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Intelligent DesignIn our last issue, we reported in our new feature "God, Science and the Bible" on British philosophy professor Antony Flew, considered the world's best-known atheist, bowing to mounting scientific evidence proving the existence of God. Flew said his current ideas are similar to those of American "intelligent design" (ID) theorists, who see evidence for an intelligent guiding force in the universe's construction. Frankly, the evidence for creation is all around us. It always has been. As the apostle Paul said about even ungodly people: ". . . What may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" (Romans 1:19-20, New International Version). King David tells us, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Psalms 14:1; 53:1, emphasis added). As evidence, David gazed up at the awesome grandeur of the heavens (Psalm 19:1). He also looked to the complexity of his own body: "You formed my inward parts . . . I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works . . ." (Psalm 139:13-14). Yet David in his ancient context had no idea just how marvelous. Modern microbiology has revealed an unimaginable complexity beyond human ingenuity. A couple of years ago, I saw a program airing on PBS that amazed me. Titled Unlocking the Mystery of Life: The Scientific Case for Intelligent Design, it is a "must see" (available through IllustraMedia .com and Amazon.com). Featuring ID scientists such as Michael Behe, who is interviewed in this issue of The Good News, the evidence it presents is startling. When you observe the bacterial flagellar motor and the protein assembly plants with machines that transport the building blocks of life to where the assembly instructions demand, you will believe! This is biochemical nanotechnology—microscopic robots and manufacturing at the subcellular level. How could this have arisen by chance? And then there are the assembly instructions themselves—encoded in the informational language of DNA. It is far and away the most brilliant computer code ever written. We are now only beginning to comprehend it. How could it have written itself through mindless chemistry? Antony Flew explained that his newfound belief in God is based on developments in DNA research. Flew, however, is quick to add that his view of God is certainly not akin to the biblical one. He sees God as merely a "First Cause" who does not intervene in creation. If there is a cosmic purpose, in Flew's conception it is unrelated to the human individual. He still does not believe in any kind of revealed religion or life after death. Yet the mere fact that someone of Flew's stature has reversed his position may mark the beginning of a sea change. Perhaps others who've held the same views will examine the evidence and do the same. And some may go further—to ponder the possibility that if there is a Creator, He may have more in mind for each of us personally—and that perhaps He has indeed chosen to reveal Himself to us and provide us with explanations and directions for life. This is what The Good News is all about.GN —Tom Robinson, Senior writer |
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