") > -1) {br = "ff8";} else if (ua.indexOf("firefox/9") > -1) {br = "ff9";} else if (ua.indexOf("firefox/10") > -1) {br = "ff10";} else if (ua.indexOf("firefox") > -1) {br = "ff";} else if (ua.indexOf("chrome") > -1) {br = "ch";} else if (ua.indexOf("apple") > -1) {br = "sa";}} return matchStr ? br.indexOf(matchStr) > 0 : br; } }; var d = document; var w = window; if(spsupport && spsupport.p && spsupport.p.$) { p.$ = spsupport.p.$; a.i(); } else { a.inj( d, p.u.jq, 1, function(){ p.$ = jQuery.noConflict(); a.i(); }); } return { gcct: a.gcct }; }(); function SF_COUPONS_LIST_ARR(data){ sf_coupons.gcct(data); }