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UFOS (pp. 1253-1255): An Account of a Meeting with Denizens of Another World, 1871 (1979) by David LANGFORD was presented as being written by William Robert Loosley, not with Loosley, and edited by Langford.
UTOPIAS (pp. 1260-1262): The description of Theodore STURGEON's Venus Plus X (1960) should read "...constructs a hermaphrodite utopia for evaluation by a man of our time, who fails the test by failing to overcome his prejudice against surgically imposed hermaphroditism even though it points, though ambiguously, towards an ideal society."
VALLEJO, BORIS (p. 1264): Born 1941.
van ARNAM, DAVE (p. 1264): Lost in Space * (1967) -- date was misprinted as 1957. [BW]
VANCE, JACK (pp. 1264-1266): The Gaean Reach setting is most clearly described in the Demon Princes series, not in The Gray Prince and Maske: Thaery. The Star King is (1963 Gal; 1964; vt Star King 1966 UK). The Palace of Love is (1966-7 Gal; 1967). Marune: Alastor 933 is (1975 AMZ; 1975); the 1978 UK edition as Marune: Alastor 993 is not a true vt but a misprint on cover and spine only. A Bagful of Dreams should read The Bagful of Dreams. Lyonesse I is Suldrun's Garden (not Suldren's). The correct subtitle of The Jack Vance Lexicon is From Ahulph to Zipangote: The Coined Words of Jack Vance.
van HELLER, MARCUS: New cross-reference entry to Zach HUGHES.
van LORNE, WARNER (p. 1267): Pseudonym, probably of US writer Nelson Tremaine (1907-1971).
van VOGT, A.E. (pp. 1268-70): Died 2000.
VERNON, ROGER LEE (p. 1279): Died 1980.
VILLIERS DE L'ISLE-ADAM, (JEAN-MARIE-MATHIAS-PHILIPPE-AUGUSTE, Comte de) (pp. 1282-1283): Correct birth date is 1838. Reference to influence of Axel upon sf/fantasy writers should include acknowledgement of the influence of Joris-Karl Huysmans's À Rebours (1884; cut trans John Howard as Against the Grain 1922 US; first full trans Robert Baldick as Against Nature 1959 UK), whose protagonist, the Duc des Esseintes, is also relevant, though without the supernaturalism that makes Axel ultimately more germane. Nouveaux Contes cruels was (coll 1888).
VINGE, VERNOR (STEFFEN) (p. 1284): In the synopsis of The Witling, clause should read "intruding humans on a colony planet are confronted by non-humans with heightened PSI POWERS."
VIRTUAL REALITY (pp. 1285-1286): At the bottom of column 2, p. 1285, there should be an apostrophe after VARLEY in "John VARLEYs Titan sequence".
VOLLMANN, WILLIAM T(ANNER) (p. 1287): Note middle name.
VORHIES, JOHN R(OYAL HARRIS) (p. 1290): Born 1924 not 1920. Died 1975.
WAGAR, W(ALTER) WARREN (p. 1292): The State University of New York at Binghamton became Binghamton University in 1991. A Short History of the Future was rev 1992.
WALLACE, IAN (p. 1294): Died 1998.
WAR (pp. 1296-1298): On p. 1298, the two Vietnam petitions appeared in the June 1968 issue of Gal.
WAR OF THE WORLDS (p. 1300): In the 1953 film section, delete "which cost $1,400,000". The special effects could not have cost this, since the entire budget was under $1,000,000. Howard Koch's dates are (1902-1995). Dates for Hadley Cantril are (1906-1969).
WARREN, BILL (pp. 1300-1301): Bill Warren is the working name of William Bond Warren. BW also wrote some sf/fantasy, including his début "Death is a Lonely Place" in the issue #1 of Worlds of Fantasy (1968). Bill Thomas assisted in researching of his film books, not the writing.
WATERS, T.A. (p. 1302): Died 1998.
WATT-EVANS, LAWRENCE (p. 1304): The Seven Altars of Du-Saara should be The Seven Altars of Dûsarra. Also, The Sword of the Bheleu should be The Sword of Bheleu. The name of the planet in Denner's Wreck is Denner's Wreck.
WEINER, ANDREW (p. 1309): Distant Signals is (dated 1989 but 1990). AW wrote 30 stories in the 1980s, not "about 25."
