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The 1965 UFO Landing in Cherry Creek, NY
Witness Sketch of Cherry Creek UFO Sighting
August 19, 1965 an UFO was sighted on the outskirts of a dairy farm in the rural town of Cherry Creek, NY.
Effects of UFO Sighting
The Cherry Creek UFO caused static interference on the barn and house radio. It also caused the tractor power the milking machine to shut down. It also caused static interference on the next door neighbor's television set.
The UFO left traces of purple liquid, singed marks and bent grass on the ground, and a strange odor.
The appearance of the object caused a bull to cry out loudly and try to escape so desperately it bent a steel bar. In addition to this reaction, the cows on the farm produced less than half the amount of milk than usual and Harold and his sister experienced stomach problems throughout the night.
1965 UFO Sightings
According to NICAP's 1965 UFO Chronology, 1965 had more recognized incidents than any other known year NICAP's history of investigation.
August 19, 1965
8:20PM. As 16-year-old Harold Butcher was going about his evening chores at his family's dairy farm, he never expected that this night would be a night he never forgot.
Butcher was listening to the radio when suddenly the reception went to static. At this very same moment, the barn's milking machine gave out and a Holstein bull started to act up outside the barn; yowling and desperately trying to escape.
Curiously, Butcher raced to see what was causing all these strange occurrences. To his disbelief he spotted a hovering metallic football-shaped object about 1/4 a mile away from the barn. Butcher observed red vapor and guessed the UFO must have been about 50 feet long and 20 feet high. He listened to the beeping of the craft for only a few seconds before the UFO shot up in the air and disappeared into the clouds. As it rose, the noise pitch level nearly matched a sonic boom.
When Butcher told the rest of the family about what he had witnessed they all came outside and noticed a strange smell and green glow emanating from the clouds the UFO disappeared into.
When the UFO returned, now with a yellow glowing vapor trail, and circled overhead a half an hour later, Butcher's mother immediately called the police, who--after taking in the evidence--called the Air Force.
The next day, Operations Officer, Captain James Dorsey, from the 4621st Air Force Group, arrived with a team to investigate. Upon arrival they noticed the tall grass had been bent over in long curved sweeps. They found a strange purple oily-smelling liquid on the ground, foliage that was singed on one-side but not the other, and tracks. The tracks were 2 inches wide, 2 inches apart, and 2 inches deep. The soil in the tracks implied it was recently exposed, but the grass that was scooped out of these spots could not be found on site.
Jeffrey Gow from the National Investigations Committee of Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), took samples of the purple substance and singed foliage and sent it to the Kawecki Chemical Company for analysis.
It was determined that the liquid was made up of aluminum, iron, and silicon. As for the smell and burned grass, traces of phosphorous were found in the singed foliage samples.
The next night, not to far from Cherry Creek, State Trooper Richard Ward, spotted an UFO with 8 lights flying faster than a jet. Dr. Fred C. Fair and John Maxwell of NICAP New York Subcommittee No. 2 determined the case to be legitimate after investigation.
Hall, Richard H., 2001, The UFO Evidence, Vol. II, Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, pages 57-58; Keyhoe, Donald E., and Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., 1969, Strange Effects from UFOs, Washington, D.C., NICAP, pages 42-44; The U.F.O. Investigator (NICAP), Vol. III, No. 4, August-September 1965, p. 7.
Preliminary Report - UFOI
Account from Strange Effects From UFOs
Account from UFO Evidence II - Hall
MISC-PBB1 624 - 640 - Dan Wilson
My UFO Experience
There's no doubt in my mind that aliens exist. I believed this even before my personal UFO sighting.
While studying abroad in Italy in 2008, I visited my cousin who was studying in Athen's. One day, while chatting on his porch a noticed a strange white blimp like object just sort of sitting in the air. While I continued to talk with my cousin, I focused on the object, trying to figure out what it was and how it could stay in the sky so long without moving.
My first thought was not "UFO," in fact it was a fairly absent-minded observation. That is until the object suddenly shot across the sky and disappeared completely. I nearly fell out of my seat I was so surprised!
My cousin asked me what happened, and--even though I believe in the existence of life on other planets--I didn't want to make myself look crazy talking about UFOs. So, I tried to brush off the incident and pretend my eyes had just been playing tricks on me. My cousin spoke to me a calmly and insisted I share. His tone implied he already knew what I was going to say. When I shared what I had just witnessed, he was not surprised at all.
Apparently such sightings are commonplace in Athens.
This Hub was last updated on November 24, 2012
ChristinS 5 weeks ago from Midwest Level 6 Commenter
What an interesting hub and I believe there are things definitely we cannot explain. I've seen a few things over the years that have made me question. I live not too far from an airforce base so that is the usual "brush off" - but I've never seen any aircraft that can do what I witnessed one night. I saw a bright, large light hovering at one spot and it sat there over an empty field for the longest time then all the sudden it shot straight up and within a second or two was completely across the other side of the skyline. Nothing flies that fast that I've ever seen. I totally am intrigued by stories like this and I believe there is much more "out there" than we realize. Great hub voted up :)