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 UFO & Fortean Links  Top

Aliens Aliens Aliens
Alien Races - rundowns of over a dozen alien races (Crash list)
Alien Scalpel.com - details removal and analysis of implants
AlienZoo - nice collection of decent articles from quality contributors
Aquarian Age - much info on UFOs including great Varginha Brazil coverage
The Art Bell Web Site - includes sound files from the show & occasional written transcripts of interviews
Black Vault - large archive site for FOIA documents by John Greenewald
Richard J. Boylan Official Site
Brookings Report - one official excuse for UFO secrecy
Cosmic Conflict - the COSCON database is an extension of the Val Valerian MATRIX II information, also here
CSETI - The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Crash list)
CUFON - Computer UFO Network archives
Directory of International UFO Organizations
DisclosureProject - testimony of insiders and lobbying by Steven Greer of CSETI to unlock UFO files also (Why aren't we told the truth? ) and another view
Citizens Against UFO Secrecy - attempts to litigate against DOD
Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR) - select reading list and key reports
The Krill Report - an all time classic set of documents (a joke by John Grace?)
A Long Paper on the Greys
TheMissingTimes - coverage of press attitudes about UFOlogy
Bill Moore's Confession - the ugly story is told in detail, note
MUFON WWW - basic info on ufology and short excerpts from publications as well as a substantial UFO bibliography
Mysteries Megasite - large link list plus files
National UFO Reporting Center (206) 722-3000 (Seattle) or MUFON (800) 836-2166
National Institute for Discovery Science - impressive collection of essays
Paranormal Side of Earthlings - key links for UFOs, aliens, psi, prophecy, ghosts, Fortean, etc
Reptoids - the case for reptilian involvement
Sightings - articles archive from this radio show site
Skywatch Intl - executive director Bill Hamilton
The true nature of UFO entities? - a hypothesis from Gordon Creighton
UFOs/Aliens Timeline - a walk through the history of the phenomena
UFO Community - a major new UFO site
UFOconspiracy - lots of unusual stuff here
UFO Deception Quotes - a set of one-sided quotes from the Christian right
UFO Dictionary   UFOcyclopedia   UFO Guide - a mini encyclopedia
UFOmind - major link site Magazines,  Newsletters & News Archives, also UFO organizations & UFOlogists, much more
UFO Resources - large annotated UFO link list in alphabetic order
UFO Links Page - very large lightly annotated UFO link list in alphabetic order
UFO archive - a gopher directory of a few dozen key articles
UFO Book Reference - an extensive reading list, some annotated
UFO Phenomenon And Its Spiritual Background - from SpiritWeb
UFO's and Extraterrestrials - a major link site
UFO's and Relogion - explores the relationship of angels and aliens
UFO text file archive
The Ultimate UFOLOGISTS WWW Page
UMF - attractive site to launch your mind into hyperspace
UndergroundTerminal - X-files fan site with basic archive
Virtual World of Intelligence: section devoted to UFO links
Who Who's of UFOLOGY - biographical sketches of key players
John Winston' Corner
Yahoo! - Extraterrestrial Life
Andrew's Fortean Archive
Anomalies - the Strange & Unexplained
Anomalies.net - several gigabytes of files
Ancient Anomalies of many kinds
Anomalous Links
Crop Circle Central
Crop Circle Connector - running coverage of the latest crop circles
The Fort Pages
KeelyNet - free energy, gravity control, electronic health, nonconventional science
Links to the other side
Bigfoot Internet Library - Bigfoot links
Nessie on the Net in Scotland!
Read and Locate Information on the Anomalous - large link site
Shadowlands - has both UFO and Fortean material
Underwater Pyramids off Japan
Viewzone - lots of material covering a wide variety of anomalies
WorldOfTheStrange - aliens, ghosts, UFOs, monsters


