2000 UFO Sites

UFO Sites Part 2

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http://www.mt.net/~watcher/ufos.html UFOS AND THE BIBLE Aliens : Angels or Demons? It's incremental acclimatization from THEM! UFOs in Mid-East Israel and Jordan UFO Flap The book of the Jubilees remarks that Jared or Yeh-red, an Old Testament patriarch, was so called because in his days the angels descended upon the...

http://www.i-way.co.uk/~tristang/UFO/UFO.html Welcome to the Misty Green Blue Homepage Additional UFO related info NOT featured in Misty Green Blue magazine 12th January 2000 - UFO Tribute Broadcast this Thursday HardRock Net will be broadcasting a tribute to UFO featuring over 10 hours of their music, this Thursday, 13th...

http://www.aliensinamerica.com/main.html Aliens have invaded the United States. No longer confined to science fiction and tabloids, aliens appear in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal, at candy counters (in chocolate covered flying saucers and as Martian melon-flavored lollipops) and...

http://investigative.on.ca/ufo.htm HOT New Book! UFO's What IS the Real Story? Discover... SPINAL TAP: The intelligence community discovers mind control -revealed!The Brookhaven group Electromagnetic force fields - exposed! PHOENIX II: Research into mind control produces some dangerous and unexpected results: TIME-TRIPPING...


http://www.nightscribe.com/Science_Technology/Science/ufo_depot.htm UFO Depot Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) Page Think the Earth isn't the only place for intelligent life? Join Team SETI ! Hall Of UFO Mysteries UFO Videos! The Museum of Unnatural Mystery UFOSEEK Fortean Times: Strange Phenomena Topics Area 51: World's Biggest...

http://www.li.net/~rjcohen/frnt.sci.81.html * * *FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE ARTICLEFURTHER RELEASES OF FOIA INFORMATIONIN 1981skip to reduced extract ofreleased 1981 informationFrontiers of Science* was ascience oriented magazine through whichCUFOS was temporarilypublishing materials in 1981. I received it directly from CUFOSsometime at the...

http://www.route99.org/maps/ufo.html UFO This site was made by Brenton. One of the questions on Mr. Graham's assignment was to find out if there have been any UFO sightings in the county you are researching. This site...

http://www.ednet.co.uk/~garry/page/links.html Links BELOW ARE SOME OF THE BEST LINKS FOR U F O RELATED STUFF Wil's homepage Damn Fine Page (FSR) WEB homepage Flying Saucer Review mosaic server SHARP Research The Groom Lake Desert Rat. The Cerealogist The Truly Dangerous Company. UK-UFO Mailing List Web Site. ORTK...

http://alienufoart.com/ AlienUFOart.com Click Here To Email Bill Or Lori McDonald Alien UFO Roswell Art Gallery - Roswell Movie - Gemini Encounters Movie Alien UFO Video Shop - Alien UFO Sightings Reports - Sci-Fi Ocean Art Forensic Faces - Cryptozoology - Web Links - Roses by Coutu Art Pendulums...

http://www.ufofacts.com/main.html Welcome to UFOs: Just the Facts CD-ROM web site! The USER AREA contains newly updated information and is for purchasers of the UFO-CD. Go to the TELL US section if you have information that should be included on this site or in future editions of the CD-ROM...

http://www.ufofacts.com/ Welcome to the UFOs: Just the Facts CD-ROM Web site. This is a research oriented CD ROM about UFOs for schools and the individual to gain access to the wealth of information available. The CD talks about government cover-ups, Area-51, and many other disputed UFO topics. ...

http://www.hyperweb.com/ufo.html Alien Information Ron M. Bertino's Australian site. Area 51-Groom Lake Desert Rat Is there anybody out there? AUFORA Web The Alberta UFO Research Association. Crop Circle Bibliography By Michael Chorost. Dragonbane's UFO Page Plenty of...

http://ufos.about.com/culture/ufos/mbody.htm Mon,Jan 17, 2000 ...

