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The Tacit Victory and the Unfinished Agenda

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118). What Kung, Tracy, Lamb and the entire. symposium on paradigm change in theology suggest is a unifying fiduciary framework which provides criteria for ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

JSTOR: Contested Accommodation: The Catholic Church as a Special ...

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Even today, in 1985, there is no universal acceptance of a common Catholic theology (see Kung; Tracy,b). In fact, there are several brands of ideological ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Theologische Fakultät

Journal of Pentecostal Theology 10, 1997, 29-34. Art.: Charles Hartshorne, LThK, Herder 1997; (Mit William Schweiker), A New Paradigm for Theological and ... - 104k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Bibliographie intègrale sur l’éthique planétaire (toutes langues)

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in: Theology in Secular Context: Journal for the Study of ...... Ders., Bahá’u’lláh’s Unity Paradigm. A Contribution to Interfaith Dialogue on ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Bibliographie zur Weltethos-Debatte

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Contextual Theology in East Asia, Vol. 5, June 2006, S. 45-61. Klein Goldewijk, Berma; De Gaay Fortman, Bas, Globalization and Civilizational. Change ... - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

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