My ‘mother’ is a 9ft green alien, says councillor.

Cllr Simon Parkes, and below, being interviewed by Joanne Summerscales about his alien experiences, and bottom, an illustration by Cllr Parkes of him as a small child hiding behind his alien mother's purple cloak. Screenshot taken from YouTube.
A TOWN councillor who has big political aspirations in the Scarborough area believes he has had “hundreds” of encounters with aliens, it has emerged.
Simon Parkes, who was elected to Whitby Town Council in February as a Labour Party candidate and may stand for Scarborough Council, claims he has a 9ft tall green “mother” and has been visited by extra-terrestrial beings throughout his life.
He says he has also been the subject of “horrific” alien operations, and had an implant put into his hand by the creatures.
As the first of many unusual claims Cllr Parkes makes on a video on YouTube, he says he can recall seeing a kite-shaped face when he was a foetus in the womb.
He goes on to say that the first direct encounter he recalls with an alien came when he was a six-month-old baby.

“I was in the cot,” Cllr Parkes said. “Two green stick things came in. I was aware of some movement over my head. I thought ‘they’re not mummy’s hands, mummy’s hands are pink.’”
Cllr Parkes says he was then picked up by the creature, which was 9ft tall, had huge eyes, two holes for a nose and was wearing a purple cloak.
“I was looking straight into its face,” he said. “It enters my mind through my eyes and it sends a message down my optic nerve into my brain. It says ‘I’m your real mother, I’m your more important mother.’”
Cllr Parkes says he then encountered aliens as a three-and-a-half year old, when 8ft tall “doctors” came to see him and armed “human enforcement” officers appeared through his wardrobe.

He goes on to describe “shadow-beings” and other creatures taking the form of cats, owls, circus clowns and policemen.
As an 11-year-old, Cllr Parkes claims he was taken on board a craft by his alien “mother”, and made an agreement with the beings to gain knowledge about the past and future.
The agreement, according to Cllr Parkes, allowed his soul to be transported into extra-terrestrials. He also says he has been given an insight into the origins of the human race, which he believes was genetically altered by an advanced other-worldly civilisation to “dumb down” the species.
“I’m only telling you what I’ve seen, they could be lying to me. The reason extra-terrestrials are interested in me is not because of my physical body, but because of what is inside me. My soul.
“These reptiles are guilty as hell. They have apologised several times to me. They have said they are sorry for what they have done to your people.”
He says that only last week, a mysterious black car rammed into his on the A64, while he was returning from a meeting with other believers.
“It was a horrendous crash,” he said. “The black car just zoomed up and rammed me, it went straight into the side of my car.
“The driver walked straight up to me, holding Coca-Cola, and said ‘I’m sorry, I had to do that’.
“I’m lucky to be alive.”
A North Yorkshire Police spokesperson confirmed that a four-vehicle pile-up had occurred on the A64 near Tadcaster. The spokesperson said it was caused when a car braked suddenly and that minor injuries were caused.
Speaking to the Evening News, Cllr Parkes said that his close encounters do not affect his work as a town councillor and claimed his extra-terrestrial beliefs “did not come up on the doorstep” while he was campaigning for the Whitby Town Council seat in the Stakesby ward.
Cllr Parkes, who was a councillor in Hackney during the 1990s and says he often met with Tony Blair, went on to gain 229 votes in the Whitby election and was comfortably elected.
“For many people who don’t experience it’s very hard to accept it,” he said. “We are taught to only see and believe what we can touch, but it’s acceptable to believe in religion.
“It’s a personal matter and it doesn’t affect my work. I’m more interested in fixing someone’s leaking roof or potholes. People don’t want me to talk about aliens.
“I get more common sense out of the aliens than out of Scarborough Town Hall. The aliens are far more aware of stuff. People in the Town Hall seem not to be aware of the needs of Whitby.”
Watch the interview with Simon Parkes
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Saturday 25 August 2012

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