http://www.ufochronicles.com/home.htm MJ12 The secret alien agenda. MOONGATE Is there a Moon Conspiracy? Paul Castardo Former Top Secret Military Speaks. Secret Underground facilities exposed. North Bay UFO Sightings NASA. Starchild Alien Skull Discovered...

http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/methodology/whatkindofscience.htm Den (philosophy, politics) Store (the storefront) Gallery (art) Studio (music) Guest Room (signin, mailing list) Wall (rock climbing...

http://www.cseti.org/ Welcome to CSETI The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the only worldwide organization dedicated to establishing peaceful and sustainable relations with extraterrestrial life forms. CSETI was founded in 1991...

http://www.anw.com/mysteries.htm UFOs, MYSTERIES PHENOMENA Paranormal experiences faced by many, and not to be ignored Left, alien beings help prehistoric man learn how to make fire. They wish to help prepare us for the day we are capable of comprehending who these beings are, their advanced technology...

http://www.anomalous-images.com/astroufo.html Datacom Ad Network UFO Sightings by Astronauts Exclusive Moon Shot Photos on these pages courtesy of Edward Hutchinson Photo taken by John Glenn, Mercury 1 Mission - February 26, 1962 Contents: Major Gordon Cooper Ed White James McDivitt Photos James Lovell and Frank Borman Photos Neil...


http://www.ufo.org/welcome.html Meet YOUR UFO SpaceLovers Lepidoptera SupErlovE Click HERE to vote for this page as a Starting Point Hot Site. X-SEED SPACE SEED ----------------------------------- We have installed some pictures of the X-SEED 4000, Japans Millenium Building Project, it is our conception of a...

http://www.pvnet.com.mx/personal/fede/arizona_news_ufo.htm ED MITCHELL AND GORDON COOPER - reveals the government cover up. It's not only the Russian Mars-shuttle that runs into strangers in space - like on the picture to the right. On the right side, number 1, is a photo taken by the Russian Mars-shuttle...

http://www.cseti.com/index.html Welcome to CSETI The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the only worldwide organization dedicated to establishing peaceful and sustainable relations with extraterrestrial life forms. CSETI was founded in 1991...

http://cseti.com/ Welcome to CSETI The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the only worldwide organization dedicated to establishing peaceful and sustainable relations with extraterrestrial life forms. CSETI was founded in 1991...

http://w3.restena.lu/al/pub/groups/gr17/docs/dreamlnd.htm THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DREAMLAND How Secrecy is Destroying Public Faith in Government and Science by Terry Hansen copyright (c) 1995 Out here on the perimeter there are no stars! --Jim Morrison Topographic maps of Groom Lake, Nevada, available for a modest fee from the United States Geological...

http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/dledger/video.htm Some of the best UFO VIDEO footage from around the world! Please note that these clips are merely for research purposes only and are not to be used for any profit or financial gain! Thanks for your support on this matter. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOWNLOADING If you have any trouble downloading these...

http://blackvault.com/ Tons of UFO FOIA documents!!!!!!!!

http://iufomrc.com/ IUFOMRC AboutIUFOMRCNewsGiftShopLibrary/ResearchExhibitsTheRoswellIncidentKids'Club International UFO Museum Research Center The Roswell Incident What's New at the International UFO Museum Research Center About the International...

http://www.westol.com/~paufo/main.html Did the military recover a UFO in Pennsylvania? Was there a coverup to withhold the truth from the public? Is the Government telling the truth about its involvement in the Kecksburg, PA UFO crash? Was the object that fell man-made, a...

http://www.nwmyst.com/ Delve into the mysteries of the Pacific Northwest with investigative writer Greg Long. With 20 years of experience, Greg Long's Northwest Mysteries gives readers an inside look at UFOs, Bigfoot, and other unexplained phenomena...

http://www.toxicsludge.com/ufos.html Definition of UFO What is a UFO? There is much confusion over what is a UFO, and the truth is that a UFO is not an extraterrestrial spacecraft, or an object seen in the sky that the observer cannot identify. This is one of the best definitions of UFO. Below are links to some UFO and...