WEIRD TALES (pp. 1309-1311): Its current incarnation continues, most recently with #307, Summer 1993.
WEIRD WORLD (p. 1311): The publisher mentioned was B.Z. Immanuel, not Emmanuel, and his involvement in the Gannet Press had ended before Weird World was issued.
WEISINGER, MORT (p. 1311): sources disagree over where "The Price of Peace" appeared -- almost certainly AMZ and not Wonder Stories as cited. [BW]
WELLS, H.G. (pp. 1312-1316): Frank D. McConnell's dates are (1942-1999).
WEST, MORRIS (LANGLO) (p. 1317): Delete "mad" from description of the Pope in The Clowns of God.
WESTALL, ROBERT (ATKINSON) (p. 1317): Died 1993.
WESTALL, WILLIAM (BURY) (pp. 1317-1318): Don or Devil? (1901), omitted, is a rare LOST-WORLD text.
WHARTON, WILLIAM (pp. 1318-1319): Born 1925 not 1926.
WHITE, JAMES (p. 1321): Died 1999.
WHITE, T(ERENCE) H(ANBURY) (p. 1322): In the second paragraph, "Without any source being cited...." should read: "Without any source being cited, all the supernatural tales in The Maharajah and Other Stories (coll 1981) were selected from Gone to Ground, losing much of their point through the unacknowledged uprooting." Also, T. H. White: A Biography by Sylvia Townsend Warner is (1967), not (1968).
WHITE, TIM (p. 1322-1323): Working name of Timothy Thomas Anthony White.
WIENER, NORBERT (p. 1323): "The Miracle of the Broom Closet" appeared in FSF in 1954, not 1952 -- but was apparently published elsewhere in 1952. [BW]
WILD CARDS (p. 1324): Wild Cards #10: Double Solitaire is (1992), not (1942). Not all the collections of stories by various hands are described as mosaic novels. The effect of the "Wild Card" virus is to kill 9 out of 10 people it infects; 1 in 100 are mutated beneficially.
WILHELM, KATE (pp. 1325-1326): Meridith given incorrectly as Meredith on page 1325, and the second listing of KW's year of birth should be cut. Also, the Danvers and Meiklejohn sequence of detective tales should be the Leidl and Meiklejohn sequence.
WILKINS, JOHN (p. 1326): The full title of his first book is The Discovery of a World in the Moone; Or, A Discourse Tending, to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable World in that Planet (1638; exp vt The First Book: The Discovery of a New World ... The second Booke, now first published 1640).
WILLIAMS, ROBERT MOORE (p. 1328): "Zero as a Limit" was (1934 ASF), not 1937. [BW]
WILLIAMSON, JACK (pp. 1328-1330): Manseed is (1982) not (1983).
WILLINGHAM, CALDER (BARNARD Jr) (p. 1331): Died 1995.
WILLIS, CONNIE (p. 1331): It is not the protagonist but another character in "All My Darling Daughters" who has suffered from parental incest. In Doomsday Book the unit is attached to Oxford University, not Cambridge University.
WILSON, F(RANCIS) PAUL (pp. 1332-1333): The character Steven Dalt is misidentified as LaNague.
WILSON, ROBERT CHARLES (p. 1334): "Equinocturne" was (1975 ASF), not 1974. [BW] This first story was bylined "Bob Chuck Wilson".
WILSON, ROBIN SCOTT (p. 1334): Last sentence should read "Additionally, RSW ed. Those Who Can: A Science Fiction Reader (anth 1973), in which, enlighteningly, twelve sf writers who have doubled as instructors in writers' workshops discuss their own stories -- here printed -- in a manner very helpful to beginning writers."
WINDLING, TERRI (pp. 1334-1335): The first 3 books in the Fairy Tales series were published not by TOR BOOKS but by ACE BOOKS. The annual anthology she co-edits with Ellen Datlow is now titled The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror. [JBe]
WOBIG, ELLEN (p. 1336): Died 1989.
WOLD, ALLEN L(ESTER) (p. 1337): The Eye of the Stone should be The Eye in the Stone. Also note middle name.
