A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N
O | P | Q | R | S |
T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Abducted: Confrontations with
Beings from Outer Space
Abduction: Human Encounters
with Aliens
Abduction Transcription Project
Above Top Secret
Adamski, George
Aerial Phenomena Research
Organization (APRO)
Aetherius Society
Airship wave of 1896
Airship wave of 1897
Alien autopsy film
Alien gallery
Alien iconography
Alien Identities
Alien Impact
Alien motives
Alien roots
Alien types
Allagash abduction
Allende letters
America West Airlines sighting
Anatomy of a Phenomenon
Ancient Astronaut and SETI
Ancient astronaut theory
Ancient UFOs
Andreasson abductions
Andreasson Affair
Andrews, Arlan K.
Andrus, Walter H.
Angelic kingdom
Angels and Aliens
Angels and UFOs
Angels: God’s Secret Agents
Angelucci, Orfeo
Animal mutilations
Anomalist, The
Anthropic Principle
Apocalyptic thought
Are We Alone?
Area 51
Arnold sighting
Ashtar Command
Astronauts, UFO sightings by
Atomic bomb and UFOs
Aveley (England) abduction
Avensa Airline hoax
B-57 bomber photo
Baker, Robert
Balwyn (Australia) photo
Behind the Flying Saucers
Belgian UFO wave of 1989-90
Bender mystery (Men in Black)
Bermuda Triangle-UFO link
Bethurum, Truman
Bible and Flying Saucers, The
Biblical miracles as
Biblical UFOs
Birth memories hypothesis
Book of the Damned
Boundary deficit hypothesis
British UFO Research Association
Buff Ledge (Vermont) abduction
Bullard, Thomas Eddie
Case for the UFO, The
Cash-Landrum encounter
Categories of UFO reports
Chalker, William C.
Chariots of the Gods?
Clark, Jerome
Clear Intent
Close Encounters of the Third
Colony: Earth
Coming of the Saucers, The
Communication with
Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Communion Foundation
Confederation of Planets in
Service to the Infinite Creator
Corrales, Scott
Cosmic Consciousness
Cosmonaut UFO sightings
Cowichan (Canada) encounter
Coyne helicopter encounter
Crash at Corona
Crop circles
Davenport, Peter B.
Dawson encounter
Day After Roswell, The
Day the Earth Stood Still, The
Delphos (Kansas) landing
Demon-Haunted World, The
Demonic theory of UFOs
Dick, Steven J.
Did Spacemen Colonize
the Earth?
Downing, Barry
Drake equation
Drake, Frank
Drake, W. Raymond
Druffel, Ann
Edge of Reality, The
Eighth Tower, The
Elk abduction
Ellwood, Robert S.
Elohim of Peace
Encyclopedia of UFOs, The
Ether Ship and Its Solution, The
Evans, Hilary
Exeter (New Hampshire) sightings
Extra-sensory perception (ESP)
Extraterrestrial (ET)
Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Extraterrestrial Encounter
Extraterrestrial hypothesis
Extraterrestrial life, history of
Extraterrestrial Visitations
from Prehistoric Times
to the Present
are They?
Eyes of the Sphinx, The
Ezekiel’s wheel
Face on Mars
Fads and Fallacies
in the Name of Science
Fairy lore and UFO encounters
FATE magazine
Fatima (Portugal), miracle at
Fawcett, George D.
Fawcett’s "Repetitions"
Fire Came By, The
Fitzgerald, Randall
Flatwoods (W. Va.) "monster"
"Flying Saucer"
Flying Saucer Occupants
Flying Saucers
Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth
of Things Seen in the Skies
Flying Saucers and
the Straight-Line Mystery
Flying Saucers are Real, The
Flying Saucers from
Outer Space
Flying Saucers Have Landed
Flying Saucers–Serious Business
Flying Saucers Uncensored
Foo fighters
Fort, Charles
Fowler, Raymond E.
Friedman, Stanton T.
Fry, Daniel W.
Galactic Club, The
Galicia UFO wave of 1995
Garden Grove (California) Hoax
Geomagnetic explanations of UFOs
Geomagnetic intelligent energy
theory of UFOs
Ghost rockets of 1946 213
Gill sighting
God Drives a Flying Saucer
Gods of Eden, The
Gods or Spacemen?
Good,Timothy 218
Great Falls (Montana) movie
Guardians of the Universe?
Gulf Breeze (Florida) incidents
Haines, Richard F.
Hall, Richard H.
Harmonic 33
Hesemann, Michael
Higdon experience
Higher Self
Hill abduction
Hollow Earth, The
Home of the Gods, The
Hopkins, Budd
Hudson Valley (New York) UFO
Humanoids, The
Hynek, J. Allen
Hynek UFO Report, The
Hypnosis, use of, in UFO
Imaginary Abductee Study
Implants, alien
Incident at Exeter
Intelligent Life in the Universe
Interstellar travel
Interrupted Journey, The
Into the Fringe: A True Story
of Alien Abduction
Invaders from Mars
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Invisible College, The
Invisible Residents
Is Another World Watching?
Is Anyone Out There?
J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO
Studies (CUFOS)
Jacobs, David M.
JAL Flight #1628
Jessup, Morris K.
Jesus as an ET
Jesus Christ: Heir to the
Jordan-Kauble, Debra
Kecksberg (Pennsylvania)
Kelly Cahill abduction
Kelly-Hopkinsville (Kentucky)
Kentucky abduction
Keyhoe, Donald E.
Kinross (Michigan) jet chase
Klass, Philip J.
Klass’s UFOlogical Principles
Kottmeyer, Martin S.
Radar-visual UFO
Lawson, Alvin H.
Levelland (Texas) landings
Light Years
Lorenzen, Coral E.