http://webmagnet.freeservers.com/m-ufo.htm PLEIADIAN BEAMSHIPS Have you ever seen an alien spacecraft ? No ?!? Ok, get an idea about it, that's the right place. Here some pictures of physical manifested spacecrafts or beamships. UFO ROUNDUP : The Latest Ufology News and Sighting Reports The latest UFO news from all over the World - Good...

http://www.fastinternet.net.au/~nemesis/uindexa.htm ARCHIVES - UFOs Miniature UFO's Roswell Revisited A Classic UFO Case The Benevolent Group DJINNS - Islam and the UFO CIA Coverup's Project Scorpion That Sleepless Night in Washington UFO Displays Strange Message UFO Incidents in Latin America The Skeptik Saucer Errror Error Flying Apparatus...


http://www.jeffrense.com/ufo/ufo.htm UFOs - Aliens - ParanormalOdes By Alfred LehmbergMjr. Donald E. Keyhoe DataPageMars'UFO' Shadow - Just Phobos Passing Overhead?Ouija Board Warning - Don't Open TheDoor To Strangers...Historic UFOS- All Shapes And SizesWe Flew AboveFlying SaucersSpace...

http://www.sightings.com/ufo4/busy.htm SIGHTINGS Yukon UFO Investigator Kept Busy From The Whitehorse Star 8-2-99 Note - Martin is a frequent visitor to our program. Congratulations to Martin on not only his outstanding work but on being honored with this story. ...

http://www.seti-inst.edu/ufo.html Why the SETI Institute Does No UFO Research The SETI Institute's Project Phoenix searches for scientific evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Investigations of UFO sightings or alien abductions are not conducted at the SETI Institute. A practical reason for this is that the distance...

http://www.skepsis.no/english/subject/ufo/roswell/kjetil3.html The Roswell Incident - the greatest mystery in UFO-logy? By Kjetil Kjernsmo 3rd revision. I started by reading through the online available testimonies, the USAF report and a GAO report, and continued by reading various other material, mostly available on the net. After I posted the 2nd revision to...


http://www.activemind.com/Mysterious/Categories/UFOs/mediagraphy.html Home Welcome Enigma The Bookcase Feedback UFOs: Mediagraphy [ Books ] BooksRatingTitleAuthorYearUFO's The Third WaveCohen, DanielThe Bible and Flying SaucersDowning, Barry H1968The Report on Unidentified Flying ObjectsRuppelt, Edward J1956 AutoFind Looking for...

http://www.wg6g.com/UFO.HTM UFO Sites Above Top Secret - Uncovering Government Conspiracies (Area 51, Groom Lake, Aurora, Bases, Aliens) Art Bell - Radio talk show host - Great site !!! Area 51 index - More Area 51 stuff CSETI exoScience UFO National UFO Reporting Center ParaScope: Something Strange is Happening...

http://www.anw.com/aliens/52questions.htm Are you an alien abductee? 58 common indicators of UFO encounters or abductions by alien beings Indicators compiled by Melinda Leslie, edited by Mark Williams Many millions of people, it seems, have had encounters with alien beings. Many of those people do not realize that they are having these...

http://village.ios.com/~internet/ufo.html This ishttp://village.ios.com/~internet/ufo.html UFO SITES Alien Autopsy Alien Information Alien on line Area 51 info Area 51 Research Center Beyond the UFO Conspiracy Bluebook Channel-Z the Z-files Department of Interplanetary Affairs EBE Page Fleetwood Project Hastings UFO Society Internet UFO...

http://theshadowlands.net/ufo.htm 5-1-99: New Articles:UFO Related Death? New Solar System Found Is there life on these planets and satilites ? View Ex-President Jimmy Carter's UFO sighting report The US Government and UFOs Download a AVI movie of some UFO sightings Another AVI...

http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/ufointro.html AN INVITATION FOR UFO WEB SITES Sponsored by VJ Enterprises Des Plaines, Illinois ( Um Explanação em Portugues ) What is UFO NET Global? by Joshua Shapiro Coordinator of UFO NET Global UFO NET Global is a network of UFO-related web sites. Of course, what this means to you depends on your...