Abductee.net - indicators, process, implants, cattle, famous cases, cross breeding
Abductee Urges NIH Investigation - another theory about who is doing what
Abduction - overview from Spiritweb
Alien Abduction - exceptional link page from UFOmind.com
Alien Abduction Survey - you might want to read this beforehand (looong)
Alien Astronomer - major source of often depressing articles on abductions, mutilations, extraterrestrials, etc
Alien Cultures - aliens, extraterrestrials and the way to perceive them
Alien Hunter - info from investigator Derrel Sims
The Alien Jigsaw - articles by abductee/contactee Katharina Wilson
Alien Psychology - a set of debunking links on the abduction question
Alien Zoos - a thought provoking analysis about our survival
Are you an alien abductee? - list of 58 common indicators from Melinda Leslie
Betty & Barney Hill - famous early abduction case involving star map
Close Encounters of the Positive Kind - long spiritweb article
The Controllers - "A new hypothesis of alien abduction" by Martin Cannon (200k)
The Dark and the Light Sides of the Explorer Race
Deb's UFO research - a brave woman presents two positions on UFO abduction phenomena
Donna Higbee - an index of abductee research and writings, also here
FMSonline - dedicated to the study of false memory syndrome & recovered memories
Gary Lowery - Bakersfield, CA man video tapes experiences
Inside Revelations on the UFO Cover-Up - Richard Boylan interviews Dr. Michael Wolf for Nexus (Mike Wolf and his book Catchers of Heaven)
Intruders Foundation - Budd Hopkins abductee support information also
A Look at the Members and History of the Lyrian Extraterrestrial Races
Masters, Extraterrestrials and Archangels
Military & UFO Abductions - evidence for military kidnappings of alleged UFO-abductees by geophysicist Dr. Helmut Lammer
PEER - Program for Extraordinary Experience Research - John Mack and two interviews by Jeffrey Mishlove, Western paradigm and Larger context
Researching Alien Abductions - a systematic methodology by C. Leigh Culver
Resources for Alien Abductions - reading and therapist list
Think-aboutit - text archive of articles on abduction
UFO Abductee Page - six first person accounts
UFO and Alien Abduction Researchers - brief bios of many key investigators
Travis Walton UFO abduction - The Fire in the Sky with analysis by Geoff Price
Selling the Travis Walton "Abduction" Story - another debunk effort
UFO abductee page - a set of six first person accounts
UFO Abductions - Jeffrey Mishlove interview with Professor James Harder
UnknownCountry and BeyondCommunion - Whitley Strieber's new sites
Alien Resistance (TM) - convert to Christ and scare away those aliens!!!
Alien Abduction & How To Prevent It - a list of things worth trying
What Would You Do? - a summary of Ann Druffel's protection research advice
Adamski Foundation - official site of the first published contactee
Abduction and Contactee Messages - an analysis of common factors
Aetherius Society - UFOs, Yoga, and Channeling by Sir George King.
Alien Eyes - includes a book called "The Mission of the One Star". More material on Spiritweb as Alloya Ye Ra Har - the spirit name of Nikki Huckfield
Allies of Humanity - full text of this book by Marshall Vian Summers
Arcturians - an overview from SpiritWeb
Norma J Milanovich Ed.D. - "We, the Arcturians" summary, Celestial Bodies and Entities, other messages
Are you a Starseed or Contactee? - UFO contactee/starseed profile list
Ascension2000 - from contactee David Wilcock
Ashtar.org - Ashtar Command channeling through Soltec
The Ashtar-Command - an overview from SpiritWeb
Ashtar-Command - channeled by Dana Summer from Spiritweb
AshtarCommand.net - smaller site, has some interviews
TheashtarCommand.com - includes bbs
Galactic Server - more material from the Ashtar Command and reports of physical contact
Orvotron Newsletter - a long sample of Ashtar channeling
Star Esseenia Temple - another home for Commander Ashtar
Starfleet A.C.F.R - home of Ashtar Commander Lyur
Astara.org - "Dedicated to elevating the consciousness and health of humankind," based on teachings of Earlyne & Bob Chaney
Bashar - Darryl Anka's extraterrestrial channeling, a must read, core concepts as well as many tapes and additional files on SpiritWeb
Blue Star Speaks - "channeled teachings from a Pleiadian theta master"
Channeled Information - a political hotspot, a place for discernment
Elan - profound insights from the Essassani civilization via Andrew
Flying Saucer Religion - two cases studies, a more academic outlook***
FromElsewhere - article about walk-in book by Scott Mandelker plus an interview
HeavensGate replica site and Links
Lyssa Royal Holt - and more at SpiritWeb and RoyalPriest.com
Interdimensional Doorways and Starseeds
Intergalactic Anthropologist - by Marcia Schafer blurbs and introduction
International Raelian Religion - contactee site based on beliefs of Frenchman Claude Vorilhon
Sam Johnson - friend of Bigfoot (site includes some channeling)
Birgit- Kein - Danish voice of interplanetary Federation (as Archos) and ascended masters on SpiritWeb
L/L Research - contactee research by James Allen McCarty and Carla
Rueckert, Law of One article and sample
Lia Light - Pleiadian material from Lia Shapiro including an article on SpiritWeb
Lightwork - the way to integrate other realities, ETs, walk-ins, starseeds
MARK-AGE Period and Program - Preparing for the Second Coming
Nibiruan Council - learn about the flagships of the council and their involvement in Earth's history
Only Planet of Choice [800k] - transmissions from The Council of Nine through Phyllis Schlemmer
Planetary Activation Organization - Galactic Federation rundown from Sheldan Nidle
Reptillian TransMissions From Alpha Draconis
Semjase Silver Star Center - a multilingual site in Switzerland by Billy Meier
Billy Meier Web Site - by an authorized Los Angeles chapter of FIGU
UFO - The Pleiadian Mission - by Randolph Winters. UFO from the Billy Meier contacts from the Pleiades.
Barbara Marciniak - links to Pleiadian material and book
Who are the Pleiadians and Barbara Marciniak? - an interview about the Pleiadians from the 'Codings' tape
P'taah and Jani King Online - Pleiadian contact with sample transcripts and more at SpiritWeb
Pleiadians - overview from SpiritWeb
Quantum Awakening - Pleiadian energies via Gillian Macbeth-Louthan
Yvonne Moore - channeling from masters and space commanders
Starbuilders - from walk-ins Aldin and Malchora
UFOmind: Contactees - excellent link list of contactee resources
UNARIUS Academy of Science - founded by Ruth and Ernest Norman
Walk-ins.com - experiences, articles, conferences and newsletter
Claire Watson - channels members of an intergalactic consortium, but mostly Solon Centurion
ZetaTalk - a Zeta emissary, Nancy. tells us of a Pole Shift and the coming millennium transformation

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