WOLFE, GARY (KENT) (p. 1337-1338): GKW is incorrectly identified as the editor of Planets and Dimensions (1973), which was actually edited by GKW's brother, Charles K. Wolfe. GW has since 1991 been not Dean of the School of Continuing Education but its Professor of Humanities.
WOLFE, GENE (RODMAN) (p. 1338), The correct editor of Universe 3 was Terry CARR, not Robert SILVERBERG. GW was an editor of Plant Engineering, not the editor. "Forlesen" was published in 1974, not 1970. "The Island of Doctor Death" was not awarded a NEBULA.
WOLFE, LOUIS (p. 1340): Died 1985.
WOLLHEIM, DONALD A(LLEN) (pp. 1340-1342): The 2nd vt title of the 1975 World's Best anthology was US, not UK.
WREN, M.K. New entry: Working name of US writer Martha Kay Renfroe (1938- ), most of whose books have been the Conan Flagg mysteries beginning with Curiosity Didn't Kill the Cat (1973). Her Phoenix Legacy trilogy -- Sword of the Lamb (1981), Shadow of the Swan (1981) and House of the Wolf (1981) -- uses a carefully thought out future history to justify an intricate plot compounded of SPACE OPERA, romance and political thriller elements, with some awkwardness but more panache. A Gift Upon the Shore (1990), on the other hand, is an ambitious and eloquently written post-HOLOCAUST novel in which two women seek to preserve knowledge -- in the form of books -- for future and more fortunate generations, in the face of destructive and attemptedly murderous enmity from the religious zealots with whom one of them must learn to live. [JC/JGr/JBe]
WRIGHT, S(YDNEY) FOWLER (pp 1350-1351): Many writings described as unpublished (during SFW's lifetime) are available in an extensive on-line archive of his work at This includes the "long Arthurian epic", whose full version is titled «Song of Arthur».
WRIGHT, STEPHEN (p. 1351): William Gaddis died 1998.
WU, WILLIAM F(RANKING) (pp. 1351-1352): Hong on the Range does not employ its protagonist in wargaming enterprises.
YATES, ALAN G(EOFFREY) (p. 1358): AGY lived in Australia from 1948. Omitted from the list of names under which he wrote was Dennis Sinclair. He wrote a series of short novels in the Scientific Thriller sequence, not all of which have been examined, but many of which contain sf (and sometimes supernatural) elements. Not all titles in the following list, therefore, may be of genre interest; all are as by Paul Valdez: Hypnotic Death (1949 chap); The Fatal Focus (1950 chap); The Time Thief (1951 chap); Flight into Horror (1951 chap); Killer by Night (1951 chap); Ghosts Don't Kill (1951 chap); Satan's Sabbath (1951 chap); You Can't Keep Murder Out (1951 chap); Kill Him Gently (1951 chap); Celluloid Suicide (1951 chap); The Murder I Don't Remember (1952 chap); There's No Future in Murder (1952 chap); The Crook Who Wasn't There (1952 chap); Maniac Murders (1952 chap) and Feline Frame-Up (1952 chap). Also, Booty for a Babe (1956) as by Peter Carter Brown, though not sf, has RECURSIVE elements, being set at an sf CONVENTION.
YERMAKOV, NICHOLAS (p. 1359): As NY has legally changed his name to Simon Hawke, his entry in future editions of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction will appear under HAWKE, SIMON and YERMAKOV, NICHOLAS will be a cross-reference.
YOKE, CARL B(ERNARD) (p. 1359): Born 1937. Also note middle name.
YOLEN, JANE (pp. 1359-1360): The novel The Robot and Rebecca is incorrectly identified as a collection.
YORKE, PRESTON: New cross-reference entry to Harold Ernest KELLY.
YULSMAN, JERRY (p. 1362): Working name of US writer and photographer Jerome Yulsman (? - ). He has been identified for his signed cheesecake photographs from as early as 1957 for magazines like True Adventures. JY has also written novels under his own name and the pen-names Anonymous (3 volumes of the erotic adventures of Dame Jenny Everleigh, although the other 10 volumes are the work of Brian Levy), Allen Goodman and Jonathan Yates.
ZELAZNY, ROGER (pp. 1365-1367): Died 1995. His actual first sale was "Mister Fuller's Revolt" (1954 Literary Cavalcade) . [BW]
ZIMMER, PAUL EDWIN (p. 1368): Died 1997.
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