http://www.serve.com/shadows/ufo.htm 5-1-99: New Articles:UFO Related Death? New Solar System Found Is there life on these planets and satilites ? View Ex-President Jimmy Carter's UFO sighting report The US Government and UFOs Download a AVI movie of some UFO sightings Another AVI...

http://www.beckjord.com/ WELCOME TO BECKJORD.COM lt See Nessie over the lens?* Mr. Modest at Loch Ness Speak up and also carry a big lens.... (apologies to T. Roosevelt) BIGFOOT INTERNET MUSEUM World's best photos - bar none! Best of ANY BF sites. Actual research - 24 yrs...

http://members.aol.com/xelaet/dir9/squig.html The Squiggles . The film camera is capturing what I believe is an electromagnetic event, the image of a component of a an Electromagnetic Dimensional Doorway . What are the Squiggles? . The Squiggles, sparkle and or optical snow as it has sometimes been called has been...

http://www.angelfire.com/fl/Aliens111/Detector.html Courtesy: (John Keel,

http://www.parascope.com/articles/0697/synopsis.htm Balloon Research Findings This report by 1st Lt. James McAndrew is a summary of the Air Force's findings on Project MOGUL, the top secret project that some believe is...

http://www.padrak.com/ufo/index.shtml AN INTERNATIONAL UFO CONGRESS SUPPORT WEBSITE Last updated: May 26, 1999. See the List of all Additions and Revisions You are the 23,798th visitor to access this site, Since this site counter was installed on Oct. 18, 1996. Register to be automatically notified of all future International UFO...

http://www.orion.org/orgs/OARG/index.html Ozarks Area Research Group (OARG) UFO Sighting Citizen Information Page I would like to report a UFO sighting I would like more information about OARG activities I would like to look at different UFO websites Watch this page for further developments. You're welcome to send any of your stories...

http://www.nor.com.au/users/stingray/latesite.htm Latest Reported UFO Sightings. SKY FULL OF U.F.O’s June 26th. 2.40 - 3.30pm. Link to Images at foot of this Page. I had just walked out onto the rear landing to have a cigarette and a look into the clear blue sky as I normally do when I get a chance through the day, when I noticed an orange object...

http://www.newleaf-dist.com/products/magazines/ufo_magazine.htm UFO Magazine #149 January 2000 All the Presidents' UFOs: Talk about your access journalism -- there just couldn't be any higher public source for the UFO information! Accounts are given of UFO sightings by Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon...

http://www.ufo.org/ufoportals.html UFO PORTALS UFO BANNERSIf U would like to support US , Please Link Your Site to Ours Using any of our Graphics or The Following Banners : Please Design Your Own Links and Show them to The Universe.Make your First Contact with the UFO. Contact Us for Information about Our Link-Trade Programs and...

http://home.elp.rr.com/dptasnik/page3.html Sites to Follow Coming soon!!! 9-1-99 Want a chance to change what you're doing with your life? Click here to find out how. Ultimate UFO's WWW Cydonia Mars...

http://www.dupuy.demon.nl/Ufo_links.html THE UFO GUIDE DISCLAIMER : This Guide is provided as is and the author gives no guarantee that the information contained in it is accurate, precise, truthful or any other words meaning correct. --A-- ADAMSKI, GEORGE A UFO hoaxer, the most famous hoax is the Adamski photographs of UFOs that were...

http://www.projectparanormal.com/ufo/index.htm UFO's Mystries Apollo 12 Cigar Shaped Sauser Shaped OtherMUFON Filer Files Local Chapters Filers New Site Recent Reports UFO over USA Photos Gallery 1 Navigation Directory...

http://www.firstevidence.org/UFO_Declaration/ufo_declaration.html During the historic First International Space and UFO Science Congress in Hakui City, Japan in March 21 - 22 - 23, 1997 of 1977 this public proclaimation was made and signed by these figures on this historic occasion...

http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/strange.html THE WORLD OF THE STRANGE All of our pages contain documentation or scientific proof. Here Bill will provide you with his feelings based on inner light and meditative communications with those from elsewhere. INDEX DO UFO'S EXIST ? THE MOST LIKELY LOCATION OF ALIEN LIFE ? WHAT ABOUT GHOSTS...

