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You whom believe that life is none other than here on Earth will and should be the first to die.
they flee because the brown dwarf and its planets are getting closer
they are bugs shooting things into space at us.
Government knows about the UFO they no what's gonna happen they want us to die so they can control the people that survived more easier.
That is cool yet creepy!
Becuse its look like to me an evakuacion from the moon or escapeing fast werry fast...
Why would this be on the news ???!!!!
Does the news EVER show live UFO videos or conspiracy theories that don't support the US or a 1 world government ??
Hello my name is Toni...i think we have to see the bigger picture...They are living ,,,living fast as possible..why???? Maybe they know something what we dont......?
Go to why we have not been back to the moon and check Neil armstrongs two way contact back to NASA
oh no... iron sky is really happening!
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It'a real...not FAKe!!
jorgen776 hace 4 días 8
Wow...i think that is real
jorgen776 hace 2 días