Lorenzen, L. J.
Lost Tribes from Outer Space, The
Lubbock (Texas) lights
Lucid dreams
Maccabee, Bruce
Mack, John E.
Mack’s abductees
Majestic 12 (MJ-12) documents
Mandelker, Scott
Manna Machine, The
Man-made UFOs
Mars and Martians
Mars Rock
Matthews, Tim
McDonald, James E.
McMinnville (Oregon) photos
Meier contacts
Men in Black (see Bender Mystery)
Menger, Howard
Menzel, Donald H.
Messages from the Stars
Messengers of Deception
Metán (Argentina) UFO Crash-retrieval
Metaphysical aspects of UFOs and ETs
Mexican wave of 1990s
Michel, Aimé
Michilak encounter
Mind control by aliens
Missing Time
Missing time?
Monuments of Mars, The
Moody abduction
Morel encounter
Morning of the Magicians, The
Moseley, James W.
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
Mysteries of Time and Space
NASA Fact Sheet on UFOs
National Investigations Committee
on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP)
Nazca "spaceport"
Near-death experience (NDE)
Nickell, Joe
No Earthly Explanation
Oberg, James E.
Occult connection with UFOs
Omega Project, The
One Hundred Thousand
Years of Unknown History
Operation Mainbrace sightings
Out-of-body experience (OBE)
Palenque "astronaut"
Palmer, Raymond A.
Paradox: The Case for the
Extraterrestrial Origin of Man
Parallel Time Line
Paranoia and UFOs
Parra incident
Pascagoula (Mississippi) abduction
Passport to Magonia
Pflock, Karl T.
Phoenix (Arizona) lights
Photographs of UFOs (gallery)
Piata Beach (Brazil) photos
Pope, Nick
Portage County police (Ohio)
police chase
Principle of Mediocrity
Prison Earth theory
Problem of Noncontact
Program for Extraordinary
Experience Research, The (PEER)
Project Blue Book
Project Magnet
Projection/Warning theory
of UFOs and ETs
Psychiatric aspects of UFOs
Psychosocial aspects of UFOs
Quaroble (France) landing
Randle, Kevin
Randles, Jenny
Reconnaissance theory of UFOs
Religion and UFOs
Religious movements and UFOs
Rendlesham Forest incident
Report on Communion
Report on Unidentified Flying
Objects, The
Resistance to abductions
Roach abduction
Rogo hypothesis
Rosedale (Victoria, Australia)
Close encounter
Roswell Incident, The
Roswell (New Mexico) incident
Roswell UFO Crash, The
Ruwa (Africa) landing
Sagan, Carl
St. Clair (Illinois) police sightings
San Carlos Venezuela) incident
Schwarz, Berthold E.
Science fiction and UFOs
Scientific Study of Unidentified
Flying Objects, The
The Scientist: A Novel Autobiography 512
Schirmer abduction
Schuessler, John
Scully hoax
Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence (SETI)
SETI Institute
Secret Life
Shapes of UFOs
Shaver mystery
Sheaffer, Robert M.
Shostak, Seth
Sirius Mystery, The
Sitchin, Zecharia
Situation Red: The UFO Siege
Sky People, The
Sleep paralysis
Socorro (New Mexico) landing
Sorell (Australia) saucers
Soul exchange
Soul transfer
Space Brothers
Space-Gods Revealed, The
Spaceships of Ezekiel, The
Spaceships of the Pleiades
Space-Time Transients
Sprinkle, R. Leo
Star People
Steiger, Brad
Steiger, Sherry Hansen
Stillings, Dennis
Story, Ronald D.
Story’s UFO "observations"
Stranger at the Pentagon
Stranges, Frank E.
Strauch photo
Strieber, Whitley
Swiatek, Robert P.
Takeda (Japan) photo
Tehran (Iran) jet chase
Temple of the Stars
Theories, UFO
They Knew Too Much
About Flying Saucers
They Live in the Sky
Those Gods Who Made
Heaven and Earth
Threat, The
Threat, UFO-ET
Timmerman, John
Top Secret/Majic
Transformation required to join
the Galactic Society
Tremonton (Utah) movie
Truth About Flying Saucers, The
Truth About the UFO
Crash at Roswell, The
Tujunga Canyon (California)
Tujunga Canyon Contacts, The
12th Planet, The
2001: A Space Odyssey
UFO Abductions:
A Dangerous Game
UFO and the Bible
UFO defined
UFO Enigma, The
UFO Exist!
UFO Incident, The
UFO Missionairies Extraordinary
UFO Retrievals
UFO Verdict, The
UFOnauts, The
UFOs: Explained
UFO’s: Nazi Secret Weapon?
UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse
UFOs Over the Americas
UFOs: What on Earth is Happening?
Ultimate Encounter
UMMO affair
Unidentified, The
Uninvited Visitors
University of Colorado UFO Project
Valensole (France) landing
Vallée, Jacques
Valentich disappearance
Van Tassel, George
Varginha (Brazil) encounters
of 1996
Villas Boas abduction
Von Däniken, Erich
Walton abduction
War of the Worlds
Ware, Donald M.
Washington National jet chase
Waves and flaps, UFO
Watch the Skies!
Watchers, The
We Are Not Alone
We Are Not the First
We Met the Space People
Web sites, UFO/ET-related
Webb, Walter
Wellington-Kaikoura (New Zealand)
radar/visual UFO sightings
When Time Began
Whispers from Space
Window areas
X-Files, The
Yorba Linda (California) UFO photo
Yungay (Peru) photos
Zeidman, Jennie
Zwischenbergen (Switzerland)
photo case
1999-2001 by Ronald D. Story.
All Rights Reserved.
Website created by
Brian Story.