http://www.rvhmail.com.au/ LE FastCounter Atlantis, Ancient Wisdom, Secret Societies, Lightworkers, Earth Changes, 2011, 2012, the Ascension (Rapture), Prophecies for 2011, Initiation Key to the Golden Age, Jesus, UFOs, aliens, extraterrestrials. In the remaining days before the year 2011, the earth and life upon it will be...

http://www.discribe.ca/ufo/contents.htm The Real UFO Page UFO crashes in Roswell, New Mexico, 1947 Betty and Barney Hill Sketch of alien abductor as described by the Hills Links to Beyond copy 1995 DISCscribe Ltd. DISCscribe's Home Page...

http://www.tiac.net/users/seeker/saucers.html Flying Saucers - UFO's: Flying Saucers and UFO's Are Real! Flying Saucers - UFO's. Then there's Paul Moller's first flying saucers, the XM-2, that took him 3 years to build and was completed in 1966. It weighed 700 pounds, measured 14 feet in diameter and achieved a lift of only 36 inches off the...

http://www.debunker.com/ The Debunker's Domain Robert Sheaffer - Skeptical to the Max These pages are frequently updated with new material Check Back Often! See What's New! NEWS: Skeptics respond to UFO believers' claims on the famous McMinnville, Oregon UFO photos of 1950. A new section debunking...

http://www.martiansgohome.com/smear/index.html OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SAUCER UNEXPLAINED CELESTIAL EVENTS RESEARCH SOCIETY EDITOR AND STILL SUPREME COMMANDER: James W. Moseley, J.S. NON-SCHEDULED NEWSLETTER MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 1709 Key West, FL 33041 About Saucer Smear Back Issues The Saucer Smear Search Engine The Saucer Smear...

http://www.paranormal.org/ufo.htm I have been interested in UFOs along with all other things paranormal ever since I can remember. I grew up with the story that my mother, father, and uncle, had seen a UFO up close and personal when I was just a baby. There is really more to the story, but let's just say I have always believed...

http://www.tfp-promo.com/ufo/ufoindex.html UFO Index Of ReportsCLICK ON ANY REPORT TO VIEW IT The Summer Of '47 The Great Deception Designing A Deep-Space TLO Over San Diego The Dinosaurs Had A 64 Million Year Head Start...

http://www.more-info.org/ufo.html more-info.org UFO's/SETI/ROSWELL LINKS: UFOseek (UFO/Paranormal Search Engine) San Diego UFO Information Page U.F.O.A.A. The UFO BBS Home Page I.O.U.F.O.B. UFO Online International UFO News Ultimate UFOlogist Page Close Encounters...

http://psychicinvestigator.com/Link/PsiLnk10.htm Psi Links to UFOs Offical Billy Meier Web Page The California Study Group presents the only web page endorsed by 'Billy' Meier himself. Very attractive flying saucer web site, with color picture of Mr. Meier and excellent graphics. UFO Folklore: Award winning site with well organized links to...

http://weeklymmr.com/zips/reports/ufos.htm Other Freebies Weekly MMR Ezine Classifieds Contests Links Contact 60 UFO Titles The Summer Of '47 The Great Deception Designing A Deep-Space TLO Over San Diego The Dinosaurs Had A 64 Million Year Head Start How Can We Find Out What...

http://www.jayde.com/guides/misc/ufo.html Free Site TuneUps Site Promotion Diamond Links Web Search Free Classifieds Shareware Reviews Free Submit 100 Java Script Support Price Search UFO's CONTACT...

http://www.deoxy.org/t_swiss.htm Highlights of Swiss UFO Conference by Michael Lindemann Featured conference speaker Terence McKenna, on the other hand, said he has a really hard time believing descriptions of the big-eyed gray aliens because they are nowhere near alien enough for his taste. He says he's seen aliens himself, and...

