Gmail - 2013-11-28 Germantown (Wis.) Freedom Weekly, p. 5 (UF,ABD,CONTACT)
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2013-11-28 Germantown (Wis.) Freedom Weekly, p. 5 (UF,ABD,CONTACT)

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Rich Heiden

15 de marzo de 2013 22:08
Germantown (Wis.) Freedom Weekly, 2:24, Nov. 28, 2012, p. 5, “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil…,” bylined “NATIONAL.” The last of the short items that fill the page is about “the future First Lady of Japan, Miyuki Hatoyama.” Sic—the article is way outdated, as her husband, Yukio Hatoyama, served as Prime Minister, Sep. 16, 2009, to June 2, 2010. She “claims publicly that her soul was taken to Venus aboard an alien spacecraft while she slept,” and mentions her book that includes it.
This was originally reported over three years before, in Sept. and Oct. 2009:
-“MUFON UFO Journal” (Fort Collins, Colo.) no. 497, Sept. 2009, p. 18.
-Posted Sep. 2, 2009, by Wausau (Wis.) TV channel 55 (MyFox).
-Milwaukee (Wis.) Journal Sentinel, Sep. 6, 2009.
-Posted Oct. 19, 2009, by several Wisconsin TV stations and the La Crosse (Wis.) Tribune (not in print there).

I wrote to the paper a couple of times to point out the error resulting from being such an old news item, but they did not reply. I don’t see the paper often, but doubt they printed a correction.
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