http://www.lug.termisoc.org/~moosie/ufo/sightings.html UFO Sightings UFO Sightings Common place, literally hundreds are reported each year, many can be explained by logical means, often confused with aircraft, weather balloons or satellites. However video footage of objects traveling great speeds and performing agility unlike any aircraft on this...

http://www.speakeasy.org/~davepa/ufo.html UFOs CLICK here for a: [the best UFO WEBPAGE] [LIST] --of REFERENCE books on UFOs [LIST] --of SUBJECTS on UFOs [LIST] --of WEBPAGES on UFOsAND [ the UFO INDEX ] [WEBSITE CREDITS] [TABLE of CONTENTS] [the LIST of shadow SUBJECTS] [BACK to the TOP of the SHADOW][INSTRUCTIONS on how to use these...

http://www.psychicdiscoveries.com/ Click here for information about the UFO Experience Annual Conference.... .....We have compiled a list of some other UFO resources. Please check them out..... Introduction | Authors | Gallery | Superlearning | Psychokinesis | Store...

http://www.cuttingedge.org/ce1030.html ANTI-CHRIST, ALIENS, AND UFO'S (Radio Show Transcript Follows) The New World Order is coming Are you ready? Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again. FOR THE NEXT 30 MINUTES, YOU WILL BE ON THE CUTTING EDGE This is David Bay, Director of Old Paths...

http://www.cseti.org/crashes/crash.htm Return to Best Available Evidence LIST OF POSSIBLE UFO/ET CRAFT CRASHES AND RETRIEVALS CSETI's interest in this matter stems from the fact that Earth is being visited...

http://www.greatdreams.com/ufos.htm Updated 10-8-99 This page now has links to 2803 sites most of which have links to more sites - More to come - I'm always on the lookout for new sites. UFOS AND EXTRATERRESTRIALS FROM THE BEGINNING TO NOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE...

http://roswell-record.com/ News Sports Weather Classifieds Heart2Heart Voice Personals Financial Vision 'zine Contacts Schools UFOs Subscribe Vistas Calendars Local Links Search...

http://www.larryhatch.net/NPAC.html *U* Database : UFO Map of North Pacific for all dates. UFO sightings in the Pacific are generally along air and sea lanes, or on or near islands. Many of these are military sightings, for which there are little or no data. For example, a...

http://www.adventuresbeyond.com/ 'ADVENTURES BEYOND' ...THE REALM OF SCIENCE ADVENTURES BEYONDreg... Supernatural Headhuntersreg the Ultimate Paranormal Investigative Documentary Series. Investigations of Ghosts, Chupacabra, Big Foot, UFO's and the Supernatural, including startling new discoveries of...

http://ummhmm.com/catcoop/archivedocs/archive/ufos/Paranormal.html UFOs UFOs: Paranormal - Information, research and more UFO resources. Alberta UFO Research Assoc. Alien On Line Beyond the UFO Conspiracy Channel Z: The Z-Files Directory and Forum Extra-Terrestrials Extraterrestrial Biological Entity(EBE) Page Guide to UFO Resources Hastings UFO Society...

http://ufo.aceonline.com.au/booklist.htm Booklist Here is a list compiled from a number of sources. If you have any others E-mail the details to us. Please pass this list along intact to anyone who wants a copy. This list is a quick guide to the best of the wide range of UFO books. The literature varies from naive believers to fanatic...

http://www.lcc.net/~timjam/ufo.htm UFO Links to the unexplainable Last update 05/31/99 Rods Mufon Varginha Case - The Whole Story First UFO Folklore Art Bell AAES UNUSUAL PHENOMENA CNI News exoScience SATCOM Alien Hunter UFO Research: Cincinnati...

http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/seeker1/fortpages/UFO-refs.html UFO books from the Library of Congress Hello all, Here is a UFO document index provided by none other than good ol' Uncle Sam. The pilot internet ftp access program was started a few months ago. The ftp site is called seq1.loc.gov via anonymous ftp. There are plenty of other interesting stuff on...

http://www.frognet.net/~cantino/sci/ufo.html UFOsAre they real? UFOs have been seen 1000s of times in the last 30 or 40 years. Most are hoaxes, but are they all? I personally think so. Many people don't. We, as humans, look up in the sky and wonder, Is this all there is? Is there no more? We make up stories about little, green men...

http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3604/ufo/ufo.html Modern fascination with UFOs has grown by leaps and bounds since the first sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947. Today, the field known as ufology is a growing industry with scores of organizations around the world, a least a dozen government investigations and literally millions of sightings...


http://www.charm.net/~profpan/ppufo.html Professor Pan's UFO Experience Approximately 9/8/1990 The Professor, his then-girlfriend, and a few friends were spending a few days at Ocean City, Maryland. One afternoon, while hanging out on the beach, they all began making sand sculptures. The Professor sculpted an alien, with typical bulbous...

http://detnews.com/history/ufo/ufo.htm The great Michigan UFO chase By Vivian M. Baulch / The Detroit News On a quiet day in March, 1966, seven eyewitnesses reported an unidentified flying object maneuvering over Livingston and Washtenaw counties. Ordinarily, these reports might have been dismissed by officials as...

http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/research/ufo/ The Ufo Project Homepage Parallel Systems Lab Computer Science Department University of California Santa Barbara Current Project Members Prof. Klaus Schauser Prof. Chris Scheiman Max Ibel Albert Alexandrov What is Ufo Ufo is a global file system. It allows users to treat...

http://www.pacmult.com/tbird/ BLOOD RED THE TEXAS ALIENS Please click for JPEG 396 by 396. Cowboys, aliens and pulp magazine art of the 40s.It all came together one hot day driving through the Lone Star state. Ifever there was a perfect close encounter, this is what I would want it tolook like. I have always...

http://www.lateraltech.com/alienlinks/UfoGroupsOrganizations.html LT Alien Links Page TM HIGH-TECH with a human touch. (tm) UFO Groups / Organizations Web Sites...

http://area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/~moosie/ufo/txt/sight/078.htm NASA.txt - This document...

http://www.dartmouth.edu/~kcborg/ufo.html UFO Information Links Web-Counter says you are visitor to this page Select Your Area of Interest BelowUFO GroupsUFO ArchivesPersonal Pages/Misc.Groom Lake/Area-51Government LinksDefense/Military Links UFO Groups Ufology Research of Manitoba Home Page / BSFInternet UFO GroupDepartment of...

http://www.vcnet.com/innermind/links.html ........................ ......................... UFO Links Internet UFO Group The Ultimate UFOlogist WWW Page Ventura / Santa Barbara MUFON The Black Vault New Age Web Works Science Fiction on the Net Nick's Science Fiction Bookmarks Science Fiction/Fantasy Art...

http://earthstation1.com/ Welcome to.... EarthStation1! Beamin' The Sights Sounds of the Known Unknown Universe.™ The Internet's #1 Sound Picture Archive Wavs, Sounds, Pictures Video of the Media Age Best viewed using Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape 4.0. If you need help playing media files, go to the Media Apps...

http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/vjufos.html Join our UFO Network of Web Sites LinkExchange Member (click on the Picture) You Wouldn't Like to Drive A Free Car and...

http://www.primenet.com/~thelab/index.html What's the ALIEN AUTOPSY all about? UFOs are most definitely real. There is simply too much evidence of their existance, and even more evidence of government cover-ups, to explain away with some kind of zany 'SINGLE BULLET THEORY' type story. Things like the Santilli scam tend to muddy-up the...

http://www.causeway.com/ Welcome to Beautiful Livonia.Livonia city street Maps on lineCheck out our Software archiveLinks to Space The JPL's Welcome To The Planets CD on line here(Get All the stats on the solar system!)Comet Hale-Bopp UFO?Family Photos (You don't have to look in here, but I...

http://www.users.interport.net/~regulus/index.html Review: Terminal Cafe by Ian McDonald My Resume UFO pictures Bloodsport book review Interview w/the Vampire review Solsbury Hill XCom page Jimmy Carter's UFO report Jeff Buckley, singer this page by Regulus...

http://www.gate.net/~hackrbum/index.htm You are hearing Subculture by NewOrder Welcome to Hackrbum's Homepage! Here you find information on UFO's, The Paranormal, Government Secrecy, Radio Scanning and Hacking! Personal Information UFO's Paranormal Government Hacking Radio Scanning If you wish contact me via E-mail...

http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/8148/iufos.html Who we are not We are not debunkers, skeptibunkers, or whatever else you might like to call people who think that the whole topic of UFOs is silly. We think that UFOs really do exist - but we define a UFO as an unidentified flying object, nothing more. Who we are We are skeptical that UFOs are...

http://www.flatoday.com/space/explore/stories/1997/061897c.htm FLORIDA TODAY Space OnlinePlanet Earth's best source for online space newsFor June 18, 1997Arizonans say truth is out there about UFOBy Richard PriceGannett News ServicePHOENIX, Ariz. - Something happened in the skies over Arizona the night of March 13. No one is sure what it was, but thousands...

http://www.snowcrest.net/kenarmst/astro1.htm UFO Sightings by Astronauts Contents: Major Gordon Cooper Ed White James McDivitt James Lovell and Frank Borman Neil Armstrong Edwin Buzz Aldrin Donald Slayton Major Robert White NASA Pilot Joseph A. Walker Commander Eugene Cernan NASA's Maurice Chatelain NASA Pilot...

http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/news2/r.html Russia UFOs ! Return to UFO Folklore ! SENSATIONAL FIND IN RUSSIA ? Is This Alien Evidence ? SERGEI KOROLYOV AND RUSSIAN UFO SECRETS UFOs in the Soviet waters CSICOP's Response to TNT's KGB UFO Files Russian Roswell ? UFOs in Russia Croatian Media Caries Russian UFO...

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http://people.netcom.co.uk/i.read/index.htm Welcome to the NUFON Web Site. The Norfolk UFO Network is a small group of dedicated UFO reseachers and investigators. Enter Use Netscape 4...

http://www.awarenet.com/ufo.html Gulf Breeze, Florida - Actual Photo UFO Unexplained Phenomenon Alternative Science The Nexus Andrew Morrison's Page Art Bell CNI News Home Page Crop Circle Central Intruders Foundation Lucid Dreaming Luxor Press Malta UFO Research Moment on Earth Paradigm Links Reality B Sands Of Time...

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http://www.dprogram.com/ Tune In...Wake Up...dprogram!d-program is a 67 minute video full of dangerously sane ideas.Transmission 1 features Cyber-spirituality, William Blake and Cockney Mystics, The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality, Heretical History, Burning Man, Altered States and UFO's.Activate icons below for more info...

http://www.inexplicata.com/issue3/ufo_videos.html UFO Videos: Hoaxes and Confusionby Manuel Carballal It is too often that ufologists wield videotapes of unidentified flying objects as if these recordings constituted irrefutable evidence of the phenomenon. Undoubtedly, videos provide elements of judgement having considerable weight...

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http://www.bearsystems.com/ufo/ufo.html UFO's The Truth Awaits They're out there. The knowledge that the government was way ahead of you ... Questions have been raised , none more frequently than, perhaps, 'HOW MUCH DOES THE GOVERMENT KNOW?' Consider the following...

http://www.ufo.it/german/ GERMAN SECRET WEAPONS and THE NAZI UFO CONNECTION THE RESEARCH PROJECT a a k This site has become one of the ultimate reliable sources about two main subjects: German Secret Weapons of World War II...

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http://www.trms.ga.net/~jtucker/students/ex2/audreyw/ufo.html UFO/ALIENS When you are fast asleep and the window is blown open, you see a bright light and three green glowing men that are going to EAT YOU!!!! WAH! HA! WAH! HA! HA! HA! HA! September was a very active month for UFO's. There was a sighting in Seattle over a freeway. There was also a sighting in...

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http://www.larryhatch.net/EASTHEMI.html Eastern Hemisphere UFO Sightings are marked as white pixels, for *U* data in the Eastern Hemisphere, from antiquity to the present day. Quality reports are scarce in some regions, for a variety of social, political...




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